The Shanghai Film Festival Tencent Animation Special Sharing Session ended successfully, witnessing the stars and the sea of the country

  The Shanghai International Film Festival, co-hosted by the China Central Radio and Television Station and the Shanghai Municipal People’s Government, has opened in full swing. As the representative of the national manga, the popular IP of Tencent Animation has teamed up for the Shanghai International Film Festival for the first time. On July 27th, the "National Manga Series Sharing Session" hosted by the Shanghai Main Station of the main station ended successfully. Works such as "Fox Demon Little Matchmaker", "Qin Xia" and "Song of the Final Key" appeared one by one, bringing fans a wonderful dimensional journey.

  At the Shanghai International Film Festival’s "Breaking Through Dimensions, National Manga Unbounded" Tencent animation special sharing session, fans from all over the world gathered at Shanghai International Media Port to witness the stars and seas of national manga accompanied by "Fox Demon Matchmaker", "Qin Xia" and "The Song of the Final Key".

  This special animation sharing session is one of the highlights of the 2020 Shanghai Film Festival. With the rise of Guoman, more and more Guoman works, movies and TV dramas have appeared on the stage of international film festivals. Tencent Animation, as a leading platform for Chinese animation, has launched a series of classic IPs, which have won the support of countless fans. At this special sharing session of "Breaking Through Dimensions, Guoman Unbounded", fans gathered together. The opening mix of Tencent Animation Series IPs on the big screen made the audience and fans squatting in the live stream watch the blood boil, and the waves of support went up! Fans who cannot come to the scene can also watch the live broadcast through the CCTV news client side and the CCTV news Weibo account, directly hitting the event on the spot.

  The animation special sharing session opened the door to "breaking the dimension" for fans. The creators of "Fox Demon Matchmaker", "Qin Xia" and "Song of the Final Key" appeared in turn, and they all sent out the benefits of love for everyone.

  "Fox Demon Little Matchmaker" animated dubbing director A Jie, dubbing actor Yang Tianxiang, and crooked creative interviews allowed fans to learn more about the story behind the fox demon. In the face of netizens’ funny message questions, the three saw the tricks and dealt with them easily. At present, "Fox Demon Little Matchmaker" "Golden Chenxi" is being exclusively broadcast on Tencent Video, and the three dubbing teachers also shared the dubbing experience of this season; the live fox demon dubbing show allowed everyone to see the strength of China’s top voice actors.

  The concept theme song "Wind of Time" sung by Fang Xiaodong, the star judge, resounded through Shanghai International Media Port, and the song was clear and melodious, awakening everyone’s memories of thousands of rivers and mountains.

  The original incubation project "Qin Xia" of Tencent Animation perfectly integrates ancient and modern culture, and the Chinese style is full of texture. The animation not only inherits the philosophy of Mohist, but also reflects the continuation of traditional culture in the creation of national manga. At the sharing meeting, the animated interlude clips were exposed for the first time, and the song was recorded in Budapest, which was jointly completed by the Budapest Festival Symphony Orchestra and the Hungarian National Choir.

  At the sharing meeting, animation dubbing director Teng Xin and dubbing actor Li Qingyang brought a poem recitation depicting Xiang Yu to fans with a thick voice. The image of Chu Bawang was instantly three-dimensional and vivid, and the sense of historical vicissitudes came to the face, so that fans were intoxicated. The two also shared their understanding of this work, as well as their dubbing skills and interesting behind-the-scenes stories. In order to make the work better, director Teng Xin asked the dubbing actor to dub off script, and the dubbing actor’s control of the lines and understanding of the content were also more in-depth.

  "Song of the Final Key" is an open and co-created large-scale sci-fi IP planned and created by Tencent Animation. Its novel creative model has injected pioneering genes into this IP. The live broadcast of PV allows everyone to glimpse the true face of "Song of the Final Key", which is full of sci-fi sense. The first single of IP, "Prelude to the Final Key", also performed offline under the interpretation of Zhao Chaofan, Fang Xiaodong, Xu Badou, and Wang Yushu, with a magnificent momentum.

  In addition to the four singers, the scene also invited two heavy guests – Li Xiaoting, director of Tencent Animation IP Development Center, and Chen Duofan, a well-known science fiction writer, to be interviewed as the main representative of "The Song of the Final Key", and to explain the creative concept and future development direction of "The Song of the Final Key".

  Tencent Animation has always been committed to high-quality IP incubation, so it chose an open co-creation large-scale science fiction IP with advanced awareness and long-term perception of users – "Song of the Final Key" for in-depth development. The co-creation of the work is also divided into two dimensions. On the one hand, Tencent Animation plans to carry out multi-line content development, and "Song of the Final Key" will be built into a diverse IP including novels, comics, animation, music, movies and games; on the other hand, Tencent Animation’s main creative team has introduced the country’s top science fiction writers and user creative groups to provide content supplements. At the beginning of the work planning, more than 100 fans have been introduced to polish the world view together, and jointly imagine the human millennium history from 2100 to 3100.

  From "Under One Man", which landed on "China Movie Night" yesterday, to "Fox Demon Matchmaker", "Qin Xia" and "Song of the Final Key" shared with you today, Tencent Animation still has many excellent works that cannot be introduced to you one by one on the spot, and more excellent works will be born in the future. Li Xiaoting, director of Tencent Animation IP Development Center, also explained Tencent Animation’s persistence and continuous innovation in the development of manga. In the future, it will carry out industrial and systematic planning for more IPs, try various possibilities, and develop more animation works that have market potential and are loved by audiences.

  This is a glorious night for Chinese anime, and it is not only the excellent national anime IP that participates in the rise of the road, but also the countless fans who have always adhered to and supported for love. The future of national anime is the stars and the sea, and Tencent anime invites you to join the stars and sail away.