The Shanghai Film Festival Tencent Animation Special Sharing Session ended successfully, witnessing the stars and the sea of the country

  The Shanghai International Film Festival, co-hosted by the China Central Radio and Television Station and the Shanghai Municipal People’s Government, has opened in full swing. As the representative of the national manga, the popular IP of Tencent Animation has teamed up for the Shanghai International Film Festival for the first time. On July 27th, the "National Manga Series Sharing Session" hosted by the Shanghai Main Station of the main station ended successfully. Works such as "Fox Demon Little Matchmaker", "Qin Xia" and "Song of the Final Key" appeared one by one, bringing fans a wonderful dimensional journey.

  At the Shanghai International Film Festival’s "Breaking Through Dimensions, National Manga Unbounded" Tencent animation special sharing session, fans from all over the world gathered at Shanghai International Media Port to witness the stars and seas of national manga accompanied by "Fox Demon Matchmaker", "Qin Xia" and "The Song of the Final Key".

  This special animation sharing session is one of the highlights of the 2020 Shanghai Film Festival. With the rise of Guoman, more and more Guoman works, movies and TV dramas have appeared on the stage of international film festivals. Tencent Animation, as a leading platform for Chinese animation, has launched a series of classic IPs, which have won the support of countless fans. At this special sharing session of "Breaking Through Dimensions, Guoman Unbounded", fans gathered together. The opening mix of Tencent Animation Series IPs on the big screen made the audience and fans squatting in the live stream watch the blood boil, and the waves of support went up! Fans who cannot come to the scene can also watch the live broadcast through the CCTV news client side and the CCTV news Weibo account, directly hitting the event on the spot.

  The animation special sharing session opened the door to "breaking the dimension" for fans. The creators of "Fox Demon Matchmaker", "Qin Xia" and "Song of the Final Key" appeared in turn, and they all sent out the benefits of love for everyone.

  "Fox Demon Little Matchmaker" animated dubbing director A Jie, dubbing actor Yang Tianxiang, and crooked creative interviews allowed fans to learn more about the story behind the fox demon. In the face of netizens’ funny message questions, the three saw the tricks and dealt with them easily. At present, "Fox Demon Little Matchmaker" "Golden Chenxi" is being exclusively broadcast on Tencent Video, and the three dubbing teachers also shared the dubbing experience of this season; the live fox demon dubbing show allowed everyone to see the strength of China’s top voice actors.

  The concept theme song "Wind of Time" sung by Fang Xiaodong, the star judge, resounded through Shanghai International Media Port, and the song was clear and melodious, awakening everyone’s memories of thousands of rivers and mountains.

  The original incubation project "Qin Xia" of Tencent Animation perfectly integrates ancient and modern culture, and the Chinese style is full of texture. The animation not only inherits the philosophy of Mohist, but also reflects the continuation of traditional culture in the creation of national manga. At the sharing meeting, the animated interlude clips were exposed for the first time, and the song was recorded in Budapest, which was jointly completed by the Budapest Festival Symphony Orchestra and the Hungarian National Choir.

  At the sharing meeting, animation dubbing director Teng Xin and dubbing actor Li Qingyang brought a poem recitation depicting Xiang Yu to fans with a thick voice. The image of Chu Bawang was instantly three-dimensional and vivid, and the sense of historical vicissitudes came to the face, so that fans were intoxicated. The two also shared their understanding of this work, as well as their dubbing skills and interesting behind-the-scenes stories. In order to make the work better, director Teng Xin asked the dubbing actor to dub off script, and the dubbing actor’s control of the lines and understanding of the content were also more in-depth.

  "Song of the Final Key" is an open and co-created large-scale sci-fi IP planned and created by Tencent Animation. Its novel creative model has injected pioneering genes into this IP. The live broadcast of PV allows everyone to glimpse the true face of "Song of the Final Key", which is full of sci-fi sense. The first single of IP, "Prelude to the Final Key", also performed offline under the interpretation of Zhao Chaofan, Fang Xiaodong, Xu Badou, and Wang Yushu, with a magnificent momentum.

  In addition to the four singers, the scene also invited two heavy guests – Li Xiaoting, director of Tencent Animation IP Development Center, and Chen Duofan, a well-known science fiction writer, to be interviewed as the main representative of "The Song of the Final Key", and to explain the creative concept and future development direction of "The Song of the Final Key".

  Tencent Animation has always been committed to high-quality IP incubation, so it chose an open co-creation large-scale science fiction IP with advanced awareness and long-term perception of users – "Song of the Final Key" for in-depth development. The co-creation of the work is also divided into two dimensions. On the one hand, Tencent Animation plans to carry out multi-line content development, and "Song of the Final Key" will be built into a diverse IP including novels, comics, animation, music, movies and games; on the other hand, Tencent Animation’s main creative team has introduced the country’s top science fiction writers and user creative groups to provide content supplements. At the beginning of the work planning, more than 100 fans have been introduced to polish the world view together, and jointly imagine the human millennium history from 2100 to 3100.

