Will Jackie Chan’s latest masterpiece be the next "Taking Tiger Mountain"?


The sun in the west is about to set.
It was quiet on Weishan Lake.
Play my beloved earth lute,
Sing that moving song…

– "Play My Beloved Earth Pipa"

    1905 movie network feature This song sung all over the country for decades of the theme song once again in the cinema, from the mouth of the railway guerrillas to every Chinese heart, through the whole of Jackie Chan’s new "Railway Flying Tiger".

    As the poster above presents the beauty of the wind, several protagonists in the film "Railway Flying Tiger" appear in the frozen frame of the superheroes in the comics, from Jackie Chan’s role as the captain of the railway guerrillas Ma Yuan, to Huang Zitao’s role as the little tailor Hai Hai, to Wang Kai’s role as the sharpshooter Fan Chuan, and Wang Continental’s role as the Eighth Route Army Renguo, as well as the hidden protagonist Rui Ge, etc. In addition to giving a strong visual impact, it makes people feel vaguely: these ordinary little people may be the superheroes of China.

Jackie Chan, Huang Zitao, Wang Kai, Wang Continental’s comic poster

    This visual style ranges from the Flying Tigers’ windproof glasses, gloves, berets, armed belts, and other accessories, to clothing colors such as red, yellow, and blue, and then to the influence of train styling and station design. Compared with previous anti-Japanese dramas and anti-Japanese war films, it is more in line with modern aesthetics, providing more possibilities for red classic films.

    When it comes to red classics, the Tsui Hark version released on the same day two years ago was a great success, and its flashbacks echoed at the beginning and end were also borrowed from "Flying Tiger of Railway", showing the inheritance of the spirit of "Flying Tiger" and bringing out the latter’s biggest easter egg.

    Compared with the unique skills of the Eight King Kong of Tiger Mountain, the railway guerrillas also have their own strengths, and they all seem to be able to find corresponding characters in the American superheroes – the calm command of the guerrilla leader Jackie Chan, which corresponds to Captain America in the Reunion; the scissors stabbing of the little tailor Huang Zidao, which corresponds to the assassin Black Widow in the Reunion; the sharpshooter Wang Kai’s Hundred Steps Through the Yang, which corresponds to the eagle’s eye in the Reunion; the power of Sangping, which corresponds to the Hulk in the Reunion; and the hidden protagonist "Wang Sledgehammer", who is proficient in machinery and hammer dancing, which corresponds to the Iron Man in the Reunion…

    Therefore, our familiar red classics became the Chinese folk superhero anti-Japanese legend – fortunately not the anti-Japanese drama that tore the crotch of the devil to hide thunder, but the convincing setting that just fits the character image, so their housekeeping skills are not as against the sky as the Reunion, which allows them to face the well-organized and fierce Japanese army with just a few people. They still need to be constantly smart and strengthen the team to complete the ultimate task of destroying the Japanese railway transportation step by step.

    Since it is the ultimate mission, it cannot be achieved overnight. The film is divided into five interlocking and reversing chapters – train hijacking, rescuing the wounded, making explosives, jacking prison carts and blowing up bridges. It transforms the entire theater into a speeding train on the plains, transporting the audience to the days full of war and feelings.

    Next, let’s talk about the outstanding stars – Jackie Chan’s big brother is more simple and honest in the portrayal of characters, which is more in line with the image of Shandong Han, and his signature of kung fu comedy naturally makes this film a constant laughing stock –

    Huang Zitao, who made his screen debut, almost acted as a tailor-made literary and passionate young man, with an unexpectedly natural performance and smooth movements –

    The heroic Wang Kai can be called a representative of the guerrilla’s appearance and arrogance. Every appearance is worth the ticket price of the female audience, especially the scene of riding a horse and chasing a car to save people, which reminds people of the hero Zorro –

    Although the special actor Wang Continental has the shortcoming of Mandarin, the scene of charging with the Eighth Route Army at the last moment is really exciting –

    As for Ikeuchi Hiroyuki and Zhang Lanxin, who play the villain chief of the Japanese military police, they also vividly and naturally interpret the wretched and arrogant respectively, and there is no sense of discord in the comedy section –

    And from then to then, Ding Qian’s works have always been hard-core and humorous with a gloomy and a sigh, until this sunny and romantic "Flying Tiger on Railways" makes Ding Sheng also complete a "clearing the clouds and seeing the sun" in art.

    In fact, this is the third collaboration between Ding Sheng and Jackie Chan. Among the many roles Jackie Chan plays, the most similar in spirit to Ma Yuan, the guerrilla leader in "Flying Tiger", is Liang Dabing in 2010’s "Little Soldier" – both low-level little people have plain pastoral dreams, both have hesitations that they will regret if they don’t do big things, and both have the responsibility of "the world rises and falls, and everyone is responsible".

Jackie Chan in "Young Soldier"

    Even in the "Flying Tiger" movie, Jackie Chan sang the song from "Young Soldier" directly after singing the verse part of "Play My Beloved Earth Pipa" with everyone –

A big road leads to my house,

My family lives at the foot of Yoliang Yaliang Mountain.

At the foot of the mountain, there are five acres of fertile land,

Five acres of fertile land, what to plant…

    Indeed, the same story that happened in Shandong makes this chaotic entry feel incongruous.

    Therefore, we should rejoice that today, with the decline of individual heroism, we have finally come to this "Hero Song" that has crossed the millennium and echoed in Liangshanbo and Weishan Lake.

    We should be grateful that two years after Xu Hark led the Northeast bandit suppression heroes to outsmart Tiger Mountain, we finally came to this song of praise for the children of Shandong heroes who dedicated their actions to their mothers.

    We should be grateful that at the moment when the anti-Japanese drama was dragged into the water by the anti-Japanese drama, we have finally waited for such a masterpiece worth going to the cinema to enjoy and enjoy together.

    We should be grateful that in the era of imaginative American superheroes on the big screen, we can finally see in the cinema the little people from China who have written history and belong to our big heroes.

The United States will regulate smartphone map navigation, and Apple and Google may be affected


The United States will regulate smartphone map navigation, and Apple and Google may be affected


The United States will regulate smartphone map navigation, and Apple and Google may be affected

The New York Times reported today that the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, a division of the U.S. Department of Transportation, will work with the White House to introduce new rules to regulate car navigation systems. Navigators and mapping apps on smartphones are expected to be included in the regulation. It is not yet known how Apple, Google, and some traffic-related apps that report traffic jams and police check speeding areas will comply with the new rules.

Existing U.S. law prohibits talking on the phone or texting while driving, but there are no clear rules for distracted map navigation while driving. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration would have the power to regulate maps, navigation apps, and make some restrictions, according to reporters who have seen the draft of the new rules.

At present, the news has caused a strong response in the United States. Car companies with built-in navigation systems support the new regulations. But technology companies that develop navigation applications believe they do not need to comply, claiming that the new regulations are unrealistic and difficult to enforce, on the grounds that smartphones are not only used in cars, and not only in navigators.

The U.S. Department of Transportation issued a notice last year asking navigation software to volunteer to operate within two seconds. Although the industry has adhered to the notice, calculations show that if you are traveling at 100 kilometers per hour, a car can travel 50 meters in two seconds. This reaction distance is not safe.

Beware! Blowing the air conditioner causes the body moisture to increase. These methods effectively remove moisture!

Blowing the air conditioner causes increased body moisture

The reason for the heavy moisture in the body is that if it is placed in summer, blowing the air conditioner is also the main reason. When the outdoor temperature rises, people are used to hiding indoors. Although the house is very comfortable, when they go out, they find that it is getting hotter and hotter and it is easy to get headaches. What is the reason?

In summer, the pores of the human body are originally open, and people have to go in and out indoors and outdoors every day. If they suddenly return to the air-conditioned place after sweating under the hot sun, the sudden drop in temperature will make the open pores suddenly close or even clog, and the cold air that invades the body will more easily damage the yang energy of the human body. In addition, in an air-conditioned environment, people stop sweating, which is conducive to detoxification and accumulation of toxins, which are then stored in the body.

How to blow the air conditioner to avoid getting wet?

  • It is important to use the air conditioner fan properly in summer. The temperature of the air conditioner should not be turned on too low, and it should be controlled above 24 degrees Celsius during the day

  • At night, it should be controlled at 28 degrees Celsius and accompanied by dehumidification, especially when sleeping at night, do not directly blow the fan and air conditioner.

  • In addition, the use of air conditioners must pay attention to ventilation, and the air conditioner should be turned off regularly every day, windows should be opened, and ventilation should be carried out to maintain a certain amount of fresh air in the room

  • It is best to clean the air conditioner every two weeks. Then there is a natural wind transition before basking in the sun, or it is not easy for the cold to invade.

