Stock Market Express: On April 22nd, Cyrus (601127) sold 217 million yuan of main funds.

According to Securities Star, as of the close of April 22, 2024, Cyrus (601127) closed at 94.93 yuan, down 0.58%, with a turnover rate of 2.64%, with a turnover of 399,200 lots and a turnover of 3.793 billion yuan.

As for the data of capital flow on April 22nd, the net outflow of main funds was 217 million yuan, accounting for 5.73% of the total turnover, the net inflow of hot money was 68.5681 million yuan, accounting for 1.81% of the total turnover, and the net inflow of retail funds was 149 million yuan, accounting for 3.92% of the total turnover.

See the following table for a summary of capital flows in the past five days:

The main indicators and industry rankings of this stock are as follows:

The third quarterly report of Cyrus in 2023 showed that the company’s main income was 16.68 billion yuan, down 27.86% year-on-year; The net profit of returning to the mother was-2.294 billion yuan, up 14.23% year-on-year; Deducting non-net profit was-3.015 billion yuan, down 5.24% year-on-year; In the third quarter of 2023, the company’s main revenue in a single quarter was 5.648 billion yuan, a year-on-year decrease of 47.25%; The net profit returned to the mother in a single quarter was-950 million yuan, down 0.25% year-on-year; Non-net profit deducted in a single quarter was-1.13 billion yuan, up 1.77% year-on-year; The debt ratio is 83.36%, the investment income is 247 million yuan, the financial expenses are-55,056,400 yuan, and the gross profit margin is 6.76%. Cyrus (601127) is mainly engaged in R&D, manufacturing, sales and service of new energy vehicles and core three-power, traditional vehicles and core component assemblies.

In the last 90 days, the stock has been rated by 10 institutions, with 5 buy ratings and 5 overweight ratings; The average target price of the institution in the past 90 days is 104.0.

Explanation of the term "capital flow": refers to the reversal of capital flow through price changes. When the stock price is in a rising state, the turnover formed by active buying orders is the driving force for the stock price to rise, which is defined as capital inflow, and when the stock price is in a falling state, the turnover generated by active selling orders is the driving force for the stock price to fall, which is defined as capital outflow. The difference between the two forces on that day is the net force left to push the stock price up after the two forces offset each other on that day. Calculate the main capital flow, hot money flow and retail capital flow through the transaction amount of each transaction.

Note: The main funds are large single transactions, the hot money is large single transactions, and the retail investors are small and medium single transactions.

The above contents are compiled by Securities Star according to public information, and generated by algorithm (No.310104345710301240019), which has nothing to do with the position of this website. Please contact us if there is any problem with the data. This article is for data collation, and does not constitute any investment advice for you. Investment is risky, so please make a careful decision.

The 2018 World Artificial Intelligence Conference launched a high-end dialogue on smart cities, and provinces and cities accelerated the construction of pilot cities | Smart City Weekly

Original title: 2018 World Artificial Intelligence Conference launched a high-end dialogue on smart cities, and provinces and cities accelerated the construction of pilot cities | Smart City Weekly

On September 18th, the 2018 World Artificial Intelligence Conference and Edge Intelligence Theme Forum was held in Shanghai. The theme of the forum was "Edge Computing, Smart Future" and it was one of the important theme forums of the 2018 World Artificial Intelligence Conference.

Yu Kai, founder and CEO of Horizon, stressed in his speech that human beings are moving from the era of big data to the era of big computing, and the trend of edge computing is the result of the global Internet technology trend "long-term integration and long-term separation".

"In the PC era, all calculations are on computers, not local calculations. With the development of the Internet, data is increasingly transferred to the cloud and the center, and computing is slowly concentrated from the edge to the cloud. From the beginning of the mobile Internet to the arrival of the Internet of Things era, we have gradually seen another trend-more computing has migrated from the center to the edge. "

At the same time, he also predicted that by 2025, the computing power that every thousand dollars can buy is equivalent to 1000 T, which is enough to support the computing needs of five-level driverless driving. If we continue to develop the matching software system based on this, it is predicted that by 2030, the real five-level unmanned driving will become possible. The interesting thing about the technological trend is that the computing power of 1000 T’s is just equal to that of human brain, which is also a development result worth pondering. (Source: Lei Feng Net)

Shenzhen-Shantou Special Cooperation Zone may become a pilot project for the construction of smart cities.