  From "Under One Man", which landed on "China Movie Night" yesterday, to "Fox Demon Matchmaker", "Qin Xia" and "Song of the Final Key" shared with you today, Tencent Animation still has many excellent works that cannot be introduced to you one by one on the spot, and more excellent works will be born in the future. Li Xiaoting, director of Tencent Animation IP Development Center, also explained Tencent Animation’s persistence and continuous innovation in the development of manga. In the future, it will carry out industrial and systematic planning for more IPs, try various possibilities, and develop more animation works that have market potential and are loved by audiences.

  This is a glorious night for Chinese anime, and it is not only the excellent national anime IP that participates in the rise of the road, but also the countless fans who have always adhered to and supported for love. The future of national anime is the stars and the sea, and Tencent anime invites you to join the stars and sail away.

Enter Toshiba Air Conditioning "Ingenuity Educating, Intelligent Technology" Hangzhou Characteristic Production Base

  With the growth of Toshiba Air Conditioning, Toshiba Air Conditioning’s high-tech production base has taken root in China. The reporter walked into Toshiba Air Conditioning China Smart Factory (hereinafter referred to as "TCAC") to interview the Chinese market, technological innovation, process quality control, and product quality.

Enter Toshiba Air Conditioning "Ingenuity Educating, Intelligent Technology" Hangzhou Characteristic Production Base

 TCAC President and Tian Honger: Localized production will create an exclusive "Hangzhou brand" of Toshiba air conditioners

Enter Toshiba Air Conditioning "Ingenuity Educating, Intelligent Technology" Hangzhou Characteristic Production Base

TCAC President and Tian Hongji

  Toshiba Air Conditioning’s new Hangzhou base was officially launched in June last year. This base integrates R & D and production. It is a high-efficiency and high-quality smart factory. In the future, it will greatly enhance the speed of Product Research & Development and commodity competitiveness in the Chinese market.

  In order to better meet the expanding Chinese market demand, TCAC has strengthened the function and positioning of "local production, local sales", said TCAC president and Tian Hongji.

  For the Chinese market, especially the home multi-connection market, in the face of increasingly fierce competition, Wada Hongji feels that TCAC has achieved significant growth with the support of Toshiba Carrier Air Conditioning Sales (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.’s strong sales team. Under the strong growth trend, Toshiba Air Conditioning Headquarters also believes that the Chinese market is a huge market with sustainable growth potential. Wada Hongji said: TCAC’s R & D and manufacturing strength can be further improved, thanks to the headquarters to increase investment, so that the new base can play an important role in accelerating product development and expanding production capacity supply. He believes that the growth of TCAC will be even stronger in the future.

  Since TCAC is established in China, it must be adapted to local conditions. Wada Hiroji emphasizes: Only by grasping the real needs of customers can it be called local conditions. Establishing a base in China allows you to feel the needs of customers firsthand, which is the biggest advantage. In addition, in terms of production, under the recognition of the quality management system, the adoption of local Chinese parts that meet the requirements will be further promoted.

  TCAC is of milestone significance, and Wada is full of confidence in Toshiba air conditioners in the future: TCAC will create unique products and create Toshiba air conditioners "Hangzhou brand" through intelligent manufacturing.

Enter Toshiba Air Conditioning "Ingenuity Educating, Intelligent Technology" Hangzhou Characteristic Production Base

TCAC real picture

  TCAC Design Center General Manager Gu Jieshengmei: Domestic innovative technology can produce high-quality products at the same level as Japan

Enter Toshiba Air Conditioning "Ingenuity Educating, Intelligent Technology" Hangzhou Characteristic Production Base

Gu Jieshengmei, General Manager of TCAC Design Center

  TCAC adopts the same production management system and quality inspection and testing standards as the parent company’s Fuji factory in Japan to ensure that the product quality is consistent with the original imported products, and at the same time of technological innovation, it has developed energy-saving products that meet the goal of carbon neutrality, making positive contributions to China’s environmental protection cause.

  Japanese craftsmanship is widely known, but whether domestic production will be different from local production in Japan will inevitably become a concern for the public. Katsumi Ku, general manager of TCAC Design Center, said: Usually, in the product development stage, it is necessary to complete important nodes such as technical review, product safety evaluation, and reliability evaluation with senior technical experts in Japan, and then TCAC strengthens the detailed design and sells it to the Chinese market. The products produced in China not only have the same technical level as those produced in Japan, but in the new base, we also have high-end testing equipment, which can help us develop new products independently. TCAC can fully produce products that can make customers feel at ease, safe, and satisfied.

  Regarding the high-end laboratories set up by TCAC, Gu Jieshengmei said that by effectively using these laboratories, we can provide customers with high-quality products that can effectively meet their diverse needs with heat pump technology as the core, contribute to the protection of society and even the earth’s environment, develop energy-saving products that meet the goal of carbon neutrality, and provide a series of products such as "cold and warm feng shui" to meet market demand. The construction of TCAC’s high-end laboratories plays an important and positive role in the development of technological innovation.

