Interview with Zhang Zhen: "Dune" plays less but not water, I want to shoot "Embroidery Spring Knife 3"

1905 movie network feature After a long time, the Hollywood sci-fi giant has officially landed in mainland theaters. Among the foreign star actors, one "Oriental face" is particularly prominent, and he is the doctor Yue he plays.

1905 Film Network interviewed Zhang Zhen during the 78th Venice International Film Festival. Although he did not have many scenes, he was still dedicated as usual, arranging full announcements and accepting online interviews with mainland media. Although the characters are limited in length, they are heavy in weight, which is the key to the plot twist of the whole film. Zhang Zhen also believes that "every play has a meaning, there is no so-called water play".

"Dune" was Zhang Zhen’s first Hollywood movie, but Hollywood blockbuster movies didn’t give him a particularly novel experience. Instead, it was facing foreign actors that gave him a very different feeling. He and "Sweet Tea" Timothy Chilemaid spoke a sentence in Chinese in the film, which was the director’s idea. Even at the moment of shooting, he realized that "Sweet Tea" also returned his sentence in Chinese.

On the set, Zhang Zhenhe has the most communication with everyone. How to maintain the same performance level with everyone requires the director’s adjustment, as well as his own observation and balance.

The opportunity for Zhang Zhen to be electrocuted by "Dune" began in 2018. He and his colleagues served as judges for the main competition unit of the 71st Cannes International Film Festival. At that time, the director had not yet made "Dune". Zhang Zhen had long liked his work, especially during the short time they spent together at the festival, and the two became good friends.

Zhang Zhen said that they talked very well in private, exchanging emails after the festival and occasionally corresponding with each other. In an interview with 1905 Film Network, Villeneuve said that when he decided to make "Dune" and find actors for Dr. Yue, Zhang Zhen’s name immediately came to his mind.

Villeneuve noticed the actor when he first saw Zhang Zhen in Wong Kar Wai’s films in the 1990s. He has always followed him and liked his performances. Through the acquaintance and acquaintance of the Cannes Film Festival, Villeneuve found that "Zhang Zhen is not only a good actor worthy of respect, but also a lovely person."

Villeneuve wanted Dr. Yue to be a fragile and complex person, and he needed a strong actor to bring Dr. Yue’s complexity and layers to the screen in a short period of time. Zhang Zhen was the ideal choice. After receiving the invitation, Zhang Zhen did not have too many concerns. To be able to act in Villeneuve’s movie was a very enjoyable thing in his opinion.

"The original novel is so huge that I don’t have that much time to read it." Dr. Yue has a small proportion of the entire original novel series of "Dune" and does not have many scenes in the movie. Zhang Zhen said that he joined less than half a year before the start of filming, so the basic preparation work he did was to digest the entire world view of "Dune" first.

Dr. Yue is a trusted royal physician and a tragic figure with an ill-fated fate. In order to save his beloved wife who was imprisoned by the Hacknaum family, he had to betray the Hacknaum family and help the Hacknaum seize power. However, he also plotted for Duke Leto to try to poison Hacknaum before he died, and at the same time designed to help Lady Jessica and her son Paul escape, leaving a way for the entire family.

Zhang Zhen said that his performance was mainly to interpret Dr. Yue’s torn and struggling psychological state, hoping to present "a deeper, not a very floating, very symbolic character", "a person who is both sci-fi and humane, and solid."

Dr. Yue also has a certain kind of common trait that Zhang Zhen has played in recent years. Whether it is Shen Lian in the series, Jiu Chen in "Chen Xiyuan", or Prosecutor Liang, they are all particularly determined on the outside, but they are all tortured by love on the inside, and they are all caught in a sad dilemma.

Will this kind of "beautiful, strong and miserable" character be the next one? Zhang Zhen didn’t say much, what he thought was – "Then hurry up and shoot’Embroidery Spring Knife 3 ‘".

The following is the content of the conversation:

1905 Movie Network: In 2018, when you were a judge at the Cannes International Film Festival with Dune director Denis Villeneuve, did he invite you to appear in Dune?

Zhang Zhen: When I was a judge, I didn’t have this invitation, but we got along very well. During the two weeks of the judge’s life, we watched a lot of movies together, discussed movies together or talked about a lot of movie-related things. I was especially able to chat with him, and I became more like each other and became better friends.

