Big news! Evergrande will resume trading tomorrow!

Hengda listed companies that have attracted much attention have the latest developments.

On the evening of October 2, China Evergrande and Evergrande Properties, which were temporarily suspended for two trading days, announced that they would resume trading at 9 am on October 3.

China Evergrande said it had released news on the evening of September 28 that Xu Jiayin, chairperson of the company’s board of directors, had been taken coercive measures on suspicion of illegal crimes. The company’s board believes that there is no other inside information to be released at present, after the company briefly suspended trading on the morning of September 28.Now I am applying to the Hong Kong Stock Exchange to resume trading in the company’s shares at 9 am on October 3.


China Evergrande and Hengda Properties will resume trading

The impact of coercive measures on the stock price of a company’s board chairperson will be known tomorrow.

On the evening of October 2, China Evergrande announced in the Hong Kong Stock Exchange that the company issued an inside information announcement on September 28, 2023. The company received a notice from the relevant departments that Xu Jiayin, the executive director and chairperson of the board of directors of the company, has been subject to compulsory measures according to law due to suspected illegal crimes. The board of directors believes that there is no other inside information of the company that needs to be announced at present. The shares of the company will be suspended from trading on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange from 9:00 am on September 28, 2023. The company has applied to the Hong Kong Stock Exchange to resume trading in the company’s shares from 9:00 am on October 3, 2023.

Similar to China Evergrande, Evergrande Property announced in the Hong Kong Stock Exchange on the evening of October 2 that the board of directors believes that the company’s operating conditions are normal and there is no other inside information that needs to be announced. Trading in the company’s shares will be suspended on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange from 9:00 am on September 28. Evergrande Property has applied to the Hong Kong Stock Exchange to resume trading in the company’s shares from 9:00 am on October 3.

It is worth noting that Evergrande, which is in the process of leading the war to increase its capital, has not issued a similar resumption announcement.


It was briefly suspended due to the arrest of Xu Jiayin

Looking back, because Hengda founder Xu Jiayin was forced to take measures, Hengda’s three companies resumed trading after more than ten months of suspension, and were briefly suspended. On the morning of September 28, the Hong Kong Stock Exchange announced that China Hengda, Hengda Property and Hengda Automobile had disclosed announcements and temporarily stopped trading at 9 am that day.

According to public information, "short-term suspension" refers to the interruption of the issuer’s securities trading for no more than two trading days as required or instructed, and the short-term suspension of trading for more than two trading days automatically becomes a suspension.

It is worth mentioning that it did not take long for the three "Evergrande" companies to resume trading. On July 28, Evergrande Automobile became the first "Evergrande" listed company to resume trading; on August 3, Evergrande Property resumed trading; on August 28, China Evergrande, which has been suspended for 17 months since March 21, 2022, resumed trading "on the spot" to remove the risk of being delisted and delisted.

Therefore, in terms of time, if the Hong Kong Stock Exchange opens on October 3, China Evergrande’s failure to resume trading will become a long-term suspension.

On September 27, the Hong Kong stock "Evergrande" stock price plunged across the board. As of the close of the day, China Evergrande fell 18.99% to HK $0.32/share, with a total market value of 4.225 billion Hong Kong dollars. Evergrande Automobile fell 20% to HK $0.56/share, with a total market value of 6.073 billion Hong Kong dollars. Evergrande Property fell 14.49% to HK $0.59/share, with a total market value of HK $6.378 billion.


On the evening of September 28, the reasons for the temporary suspension of three Hengda companies were revealed: China Hengda received a notice from the relevant departments that Xu Jiayin, the executive director and chairperson of the board of directors of the company, had been taken compulsory measures according to law for suspected illegal crimes.

Before this, China Hengda also had a bad news, its update overseas workout news said that in view of the subsidiary Hengda Real Estate is being investigated, China Hengda is currently unable to meet the issuance qualification of new notes.

On October 3, China Evergrande and Hengda Property resumed trading, which may be one of the focuses of the market.

At the World Internet Conference, what did Ma Yun, Ma Yun and other "big coffee" people talk about?

  The 4th World Internet Conference brought the world’s Internet "big coffee" people together again in Wuzhen, a beautiful water town. Digital economy, artificial intelligence, sharing economy, technological change… What do the "big coffee" people think about these hot topics of the Internet?

  Alibaba Chairperson Ma Yun: In the face of new technologies, it is better to be responsible than to worry

  Photography/Xinhua News Agency reporter Meng Dingbo

  "In cyberspace and the digital economy, it is better to be responsible than to worry. In recent years, almost the whole world has been filled with worries about the new technology era and technology, worried that machines will take away job opportunities, worried that machines will control human beings, worried that human beings will be destroyed in their greatest inventions. In fact, new technologies do not make people unemployed, but allow people to do more valuable things, let people not repeat themselves, but to innovate, and let people’s work further evolve. I believe that machines will make people’s work more dignified, more valuable and more creative."

