Li Shufu, chairman of Geely, denounced the reporter: The media is not the Public Security Bureau that has no power to investigate us.

Li Shufu, Chairman of Geely (data map)

   The car madman rebuked the reporter for asking questions on the spot.

   On March 19th, Geely Group organized domestic journalists to visit the automobile production bases it invested in recent years. Including the bases visited this time, Geely has built eight automobile bases in China, costing tens of billions of yuan. As a private enterprise with such a large-scale and intensive investment, its capital problem has been concerned by the media. After a few days’ visit, Li Shufu, chairman of Geely, was angry when faced with questions from media reporters about funds, and said on the spot that he would blacklist the questioning media. Subsequently, Li explained some sources of funds for the base construction, and revealed that Geely Automobile currently has a debt of more than 10 billion yuan.

    desperately pursuit surprising lines

    On March 19th, Geely Group invited many automobile media to visit its Ningbo base, Linhai Research Institute, Haoqing Company and Hangzhou headquarters. On March 22nd, Geely held a press conference for senior journalists.

    At the meeting, many reporters mentioned Geely’s financing channels. One of the reporters asked: "At present, Geely is expanding rapidly, and the sales situation is not enough to supplement its funding gap. How did Geely develop into such a scale? I hope Geely will disclose its financing channels and capital operation methods." "Geely is very difficult at present and needs to lay a foundation and practice internal strength." Li Shufu avoided these problems with his usual diplomatic rhetoric.

    However, the hot issue of Geely’s financing channel has not disappeared. A professional financial media reporter then made a request, hoping that Chairman Li Shufu would talk more about facts and less about opinions, and asked Li Shufu to give a specific explanation on Geely’s current difficult problems.

    Who would have thought that as soon as his voice fell, Li Shufu was furious: "The media is not a court, a procuratorate, or a public security bureau. The media has no right to investigate us. Why should I make it clear to you? If you think you are a public security bureau, you should not sit here today. I invite you here today, not to disclose the financial statements to you." Yu Nu Li Shufu’s chest fluctuated sharply.

    Li Shufu’s sudden rage made the forum silent.

    "Didn’t this reporter have a problem just now?" Wang Ziliang, a spokesperson for Geely Automobile, was embarrassed to mediate the atmosphere.