As the "10+1" zone in Shenzhen, the Shenzhen-Shantou Special Cooperation Zone has always been concerned by the outside world. At the two sessions of Guangdong Province held at the beginning of this year, the Guangdong Provincial Committee of the Agricultural Workers’ Party put forward the Proposal on Accelerating the Integrated Development of Shenzhen-Shantou Special Cooperation Zone and Shenzhen. The reporter was informed that the Shenzhen Municipal Government recently responded to the proposal, revealing that it will speed up the establishment of a rapid transportation network in Shenzhen and Shantou, and create an innovative experimental zone in the "enclave" of the cooperation zone in the fields of smart city construction, marine management, talent management and institutional reform, so as to promote the integrated development of the "10+1" zone and Shenzhen.

It is understood that according to the "Adjustment Plan of System and Mechanism of Shenzhen-Shantou Special Cooperation Zone" approved by the Guangdong Provincial Party Committee and the provincial government, it clearly supports the recent construction of a high-speed railway with a speed of 350 kilometers per hour in the Shenzhen-Shenzhen special cooperation zone (hereinafter referred to as "Shenzhen-Shantou Railway"). In its reply, the municipal government revealed that Shenzhen has proposed the Shenzhen-Shantou Railway Station (Xili-Pingshan-Huizhou-Cooperation Zone, which connects with the Guangzhou-Shantou Railway at the Shenzhen-Shantou Station in the Cooperation Zone). The initial planned length of the line is about 130 kilometers, and the investment is estimated at 23.5 billion yuan. At present, the Provincial Development and Reform Commission has entrusted the design unit to carry out the pre-feasibility study of the project. (Source: Shenzhen Business Daily)

The automatic parking service technology jointly developed by Daimler and Bosch is based on the L4 stage of automatic driving, but it has little requirements for the whole vehicle and sensors, so it is a black technology with universal value. To some extent, Bosch, as a supplier, will be the biggest beneficiary, but Mercedes-Benz must be the leader of this technology.

Chen Ming, president of Bosch Intelligent Networking Division in China, said: "The automatic parking service technology jointly developed by Bosch and Daimler is another effort made by both parties towards intelligent and connected transportation in the future. This new technology will make traditional manual parking a thing of the past, helping drivers save parking time and relieve anxiety. "

It is worth noting that this technology has low requirements on the vehicle itself and sensors, which on the one hand reduces the use cost of the owner, and consumers do not need to pay for too many sensors. On the other hand, it is more convenient to calculate when multiple vehicles use the automatic parking service system at the same time, so as to reduce the accident probability. (Source: Travel Finance)

On September 12th, the unveiling ceremony of the Key Laboratory of Smart City Modeling, Simulation and Intelligent Technology of China Electric Power Branch and the first meeting of the academic committee were held in the Wisdom Institute, marking the official establishment of the Key Laboratory of Smart City Modeling, Simulation and Intelligent Technology of China Electronics Technology Group Co., Ltd. This is another important achievement in the construction of a new smart city in China Electric Examination Banner.

Relying on the construction and operation of Smart City Modeling, Simulation and Intelligent Technology Laboratory of China Electric Power Department, facing the great demand of the country and the group in the field of new smart city construction and management services, aiming at leading the future urban development concept, driving the application of urban data fusion and improving the application level of urban wisdom, the key laboratory conducts new concept research, new technology research and new application transformation around the two major directions of urban modeling, simulation and urban intelligent technology, and strives to build a city-level simulation deduction platform and a perception and cognition platform to support the formation and promotion of "urban hub".

The Key Laboratory consists of the Urban Modeling and Simulation Research Center and the Urban Intelligent Technology Research Center. It has a professional research team of nearly 30 people, bringing together talents from many disciplines in smart cities. The overall research team has a reasonable structure, clear levels and certain innovation ability. In terms of scientific research projects, the laboratory participated in the national key R&D plan, the National Natural Science Foundation of China, the special action of the new generation artificial intelligence of China Electric Power Department, the science and technology application demonstration of Shenzhen Science and Technology Commission, and the open fund project of big data national engineering laboratory, etc. In terms of practical exploration, the laboratory participated in the smart city planning of xiong’an new area through the group, and studied and practiced the smart community construction, smart transportation construction and government big data analysis in Futian, Shenzhen, striving to practice the concept of "city laboratory". (Source: National Bureau of Science, Technology and Industry for National Defense)

On September 17, Siemens signed an agreement with Jiangsu Wisdom Xinwu Information Technology Co., Ltd. under the witness of the leaders of Wuxi Xinwu District to cooperate in the field of smart cities. According to the agreement, Siemens plans to provide 100 embedded urban IOT terminals (ECB) for Wuxi Xinwu District within five years, which will be used to collect urban data, sense the basic environment and traffic flow. In addition, Siemens also participated in the "2018 World Internet of Things Expo" held in Wuxi from September 15 to 18, and exhibited its advanced technology in the fields of industrial Internet of Things and urban Internet of Things.