  Apple CEO Cook: Injecting humanity into technology

  Photography/Xinhua News Agency reporter Zheng Huansong

  "A lot of people talk about the downside of artificial intelligence, but I’m not worried about robots thinking like people, I’m worried about people thinking like machines. So we have to humanize technology, we have to infuse our values into technology, and that’s our commitment to our families, to our communities, to each other. We need to make the most of this historic opportunity, we need to give technology the value it deserves, we need to be open, we need to be confident, we need to be creative, we need to protect all people, and we look forward to working with our friends in China and partners around the world to make sure that these efforts and achievements we make can be created around the world."

  Pony Ma, Chairperson of the Board of Directors of Tencent Holdings: To be a driver of new technologies

  Photography/Xinhua News Agency reporter Weng Xinyang

  "New technologies represented by artificial intelligence, cloud computing, and big data have begun to drive deep changes in all walks of life. In the face of a new round of technological and industrial revolution, Chinese companies used to mainly play the role of followers of new technologies, but today we hope to become drivers and contributors of new technologies, and develop together with global partners. Today, every person, every enterprise or organization is closely connected through digital technology and is part of the" community with a shared future in cyberspace ". At present, various new challenges emerging in this" community with a shared future "require the government, industry partners, and all sectors of society to explore, build and govern together."

  Zhihu founder and CEO Zhou Yuan: May knowledge illuminate everyone

  Photography/Xinhua News Agency reporter Huang Zongzhi

  "The development of the Internet has made knowledge sharing extremely convenient, and it has also made knowledge sharing accessible to all people. Knowledge sharing that goes beyond the traditional elite concept will be the best solution to promote sustainable social development. Knowledge platforms like Zhihu have the potential to become a new generation of knowledge infrastructure, where everyone can share their views in their professional fields, and everyone can access a variety of knowledge. Knowledge is no longer distant, and it is no longer only in the hands of a few people. This is no longer just a matter of commercial value. It also has great social value. May knowledge illuminate everyone and discover the bigger world together." CEO Liu Liu: drones solve the last mile problem of rural logistics

  Photography/Xinhua News Agency reporter Huang Zongzhi

  "Logistics leads to poorer, more remote and backward areas, and the value of industrial products that consumers have to pay is much higher than that in wealthy areas such as Beijing and Shanghai. At the same time, because of high logistics costs, a large number of high-quality agricultural products cannot leave the village. After they come out to Beijing and Shanghai, the price is so high that consumers cannot spend it. We have spent 10 years to build a huge logistics network covering the whole country. We are also investing a lot of money in developing the latest logistics technology, the most important of which is drones, which is to solve the problem of the last mile of rural logistics."

  Lenovo Group Chairperson and CEO Yang Yuanqing: The digital economy represents the future

  Photography/Xinhua News Agency reporter Weng Xinyang

  "I don’t think the digital economy can be overdone, because it represents the future. It is because of digitalization and the development of the network that we can generate a large amount of data, and the data empowered by the network will bring intelligence to all walks of life. With data collected from intelligent end points, with the computing power of new infrastructure, with continuous learning and improvement algorithms, we can perceive and understand our world more accurately, make more intelligent judgments and decisions, so that our lives are more convenient and colorful, our work is more accurate and efficient, and our society is more harmonious and orderly."

  Cheetah Mobile CEO Fu Sheng: AI (artificial intelligence) helps you live easier

  Photography/Xinhua News Agency reporter Weng Xinyang

  "The connection of AI, or super AI, is everywhere. If you think of cars as our connection to tools, to travel, AI is actually a connection of brain power and information. Today AI can do what God once imagined, doing differently to everyone. A supercomputing entity grows naturally on a global scale. Everyone’s brain power, your own preferences, your own characteristics, your own habits, all your data can be used by a super brain to help you live better and easier."

Andy Lau laughed and fell to the ground to show his boxing skills, which was recognized by Jackie Chan as "big brother"

Andy Lau laughed and fell to the ground to show his seven-star fist, claiming to be very young and not afraid of death

  As the most famous "model worker" in the entertainment industry, Andy Lau has never been afraid of death when filming. When filming "New Shaolin Temple", the Weiya on his body suddenly broke when he was more than a meter above the ground, and Andy Lau fell on his back, but the first sentence he said was "I’m still young", "Because I’m an idol, I still have to be handsome." After saying that, Andy Lau put on a cool expression.

  At the premiere ceremony, six young monks from Shaolin Temple also came to cheer. They also took Andy Lau to practice Seven Star Boxing together. For the first time, the young monks played vigorously, but Andy Lau couldn’t keep up. Before the second start, a young monk specially said to him, "You are still young". After listening to it, Andy Lau fell to the ground and stood up and laughed a lot. This time the boxing was indeed disciplined, but in the end it still ended with a funny sentence of "I am still young".

  At the scene, Wu Jing also apologized to Liu Dehua, saying that he accidentally let Liu Dehua’s mouth touch his head during filming, but Liu Dehua even said it was okay, he was still young. Although he is 50 years old, Liu Dehua is still diligent and always has no scruples when filming. At the scene, he sang "Enlightenment", the theme song of "New Shaolin Temple" written by himself, which won applause.

