What are the major events happening around the world this National Day holiday?


The 2021 Nobel Prizes will be announced from October 4 to 11. It is worth noting that this year’s selection incorporates the consideration of major events that are decisive factors in human development, such as climate change.

· Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine

On October 4, 2021, the first Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine was officially announced, shared by two American scientists, David Julius and Ardem Patapoutian, in recognition of their contributions to the discovery of temperature and tactile receptors.

· Nobel Prize in Physics

On October 5, the 2021 Nobel Prize in Physics was announced, shared by Syukuro Manabe, Klaus Hasselmann, and Outreach Giorgio Parisi, in recognition of "groundbreaking contributions to our understanding of complex systems."

The Nobel Prize in Chemistry

On October 6, Benjamin List and David W.C. Macmillan were awarded the 2021 Nobel Prize in Chemistry for developing a precise new tool for molecular construction, organic catalysis, which has had a huge impact on drug research.

· Nobel Prize in Literature

On Oct. 7, the 2021 Nobel Prize in Literature was awarded to the 73-year-old Tanzanian novelist Abdulrazak Gurnah, "for his influence on the literary writing of colonialism and his uncompromising and compassionate penetration of the fate of refugees in the gulf between cultural continents."

– Stay tuned for the 2021 Nobel Prize –

Policy voice


The State Council issued the Outline for the Development of Chinese Women (2021-2030) and the Outline for the Development of Chinese Children (2021-2030).

On September 27, the State Council recently issued the Outline for the Development of Chinese Women (2021-2030) and the Outline for the Development of Chinese Children (2021-2030). The Outline for Women proposes 75 major goals and 93 strategic measures in eight areas, including health, education, economy, participation in decision-making and management, and social security. At the same time, the Outline for Children proposes 70 major goals and 89 strategic measures in seven areas, including health, safety, education, and welfare.

The State Council Information Office released the white paper "China’s comprehensive well-off society"

The State Council Information Office released the white paper "China’s Comprehensive Well-off" on the 28th. The white paper points out that not one person will be left behind, not one region will be left behind, and not one nation will be left behind. It reflects the organic unity of realizing the all-round development of people and the development of all people, and reflects the essential socialist requirements of achieving common prosperity.

Supreme Leader: Strengthening the National Biosafety Risk Prevention and Control and Governance System

On September 29, the Supreme Leader emphasized during the 33rd collective study of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee that it is necessary to strengthen the construction of the national biosafety risk prevention and control and governance system and improve the national biosafety governance capacity.

The General Office of the State Council issued the "14th Five-Year Plan" for Universal Medical Security

On September 29, the General Office of the State Council recently issued the "14th Five-Year Plan" for National Medical Security. The plan points out that by 2025, the medical security system will be more mature and finalized, and the medical security policy will be standardized, the management will be refined, the service will be convenient, and the degree of reform coordination will be significantly improved.

Nine ministries and commissions issue document to strengthen the comprehensive management of Internet information service algorithms

On September 29, the National Cyberspace Administration of China and other nine ministries and commissions recently issued the "Guiding Opinions on Strengthening the Comprehensive Governance of Internet Information Services Algorithms", proposing to use about three years to gradually establish a comprehensive governance pattern of algorithm security with sound governance mechanisms, perfect supervision systems, and standardized algorithm ecosystems.

National Development and Reform Commission responds to "power cuts"

On September 29, the relevant person in charge of the National Development and Reform Commission said in response to a reporter’s question that in the process of implementing orderly power consumption, users should be strictly informed in advance, encouraged and guided to take the initiative to stagger power consumption, and resolutely "limit power without pulling the gate" and "limit power to civilian use" to ensure smooth power operation.

Ministry of Education: National policy does not have the concept of "first degree"

The official website of the Ministry of Education announced on September 29 that the Ministry of Education recently responded to the question of "first degree" and said that the degree refers to the learning experience of people receiving scientific and cultural education and skills training in educational institutions. The concept of "first degree" is not used in the relevant policies and documents of the national education administrative department. The "degree" we refer to in the management process usually refers to the highest or last degree obtained by an individual.

The National Forestry and Grassland Administration interviewed 10 counties and cities that have seriously damaged forest resources

On September 29, the National Forestry and Grassland Administration interviewed 10 counties and cities that had seriously damaged forest resources, including Qingtian County in Zhejiang Province and Danzhou City in Hainan Province, to report the problem of destroying forest resources and put forward rectification requirements.

