Always as "one", "Dan" line, public welfare – Tencent’s main founder Chen Yidan guest CCTV financial channel "dialogue"

At the age of 27, he gave up his stable public office and joined forces with Pony Ma to start a business, single-handedly building Tencent into Internet Tech Giants with a market value of more than 3 trillion. At the age of 43, he chose to retire bravely and devote himself to public welfare. He has personally donated nearly 10 billion Hong Kong dollars to public welfare causes, and is known as "the first person in China’s Internet public welfare". On January 19, he walked into CCTV’s "Dialogue" program, which was the first comprehensive review of the Internet public welfare road he has walked for more than 20 years, and also gave people a deeper understanding of the Internet spirit in the new era. He is Chen Yidan, the main founder of Tencent, the founder and honorary chairperson of Tencent Charity Foundation.

(CCTV financial channel "Dialogue" column recording scene) 

The Internet spirit is open and inclusive, and it is a kind of equality, creating opportunities for everyone to grow. When China entered the Internet age, Chen Yidan won the first half of his life, and he looks forward to leaving more excitement in the second half of his life. "Everyone can do their part to make public welfare an activity for the whole people." Chen Yidan, with the Internet entrepreneurship spirit, hopes to apply Internet thinking to the development of public welfare undertakings, link more love together, and create a super node that gathers public welfare forces, so that more people can participate in building a well-off society in an all-round way and share a better life in the new era.

(CCTV financial channel "Dialogue" column recording scene)

"Internet + Public Welfare" allows the Internet not only to close the distance between people, but also to close the distance between hearts. How to make public welfare undertakings follow the iterative upgrading of Internet technology and models, and also become more efficient, accurate, fair and fashionable is a major proposition for China’s Internet industry to enter a new era.

Along with Chen Yidan, Wang Zhenyao, the dean of the China Philanthropy Research Institute of Beijing Normal University, Pan Jiangxue, the founder and chairperson of the Shanghai True Love Dream Philanthropy Foundation, Li Lili, the village product director of Tencent, Zheng Xiaoqin, the village administrator of Tencent, and Miao Shiming, the founder of the WABC Foundation, walked into the studio with thoughts.

From Chen Yidan and Tencent’s road to public welfare, they not only perceive the speed of the Internet, but also touch the temperature of the Internet, and understand the social value and significance of the Chinese Internet from a more diverse perspective.


(Liu Yi, the "Little Artist" of Tencent’s "Children’s Gallery" project in "99 Charity Day", and his mother also came to the studio. The "Children’s Gallery" project displayed 36 paintings of autistic children through the H5 page. Less than a day after its launch, it attracted 6 million people to participate, and the fundraising reached 11 million)

The story of youth, join Tencent

When Chen Yidan founded Tencent in 1998 with Pony Ma, Zhang Zhidong, Xu Chenye and Zeng Liqing, he, like many others, was dazed and worried about the future of the Internet. Chen Yidan was born in Huizhou, Guangdong in 1971 and grew up in Shenzhen, Guangdong, where he and Pony Ma were classmates. Before joining Tencent, Chen Yidan had been working at the Shenzhen Entry-Exit Inspection and Quarantine Bureau. "The concern at that time was, what would happen to the family’s financial resources if it failed." Chen Yidan went home to discuss with his wife, who replied: "It’s okay. I still have a job."

It is the sincere love that makes Chen Yidan determined to choose the road of entrepreneurship. This has also become the road sign he has always adhered to in the Internet age.


(Chen Yidan, Xu Chenye, Pony Ma, Zhang Zhidong, Zeng Liqing)


Among the five founders at the beginning of Tencent’s birth, Chen Yidan married the earliest and was called "Daddy". Every Chinese New Year, he would take a stack of red envelopes to distribute. Perhaps, this warm man’s Internet road is destined to be different.


"Old Boy" Chen Yidan, once again pays tribute to youth with singing

Chen Yidan, who studied chemistry, is actually not good at singing. In 2000, at the Christmas party that year, the five founders of Tencent left this precious photo. "Singing some New Year and Christmas songs, I still remember some colleagues throwing glow sticks to hit us because they sang so badly." On the "Dialogue" show, when Chen Yidan saw the photo and recalled the past, he laughed. The memory of youth will never fade, and Chen Yidan, who is already an "old boy", still has the heart of youth. In the show, he once again sang the song that the 20-year gathering of university alumni sang to pay tribute to the eternal youth.


(Dialogue program recording live)

Fill in the words:

That’s the person who stays with me day and night

How can I express it?

Would you like to go to Sparrow Ridge?

Maybe you should never say hurtful things to him

I’m destined to be stupid

How can you not fall?

Graduation is always out of reach

Should I give up?

Test tube, beaker, test paper again

Spring, where are you…

Tencent Charity under the Internet

On June 16, 2004, Tencent Holdings Limited was listed on the main board of Hong Kong. Chen Yidan served as the Chief Administrative Officer (CAO) of Tencent, and began to be fully responsible for the administrative, legal, intellectual property, government relations, policy development, management mechanism, human resources and charitable funds of Tencent.

Under Chen Yidan’s advocacy, the dream of exploring the road of "Internet + public welfare" began to germinate at Tencent. In 2006, Tencent invested more than 20 million yuan to launch the "Tencent Charity Foundation". As the first national non-public foundation registered by an Internet company with the Ministry of Civil Affairs in China, it is committed to using technology to connect trust and make every small good deed more powerful.