Always as "one", "Dan" line, public welfare – Tencent’s main founder Chen Yidan guest CCTV financial channel "dialogue"

At the age of 27, he gave up his stable public office and joined forces with Pony Ma to start a business, single-handedly building Tencent into Internet Tech Giants with a market value of more than 3 trillion. At the age of 43, he chose to retire bravely and devote himself to public welfare. He has personally donated nearly 10 billion Hong Kong dollars to public welfare causes, and is known as "the first person in China’s Internet public welfare". On January 19, he walked into CCTV’s "Dialogue" program, which was the first comprehensive review of the Internet public welfare road he has walked for more than 20 years, and also gave people a deeper understanding of the Internet spirit in the new era. He is Chen Yidan, the main founder of Tencent, the founder and honorary chairperson of Tencent Charity Foundation.

(CCTV financial channel "Dialogue" column recording scene) 

The Internet spirit is open and inclusive, and it is a kind of equality, creating opportunities for everyone to grow. When China entered the Internet age, Chen Yidan won the first half of his life, and he looks forward to leaving more excitement in the second half of his life. "Everyone can do their part to make public welfare an activity for the whole people." Chen Yidan, with the Internet entrepreneurship spirit, hopes to apply Internet thinking to the development of public welfare undertakings, link more love together, and create a super node that gathers public welfare forces, so that more people can participate in building a well-off society in an all-round way and share a better life in the new era.

(CCTV financial channel "Dialogue" column recording scene)

"Internet + Public Welfare" allows the Internet not only to close the distance between people, but also to close the distance between hearts. How to make public welfare undertakings follow the iterative upgrading of Internet technology and models, and also become more efficient, accurate, fair and fashionable is a major proposition for China’s Internet industry to enter a new era.

Along with Chen Yidan, Wang Zhenyao, the dean of the China Philanthropy Research Institute of Beijing Normal University, Pan Jiangxue, the founder and chairperson of the Shanghai True Love Dream Philanthropy Foundation, Li Lili, the village product director of Tencent, Zheng Xiaoqin, the village administrator of Tencent, and Miao Shiming, the founder of the WABC Foundation, walked into the studio with thoughts.

From Chen Yidan and Tencent’s road to public welfare, they not only perceive the speed of the Internet, but also touch the temperature of the Internet, and understand the social value and significance of the Chinese Internet from a more diverse perspective.


(Liu Yi, the "Little Artist" of Tencent’s "Children’s Gallery" project in "99 Charity Day", and his mother also came to the studio. The "Children’s Gallery" project displayed 36 paintings of autistic children through the H5 page. Less than a day after its launch, it attracted 6 million people to participate, and the fundraising reached 11 million)

The story of youth, join Tencent

When Chen Yidan founded Tencent in 1998 with Pony Ma, Zhang Zhidong, Xu Chenye and Zeng Liqing, he, like many others, was dazed and worried about the future of the Internet. Chen Yidan was born in Huizhou, Guangdong in 1971 and grew up in Shenzhen, Guangdong, where he and Pony Ma were classmates. Before joining Tencent, Chen Yidan had been working at the Shenzhen Entry-Exit Inspection and Quarantine Bureau. "The concern at that time was, what would happen to the family’s financial resources if it failed." Chen Yidan went home to discuss with his wife, who replied: "It’s okay. I still have a job."

It is the sincere love that makes Chen Yidan determined to choose the road of entrepreneurship. This has also become the road sign he has always adhered to in the Internet age.


(Chen Yidan, Xu Chenye, Pony Ma, Zhang Zhidong, Zeng Liqing)


Among the five founders at the beginning of Tencent’s birth, Chen Yidan married the earliest and was called "Daddy". Every Chinese New Year, he would take a stack of red envelopes to distribute. Perhaps, this warm man’s Internet road is destined to be different.


"Old Boy" Chen Yidan, once again pays tribute to youth with singing

Chen Yidan, who studied chemistry, is actually not good at singing. In 2000, at the Christmas party that year, the five founders of Tencent left this precious photo. "Singing some New Year and Christmas songs, I still remember some colleagues throwing glow sticks to hit us because they sang so badly." On the "Dialogue" show, when Chen Yidan saw the photo and recalled the past, he laughed. The memory of youth will never fade, and Chen Yidan, who is already an "old boy", still has the heart of youth. In the show, he once again sang the song that the 20-year gathering of university alumni sang to pay tribute to the eternal youth.


(Dialogue program recording live)

Fill in the words:

That’s the person who stays with me day and night

How can I express it?

Would you like to go to Sparrow Ridge?

Maybe you should never say hurtful things to him

I’m destined to be stupid

How can you not fall?

Graduation is always out of reach

Should I give up?

Test tube, beaker, test paper again

Spring, where are you…

Tencent Charity under the Internet

On June 16, 2004, Tencent Holdings Limited was listed on the main board of Hong Kong. Chen Yidan served as the Chief Administrative Officer (CAO) of Tencent, and began to be fully responsible for the administrative, legal, intellectual property, government relations, policy development, management mechanism, human resources and charitable funds of Tencent.

