"Love Life" premieres, Mingdao live "naked painting" heroine

Mingdao spot painting

The film’s creator is interviewed

Xia Yu and Ming Dao Yao Xingtong will perform a love triangle

        On May 13, the movie "Love Life" held its premiere in Beijing. The screenwriter Ma Liwen, director Yang Jingze, and starring Xia Yu, Ming Dao, and Yao Xingtong attended the press conference. In a trailer released on the spot, the heroine Yao Xingtong’s daring nude scene was very shocking, and her co-star Ming Dao enthusiastically gave a detailed explanation of the scene on the spot. It is reported that the film will be released on the 15th.

Xia Yu was beaten to make money from milk powder

        In "Love Life", Xia Yu plays a musical and artistic young man who encounters all kinds of bitterness and hardship in the process of pursuing his ideals, which can be said to be an unlucky egg of fate. However, what makes Xia Yu unforgettable is that he is beaten in many scenes in the film, especially by Gao Jun’s cameo role. Xia Yu said with a smile, "He didn’t hit hard at first, I said you had to fight hard, or you had to fight several times, but he really tried hard… He hasn’t taken revenge yet!" Because she was always beaten, Xia Yu also expressed her worries: "Because my daughter is still young and has no memory, I am even worried about the image of a handsome father in my daughter’s heart. I don’t want her to remember a bruised father at first sight."

        From February of this year, Xia Yu pushed back all the announcements and became a father at home. But with the release of "Love Life", Xia Yu also began to get busy: "I can still stay at home for a month, and then I will go to Dalian to shoot a TV series. Although I will miss my daughter’s important growth period, I can’t help it. I still have to work hard to earn milk powder money!"

Director raids to shoot nude scenes

        On the 13th, Ming Dao appeared in a white suit, which contrasted with Xia Yu’s black suit, causing cheers from fans at the scene. Ming Dao said that he played an artistic young man who studied painting from Taiwan to Beijing in the film, which was also his first big screen trip, but until the filming started, he did not know that there would be a scene where he would paint on Yao Xingtong’s body. That morning, he greeted everyone with the same giggle as usual: "The director saw me and said that Yao Xingtong would have a nude scene later. I thought he was joking with me. I said ok ok… I didn’t take a few steps before I met Xingtong. I told her that the director said that you would have a nude scene later, and she said yes, I said that would be fine. In the end, I found that she really walked towards the place where the light was placed, and found that her legs under her military coat were naked… "In order to verify Ming Dao’s painting standards, he specially found a model that day, and Ming Dao also played live body painting on his back.

Love but not color, the box office points to 20 million

        "Love Life" is a story about the love triangle of contemporary young people. There are many bold and passionate scenes in the film, and the film is even more succinctly promoted as "in the name of the body". "Although there are many large-scale scenes such as the female protagonist’s full nudity, passion and bed scenes, I really want to use four words to describe the story of’Love Life ‘: love but not lust," said Gao Jun, the film’s producer. As for the box office, Gao Jun laughed: "We don’t expect too much, just 20 million the box office."

        Famous director Ma Liwen, who is the screenwriter of the film, said that the core of the film is to tell the relationship problems of girls in the early stage of growth. The emotional entanglements between the three young people are actually centered on the word "love", not "color". Zhang Zhao, president of Enlight Film, also said: "I hope that the audience will have an urge to yearn for love life and experience love life after watching it."