  • If you stay in an air-conditioned room for a long time, it is recommended to engage in outdoor activities and drink plenty of boiled water.

  • If there are elderly people or children at home, it is necessary to turn on less air conditioning.

Eat more of these foods to remove moisture in summer

In addition to the above methods to avoid heavy moisture, you can also try a diet to remove moisture, and eat more moisture-removing foods such as millet and red beans.

Red beans

Red beans can replenish blood and dehumidify. From the perspective of traditional Chinese medicine, red beans are flat in nature, sweet and sour in taste; they have the functions of strengthening the spleen and water, clearing away heat and dehumidifying, reducing swelling and detoxifying. Boiling water with red beans can drain moisture from the body well.


Oats can smooth the intestines and laxative, promote the volume of feces, increase water, cooperate with fiber to promote gastrointestinal peristalsis, and play the role of laxative detoxification. It is a good choice to drink steamed oats into juice as a drink. When whipping, you can also add other ingredients, such as apples and grapes, which are nutritious and can promote defecation!


Barley can promote blood circulation and water metabolism in the body, exert the effect of diuretic and swelling reduction, and help improve edema-type obesity. Barley water is a good detoxification method. After boiling the barley directly with boiling water, add a little sugar to personal taste. It is a natural skin care product for skin whitening.


Millet is gluten-free and will not irritate the intestinal wall. It is a relatively mild fiber that is easy to digest, so it is suitable for consumption with detoxification meals. Millet porridge is very suitable for detoxification, has the effect of clearing away heat and diuretic, is rich in nutrients, and also helps whiten.

Ginger soup

Ginger can fight against air-conditioning diseases. Traditional Chinese medicine believes that ginger has three major effects: sweating and relieving the table, warming the stomach and stopping vomiting, and detoxification. People in an air-conditioned environment often drink some ginger soup, which can effectively prevent and treat air-conditioning diseases. Often in an air-conditioned environment, due to the large temperature difference between indoor and outdoor, it is easy to experience external cold. If you can eat a few slices of ginger or drink a bowl of brown sugar ginger soup in time, it will help to repel the cold and relieve the table, or soak your feet in ginger soup can also receive good curative effects.

The weather is hot, everyone should be careful to pay attention to the moisture when blowing the air conditioner!

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Yang Mifang made public all the details of his cooperation for the first time after "fraudulent donation", and it is suspected that he was deceived.

Yang Mi Studio sent Weibo

1905 movie network news Melon eaters must remember that a few weeks ago, the "Yang Mi Fraudulent Donation Incident" caused a stir, which caused a small storm in the entertainment industry about "what should be done to do charity", and Yang Mi was also pushed to the forefront of the trend. This morning (April 12), for the first time, Yang Mi Studio took the initiative to open a large number of screenshots of the dialogue during the cooperation with another responsible person – POC Li Meng of the "White Cane" public welfare activity to help the blind, showing netizens the beginning and end of the "Chengdu Special School Donation", and said that he was the real "deceived party".

Yang Mi starred as a blind girl in "I Am a Witness"

The description shows that before the release of "I am a Witness", Li Meng took the initiative to invite Yang Mi to participate in the donation of blind canes, calling the "White Cane" national public welfare activity for the blind, which aims to raise funds to buy blind utensils, and distribute them to blind people in need across the country for free, caring for the lives of blind people. After confirming his participation in the activity, Yang Mi donated 200 blind canes for the distribution of the "White Cane" activity. Li Meng expressed that as a thank you for Yang Mi’s support, he personally donated 300 blind canes in Yang Mi’s name.

After Yang Mi attended the "White Cane" Beijing press conference, Li Meng said that the blind canes donated by Yang Mi will be distributed to local blind people in the city of Yang Mi’s movie roadshow to increase the social influence of the public welfare for the blind. The roadshow cities inc**********du, Shanghai, Wuhan and other places, but in the end, because other local distribution companies could not arrange the corresponding public welfare link for the blind, only Chengdu did the relevant link. After Li Meng said that 500 canes were in place, and Yang Mi transferred 200 canes to the Beijing Youth Development Foundation, the "Red Dandan Fund".

In the first donation city Chengdu station, Li Meng said that as the first stop of the white cane distribution city Chengdu, because they have spent 400,000 arranged to donate the printer classroom, so the city’s white cane only issued 100, and arranged for student representatives to read a thank you letter, and Yang Mi only need to take a group photo on stage.

Then in front of the Shanghai station in the second donation city, Li Meng said that the issuer could not cooperate without cooperation, and asked the leadership to provide media publicity resources, cancel the Shanghai public welfare publicity, and the follow-up publicity was also interrupted. Li Meng asked many artists in the company about their willingness to participate in different public welfare activities, but did not mention the "white cane" Chengdu station and subsequent donations.

After the incident was exposed in March, Yang Mifang also contacted the recipient and made up for donations of white canes and Braille typewriters.

During this period, Yang Mifang took the initiative to contact Li Meng many times, and Li Meng made it clear: "We are all victims", saying that he was preparing explanatory materials, and would find witnesses, and would explain to Yang Mifang to prove his innocence.

After the "fraudulent donation" report came out, Li Meng said she would sue the Beijing News for false reporting.

Guosen Securities: "Buy" rating for Meituan -W (03690.HK) with target price of HK $125.00 to HK $144.00

  Guosen Securities released an announcement on June 24. Meituan’s 24Q1 performance shows that Meituan has found its own path to more refined subsidies and operations under macro pressure and competitive pressure. The profit side is expected to continue to release well. Maintain the profit forecast, combined with our neutral forecast for Meituan’s operating profit in the hotel and wine business, it is expected to achieve adjusted net profit of 366/491/58.30 billion yuan in 2024-2026, corresponding to the PE value of 19/14/12 x. Maintain the target price of HK $125-144. We are still optimistic about the competitive advantage of the company’s core business and continue to maintain the "better than the big market" rating.

China Xingzhiqing -4-liter era leader makes fuel vehicles leap a generation.

  No frequency conversion, no energy saving, no performance and no subversion. China Star Intelligent Double Engine has officially entered the 4-liter era! On November 26th, the challenge plan of China Star Family Xingyue L and Xingrui L intelligent twin-engine Gemini Taiyuan was successfully concluded in Monet Valley. The "Jinkana Raceway Challenge", "Zero-Hundred Linear Acceleration Challenge" and "Intelligent Double Engine S-bend Racing" show the hard-core strength of a new generation of intelligent double engines, and further confirm the global leadership of the three intelligent double engine technologies of "1.5TD four-cylinder hybrid special engine+world-leading three-speed intelligent frequency conversion technology+X System intelligent control system", which are energy-saving, performance and intelligence.

  Early in the morning, the participants signed in at the designated place, and then took the bus to the Monet Valley. After arriving at the destination, everyone enjoyed a sumptuous lunch and exchanged their love for Geely brand during lunch.

  At 14: 00, the event officially began. First of all, Wu Jiabo, the urban operation manager of Shaanxi-Shanxi War Zone, delivered a speech. He said: "The Xingyue L and Xingrui L models of Geely China Star Family have won wide recognition in the market, and we are very happy to share the charm of these two cars with you here." Subsequently, the gold medal lecturer explained in detail the technical characteristics and using skills of Xingyue L and Xingrui L intelligent dual engines.

  Fast, tough and steady, China Star intelligent twin-engine entered the 4-liter era, making fuel vehicles leap to a new generation.

  Overthrowing the traditional hybrid technology, China Star Intelligent Twin Engine integrates the world-leading three core intelligent twin engine technologies of "a new generation of 1.5TD four-cylinder hybrid special engine+the world-leading three-speed intelligent frequency conversion technology+X System intelligent control system", which makes the power performance, driving experience and ultra-low fuel consumption of hybrid electric vehicles leap by one generation.

  In the on-site interactive session, participants actively participated and asked questions with lecturers, and discussed the intelligent dual-engine technology in depth. Then, the vehicle media test drive provided everyone with the opportunity to personally experience Xingyue L and Xingrui L. Although the journey was not very long, it experienced urban expressways, urban roads and country trails. Xingrui L gave a fuel consumption of 4.2L per 100 kilometers, and SUV Xingyue L 4.3L also gave amazing fuel consumption values! Everyone is full of praise for the excellent performance and ultra-low fuel consumption of these two cars.

  In the "Kinkana Raceway Challenge" project, small racetracks including line acceleration, emergency braking, emergency lane change, U-bend and figure-eight turn are arranged, which tests the comprehensive handling of vehicles. . The power advantage of China Xingzhiqing’s dual flagship is fully demonstrated. From the straight line area starting from the track, drivers can instantly experience its violent acceleration ability.