Under Chen Yidan’s advocacy, the dream of exploring the road of "Internet + public welfare" began to germinate at Tencent. In 2006, Tencent invested more than 20 million yuan to launch the "Tencent Charity Foundation". As the first national non-public foundation registered by an Internet company with the Ministry of Civil Affairs in China, it is committed to using technology to connect trust and make every small good deed more powerful.

The online donation platform launched by Tencent Charity Foundation integrates the wisdom and spirit of the Internet to transform public welfare success into a new social way, allowing the public to participate in public welfare in the easiest way.

Tencent Charity Foundation initiated and hosted Tencent "Yixingjia", calling on the public to participate in offline walking through online public welfare donations. Translate users’ exercise data into public welfare steps, allowing the public to directly participate in public welfare projects.

In 2013, Chen Yidan officially announced that he would step down as Tencent’s Chief Administrative Officer (CAO) and serve as Tencent’s lifetime honorary advisor, focusing on entering the cultural, public welfare and education industries.

On September 9, 2015, Tencent Charity jointly launched the "99 Public Welfare Day" with hundreds of public welfare organizations, well-known enterprises, celebrities, and top creative communication agencies. The data of the "99 Public Welfare Day" in 2019 shows that 48 million caring netizens donated 1.783 billion yuan through the Tencent Charity platform, and more than 2,500 enterprises donated 307 million yuan. In addition, the 399.99 million yuan donation provided by Tencent Charity Foundation reached 2.49 billion yuan in total, ranking first in the national Internet public fundraising information platform.

In the past 22 years, China’s Internet industry has gone through different stages from portal to mobile, to artificial intelligence, to social communication. The pace of technology and product iteration and replacement is getting faster and faster. Chen Yidan insists on promoting the deep integration of Internet platforms and public welfare charities, and promotes the public welfare practice of Tencent business present on all major platforms. It has inserted the wings of the Internet for China’s public welfare charities and added a touch of warmth to China’s Internet era.

Today, Chen Yidan is not only the founder and honorary chairperson of Tencent Charity Foundation, but also the founder of Yidan Award, the founder of Chen Yidan Foundation, the founder of Wuhan College, the founding director of Westlake University, and the honorary professor of Shenzhen University.

Chen Yidan summed up his views on public welfare and education in these eight words: "Kindness and people are the same, beauty and unity are shared." Not forgetting the original intention, Fang has always been, from the team warm man of the year to the current "Internet public welfare brother", Chen Yidan has more and more in-depth rational thinking and action on the future of public welfare undertakings, sprinkling the nectar of charity on every recipient and giver.

Established the world’s largest single education award

No matter what era, education is a vision for the future. On May 22, 2016, Chen Yidan announced a donation of HK $2.50 billion (about US $320 million) to establish the world’s largest education award, the "Yidan Award", to recognize and support individuals who promote educational innovation and make long-term impact contributions.

The Yidan Award has two awards: the Yidan Award for Educational Research and the Yidan Award for Educational Development. It is operated and managed by an independent charitable trust of HK $2.50 billion (approximately US $323 million). The winner will receive a pure gold medal and a HK $30 million award (approximately US $3.90 million), half of which is the prize money and the other half is the funds to support the promotion of educational research or projects. The Yidan Award’s jury is composed of independent global authorities. The jury is responsible for reviewing nominations and selecting the winners. It includes two independent judging panels for educational research and educational development. The members of the jury include Dr. Koichiro MATSUURA, former Director-General of UNESCO, Ms. Dorothy K. GORDON, President of UNESCO’s Information for All Programme, Mr. Andreas SCHLEICHER, Director of Education and Skills at the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), and Dr. Allan E. GOODMAN, President and Chief Executive Officer of the International Education Association.

On September 19, 2017, the "Yidan Award" announced the first list of winners in Hong Kong. Carrie Lam, the Chief Executive of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, presented the "Yidan Education Development Award" and "Yidan Education Research Award" to Vicky Colbert, founder and director of Columbia New School Foundation, and Carol Dweck, a professor of psychology at Stanford University in the United States. On September 15, 2018, the list of winners of the second "Yidan Award" was announced in Hong Kong. Larry Hedges, head of the Department of Statistics at Northwestern University in Chicago, won the "Yidan Education Research Award", and Anant Agwal, CEO of online learning platform edX, won the "Yidan Education Development Award".

In December 2018, the "Yidan Prize" held its second award ceremony and education summit in Hong Kong, where two winners and more than 300 internationally renowned education scholars, political and business people gathered at the venue. On September 19, 2019, Usha Goswami, a professor from the University of Cambridge in the United Kingdom, won the "Yidan Education Research Award" for her research on the relationship between neurology and early education, and Sir Fazle Hassan Abed, the founder of the Bangladeshi Non-governmental organization "Cross-Community Resource Building", won the "Yidan Education Development Award" for his achievements in enabling poor children to receive high-quality education.