"Siemens is committed to providing digital solutions for the sustainable development of cities, with a complete IoT business model from consulting, hardware implementation, data analysis to industrial cloud." Dr. Zhu Xiaoxun, Executive Vice President of Siemens (China) Co., Ltd. and Dean of Siemens China Research Institute, said, "With advanced intelligent sensing and edge computing technology, Siemens will actively integrate into Wuxi’s urban construction in the field of Internet of Things to help Wuxi become a world-class smart city." (Source: Sohu Technology)

Recently, Ant Financial launched the "Digital Economy China Tour internet plus Public Transport Visit", and took the No.113 bus in Hangzhou, from Rainbow City Station to Baby Lane Station, which was 14 minutes faster than taking the subway under normal driving conditions; At the subway station of Shanghai South Railway Station, users can not only use Metro Metropolitan APP to scan the code for payment, but also use voice to purchase tickets.

Support buses and subways to achieve smart travel. Ant Financial uses big data to reconstruct bus operation capabilities, realize two-way interaction with users, and realize digital travel in smart cities.

Jin Tao, director of Shanghai Shentong Metro Group Rail Transit Information Management Center, said that Ali and Ant Financial helped Shanghai Metro successfully resolve two super cyber attacks. Non-inductive payment and palm recognition are the research directions of the two sides on the future payment methods of public transportation. Metro Metropolitan APP will be combined with cloud ticketing to provide passengers with a variety of payment channels to use at will and improve services. For Shanghai Metro, Metro Metropolis APP is the entrance to urban life, which means changing "passengers" into "users", changing "subway ride" into "Internet travel" and upgrading subway service into "O2O life". It is reported that Shanghai Metro is working with some bicycle companies to study the Internet travel mode and the co-governance of bicycle environment around subway stations. It is expected to take the lead in realizing the demonstration operation of subways and bicycles before the opening of the first China International Import Expo by using Metro Metropolitan APP. (Source: Xinhuanet)

On the morning of September 18th, the 2018 World Artificial Intelligence Conference launched a high-end dialogue on international smart cities. City representatives from all over the world spoke freely, shared successful experiences, discussed the trend of global cooperation, and looked forward to the bright future of smart city construction.

How many elements does a smart city need? Wu Zhiqiang, academician of China Academy of Engineering and vice president of Tongji University, summed up four "meetings". He pointed out that smart cities should be able to perceive, judge, reflect and learn. Smart cities should serve people and people’s urban life, such as medical care, schooling, employment, transportation, culture, etc.-everyone should participate and serve. (Source: Dongfang. com)

Recently, the second Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Service Outsourcing Collaborative Development Forum "Smart City and the Development of Main Urban Area" sub-forum was held in arcadia Hotel. The purpose of this forum is to publicize and promote the new image of the investment environment in the harbor area, boost the new engine of industrial development in the harbor area, discuss new opportunities for service outsourcing development with more than 100 business representatives, discuss friendship and discuss cooperation.

Feng Guolin, member of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee and Secretary of the District Party Committee, attended the event and delivered a speech.

Chen Yanbao, deputy director of the Provincial Department of Commerce, and Feng Zhiyong, deputy mayor, attended the signing ceremony, and Yin Hong, member of the Standing Committee of the District Party Committee and executive deputy head of the district, attended the event.