Enter Toshiba Air Conditioning "Ingenuity Educating, Intelligent Technology" Hangzhou Characteristic Production Base

Noise Lab

  In addition, a good factory needs to have more high-end technical talents. TCAC has truly stimulated the potential of technical talents and helped technical employees to further grow. Gu Jieshengmei said: In the product development stage, in order to better help domestic technical personnel to improve their own level, TCAC provides the opportunity to go to the Japanese technical department for training and study. In the development stage, designing new products makes technical personnel constantly face challenges in their work, which can stimulate the potential of technical personnel, continuously consolidate the technical foundation, gain technical experience, and achieve personal growth.

  TCAC general manager Masato Okuda: cell production, artificial intelligence intervention, standardized operations, process quality control and upgrading

Enter Toshiba Air Conditioning "Ingenuity Educating, Intelligent Technology" Hangzhou Characteristic Production Base

Masato Okuda, General Manager of TCAC

  Every employee on the TCAC production line is not only the "manufacturer" of the product, but also the person responsible for the quality of the product. In addition, with the support of IT tools, the process quality control will be upgraded again.

  Masato Okuda, general manager of TCAC, said in an interview: The traditional assembly line production method cannot give full play to the personal ability of the operator, especially the slow work pace of the newcomer will affect the overall production progress. Cell production can give full play to personal ability, shorten the production cycle and increase production capacity. Moreover, customers can easily switch production models when they temporarily request expedited shipments, which has the advantage of being able to produce various models at the same time.

  The process quality control of products is an important link in the production of Toshiba air conditioners. Masato Okuda believes that TCAC does a good job in process quality control, and the following links are required: In the main assembly process, a production line inspector is equipped to conduct a full inspection. In order to prevent ingredient errors, some processes are checked by QR code and image recognition technology. When poor quality occurs in the process, countermeasures to prevent recurrence should be implemented immediately, and regular quality inspections should be carried out to determine whether to continue to implement the countermeasures. In addition, product quality traceability should be strengthened through the process history sheet, as well as the data collected by the tablet computers and test devices installed at each assembly station.

  TCAC has also undergone great changes after artificial intelligence intervention. Okuda Masato concluded: Before the AGV automatic handling robot was put into use, there were more than 40 material truck transporters in the assembly area of the indoor machine alone, walking tens of thousands of steps every day. There have also been cases where people wait for materials due to untimely delivery of materials by transporters. By introducing AGV, we removed manual handling and eliminated the loss of man-hours for people and other materials.

  The production method in the intelligent mode has improved production efficiency and also increased the requirements for TCAC employees. Masato Okuda said: With the increase in production, new operators have also increased. In addition to continuing to implement basic requirements such as safety KYT, 5S, and TPM, operators are also required to be proficient in processes and standardize operations as soon as possible. Proficiency in processes and standardized operations does not depend solely on the operators themselves, but can also be supported by tools such as IT.

Enter Toshiba Air Conditioning "Ingenuity Educating, Intelligent Technology" Hangzhou Characteristic Production Base

test tower

  In the future, the quality control of the TCAC process will be upgraded again. Okuda Masato requires that while strengthening the traceability management of the manufacturing process, the loss and waste in the process should also be strengthened. On the premise of "people can make mistakes" to avoid operational mistakes, and improve the system that allows operators to realize mistakes.

  Hiroyuki Takeuchi, the person in charge of TCAC quality: Toshiba air conditioners have strong hard power, and all products have "high quality"

Enter Toshiba Air Conditioning "Ingenuity Educating, Intelligent Technology" Hangzhou Characteristic Production Base

Hiroyuki Takeuchi, TCAC Quality Manager

  TCAC has always strictly controlled the production management standards, earnestly fulfilled the user’s quality requirements for the product, and truly achieved "even after the product warranty period, it can be used with confidence for a long time without failure".

  For air conditioners, the most lethal quality defect is "refrigerant leakage". TCAC will conduct welding skills training for welding operators, set up a welding operation judge system, etc., and strive to maintain a high level of skills for welding operators. Takeuchi Hiroyuki, the responsible person for TCAC quality supervision, said: In order to prevent "refrigerant leakage", in the manufacturing line, helium detection and refrigerant sniffer will be used for leakage detection. In addition, for outdoor units, after the product is offline, after a certain period of standing time, it will be confirmed again whether the refrigerant is leaking. Through these inspections and confirmations, the problem of refrigerant leakage in the production process of the product can be solved.

  Takeuchi Hiroyuki emphasized: TCAC’s development quality evaluation during new product development and manufacturing quality management during product production basically use the same management benchmarks as in Japan. And, according to the unique situation of the Chinese market, we will more strictly control the evaluation management benchmarks. By strictly controlling the quality and then putting it into production, we can ensure that the product quality is consistent with that of Japan, and strive to solve customers’ quality concerns about domestic production.

  Users feel good is a really good product. Takeuchi Hiroyuki believes that customers will only choose to buy if they recognize the quality of our products. And emphasized the quality requirements of Toshiba air conditioning products: even after the product warranty period, it can be used with confidence for a long time without failure. Only in this way can we proudly say that the characteristics of Toshiba air conditioners are high-quality across the board.