Accompanying the Internet age, Chen Yidan wrote many "firsts" of public welfare undertakings. He pioneered the "three-dimensional rescue mode" of online and offline interaction for major disasters; he launched an online donation platform to set a global record for online public welfare donations at that time; he promoted China’s first Internet public welfare day, 99 Public Welfare Day, which has become a phenomenon-level national public welfare action day with the largest number of participants, the widest influence and the most diverse scenarios.

In 2020, China will enter the era of comprehensive well-off. Chen Yidan is committed to implementing the "Internet + Village" action plan – the "Tencent for the Village" platform, so that villages can achieve leapfrog development with the help of mobile Internet. So far, more than 300 million people have donated 7.70 billion yuan for charity, and more than 74,000 projects have been helped. A little bit of grandeur, a thousand miles of wind, Chen Yidan’s road to public welfare has no end. Let no matter how small the love can be passed on, so that every life does not lack sunshine. This is the public welfare dream of an Internet person.

After the North American premiere: Understanding the five members of "Guardians of the Galaxy"

      The film is currently being released in North America, which is highly sought after by audiences and has seen a boom. Now the total revenue has exceeded 274 million US dollars, which is far higher than the top box office performance of "Captain America 2". Beyond reasonable doubt, it has topped the 2014 box office championship. We introduce the movie characters according to the movie keywords of "Guardians of the Galaxy". Before introducing the characters in the film, let’s sort out the major planets that appear in "Guardians of the Galaxy". Please return the astronomical and geographical knowledge you have learned to your respected high school teachers for the time being.

John C. Reilly as the leader of the Nova Corps and his female boss, Glenn Close

    [Xandar Star]
This planet was created after the fall of the earth. It is the place where humans and advanced alien civilizations in the future galaxy are integrated, and it is also a good place for everyone to live and work in peace, shop and buy houses, and continue their lineage. The Nova Corps keeps the planet safe, and its leader is Dey (played by veteran actor John C. Riley). His immediate boss is the Nova leader, and the role is played by the tall actress Glenn Close, who recreates her classic look in "101 Dalmatians".

    [Planet Hala]This is the capital planet of the Nebula Kree Empire and the territory of the evil executioner Ronan.

    [Saturn’s moon Titan]This star is where Thanos lives.

    [Knowhere Lonely Planet]This planet is a place where all kinds of fugitives, strange people, and immortals gather in the universe, and it is also the base camp of the members of the Guardians of the Galaxy. It is like a night market in "Ancient and Dangerous Boy". Every day, there are songs and dances, and money is drunk, but there are also dangers.

    The director of this film, James Gunn, is not very famous in Hollywood, and Chinese audiences may not have the opportunity to know him. But fans of American TV series must know that the comedy drama "The Office" features the heroine Jenna Fisher, who is the ex-wife of Gunn. The marriage lasted for eight years, and finally fell apart in the year Fisher was nominated by Emmy. In fact, I just want to let everyone know about this director here.

    Mr. Gurn’s playful style is similar to that of Mr. Chow in his early days: self-deprecating and nonsensical. He also likes to make small cameos in his own films and has a flair for funny comedy. "I thought about this for a long time, not only because of the irreplaceable importance of this film in the Marvel Cinematic Universe project, but also because I thought it was very challenging to make five galactic rabble in two hours."

    Without further ado, let’s analyze this super waste wood alliance.

Chris is definitely the inspirational little prince of the year! In order to play a good role95 kilograms of fat built into muscle

Host of Golden Melody Review – Star Lord

    Actor: Chris Pratt

    Origin: Earth

    Release time: January 1976

    Superpowers: Like Iron Man Stark, he does not have special superpowers, but his armor can provide exceptional resistance, attack power, and the ability to fly with rolling and climbing.

    Hobbies: Dancing Crayon Butt Twist

    In the first five minutes of the film, I thought I had gone to the wrong theater and was watching not Guardians of the Galaxy, but the American version of "Mom Loves Me Again". Star-Lord is the product of an unscrupulous love fairy tale. His mother is from Earth, and his father is a Spartoi alien. After the aliens got rid of the earthlings, they gave birth to a boy, named after Spider-Man: Peter. At the beginning of the film, Peter’s little brother is beaten into panda eyes and waits for his dying mother in the hospital. After a period of misery, the little brother is taken away by alien beams of light.

Guardians of the Galaxy live toys at the press conference

    More than 20 years have passed, and the little kid has become a galactic thief, specializing in stealing all kinds of treasures and selling them to the antique shop of Shanda Star. The man looks like a wretched bird like Zhou Xingchi in "Nine Rank Sesame Official", and he reports the title of "Star Lord" to everyone. One day, the narcissist finds a mysterious sphere carrying the most destructive power in the galaxy, and is then hunted down by the lackeys of the bad guy Ronan. On his way out, he meets other trash who later became members of the escort.

    Star-Lord has amazing bouncing and pain-bearing abilities, and wears a variety of mysterious equipment on his body. Unlike ordinary boys, he can not only jerk off, but also fly planes. He and his intelligent spaceship Rora coax all kinds of cuties to be docile. This person’s weakness is that he is full of nostalgia. No matter where he goes, he will never forget to carry the Walkman and classic English song collection tapes given to him by his deceased mother. From Moonage Daydream by British rock myth David Bowie to I Want You Back by the Jackson Five Brothers, Star-Lord has collected the essence of popular music in Europe and the United States in the 1970s and 1980s. Every day, he listens to music to replenish his brain power. If you don’t listen to it, you will feel uncomfortable.