His personality is particularly interesting, which is different from when he was interviewed. He is actually a very cheerful, warm, and enthusiastic person, which is a little different from the cold and well-behaved compositions seen in movies. Privately, he is the kind of person who is very good at reading.

1905 Movie Network: When did you receive the invitation for "Dune" and how are you feeling at the moment?

Zhang Zhen: He just sent me an email, and we all left each other emails at that time, and occasionally corresponded. Then I suddenly received this notice that he wanted to prepare for the movie "Dune" and needed me to play Dr. Yue. I didn’t think much about it, so I discussed it with the company. I like watching his movies very much, and it is very enjoyable to be in his movies, so I didn’t have too many doubts, so I went to participate in this movie.

1905 Movie Network: Have you read the original novel to understand the role of Dr. Yue, and have you gone through the process of auditioning?

Zhang Zhen: There is no audition for this movie. I haven’t seen the original novel of "Dune" before. I decided to do this project before looking for the original novel to read. Of course, this original novel is very huge, and I don’t have that much time to read it. I decided to join it less than half a year before the filming started. The time is actually a little rushed. The main thing is to digest the characters, backgrounds, and proper nouns in the whole world of "Dune", which requires some effort to prepare.

The character of Dr. Yue in "Dune" is a rather mysterious tragic character, and his psychological state is very torn, so I focus more on what this person’s psychological state is like. When the audience sees it, he is a deeper, not a very superficial, very symbolic character.

The whole story itself has already given this character a lot of points, I just hope to be a little closer to this character. Because he is science fiction, he is not a worldview that we can usually understand, but he is also very human, he is actually a character who cannot let go of emotions, so I want him to be a solid person in the movie.

1905 Movie Network: Dr. Yue doesn’t have many scenes, but he is a key role that affects the overall situation. In a limited space, is there any performance design to make this character richer and more three-dimensional?

Zhang Zhen: I didn’t do much design, I focused more on how to let the audience see this character, his inner torn and struggling state.

Although there are not so many scenes, I think every scene has its own meaning. Basically, there is no so-called "water play", or just a scene that explains the plot. The audience can see what his relationship is with everyone in this family, why he made such a decision, and why he made this decision because his feelings for these people are so strong and so solid.

Zhang Zhen played Dr. Yue in "Dune"

1905 Movie Network: This is your first time going to Hollywood to make a movie. What new experience did you have?

Zhang Zhen: In fact, they are all doing the same thing, and the shooting scenes are similar, but I think it feels different to play with actors from different places. Maybe in terms of language and living habits, everyone is different, so in such a state, how to keep everyone’s performance at a better level may be through some observation on the spot, or by relying on the director’s adjustments to the actors.

Basically, they were very happy working there. Although they were all filmed in the studio, whether they were in costumes, art, or props, for me, they all have a very deep and solid history or cultural origin as a background, and make some ideas on it. So basically if you go to watch this movie, you will find that this so-called science fiction world is far away from us, but it doesn’t seem to be that far away.

1905 Movie Network: On the set, besides the director, who else did you talk to more?

Zhang Zhen: I talk a lot with Rebecca Ferguson, and I talk a lot with Oscar Isaac after work, and they both talk a little more.

1905 Movie Network: There is a scene where you speak Chinese with sweet tea. Was it specially added?

Zhang Zhen: The director hopes to let the audience and friends see in the shortest possible time that the relationship between Paul and Dr. Yue is not just a relationship between doctors and patients. There is a deep friendship between them. So the director chose to express it in Chinese. This kind of quick sentence or two can let everyone know that their relationship is actually very good, and there is their secret existence between them.

1905 Movie Network: Is that sentence in Chinese what you think?

Zhang Zhen: No, it was the director’s idea.


1905 Movie Network: Did you teach Sweet Tea to speak Chinese?

Zhang Zhen: I didn’t teach him, and I didn’t hear him speak it before filming. I only heard it when I was filming. He is actually a very dedicated actor. When we play against him, everyone is very engaged and rarely plays, so I didn’t realize that he was speaking a language he didn’t know, and he really knew this language.

1905 Movie Network: From "Embroidery Spring Knife", "Chen Xiyuan", "Soul Hunting" to "Dune", many fans have said that you have been taking on roles such as "beautiful, strong and miserable". What do you think?