  Compared with the traditional oil hybrid vehicle of the same class with self-priming engine and single-gear electric drive, China Star Intelligent Double Engine comes standard with a special hybrid 4-cylinder engine with a thermal efficiency of 44.26%, which can release 120kW maximum power and 255N·m maximum torque. Matching with 3-speed DHT intelligent frequency conversion electric drive and P1+P2 dual-motor drive, it can output power in parallel in full speed domain, with the maximum output torque at wheel end of 4920N·m and the torsion mass ratio of 41 N m/kg, and the maximum transmission efficiency reaches the highest in the world of 97.5%, with almost no energy loss, so that Xingrui L Zhiqing and Xingyue L Zhiqing have the lowest fuel consumption of 4 upgrades and 100 kilometers at the same level. Realize "low speed fuel saving, high efficiency in the middle section, high speed and energy", saving fuel and not saving power!

  Thanks to Geely’s most powerful intelligent manufacturing system, the most advanced intelligent technology ecology and the empowerment of CMA world-class architecture technology, China Star Intelligent Shuangqingtiansheng has its own excellent genes such as high value, high safety and high technology, which far exceeds its peers in performance, handling and safety, bringing users a driving experience comparable to that of a 500,000-class luxury car. In the "straight-line acceleration challenge" which best reflects the zero-speed acceleration performance, Xingrui L Zhiqing sprints 100 meters with the fastest 7-second-class zero-speed acceleration and the highest speed of 200km/h at the same level, showing excellent acceleration performance with extremely strong explosive force and extremely fast response speed.

  "Fast" but also "tough"! In the "Smart Engine S-bend Racing", Xingrui L Zhiqing has achieved 75.9km/h in the actual measurement, relying on the natural foundation endowed by CMA architecture, the leading wire-controlled chassis at the same level, the torsional stiffness of 29 000 N m/deg, and the steering assistance of ZF DP-EPS, which shows the top handling performance, driving stability and agility.

  On the basis of fast power and tough chassis, China Star Intelligent Double Engine also inherits the top-level safety performance development technology and experience endowed by the world-class CMA architecture. With high-standard passive safety design, rich active safety functions and all-round health and safety protection, it not only meets the five-star standard requirements of China C-NCAP, Europe E-NCAP and American IIHS, but also pursues the ultimate safety and promotes the safety to a brand-new and global height.

  To build everyone’s smart boutique car, China Star Intelligent Double Engine makes the high-value experience jump by one generation.

  Adhering to the concept of "building everyone’s smart boutique car", China Star Intelligent Double Engine leads the fuel car to a new generation with new design, new intelligence, new technology and new value. This time, Xingrui L Zhiqing will launch three versions: Nebula Edition, Xinghe Edition and Tiangong Edition, and Xingyue L Zhiqing will launch two versions: Xinghe Edition and Tiangong Edition, which will bring users a more valuable, smarter and more comfortable luxury experience and reshape the new benchmark of China fuel vehicle value.

  In terms of intelligence, China Xingzhiqing Double Flagship is equipped with Geely’s new generation Geely Galaxy OS 2.0 system and the leading Qualcomm Snapdragon 8155 chip, which integrates driving information, online real-time map, audio-visual entertainment and voice interconnection, scene customization and other functions, and can continuously expand OTA upgrade in all aspects, with simpler interface, richer functions and smoother use. The system also has the function of car machine customization, which allows users to customize the car machine or choose their own nine scene modes, such as waking up, goddess and children, to create a personalized car machine that conforms to their own usage habits and aesthetic interests; And intelligent AI voice interaction is adopted to automatically scan the Chinese words on the screen, and click can be simulated immediately in one sentence, realizing the interactive experience of what you can see and say and millisecond response, and raising the experience to a new height again. In addition, the "Super Brain" Star Smart Computing Center built by Geely provides intelligent network connection and intelligent driving support.

  As the flagship family car of China Star Intelligence, Xingrui L Zhiqing is comparable to a luxury B-class car in terms of size, power performance and working materials. It is equipped with 13.2-inch high-definition central control panel +10.2-inch full LCD instrument, 24.3-inch giant screen AR-HUD head-up display, L2-level intelligent driving auxiliary system, 540 transparent chassis and other rich scientific and technological configurations, as well as smart car advanced fragrance system and 12-speaker Harman Infinity audio system (including headrest).

  As the flagship SUV of China Xingzhiqing, Xingyue L Zhiqing is equally versatile. It is equipped with 12.3-inch digital LCD instrument+touch HD central control screen+touch HD passenger dedicated screen, 25.6-inch AR-HUD augmented reality head-up display system, L2 intelligent driving assistance system, etc. It can also be equipped with NOA intelligent pilot-assisted driving, which is rich and avant-garde, making users’ travel life more convenient and more quality.

  In the KOL sharing session, auto media teachers shared their views on Geely China Star family and their understanding of intelligent dual-engine technology. The generation of ultra-low fuel consumption is also analyzed in detail. Finally, all participants took a group photo with the guests to record this unforgettable moment.

  This activity gave participants an in-depth understanding of the Xingyue L and Xingrui L intelligent twin-engine Gemini of Geely China Star Family, and let everyone know that the performance of ultra-low fuel consumption is not accidental. More mature technology, better training and matching days make Geely unique in energy saving and consumption reduction. In the future, Geely China Star Family will continue to provide consumers with better products and services and make greater contributions to the development of the automobile industry.

  Power, control, space, safety, styling and intelligence are six high-value leaders, which makes China Star’s product value and market value climb all the way, and the cumulative total sales volume quickly exceeds 800,000 vehicles, creating a high-value era for fuel vehicles in China. Today, China Star Intelligent Double Engine will continue to adhere to the mission of "fighting for the high value of automobiles". With new experiences such as more advanced hybrid technology, smarter technological safety, more luxurious vehicle quality, and driving and control power with both performance and energy saving, it will make fuel vehicles leap to a new generation, fully open the era of China Star Intelligent Double Engine, and continue to lead the brand value upward.

Meet the "Young Marshal" after enduring loneliness for 20 years – Zhu Yanfeng

write an article /Windsor
edit /Zhang Nan
design /Zhao Haoran

In April 2002, on the eve of the strategic partnership between China FAW and Japan’s Toyota Motor, Masashi Asakura, an expert in Toyota’s production investigation department, came to Changchun. His mission was to guide the production management of FAW cars, that is, to teach the world-famous Toyota production method.

Asakura arrived at the conference room after a week of touring the FAW production site, and the Chinese colleagues accompanying him on the tour routinely hoped for his valuable advice. Unexpectedly, the Japanese expert suddenly pulled his face down and said: "I know what each of you wants to say." He turned and wrote on the blackboard: Down with the Japanese devils. Asakura Masayoshi, who had no smile on his face, said: "I want you to beat me, but you have to beat me first. You can’t beat me. Sorry, just follow me honestly."

Hearing Masashi Asakura’s arrogant words, many of the second-level managers of FAW were deeply angry, but everyone quickly calmed down, just as one of the parties said to Jia Ke later, "You are unarmed, what can you use to defeat him?"

I’m afraid it was against this background that Zhu Yanfeng, then the general manager of FAW, told Jia Ke, a financial journalist at the time, in an interview in 2002 that was later amplified by CCTV and became famous and repeatedly criticized in the industry – "Cars, we have to endure loneliness for 20 years". He said that the car is an honest product, there is no excitement or romance, and the basic work is done well, so that we can compete with the world’s strong players.

People like to listen to stories that go all the way and auspicious words that are achieved overnight, but the reality is that when this is said, the market share of Chinese car brands is only around 25%. There is a gulf that cannot be ignored between Chinese cars and developed countries, and everything is just starting. Zhu Yanfeng’s "can endure loneliness for 20 years" is not passive and inactive. It obviously contains two meanings. The first meaning is not to be self-aggrandizing and impulsive; the second layer means to be realistic and work hard.

Now 20 years have passed. In the past 20 years, Chinese cars have risen all the way to become the world’s largest market. In the process, the machines that once changed the world are being changed, and the four modernizations of cars are gradually becoming a new track of climate, intelligence and electrification. Sparks are flying between traditional cars and new cars. In the once-in-a-century revolution, Chinese cars have ushered in a once-in-a-millennium opportunity.

In the first half of 2022, Chinese brands accounted for 47.2% of the total passenger car sales, which is about to reach the milestone of more than half. The new energy market has shown the hope of leading the world for Chinese cars at an unprecedented speed. In June, the market share of new energy vehicles reached 23.8%. In the first half of 2022, China’s new energy passenger vehicles accounted for 59% of the world’s new energy.

The lonely Chinese cars have finally begun to catch up, and the blooming moment is just around the corner. Zhu Yanfeng’s 20-year contract with Chinese cars has arrived as scheduled.