    Behind- the-scene: Director James Gunn revealed at a press conference that he never included Chris Pratt in the list of actors to play Star-Lord, because he thought Marvel heroes should look like Hammer, and shorter ones must also have the dashing style of Iron Man "The prodigal son will never change", but I didn’t expect Chris Pratt, who weighed 95 kilograms at the time, to fully display Star-Lord’s "cheap taste" and immediately convinced Gunn. Pratt became the only "baby-faced superhero" in the Marvel Universe


A traffic accident led to the "triplets" with the same license plate number (photo)

  Changchun Evening News reporter, Li He

  In the process of detecting a traffic hit-and-run case, the police on duty locked the suspected vehicle with the number plate Ji AY7526. With the further investigation of the case, the police found that there were three taxis using the number on the road. On the 15th, the driver Xu Moumou, who had been locked by the police, arrived, and all the "triplets" taxis were found.

  The "taxi" fled immediately after the accident

  At 11:00 on October 20, a traffic accident occurred in the north-south direction of the Eastern Expressway. A parallel taxi hit a normally moving SUV and instead of stopping, it accelerated to flee the scene.

  According to the video taken by the driving recorder, the police found that the vehicle involved was a taxi with Ji AY7526 plate. The police found the owner of the car on the same day, Wang Moumou. But Wang Moumou said there was no crash.

  At the same time, the police handling the case also checked the Ji AY7526 license plate taxi driven by Wang Moumou. The vehicle identification number, engine number and other information of the car are all normal, and the results of the trace inspection show that the car has no traces of recent collision or maintenance. The taxi positioning information shows that it was active in the Green Park District at the time of the incident and did not appear at the crime location.

  Find the same number "triplets" in more than 10,000 photos

  Then, the police began to search for clues from the perspective of the car accident, and screened more than 10,000 screenshots of the license plate taxi from the vehicle information recorded by the city’s electronic police.

  Chen Yu, the police officer handling the case, found that there were three taxis with the same spray color using the number plate after detailed comparison of the pictures. The photos taken by the high definition camera can clearly identify the appearance of the driver. After comparison, it was found that Wang Moumou had driven two of them. That is to say, the first time I asked Wang Moumou about the concealment of the vehicle’s license plate.

  As long as it is illegal, no one can run away

  In a second interrogation of Mr. Wang, he eventually admitted that he had bought a Jetta sedan out of town, modified it in the style of a taxi, and illegally made the license plate of the vehicle. Usually this car is driven by relatives.

  The police then checked Wang Moumou’s taxi deck and found that it was not the vehicle that caused the accident. But in further investigation, it was learned that Wang Moumou had allowed Han Moumou to use Ji AY7526 license plate.

  The police finally learned through a large number of investigations that the car is currently driven by Xu Moumou. On November 15, Xu Moumou, who has been locked by the police, came to the case and confessed to the hit-and-run accident. The traffic police department will impose a fine of 2,000 yuan, 12 points on the driver’s license and 15 days of detention according to law. Wang Moumou, who is suspected of using other vehicle number plates, will also be punished by law.

315 Follow-up | The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology investigated and dealt with the illegal collection of users’ personal information by the cracked version of APP exposed at the "3 15

According to the official news of Gongxin Weibo, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology attaches great importance to the protection of users’ rights and interests, and continues to carry out special rectification actions for mobile Internet applications (APPs) infringing on users’ rights and interests, and constantly improve the application service environment of APPs. In view of the illegal collection of users’ personal information by some cracked apps reported at the "March 15" party, we immediately organized verification, and severely investigated and dealt with it according to the Personal Information Protection Law, the Regulations on the Protection of Personal Information of Telecommunications and Internet Users and other relevant laws and regulations.

First, organize the application distribution platform, e-commerce platform and search platform to quickly investigate the exposed apps such as "bilibili Cracked Edition 2021", "Baidu Netdisk Cracked Edition" and "Cool Dog Cracked Edition" and other cracked versions. Up to now, a total of 436 illegal download links from informal channels have been handled. The second is to organize relevant communication administrations to investigate relevant clues and deal with illegal subjects according to law. The third is to draw inferences from others, organize professional testing institutions to carry out special testing on APP and software development kit (SDK), resolutely investigate and deal with the problems found, and inform the public in time.

In the next step, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology will continue to take effective measures to further build a security line and effectively strengthen the protection of personal information of telecommunications and Internet users. First, supervise the relevant Internet platform enterprises to implement the main responsibility, intensify inspection and investigation, and timely discover and clean up illegal apps. The second is to strengthen the detection, supervision and inspection of APP and SDK technologies, increase the handling and exposure of problems, and continue to maintain high-pressure shock to violations of laws and regulations. The third is to deepen the upstream and downstream chain governance of application services such as APP and SDK, strengthen management and standardization, and create a good service environment. The fourth is to cooperate with relevant departments to intensify the crackdown on illegal acts such as infringement and piracy of cracked APP, guide the downloading of APP from formal channels, and safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of users.