Zhang Zhen: Then hurry up and shoot "Embroidery Spring Knife 3", hahaha, if you can shoot 3, in fact, I have always wanted to shoot "Embroidery Spring Knife 3", but I haven’t shot it yet, so I hope "Embroidery Spring Knife 3" can be presented to everyone as soon as possible.

Guo Fucheng took his two-year-old daughter to eat hot pot and took the initiative to hold the child to prevent his mother-in-law from working hard

Since marrying mainland model Fang Yuan in 2017, Guo Fucheng has quickly had two precious daughters.

And he has also become a good man at home. After marriage, every day except work is family, and he no longer gathers with friends. The great change has surprised Yuan Yongyi and his wife, who have been friends for many years.

Guo Fucheng revealed the English names of his two daughters, the eldest daughter is Chantelle, and the second daughter is Charlotte. He also often takes his wife and daughter out, allowing passers-by and the media to film, without the air of a king.

Guo Fucheng said that he hopes to be able to accompany his children to grow up, so he will not be as low-key as his previous relationships, and will be a good father. At the same time, he hopes that everyone will give him some space to see their family on the road. Don’t be too surprised.

Indeed, the media often publish photos of Guo Fucheng with his family, and his image of transforming from a king of heaven to a father has been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

A few days ago, the media filmed Guo Fucheng and Fang Yuan taking their two daughters to the beach to play.

However, the younger daughter fell asleep, and the nanny carried her to sleep in the car.

The couple took their eldest daughter to see the sea, and Guo Fucheng kept staring at his daughter and laughing non-stop, completely like a "pet girl maniac".

On this day, Guo Fucheng went out again, driving a white Porsche and taking his wife, Fang Yuan, mother-in-law, and eldest daughter, Chantelle, out for dinner.

It was around 7 p.m. when Mr. Kwok drove out of his apartment and arrived at Lee Tung Street, Wan Chai.

After parking the car, Guo Fucheng immediately walked to the back, ready to hug his daughter.

Chengcheng was very vigilant, first looking around to see if there were any cameras, and then motioning Chantelle to get out of the car, but they still couldn’t escape the shooting of the media. The family was photographed. Fortunately, the media was very considerate and mosaic the child.

It turned out that Guo Fucheng planned to bring his family to eat his favorite spicy hot pot. The restaurant owner was obviously a good friend of Chengcheng. When he saw their family get off the bus, he went to the door to greet them and arranged a box for Chengcheng.

Guo Fucheng likes spicy food very much. It seems that he plans to train his eldest daughter, who is only two years old, to become a spicy food expert. He takes her to a spicy hot pot restaurant at a young age.

Guo Fucheng’s family ate for about an hour and a half. Before leaving, they found a reporter taking pictures. Chengcheng was not angry and smiled and asked the reporter not to publish the positive photos of his daughter.

The reporter asked him why he took his daughter to eat spicy hot pot, and Guo Fucheng responded that he just wanted to take his daughter out for a walk, no big problem.

Fan Bingbing show ring reveals "marriage", saying that he has learned to take care of others

    On the evening of September 20, a large-scale charity auction dinner co-sponsored by the China Foundation for Poverty Alleviation and the Beijing International Top Personal Goods Exhibition Organizing Committee, initiated by the fashion media series of "Boutique Shopping Guide", was held in Beijing for the first time. Many performing arts stars and business celebrities attended the feast of love. The picture shows the famous actor Fan Bingbing, who was invited to serve as the "love ambassador" of the boutique charity fund, making a sexy appearance. Posted by China News Agency, Li Xueshi, photo

    On September 8, the fifth "BAZAAR Celebrity Charity Night", a Chinese charity festival, opened at the China World Hotel. This is a grand dinner that brings together 100 Chinese A-list stars, famous entrepreneurs and celebrities, top international brands, and top fashion magazine influences. A total of 7.538888 million yuan was raised, which will be donated to the "Loving Orphans Project" project of the China Charity Federation. The picture shows actress Fan Bingbing appearing on the red carpet in a dark purple evening dress, which is quite noble and elegant. That night, she bought a mink leather winter jacket designed by John Galliano himself for the "BAZAAR Celebrity Charity Night" by Dior for 388,888 yuan. Photo by Li Xueshi, China News Agency

    When it comes to Fan Bingbing, people immediately think of the words "topic-obsessed". Yesterday, Fan Bingbing came to Quanzhou to meet fans, and a ring on her right ring finger also attracted everyone’s attention. In response, Fan Bingbing explained that wearing a ring is her habit. However, she admitted that she is looking forward to the arrival of marriage.