  Now that Toshiba air conditioners are developing rapidly in China, it is natural that countless Toshiba fans are looking forward to new products and new breakthroughs. Hiroyuki Takeuchi said: The new base has high-tech testing equipment to promote product development. These equipment can support TCAC’s independent product development work, providing users with more powerful and more in line with social needs. Of course, these new products will also be "high-quality" products.

  This in-depth interview with Toshiba Air Conditioning China Smart Factory allowed everyone to better understand Toshiba Air Conditioning from the four aspects of the Chinese market, technological innovation, process quality control, and product quality. I believe that in the future, Toshiba Air Conditioning will rely on high-quality and high-quality cutting-edge technology products to create Toshiba Air Conditioning with Chinese characteristics in the Chinese market. With the support of advanced technology and technology, Toshiba Air Conditioning, which has the ability to control the hard core process quality, will continue to win public praise. Good product users have the final say. Toshiba Air Conditioning, mission must be achieved!

Enter Toshiba Air Conditioning "Ingenuity Educating, Intelligent Technology" Hangzhou Characteristic Production Base

Didi price adjustment day-one experience: a small increase in the morning peak, a slight decrease in the peak period

  July 11 was the first day that Didi’s ride-hailing prices rose during peak hours in some areas of Beijing. The reporter conducted an experience in three routes and found that there was no "crowded" call from the city center during the evening rush hour. Even if there was no carpooling, the waiting number was only 5 to 6 people. However, the reporter found that because Didi did not actively prompt the price adjustment on the homepage of the App, many passengers did not notice the price increase during peak hours.


  After get off work, the driver will take the order after a short wait.

  During the peak period yesterday night, the reporters were divided into three routes and experienced the ride-hailing situation on the first day of the price increase, but they did not find the situation of "crowded people".

  At 5 pm, the first reporter called Didi Express from Dongdan to Shuangjing Carrefour. Without carpooling, the system showed that there were 5 people in line in front. If you choose carpooling, you don’t need to queue up. At 5:11, the reporter got on the bus smoothly, 4.7 kilometers away, and the final price was 27.85 yuan.

  Also at 5:00 pm, the second reporter called Didi Express from Dongdan to Shichahai, Xicheng District. The reporter first used the "Didi Chuxing Mini Program" in WeChat to call the express car, and waited for 6.5 minutes, but no driver answered. Then, the reporter opened the mobile phone app, and the waiting situation was not serious. If you don’t carpool, there are 6 people in line in front of you, and if you carpool, you only need to queue up 1 person. Finally, the reporter arrived in Shichahai from Dongdan under the condition of carpooling, a distance of 4.9 kilometers, and the total cost after carpooling was 32.44 yuan.

  At 6:20 pm, the third reporter called Didi Express from Guang’anmen Bridge to Panjiayuan in the East Third Ring Road. After only 2 minutes, a driver took the order. According to the estimated price given by the system, the total mileage of this trip is 13.7 kilometers, and the total cost is 46.05 yuan, of which the starting price is 14 yuan, the mileage fee is 16.05 yuan, and the duration fee is 16 yuan.

  settle accounts

  Morning and evening peak fares rose slightly

  According to the price adjustment instructions previously released by Didi, starting from July 11, Didi will divide Beijing into five regions, each of which adopts different billing standards.

  Taking Didi Express in the six districts of the city as an example, after the adjustment, the starting price will increase from 13 yuan to 14 yuan during the morning peak period from 6:00 am to 10:00 am on weekdays, and the mileage fee will increase from 1.6 yuan/kilometer to 1.8 yuan/kilometer. The duration fee will remain unchanged at 0.8 yuan/minute; during the peak period from 10:00 am to 5:00 pm, the starting price will remain unchanged at 13 yuan, the mileage fee will decrease from 1.6 yuan/kilometer to 1.45 yuan/kilometer, and the duration fee will decrease from 0.5 yuan/minute to 0.4 yuan/minute; during the evening peak period from 5:00 pm to 9:00 pm, the starting price will increase from 13 yuan to 14 yuan, and the mileage fee will decrease from 1.6 yuan/kilometer to 1.5 yuan/kilometer. The duration fee will remain unchanged at 0.8 yuan/minute; at 9:00 pm During the night hours at 6 a.m. the next day, the starting price will increase from 13 yuan to 14 yuan, the mileage fee will increase from 1.6 yuan/kilometer to 2.15 yuan/kilometer, and the duration fee will decrease from 1 yuan/minute to 0.8 yuan/minute.

  With a 10-kilometer mileage and a duration of 20 minutes, if you call Didi Express at 7 am without carpooling, the total cost will change from 32.2 yuan to 34.6 yuan, an increase of about 7.5%; if you call Didi Express at 12 noon, the total cost will change from 29.2 yuan to 27.15 yuan, a decrease of about 7%; if you call Didi Express at 5 pm, the total cost will change from 32.2 yuan to 32.5 yuan, which is almost unchanged; if you call Didi Express at 10 pm, the total cost will change from 34.2 yuan to 37.05 yuan, an increase of about 8.3%. Overall, after the price adjustment, the price of Didi Express will increase slightly during the morning peak and night hours, and the price will decrease slightly during the peak hours.