Last night, the 315 party reported that many consumers were greedy for cheap, and they used these cracked apps for free, just like installing "monitoring" on their mobile phones and burying "mines", which was extremely risky. A cracked version of a video App, testers found that it was additionally embedded with three third-party plug-ins unrelated to the official version, namely SDK software package. As long as it runs, these three extra SDK packages can quietly steal personal information from the user’s mobile phone, from the hardware address of the internet to the identification number of the mobile phone device, to the identification number of the calling card, and even the identification number of the mobile phone operating system, all the key identification information of the user is wiped out.

As long as we master 2-3 kinds of information, even if the user changes his mobile phone or phone number, it can accurately lock the user, capture and track the user’s dynamics in real time, and form an accurate portrait of the user, thus pushing a large number of advertisements and realizing traffic realization. What’s more, a cracked music App can also monitor the user’s call status.

He Yanzhe, deputy director of the evaluation laboratory of Netan Center of China Institute of Electronic Technology Standardization, said that from the test results, we can see that he will send the user’s call status and the user’s logo, including his accurate portrait, even overseas, which may become an important data source for overseas telecom fraud groups to conduct accurate fraud. Once these data flow into the black market, it may be used repeatedly.

2023 Guangzhou (May 1st) South China International Auto Show, Zhiji LS7 is here!

From April 30th to May 3rd, Zhiji Auto landed at the 2023 Guangzhou (May 1st) South China International Auto Show with Zhiji LS7, an intelligent pure electric medium and large luxury SUV, and Zhiji L7, the flagship of new world driving control.


On the booth, many spectators stopped to taste the LS7. It can be seen that Zhiji LS7′ s innovative IMAX-class driving vision is very eye-catching, and the 106 vertical vision of Star Fall Star Waterfall Ice-sensitive Front Dome, Yate Cruise Half Steering Wheel, Lifting Huge Smart Scene Screen and the vehicle-mounted dome windshield with UV isolation rate of 99.99% can bring a unique experience.

At the same time, Zhiji LS7 is still a "mobile landscape room", with its own 1030mm rear head space, 121 true zero-gravity floating seat, 100% intelligent fully flat folding co-pilot seat and 1955mm electric slide rail, which can realize the intelligent linkage of "five seats in the whole scene" space experience. Not only that, Zhiji LS7 also brings the consistent high-quality driving experience of Zhiji brand. Its chassis in YEATION includes the air spring in mainland Germany and the DampTronic electromagnetic dynamic damping adjustment system in Besten, Germany. After the master adjustment by WAE Williams, it runs with great feeling.



It is reported that Zhiji LS7 has launched six models with three power combinations, with a price of 309,800-459,800 yuan, which broke into the top three sales of high-end pure electric SUVs in the first month of delivery. At present, all models of Zhiji LS7 will upgrade the YAT cruise half steering wheel for free for a limited time. Buy the Zhiji LS7 90kWh Elite model, and you can also upgrade the luxury configurations such as the rear zero-gravity floating seat, the Nappa perforated top-level leather seat, the elegant self-suction door of the whole car, and the winter comfort bag for free in a limited time; Users can also choose "200,000 fixed 2-year 0-interest financial benefits" or "2-in-1 charging rights+lifetime free use right of IMAD intelligent driving full-featured package" according to their own needs. Users who purchase Zhiji LS7 100kWh Lux and Pro models will be upgraded free of charge for a limited time, including the selection of semi-aniline leather seats, yacht-style fishbone splicing real wood decorative boards, and Microfiber microfiber ceiling. You can choose "200,000 fixed financial benefits with 0 interest for 2 years" or "free high-definition art car paint+life-long free use right of IMAD intelligent driving full-featured package" in a limited time.


In addition, Zhiji L7, which is positioned as the "flagship of new world driving control", also appeared at this auto show. In addition to high face value, the car also has "four-wheel steering+mixed tire width", excellent intelligent driving experience and 180+ clean taste health cockpit.


(Special topic | Author Luo Xiaotong Photo courtesy of car companies)

The listing price is 2599 yuan: Xiaomi Mijia air conditioner saves 1.5 horses and 1539 yuan, a new low (5.9% off)

Xiaomi Mijia Air Conditioning’s huge power-saving 1.5-horse KFR-35GW/N1A1 was released on September 30, 2022, with a listing price of 2599 yuan and an initial price of 2199 yuan.

During the promotion period of the 11th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the event price is 1899 yuan, and the order will receive a 150 yuan coupon: click here to receive;

First-time purchase users superimpose 20 heads of state purchase gifts;

Plus members can get a 40 yuan coupon when they open a home furnishing card for 9.9 yuan: click here to open;

The trade-in subsidy is 150 yuan, and the starting price is 1539 yuan:

In addition, you can draw no threshold red envelopes 3 times today, and support ready-to-use: click here to draw.

