Andy Lau announced the official launch of the Care Action, focusing on orphans in the disaster area

  Andy Lau announced the official launch of the Care Action

  The Sichuan earthquake has touched the hearts of every Chinese son and daughter. Yesterday, a special group of film crew members went to Mianyang. They aimed the camera at the hesitant but innocent cheeks. The injured children and infant babies were their subjects. They are the special team of "512 Care Action in the Performing Arts Industry" from Hong Kong. This visit to Sichuan is to bring the live images of this group back to Hong Kong. These images will also appear at the largest charity show in Hong Kong on June 1, which will gather hundreds of artists from the mainland, Hong Kong and Taiwan to hold a marathon performance. And around the 28th of this month, Andy Lau, Cheng Xiuwen, Tam Yonglin and others will also go to Sichuan to visit the people in the disaster area.

  Sichuan, children need everyone’s help

  Yesterday morning, the special team of "512 Care Action for the Performing Arts Industry" from Hong Kong went to Mianyang. At the resettlement site of Jiuzhou Gymnasium in Mianyang, the film crew recorded the children’s words and deeds with cameras: a little girl reading a book in the corner, no matter what others ask her, she only stares at the pictures on the books; in the tent school, the children look at all kinds of donated books, and these children burst into tears when they mention their hometown; in the corner of the classroom, there are children’s paintings, each one is "shocking"… The staff on the side introduced that the children here have psychological problems to some extent, so more professionals are needed for psychological counseling. According to the film crew Mr. Chan, because children are the most seriously injured group in this disaster, they want to bring these scenes back to Hong Kong to edit into short films. It is reported that on the 28th of this month, the Hong Kong Performers Association and nine major affiliates plan to form a team, led by President Tam Wing-lin Lau Dehua, Joey Yung, Cheng Xiuwen and other people to visit the disaster area. The organizer of the event, Andy Lau, pointed out that the reconstruction of the Sichuan disaster area needs continuous attention. Such as orphan support, school reconstruction and education projects are the main support projects of the "512 Care Action in the performing arts industry".

  Hong Kong will hold a marathon benefit performance on June 1

  Meanwhile, in Hong Kong, Andy Lau also called a press conference for the entertainment industry yesterday. Zhang Guoli, Ren Xianqi, Cheng Xiuwen and other celebrities attended. At the meeting, Andy announced the official launch of the "512 Care Action in the Performing Industry". In the Care Action, the largest charity show in Hong Kong’s history will be held at the venue of Hong Kong’s West Kowloon Central World on June 1. It will gather hundreds of artists to perform marathon performances to raise money for disaster relief. It is reported that the show will start from 2.30pm to 10pm on the same day. The minimum donation amount for audience admission is HK $20. All proceeds from the day will be donated to six international charities including UNICEF and Oxfam.

  The choice of June 1 also has a special meaning. Andy Lau said that reconstruction takes a long time and cannot be completed in one or two years. Therefore, this caring action mainly focuses on orphans, education, and the reconstruction of schools. This is a commitment to them. Therefore, the choice of June 1 is also a gift for children. It is reported that the "512 Care Action for the Performing Arts" has set a seven-year disaster relief plan. The performing arts industry will work with the Hong Kong children who participated in the event for seven consecutive years to contribute to the people in the disaster area. The event consists of artists giving related gifts to the children in Hong Kong every year for seven consecutive years. The children donate money to donate love every year. By the seventh year, they can piece together the seven gifts into a complete item, which is very meaningful.

  Reporter Ma Dan

Editor in charge: Li Dan