These new rules will affect your life from tomorrow.

   The weather is getting colder and winter is coming. What new regulations will be implemented in November?

  (1) China’s first national standard for civil protective masks is implemented, and it is only qualified to breathe in "good" wind; ② A penalty of 10,000 yuan can be imposed for leaking passengers’ privacy; (3) The maximum penalty for refusing to take a cruise taxi or making a detour is 2,000 yuan; ④ Fare self-determination for routes below 800 km & HELIP; … More ↓ ↓ ↓ It’s about you and me!

   China’s first national standard for civil protective masks is implemented, and it is only qualified if it is inhaled with "good" wind.

   The national standard "Technical Specification for Daily Protective Masks" will be officially implemented on November 1st, which is the first national standard for civil protective masks in China. According to the national standard, after wearing the mask, the inhaled PM2.5 concentration can be reduced to below 75 micrograms per cubic meter, so that the air quality inhaled after filtration can reach a good or above level, which is qualified.

   The network car is included in the supervision, and the maximum penalty for leaking passenger privacy is 10,000 yuan.

   The Interim Measures for the Administration of Online Booking of Taxi Operating Services will be implemented on November 1st. According to the measures, the driver of the network car should obtain the driving license of the corresponding quasi-driving motor vehicle and have more than 3 years of driving experience. He has no record of traffic accidents and dangerous driving crimes, no record of drug abuse, no record of driving after drinking and no record of violent crimes. He has not recorded 12 points in the last three consecutive scoring cycles.

   If the online car platform company and the online car driver illegally use or disclose the personal information of the car owner and passengers, the public security, online information and other departments shall impose a fine of more than 2,000 yuan and less than 10,000 yuan according to their respective duties. Anyone suspected of committing a crime shall be investigated for criminal responsibility according to law.

   The maximum penalty for refusing to take a cruise taxi or making a detour is 2000 yuan.

   The Decision of the Ministry of Transport on Revision will be implemented on November 1st. The name of the regulation was changed from "Regulations on the Management of Taxi Management Services" to "Regulations on the Management of Cruise Taxi Management Services", which clearly stipulated that the fine standard for refusing to load, bargaining, throwing away passengers, detouring, and not issuing bills according to the regulations was increased from the original provisions of 50 yuan to 200 yuan to 200 yuan to 2,000 yuan.

   Health Planning Commission: Encourage medical personnel to actively report adverse medical quality incidents.

   The Measures for the Management of Medical Quality issued by the National Health and Family Planning Commission will be implemented on November 1st. Methods It is clear that the medical quality management is implemented with the responsibility system of hospital and department. The main person in charge of a medical institution is the first person in charge of medical quality management in this institution; The main persons in charge of clinical departments, pharmacy, nursing, medical technology and other departments are the first responsible persons of medical quality management in their own departments. Encourage medical institutions and medical personnel to actively report medical quality (safety) adverse events, and promote information sharing and continuous improvement.

   Implementation of service standard for personnel file management of floating personnel.

   On October 25th, the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security introduced at the press conference in the third quarter that three national standards, namely, personnel file management service standard, human resource training service standard and human resource management service standard, were officially implemented on November 1st this year.

   Fares are self-determined for routes below 800 km.

   The Notice on Deepening the Reform of Domestic Air Passenger Transport Fares in Civil Aviation was officially implemented on November 1st. According to the notice, the fares of routes below 800 km and some routes above 800 km will be set by airlines independently according to law, which means that more and more "special fares" will be welcomed by passengers.

   The notice stipulates that the specific fare types, levels and applicable conditions for airlines to formulate and adjust market-adjusted price routes shall be announced to the public at least 7 days in advance. On the basis of full fare, the cumulative fare increase of airlines on each route shall not exceed 10%, and the fare increase of each season shall not exceed 10 routes.

   Central colleges and universities may not purchase more than 400 thousand instruments for basic scientific research business expenses.

   The Measures for the Administration of Basic Scientific Research Business Expenses in Central Colleges and Universities, which came into effect on November 1st, requires that the use and management of basic scientific research business expenses in central colleges and universities should be included in the unified financial management of central colleges and universities, and the funds should be used exclusively. The basic scientific research business expenses shall not be used to pay salaries, bonuses, subsidies and welfare expenses of personnel with wage income; Large-scale instruments and equipment of more than 400,000 yuan shall not be purchased; Shall not share the school public management and operation costs; May not be used as matching funds for other projects; It shall not be used for repayment of loans, payment of fines, donation, sponsorship, investment and other expenses.

   Enterprises falsely issuing motor vehicle sales invoices will be blacklisted.

   Since November 1st, the "Announcement on Implementing the Publicity System for the List of Motor Vehicle Enterprises that Issue Uniform Invoices for Motor Vehicle Sales in Violation of Regulations" will be implemented, and enterprises that falsely issue motor vehicle sales invoices will be included in the "blacklist". Motor vehicle enterprises will be included in the "blacklist" in the following three situations: (1) Failing to issue invoices for more than 2 times (including 2 times) according to the total price and extra-price expenses charged for actually selling motor vehicles, or if the circumstances are serious; (2) Selling the same motor vehicle, while issuing a unified invoice for motor vehicle sales at a low price in violation of regulations, and issuing other VAT invoices, resulting in underpayment of vehicle purchase tax for more than 2 times (including 2 times) or if the circumstances are serious; (three) other violations of the provisions of the invoice management invoice, resulting in less than 2 times (including 2 times) or serious circumstances.

   It is more convenient to issue VAT invoices on behalf of others.

   State Taxation Administration of The People’s Republic of China issued the Announcement on the Handling Process of Taxpayers’ Application for Issuing VAT Invoices on their behalf. Since November 15, 2016, it will be more convenient for taxpayers (except for real estate obtained from sales and other personal rental real estate business) to issue invoices on their behalf by simplifying the filling of materials for issuing VAT invoices and clarifying the application handling process.

   The revised Measures for the Administration of Law Firms will be implemented.

   The "Measures" clarify that law firms can be established by lawyers in partnership, individual lawyers or funded by the state. If a law firm fails to start business within six months after obtaining the establishment license or stops its business activities for one year without justifiable reasons, it shall be deemed to have stopped its business by itself and shall be terminated. The Measures shall come into force on November 1, 2016.

   Shandong: The most stringent environmental protection regulations exceed the standard, and the maximum penalty is 1 million.

   The Regulations on the Prevention and Control of Air Pollution in Shandong Province was officially implemented on November 1, 2016. The article stipulates that those who discharge air pollutants beyond the emission standards of air pollutants or exceed the total control targets of key air pollutants shall be ordered by the competent environmental protection department of the people’s government at or above the county level to correct or restrict production, stop production and rectify, and be fined between 100,000 yuan and 1 million yuan. In the forbidden area, barbecue tools and illegal gains will be confiscated, and the unit will be fined between 2,000 yuan and 20,000 yuan, and the individual will be fined between 500 yuan and 1000 yuan.

   Chongqing: Define the conditions for applying for residence permit.

   The Measures for the Implementation of Residence Permit in Chongqing will be implemented on November 1st. Non-resident citizens living in Chongqing who have lived in their place of residence and registered for residence for half a year and have one of the conditions of legally stable employment, legally stable residence and continuous study can apply for a residence permit. The residence permit is endorsed once a year.

   Shenzhen: lowering the threshold for residence permit processing

   The new Regulations on Residence Registration and Residence Permit in Shenzhen will be implemented on November 1, 2016. According to the New Regulations on Residence Permit, people who have registered their residence in Shenzhen and have full-time college education or above can apply for residence permit directly. Previously, non-Shenzhen household registration personnel had to apply for residence registration for 12 consecutive months if they needed to apply for a residence permit, and social security for 12 consecutive months.

The movie annual meeting can’t stop! The business film will be held in Shenzhen and will be released at the end of the month.

Recently, the movie "Annual Meeting Can’t Stop! The business movie will be held in Shenzhen, and the relevant responsible persons of Shenzhen’s major film management departments, cinemas and cinemas will gather to feel the charm of this New Year comedy first.
According to reports, the annual meeting can’t stop! Written and directed by Run Nian Dong, written and produced by Luo Jia, starring Dapeng, Ke Bai and Zhuang Duffy, starring Wang Xun, played by Sean and invited by Li Naiwen. Taking the annual meeting as the breakthrough point, the film focuses on the hilarious story of a group of migrant workers joining hands to climb to the top of their lives.
The locksmith Hu Jianlin (Dapeng) was transferred to the headquarters by mistake when the group laid off employees, and the personnel manager Ma Jie (Ke Bai) who was caught in the "misadjustment" incident was forced to cover up for him to keep his job. From "factory" to "big factory", from "blue collar" to "golden collar", Hu Jianlin is full of jokes because he is out of tune with the environment of big factory, and also reflects all beings like a "workplace mirror". The film is like a lively "Cloud Annual Meeting" held in the cinema, which is in perfect harmony with the joyful and festive New Year’s Eve atmosphere, and allows the audience to unload their fatigue and pressure, smile at the past and welcome the New Year.
It is reported that the film will be released on December 29 th.
Text | Reporter Wang Jun
Figure | Provided by respondents

His life really began after he resigned.