  If you can accept a short-distance increase of three or five yuan.

  Internet users talked a lot about Didi’s price hikes during peak hours, with some accusing Didi of being "unkind," some calling out their emotional collapse, and some saying they would switch to public transportation. However, in on-site interviews, reporters found that the reaction of passengers was mostly calm and rational.

  Mr. Tai, a passenger who shares a ride with reporters, expressed understanding of the price increase. Mr. Tai told reporters that he calls Didi more than 40 times a month on average, and is a customer of Didi’s platform to prioritize orders. The commuting cost is about 1,000 yuan. "The taxi fee accounts for about 1/10 of my monthly income, so as long as the increase is within 10%, I can accept it."

  Miss Qi, a passenger who chooses to carpool on the Didi Express, said that she did not notice any price increase prompts on the mobile app when she called for a ride after get off work, and only noticed the price increase after listening to the reporter. "If it’s a short journey, you can just pay three or five yuan more. If it’s a long journey, then go take the subway." Miss Qi said with a smile. The reporter immediately opened the app and found that the price adjustment notice was not actively pushed to passengers in the first place.

  Although the price has gone up, it is still not easy to call a car during the hot hours in hot areas. At 10:30 last night, the reporter tried to locate the call to Didi Express in the Sanlitun area in the mobile app. The system showed "127 people in line, expected to wait 46 minutes."


  The price increase has no impact on passenger traffic

  There is no special reminder of the price adjustment on the Didi driver’s app page, but the charging page is a little different. "No one mentioned this today, and many passengers didn’t know about it." Master Bai, a full-time Didi driver, said that the first day after the price adjustment did not have much impact on his work, and it was still an ordinary day. After he left the house at 6am, he was busy sending orders to pick up passengers according to the platform. During peak periods, there were still many people waiting in line. "The platform also told drivers a few days ago that they don’t need to pay attention to price changes."

  Master Shu, a Didi driver who belongs to the "night owl" type, has no actual experience of the first morning peak after the price increase because he leaves the car at 3 pm and picks it up at 4 am every day, but he is optimistic about this matter, "The increase is not big, I feel that the number of customers will not decrease, so our driver’s income will increase a little, which is a good thing."

The United States will regulate smartphone map navigation, and Apple and Google may be affected


The United States will regulate smartphone map navigation, and Apple and Google may be affected


The United States will regulate smartphone map navigation, and Apple and Google may be affected

The New York Times reported today that the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, a division of the U.S. Department of Transportation, will work with the White House to introduce new rules to regulate car navigation systems. Navigators and mapping apps on smartphones are expected to be included in the regulation. It is not yet known how Apple, Google, and some traffic-related apps that report traffic jams and police check speeding areas will comply with the new rules.

Existing U.S. law prohibits talking on the phone or texting while driving, but there are no clear rules for distracted map navigation while driving. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration would have the power to regulate maps, navigation apps, and make some restrictions, according to reporters who have seen the draft of the new rules.

At present, the news has caused a strong response in the United States. Car companies with built-in navigation systems support the new regulations. But technology companies that develop navigation applications believe they do not need to comply, claiming that the new regulations are unrealistic and difficult to enforce, on the grounds that smartphones are not only used in cars, and not only in navigators.

The U.S. Department of Transportation issued a notice last year asking navigation software to volunteer to operate within two seconds. Although the industry has adhered to the notice, calculations show that if you are traveling at 100 kilometers per hour, a car can travel 50 meters in two seconds. This reaction distance is not safe.

How strong is the original Wanda boss lady? 200 billion save Wang Jianlin from adversity and throw 100 million to pay off the debt

In reality, many girls aspire to marry into a wealthy family and become wealthy.

But in fact, many rich, capable, mature and stable men have precisely the right match for their wives.

Although this concept is somewhat old feudal in the eyes of some people, it is an effective method of mate selection in reality.

At least for Wang Jianlin, that is indeed the case.

As the wife of the richest man, when a reporter mentioned that Lin Ning had married into a wealthy family, she changed her old style and said domineering:

Whether I marry the richest man or not, I am a wealthy family. "

Of course, Lin Ning’s words were not empty words. At the beginning, without him, I am afraid that my husband Wang Jianlin would have gone bankrupt and collapsed…

Perfect match, perfect match

As the saying goes: third-class couples manage their own money, second-class couples manage their money together, first-class couples… "

If not a first-class couple, Wang Jianlin and Lin Ning are at least a second-class couple.

The reason why couples who manage their own money are regarded as third-class couples is that they are too clear about the accounts and care too much about all kinds of petty profits.

Feelings are a muddle in themselves. Without impulses and feelings, it is difficult for two people to bond together.

But Wang Jianlin and Lin Ning obviously did not.

After getting married and having children, Wang Jianlin invested in the real estate industry and founded the Xigang District Residential Development Company, which is the predecessor of Wanda.