During the activity, the guests watched the propaganda film "Rhyme of the Harbor" together. Tian Xueqing, member of the Standing Committee of the District Party Committee and deputy head of the district, signed strategic cooperation agreements with representatives of Petrochemical Yingke Information Technology Co., Ltd., Beijing Aerospace Titan Technology Co., Ltd. and Beijing Jinshan Safety Management System Technology Co., Ltd. on behalf of the people’s government of Haigang District. Hebei Softcom Power Information Technology Co., Ltd. signed a cooperation agreement with Yanshan University National University Science Park. (Source: Hebei Provincial People’s Government website)

Recently, the public service version of urban brain and intelligent transportation jointly launched by Gaode Map and Alibaba Cloud was unveiled at the 2018 Hangzhou Yunqi Conference. Dong Zhenning, vice president of Gaode Map, said at the conference that the urban brain aims to achieve the optimization of urban traffic efficiency through the "Tao" of wisdom and the "technique" of calculation, so as to achieve a beautiful vision of smart traffic life.

At the same time, in addition, Gaode Map announced the driving behavior risk index for the first time at the Yunqi Conference. In the future, the index will be applied to urban brain-smart transportation to serve road traffic safety.

At present, the urban brain faces difficulties and challenges in data aggregation, fusion and calculation, and it encounters bottlenecks in achieving accurate management and control. Mainly manifested in: there are defects in data quality, and the signal control system that has been developed for nearly 30 years still has shortcomings and deficiencies in traffic flow collection; The storage computing power needs to be solved urgently, which is manifested in the lack of ability to store the returned unstructured image data and calculate it effectively; The wisdom of data engineers, traffic management business backbones, traffic engineering basic theory and application experts needs to be integrated urgently, so that the developed algorithm can be put into practical application. (Source: techweb)

During the World Artificial Intelligence Conference in Shanghai, Horizon, an artificial intelligence startup with embedded artificial intelligence technology, announced that it had settled in Shanghai Lingang and formally signed a contract with Shanghai Lingang Development and Construction Management Committee.

According to reports, Shanghai is one of the most modern cities in China, and the richness of application scenarios and the demand for intelligence are at the forefront of big cities. Horizon firmly believes that the application scenario of artificial intelligence processor has broad prospects in Shanghai. Previously, Horizon has participated in the Lingang Haichang Park project to help the comprehensive management of smart security, intelligent transportation and smart cities.

When it settled in Lingang this time, Horizon expressed its hope to promote the landing of artificial intelligence in various application scenarios in Lingang through AI underlying computing, and further promote the landing application of edge computing in the field of urban intelligence. (Source: Netease Intelligence)

Recently, sponsored by Chengdu Municipal People’s Government, Chengdu Investment Promotion Committee and jinniu district Municipal People’s Government jointly hosted the "New Economy and New Kinetic Energy" Chengdu Smart City Development Investment Promotion Conference, which was held in Chengdu. Representatives from more than 80 well-known new economic enterprises and financial institutions from all over the country gathered together to seek opportunities for cooperation and create a better future.

The meeting also held a centralized signing ceremony for major projects, and the Sri Lankan Investment Promotion Office in China officially signed a contract to settle in jinniu district, which will build a bridge between Chengdu, China and South Asia to develop economy and trade, further strengthen the economic and trade exchanges between Jinniu and South Asia, and in the future, Jinniu will cooperate more closely with South Asia to write a new chapter in the international trade of Jinniu South Asia.

In addition, seven major industrial projects, such as Moban Science and Technology West Operation Center Project, Tiantie Industrial West Operation Center Project, Shanyouke New Retail Project and Zotye Time-sharing West Operation Center Project, have been signed with the jinniu district Municipal Government, with a total investment of 6.1 billion yuan. (Source: People’s Daily Online)

On the morning of September 20th, the press conference of the smart life convenience service platform "Nehe on the Code" was officially launched.

The project of "Nehe River in Code" is an Internet-based reform that benefits urban and rural social public services. Through the cooperation with Qiqihar Branch of China Construction Bank, the online business of government services and public services can be realized, which can make people run less errands and more data, and make enterprises and people more convenient, faster and more efficient. "Nehe on the Code" will also be stationed in various businesses covering cities and villages such as catering and retail, and create an integrated Internet business circle for local businesses to facilitate people’s lives. At the same time, it will also build a credit integrity system integrating urban and rural areas, and develop HP financial services such as credit loans and credit purchases.