    Wearing a ring is a habit

    Dressed in a dress and smiling, Fan Bingbing’s appearance was not as "big-name" as the legend said. Gentle and natural, she also improvised a Hokkien song "Double Pillow" to close the distance with fans. Fan Bingbing also agreed to the request for a group photo. When someone noticed that she was wearing a ring on her right ring finger, she responded calmly, "In fact, if you know me, you know that I have the habit of wearing a ring. This time I wear it on my ring finger because the ring is too small."

    It has been reported in the past that Fan Bingbing has different criteria for choosing a mate in each period. Fan Bingbing does not deny this. She said that when she was young, she liked to be handsome, and when she was in her twenties, she wanted to find someone to rely on. Now she wants to find someone to trust, and she says she is very much looking forward to marriage. When asked if she is often accused of having a big temper because she likes to eat hot pot, Fan Bingbing said that her temper is actually very good, and it has nothing to do with liking hot pot. If she really gets angry, it will exceed her tolerance line.

    The award is everyone’s credit

    Fan Bingbing, who recently won Best Actress at the Kazakhstan Film Festival for his film "Apple" directed by director Li Yu, said in an interview that the award was the credit of the entire crew, and the honor belongs to everyone in the crew. "Thank you to the director for his help and the cooperation and support of all the staff!"

    In the past, Fan Bingbing only needed to be a good actor and singer, but now she has set up a "Fan Bingbing Studio" on her own. When asked how it is different from before, Fan Bingbing said that in the past, others arranged and took care of herself, but now she knows how to take care of others.

    Talking about his work situation, Fan Bingbing said that he is currently dizzy. The Republic of China drama "Rouge Snow" has just finished filming and is busy posting productin. The next "Wu Zetian" has entered the preparatory stage, and there are movies, photos, records, etc. As for the much-anticipated new song release, Fan Bingbing said that the second album is still being prepared. "I have always wanted to be innovative, so this album has also spent a lot of time, and the style must be a lot different from before."

Editor in charge: Liu Li

Di Lizheba’s reputation has reversed, and the ancient evil girl play has turned red for the second time. Choosing the right style is like hanging up

In these years of being a female top-class, Di Lizheba impressed the audience the most is nothing more than the red carpet modeling, the level of acting is erratic, and often complained. Recently, some netizens have found Di Lizheba’s ancient works, such as "Ladder of Love" and "Carat Lovers". In plays such as Reba, she plays a beautiful woman with full aura, who dares to say and dare to argue, has her own opinions and personality.

A typical villain character is Song Zihan in "Ladder of Love", a wealthy daughter with ambition and means, who knows exactly what she wants in both career and love.

She was able to challenge the chairman’s father face-to-face and propose that she should be promoted. She dismisses her mother’s preference for boys over girls, and her thinking is backward. She dismisses the suitors’ sweet words and speaks bluntly too old-fashioned. What do you say, the main one is domineering and willful.

From the current perspective, Song Zihan is an uncompromising evil woman, sober and transparent, and only follows her own feelings.

Gao Wen, played by Di Lizheba in "Carat Lovers", is a superstar with a cold and beautiful appearance, a free-spirited personality, and a particularly stylish behavior. The spirit of the ghost horse elf on Gao Wen is deeply loved by the audience, and Di Lizheba also quickly became popular because of this role.

The reason why these ancient characters can become popular again is that there are not many actors who can control evil female characters in the entertainment industry. This kind of person is usually a bright and beautiful woman, standing there looks full of aura, and looks very difficult to mess with.

Di Lizheba belongs to the type of strong face, with deep and delicate three-dimensional features, and the body ratio is just right, which can fully support the role. For example, in "Ladder of Love", Di Lizheba has many gorgeous shapes, and there are several pairs of exaggerated earrings alone. If it is a pure actress, it is not suitable for such a look. Gorgeous is more like redundancy, and Di Lizheba’s own temperament just fits this kind of match.