  CCTV News:At ten o’clock in the morning, Zhou Jie opened WeChat, skillfully copied a few paragraphs, and posted them in the WeChat group of "Cai Tuan Tuan 1 Group" on the hour. In the message he just sent out, he used several exclamation points to say hello to the group members. A string of WeChat expressions followed by "Today’s Special: Farmer Strolling Chicken" also made the whole message vivid, even though he was still a little sleepy.

  Zhou Jie graduated from university in 2018, and then he got a job in Beijing, rented a one-bedroom apartment in Daxing District and started a nine-to-five life. Before the Spring Festival this year, Zhou Jie went home on holiday, and soon after returning home, the COVID-19 epidemic broke out.

  At first, Zhou Jie spent every day in anxiety, not knowing when the epidemic would pass, let alone when he could return to work. Just in this "idle" "house" life, Zhou Jie suddenly came up with a new idea — — He wants to sell vegetables full-time.

  Online food and meat sales have been Zhou Jie’s part-time job for the past six months. At first, Zhou Jie’s father contacted several local suppliers of vegetables, meat and poultry, and made a simple WeChat applet to sell online. Zhou Jie just laid a hand on it and didn’t care about this part-time job.

  Although the epidemic has had a great impact on traditional consumption and industry, it also contains potential and opportunities under pressure. "Home economy" is popular, and "no meeting" has become fashionable. New opportunities are in front of Zhou Jie.

  At the end of January, Zhou Jie took over the online vegetable selling platform from his father, and he wanted to transform this humble WeChat applet. From contacting suppliers, market research, maintaining the background to distribution and after-sales service, he did it himself, and gave this small program a name called "Cuisine Tuantuan", hoping that this easy-to-remember name can be branded locally.

  During the epidemic period, everyone stayed at home, and playing games became a "standard" every day, and Zhou Jie was no exception. But gradually, it was hard to find Zhou Jie in the game team. When friends invited him, he always said, "Sorry, I want to get ‘ Dish group ’ I can’t play today! " In the WeChat group of Zhou Jie and his friends, there are more and more design schemes for the "Cai Tuan Tuan" applet page. Zhou Jie always asks in the group, "Do you think this looks good?"

  In order to promote the applet, Zhou Jie also launched a WeChat group called "Caituantuan". In the process of previous research, he found that some local older customers prefer to buy things in the form of "group purchase", and compared with WeChat applet, WeChat group is more in line with their communication habits. As a result, Zhou Jie sends news of buying vegetables and meat and poultry in the group at ten o’clock every morning, and answers customers’ questions in the group at any time.

  "Boss Zhou" is a new name for Zhou Jie by friends. Several friends in Zhou Jie are still "trapped" at home because of the epidemic. They are full of envy when talking about Zhou Jie’s "new job". In their eyes, it is difficult for college graduates to be associated with "selling vegetables". No one thought of employment choices, but Zhou Jie took a new path.

  Xiao Lu still remembers playing with Zhou Jie at the end of December last year. The game was suspended by a phone call received by Zhou Jie. After receiving the phone call, Zhou Jie began to handle the business of "Cai Tuantuan" in the background of WeChat applet. Xiao Lu leaned over and saw that the turnover of "Cai Tuantuan" was 59 yuan that day, and when Zhou Jie was asked three months later, the monthly turnover of "Cai Tuantuan" had exceeded 6,000 yuan.

  In March, Zhou Jie’s company in Beijing told Zhou Jie that if he could not go to work before March 10th, Zhou Jie would be treated as "leave without pay". Zhou Jie didn’t hesitate for a long time, so he resigned from the company.

  Neither the job in Beijing nor the online sales platform is Zhou Jie’s career ideal. His English is very good, and he wants to take a teacher qualification exam and become an English teacher. While dealing with the "food group" business, he has bought a set of books for preparing for the teacher qualification certificate and is studying. These days, he also interviewed several English-related positions. Fortunately, a company has sent an employment notice for the position of "foreign trade salesman".

  For Zhou Jie, with one more effort, life will have one more choice button. Which button will he press in the near future?

  At eleven o’clock in the evening, CC pressed the button to start the live broadcast. Network anchor is a part-time job that CC has been looking for in recent months. Before doing the webcast, CC had just graduated from university for one year, and his job was to sell household products.

  The Spring Festival holiday should have been the best time for CC’s sales performance. However, due to the epidemic, offline sales stagnated, and CC had to start to establish online contact with customers and start online sales. However, the effect of online sales is not ideal, and there is no big discount, which can’t attract customers’ attention. Invisible and intangible products will also make customers have many doubts. CC has almost no performance.

  For CC, the outbreak of the epidemic is more like a boost, pushing him to the career of network anchor. At first, CC just felt that this profession was "capable and interested". Moreover, in the absence of sales performance, he needs to find another job that can support his life.

  Every night at eleven o’clock, CC will start the live broadcast on time. When being an anchor, he should not only keep an active mind at all times, but also actively throw out questions to keep the live broadcast room quiet, and also have clear ideas to solve the problems that the audience keeps asking. CC found that the network anchor is not a brainless job, but a job that needs "strength" very much.

  The more energy you put into it, the more interested CC is in the career of network anchor. He has made a plan, and will study vocal music and broadcasting first in the future. With more professional skills, he can better support his anchor career. In the future, the anchor will also become his full-time job.

  Every night from eleven o’clock to one or two o’clock at night, CC will broadcast live on the Internet, and he will still be doing sales work during the day. His day is fully scheduled. He said: "No matter how tired I am, I have to hold on. This is my own choice. I am tired just to live a better life."

  The new opportunity was in front of us, and CC felt that she had seized it. (Text/Wang Yuxi)

  (At the request of the interviewee, pseudonyms are used in the articles. )

Why is football the first sport in the world? Tell you four reasons.

Diego maradona

Early this morning, the Argentine football player known as the "hand of God"Diego Diego Maradona.He died of cardiac arrest, and the media all over the world reported that countless fans posted articles on social media to mourn the "King of the Ball".Diego Maradona.

In today’s single sports events in the world, football is the most popular sport and the craziest one. Why is football called the first sport in the world?

Take the World Cup as an example:

The participating countries of the World Cup are all over the world, and football teams from more than 200 countries compete for the qualification to enter the finals (only 32 teams and 736 players were selected in the final). Every game is full of audiences, and its ratings, broadcasting fees, sponsors, advertising revenue and peripheral products have exceeded the scale of the Olympic Games.

There are at least four reasons why football is called the first sport in the world:

(A) the entry threshold is very low

Image source: Xinhua News Agency

Football has very low requirements for venues, equipment and equipment. For example, many world-class stars come from poor areas in South America and Africa, so they can easily participate in this sport in economically backward countries or poor families. In professional football fields, dirt floors and streets, you can have fun as long as there is an open space! I still remember when I was a child, after school, several classmates found an open space and used schoolbags as goals. Several people agreed on the rules and didn’t need referees, so they could have a great time.

(2) The requirements for body shape are not high.

Generally speaking, if a sport wants to be a top athlete, congenital conditions are very important. Although the acquired efforts can make up for some congenital deficiencies, in the fierce sports competition, the actual effect is very limited, so many sports keep many people out for this reason. However, football doesn’t require high body shape. There is a saying in the industry that "if you can’t play football with a sense of accomplishment, never blame yourself for being inferior to others."

In football, tall players have long legs and great strength, and are not easy to be pushed down due to collision. Short players react quickly, which is beneficial to dribbling and shuttling and has the advantage of possession of the ball.

Therefore, in football, becoming a top star requires personal physical fitness, personal skills, personal psychological quality, teamwork, tactical strategy, organizational system and other conditions; Take one’s physical fitness as an example. It requires both speed and endurance, and it requires both footwork and footwork.

(3) Actively participate in all countries, big or small.

Basketball and volleyball, among the three major balls in the world, are usually played by a few fixed countries in international competitions. Football, on the other hand, is different. No matter big or small, strong or weak, rich or poor countries actively participate in international competitions.

For example, the Asian island country Maldives, with a population of less than 300,000, even lost to Iran 0-17 in a World Cup, setting a record for the biggest score gap in an event, but it did not affect the country’s love for this sport at all.

(4) A game that keeps people hopeful forever.

For example, in the World Cup, when team A wins team B and team B wins team C, the logical final result should be that team A wins team C, but the result of football match is not like this, and the reversal of team C winning team A often occurs. In the 2018 World Cup group match, Group F: Mexico wins Germany, Germany wins Sweden, and Sweden wins Mexico; Group H: Japan wins Colombia, Colombia wins Poland, and Poland wins Japan in turn. Therefore, the football match is a game that people will always have hope.

Do you think football is the first sport in the world?

This article is a selected work for the first children’s popular science essay contest in Zhengzhou.

Author: Wu Ailian

Views only represent the author himself, not his position.

85 landscape photos, really beautiful and drunk.

1. In the red flower field, people line up to carry a laundry list.

2. The endless rape fields let me see the golden harvest.

Even when the sun goes down, the rivers are still running.