In early July 2022, as the principal of Xuanyuan School, Dr. Jia Ke led the students of Julang Phase 2 into the Landmap Technology of Dongfeng Motor Group company, and listened to the chairperson of Dongfeng Company, Zhu Yanfeng, talk about the Dongfeng change with Landmap as an example, and as an automobile veteran, his judgment and observation of trends.

Zhu Yanfeng is a legendary figure in the automotive industry. At the age of 38, he took the helm of FAW Group, the "eldest son of the Republic", becoming the youngest leader in FAW’s history. Under his leadership, FAW Group emerged from the darkness and became the first "million" car company in China. Due to his excellent business ability, Zhu Yanfeng is also known as "Young Marshal" in the industry.

He has experienced the era of Chinese cars catching up from traditional cars to the era of smart electric new cars catching up. Now in his 60s, with rich past experience, he leads Dongfeng Motor to fight in the new automotive world.

Judging from the results, Dongfeng Nissan has achieved overall reform, positioning high-end electric off-road warriors are about to be launched independently, and its own brand Aeolus has achieved explosive growth against the trend this year. At the same time, Lantu, a new car-making strength, has also begun to enter the smart electric vehicle market…

"Giant Wave, this name is very good. Cars are indeed a kind of giant wave, a giant wave of social development. Cars have been continuously

Changes are promoting social progress and integrating human civilization, including technological civilization and social civilization, so cars have a wide range of significance. "Standing at the turning point of the times, looking back at the past, Zhu Yanfeng sighed to the students of Xuanyuan Learning Julang Phase 2.

Young fame and long-term high position made Zhu Yanfeng put under the spotlight and microscope for almost half of his life, which caused him to be very low-key most of the time. However, in the class of Xuanyuan Zhixue, in the face of young people who were full of vitality, the serious "Young Marshal" rarely revealed his true feelings.

"I can not be the general manager, but I want to be a car for a lifetime, so I decided to be a car for a lifetime, and now I have been a car for a lifetime, and I feel very satisfied." Zhu Yanfeng said.

This is the seventh module of Xuanyuan Learning Giant Wave 2. The theme of this course is "Macro-industrial situation and enterprise change". In addition to Chairperson Zhu Yanfeng’s lecture as an industrial giant on the afternoon of July 6, on the morning of July 5, Fan Gang, vice president of the China Economic System Reform Research Association and president of the National High-end Think Tank China (Shenzhen) Comprehensive Development Research Institute, as an expert mentor, explained the practice of enterprise change and the macroeconomic situation to the students.

On the morning of July 6, Xuanyuan Innovation Workshop, a new heavy link designed to empower OEMs, was added to Xuanyuan Learning. The theme of this Xuanyuan Innovation Workshop was to explore the development strategy suggestions of Lantu under the new trend of smart cars. To this end, on the afternoon of July 5, JL Phase 2 students test-drove two cars of the Lantu brand – Lantu FREE E and the upcoming MPV Lantu Dreamer – at the intelligent network test field of Dongfeng Company in Wuhan.

In the last class, Principal Jia Ke picked up the roll list for the first time and called the names of the whole class again. When every "to" sounded, their memories of Xuanyuan School were like movie clips. This was the first time the students had met after four months of being trapped by the epidemic, and it was also the final course of all seven of their modules.

Economist Fan Gang’s Judgment and Suggestions

On the morning of July 5, 2022, Fan Gang, as the instructor of Xuanyuan School, gave a lecture for the second time to the students of the Julang class. His lecture topic was "The External Environment and Internal Dynamics of China’s Long-term Economic Development".

He started from the recent fluctuations and growth of China’s economy, the "great change" of the international environment and the "decoupling" of China and the United States, the "second half" of the Russia-Ukraine war and globalization, the current inflation and the world economic turmoil, the potential and driving force of China’s long-term economic development, and the low-carbon transition.

Faced with the recent fluctuations in China’s economy that everyone is most concerned about, Teacher Fan Gang believes that although the epidemic still dominates the cause of the recent fluctuations in China’s economy, the epidemic does not belong to the category of economic analysis. From an economic perspective, it is more due to concerns about international financial turmoil, the uncertainty caused by the conflict between Russia and Ukraine, and the "contraction effect" of some policies.

Professor Fan Gang believes that macro policies can still play a certain role in the second half of 2022, mainly fiscal expenditure and infrastructure building, but monetary policy is difficult to play any role. He specifically mentioned that China’s urban agglomeration development strategy is undergoing adjustment in recent years, starting to increase land supply to big cities, reducing or stopping land supply to small cities, allowing collective land around cities to enter the market for housing construction, and increasing the supply of public rental housing. Small towns were basically in the stage of population outflow in the past. The state should create conditions to realize the return of population to small towns and villages, and plan for modern small towns and rural revitalization in advance.

He therefore proposed that China’s economic development has gone through three stages: the initial stage is to take advantage of the comparative advantage of cheap labor and engage in labor-intensive industries, so as to develop; the second stage is the advantage of latecomer, because if you lag behind, you can learn the knowledge and technology that other countries have developed at a lower cost and faster speed, and then quickly shorten the gap. The specific method is to study abroad, exchange science and technology, and introduce foreign capital; the third stage is the stage where latecomer advantages and independent innovation work together. From 2018, China has almost entered this stage.

Therefore, Fan Gang refers to the "Thucydides Trap" because "China has changed" – developing faster and faster, so fast that some Western countries regard China as their number one competitor, and they cut off our access to knowledge by cutting off supply, decoupling, and cutting off supply.

After leading the students through the cruelty of reality, Fan Gang also pointed out the direction for the students to get out of the predicament. He believes that globalization will not stop. "The United States is so de-globalized and so anti-globalized, why hasn’t globalization stopped?" He said. "To discuss this matter, you must first understand one question. Who originally promoted globalization? It was the big companies in developed countries that promoted the development of globalization."


Fan Gang believes that globalization will not stop. "The United States is so de-globalized and anti-globalized, why doesn’t globalization stop?" he said. "To discuss this matter, we must first understand one question. Who originally promoted globalization? It was the big companies in developed countries that promoted the development of globalization.


In the beginning, multinational companies promoted globalization, and the political elites supported it, and the grassroots class was not harmed. At that time, the industries that were transferred out were nothing more than labor-intensive. Wages in developed countries rose, and they moved to capital-intensive and knowledge-intensive industries, including the service industry. So no one opposed it. At that time, it was the developing countries who opposed globalization. The starting point of the developing countries at that time was that you used to exploit us in a colonial way. Now you don’t engage in colonies. You use multinational companies to call neocolonialism to continue to exploit us.

Today, the situation has changed significantly. "The more advanced we go, the more we lose manufacturing in developed countries," says Fan Gang. "Low-end manufacturing goes out, and high-end manufacturing also goes out. As a result, blue-collar workers in developed countries are severely unemployed, their living standards are seriously declining, and there is no hope. Therefore, the anti-globalization movement of the grassroots class in the United States has been triggered. The grassroots class has votes, so the political elite also follow these grassroots classes to oppose globalization. But multinational companies have not stopped thinking about the issue of global layout for a day."

Faced with the "Thucydides Trap", he believes that multinational companies are still engaged in globalization. The development of globalization will bring opportunities to backward countries. Backward countries and emerging market countries now support globalization, so globalization will not stop, but there will be some adjustments to globalization. Domestic enterprises must first continue to adhere to globalization, but at the same time, they also need to think about future development and adjust the layout of globalization with the way of thinking of global resource allocation. "Our enterprises can not only develop in the Asia-Pacific region, but also go to America and Europe to set up factories, develop and allocate resources."

Fan Gang said that there are several theories in economics that can prove that perfect competition is not a good industrial behavior. Perfect competition can keep prices very low. Although it is the best for consumers in terms of price and cost, one of its problems is that there is very little innovation. Perfect competition has little profit for enterprises, and profits are very thin. Its ability to invest in and research and development is very poor, so it will not invest in research and development as a continuous process. Then, the industry becomes less and less innovative, and there are fewer and fewer new products. This is a negative factor for consumers in the long run.

The reason why an industry can be in a state of perfect competition generally has a lot to do with the low threshold of the industry. He said: "Digital transformation involves the structure of the entire industrial Internet. The problem with our industrial structure is that there are too many small enterprises, all of which are small enterprises. Small enterprises have little profit and little investment, and it is too expensive for them to do things in the industrial Internet. In the digital economy, enterprises need someone who can provide better software and provide better and cheaper solutions to help manufacturing enterprises achieve transformation at a relatively low cost. If this problem is solved, our manufacturing industry can keep up with the new stage of international technological development and can continue to develop, which is also an important future potential growth point for China’s economy."

In addition to improving the digitalization level of the manufacturing industry, Fan Gang also mentioned that it is now an opportunity for all walks of life to reform and adjust the internal structure of the industry through mergers and acquisitions to enhance competitiveness. At the same time, he also did not forget to seize the development opportunities of new energy and new energy-related industries. This is actually a huge opportunity brought to us by the current transformation of the automotive industry from traditional automobiles to new energy intelligent networked new vehicles.