If you want to play a beautiful woman who is delicate and domineering, not only the appearance must be in place, but also the acting skills must not be broken. Otherwise, it will be transformed into four dissimilarities, and the twisting will affect the perception. In the interpretation of roles such as daughter and big star, Di Lizheba can be said to be handy. When encountering a role that is close to her face, she can perform more than usual.

As the same female top class, Di Lizheba is often compared with Yang Zi by fans. Fans from both sides compare their appearance, acting skills, and resources, and from time to time there will be an all-round contest. On the acting track, Reba fans always come back in defeat, and the works that can be called famous are still limited. Most of the characters who come out of the circle come from a long time ago.

In terms of acting alone, Yang Zi’s works are indeed better in terms of word-of-mouth and audience ratings. However, this does not mean that Di Lizheba has no advantages at all. Only by encountering the right script and the right makeup can she maximize her advantages.

For example, Reba’s role as Feng Jiu in "Three Lives, Three Worlds and Ten Miles of Peach Blossom" is depicted as a nine-tailed fox, which is lively and cute, smart and playful. In the play, Di Li Reba’s many shapes have been well received, such as the poster where she is dressed in a bright pink dress with long sleeves and a smile like a beauty walking out of a painting.

Feng Jiu was relatively more suitable for Reba, whether it was in style or character. However, when Reba also failed in the field of costume dramas, she encountered a large number of complaints about her white hair styling in "The Legend of Peace". This was a wedding worship play. Di Li Reba was wearing a white wig and a huge beaded crown, which itself seemed a little inconsistent, and the makeup was also not much better. The two bright thick eyebrows were matched with flaming red lips, which was indescribably strange.

Another abrupt shape is still related to white hair, a thick white wig, the iconic two thick eyebrows and the same red lips for ten thousand years, if not for the strong support of Reba’s appearance, I am afraid this will set off a storm of complaining.

It can be seen that appearance is not a panacea for actors. High-quality scripts, conscientious teams, and aesthetic online makeup are all key factors that will affect the final appearance.

Just like celebrities had to constantly try new looks in order to find the style that suited them best, there was no such thing as acting once and for all. Even if it was the exact same theme, not much difference in personality, and the deviation in details would make a world of difference.

Ancient dolls are not only the field of love of 85 flowers, but many little flowers will also go forward and try to get a share of the pie. Compared with other themes, ancient dolls are easier to attract fans, and the frequency of hot searches will be greatly increased. However, there are thousands of people and thousands of faces, and everyone is suitable for different types of roles. It is more in line with their own temperament to play a dignified and gentle lady like Di Lizheba. However, a strong-faced role like Di Lizheba will not be too brilliant. She needs a character with personality and charm who can withstand the scene to play to her advantage.

The beauty card is very likely to be a dead end, and the honing of her acting skills is also crucial. Whether the female top position is short-lived depends on whether she has enough strength to support it to go further and further. Perhaps Di Lizheba and her team should think carefully about the future development path before making the most reasonable choice.

Chen He issued a document announcing the arrival of a second child: Sister An’s favorite is her sister now

1905 movie network news On March 17, actor Chen He announced the birth of his second daughter with Zhang Zixuan in a post on his personal social media platform, saying that the eldest daughter "Sister An" now likes her sister the most. With pictures of the baby’s little feet and the eldest daughter An An jumping high, the joy is beyond words.

As early as September 19, Zhang Zixuan was photographed with suspected pregnancy, and the T-shirt worn by Chen He when recording the video was suspected to have revealed that his wife had given birth to a second daughter. It is reported that Chen He’s eldest daughter "An An" was born on October 23, 2016.

90 small fresh meat vs80 old bacon baby abandoned running men’s group to help flower beautiful men

Video:Preview: Uncle will fight Hua Meinan, run, brother, the fourth issue 150508

90 small fresh meat vs80 old bacon baby abandoned running men's group to help flower beautiful men

In the last program, the running man used mahjong as the theme of the program to test the tacit understanding of the seven stupid bears, and the newly joined desperate duo also fought hard to participate in the game in the program. Even the experienced baby can’t handle Song Jia. As a newcomer, Song Jia, the so-called latecomers are on top, killing everyone in seconds.

Click to enter the blueberry video to watch the latest issue of "Run Brothers 2": Mahjong Special > >

We are still returning to this program. There are three major highlights in this program: the small fresh meat group bombing the bacon group, Fan Ye’s gossip boyfriend battle, and the unfair treatment of fans by the running man program team.