4. Sailing in Wan Li, I finally found a place to dock.

5. The suspension bridge on the turbulent flow is a brave game for adventurers.

6. Leaves dyed yellow in autumn wind symbolize the good news of farmers’ autumn harvest.

7. In the water market, the ships make way and become crowded.

8. Leaves falling in the four seasons gather in this Xiaoshi Pond.

9. Clear river, everything underwater is so clear.

10. The stone ladder dug a long time ago, I really want to touch the historical relics.

11. The ancient temple is like a golden bell.

12. Monks and children who are boating and picking lotus flowers, how harmonious everything is.

13. The boy poured out the collected flowers, and I seemed to smell the flowers.

14. Do you want to see the staircase leading to the underwater Dragon Palace?

15. A quaint town with a palette on the ground.

16. The lamps in the garden are like seven-color glass, which is so beautiful.

17. I really want to sit alone in the mountain attic and watch the fallen leaves return to their roots.

18. Riding a canoe is also a comfortable and good choice.

19. It’s so beautiful to see the moon so close for the first time.

20. The fishermen spread their nets and caught them just in time.

21. On the reef, the sheep are still waiting for their master to go home.

22. Over the long bridge, looking at the gloomy Woods, time will also slow down.

23. The mysterious stone array by the sea is indescribable.

24. Yunnan terraces are really beautiful.

25. The ceremony of tracing back to the ancient times, I really want to join in the fun.

26. Porcelain from the East amazed the world.

27. The ceiling of the church is painted very delicately.

28. People who live at the top of the mountain are accompanied by Xiangyun.

29. Is this the house of the snail girl?

30. This tree is a little old, and you can see it.

31. Really, a village built in a mountain.

32. The layers of forest are all dyed and look golden.

33. Such a big pumpkin is a bumper harvest.

34. The interweaving of green and yellow reveals new vitality

35. The once-in-a-lifetime Zi Xia is beautiful.

36. it is hard to go, it is hard to go

37. The carving art on the temple is lifelike.

38. A magical shirt collision, the clothes are exactly the same as the floral decorations on the wall.

39. I wish I could see the delightful pink if I opened the door.

40. Wow, is this ink painting? Isn’t it beautiful?

41. Where does this road lead? Is it a misty mountain?

42. The colorful mountains and rivers of the motherland are beautiful.

43. The herdsmen are weaving brocade. Will you give me one?

44. neatly stacked salt mountains

45. The goddess statue on the ancient temple is graceful.

46. Is this the reflection of the sun? Or did it sink to the bottom of the sea?

47. It’s good to admire colorful western buildings occasionally.

48. Let’s fly this Kongming Lantern together and pray for our family and friends.

49. Green water and green mountains are full of vitality.

50. Flowers are in full bloom, where are the butterflies?

51. The stone bridge built between the giant peaks is a miracle built by man and nature.

52. What clear sea water is rare now.

53. The magnificent palace, even the reflection is amazing.

54. Flowers and lanterns are like a dream.

55. Old friends, you should always find beautiful scenery in the yard.

56. If you have the opportunity, you can only know the fun of the world by taking a trip abroad.

57. Smell the fragrance of flowers yourself, and your body and mind will be comfortable.

58. Living in a small house on the shore, watching geese fly and flowers bloom.

59. The closest thing is often the most beautiful.

60. Looking at the outside world with a generous heart can yield more surprises.

61. Happiness is nothing more than happiness when you get it.

62. If you look at it from another angle, you will have a different scenery.

63. Old castles can shine in the sunshine.

64. What’s the name of this flower? Does anyone know

65. The ship seems to be floating in the air.

66. The river freezes, and under the ice is another wonder.

67. casting a net is like dancing. Indeed, art comes from life.

68. Looking at these full grains, I feel very happy.

69. Under the auspicious five colors forging, can you guess what it is?

70. The market on the corridor is quite interesting.

71. Holland, the capital of windmills and the country of tulips.

72. The sky has changed, and the wind is surging.

73. Is such a strange stone higher than the sky?

74. Blue and deep caves, does anyone want to explore with me?

75. A jewel-like house must not be cheap.

76. Colorful flowers bloom and secret scenery is sent to you.

77. Magnificent mountains and rivers, magnificent homes.

78. If I can, I’d also like to have a panoramic view of the summit.

79. How much I want to see the beauty of this world.

80. How I want to put those rare wonders into my heart.

81. Friend, I’ll send you some green eye protection pictures to make your eyes comfortable.

82. Green is full of vitality.

83. Green is full of vitality.

84. Green is a natural business.

85. Finally, I give you a lucky koi fish. Everyone who wishes to meet you will have good luck!

(source: inheriting classics, only for non-commercial information transmission. If your legitimate rights and interests are infringed, please contact us, and we will delete them in the shortest time and apologize. )

Yunshang classroom

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Thanks to the increasingly perfect transportation network and overwhelming travel strategies and experience sharing on social platforms, more and more people have broken away from the traditional restrictions of "traveling with a group" and started to explore travel methods that are more suitable for their physique. For example, the main character of college students’ "special forces travel" said to leave; "Bao Baba Bao Ma" chose "study tour" in the hope of entertaining; Urban "migrant workers" pursue a more relaxed life experience at the weekend "Citywalk" and so on.

Different from the old tourist cities or scenic spots, the new tourism mode has also spawned a number of emerging "online celebrity punch points": the barbecue in Zibo, the panda in Chengdu, Wu Kang Road in Shanghai, and the diving grandfather in Tianjin …

There are more and more forms of tourism, and the following questions are constantly emerging: which way is more friendly to the elderly? What are the pit avoidance guides for the "study tour"? What is "reverse tourism" and "colorful tourism"?

"Forgive me for my unrestrained love of traveling all my life", and take you to know something about traveling!

A big wave of heavy new cars hit in December! Brand-new Mercedes-Benz E-Class, BYD Song L… Which one do you like best?

As the last month of 2023, although the domestic automobile large-scale exhibition has come to an end, it is a key sprint battle for automobile enterprises. In addition to the promotion policy, there are many new cars worthy of attention that will be listed in December, so whether these new cars will realize consumers’ "dream of buying a car" will come today.

Xingyue l zhiqing xingrui l zhiqing

Realize the vehicle layout of fuel, oil mixture and plug-in mixture.

Xingyue L Zhiqing has launched two models: Xinghe Edition and Tiangong Edition, and Xingrui L Zhiqing has launched three models: Xingyun Edition, Xinghe Edition and Tiangong Edition. The biggest highlight of these two models is undoubtedly that they are equipped with China Star Intelligent Dual-Engine System, which is a new hybrid member in addition to the self-powered and plug-in hybrid models of Xingyue L, and it is also the first time that Xingrui L, the first model adopting CMA platform, has introduced hybrid models.

The overall appearance of the two cars is closer to the design of traditional fuel vehicles. Among them, Xingyue L Zhiqing did not adopt the more inductive and bold design of its plug-in hybrid model, but returned to the tradition, adopting Geely’s classic straight waterfall air intake grille and adding a circle of chrome decoration to the middle net, which was more mature and generous, consistent with the overall tough style of the car body. Different from Xingyue L Zhiqing, its straight waterfall grille is not decorated with a circle of chrome, so it looks younger and more fashionable than mature and dignified, and the car’s performance of youth and dynamics is relatively easier.

(Xingyue L Zhiqing)

(Xingrui L Zhiqing)

Except for some minor changes in the appearance of the two cars, the power systems of the two cars are the focus of the changes. First of all, the power systems of the two new cars are the same. One of the highlights of this power system is the dual-motor layout of P1+P2 and the 1.5T four-cylinder engine. Previously, the plug-in hybrid model of Xingyue L was equipped with a 1.5T three-cylinder engine. For buyers who do not accept three-cylinder engines, Xingyue L Zhiqing can make people feel at ease. The engine adopts Miller cycle, and the maximum power is 120kW.(163Ps)The peak torque is 255N·m, and the total motor power is 100kW.(136Ps)The peak torque is 320 n m. The whole system is matched with the 3DHT gearbox. The official acceleration of Xingyue L Zhiqing is 7.9S, the comprehensive fuel consumption of WLTC is 4.79L/100km, the official acceleration of Xingrui L Zhiqing is 7.5S, and the comprehensive fuel consumption of WLTC is 4.22L/100km.

Secondly, let me briefly talk about Geely’s intelligent engine system. First, the brand-new 1.5T four-cylinder engine has a thermal efficiency as high as 44.26%, and adopts Miller cycle instead of Atkinson cycle, reaching the world’s top level in terms of calorific value efficiency, and the Miller cycle engine is better than the Atkinson cycle engine in terms of torque output and noise.

The core is the 3DHT electric drive with three mechanical gears. First, Geely established a brand-new production line for its special planetary gear design and high-demand materials and manufacturing technology. This 3DHT is actually equivalent to the effect of 4AT, mainly used at medium and high speeds, which can improve the fuel economy at medium and high speeds to the greatest extent, and has a huge fuel consumption advantage compared with the traditional hybrid single-speed electric drive.