Lin Ning inherited the family business and presided over Lin’s Group.

The husband and wife each earn money and cooperate with each other, enjoying themselves.

In 2000, as his real estate career grew, Wang Jianlin began to have bigger ideas.

He began to shift Wanda’s strategic direction, from the former housing real estate to commercial real estate, and the famous Wanda Plaza was born.

Wang Jianlin is so confident in this transformation that he even proclaims loudly: "Wanda is the city center."

Unlike Wang Jianlin’s high-profile work, Lin Ning prefers to be low-key.

She comes from a famous family and knows very well that in order to make an enterprise bigger and stronger, connections are essential.

Therefore, Lin Ning invested and founded a high-end club called Oulante.

The name of the club is a business profit organization, but it is actually a network harvesting center.

Like what Liu Chuanzhi, Ma Yun, are members of the club, with these business bosses as contacts, Wang Jianlin’s Wanda wants to rise is difficult.

Of course, as a visionary woman, Lin Ning knew that in addition to business connections, other connections were also indispensable.

Therefore, she also befriended Zhao Wei and Jet Li in the entertainment industry, He Chaoying, the daughter of gambling king He Hongmiao, and even Prince Charles and Prince Monaco overseas.

It is no exaggeration to say that with Lin Ning’s wrist and connections, even if Deng Wendi was present, she would give her three points.

We know that on the issue of mate selection, Wang Jianlin advocates that people should be well-matched and disdain those mediocre and vulgar fans.

However, on this issue, Lin Ning is no different.

Lin Ning was born into a wealthy family. His father, Lin Lianzhang, had joined the army, served as an official, and was also the founder of the Lin Group.

And Lin Ning himself was beautiful, beautiful, and very cultured, with high IQ and EQ.

For such a woman, men who want to marry her can naturally queue up.

This included many cadres’ children, rich sons, and beautiful men.

But Lin Ning was very picky. Not only did she not like any of them, but even when she was almost 30 years old, she still did not get married.

Seeing his daughter getting older, Lin Lianzhang was particularly anxious.

Just then, Wang Jianlin appeared.

Like Lin Ning, Wang Jianlin was also a high-ranking official. His father, Wang Quanyi, was an old Red Army soldier who participated in the Long March and the Anti-Japanese War.

Seeing this well-matched, young and capable guy, Lin Lianzhang was overjoyed and even intended to accept Wang Jianlin as his son-in-law.

Therefore, he could create an opportunity for his daughter Lin Ning and Wang Jianlin to meet alone.

As the saying goes: "We are destined to meet thousands of miles away", Wang Jianlin and Lin Ning are such destined people. They hit it off at first sight and soon became husband and wife.

With a good helper in hand, Wang Jianlin’s career is naturally thriving.

In 2015, Wang Jianlin’s wealth grew to 36.90 billion, making him the richest man in China.

In 2016 and 2017, Wang Jianlin maintained his position as the richest man.

In addition to soaring personal wealth, Wanda’s career is also booming.

In almost every city, you can see Wanda Plaza, even in some third-tier cities.

Not only that, as long as it is the place where Wanda Plaza is established, the surrounding area will inevitably be prosperous with offices.

Back then, Wang Jianlin’s so-called "let Wanda become the city center" remarks showed that there was no bragging.

However, no one can always go well with the wind and water, and Wang Jianlin is no exception.

Second-class couples become first-class couples

In 2017, Wanda Group’s profits suddenly fell from more than 10 billion to about 10 million.

At the same time, the state began to introduce policies to rectify the real estate and bank credit industries.

This caused Wanda’s cash flow to suddenly break down, and Wang Jianlin not only could not continue to borrow money from banks, but also had debts of more than 400 billion yuan, making China’s richest man suddenly become China’s first negative. "

Just when the all-powerful business boss was in a hurry, Lin Ning came.

Lin Ning understood that in order to stabilize Wanda’s situation, seizing power was the first priority.

In order to prevent others from taking advantage of Wanda’s chaos, she simply removed her position as a Wanda shareholder and handed over all the shares to her husband, Wang Jianlin.

Then, Lin Ning suggested that Wang Jianlin lose weight. "She believes that the reason for Wanda’s embarrassing situation today is not without the previous excessive expansion.

Wang Jianlin agreed with his wife’s suggestion, so he reluctantly gave up his love, not only giving 77 hotels to R & F Real Estate, but also giving Wanda Plaza in Nanchang, Jiujiang and other places to other companies.

After "slimming down", Wanda not only reduced its spending burden, but also received a sum of liquidity.

But the first loss "is the first loss after all", and only this money can’t fill his previous debt hole.

Just when Wang Jianlin was at a loss, Lin Ning saved the scene again.

As the saying goes: Husband and wife are birds in the same forest, and they fly separately when disaster strikes.

This sentence is very suitable for Xu Jiayin, another real estate tycoon.

This year, Xu Jiayin’s reputation took a nosedive because he was unable to pay off his huge debts.

As his wife, Ding Yumei not only did not save him, but also swept away the 23 million of the company and took the best plan. "

But Lin Ning and Ding Yumei are polar opposites.

