Didi, sorry again!

China Fund News, Chenxi

After the system failure incident, Didi apologized again!

On the morning of November 29, Didi Chuxing’s official Weibo issued a statement of apology again. Didi Chuxing said that the system failure that occurred on the night of November 27 caused a lot of trouble and inconvenience to the majority of users, and sincerely apologized again.

At the same time, Didi gave the results of the investigation of the system failure incident, saying that the cause of the accident was "the failure of the underlying system software", and all services of the Didi App have been restored.

Before this apology, Didi had carried out two rounds of apologies on official Weibo and notified the progress of the restoration of relevant services. For the recent rumors such as "driver income 69 billion", Didi also immediately investigated, verified and clarified, "I implore everyone not to spread rumors or spread rumors".

So here it is.

Didi Chuxing apologizes again

The underlying system software malfunctions

On November 29, Didi Chuxing issued another apology statement.

Didi Chuxing said that the system failure that occurred on the night of November 27 caused a lot of trouble and inconvenience to the majority of users. "We let you down when you needed us, and we sincerely apologize again."

In addition, Didi Chuxing also gave the reason for the system failure incident: After an internal review investigation, it was initially determined that the cause of the accident was a failure of the underlying system software, not an "attack" spread on the Internet. In the future, Didi will carry out in-depth investigation and upgrade of technical risk hazards, comprehensively ensure service stability, and do its best to avoid similar accidents from happening again.

At present, all services of Didi App have been fully restored. Didi Chuxing said that the troubles and problems caused by the accident are being properly resolved at an accelerated pace, and thanks everyone for their encouragement, care and tolerance to Didi. "Today’s Didi still has many shortcomings. We will take this as a warning, deeply reflect on it across the company, make every effort to correct it, and continue to work hard to ensure service."

After the failure late at night on November 27, Didi issued an apology statement in the early morning of the same day: Due to a system failure, the Didi App service was abnormal, which was urgently repaired by technical students and is currently being restored one after another. Sorry again for the inconvenience caused to users and drivers.

On the morning of November 28, Didi Chuxing issued an apology announcement again, saying that after the technical team repaired overnight, Didi’s online car-hailing and other services have been restored, and users can download the Didi App to use the taxi service. Cycling and other services are still being repaired one after another. All green and orange vehicles that can be unlocked or unlocked can ride for free, hoping to do a little more to relieve the pressure of the morning peak.

System failure "collapse on hot search"

Didi refutes rumors in time

Late at night on November 27, the collapse of the Didi APP led to a large number of user feedback and complaints, which attracted market attention. Multiple entries such as #Didi broke down #and #Didi employees said that the intranet also broke down when the system crashed were listed on Weibo’s trending topic list.

Judging from the feedback from netizens, the failure performance is various: there are APP network abnormalities, unable to log in, and some unable to check out and arrive. The driver also has problems such as "unable to start the journey" and "unable to click to receive passengers".

In the midst of the panic, some rumors also began to emerge. For example, some netizens posted that the background income balance of the contracted driver showed 69387199691.71 yuan. In response, Didi Chuxing responded that after verification, it was confirmed that the picture was a rumor forged by PS, and I implore everyone not to spread rumors or rumors.

In response to reports that some drivers began to withdraw cash, drivers said they were afraid of a problem with the system and their account would be cancelled. Didi Chuxing said that after checking the driver’s account and withdrawal function, everything was normal, and the majority of drivers did not need to worry.

Didi Chuxing said that the Didi platform is to withdraw cash every Tuesday, and drivers with high service levels can withdraw cash every day. According to the chat of multiple driver groups, many Didi drivers said that they have successfully withdrawn cash. I implore you not to spread rumors or spread rumors.

Didi said in the announcement that drivers are requested to pay attention to the fact that starting from Monday night, due to system reasons, the issuance of relevant rewards that have been received or purchased will be delayed. The platform will calculate normally, make up the money one after another, and the word-of-mouth value travel points will also be calculated normally, and the display will resume one after another. Individual drivers and masters have reported that they cannot start the journey and billing after receiving passengers. Please pick up and drop off passengers normally and deliver them to the destination safely. The platform will calculate and reissue the fare according to the itinerary in the future.

In terms of passenger rights and interests, Didi said that the coupons in the user account can be used normally. If the coupons in the passenger account are not valid due to the failure and the user pays the original price, the system will automatically deduct the coupons and refund the same way after the failure is restored (the same amount of coupons).

"Please don’t worry about the abnormal payment of fees and multiple deductions caused by the system failure. Please be patient. We will settle the compensation uniformly after the accident is dealt with," Didi said.

According to Didi’s latest financial report, its R & D expenses in the third quarter were RMB 2.10 billion, accounting for 4.1% of total revenue, compared with RMB 2.50 billion in the third quarter of 2022, accounting for 6.2% of total revenue. Didi said that the decrease in R & D expenses as a percentage of revenue was mainly related to the decrease in the company’s smart car business product development expenses.

Editor: Joey

Review: Wood Fish

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Original title: "Didi, sorry again!"

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