Comments:At present, under the general environment that all brands in China focus on plug-in hybrid, Geely has launched a hybrid electric vehicle for two hot-selling models. For users without charging equipment, the fuel economy effect brought by hybrid electric vehicle is better than the plug-in hybrid electric vehicle with large batteries. For the brand, it also completes the coverage of the power system.

Lantu Zhuiguang PHEV was listed on December 5th.

Won the "Top Ten Car Bodies in China in 2023" without listing.

Will Lantu Zhuiguang PHEV be listed on December 5th? Pre-sale has already started at Guangzhou Auto Show, with the pre-sale price starting from 266,900 yuan, and the reference price range of pure electric version is 32-29-385,900 yuan. Lantu Chasing Light PHEV is equipped with a plug-in hybrid system consisting of 1.5T and dual motors. It is equipped with a battery pack with a capacity of 43kW. CLTC has a pure battery life of 262km and a comprehensive cruising range of 1260km.

In terms of appearance, the main difference between the Lantu light-chasing PHEV model and the pure electric model is reflected in the front face. Due to the addition of the engine, the new car adopts a conventional front grille design, and the interior adopts a similar dot matrix decoration to increase the sense of exquisiteness, while the chrome-plated Lantu LOGO and the through-type light strip are also preserved.

In terms of interior, Lantu Chasing Light PHEV continues the layout design of the triple screen of the pure electric model, which will be equipped with 12-way electric seat adjustment in the front row, massage, ventilation and heating functions in the front and rear seats, and leg rest and electric backrest adjustment functions in the rear row.

In terms of power, the Lantu Chasing PHEV will be equipped with a plug-in hybrid system consisting of a 1.5T engine and front and rear dual motors, in which the maximum power of the engine is 100kW, the maximum power of the front and rear drive motors is 130kW and 160kW respectively, the comprehensive power of the system is 390kW, the comprehensive torque is 790Nm, and the official acceleration time of 100km is 5.9 seconds.

In terms of battery life, it will be equipped with a ternary lithium battery with a capacity of 43 kWh. The pure electric cruising range of CLTC is 262km, and the comprehensive cruising range of CLTC is 1260km when it is fully charged with oil.

In addition, the new car is the only one in its class with all-aluminum chassis and equipped with CDC+ air suspension with magic carpet function, which can actively identify and scan road information, intelligently adjust suspension damping, and give consideration to comfort and sportiness. What’s more worth mentioning is that, in terms of safety, Lantu Chasing Light PHEV, which has not yet been listed, won the "Top Ten Bodies in China in 2023" award last week for its body-in-white performance.

Comments:Lantu Chasing Light PHEV is the brand’s first plug-in hybrid model, in which CLTC has a pure battery life of 262km, which can guarantee the pure electric commuting from work five days a week. In addition, the overall product continues the high-quality, cost-effective route of Lantu FREE, and has the potential of explosion in the range of 250,000-300,000.

Chery Exploration 06 Urban Edition will be launched on October 6th.

The front face style has changed greatly to meet the needs of different consumers.

The new urban version of Chery Exploration 06 series has obvious changes compared with the front face of the previous models, and it will be more inclined to urbanization. The models listed in the early stage are mainly a cross-country model.

(Exploration 06)

The biggest highlight of the urban version is that the front face is replaced with a large-size straight waterfall air intake grille, and the front lip position also uses the same color as the body+blackened decoration. In addition, the urban version continues the split headlight group, while the English LOGO of the front net "CHERY" has been reduced compared with the current model.

The adjustment of the tail is concentrated on the lower bumper, and the new model style is more fashionable, dotted with two exhaust ports on both sides. Design of penetrating taillights for other models reserved for sale.

In the interior design part, Explore the interior design layout of the 2006 urban version, such as a three-spoke flat-bottomed steering wheel, a 10.25-inch LCD instrument and a 13.2-inch vertical control panel. At the same time, the new car continues to use the electronic shift mechanism, and 50W wireless charging is also arranged in front of the handlebar.

In terms of some highlights, Exploration 06 Urban Edition has Qualcomm Snapdragon 8155 chip, active safety early warning system, 360 panoramic image, full-speed adaptive cruise, electric tailgate, 8-channel SONY stereo, 64-color ambient light and other functional configurations.

Exploration 06 Urban Edition is expected to adopt the same power combination as the current model, 1.6T Kunpeng Power+Getrake7DCT wet dual clutch, with a maximum power of 145kw.(197PS)The peak torque is 290 n m.

Comments:Too much personality for off-road appearance? Then the appearance of the urban version may wish to take a look. The large-size chrome-plated front mouth has a good visual impact. If you can sell a middle-priced model for sale, I believe it is quite attractive.

Pentium B70 will be launched on December 8th.

China brand evergreen car

It has been almost 17 years since the first generation of Pentium B70 was launched in 2006 and now it is ready to welcome the launch of the fourth generation model. The new car is made with a brand-new design language, and the overall shape is more concise and fashionable, followed by the 2.0T+ Aisin 6AT power system.

The new Pentium B70 adopts FAW Pentium’s brand-new family design language of "strength, purity and perfection". The front of the car is equipped with a borderless middle net design, and the interior is equipped with parallel banner decorative strips. With the penetrating LED light group above, the overall visual effect will be widened horizontally. Secondly, there are obvious lines on the hood, which makes it look full of youth.

The side is equipped with a double waistline design, in which the upper waistline extends from the taillights to the front hood. The side posture is similar to that of a common family car. At the same time, the real shot model is equipped with multi-frame aluminum alloy wheels. In terms of body size, the new car is 4855mm long, 45mm more than the current one, and the wheelbase is 2800mm, so it is positioned as a medium-sized car.

In terms of interior, the new Pentium B70 continues the dual-screen design and dual-spoke flat-bottom multi-function steering wheel of the current model, mainly aiming at the area below the center console, adjusting the position of air conditioning buttons, and adjusting the mechanical shift mechanism to a toggle shift mechanism, which looks more concise and advanced.

In terms of power, the new Pentium B70 will be equipped with a 2.0T engine with a maximum power of 224 HP. The transmission system is matched with a 6-speed automatic manual transmission, with a maximum speed of 230km/h and a comprehensive fuel consumption of 7.1L/100km under NEDC conditions. In addition, the new Pentium B70 may also launch a 1.5T model with a maximum engine power of 169HP and a transmission system matched with a 7-speed wet dual-clutch gearbox.

Comments: The model history of Pentium B70 has been 17 years, so this "veteran" can still have his own sky in the new energy environment, perhaps by a more cost-effective price.

The new generation of Mercedes-Benz E-Class long wheelbase will be launched on December 14th.

Cockpit design depends on Mercedes-Benz.

Mercedes benz c and S-Class are listed, so it’s time to go to Mercedes-Benz E-Class. The new domestic Mercedes-Benz E-Class was pre-sold at the Guangzhou Auto Show. The new car has launched two vehicle configurations, with a pre-sale price range of 450,000-540,000 yuan. In contrast, the price range of the models currently on sale is 44.01-569,500 yuan, and the overall level remains the same.

In terms of appearance, the new Mercedes-Benz E-Class continues to adopt the double-body design, which is popularly known as the "big standard" sports version and the "vertical standard" luxury business version. The main differences in appearance are reflected in the details such as the middle net, the front and rear enclosures, and the wheel hub style to meet the aesthetic needs of different users. In terms of body size, the length, width and height of the new long-wheelbase E-Class are 5092/1880/1493mm and the wheelbase is 3094mm respectively.

In terms of interior, the new wheelbase E-Class draws on the design of Mercedes-Benz EQS and adopts what Mercedes-Benz calls "MBUX Super Screen".(MBUX Superscreen)The layout of the three-screen center console is composed of a 12.3-inch full LCD instrument panel, a 14.4-inch central display screen and a 12.3-inch passenger entertainment screen, and is equipped with a three-spoke multi-function steering wheel in the "Dragonfly" style, showing a sense of luxury and technology that has surpassed Mercedes-Benz S-Class.

In addition to the visual shock, the new car is also equipped with the third-generation MBUX intelligent human-computer interaction system, and has built-in Qualcomm’s latest generation 8295 intelligent cockpit chip, which is also the first model equipped with this chip in luxury brands. At the same time, it has also upgraded the brand-new "mind-reading voice assistant" function, which is more accurate in recognition, faster in response, supports full-scene wakeup-free, spoken language and multi-command recognition, and can also control the vehicle through voice. On the road of intelligent transformation, Mercedes-Benz is going to demonstrate with a group of new forces in China.

Secondly, in terms of driver assistance configuration, the new Mercedes-Benz E-Class is equipped with L2+ driver assistance system, which can cover high-speed and urban expressway sections, and has the ability to realize high-speed point-to-point navigation assistance driving, and has the functions of automatically changing lanes, automatically leaving the cart, and automatically entering and leaving the ramp. In the field of advanced intelligent assisted driving, Mercedes-Benz is not far behind.