Small fresh meat group bombing running boy baby abandons brother group for the first time

The fans’ eagerly awaited Little Fresh Meat was finally coming.

The strong brothers did not show any mercy in the face of the young fresh meat this time, and the fresh meat group also showed the momentum of pushing the waves in the Yangtze River, so that the running men group had the experience of tearing up famous brands overnight for the first time. After a few rounds of fighting between Xiao Fresh Meat and the brothers group, the running men began to feel physically exhausted. It seems that the strength of the fresh meat is really not to be underestimated…

In the program, the interest of the team members was obviously to take turns wearing trench coats to be handsome and pose in various forms to steal the spotlight. For the matter of stealing the spotlight, the running men were obviously more experienced than the guests, and all kinds of demons and ghosts appeared in an endless stream. While driving in the trench coat, Wang Zulan let out a "clucking" chicken cry in his mouth, accompanied by his dance steps, and Deng Chao shouted: "You are the Hobbit flying elephant!"

After the start of the match, the running men were busy tearing each other down. Zheng Kai was ready to play, and everyone joked that he should use his butt to face the candle and use the strong airflow to put out the fire; Wang Zulan’s foot stepped on the mat and was convicted of violating the rules, and his teammates rushed up to defend him, "Referee, you have to understand that a person with short legs also has a dream of taking off…"

Wonderful always appears when you don’t expect it. For more wonders, please look forward to this Friday at 9:10 Zhejiang Satellite TV "Run, Brothers"

Too fast! These three banks have announced! About Huawei Hongmeng System

  With the release of a number of new products equipped with HarmonyOS 2, consumers will experience the full-scene intelligent life of the Internet of Everything on a variety of smart end points. How will commercial banks in the digital transformation period connect and adapt to this new system to build a new scene ecosystem?

  At present, Bank of China, China CITIC Bank (credit card), and Guangfa Bank (credit card) have announced their access to HarmonyOS (Hongmeng) for the first time to support the localization of the operating system. Bank of China and China CITIC Bank said they will cooperate with Huawei to launch atomized services and lay out a new ecosystem for open banking scenarios.

  Bank of China: Launched "Bank of China Foreign Currency Cash Reservation" atomization service

  Bank of China announced that, as a strategic partner of Huawei, combined with the functional characteristics of Hongmeng, it took the lead in launching the "Bank of China foreign currency cash reservation" atomization service, laid out a new ecosystem of open banking scenes, and actively explored lightweight services.

  The "BOC Foreign Currency Cash Reservation" service is based on the upgrade of Hongmeng’s "Atomization Service" experience, with the feature of installation-free applications, which realizes the simplification of applications.

  What is an atomized service? Generally speaking, under the Hongmeng "atomized" system architecture, users can access the services they want in the fastest way, that is, search and use, and no longer need to download apps in advance.

  Bank of China’s "Bank of China Foreign Currency Cash Reservation" atomization service is used by searching through Hongmeng’s service center, you can quickly enter the "Bank of China Foreign Currency Cash Reservation" program to make an appointment, and more conveniently obtain more than 20 kinds of foreign currency cash reservation services, eliminating the need for application download and installation, user registration and other steps, simplifying the business process.

  Bank of China said that in the future, it will continue to explore the new technologies and service methods brought by Hongmeng together with Huawei, and try to launch financial scene services based on features such as "voice evocation" and "multi-terminal collaboration".

  China CITIC Bank: Launches Debit Card Atomization Service

  China CITIC Bank said that it has jointly launched the "China CITIC Bank" atomic service, and customers can enjoy the China CITIC Bank debit card application and progress inquiry services through the "China CITIC Bank" service card without downloading the app.

  The bank said that at present, users can apply for a variety of China CITIC Bank popular debit cards, and the emergence of Hongmeng will bring new opportunities, namely new end points, new interactions, and new scenarios. China CITIC Bank will effectively use Hongmeng’s distributed capabilities to achieve multi-end point collaboration through the super end point concept, providing continuous and consistent operation; based on Hongmeng atomization services, China CITIC Bank will respond to various scenarios, allowing users to achieve a more convenient operation experience.