The "Nehe River on the Code" project includes four business segments: smart government service, smart public service, smart business service and smart financial service. The "Nehe River on the Code" project was launched in three phases. On September 15, 2018, six businesses in the first phase of the "Nehe on the Code" project, such as collecting party fees, China Unicom, mobile phone bills, traffic violation fines and kindergarten fees, were officially put into operation. It marks the official operation of the "Nehe River on the Code" project. (Source: People’s Daily Online)

On September 20th, China’s first comprehensive exposition with the theme of digital economy-"2018 International Digital Economy Expo" officially kicked off in Shijiazhuang. As one of the important activities of this Expo, the "2018 Smart City and Digital Economy Summit" attracted more than 500 participants. Focusing on the theme of "gathering industrial ecology and sharing the future of the city", this summit invited representatives from government, production, learning and research institutions.

Ma Shujie, Secretary-General of China Smart City Industry and Technology Innovation Strategic Alliance, Ye Yuping, Member of China Digital Economy committee of 100, Dean of Softcom Power Innovation Research Institute, Yao Jiankui, Chief Engineer of Huawei BG China Smart City Research Institute, Wei Yongsen, Chief Technology Officer of Inspur Group Smart City Research Institute, Liang Manchun, Assistant Dean of Tsinghua University Public Security Research Institute, Yin Qinghua, Vice President of Taihua Smart Industry Group, Weng Nandao, Chairman of Ego Group and other expert leaders attended the forum. (Source: Great Wall Network)

The launch conference of "Changde Express Loan" was held in Changde City, Hunan Province. Chen Huiqing, member of the Standing Committee of Changde Municipal Committee and executive deputy mayor, Li Qin, director of Hunan Rural Credit Union, Tang Xixin, party secretary and director of Changde E-government Office, Lu Hua, chairman of Changde Rural Commercial Bank, and Zhang Youguo, senior vice president of Iflytek Co., Ltd. and other leaders attended the conference. More than 300 people attended the conference, including the Finance Office of Changde Municipal Government, the Municipal Development and Reform Commission, the Municipal Economic and Information Committee, Changde Central Branch of the People’s Bank of China, Changde Banking Supervision Branch, heads of district governments and news media.

"Changde Express Loan" has made remarkable achievements since its trial operation on August 8. As of September 19th, "Changde Express Loan" has received loan applications from 20,085 customers, with a total signed credit of 481.71 million yuan and a total credit of 202.06 million yuan. Among the 20085 applicants, there are 11428, accounting for 56.89%. 1552 small and micro customers, accounting for 7.73%; There are 7,105 public officials, private enterprise employees and VIP customers, accounting for 35.38%. The success of "Changde Quick Loan" has also promoted the innovation of smart city applications such as "My Changde" and government big data, and achieved the synergistic effect of "1+1+1>3". (Source: People’s Daily Online)

China’s mobile phone market shows a warming trend, and 5G mobile phones are intensively listed

  China news agency, Beijing, April 17 (Reporter Liu Yuying) Recently, the China market has intensively released new models of 5G mobile phones, and various manufacturers have preempted the layout for possible "retaliatory consumption".

  This week, OPPO, Huawei’s glory and Yijia all released new 5G mobile phones. Huawei P40, which was released once in the world in March, held a special conference for the China market last week. In February and March, more than 10 manufacturers using Qualcomm Snapdragon 865 chips released 5G mobile phones.

  Due to the outbreak of the epidemic, the mobile phone market in China experienced a cliff-like decline in January and February, and the shipment volume decreased by 44% year-on-year. With the acceleration of resumption of production and work, the mobile phone market in China shipped 21.756 million units in March, down 23.3% year-on-year, but the chain increased significantly, 3.4 times that of 6.384 million units in February.

  Regarding the market heat, Zhang Yang, an analyst at Zhongcheng Think Tank, believes that the mobile phone market has not yet picked up, but it has begun to pick up. Previously, due to the epidemic, many manufacturers delayed the release of new machines. Now that the isolation measures are lifted, manufacturers will release new models as soon as possible.

  Yu Chengdong, CEO of Huawei’s consumer business, said that the China market recovered quickly. Huawei’s mobile phone sales recovered quickly from the end of February to the beginning of March, and achieved very good growth in March.

  5G is undoubtedly the driving force behind the recovery of the mobile phone market. China’s rapid construction of 5G network is one of the reasons to attract consumers to purchase it.

  According to the data of China Information and Communication Research Institute, in March, the shipment of 5G mobile phones reached 6.215 million units, an increase of 162% compared with the previous month, setting a new monthly sales record.

  Zhang Yang predicted that in the second and third quarters of this year, especially during the "618", "double 11" and "Double 12" e-commerce carnival, 5G mobile phones are expected to usher in a small sales peak.