Faced with the bottomless pit stabbed by her husband, Lin Ning thought to himself: Even if he lost his old money, he would also help him pay off his debts.

To this end, Lin Ning put his collection of calligraphy and painting, jewelry all off, with 2 years, to help her husband pay off the huge debt of 200 billion.

Therefore, Wanda was able to recover, and Wang Jianlin avoided the tragic fate of falling into Xu Jiayin.

It is said that second-class couples manage the money together. As for first-class couples, it doesn’t matter who manages the money.

If the previous Wang Jianlin and Lin Ning were only considered a second-class couple, in the process of solving the Wanda crisis, the two could be said to have already had the foundation of a first-class couple.

Especially Lin Ning, when helping her husband fill the loophole, he never thought about you and me. In his eyes, money is the money of the Wang family, and it is the same in anyone’s hands.

However, a good woman should not only be a good wife, but also a good mother.

So, does Lin Ning have this?

Send charcoal in the snow, save 100 million children

Unlike his father Wang Jianlin’s concept of pursuing a good domestic helper, Wang Sicong, who is the second generation of the rich, is obviously more like a playboy "and likes to dance in the minefield.

Until now, whenever Wang Sicong is mentioned, the first thing people think of is his affair with a bunch of Internet celebrities.

Wang Sicong used to be known as the national husband ", and the Internet celebrities around him changed one after another.

Although he often changed people, Wang Sicong spent a lot of money on these women.

As for sending cars, jewelry, and bags, these are all commonplace. When he is happy, he can even send luxury houses.

However, for Wang Sicong, not all Internet celebrities are just for fun, at least Wang Ying is an exception.

In Wang Sicong’s memory, Wang Ying was his own white moonlight. In his own words, his love with Wang Ying was his fantasy love.

Unfortunately, fantasy is ultimately fantasy.

Due to various issues such as lifestyle, Wang Ying was once pursued by online public opinion, and black materials were dug up one by one.

Seeing his beloved woman suffer, how could Wang Sicong sit idly by?

He immediately activated his resources, helped Wang Ying refute the rumors, and came forward to set up a person for Wang Ying.

But soon, the face came.

Wang Ying was a woman with a messy private life. Wang Sicong was naturally not the only boyfriend around him, but Wang Sicong did not know this at all.

There was no airtight wall in the world. As Wang Ying’s little boyfriends were exposed one after another, Wang Sicong, who was ashamed, could only leave the scene awkwardly.

Although he had learned this lesson, Wang Sicong did not stop his romance.

After that, his love for Internet celebrities did not decrease but increased, including Zhang Yuxi and Zhang Qian, until the later Sun Yining incident.

If it was just romance, then it didn’t matter. After all, the Wang family had plenty of money.

However, as his future heir and only son, Wang Jianlin had to consider allowing his son to invest in entrepreneurship and develop his business skills.

Unfortunately, the door "may not be able to come out of the tiger", Wang Jianlin gave his son 600 million go out to start a business, but the son did not earn a penny, but lost 150 million.

Coincidentally, at this time when Wanda was in crisis, Wang Jianlin could not protect himself, so naturally he could not take care of his son.

Because he had been unable to pay off his debts, the rich son who was a spender of money was directly restricted from spending.

At the critical moment, it was his mother, Lin Ning, who had to save the scene.

150 million huge debt, for ordinary people, eight lifetimes are not enough.

But this is a small project for Lin Ning. "

After all, my husband’s 200 billion have been replaced, what is this debt?

As soon as the expert makes a move, he will know if there is any.

Lin Ning took out a little pocket money "and easily helped his son sort out the debt.

It is said that a successful man must have a great woman behind him, which Wang Jianlin highly approves of.

When someone asked what kind of daughter-in-law he wanted in the future, Wang Jianlin said: "No star Internet celebrity can enter the door of our Wang family. If my son wants to marry, he must marry my wife Lin Ning as a good assistant."

In terms of wealth, there is a world of difference between us ordinary people and Wang Jianlin.

But whether you are rich or poor, whether you are Wang Jianlin or a worker, you have to make a living.

Rich and rich, poor and poor life, but no matter how you live, you must have someone to accompany you.

And the kind of person you choose to accompany you will directly determine the rest of your future.

Love is emotional, but it doesn’t mean that you can completely avoid material things.

The handling of the family’s material wealth tests the degree of affection between husband and wife.

First-class couples don’t care who manages the money; second-class couples manage the money together; third-class couples manage the money separately.

Now that you have formed a family, in your eyes, what kind of couple are you and your wife?

Responsible editor:

Geely Automobile Blows the Next "Million" Era Charge

  On November 6, the latest sales data released by Geely Automobile Holdings Co., Ltd. (referred to as "Geely Automobile") showed that Geely Automobile sold more than 140,000 vehicles in October; the cumulative sales from January to October reached 1.0155 million vehicles, and the sales volume exceeded one million vehicles for four consecutive years. At present, 77% of the annual sales target has been completed. As of the end of October this year, Geely Automobile’s global cumulative sales exceeded 10 million vehicles, becoming the first domestic independent brand car company to achieve 10 million passenger cars.

