"Hunted" Exposed Relationship Special, Zhang Junjun Ruan Jingtian "Love and Kill"

1905 movie network news Recently, the suspense crime film directed by, starring in, released the "Love and Kill" version of the relationship special and poster. In the movie, Ruan Jingtian was betrayed by his girlfriend and was suspected of revenge murder, and the policewoman in charge of this serial murder was Zhang Junqian. One black and one white, extreme pursuit whetted the audience’s appetite.


On the one hand, the relationship special introduces the hostile relationship between Ruan Jingtian and Zhang Junping in the new film "Wanted", and on the other hand, it also shows that the two are close friends in life. The relationship posters released simultaneously show the fragmentation and antagonism of the characters.

In the movie "Hunted", the emotionally traumatized police officer Wu Jie (Zhang Junjun, played), who looks strong on the outside but is already riddled with holes on the inside, finds a heartless female corpse submerged in the water just before deciding to commit suicide. In the process of handling the case, the forensic doctor analyzes the cruel modus operandi: "The blood from the ring finger of the left hand flows to the heart, so everyone gives it a very romantic name – Love Vein". Clues emerge, pointing to love murder, and Lin Yousheng (Ruan Jingtian, played), an illegal immigrant labor agent betrayed by his lover, becomes the biggest suspect.

The relationship between the film’s stars, Zhang Junjun and Ruan Jingtian, can be traced back to 16 years ago. The two worked together on "I’m in Kenting with Clear Weather". Sixteen years later, they worked together on a new film "Wanted", and the tacit understanding between the two is unabated. "After more than a decade of changes, we saw something different in each other [things] from before, and the only constant is respect for work," Ruan said in an interview. As an old friend and old rival, I am very happy that we still maintain our original intention for what we love very much. "

It is reported that the movie "Hunted" will be released nationwide on November 11.