The online donation platform launched by Tencent Charity Foundation integrates the wisdom and spirit of the Internet to transform public welfare success into a new social way, allowing the public to participate in public welfare in the easiest way.

Tencent Charity Foundation initiated and hosted Tencent "Yixingjia", calling on the public to participate in offline walking through online public welfare donations. Translate users’ exercise data into public welfare steps, allowing the public to directly participate in public welfare projects.

In 2013, Chen Yidan officially announced that he would step down as Tencent’s Chief Administrative Officer (CAO) and serve as Tencent’s lifetime honorary advisor, focusing on entering the cultural, public welfare and education industries.

On September 9, 2015, Tencent Charity jointly launched the "99 Public Welfare Day" with hundreds of public welfare organizations, well-known enterprises, celebrities, and top creative communication agencies. The data of the "99 Public Welfare Day" in 2019 shows that 48 million caring netizens donated 1.783 billion yuan through the Tencent Charity platform, and more than 2,500 enterprises donated 307 million yuan. In addition, the 399.99 million yuan donation provided by Tencent Charity Foundation reached 2.49 billion yuan in total, ranking first in the national Internet public fundraising information platform.

In the past 22 years, China’s Internet industry has gone through different stages from portal to mobile, to artificial intelligence, to social communication. The pace of technology and product iteration and replacement is getting faster and faster. Chen Yidan insists on promoting the deep integration of Internet platforms and public welfare charities, and promotes the public welfare practice of Tencent business present on all major platforms. It has inserted the wings of the Internet for China’s public welfare charities and added a touch of warmth to China’s Internet era.

Today, Chen Yidan is not only the founder and honorary chairperson of Tencent Charity Foundation, but also the founder of Yidan Award, the founder of Chen Yidan Foundation, the founder of Wuhan College, the founding director of Westlake University, and the honorary professor of Shenzhen University.

Chen Yidan summed up his views on public welfare and education in these eight words: "Kindness and people are the same, beauty and unity are shared." Not forgetting the original intention, Fang has always been, from the team warm man of the year to the current "Internet public welfare brother", Chen Yidan has more and more in-depth rational thinking and action on the future of public welfare undertakings, sprinkling the nectar of charity on every recipient and giver.

Established the world’s largest single education award

No matter what era, education is a vision for the future. On May 22, 2016, Chen Yidan announced a donation of HK $2.50 billion (about US $320 million) to establish the world’s largest education award, the "Yidan Award", to recognize and support individuals who promote educational innovation and make long-term impact contributions.

The Yidan Award has two awards: the Yidan Award for Educational Research and the Yidan Award for Educational Development. It is operated and managed by an independent charitable trust of HK $2.50 billion (approximately US $323 million). The winner will receive a pure gold medal and a HK $30 million award (approximately US $3.90 million), half of which is the prize money and the other half is the funds to support the promotion of educational research or projects. The Yidan Award’s jury is composed of independent global authorities. The jury is responsible for reviewing nominations and selecting the winners. It includes two independent judging panels for educational research and educational development. The members of the jury include Dr. Koichiro MATSUURA, former Director-General of UNESCO, Ms. Dorothy K. GORDON, President of UNESCO’s Information for All Programme, Mr. Andreas SCHLEICHER, Director of Education and Skills at the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), and Dr. Allan E. GOODMAN, President and Chief Executive Officer of the International Education Association.

On September 19, 2017, the "Yidan Award" announced the first list of winners in Hong Kong. Carrie Lam, the Chief Executive of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, presented the "Yidan Education Development Award" and "Yidan Education Research Award" to Vicky Colbert, founder and director of Columbia New School Foundation, and Carol Dweck, a professor of psychology at Stanford University in the United States. On September 15, 2018, the list of winners of the second "Yidan Award" was announced in Hong Kong. Larry Hedges, head of the Department of Statistics at Northwestern University in Chicago, won the "Yidan Education Research Award", and Anant Agwal, CEO of online learning platform edX, won the "Yidan Education Development Award".

In December 2018, the "Yidan Prize" held its second award ceremony and education summit in Hong Kong, where two winners and more than 300 internationally renowned education scholars, political and business people gathered at the venue. On September 19, 2019, Usha Goswami, a professor from the University of Cambridge in the United Kingdom, won the "Yidan Education Research Award" for her research on the relationship between neurology and early education, and Sir Fazle Hassan Abed, the founder of the Bangladeshi Non-governmental organization "Cross-Community Resource Building", won the "Yidan Education Development Award" for his achievements in enabling poor children to receive high-quality education.

Accompanying the Internet age, Chen Yidan wrote many "firsts" of public welfare undertakings. He pioneered the "three-dimensional rescue mode" of online and offline interaction for major disasters; he launched an online donation platform to set a global record for online public welfare donations at that time; he promoted China’s first Internet public welfare day, 99 Public Welfare Day, which has become a phenomenon-level national public welfare action day with the largest number of participants, the widest influence and the most diverse scenarios.

In 2020, China will enter the era of comprehensive well-off. Chen Yidan is committed to implementing the "Internet + Village" action plan – the "Tencent for the Village" platform, so that villages can achieve leapfrog development with the help of mobile Internet. So far, more than 300 million people have donated 7.70 billion yuan for charity, and more than 74,000 projects have been helped. A little bit of grandeur, a thousand miles of wind, Chen Yidan’s road to public welfare has no end. Let no matter how small the love can be passed on, so that every life does not lack sunshine. This is the public welfare dream of an Internet person.