  Guangfa Bank: Launches Credit Card Application Adapted to Hongmeng System

  The official WeChat account of Guangfa Bank said that Guangfa has officially become the first member of Huawei’s Hongmeng operating system ecosystem. As the first credit card application in the banking industry to adapt to Hongmeng, the "Discover Wonderful" App fully supports the localization of the operating system.

  GF Credit Card said that whether it is in the underlying technology or products, GF Credit Card has worked closely with Huawei, and GF is also one of the first banks to support Huawei Pay.

  Reporters found that in addition, many Financial Institution Groups have been carrying out testing work. According to incomplete statistics, there are currently a number of listed companies disclosed that they are ecological partners of Hongmeng.

  The launch of Hongmeng has brought new thinking to commercial banks – how to better carry innovative content with open and secure services and build a distributed service system for all scenarios of finance is a topic facing the digital transformation of banks.

The Tang family’s high-value series is on the market, and the price is 249,800 yuan ~ 309,800 yuan.

  Not long ago, BYD ushered in the production line of the 5 millionth new energy vehicle, becoming the first China brand to reach this milestone. Practicing the mainstream value, BYD always insists on responding to the escalating needs of users with technological innovation and optimizing the product experience. Guided by brand potential, Tangjia, the flagship SUV of the Dynasty, has been working hard in the market for 8 years, and has achieved a cumulative sales volume of over 540,000 at an average selling price of 250,000 yuan, breaking the monopoly of joint ventures, rewriting the mainstream mid-to-high-end SUV market structure, and demonstrating the brand confidence of China.

  At Chengdu Auto Show, the 200KM Tangjia all-engine high-value series consisting of Tang EV Champion Edition, Tang DM-p Champion Edition/God of War Edition and Tang DM-i Champion Edition opened for pre-sale, and the market response was enthusiastic and users received rave reviews. On August 31st, the new car was officially launched, with a price of 249,800-309,800 yuan. At the same time, it was prepared for users, including "two worry-free car purchase policies, one worry-free car guarantee, five exclusive VIP services and five online services of Zhilian".


  Cultural inheritance, opening a new chapter of national tide

  In terms of design, the Tang family’s high-value series still follows the representative aesthetics of the dynasty. In the balance of modeling, technology and functionality, it opens a new chapter of blending tradition and modernity with uncompromising aesthetic and practical experience. Among them, in appearance, it is newly added with new silver glaze white and glacier blue car color. The silver glaze white is inspired by the official kiln of the Tang Dynasty-Xingyao white porcelain, which is like snow and silver, and expresses the temperament of China. Tang EV Champion Edition, Tang DM-p Champion Edition/God of War Edition add a brand-new Chinese knot taillight shape, which interprets the aesthetic experience unique to China culture with the change of light and shadow. At the same time, it adds a new 20-inch and 21-inch wheel hub, and the overall vision is natural.

  In the interior, the Tang family’s brand-new lotus rhyme gray interior color matching is inspired by the most popular China color in the prosperous Tang Dynasty, showing the charm of China. And a larger area of soft leather package, with INS craft ornaments, makes the cockpit show more high-grade visual and tactile texture. At the same time, the Tang family has always been good at meeting the space layout and versatility required for multi-member travel. The new car still brings six or seven seats of optional luxury and ever-changing space, bringing users a car experience far beyond the same level.

  It is worth mentioning that, in order to meet the personalized needs of users, the Tangjia people have created a deep creation with users and launched the Tang DM-p Ares Edition. Inspired by the armor, the new car is injected with silver sand and black color matching, matched with high-performance golden yellow 6 piston fixed pliers (front), and adopts a series of blackened appearance kits including black painted multi-spoke wheels and matte black logo. At the same time, the interior of the new car is covered with black high-grade suede seats, door panels, central control armrest boxes, car ceilings, etc., and a leather steering wheel is adopted. The interior movement of the whole vehicle is upgraded, which complements the individual appearance and the color matching of silver sand and black appearance, releasing the deep fighting atmosphere from the inside out and showing the Chinese character.

  Three "engines" drive side by side, and the star technology is complete.