The first show of Xuanyuan Innovation Workshop


The so-called Xuanyuan Innovation Workshop is a think tank composed of Xuanyuan School mentors and students. It conducts targeted multi-angle consultations and discussions on some pain points, difficulties and itching points in the actual development of the OEM where the industry mentors are located.


Xuanyuan Zhixue has always emphasized the mutual learning and learning together. In the last module of Julang Phase 2, Xuanyuan Zhixue specially launched a link that reflects this teaching model – Xuanyuan Innovation Workshop.

The so-called Xuanyuan Innovation Workshop is a think tank composed of Xuanyuan School mentors and students. It conducts targeted multi-angle consultations and discussions on some pain points, difficulties and itching points in the actual development of the OEM where the industry mentors are located.

The Xuanyuan Innovation Workshop is to discuss the opinions and suggestions of the development of Lantu under the new situation of the new energy smart vehicle market. The members of the think tank are Xu Changming, deputy director of the State Information Center and senior economist, Zhang Xiaoliang, founder and CEO of SoCar Product Strategy Consulting, Wu Jun, the representative of Xuanyuan Learning Julang Phase 2 students and the general manager of Zhuomeng International, and Wang Fengbin, the executive principal of Xuanyuan Learning, conducted an in-depth analysis of the development of Lantu Automobile from the four dimensions of market, product, marketing and brand.

In order to provide a more complete picture of the current situation of Landmap and the development problems encountered, DONGFENG MOTOR CORPORATION Party Committee Standing Committee, Deputy General Manager You Zheng, and Deputy General Manager Liu Zhanshu of Landmap Automotive Sales and Service Co., Ltd. came to the class of Xuanyuan Zhixue, gave a detailed introduction to the current situation of Landmap, and confessed to Xuanyuan Zhixue its current bottleneck. The biggest problem with Landmap at present is that although it has the potential to explode, it has not yet become a hit.

Lantu Automobile Sales Company has just assumed responsibility for marketing Liu Zhanshu from the marketing interpretation, the product positioning of Lantu, high-end sense of building and strategic position and other issues to Xuanyuan Factory guests threw their own topics.

Xuanyuan School instructor Xu Changming took the lead in interpreting the three opportunities and three challenges of Lantu Automobile from the overall situation of the automobile market.

He believes that the opportunity of Lantu is that the total number of electric vehicles is and will continue to grow rapidly. In addition, among the 300,000-400,000 electric vehicles, independent and joint venture brands are evenly divided. Furthermore, among consumers who buy high-end electric vehicles, there are a group who prefer to have independent big brands endorsed. The challenges are similar to the difficulties encountered by most traditional car companies in transformation, including how to challenge the traditional thinking mode, what new ideas to reduce costs and how to create better quality.

Xuanyuan’s mentor, Zhang Xiaoliang, who focuses on product strategy research, gave Lantu Automobile’s product development advice on the topic of "Building a Product Strategy System for the Expansion Period of Intelligent Electric Drive".

He suggested that making products requires making truly effective innovation breakthroughs, rather than just doing emotional business. At the same time, it is also necessary to form a system of very broad recognition and common drive within the entire team, which should be managed and driven by goals, rather than by the process management tools of 20 or 30 years ago.

Xuanyuan Learning Julang Phase 2 student Wu Jun gave Lantu a very specific and easy-to-implement marketing strategy suggestion from the perspectives of brand, product, competitive product and sales.

Wang Fengbin, the executive principal of Xuanyuan School, stood in the perspective of brand innovation culture strategy, and provided more ideas for the branding of Landmap in terms of vision-driven, cultural empathy and cybertribe operations.

After the keynote speeches of the four experts, the students of Xuanyuan Learning Julang Phase 2 included: what opportunities and challenges will Lantu face in the future, how will it stand on the shoulders of Dongfeng, the "giant", what is the biggest difficulty that Lantu encounters in brand promotion, what are the competitive advantages of Lantu compared with other new car-making forces, and why Dongfeng wants to create a high-end new energy vehicle brand like Lantu. Four questions started with a fierce group discussion.

Through the students’ rich practical experience and corporate leadership background, their discussions also gave Lantu a broader perspective for improvement. Liu Zhanshu said that through the discussions at Xuanyuan Factory, many questions were raised, "some can be solved quickly, and some can be solved in the process of solving,… I think it is very good to have such a very frank face-to-face discussion."

This is the first activity of Xuanyuan Zhixue – Xuanyuan Innovation Workshop. Not to mention the expert mentors of Xuanyuan Zhixue, in fact, every student is an expert in a certain aspect of the automotive industry, and they are all high-powered people in the automotive industry. It is easier for them to come up with relatively more practical solutions. In the future, Xuanyuan Zhixue will continue to replicate this model, improve and improve quality, and continue to empower OEMs and the automotive industry ecosystem.

The link of Julang Private Exchange was shared by Huang Liang, founder and CEO of Rainbow Wireless (Beijing) Technology Co., Ltd., a student of Julang Phase 2, and Sun Yanan, founder of Suzhou Youlesai Supply Chain Management Co., Ltd.

Huang Liang is moving from mobile phones to the automotive industry. The development of mobile phones from the Internet to the mobile Internet and cars from traditional to smart electric vehicles seem to be several things in different fields, but he believes that the development, evolution and technological progress of these industries are very closely related. "How can we use existing technologies to optimize and change the past form and form a new business model, that is, the application scenarios or business opportunities of smart cars."

Sun Yan’an shared his thoughts on the four aspects of the automotive supply chain: demand, management, process and rules. The company he founded is a company that uses the unitized logistics system as the basis point to design and serve the automotive parts industry. It has basically realized the full scene coverage of the automotive industry, especially the parts.

In the future, they hope that through market rules or market development, they can truly establish a professional independent service third party. "Advocate the logistics packaging sharing platform of China’s automotive industry, and hope that everyone will unify the standards and work together to promote the common progress of the automotive logistics industry and improve the level. That is our goal," he said.

Zhu Yanfeng withstands loneliness after 20 years

On the evening of May 5, 2015, Zhu Yanfeng flew to Wuhan from Changchun. At the age of 54, he had been away from the automotive industry for nearly 8 years and suddenly returned to manage a large central enterprise with 170,000 employees, 3 listed companies and 15 major automobile companies. People are looking forward to how Zhu Yanfeng will play his cards.

This answer sheet has begun to emerge after 7 years: sweep away all kinds of branches and creeps, find the certainty of future development. At the crossroads of history, concentrate resources and strength to develop independent brands.

In July 2017, Dongfeng Yulong "withdraws people and does not withdraw capital"; on April 14, 2020, Dongfeng Renault delisted and restructured; on November 19, 2021, Dongfeng Yueda Kia withdrew… In the joint venture sector, Dongfeng has finally completed the evolution from "integration" to "withdrawal".

At the same time, Dongfeng’s independent brand took on a new look. Dongfeng Fengshen completed its self-rescue and counterattack, got out of the bottom, and started a new round of growth. Landmap Automobile has just perfected the full-link personnel structure and is preparing for a new sprint. M brand of Dongfeng’s high-end new energy off-road vehicle project will be born again.

In 2021, Dongfeng Group established a strategic steering committee to support important strategic plans, business plans, including budgets, etc. Dongfeng Motor also adjusted its organizational structure and innovatively adopted the BU system for technology centers, Dongfeng Finance, Dongfeng Import and Export Company, and Dongfeng Travel, which stimulated the vitality of the enterprise.

On the afternoon of July 6, 2022, Zhu Yanfeng, chairperson and party secretary of DONGFENG MOTOR CORPORATION, walked into the class of Xuanyuan Zhixue with the specific practice of "five modernizations to one car, one car to four networks", and gave a speech and question and answer for two and a half hours.

In 1999, when Mr. Zhu, 38, took over as FAW’s general manager, he became the youngest person in FAW’s history to take the helm and the youngest general manager of China’s large auto industry. In a speech shortly after taking office, Mr. Zhu proposed that all FAW employees in China drive their own cars. Like some of his remarks, there was ridicule and skepticism.

When Zhu Yanfeng drew a beautiful blueprint, Zhang Ming was still an ordinary employee with a salary of more than 600 yuan per month, while a Jetta cost more than 100,000 yuan; in 2004, Zhang Ming drove a Bora with about 200,000 yuan back home. Twenty years later, Zhang Ming has become the backbone of FAW Group and joined Xuanyuan Learning Julang Phase 2. He said that this is Zhu Yanfeng’s vision from the height of the enterprise leader, he saw the future, non-linear development.