In terms of ride comfort, the new long-wheelbase E-Class car has also made more than 10 upgrades for the China market, namely, rear seat cushion lengthening, electrically adjustable rear seat leg rest, luxurious rear headrest, rear seat neck heating, luxurious rear center armrest, wooden door panel, rear surround ambient light, rear extended center console with ambient light and wooden decoration, rear "boss key", rear wireless charging, side window electric sunshade and triangular window sunshade, and electrically adjustable rear.

Finally, in the power system, the domestic long-axis model will be equipped with M254 2.0T engine, which is divided into high and low power adjustment, and the maximum power of the E 260 L model is 204 horsepower; The maximum power of the E 300 L model is 258 horsepower, and the transmission system matches the 9-speed automatic manual transmission.

Comments:Judging from the pre-sale price, the price of the new Mercedes-Benz E-Class is expected to be consistent with the current model, but the improvement in all aspects is quite obvious. However, the competitors of the new Mercedes-Benz E-Class are not limited to the traditional luxury brands. For example, the China brand can bring advantages such as higher cost performance, intelligence and electrification, so the new Mercedes-Benz E-Class faces a lot of market pressure.

BYD Song L will be listed on December 15th.

Byd’s most beautiful SUV

BYD Song L is known as "BYD’s most beautiful SUV". This new car will target five target groups, namely, compact car upgrade, oil-to-electricity upgrade, intellectual elite, young families and exquisite girls. At the end of October, the pre-sale price has been launched. At present, there are 5 models announced, providing two driving forms of rear drive and four-wheel drive, and 3 endurance versions.(550KM、662KM、602KM)The pre-sale price range is 220,000-280,000 yuan.

Why can Song L be called "BYD’s most beautiful SUV"? After seeing the real car, you will feel that it is indeed emboldened. First, the new car is built on BYD e platform 3.0, adopting the new generation of "Pioneer Beauty" design language of Dynasty Network, and the front face design is simple and sporty; The sharp headlights on both sides are integrated with the "dragon beard", which flows with light and shadow, showing a sense of advanced; The two "dragon teeth" next to the front bumper are the finishing touch of the front face.

The highlights of cross-border modeling are vividly experienced on the side of Song L’s body. Its body posture is very low, the waistline is on the rise, and it has a strong sense of quantity, showing a momentum ready to go; The slip-back shape of C-pillar is in place, the trend of outline lines is restrained, and the whole posture is just right; The new car is equipped with five-pointed star spoke wheels, which are very beautiful, with large wheels and brake calipers, showing the sports characteristics.

Song L’s rear styling is very layered. It adopts the design of penetrating streamer tail lights, incorporates Chinese knot elements, and is equipped with tail wings and high-position brake lights to further highlight the sense of movement. Secondly, it is equipped with a borderless door, an active electric lifting tail, an active air intake grille, a suspended spoiler and other sports configurations.

Song L’s interior design is to evolve the orderly insertion of Chinese knots into a layered and staggered interior structure, which extends from the main instrument panel to the auxiliary instrument panel, door panel, seat headrest and so on, giving Song L a unique oriental charm and avant-garde texture. The air conditioning outlet in the middle of the instrument panel is set below the central control screen.

Song L is equipped with BYD’s new generation of DiLink car system, and equipped with AR-HUD head-up display, EC dimmable canopy, wide temperature range heat pump air conditioning and other configurations.

In terms of power, Song L provides two driving forms: rear-drive and four-wheel drive, among which the rear-drive version is divided into high and low power adjustment, and the maximum power is 204 horsepower and 313 horsepower respectively; The four-wheel drive model system has a comprehensive power of 517 horsepower and an acceleration time of 4.3 seconds per 100 kilometers. Secondly, in terms of battery life, Song L provides battery packs with capacities of 71.808kWh and 87.04kWh. According to different vehicle configurations, the pure electric cruising range of CLTC is 550 km, 602 km and 662 km respectively. In addition, the new car adopts front double wishbone and rear five-bar independent suspension, and is equipped with Yunqi -C chassis system and iTAC intelligent torque control system.

Comments:The pre-sale price of BYD’s most beautiful SUV Song L is very attractive. First of all, the whole car is online, which can definitely attract a large number of young users. Secondly, the internal technology configuration level is very high, and the interior seats are full of texture. In addition, it also has the strongest acceleration ability of 4.3 seconds, as well as the cloud C chassis with comfort and control. Will its price be more surprising when it is officially listed?

The M9 will be listed in December.

Yu Chengdong’s best SUV in 10 million.

Known by Yu Chengdong as the best SUV in 10 million, the M9 in Guangzhou Auto Show is also very popular. The pre-sale of Wenjie M9 has been started before. The estimated price of the extended range version is 500,000-600,000 yuan, and the estimated price of the pure electric version is 500,000-600,000 yuan.

Wen Jie M9 adopts the brand-new design language of "Kun Peng spreads his wings", which highlights the luxurious atmosphere. In detail, the new car adopts a closed front face shape, and the polygonal headlight group is connected by the central light strip. With the closed front grille, the whole car looks more refined by deleting the complexity and simplifying the modeling ideas. It is worth mentioning that the car owner M9 has Huawei xPixel smart car lights, which can not only project various characters, patterns and even animation effects, but also display various patterns when the vehicle is stationary, thus enhancing the interactivity between cars and people. In addition, the addition of the narrow strip trapezoidal air intake also increases the visual layering and fashion atmosphere of the vehicle. The air inlet shape of pure electric version and extended range version is different.

(extended range version)

(pure electric version)

The M9 has a straight roof line, thus obtaining better head space in the car. In addition, the window is decorated with silver strips to create a younger visual effect. After careful observation, it can be found that the M9 of the boundary adopts a flat side window shape, which is more concise. The front and rear fenders protrude slightly from the body and are full of muscle.

In addition, the addition of the hidden door handle and the brand-new low-drag wheel rim has greatly optimized the drag coefficient of this car, making the drag coefficient of the whole car reach 0.26cd. In terms of body size, the length, width and height of the new car are 5230/1999/1800mm and the wheelbase is 3110mm respectively. In terms of rims, the car will provide 21-inch rims.

The shape of the tail is more generous, and a large number of horizontal design lines are adopted at the rear, which is conducive to improving the visual width of the rear. In addition, the car adopts a through taillight shape to visually create a layered feeling of the car. With chrome-plated rear fender, it brings some youthful effects.

In terms of interior, the new car adopts the very popular triple screen layout and will integrate AR HUD function. In terms of details, the new car will be integrated with wooden decorative boards in doors and other places to create a stronger sense of grade. In addition, there is a crystal carrying Xiaoyi’s intelligent assistant above the center console of the new car. Combined with the information we have obtained before, the new car will also integrate the HarmonyOS 4.0 cockpit, Huawei ADS advanced autopilot assistance, rear aurora projection, and the co-pilot queen seat.

In terms of power, the M9 will have two versions: extended range and pure electricity. Previously, the official has declared the pure electric vehicle type, with the rated power of the driving motor of 62kW and 88kW, and the peak power of 160kW and 230kW respectively.

Comments:In addition to the undeclared interior, that is, Huawei’s core cockpit and intelligent driving configuration, what kind of official price will the so-called "best SUV within 10 million" face the market, because the current pre-sale price of 500,000-600,000 yuan can highlight the identity of its own brand flagship SUV, but whether it can grab the market share of luxury brands in the future can only be told through official listing.

Star Age ES will be listed in December.

He made his debut at overseas auto shows.

Star Age ES not only made its debut at Shanghai Auto Show, but also made its first overseas appearance at Geneva Auto Show. Time went to the recent Guangzhou Auto Show in 2023, and the Star Road Star Era ES officially opened for pre-sale, with a pre-sale price of 248,000-358,000 yuan. The new car is positioned as a medium-sized and large-sized pure electric car, with air suspension +CDC as standard, with the longest battery life of 650Km+ km, and it is a high-end series model of Xingtu brand.

The front face of Xingjiyuan ES is simple and atmospheric, equipped with a penetrating LED strip, and a wing-shaped light group is used below, providing different decorative styles. The side of the car body adopts slip-back shape, equipped with hidden door handles. According to different models, 19-inch, 20-inch and 21-inch wheels are available. In terms of body size, the length, width and height of the new car are 4945mm/1978/1489 respectively.(1480、1467mm)The wheelbase is 3000mm, which is similar to that of Krypton 001 as a whole.

The tail adopts a flat penetrating rear taillight group, and the lower rear enclosure is also decorated with black decorative panels, which enhances the sense of movement and is simple.

The interior of Star Road Star Era ES adopts embracing design style, equipped with large-scale suspended central control screen, full LCD instrument panel and dual-spoke multi-function steering wheel, and adopts gear shifting mode. At the same time, the electric seat adjustment of the new car is designed at the door panel position, and two mobile phone wireless charging boards are also designed under the central control screen.