  The industry believes that this 10 million vehicle is of great significance to both Geely and the Chinese auto industry. Geely Automobile has grown from small to large, and now it has opened the advanced road from big to strong, and it is also leading China to become an auto power. Geely Automobile said that standing at the new starting point of tens of millions of sales, it will continue to bring a stronger generation of high-end, high-value and high-performance products to bring users a travel experience that exceeds expectations.

  Sales volume achieved double year-on-year growth for three consecutive months

  Since entering the automotive industry in 1997, through 23 years of development, Geely Automobile has formed a full range of products such as cars, SUVs, and MPVs.

  In October this year, Geely Automobile sold more than 140,000 vehicles in a single month, an increase of about 11% month-on-month and an increase of about 8% year-on-year, achieving double year-on-month growth for three consecutive months. Among them, car sales were 46,000, SUV sales were 90,400; Emgrand cars and Boyue models continued to have a strong momentum, with monthly sales exceeding 20,000.

  In terms of new energy vehicles, Geometry A, Geometry C, Emgrand EV, Emgrand GSe and other new energy and electrification products sold 5,826 vehicles in October. In terms of overseas exports, Geely Automobile’s export sales in October doubled year-on-year to 10,531 vehicles.

  In addition, with the hot sales of 03, 05, 06 and other models, Geely’s high-end brand Lynk & Co’s sales in October exceeded 20,000 units for the first time, an increase of 55.8% year-on-year, and the highest monthly sales record in history for four consecutive months; from January to October this year, Lynk & Co’s brand cumulative sales reached 127,800 units, an increase of 23.9% year-on-year.

  Open the era of fully architected car manufacturing

  2020 is a key year for Geely to advance to "brand and technology leadership", and it is also a comprehensive start year for the "Geely 4.0 era of technology".

  In June this year, Geely Automobile announced that it has entered the "Technology Geely 4.0 Era" from the previous "3.0 Boutique Car Era". At the end of July, Geely named the world-class modular architecture "CMA Super Matrix", marking the beginning of a new era of car manufacturing for Geely Automobile.

  At present, there are nearly 20 models of four brands such as Volvo, Lynk & Co, Geely and Polaris based on the CMA Super Matrix, and the cumulative sales volume exceeds 600,000.

  In September this year, Geely Automobile released the SEA vast intelligent evolution experience architecture. This pure electric original architecture, which took 4 years and invested more than 18 billion yuan to build, is an important achievement of Geely’s technological transformation from an automaker to a travel service provider, and marks Geely’s entry into the system advancement stage of smart electric vehicles.

  According to the official introduction, the vast architecture uses the hardware layer, system layer and ecological layer to build a three-dimensional layout of the trinity, with the world’s largest bandwidth, and realizes full-size coverage from A-class cars to E-class cars. Based on this architecture, Geely currently has more than 7 brands, with a total of more than 16 new models launched for research and development, and layout in different market segments.

  As the most efficient and widely distributed Chinese brand in modular vehicle manufacturing, Geely currently has four global basic module architectures: BMA, CMA, SPA and SEA, covering all mainstream market segments from pure electric, hybrid to fuel oil, and from compact to medium and large vehicles.

  Layout a multi-track new energy path

  In addition to deep cultivation of modular vehicles, Geely Automobile is also actively deploying in the field of new energy and conducting related technology research and development.

  At present, Geely Automobile has more than 100 core patented technologies in the new energy field, including 48V-BSG high-performance power, HEV oil-electric hybrid, PHEV plug-in hybrid, new energy vehicle core components – motor, electronic and electrical architecture, etc., to create the underlying architecture technology and achieve a truly 100% independent research and development of China’s new energy technology system and solutions.

  In terms of core electronic control software and hardware systems, Geely Automobile has the development capabilities of 48V, high-voltage hybrid, pure electric, body control, high-voltage motor control, and fuel cell system control and software, and has mastered core component technologies such as new energy VCU, IPU, and BMS, and has achieved mass production applications.

  In terms of hybrid technology, Geely has achieved compatibility with multiple technical routes on the same platform based on the 1.5TD + 7DCT golden power combination.

  Recently, with the release of the "New Energy Vehicle Industry Development Plan (2021-2035) " (referred to as the "Plan"), Geely Automobile has also ushered in a new opportunity for development. Its layout of hybrid, pure electric, hydrogen fuel cell and alternative fuel four technical paths coincides with the "plan" mentioned in the "pure electric vehicles, plug-in hybrid (including extended range) vehicles, fuel cell vehicles as the’three vertical ‘, layout of the entire vehicle technology innovation chain".

  According to industry insiders, Geely Automobile has long been a leader among its own brands in the process of accelerating the breakthrough of traditional automobile companies into the field of new energy. With the release of the "Planning", it will form a joint force in key technologies, product layout and development planning, and accelerate the goal of becoming an automobile travel technology enterprise.

  Beijing News reporter, Lin Zi

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