For leaders, ability, charm, courage and eyesight are all indispensable. One step at a time is the basic operation. Only by taking three steps can we lead the company to go faster and farther. In the automotive industry, "I have worked for a lifetime". In the era of competition and alternation between old and new, Zhu Yanfeng has his own insights into the future of automobiles.

"I’ve been in cars for decades, and I’ve been talking about one thing, and I’ve been answering myself, what is a car?" he said.


In response to Zhou Yan’s question, Zhu Yanfeng said: "As an individual, I feel that the mind, pattern, and taste should always be pursued, and then you should also be responsible, and you must be able to bear grievances. Behind this, you have to bear a lot, a lot of grievances, and you have to endure loneliness.


For this question, Zhu Yanfeng gave an answer when he attended the 12th China Auto Blue Book Forum with the theme of "Winter Bud" in 2020, "Can you be a Rubik’s Cube, a Transformer, and use our new materials to make a car that allows users to spend a share of money and make a powerful and small car?"

He pointed out at the time that companies are like sailing in the ocean. If they do not actively "move", they will be submerged. To continuously swim in the ocean, they need to carry out "cross-border", that is, in terms of technology, energy, business models, and intelligent intelligence, and provide users with the richest car world through intelligence, networking, and sharing.

Two years later, in the Xuanyuan School class, Zhu Yanfeng gave a more concrete direction. On the basis of the "four modernizations of automobiles" proposed by Dr. Jia Ke, he emphasized "lightweight". He believed that the development of the energy revolution, the Internet revolution, and the integration of the intelligent revolution and the transformation of the automobile industry promoted the development of the automobile industry in the direction of "five modernizations".

"I think there will be many material revolutions in other fields, material changes and material industrialization applied to our cars in the future. Lightweight is basically Dongfeng’s own call, but we think we still need to shout. Now whether it is aluminum-magnesium alloy, aluminum alloy, or aluminum-steel alloy, it has actually become a material process."

At the same time, the attributes of the car transformed the integration of products and society into a systemic operation. In society, there were transportation, energy, information, and financial relationships. On this basis, Dongfeng proposed "one car through four networks", that is, cars are linked to transportation networks, energy networks, information networks, and financial networks.

In a word, "five modernizations into one car, one car through four networks" is the characteristic of today’s automobile development.

In the interactive session, in response to the students’ questions about the relationship between smart cars and mobile phones, he said: "Today’s autonomous driving, including vehicle to everything, is actually a product defined by the threat of pursuing consumer trends in the tide to some extent. In fact, if it is very rational, the car and ecology are connected, and this part of the mobile phone can be done. Because the car and the mobile phone are originally divided, and the mobile phone part is connected with the ecology. You are the electronic mobile end point. I am the tangible material end point, and it is good to combine in the middle. But now these two are not combined, but replaced each other. I think more cars tend to have stronger computing power in motion and control, and the ecological interface is more involved."

Zhu Yanfeng has his own opinion on the relationship between the OEM and the supply chain. He believes that the relationship between the two parties must always be symbiotic and communion, but the relationship between the black box, white box, and gray box must be a dialectical relationship. In this relationship, the gray box state will become the norm. The black box is very short-lived, and the white box will not last long. So the gray box state should be a better state for supply chain management.

During the interactive session, the students couldn’t hide their admiration and curiosity about Zhu Yanfeng’s "Young Marshal" experience. Zhou Qian, a student of Julang Phase 2 and then deputy general manager of SAIC-GM-Wuling Sales Company, asked Zhu Yanfeng, who was young and famous, "If I were a young employee of Dongfeng, would I have any experience to share on the development path?"

Looking at the younger generation who was the same age as when he took over FAW, Zhu Yanfeng’s answer was particularly heartfelt. He said: "Life is a choice, and you always choose, it depends on what you choose. The real freedom is not what you want to do, but what you don’t want to do." "I work in administration and government, but I didn’t actually give up the car. Later, people asked if you were really interested. I said I was really interested. The changes that cars bring to people are really rich."

Looking back on the past, Zhu Yanfeng said, "At the age of 38, I feel that the right time, the right place and the right person have made me. Personally, I have indeed worked hard and suffered, but it is not just an individual, but also the right time and the right place and the right person. The right time is China’s reform and opening up, and the right place is the beginning of the establishment of China’s automobile society. Renhe is my predecessors of FAW. They should give me full trust and support as an employee, and they are willing to let me take on development, and they are willing to take on such challenges and risks. But as an individual, I feel that the mind, the pattern, and the taste should always be pursued, and then you should also have responsibility, and you have to bear the grievances. Behind this, you have to bear a lot, a lot of grievances, and you have to bear loneliness."

This article is originally published by Automotive Business Review
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Krypton responds to Xi ‘an Krypton 001 fire.

  On April 20, Extreme Krypton Automobile issued a statement on "A Extreme Krypton 001 fire incident occurred in Yanta District of Xi ‘an", saying that there were no people on board at the time of the incident and the fire did not cause any casualties.

  Extreme Krypton Automobile said that we attach great importance to the fire of vehicles, and the relevant staff have rushed to the scene at the first time to assist users in reporting insurance and providing scooters, and at the same time report to public security, fire protection and other relevant departments.

Image source: Extreme APP

  According to Krypton Automobile, according to the information currently available, when a fire broke out, the power battery of the vehicle was in a safe state, and no thermal runaway occurred, and the accident caused by the power battery was initially ruled out. After the fire, the scene showed that only the front standby compartment of the vehicle was overheated, and the passenger compartment, chassis and power battery were kept intact. We will actively cooperate with the fire department to carry out the investigation, and the cause of the accident will be subject to the investigation results of relevant institutions. At the same time, assist users to deal with the follow-up, fully protect users’ rights and interests, and do a good job in related after-care services.

  Previously, in January this year, there was also an extremely krypton 001 fire accident in Yueqing, Wenzhou. When the vehicle caught fire, there were no people on board, and the fire did not cause any casualties. At that time, Extreme Krypton Automobile issued a briefing response on January 20th and February 9th, respectively.

  Among them, the description of the car published on February 9 pointed out that the fire was ignited by the wreckage of fireworks and firecrackers, and there was no short circuit in the car when there was a fire accident. According to the investigation of Wenzhou Yueqing Fire Rescue Brigade, the cause of vehicle fire was caused by the spread of combustible materials ignited by fireworks and firecrackers. In the event of a fire accident, the high-voltage power supply system, low-voltage power supply system and three-electricity system of the vehicle all work normally without any short circuit. During the fire and after the fire extinguishing, the headlights of the vehicle turned on and the alarm system worked normally, indicating that the battery, fuse box and related wiring harness were all normal, and there was no fault in the low-voltage alarm system of the whole vehicle.

Image source: Extreme APP

Stock Market Express: On April 22nd, Cyrus (601127) sold 217 million yuan of main funds.

According to Securities Star, as of the close of April 22, 2024, Cyrus (601127) closed at 94.93 yuan, down 0.58%, with a turnover rate of 2.64%, with a turnover of 399,200 lots and a turnover of 3.793 billion yuan.

As for the data of capital flow on April 22nd, the net outflow of main funds was 217 million yuan, accounting for 5.73% of the total turnover, the net inflow of hot money was 68.5681 million yuan, accounting for 1.81% of the total turnover, and the net inflow of retail funds was 149 million yuan, accounting for 3.92% of the total turnover.

See the following table for a summary of capital flows in the past five days:

The main indicators and industry rankings of this stock are as follows:

The third quarterly report of Cyrus in 2023 showed that the company’s main income was 16.68 billion yuan, down 27.86% year-on-year; The net profit of returning to the mother was-2.294 billion yuan, up 14.23% year-on-year; Deducting non-net profit was-3.015 billion yuan, down 5.24% year-on-year; In the third quarter of 2023, the company’s main revenue in a single quarter was 5.648 billion yuan, a year-on-year decrease of 47.25%; The net profit returned to the mother in a single quarter was-950 million yuan, down 0.25% year-on-year; Non-net profit deducted in a single quarter was-1.13 billion yuan, up 1.77% year-on-year; The debt ratio is 83.36%, the investment income is 247 million yuan, the financial expenses are-55,056,400 yuan, and the gross profit margin is 6.76%. Cyrus (601127) is mainly engaged in R&D, manufacturing, sales and service of new energy vehicles and core three-power, traditional vehicles and core component assemblies.

In the last 90 days, the stock has been rated by 10 institutions, with 5 buy ratings and 5 overweight ratings; The average target price of the institution in the past 90 days is 104.0.

Explanation of the term "capital flow": refers to the reversal of capital flow through price changes. When the stock price is in a rising state, the turnover formed by active buying orders is the driving force for the stock price to rise, which is defined as capital inflow, and when the stock price is in a falling state, the turnover generated by active selling orders is the driving force for the stock price to fall, which is defined as capital outflow. The difference between the two forces on that day is the net force left to push the stock price up after the two forces offset each other on that day. Calculate the main capital flow, hot money flow and retail capital flow through the transaction amount of each transaction.