In terms of power system, Star Road Star Era ES provides single-motor version and double-motor version, in which the single-motor version is divided into high and low power adjustment, and the maximum power is 185 kW respectively.(252 HP)And 230 kilowatts.(313 HP). The comprehensive power of the dual-motor version system is 353 kW.(480 HP)The acceleration time of 100 kilometers will reach 3 seconds. Secondly, the new car is based on E0X, the new electric platform of Chery Group, which supports 800-volt voltage system. At the same time, it will also adopt the battery pack of Chery NP2.0 technology, with a maximum cruising range of over 700 kilometers. At the same time, in the fast charging mode, it can achieve a cruising range of 150km kilometers in 5 minutes, and the battery can be charged from 30% to 80% in 15 minutes. In addition, the new car will be equipped with air suspension and CDC continuous damping control system.

Comments:As a high-end model in the high-end brand of Chery Group, the overall product strength of Xingjiyuan ES is set according to the standards of luxury brands, and from the current pre-sale price, the latter-stage price will be a bit high. If it can be adjusted in the later stage, I believe it is also a model that everyone should not miss.

Up to 30,000! Changan Automobile, Qiyuan and Deep Blue offer limited time! Big roll, special roll …


3.49s breaks 100! The first test of the track is Geely Galaxy E8! The car is 5 meters long, but the turning radius is only 5.49 meters …


Test drive pure electric supercar "monster", the strength of Lotus Eletre is beyond imagination.

Lotus, a brand that may sound strange but has some familiarity, carries the pursuit of extreme lightweight, excellent handling and pure driving pleasure in the hearts of fans. Its alias "Lotus" is also memorable. It originated from a long-standing British sports car manufacturer, which covers hundreds of thousands of pure performance sports cars and tens of millions of super sports cars. However, in China, there are few Lotus models that can really cross mountains and run unimpeded.

Since Lotus EMIRA was listed on the China market in 2021, the territory of Lotus in China has been officially launched. Subsequently, Lotus quickly launched its first pure electric supercar SUV——ELETRE, which made its debut in March last year. The outside world is full of expectations for the future performance of this SUV and the development blueprint of Lotus in China. In addition to the eye-catching design, Doug is curious about the actual handling performance of this new car. Finally, at the end of 2023, Brother Dou conducted a real car test drive in Beijing. First, let’s take a look at the static performance of this car.

In terms of appearance, Lotus ELETRE is completely different from other pure electric vehicles on the market. Generally speaking, pure electric vehicles may emphasize a sense of technology or futurity, but they should avoid being too "fierce" in appearance. However, Lotus ELETRE has adopted the opposite design concept. Through a large number of sharp lines, the vehicle’s "aggressiveness" is deliberately enhanced, which is in sharp contrast with other pure electric vehicles in visual effect and has a unique style.

The appearance of ELETRE left an impression on Douge mainly because it was full of unique "perforated" design. Described in professional terms, this is the so-called "porous design", and this design element can be described as one of the three magic weapons that Lotus is proud of, paying tribute to EVIJA, a tens of millions of electric sports cars. On ELETRE, this unique design presents seven groups of holes, which are located under the air intake grille, headlights, headlights obliquely, hood edge, wheel cover trailing edge, C-pillar end and taillights.

The size of these pores is very clever: they are not as exaggerated as EVIJA, but they can make people fall in love at first sight and produce a strong "sports car" visual effect. Don’t think that the porous design is just for "looking good". In fact, it can generate a downward force of up to 90kg, and with the two-section open tail, it can provide the owner with a driving pleasure of "flying close to the ground". No wonder it is called "aerodynamic pioneer".

The design of Lotus ELETRE is mainly based on two considerations. First of all, the use of sharp lines can make the body fuller, which is in line with the design style of many coupes. After all, Lotus has more than half a century’s experience in coupe design, so it is unrealistic to let ELETRE give up the coupe attribute.

Secondly, the design team took aerodynamic factors into account, which is also the focus of the following article. Aerodynamics has always been closely related to automobile design, and many models will consider some aerodynamic problems in the hub and tail. However, the design team of Lotus ELETRE is almost obsessed with the concept of aerodynamics, and aerodynamic problems are considered everywhere in the design of the whole vehicle. If a design does not conform to aerodynamics, then the design will definitely compromise for the needs of aerodynamics.

In terms of tail design, Lotus Eletre adopts design elements such as split wind-breaking tail and active tail, aiming at providing sufficient downforce for the vehicle and ensuring stability when turning at high speed. This design enables the vehicle to maintain excellent handling performance at extreme speed, providing a safer and more reliable experience for driving.

In the interior, Lotus ELETRE shows an unforgettable sense of technology. The new car didn’t use those huge giant screens that connect left and right, but chose a 15.1-inch central control screen. This design adopts the symmetrical layout of the main driver and assistant, with a 12.6-inch screen on each side. In addition, the central armrest of the rear row is also equipped with a huge multimedia screen to clearly transmit the route and data of the vehicle to the rear row. The front and rear central screens support angle adjustment, which provides a more convenient experience for drivers and passengers.

What impressed Douge was the octagonal steering wheel adopted by ELETRE, which was equipped with two paddles on the left and right: the control button for energy recovery on the left side, including three gears and a close button; On the right is the choice of driving mode, which provides five driving modes-personality, sports, comfort, economy and off-road, and each mode corresponds to a different cruising range. These design details make the interior of ELETRE not only full of science and technology, but also meet the diverse needs of drivers for driving experience.

In terms of intelligence, unlike the electrification products of traditional car companies such as BBA, Lotus ELETRE has entered the field of intelligence without hesitation. The vehicle is equipped with 34 sensor devices, 4 laser radars, 12 ultrasonic radars, 2 millimeter-wave radars with 4D imaging technology, 4 millimeter-wave radars, 4 2-megapixel panoramic cameras and 7 8-megapixel HD cameras. All these data links will be completed by the computing power (up to 508Tops) of two NVIDIA Orin car specification chips. This set of intelligent technology system not only enables Lotus ELETRE to achieve high-level intelligent driving assistance above L2.5 level, but also can achieve excellent functions such as super image rendering and 3D image.

In terms of power, ELETRE offers two versions, both of which are dual-motor four-wheel drive versions. The maximum power of the S+ version of the drive motor reaches 450kW, the peak torque is 710N·m, and the acceleration time is only 4.5 seconds. The maximum power of the top model R+ version is as high as 675kW, the peak torque is 985N·m, the acceleration time of 0-100km/h is only 2.95 seconds, and the shortest braking distance of 100km/h is less than 33 meters. Judging from these figures, no matter which power version, Lotus ELETRE can meet those consumers who have high performance requirements.

Lotus ELETRE continues Lotus’s 70-year experience in chassis adjustment, and realizes a more stable cornering posture through active electronic stabilizer. The free switching function of air suspension not only provides enough support stiffness, but also brings comfortable driving experience to drivers. The rear wheel active steering system provides agile steering induction at low speed, while maintaining stability and safety at high speed. It integrates continuous damping adjustable shock absorber, body stability control system and One-Box braking system, and can also be equipped with track-level carbon ceramic braking system to achieve a perfect balance between comfort and handling.

In terms of charging efficiency, Lotus ELETRE can charge the vehicle to 80% in about 20 minutes. This rapid and efficient charging speed fully meets the charging efficiency standards of mainstream new energy vehicles, and also provides considerable cruising range for vehicles.

Next, I would like to share with you the true feelings of Doug in the test drive of Eleetre. After all, the handling performance is a highlight of this Lotus Eleetre.

Excellent control

When Douge is waiting for the traffic lights, the green light comes on. As long as he lightly steps on the gas pedal, ELETRE will respond in seconds. It can be said that the brakes and the gas pedal are quite sensitive, and he will respond when he moves his toes.

In addition to the amazing acceleration performance, the car’s cornering and lane changing performance is quite stable. This is due to the precise steering wheel, which makes Brother Dou feel very real. In addition, ELETRE also adopts dual-cavity air suspension design, 6D intelligent chassis system, CDC continuous damping adjustable shock absorber, and high-end configurations such as height adjustment of 25 mm to 50 mm. In dynamic driving, these configurations greatly improve the sports performance of the whole vehicle, and at the same time instantly improve the support stiffness, which brings a more comfortable driving experience for Douge. Especially when turning a corner, the handling feeling of the vehicle is excellent, and there is almost no obvious roll, just like driving a high-performance car, so people can safely pass the corner quickly.

Comfortable online

When charging, Brother Dou deliberately sat in the car and tried to call a friend through the car, but the friend said that he could not hear him, which fully demonstrated the outstanding performance of ELETRE in sound insulation. In addition, even if driving at a high speed of 120 kilometers per hour, there is almost no motor sound in the car, only slight wind noise and road noise. In addition, the seat design of ELETRE is very comfortable. After about 200 kilometers of test drive, the fatigue is not obvious, which is very important for long-distance travel.

Written at the end: Compared with BBA’s current pure electric SUV, Lotus ELETRE has shown outstanding advantages in pure electric platform, pure electric technology, cruising range, technology configuration and power performance, and won the competition at the starting line. In addition, from the perspective of sports cars, its potential opponent may be Taycan from Porsche. In any case, at present, Lotus ELETRE has obvious competitive advantages in all aspects. Although Douge’s test drive time is not too long, he mainly experienced the road conditions such as urban roads and crossing expressways, but he can still clearly feel the careful adjustment of Lotus ELETRE in the "three big pieces" of motor, electronic control and chassis, reaching the level of super-running. Of course, if the price can be more close to the people, I believe the recognition of Lotus ELETRE will be further enhanced.