The State Press and Publication Administration has launched a reporting platform to prevent minors from being addicted to online games

According to Xinhua News Agency, the National Press and Publication Administration’s platform to prevent minors from indulging in online games was officially launched on September 30. The special project of the reporting platform accepts reports from the public about the anti-addiction of game companies. Once the reporting clues are verified, the relevant departments will strictly investigate and punish the illegal game companies.

MIIT plans to require that core data collected and generated within the country shall not be allowed to leave the country

On September 30, MIIT’s official website announced that MIIT released the exposure draft, which clearly stated that important data collected and generated by industrial and telecommunications data processors in the People’s Republic of China should be stored in the territory in accordance with laws and administrative regulations, and data should be exported under the premise of ensuring safety.

Chinese Olympic Committee: Resolutely put an end to the spread of "rice circle" chaos to the sports field

The Chinese Olympic Committee issued a statement on its official website on September 30, saying that the Chinese Olympic Committee firmly supports the special project of the central government "Qinglang · ‘Fanghuan’ Chaos Rectification", and calls on Chinese athletes not to participate in the organization of star support groups, not to initiate or participate in various topics, resolutely prevent the "Fanghuan" chaos from spreading to the sports field, and resolutely oppose the use of "Fanghuan" to engage in profit-making activities.

The Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security and other four departments issued a document: Support Hong Kong and Macao youth to find employment and start businesses in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area

On October 1, the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security and other four departments issued the "Implementation Opinions on Supporting Hong Kong and Macao Youth Employment and Entrepreneurship in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area". Support Hong Kong and Macao youth to find employment and entrepreneurship in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, and allow eligible Hong Kong and Macao youth to sign up for the "Three Support and One Support" program.

Beijing issues energy-saving and power-saving proposals, suspending light shows to reduce nighttime landscape lighting

On October 2, the Capital Civilization Office, the Municipal Urban Management Commission, and the Beijing Energy Conservation and Environmental Protection Center issued the "Proposal on Energy Saving and Electricity Saving in the City", advocating that the city’s government agencies, enterprises, institutions, and the general public practice green and low-carbon lifestyles and electricity consumption habits. At the same time, Beijing suspended light shows and reduced nighttime landscape lighting hours.

Chinese Delegate Launches’Global Development Initiative ‘at Human Rights Council

On October 4, Ambassador Chen Xu, Permanent Representative of China to the United Nations in Geneva, addressed the 48th session of the Human Rights Council, promoting the "Global Development Initiative" and calling for building a global community with a shared future for development.

Shandong has launched ten measures to support women in science and technology to play a greater role

On October 4th, in order to further stimulate the innovation vitality of female scientific and technological talents, the Shandong Provincial Department of Science and Technology and other departments jointly issued a notice recently, proposing 10 innovative measures based on the actual situation in Shandong, and will appropriately relax the age for female scientific and technological talents to apply for provincial natural science fund projects. Among them, the Excellent Youth Fund project is relaxed to 40 years old, and the Excellent Youth Fund project (overseas) is relaxed to 42 years old.

National Development and Reform Commission and other departments: resolutely curb the blind development of "two highs" projects

On October 6th, the National Development and Reform Commission recently issued the "Plan for Improving the Double Control System of Energy Consumption Intensity and Total Amount", proposing to resolutely control high-energy-consuming and high-emission projects. All localities are required to establish a list of under-construction, proposed, and existing high-energy-consuming and high-emission projects, and clarify their disposal opinions.

China-US high-level meeting! Yang Jiechi: China opposes using "competition" to define Sino-US relations

On October 6, Yang Jiechi, a member of the Political Bureau of the ** Central Committee, met with Sullivan, Assistant to the US President for **** Affairs, in Zurich, Switzerland. Yang Jiechi pointed out that the US should deeply understand the mutually beneficial and win-win nature of bilateral relations and correctly understand China’s domestic and foreign policies and strategic intentions. China opposes using "competition" to define China-US relations.

Enterprise Practice


State Grid: Maximum possible to avoid power outages

On September 27, in response to the current power supply situation, the State Grid Corporation said that it is possible to avoid power outages as much as possible, and resolutely hold the bottom line of people’s livelihood, development and safety. Strengthen the unified scheduling of the whole network, rationally arrange the operation mode, and serve power generation enterprises well.