Note: The main funds are large single transactions, the hot money is large single transactions, and the retail investors are small and medium single transactions.

The above contents are compiled by Securities Star according to public information, and generated by algorithm (No.310104345710301240019), which has nothing to do with the position of this website. Please contact us if there is any problem with the data. This article is for data collation, and does not constitute any investment advice for you. Investment is risky, so please make a careful decision.

The 2018 World Artificial Intelligence Conference launched a high-end dialogue on smart cities, and provinces and cities accelerated the construction of pilot cities | Smart City Weekly

Original title: 2018 World Artificial Intelligence Conference launched a high-end dialogue on smart cities, and provinces and cities accelerated the construction of pilot cities | Smart City Weekly

On September 18th, the 2018 World Artificial Intelligence Conference and Edge Intelligence Theme Forum was held in Shanghai. The theme of the forum was "Edge Computing, Smart Future" and it was one of the important theme forums of the 2018 World Artificial Intelligence Conference.

Yu Kai, founder and CEO of Horizon, stressed in his speech that human beings are moving from the era of big data to the era of big computing, and the trend of edge computing is the result of the global Internet technology trend "long-term integration and long-term separation".

"In the PC era, all calculations are on computers, not local calculations. With the development of the Internet, data is increasingly transferred to the cloud and the center, and computing is slowly concentrated from the edge to the cloud. From the beginning of the mobile Internet to the arrival of the Internet of Things era, we have gradually seen another trend-more computing has migrated from the center to the edge. "

At the same time, he also predicted that by 2025, the computing power that every thousand dollars can buy is equivalent to 1000 T, which is enough to support the computing needs of five-level driverless driving. If we continue to develop the matching software system based on this, it is predicted that by 2030, the real five-level unmanned driving will become possible. The interesting thing about the technological trend is that the computing power of 1000 T’s is just equal to that of human brain, which is also a development result worth pondering. (Source: Lei Feng Net)

Shenzhen-Shantou Special Cooperation Zone may become a pilot project for the construction of smart cities.

As the "10+1" zone in Shenzhen, the Shenzhen-Shantou Special Cooperation Zone has always been concerned by the outside world. At the two sessions of Guangdong Province held at the beginning of this year, the Guangdong Provincial Committee of the Agricultural Workers’ Party put forward the Proposal on Accelerating the Integrated Development of Shenzhen-Shantou Special Cooperation Zone and Shenzhen. The reporter was informed that the Shenzhen Municipal Government recently responded to the proposal, revealing that it will speed up the establishment of a rapid transportation network in Shenzhen and Shantou, and create an innovative experimental zone in the "enclave" of the cooperation zone in the fields of smart city construction, marine management, talent management and institutional reform, so as to promote the integrated development of the "10+1" zone and Shenzhen.

It is understood that according to the "Adjustment Plan of System and Mechanism of Shenzhen-Shantou Special Cooperation Zone" approved by the Guangdong Provincial Party Committee and the provincial government, it clearly supports the recent construction of a high-speed railway with a speed of 350 kilometers per hour in the Shenzhen-Shenzhen special cooperation zone (hereinafter referred to as "Shenzhen-Shantou Railway"). In its reply, the municipal government revealed that Shenzhen has proposed the Shenzhen-Shantou Railway Station (Xili-Pingshan-Huizhou-Cooperation Zone, which connects with the Guangzhou-Shantou Railway at the Shenzhen-Shantou Station in the Cooperation Zone). The initial planned length of the line is about 130 kilometers, and the investment is estimated at 23.5 billion yuan. At present, the Provincial Development and Reform Commission has entrusted the design unit to carry out the pre-feasibility study of the project. (Source: Shenzhen Business Daily)

The automatic parking service technology jointly developed by Daimler and Bosch is based on the L4 stage of automatic driving, but it has little requirements for the whole vehicle and sensors, so it is a black technology with universal value. To some extent, Bosch, as a supplier, will be the biggest beneficiary, but Mercedes-Benz must be the leader of this technology.

Chen Ming, president of Bosch Intelligent Networking Division in China, said: "The automatic parking service technology jointly developed by Bosch and Daimler is another effort made by both parties towards intelligent and connected transportation in the future. This new technology will make traditional manual parking a thing of the past, helping drivers save parking time and relieve anxiety. "

It is worth noting that this technology has low requirements on the vehicle itself and sensors, which on the one hand reduces the use cost of the owner, and consumers do not need to pay for too many sensors. On the other hand, it is more convenient to calculate when multiple vehicles use the automatic parking service system at the same time, so as to reduce the accident probability. (Source: Travel Finance)

On September 12th, the unveiling ceremony of the Key Laboratory of Smart City Modeling, Simulation and Intelligent Technology of China Electric Power Branch and the first meeting of the academic committee were held in the Wisdom Institute, marking the official establishment of the Key Laboratory of Smart City Modeling, Simulation and Intelligent Technology of China Electronics Technology Group Co., Ltd. This is another important achievement in the construction of a new smart city in China Electric Examination Banner.

Relying on the construction and operation of Smart City Modeling, Simulation and Intelligent Technology Laboratory of China Electric Power Department, facing the great demand of the country and the group in the field of new smart city construction and management services, aiming at leading the future urban development concept, driving the application of urban data fusion and improving the application level of urban wisdom, the key laboratory conducts new concept research, new technology research and new application transformation around the two major directions of urban modeling, simulation and urban intelligent technology, and strives to build a city-level simulation deduction platform and a perception and cognition platform to support the formation and promotion of "urban hub".

The Key Laboratory consists of the Urban Modeling and Simulation Research Center and the Urban Intelligent Technology Research Center. It has a professional research team of nearly 30 people, bringing together talents from many disciplines in smart cities. The overall research team has a reasonable structure, clear levels and certain innovation ability. In terms of scientific research projects, the laboratory participated in the national key R&D plan, the National Natural Science Foundation of China, the special action of the new generation artificial intelligence of China Electric Power Department, the science and technology application demonstration of Shenzhen Science and Technology Commission, and the open fund project of big data national engineering laboratory, etc. In terms of practical exploration, the laboratory participated in the smart city planning of xiong’an new area through the group, and studied and practiced the smart community construction, smart transportation construction and government big data analysis in Futian, Shenzhen, striving to practice the concept of "city laboratory". (Source: National Bureau of Science, Technology and Industry for National Defense)

On September 17, Siemens signed an agreement with Jiangsu Wisdom Xinwu Information Technology Co., Ltd. under the witness of the leaders of Wuxi Xinwu District to cooperate in the field of smart cities. According to the agreement, Siemens plans to provide 100 embedded urban IOT terminals (ECB) for Wuxi Xinwu District within five years, which will be used to collect urban data, sense the basic environment and traffic flow. In addition, Siemens also participated in the "2018 World Internet of Things Expo" held in Wuxi from September 15 to 18, and exhibited its advanced technology in the fields of industrial Internet of Things and urban Internet of Things.

"Siemens is committed to providing digital solutions for the sustainable development of cities, with a complete IoT business model from consulting, hardware implementation, data analysis to industrial cloud." Dr. Zhu Xiaoxun, Executive Vice President of Siemens (China) Co., Ltd. and Dean of Siemens China Research Institute, said, "With advanced intelligent sensing and edge computing technology, Siemens will actively integrate into Wuxi’s urban construction in the field of Internet of Things to help Wuxi become a world-class smart city." (Source: Sohu Technology)

Recently, Ant Financial launched the "Digital Economy China Tour internet plus Public Transport Visit", and took the No.113 bus in Hangzhou, from Rainbow City Station to Baby Lane Station, which was 14 minutes faster than taking the subway under normal driving conditions; At the subway station of Shanghai South Railway Station, users can not only use Metro Metropolitan APP to scan the code for payment, but also use voice to purchase tickets.

Support buses and subways to achieve smart travel. Ant Financial uses big data to reconstruct bus operation capabilities, realize two-way interaction with users, and realize digital travel in smart cities.

Jin Tao, director of Shanghai Shentong Metro Group Rail Transit Information Management Center, said that Ali and Ant Financial helped Shanghai Metro successfully resolve two super cyber attacks. Non-inductive payment and palm recognition are the research directions of the two sides on the future payment methods of public transportation. Metro Metropolitan APP will be combined with cloud ticketing to provide passengers with a variety of payment channels to use at will and improve services. For Shanghai Metro, Metro Metropolis APP is the entrance to urban life, which means changing "passengers" into "users", changing "subway ride" into "Internet travel" and upgrading subway service into "O2O life". It is reported that Shanghai Metro is working with some bicycle companies to study the Internet travel mode and the co-governance of bicycle environment around subway stations. It is expected to take the lead in realizing the demonstration operation of subways and bicycles before the opening of the first China International Import Expo by using Metro Metropolitan APP. (Source: Xinhuanet)

On the morning of September 18th, the 2018 World Artificial Intelligence Conference launched a high-end dialogue on international smart cities. City representatives from all over the world spoke freely, shared successful experiences, discussed the trend of global cooperation, and looked forward to the bright future of smart city construction.