  Technically, the Tang family is fully committed to the three "engines" of the high-value series, and it is a strong alliance. The Tang EV Champion Edition, the Tang DM-p Champion Edition/the God of War Edition and the Tang DM-i Champion Edition are 200KM, focusing on the needs of different scenes at the top level. Among them, the two-wheel drive version of Tang EV Champion Edition has a 730km cross-era endurance experience, while the four-wheel drive version has the performance strength of zero-acceleration 4.4s and super intelligent electric four-wheel drive, and the whole system can realize the maximum 170kW safe boost DC fast charge, and the longest battery life is 173km after charging for 10 minutes, which can fully meet the needs of families pursuing high-quality travel.

  Tang DM-p Champion Edition/God of War Edition is equipped with DM-p King Hybrid, which can achieve 4.3s to break through 100, which is called a mixed power ceiling. It is "not only fast, but also economical", with a comprehensive cruising range of more than 1000 kilometers, achieving the balance between ultimate performance and efficiency. At the same time, it comes standard with super intelligent electric four-wheel drive, which has achieved all-round transcendence over the traditional mechanical four-wheel drive in terms of power, safety, difficulty relief and energy consumption. In addition, the Tang DM-p Ares Edition is equipped with a differential lock for extricating artifacts, which can be used for more outdoor off-road scenes. With the product characteristics of "full scene and zero anxiety", the new car can greatly improve the travel quality of family users who are constantly exploring and love life.

  Tang DM-i Champion Edition is equipped with DM-i super hybrid technology, adding a long-life version with a pure battery life of 200km. Under comprehensive working conditions, the fuel consumption per 100 km is only 5.5L, and the comprehensive battery life reaches 1,100 km, which can meet the travel needs of elite users in big cities with longer commuting radius.

  In addition, the Tangjiazu high-value series comes standard with FSD variable damping suspension system, which can flexibly adapt to complex and diverse road conditions and bring better driving experience. Among them, the high-equipped models are advanced with Yunqi -C intelligent damping body control system and CCT comfort control technology. Among them, Yunnian -C system can realize stepless adaptive adjustment of damping by controlling the electromagnetic valve of shock absorber, which improves the quality of driving comfort, takes into account the handling of vehicles and meets the needs of users for different scenes. CCT technology can effectively reduce the pitching degree of vehicles during acceleration and deceleration, avoid carsickness and improve comfort.

  Flagship standard, the entry is high.

  In terms of configuration, the Tangjia family is fully equipped with high-value series from the beginning, with 12 flagship core high-end configurations. Among them, the DiLink(5G) intelligent network connection system has been upgraded with the "core", creating an infinitely enjoyable intelligent cockpit that is "smarter, more efficient and more humane". Specifically, it has situational modes such as nap/baby mode; The intelligent voice interaction of the whole vehicle supports the continuous dialogue of the whole scene, the visible speaking, the interruption at any time, the awakening of the four-tone zone and the AI voice comparable to the real person. ONE ID account system can realize three functions: account identification, personalized settings and ecological linkage, and can automatically load the personalized settings corresponding to the user account. At the same time, it comes standard with DiPilot intelligent driving assistance system, which can realize L2+ intelligent driving assistance function. Plus a full-scene digital key composed of NFC digital keys and UWB digital keys compatible with Apple and Android devices. This time, the Tang family’s new car was launched in three arrows, which really shaped the smart benchmark at the same level.

  In the comfortable configuration, the Tangjiazu all-engine high-value series comes standard with 12-speaker HiFi-class customized Dana audio, ventilation/heating/electric adjustment of the main and co-pilot seats, 31-color atmosphere lights, bacteriostatic modules and steering wheel heating. The big six-seat version has more high-end comfort configurations such as ventilation, heating and 10-point massage in the middle row. Convenient configuration, it comes standard with electric tailgate, 220V AC socket in the car, 50W mobile phone wireless fast charging and 6kW mobile power station. From comfort to convenience, the new car achieves a comprehensive and balanced lead, which can fully meet the different needs of family travel and allow users to unlock a variety of car life.


  The Tang family is oriented to mainstream families and endorsed by more than 500,000 users, bringing a full-scene vehicle combination of urban travel, short-distance travel and long-distance self-driving, which accurately meets the needs of different users. At present, China brand, relying on the new energy technology that accelerates iteration, is constantly attacking the market highland. Standing at the forefront of the general trend, the Tangjia family holds high-value series, relying on the comprehensive car experience from design to space, from performance to efficiency, from price to value, which has set a value benchmark for 200,000-300,000-class mid-to high-end household SUVs!