The most beautiful scenery of "appreciation of American literature"

The most beautiful scenery.

With falling flowers ferry, beautiful grassland, swinging a leaf orchid boat, the clear river can’t carry my guard.

Xanadu, the clouds are walking in the sky, the scenery is picturesque, the fish are swimming in the water, and the scenery is beautiful. I only hope that this life will never be separated from you.

Cure the beautiful scenery, pick a red bean on the branch of Dimfragrance, misty rain can’t cover your shyness, the beautiful scenery is picturesque, and who is your heart moving for?

The most beautiful scenery in the world, spring to autumn to brew a pot of acacia wine, natural beauty.

Thanks for watching.

long process of history

On November 5th, the round-table forum "The Long River of History-Translation and Research of Historical Records" hosted by China Renmin University and co-organized by Peking University Publishing House and Boya Forum of Peking University was held in Suzhou Campus of China Renmin University as one of the activities of the second sub-forum of the 8th World Sinology Congress "Sinology and the Translation and Introduction of China Classics".

The forum was hosted by Associate Professor Huang Hongyu, Associate Dean of the School of Humanities and Social Sciences of Harbin Institute of Technology (Shenzhen), and attended by experts and scholars such as Professor Han vans ESS from the University of Munich, Professor Su Peng from Nanjing Normal University, Associate Professor Zhang Zongpin from Shaanxi Normal University, Professor Sun Bao from Qufu Normal University, lecturer Yu Jianping from Shanghai Normal University, Dr. Kuang Yantao from the University of Munich and editor Ma Xinmin from Peking University Publishing House. The keynote speaker was Ni Haoshi, a famous American sinologist and translator.

Group photo of some participating scholars

The host Huang Hongyu is a disciple of Ni Haoshi and an important participant in the English translation project of Historical Records. At the beginning of the meeting, Huang Hongyu first introduced Professor Ni Haoshi’s achievements in the translation and research of Historical Records, and the publication of his research collection "Long River of History". Ni Haoshi is currently Halls-Bascom Chair Professor in the Department of East Asian Languages and Literature at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. His translation of Historical Records has spanned more than 30 years and is the largest English version of Historical Records in the world. In 2020, Ni Haoshi won the 14th Chinese Book Special Contribution Award for his outstanding contribution to the study and translation of China’s ancient literature and the promotion of exchanges and mutual learning between Chinese and foreign civilizations. "Long River of History" is the first collection of his research achievements on Historical Records in the past 30 years and translated into Chinese for publication. It is also the platform achievement of "Ancient Chinese Characters and Chinese Civilization Inheritance and Development Project" of China Renmin University.

Professor Ye Han from the University of Munich, Germany, first made an online speech. Ye Han is a sinologist and a Mongolian scholar, whose research interests are China’s history, Confucianism and Central Asian studies related to China and Mongolia. He is currently the vice president of foreign affairs and the chief professor of sinology at Munich University. His book Politik und Geschichtschribung Imalten China. Pan-Mai-T ‘ung Ban Ma Yi is one of the most important works in the study of Historical Records and Hanshu in the West. Ye Han first expressed regret that he could not attend the event on the spot, and then sincerely and emotionally recalled his experience of acquaintance and cooperation with Ni Haoshi. Both Ye Han and Ni Haoshi studied under Professor Friedrich Bischoff. When they were students, they heard Ni Haoshi’s name and his work many times. In 2001, when Ni Haoshi proposed to establish a translation project of Historical Records in Germany, Ye Han was less than 40 years old. He recalled that he was probably influenced by some unfair comments on Ni Haoshi’s English version of Historical Records at that time and had no definite and clear ideas about his future academic career, so he did not show much interest in Ni Haoshi’s proposal at first. Yip Han pointed out that there will be all kinds of opinions and criticisms about a work, but if you really want to know whether a book is valuable, you must read it yourself, not just judge it based on other people’s comments. Ye Han also told some details and interesting stories about their translation workshop.Years of cooperation have made him and Ni Haoshi close friends. Ye Han mentioned that in 2018, he and Ni Haoshi met at Elling O. Eide Center in Sarasota, Florida. Professor Bishop had told him many stories about this place, and this experience was of extraordinary significance to him. Ye Han also mentioned the latest translation of Historical Records published last year, which is of special significance because it was born during the epidemic. Yip Han concluded that the translation of Historical Records has been a cross-world project for many years, bringing together scholars from the United States, China, Germany, Britain, Russian and other different places. In the past 22 years, it has been a wonderful and very important experience, not only in terms of academic achievements, but also in terms of friendship and bringing people from all over the world together. Ye Han said that there is still a lot of work to be done in the future, and I thank Ni Haoshi for everything he has done for himself and everyone.

After Ye Han’s speech, Ni Haoshi made a brief response. Ni Haoshi said that over the years of cooperation, he and Yip Han have become very close friends. He trusts Yip Han very much in both work and personal affairs, and they have many good memories in common. Ye Han’s familiarity with Historical Records and Hanshu is very important to the translation team. When he wanted to stop or give up, it was Ye Han’s support that kept him going for so many years. He is very grateful to Professor Yip Han for his participation.

Ye Han and Ni Haoshi

The second speaker is Professor Su Peng from Nanjing Normal University. Su Peng participated in the revision of the school-based Historical Records by Zhonghua Book Company. As a main member of the revision group, his personal research interests are mainly in the study of classics, ancient calligraphy documents and related ancient manuscripts in the pre-Qin and Han Dynasties. Su Peng first briefly reviewed the revision of the Chinese version of Historical Records, especially the adjustment of page numbers and layout before and after printing. Then Su Peng talked about the reading experience of The Long River of History from three aspects. 1. Take Ni Haoshi’s investigation of He Cijun’s life experience (2009) as an example. When he translated the text of Historical Records word by word, Ni Haoshi also made a careful investigation of the key figures related to each version of Historical Records, but he only began to pay attention to He Cijun in 2014 and made some investigations. Second, from the article Historical Records and Hanshu —— Taking the biographies of Gaozu and Gaodi as examples, Su Peng paid attention to the study of Historical Records by Ni Haoshi and discussed the text problems of Historical Records, such as the relationship between Historical Records and Hanshu and the compilation of Historical Records. Taking the secret cabinet book "Biography of Gaozu" in the Japanese Imperial Palace as an example, Su Mi pointed out the complexity of the compilation of Historical Records and the so-called "Banma Similarities and Differences", and emphasized that we should pay attention to the canonization process of China classical documents. Third, the translation process of Historical Records described in detail by Ni Haoshi is the process of close reading of the text. Taking pages 14-16 of the book as an example, Su Xiang borrowed the words from Feng Yi’s "A Talk in the Guiyuan" in the Tang Dynasty and praised Ni Haoshi for "the degree of gold and people".Make readers understand the method of text close reading and realize its importance. Su Peng finally concluded that we should pay more attention to the research results of overseas sinologists, which is not enough in the field of traditional classical research. In addition, even in today’s convenient data retrieval and research, it is very important for both China scholars and foreign scholars to read the text carefully.

Associate Professor Zhang Zongpin of Shaanxi Normal University is interested in Qin and Han Dynasties literature and writing this literature. He visited the University of Wisconsin-Madison from August 2017 to 2018, and his co-tutor was Professor Ni Haoshi. Zhang Zongpin said that during his study in Madison, Ni Haoshi’s Historical Records translation team would make him have a deeper understanding of the Historical Records text and its translation. Cross-cultural text translation not only needs to reconfirm the meaning of Chinese, but also find out the corresponding parts of English vocabulary. Both of them must be clear and accurate, and the translated classics can fit the original intention of the text. Take the sentence "The King of Qin walks around the column" in Biography of Assassin as an example, we are faced with the problem of whether the countable noun "column" is singular or plural when translated into English, that is, we need to judge whether the King of Qin and Jing Ke walked around a big column or shuttled between different columns. This concentrated discussion is very enlightening to his later research and writing. Zhang Zongpin said that the value and significance of Ni Haoshi’s translation of Historical Records in academic research and cultural communication will surely become more and more important with the passage of time. The newly published Long River of History is a concentrated display of Ni Haoshi’s research on Historical Records, which is extremely rich in content. Thanks to Dr. Kuang Yantao’s hard compilation, we can understand different aspects of Ni Haoshi’s research on Historical Records. Zhang Zongpin said, "It is very correct to use’ Long River of History’ as the title of the book. As Mr. Ni Haoshi said, his works and translation have become a part of the traditional academic history. In this collection of essays,What we feel is the long history of the study of Historical Records in ancient and modern times, at home and abroad. This big river stretches for two thousand years, and it is magnificent. Scholars on both sides of the strait have contributed a trickle to this long river to varying degrees. Mr. Ni Haoshi and his works have their own particularity: they are not only in the river, but also often travel between the two sides. It is a ferryman, a ferry and a bridge across the two sides. "

Professor Sun Bao of Qufu Normal University is mainly engaged in the study of the interaction between Confucianism, bureaucracy and literature in the Han, Wei, Jin, Southern and Northern Dynasties. He studied at the University of Wisconsin from September 2017 to September 2018. During his visit to school, Sun Bao participated in the translation workshop of Historical Records, and was deeply shocked by the grandeur and delicacy of this epic project that lasted for more than 30 years. Ni Haoshi’s experience, methods and opinions in studying and analyzing the text of Historical Records are very beneficial to his study of the classics and historical materials of the Six Dynasties. Next, Sun Bao shared some discoveries he had accumulated in the process of reading the Historical Records and the Six Dynasties’ historical collections since his visit to school. Finally, Sun Bao said that during his translation workshop of Historical Records, he was deeply impressed by the academic realm of Ni Haoshi, who was easy and slow. Ni Haoshi always gives encouragement to the idea of Chinese-English translation of Historical Records put forward by everyone. "On the one hand, it requires to make sense, on the other hand, it emphasizes to give proof" and "Stay humble, Stay hungry" may be regarded as one of the essences of Ni Haoshi’s scholarship.