How many elements does a smart city need? Wu Zhiqiang, academician of China Academy of Engineering and vice president of Tongji University, summed up four "meetings". He pointed out that smart cities should be able to perceive, judge, reflect and learn. Smart cities should serve people and people’s urban life, such as medical care, schooling, employment, transportation, culture, etc.-everyone should participate and serve. (Source: Dongfang. com)

Recently, the second Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Service Outsourcing Collaborative Development Forum "Smart City and the Development of Main Urban Area" sub-forum was held in arcadia Hotel. The purpose of this forum is to publicize and promote the new image of the investment environment in the harbor area, boost the new engine of industrial development in the harbor area, discuss new opportunities for service outsourcing development with more than 100 business representatives, discuss friendship and discuss cooperation.

Feng Guolin, member of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee and Secretary of the District Party Committee, attended the event and delivered a speech.

Chen Yanbao, deputy director of the Provincial Department of Commerce, and Feng Zhiyong, deputy mayor, attended the signing ceremony, and Yin Hong, member of the Standing Committee of the District Party Committee and executive deputy head of the district, attended the event.

During the activity, the guests watched the propaganda film "Rhyme of the Harbor" together. Tian Xueqing, member of the Standing Committee of the District Party Committee and deputy head of the district, signed strategic cooperation agreements with representatives of Petrochemical Yingke Information Technology Co., Ltd., Beijing Aerospace Titan Technology Co., Ltd. and Beijing Jinshan Safety Management System Technology Co., Ltd. on behalf of the people’s government of Haigang District. Hebei Softcom Power Information Technology Co., Ltd. signed a cooperation agreement with Yanshan University National University Science Park. (Source: Hebei Provincial People’s Government website)

Recently, the public service version of urban brain and intelligent transportation jointly launched by Gaode Map and Alibaba Cloud was unveiled at the 2018 Hangzhou Yunqi Conference. Dong Zhenning, vice president of Gaode Map, said at the conference that the urban brain aims to achieve the optimization of urban traffic efficiency through the "Tao" of wisdom and the "technique" of calculation, so as to achieve a beautiful vision of smart traffic life.

At the same time, in addition, Gaode Map announced the driving behavior risk index for the first time at the Yunqi Conference. In the future, the index will be applied to urban brain-smart transportation to serve road traffic safety.

At present, the urban brain faces difficulties and challenges in data aggregation, fusion and calculation, and it encounters bottlenecks in achieving accurate management and control. Mainly manifested in: there are defects in data quality, and the signal control system that has been developed for nearly 30 years still has shortcomings and deficiencies in traffic flow collection; The storage computing power needs to be solved urgently, which is manifested in the lack of ability to store the returned unstructured image data and calculate it effectively; The wisdom of data engineers, traffic management business backbones, traffic engineering basic theory and application experts needs to be integrated urgently, so that the developed algorithm can be put into practical application. (Source: techweb)

During the World Artificial Intelligence Conference in Shanghai, Horizon, an artificial intelligence startup with embedded artificial intelligence technology, announced that it had settled in Shanghai Lingang and formally signed a contract with Shanghai Lingang Development and Construction Management Committee.

According to reports, Shanghai is one of the most modern cities in China, and the richness of application scenarios and the demand for intelligence are at the forefront of big cities. Horizon firmly believes that the application scenario of artificial intelligence processor has broad prospects in Shanghai. Previously, Horizon has participated in the Lingang Haichang Park project to help the comprehensive management of smart security, intelligent transportation and smart cities.

When it settled in Lingang this time, Horizon expressed its hope to promote the landing of artificial intelligence in various application scenarios in Lingang through AI underlying computing, and further promote the landing application of edge computing in the field of urban intelligence. (Source: Netease Intelligence)

Recently, sponsored by Chengdu Municipal People’s Government, Chengdu Investment Promotion Committee and jinniu district Municipal People’s Government jointly hosted the "New Economy and New Kinetic Energy" Chengdu Smart City Development Investment Promotion Conference, which was held in Chengdu. Representatives from more than 80 well-known new economic enterprises and financial institutions from all over the country gathered together to seek opportunities for cooperation and create a better future.

The meeting also held a centralized signing ceremony for major projects, and the Sri Lankan Investment Promotion Office in China officially signed a contract to settle in jinniu district, which will build a bridge between Chengdu, China and South Asia to develop economy and trade, further strengthen the economic and trade exchanges between Jinniu and South Asia, and in the future, Jinniu will cooperate more closely with South Asia to write a new chapter in the international trade of Jinniu South Asia.

In addition, seven major industrial projects, such as Moban Science and Technology West Operation Center Project, Tiantie Industrial West Operation Center Project, Shanyouke New Retail Project and Zotye Time-sharing West Operation Center Project, have been signed with the jinniu district Municipal Government, with a total investment of 6.1 billion yuan. (Source: People’s Daily Online)

On the morning of September 20th, the press conference of the smart life convenience service platform "Nehe on the Code" was officially launched.

The project of "Nehe River in Code" is an Internet-based reform that benefits urban and rural social public services. Through the cooperation with Qiqihar Branch of China Construction Bank, the online business of government services and public services can be realized, which can make people run less errands and more data, and make enterprises and people more convenient, faster and more efficient. "Nehe on the Code" will also be stationed in various businesses covering cities and villages such as catering and retail, and create an integrated Internet business circle for local businesses to facilitate people’s lives. At the same time, it will also build a credit integrity system integrating urban and rural areas, and develop HP financial services such as credit loans and credit purchases.

The "Nehe River on the Code" project includes four business segments: smart government service, smart public service, smart business service and smart financial service. The "Nehe River on the Code" project was launched in three phases. On September 15, 2018, six businesses in the first phase of the "Nehe on the Code" project, such as collecting party fees, China Unicom, mobile phone bills, traffic violation fines and kindergarten fees, were officially put into operation. It marks the official operation of the "Nehe River on the Code" project. (Source: People’s Daily Online)

On September 20th, China’s first comprehensive exposition with the theme of digital economy-"2018 International Digital Economy Expo" officially kicked off in Shijiazhuang. As one of the important activities of this Expo, the "2018 Smart City and Digital Economy Summit" attracted more than 500 participants. Focusing on the theme of "gathering industrial ecology and sharing the future of the city", this summit invited representatives from government, production, learning and research institutions.

Ma Shujie, Secretary-General of China Smart City Industry and Technology Innovation Strategic Alliance, Ye Yuping, Member of China Digital Economy committee of 100, Dean of Softcom Power Innovation Research Institute, Yao Jiankui, Chief Engineer of Huawei BG China Smart City Research Institute, Wei Yongsen, Chief Technology Officer of Inspur Group Smart City Research Institute, Liang Manchun, Assistant Dean of Tsinghua University Public Security Research Institute, Yin Qinghua, Vice President of Taihua Smart Industry Group, Weng Nandao, Chairman of Ego Group and other expert leaders attended the forum. (Source: Great Wall Network)

The launch conference of "Changde Express Loan" was held in Changde City, Hunan Province. Chen Huiqing, member of the Standing Committee of Changde Municipal Committee and executive deputy mayor, Li Qin, director of Hunan Rural Credit Union, Tang Xixin, party secretary and director of Changde E-government Office, Lu Hua, chairman of Changde Rural Commercial Bank, and Zhang Youguo, senior vice president of Iflytek Co., Ltd. and other leaders attended the conference. More than 300 people attended the conference, including the Finance Office of Changde Municipal Government, the Municipal Development and Reform Commission, the Municipal Economic and Information Committee, Changde Central Branch of the People’s Bank of China, Changde Banking Supervision Branch, heads of district governments and news media.

"Changde Express Loan" has made remarkable achievements since its trial operation on August 8. As of September 19th, "Changde Express Loan" has received loan applications from 20,085 customers, with a total signed credit of 481.71 million yuan and a total credit of 202.06 million yuan. Among the 20085 applicants, there are 11428, accounting for 56.89%. 1552 small and micro customers, accounting for 7.73%; There are 7,105 public officials, private enterprise employees and VIP customers, accounting for 35.38%. The success of "Changde Quick Loan" has also promoted the innovation of smart city applications such as "My Changde" and government big data, and achieved the synergistic effect of "1+1+1>3". (Source: People’s Daily Online)