Ren Zhengfei: From "Tuba Road" to Internationalization

On September 28, Huawei’s Xinsheng community released Ren Zhengfei’s latest speech – "Open your mind, emancipate your mind, and dare to attract the best talents in the world". Ren Zhengfei said that Huawei will increase its recruitment of overseas talents, specifically looking for "high-nosed" talents, and in three to five years, it will gradually go international from the previous "Tuba Road".

Ele.me officially launches Elder Mode

On September 28th, the Ele.me App officially launched a more elderly-friendly elder mode. The elder mode selects the four functional channels that best meet the daily needs of the elderly: ordering takeout, shopping in supermarkets, shopping for food, and buying medicine (launched in October).

Bull Group fined for implementing monopoly agreement 290 million

On September 28, it was reported that Bull Group was fined 294.81 million yuan by the Zhejiang Provincial Market Supervision and Administration Bureau for reaching and implementing a monopoly agreement with the counterparty of the transaction. It is reported that this case is the largest anti-monopoly fine issued by the Zhejiang Provincial Market Supervision Bureau since the institutional reform.

Total Energy signs agreement with China Three Gorges Group

On September 28, according to the official website of Total Energy, Total Energy and China Three Gorges group company signed an agreement to establish an electric vehicle joint venture in China. The joint venture plans to develop high-power charging infrastructure and services for electric vehicles in Hubei province, and will install and operate more than 10,000 high-power charging stations by 2025.

2021 Chengdu-Chongqing Shuangcheng Economic Circle corporate social responsibility forum was held

On September 28, the 2021 Chengdu-Chongqing Shuangcheng Economic Circle corporate social responsibility forum was held in Chengdu. "2021 Chengdu-Chongqing Shuangcheng Economic Circle Top 100 list of corporate social responsibility" and "2021 Chengdu-Chongqing Shuangcheng Economic Circle corporate social responsibility case award" were also released simultaneously at the forum.

China Offshore Oil: our country Bohai Sea another 100 million tons of oil and gas discovery

On September 30, China National Offshore Oil Corporation (CNOOC) announced that our country has made another large oil and gas discovery in the Bohai Sea – Kenli 10-2 Oilfield, which has been approved by the Ministry of Natural Resources and has proven geological reserves of crude oil exceeding 100 million tons.

Mary Kay Announces Sustainability Strategy

On September 30th, Mary Kay Corporation recently announced its sustainability strategy, Milk Perpetual, and released its "2020-21 Sustainability and Social Impact Overview Report". The new Mary Kay Sustainability Strategy covers five key impact areas and plans to achieve 15 commitments through a decade of continuous efforts.

WISE publishes its first ESG report

On September 30, Huizhe released its 2020 ESG report. The report shows that in 2020, the per capita greenhouse gas emissions of Huizhe Shenzhen, Hefei and Chengdu office employees were 0.66 tons per person, and the electricity consumption per square meter of building area was 59.31 kWh/square meter.

Hebei province private corporate social responsibility top 100 list released

On September 30, the top 100 list of private corporate social responsibility in Hebei Province was officially released. It is understood that this is the first time that Hebei Province has released the top 100 list of private corporate social responsibility, the top 100 of scientific and technological innovation invention patents, and the top 100 list of R & D investment.

Liu Yonghao: digital transformation is organizational reinvention

On October 2nd, Liu Yonghao, chairperson of New Hope Group, said in an interview recently that digitalization is a strategy for New Hope, rather than a partial minor repair. Digital transformation must be arranged early, starting from organizational and cultural transformation, and then digital transformation, the effect is better.

China Three Gorges Group’s original intention to lead the social responsibility management officially published 

On October 3, recently, the "China Three Gorges Group’s original intention to lead the social responsibility management", a series of books on the management of central corporate social responsibility under the guidance of the Science and Technology Innovation and social responsibility Bureau of the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the State Council, was officially published.

Tencent, iQIYI, and Youku collectively announced the cancellation of advanced on-demand

On October 4, iQIYI, Youku, and Tencent Video successively announced the cancellation of the advanced on-demand service. Previously, the China Consumers Association had issued a criticism, arguing that advanced on-demand should respect the voluntary, and proposed that relevant platforms cancel episode-by-episode restrictions and billing rules must comply with fair and equal requirements.

