Didi price adjustment day-one experience: a small increase in the morning peak, a slight decrease in the peak period

  July 11 was the first day that Didi’s ride-hailing prices rose during peak hours in some areas of Beijing. The reporter conducted an experience in three routes and found that there was no "crowded" call from the city center during the evening rush hour. Even if there was no carpooling, the waiting number was only 5 to 6 people. However, the reporter found that because Didi did not actively prompt the price adjustment on the homepage of the App, many passengers did not notice the price increase during peak hours.


  After get off work, the driver will take the order after a short wait.

  During the peak period yesterday night, the reporters were divided into three routes and experienced the ride-hailing situation on the first day of the price increase, but they did not find the situation of "crowded people".

  At 5 pm, the first reporter called Didi Express from Dongdan to Shuangjing Carrefour. Without carpooling, the system showed that there were 5 people in line in front. If you choose carpooling, you don’t need to queue up. At 5:11, the reporter got on the bus smoothly, 4.7 kilometers away, and the final price was 27.85 yuan.

  Also at 5:00 pm, the second reporter called Didi Express from Dongdan to Shichahai, Xicheng District. The reporter first used the "Didi Chuxing Mini Program" in WeChat to call the express car, and waited for 6.5 minutes, but no driver answered. Then, the reporter opened the mobile phone app, and the waiting situation was not serious. If you don’t carpool, there are 6 people in line in front of you, and if you carpool, you only need to queue up 1 person. Finally, the reporter arrived in Shichahai from Dongdan under the condition of carpooling, a distance of 4.9 kilometers, and the total cost after carpooling was 32.44 yuan.

  At 6:20 pm, the third reporter called Didi Express from Guang’anmen Bridge to Panjiayuan in the East Third Ring Road. After only 2 minutes, a driver took the order. According to the estimated price given by the system, the total mileage of this trip is 13.7 kilometers, and the total cost is 46.05 yuan, of which the starting price is 14 yuan, the mileage fee is 16.05 yuan, and the duration fee is 16 yuan.

  settle accounts

  Morning and evening peak fares rose slightly

  According to the price adjustment instructions previously released by Didi, starting from July 11, Didi will divide Beijing into five regions, each of which adopts different billing standards.

  Taking Didi Express in the six districts of the city as an example, after the adjustment, the starting price will increase from 13 yuan to 14 yuan during the morning peak period from 6:00 am to 10:00 am on weekdays, and the mileage fee will increase from 1.6 yuan/kilometer to 1.8 yuan/kilometer. The duration fee will remain unchanged at 0.8 yuan/minute; during the peak period from 10:00 am to 5:00 pm, the starting price will remain unchanged at 13 yuan, the mileage fee will decrease from 1.6 yuan/kilometer to 1.45 yuan/kilometer, and the duration fee will decrease from 0.5 yuan/minute to 0.4 yuan/minute; during the evening peak period from 5:00 pm to 9:00 pm, the starting price will increase from 13 yuan to 14 yuan, and the mileage fee will decrease from 1.6 yuan/kilometer to 1.5 yuan/kilometer. The duration fee will remain unchanged at 0.8 yuan/minute; at 9:00 pm During the night hours at 6 a.m. the next day, the starting price will increase from 13 yuan to 14 yuan, the mileage fee will increase from 1.6 yuan/kilometer to 2.15 yuan/kilometer, and the duration fee will decrease from 1 yuan/minute to 0.8 yuan/minute.

  With a 10-kilometer mileage and a duration of 20 minutes, if you call Didi Express at 7 am without carpooling, the total cost will change from 32.2 yuan to 34.6 yuan, an increase of about 7.5%; if you call Didi Express at 12 noon, the total cost will change from 29.2 yuan to 27.15 yuan, a decrease of about 7%; if you call Didi Express at 5 pm, the total cost will change from 32.2 yuan to 32.5 yuan, which is almost unchanged; if you call Didi Express at 10 pm, the total cost will change from 34.2 yuan to 37.05 yuan, an increase of about 8.3%. Overall, after the price adjustment, the price of Didi Express will increase slightly during the morning peak and night hours, and the price will decrease slightly during the peak hours.


  If you can accept a short-distance increase of three or five yuan.

  Internet users talked a lot about Didi’s price hikes during peak hours, with some accusing Didi of being "unkind," some calling out their emotional collapse, and some saying they would switch to public transportation. However, in on-site interviews, reporters found that the reaction of passengers was mostly calm and rational.

  Mr. Tai, a passenger who shares a ride with reporters, expressed understanding of the price increase. Mr. Tai told reporters that he calls Didi more than 40 times a month on average, and is a customer of Didi’s platform to prioritize orders. The commuting cost is about 1,000 yuan. "The taxi fee accounts for about 1/10 of my monthly income, so as long as the increase is within 10%, I can accept it."

  Miss Qi, a passenger who chooses to carpool on the Didi Express, said that she did not notice any price increase prompts on the mobile app when she called for a ride after get off work, and only noticed the price increase after listening to the reporter. "If it’s a short journey, you can just pay three or five yuan more. If it’s a long journey, then go take the subway." Miss Qi said with a smile. The reporter immediately opened the app and found that the price adjustment notice was not actively pushed to passengers in the first place.

  Although the price has gone up, it is still not easy to call a car during the hot hours in hot areas. At 10:30 last night, the reporter tried to locate the call to Didi Express in the Sanlitun area in the mobile app. The system showed "127 people in line, expected to wait 46 minutes."


  The price increase has no impact on passenger traffic

  There is no special reminder of the price adjustment on the Didi driver’s app page, but the charging page is a little different. "No one mentioned this today, and many passengers didn’t know about it." Master Bai, a full-time Didi driver, said that the first day after the price adjustment did not have much impact on his work, and it was still an ordinary day. After he left the house at 6am, he was busy sending orders to pick up passengers according to the platform. During peak periods, there were still many people waiting in line. "The platform also told drivers a few days ago that they don’t need to pay attention to price changes."

  Master Shu, a Didi driver who belongs to the "night owl" type, has no actual experience of the first morning peak after the price increase because he leaves the car at 3 pm and picks it up at 4 am every day, but he is optimistic about this matter, "The increase is not big, I feel that the number of customers will not decrease, so our driver’s income will increase a little, which is a good thing."