Xiaomi Mijia air conditioner saves 1.5 horsepower and meets the new national first-class energy efficiency standards. The official propaganda shows that under the same conditions, compared with the original first-class energy efficiency wall-mounted air conditioner, it can save about 91 kWh of electricity a year and save 45.5 yuan. At the same time, the air conditioner adopts a DC inverter compressor, and its fully enclosed rotary compressor adopts a permanent magnet rare earth material rotor, which can run smoothly, last a long time and reduce power consumption.

Xiaomi Mijia air conditioner saves 1.5 horses of electricity and has a circulating air volume of 660m 3/h, which sends the preset temperature air to the whole house in time to achieve rapid heating and cooling. At the same time, Xiaomi Mijia air conditioner saves 1.5 horses of electricity and applies to an area of 16-20 square meters.

When the user’s Xiaomi bracelet detects a deep sleep state, the Xiaomi Mijia air conditioner will automatically turn on the sleep mode, and the running sound can be as low as 23dB (A), without disturbing the user’s sleep.

Xiaomi Mijia air conditioner saves 1.5 horses of electricity and uses an antibacterial and anti-mildew filter. When the filter screen is blocked, the user can be notified through the mobile phone to remind the user. At the same time, Xiaomi Mijia air conditioner saves 1.5 horses of electricity and supports Mijia intelligent ecology. Users can control the air conditioner through the voice of Mijia App and Xiao Ai.

It is learned that Xiaomi Mijia air conditioner has a huge power saving 1.5 matching circular LED display screen, which is convenient for users to check the status. At the same time, the air conditioner is equipped with a 13-button remote control.

Xiaomi Sound Pro smart speaker unpacking evaluation, you will know whether to buy it after reading it

  Author: The Snail Who Loves Drinking Coke

  Since the smart products in my home are all Xiaomi brands, I have bought a lot of Xiaomi products one after another. When I was shopping, I happened to see this Xiaomi stereo, smart speaker ", which is essentially a speaker, but its intelligent function is more prominent, and it has now become an entrance device for smart homes, so let me give you a review.

  First of all, let’s take a look at the appearance. The top is designed with a dome, which is inspired by the theater. It is very elegant and atmospheric, and successfully hides the microphone. There are volume buttons and play pause buttons on the top, as well as an NFC sensing area. At the bottom is a hidden power supply and AUX in interface.

  Let’s take a look at the lighting again. This set of bodies called Galaxy Ambient Light is surrounded by colorful LED lamp beads, which can follow the music to display the ups and downs in real time, and the light and shade changes. Of course, you can also intelligently sense the position of the human body. Through audio computing technology and visual effects, it feels as if the music is really alive, which is very emotional.

  Of course, good-looking appearance is important, but strong performance is even more important. Sound Pro has 7 sound units, which is the most among all Xiaoai speakers. Of these 7 units, 3 units are full-range units, 3 units are passive radiators, and then 1 subwoofer unit. The maximum power of the subwoofer unit reaches 40W, the minimum response frequency is 45Hz, and the diameter reaches 4 inches. It is comparable to the 104mm large-diameter woofer unit installed on the HD, ensuring the expressive power of the bass. The configuration of 3 full-range units plus 3 passive radiators also determines that the sound is 360 ° omni-directional, and it has excellent sound quality performance no matter which position it is in. At the same time, the sound pressure has also reached 91 dB, making it very convenient to listen to a small tune in the living room or a song in the room.

  In terms of connectivity, Sound Pro supports Xiaomi Miaobo, supports NFC music wireless relay, supports Bluetooth 5.1, supports A2DP music playback, supports AirPlay2, and also retains the AUX in the hardware. WiFi supports 2.4GHz/5GHz, supports IEEE 802.11 a/b/g/n protocol, and is very playable. It can meet the needs of young people for technology. A smart speaker is really unique.

  I tried out piano music, violin music, and popular songs, and concluded that Sound Pro’s bass performance is excellent, so it can create a good sound atmosphere and shocking feeling. The mid-range part is rich in detail, and the performance is still relatively good, but the treble part is slightly dull. I guess it is related to the lack of a dedicated treble unit. Therefore, if you use DSP to properly enhance the treble or use Crystalizer and other sound effects, the performance can be improved. The room for improvement is still quite large. Looking forward to its optimization.

  In addition, I found a hidden function, the light effect of Xiaomi Sound Pro also supports ambient wallpaper, through white noise with light effect, to achieve a more comprehensive and appropriate atmosphere perception, currently supports "fire, waves, forest, travel and rain", just say "Xiao Ai classmate, play the white noise of the fire", sound and light double effect, very fun.

  Overall, the Xiaomi Sound Pro this time is an absolute flagship in terms of acoustic configuration. In terms of intelligence, AUX in, Bluetooth, AirPlay, NFC music relay and other rich connection methods plus the latest Xiao Ai features, especially the blessing of practical functions such as whole-house playback and home sound transmission, I think its performance is on the rise. So what do you think of Tieba bosses? Leave me a message in the comment area.

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