Alipay releases National Day consumption report

On October 7th, Alipay opened API recently released the National Day consumption report. According to the report, the consumption amount of supermarkets across the country increased by nearly 40% month-on-month. Among them, the consumption heat of retail business circles and convenience stores in Shandong Province both ranked among the top ten in the country.

Carbon neutrality express


CSTM carbon emissions committee established in Beijing

On September 27, with the approval of the China Materials and Testing Organization Standards Committee, the CSTM carbon emission field committee was officially established in Beijing. The carbon standard committee will give full play to the guidance and leading role of the standard on carbon emissions, and actively promote the smooth development of national peak carbon dioxide emissions and carbon neutrality.

Orient Securities releases carbon neutrality index

On September 27, the carbon neutrality index developed by Sina Finance and Financial Institution Group – Oriental Securities · carbon neutrality index was released. The 50 most representative companies in the field of "carbon neutrality" and low-carbon transformation in CSI 300 were selected as sample stocks.

Cummins Hydrogen China headquarters project landed in Lingang

On September 27, Lingang New Area Management Committee and Cummins (China) Investment Co., Ltd. signed an investment agreement to jointly promote the landing of Cummins Hydrogen Energy China Headquarters in Lingang. The project covers electrolytic water hydrogen production equipment stacks, fuel cell engines and their core components, high-pressure hydrogen storage bottle systems and other businesses. The project plans to achieve an output value of 10 billion yuan.

Wuxi held the country’s first "zero carbon party congress"

On September 28th, two staff members of the Jiangnan Notary Office notarized the carbon neutrality process of the just-concluded 14th Party Congress of the city. The party congress generated a total of 91 tons of carbon dioxide emissions through the purchase of the Wuxi City Carbon Generalized System of Preferences project. It is reported that Wuxi City is the first city in the country to implement carbon neutrality notarization for large-scale conferences. This party congress is also the first "zero carbon party congress" in the country.

OPEC: Oil will continue to dominate as population growth offsets carbon emissions limits

Opec said on the 28 September that population growth in developing countries would ensure that oil was the world’s leading source of energy at least until 2045, when global oil demand would level off rather than peak and only 20 per cent of cars on the road would be electric.

Changzhou launches the country’s first energy flow carbon meter application demonstration project

On September 29, at the launch of the country’s first energy flow carbon meter application demonstration project, the product "carbon consumption code" was released online, enabling accurate carbon consumption to be checked throughout the production process of the product. Using a mobile phone to scan the QR code on the clothes label, in addition to basic information such as product weight and size, consumers can also see the carbon emissions of the product in various production processes such as spinning, garment making, ironing, and packaging.

SAP launches carbon footprint management solution

On September 29, SAP recently announced the launch of its carbon footprint management solution (SAP Product Footprint Management), which can extend to the entire life cycle of products, assist companies in calculating the carbon footprint of their products in the entire value chain, and allow companies to disclose the environmental footprint of products to regulators, accelerating the path to sustainable development.

The country’s first net-zero emission "oil and gas hydrogen electric service" comprehensive energy station is put into operation

On September 29th, the country’s first net-zero emission "oil and gas hydrogen electric service" comprehensive energy station – Sinopec (600028, stock bar) Shandong Jinan Petroleum’s 58th comprehensive energy station was officially put into operation. The station integrates refueling, refueling, hydrogen refueling, power exchange, photovoltaic power generation, steam service, chain convenience, training base and other functions, and has an important demonstration effect.

The first domestic zero-carbon operation smart bank branch was launched in Chongqing

October 1st news, recently, CCB Chongqing Liangjiang 5G + smart bank held a zero-carbon intelligent network unveiling ceremony, becoming the first domestic zero-carbon operation intelligent bank network to pass the certification, will vigorously promote Liangjiang New Area to financial support peak carbon dioxide emissions carbon neutrality work.

The first large-scale agreement transaction in the carbon market of Ningxia Autonomous Region was successfully signed

On October 2, Ningxia Power Investment Xixia Thermal Power Co., Ltd. successfully completed the first large-scale agreement transaction of Ningxia enterprises in the national carbon market, and sold 100,000 tons of carbon allowances to China National Petroleum Corporation International Business Co., Ltd. at a price of 41.5 yuan/ton.