Lecturer Yu Jianping of Shanghai Normal University also visited the University of Wisconsin-Madison from September 2017 to September 2018 and participated in the English translation project of Historical Records. Yu Jianping said that although he had some knowledge of Ni Haoshi’s translation and research of Historical Records, only after reading this Long River of History did he have a more comprehensive understanding of this project that lasted for decades and devoted a lot of efforts to Ni Haoshi and other participants, and he also had a deeper understanding of Ni Haoshi’s research of Historical Records. Next, Yu Jianping talked about his feelings of reading this book from three aspects: First, Ni Haoshi’s investigation and research on the version of Historical Records. For the 1959 edition of Historical Records by Zhonghua Book Company, Ni Haoshi carefully inspected its writing process, especially investigated the relationship between Gu Jiegang, He Cijun, Song Yunbin and others, and pointed out the shortcomings of this edition, which did not refer to the patchwork edition and Renshou edition. It is this serious and responsible attitude that lays the foundation for the high quality of the English version of Historical Records. The second is meticulous translation attitude. Ni Haoshi’s translation attitude is rigorous and serious, even to the point of being meticulous. Some common function words have many meanings in different contexts, so Ni Haoshi tries his best to find the corresponding English words according to their semantics. Some grammatical elements are often omitted in ancient Chinese, and Ni Haoshi tries to complete them in English. In addition to translating the text of Historical Records as accurately as possible, Ni Haoshi also added a lot of relevant materials in the footnotes, so as to make readers fit in with Sima Qian’s target readers as much as possible. The third is the compilation of Historical Records. In the process of word-for-word translation,It is found that there are many "contextual incoherence" problems in Historical Records. Starting with these details, a window on how Sima Qian compiled Historical Records is opened. Yu Jianping said that these viewpoints in the book "are the ideological inspiration formed by accumulation, precipitation and generate in the process of translating Historical Records for decades, and are the natural result of Ni’s long-term persistence in translating and studying Historical Records".

Dr. Kuang Yantao, the compiler of Long River of History and the University of Munich, first reviewed the process of becoming attached to Ni Haoshi and being asked to learn from Mr. Ye Han by his recommender. Kuang Yantao said that during his study in Renmin University of China, Mr. Xu Construction Committee once recommended them to read the article "A Discussion on the Texts of Historical Records and Some Speculations on the Compilation of Family" by Ni Haoshi, and from this, he studied more articles about Historical Records by Ni Haoshi. Kuang Yantao said, "These articles are, on the one hand, Mr. Ni’s thoughts and experiences in the process of translation, and on the other hand, they are actually responses to the academic tradition of western sinology’s doubts about the text of Historical Records since the last century." It was in the process of studying these articles that he found that although Ni Haoshi’s research was so enlightening, there were few translations and quotations in China, so he had the idea of translating his articles into Chinese. First, he translated A Hundred Years of Western Studies on Historical Records and published it in Peking University’s International Sinology Research Newsletter. Later, with the support of Xu Construction Committee and Ma Xinmin, Peking University Press, and with the consent and authorization of Ni Haoshi, the compilation and translation of this collection began. Since 2021, with the support of Professor Ye Han, Kuang Yantao has joined the translation team of Historical Records of Ni Haoshi. Kuang Yantao said that the trust and friendship between Ni Haoshi and Ye Han came into play in Historical Records, a historical book two thousand years ago, and Historical Records was the starting point of all these stories.

Ma Xinmin, assistant editor-in-chief of Peking University Publishing House and director of the Department of Classics and Culture, made a speech as the co-organizer of the event and the representative of the publisher of Long River of History. Ma Xinmin said that one word he paid special attention to when reading this book was time. Sima Qian may have spent more than 20 years writing Historical Records. This classic document has been circulated for more than 2,000 years, and Ni Haoshi spent more than 30 years organizing translation. Because of Historical Records, Sima Qian more than two thousand years ago and Ni Haoshi today, their work is connected in the long river of history. With the passage of time, the English translation of Historical Records hosted by Ni Haoshi will surely show its greatness. Ma Xinmin has participated in and presided over a number of large-scale ancient books publishing projects, including The Whole Song Dynasty, Annotations on Thirteen Classics, and Confucian Collection (essence edition). He pointed out that large-scale projects may not be completed in the end without careful design in advance. From the publisher’s point of view, he expressed his admiration for Professor Ni Haoshi and Professor Wei Bote’s special attention to the consistency and consistency of translations when organizing translations.

The last part of the activity was a keynote speech by the keynote speaker Professor Ni Haoshi. Huang Hongyu said that many people have asked Ni Haoshi how to summarize the Historical Records in one sentence. He thought about some statements, such as "China’s early national narrative" and "a mixed writing of the Old Testament Bible and Herodotus’s History", but he still appreciated Wang Chong’s assertion in the Eastern Han Dynasty the most, that is, Sima Qian and Yang Xiong were like rivers and Han Dynasty, and the rest of the Han Dynasty writers were just rivers like Jingshui and Weishui. This is also the origin of the title "Long River of History".

Ni Haoshi’s speech was elegant and humorous. First of all, he thanked Dr. Kuang Yantao, the compiler of Long River of History, and praised him for his efforts in compiling this book and doing it so well. He quipped that at first he thought it would take about 10 years to complete the work, and it would be written in seven volumes, but he forgot that this was an ideal and perfect situation. Ni Haoshi mentioned Professor Lv Zongli, one of the original translators, and praised him as a great person with profound knowledge. When talking about the materials they used, Ni Haoshi specifically mentioned the contribution made by Wang Ji, a teacher from Suzhou University. Then Ni Haoshi talked about the old and new editions of Historical Records by Zhonghua Book Company from the perspective of academic history. For various reasons, the 1959 edition of Historical Records was completed in a hurry, especially the edition collation, which was mainly due to the limitations of the times. Judging from the differences between Gu Jiegang’s Records of the Historian (the Department of Bai Wen) in the 1930s and the 1959 edition, he doubted whether Gu Jiegang had finished the proofreading of the latter. As for the newly revised version of Historical Records, Ni Haoshi said that they have started to use this version recently. At first, he was a little rejected by this new version. What bothered him most was the change of page numbers, because the Index of Historical Records and their previous translations were all related to page numbers, and the revised version added some collations, including the patchwork version, which brought them more problems. But with more and more use, he found that the revised edition is really a good collation.


Ni Haoshi reviewed some past events between him and Professor Yip Han. He said that it was when Professor Yip Han changed his mind and accepted his cooperation proposal that he really felt that the English translation project team of Historical Records was a successful team. Ni Haoshi also talked about his teacher, Professor Bi Shaofu, who shared with Ye Han. He learned from Professor Bi to explore the deeper implication of the text. After briefly reviewing his study history and the starting process of the English translation project, Ni Haoshi talked about the process of determining the style and form of this translation work. Ni Haoshi said that among all the existing translations, burton watson is undoubtedly unique in this respect, but he is not a scholar of literature. Wordsworth’s translation is suitable for the general readers, and what they have to do is to provide a translation that meets the needs of the research group. After determining the translation principles, they tried to distinguish many expressions with similar semantics but different meanings in ancient Chinese, such as "attack" translated as "to attack", "to give battle to", "to lead a punitive expedition against" and "to attack". They summarized and classified this and still use it today.

Huang Hongyu concluded that the English translation of Historical Records led by Ni Haoshi successfully practiced the PI system in the field of large-scale Chinese translation. All members of the team have gained growth in this collaboration process, and continue to be inspired by Ni Haoshi’s profound knowledge, vigorous energy, keen curiosity and charisma.

Finally, Ni Haoshi interacted with the students at the scene and enthusiastically answered your questions. He Haiyan from Hubei University, Liu Cheng from Guangxi Normal University, Hong Yinghua from Xiamen University, Wu Guimei from Yangtze University, Pan Li and Wang Ji from Suzhou University, Deng Lin from Beijing Foreign Studies University and some students from China Renmin University and Suzhou University also participated in the activity.