China Banking and Insurance Regulatory Commission: It is strictly forbidden to draw loans from eligible coal power and other enterprises to prevent sports carbon reduction

On October 5, the China Banking and Insurance Regulatory Commission officially issued a notice explicitly requiring that the normal order of the commodity market should be strictly prevented from being affected by bank insurance funds. It is strictly forbidden to illegally draw or cut off loans to coal, electricity, coal and other enterprises and projects that meet the support conditions, and to prevent campaign carbon reduction and credit "one size fits all".

social livelihood


Professor Liu Jin of West China Hospital established our country’s first individual donation fund

On September 27th, Professor Liu Jin of the Anesthesia and Surgery Center of West China Hospital of Sichuan University donated 100 million yuan from his personal income to set up a special project development fund in West China Hospital to encourage residents, bring faculty funds, and improve the clinical ability of residents. This is also the first special project development fund established by individual donations in our country.

Our country’s first solar exploration satellite is scheduled to be launched this year

On September 28, our country’s first solar exploration satellite model was exhibited at the China Air Show. The satellite is planned to be launched this year. As our country’s first solar exploration satellite, the successful launch of the satellite will mark China’s official entry into the "solar exploration era".

Tsinghua’s first AI virtual student "Hua Zhibing" shows her face and sings

On September 29th, recently, Tsinghua AI virtual student "Hua Zhibing" appeared for the first time to sing, stunning netizens! "Hua Zhibing"’s face and voice are generated by artificial intelligence models. In June this year, she enrolled in the Department of Computer Science of Tsinghua University, and she also has the ability to continue learning. She can gradually "grow up" and become more and more intelligent, which makes her very different from ordinary virtual characters.

Putian customizes the anti-epidemic hero card for the aid team

On October 1, it was reported that Putian, Fujian Province awarded the title of honorary citizen to the anti-epidemic personnel from all walks of life, and customized the anti-epidemic hero card, giving them the right to travel to Putian for free for life.

Our country successfully collected plant seeds in the 6200-meter area of Mount Everest

On October 2, it was reported that a few days ago, the collection team of the Southwest China Wild Biological Germplasm Resource Bank successfully collected the seeds of plants such as Sumeru fan leaf mustard and rat snow rabbit in the 6200-meter area of Mount Everest, breaking the highest altitude record for collecting plant seeds in our country.

Zhejiang University female professor won the World Outstanding Female Scientist Award

On October 3rd, the 24th World Outstanding Women Scientist Award was announced. Professor Hu Hailan of Zhejiang University was awarded the award for her significant discoveries in neuroscience, especially depression. Her work has promoted the development of a new generation of antidepressant drugs.

Guangxi border port welcomes shelter laboratory

On October 6th, the first cabin nucleic acid test laboratory at Guangxi border port was recently completed and opened at Pingxiang Friendship Pass. Inbound passengers can conduct nucleic acid tests on the spot. The detection timeliness is increased by more than 2 hours compared with the previous one. The basic realization is that the inspection is ready. While reducing the detention time of passengers, it also controls the risk to a minimum and helps "foreign defense input".

The National Day box office exceeded 4.20 billion

According to the data of the State Film Administration, as of the afternoon of October 7, the box office of our country’s National Day in 2021 reached 4.246 billion yuan. Among them, "Changjin Lake" broke the box office record of the National Day film with 3.09 billion yuan.

National Day holiday domestic travel 515 million people

On October 7th, according to the data center of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism, from October 1st to 7th, the number of domestic tourism trips 515 million across the country recovered to 70.1% of the same period before the epidemic. Realized domestic tourism revenue of 389.061 billion yuan, restored to 59.9% of the same period before the epidemic.

International information


Steve Jobs’ widow to invest $3.50 billion in Climate Action

Lauren Powell Jobs, the philanthropist and widow of Apple founder Steve Jobs, said on September 27 that $3.50 billion will be invested over the next 10 years to fight the climate crisis, and the money will go to the Waverly Street Foundation, which Jobs established in 2016.

The UK has released its first national space strategy

The UK government released its first national space strategy on September 27, according to which the UK plans to promote innovation and development of the UK space enterprise by unlocking private financing, inspire the next generation through cutting-edge research, and maintain the UK’s competitive edge in space science and technology.

Electric mobility platforms ask European Union to support "retraining" scheme

The Electric Mobility Platform, an industry group representing groups such as Tesla, Renault, Nissan and 3M, said on September 28 that it was asking the European Union to support a "retraining" program to help auto workers prepare for the future as it transitions to electric vehicles, Reuters reported.

Australia’s antitrust watchdog: Curbing Google’s sales of targeted ads

According to a report by Reuters, Australia’s antitrust watchdog on September 28 called for authorizations to curb Google’s use of internet data to sell targeted ads, saying Google’s dominance in the market has reached the point of harming publishers, advertisers and consumers.

The second China-Africa Economic and Trade Expo trade transaction transcript is eye-catching

On September 29, the transcript released by the second China-Africa Economic and Trade Expo showed that a total of 569 cooperation projects were collected at this expo, and 135 were signed on the spot or online during the expo, with a cumulative amount of 22.90 billion US dollars. Nearly 500 China-Africa trade enterprises carried out pre-conference consultations and docking, and the intended turnover reached 200 million US dollars.

United Airlines is preparing to lay off nearly 600 employees who are not vaccinated against COVID-19

According to a report in the Wall Street Journal (blog, Weibo) on September 29, United Airlines officials said Tuesday that the company is moving forward with plans to lay off nearly 600 employees who did not receive the COVID-19 vaccine by the deadline. Officials said those employees could still keep their jobs if they choose to get vaccinated before the official termination date.

Amazon’s first home assistant robot

According to Kyodo News, Amazon released "Astro", a small household robot, on September 28, priced at $999 (about 6453.54 yuan). Services that support housekeeping and care for the elderly when you go out are planned to be sold in the United States within the year.

Fumio Kishida was elected as the 100th Prime Minister of Japan

On October 4, Japan held an interim parliament to hold a prime minister-named election, and the new president of the ruling Liberal Democratic Party, Fumio Kishida, was successfully elected as the 100th prime minister of Japan. That morning, Yoshihide Suga’s cabinet announced ** after the last cabinet meeting.

The United Nations: Only one-fifth of space workers are women

On October 4th, according to data released by the United Nations, the number of women employed in the international space industry is roughly the same as it was 30 years ago, accounting for only 20-22% of the total workforce. To address this issue, the United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs has launched the "Advancing Women’s Rights in Outer Space" project to promote women’s empowerment. 

By 2050, 5 billion people are expected to lack water

The World Meteorological Organization warned on October 5 that according to the latest report released by the World Meteorological Organization, in 2018, at least 3.60 billion people in the world faced the dilemma of insufficient water consumption for at least one month every year, and by 2050, the number of people with water shortage is expected to rise to 5 billion.

World Meteorological Organization: More than 2 billion people live in water-stressed countries

In 2020, 3.60 billion people lack safely managed sanitation services, 2.30 billion lack basic sanitation services and more than 2 billion live in water-stressed countries without access to safe drinking water, according to a report released by the World Meteorological Organization on October 5.

Report: A decade of climate change has caused 14% of coral reefs to disappear 

A UN-backed report released on the 5 October shows that between 2009 and 2018, 14 per cent of the world’s coral reefs were destroyed as a result of rising ocean temperatures – more than the total area of Australia’s coral reefs. 

Just one month into implementation, Texas’s "toughest abortion law" has been temporarily banned

On October 6 local time, the US District Court for the Western District of Texas ruled that the federal government’s application for a "temporary injunction" on Texas’ abortion law was granted, while rejecting Texas’ request for a "suspension of the effectiveness of the trial judgment during the appeal period". US Attorney General Garland called the ruling a "victory for women and the rule of law in Texas".

Facebook delays new product launch due to possible mental health risks for teens

According to a report in the Wall Street Journal on October 7, after media exposure and congressional hearings revealed that Facebook’s social platform Instagram may pose risks to the mental health of children and adolescents, Facebook delayed the launch of new products and suspended some work on new and existing products to detect potential effects.

The above is the entire content of this issue. The National Day is over, so go back to work full of vitality~

Overall planning for this period | Eighteen

Image: Network


This article was first published on WeChat official account: Golden Bee. The content of the article is the author’s personal opinion and does not represent the position of Hexun.com. Investors operate accordingly, please bear the risk.

(Editor in charge: Lee Hsien Kit)