  Compared with the high-end mobile phones and flagship machine, most of which were above 5,000 yuan (RMB, the same below), the price of 5G mobile phones is dropping. The glory 30 series just released, the price is between 2999 yuan and 5499 yuan; OPPO Ace2 is priced between 3999 yuan and 4599 yuan; One plus eight series is between 3999 yuan and 5999 yuan.

  Zhong Xinlong, a researcher at the Institute of Informationization and Software Industry of CCID Think Tank, said that from the released 5G mobile phones, the functions are being differentiated. The Ace2 released by OPPO this week is a game mobile phone for mobile game enthusiasts, and the whole configuration fits the needs of the game. In the future, there may be mobile phones for different users, such as female users, and consumers may have more than one 5G mobile phone.

  Zhong Xinlong said that compared with the 4G era, the competition of 5G mobile phones will be more intense, and strengthening research and development is expected to survive. For example, vivo and Samsung cooperate to develop 5G chips to meet the different needs of users. Xiaomi has also invested in a number of chip companies with the intention of building a whole industrial chain.

  At present, the market tends to pick up, and manufacturers also go all out. However, whether the growth can be achieved throughout the year depends on the speed of the popularization of 5G mobile phones.

  In the 4G era, the popularity of 4G mobile phones benefited from the thousand yuan machine. Wu Hequan, an academician of China Academy of Engineering, said earlier that the price of 5G mobile phones is still high.

  Zhong Xinlong said that in terms of the price distribution of 5G mobile phones, more than 4,000 yuan is a high-end machine, 2,000 yuan to 4,000 yuan is a mid-range machine, and less than 2,000 yuan is a low-end machine. At present, the price of 5G mobile phones is generally above the mid-range. The reason is that mobile phone production is a scale effect. The higher the output, the lower the marginal cost, and the whole cost will come down.

  The industry predicts that with the intensification of competition in the whole market, low-end models will appear next year. However, it is also reported that if the market is hot, it is expected to launch a 5G mobile phone below 2000 yuan this year.

BYD Han DM, a flagship home test drive suitable for both static and dynamic situations.

  When it comes to China’s own brand car companies, BYD can definitely occupy a place. In the new energy vehicle market, BYD Han is undoubtedly one of the models that are currently concerned. As the flagship model of the brand, Han EV has won market recognition by virtue of its superior performance and excellent endurance, and as a plug-in hybrid model of its first milk compatriot — Han DM was also listed at the same time.

  In fact, in the domestic market, BYD plug-in hybrid models have been sought after by consumers with the advantages of "short-distance electricity consumption and long-distance oil consumption". According to statistics, the sales volume of plug-in hybrid models in China market in 2019 totaled 204,200. As the flagship model of BYD plug-in hybrid, Han DM appeared strongly at this time. Can it stir up the new energy vehicle market again? Recently, the reporter tested this model.

  At present, Han DM is selling two models, namely, the luxury model with four-wheel drive performance, with a subsidized price of 219,800 yuan, and the distinguished model with four-wheel drive performance, with a subsidized price of 239,800 yuan. The car is positioned as a medium and large luxury car, and it is also BYD’s first production car equipped with super hybrid DM-p technology. The model tested by this reporter is a four-wheel drive performance version.

  In terms of appearance, Han DM inherits the design language of BYD family Dragon Face, which is different from the fully enclosed air intake grille of Han EV. Han DM adopts a hexagonal air intake grille with a large mouth, which makes the front face look more aggressive and recognizable.

  In terms of size, the length, width and height of Han DM are 4960/1910/1495mm and the wheelbase is 2920mm respectively. The lines of the whole vehicle are simple and smooth, highlighting the simple and elegant temperament, which also highlights its extravagance as a flagship model.

  When you get into the car, the 15.6-inch large screen on the center console is definitely an eye-catching highlight, and the interior style full of traditional elements of China also creates a strong elegant luxury. In terms of interior materials, Han DM has also made great efforts. Nappa leather package with white cork veneer and careful attention to details highlight the exquisiteness and sophistication that Han DM should have as a flagship model.

  It is understood that Han DM is BYD’s first plug-in hybrid production car equipped with hybrid DM-p technology, which is optimized and upgraded on the basis of DM 3.0, in which the letter P means powerful and strong, and from its 4.7-second 100-kilometer acceleration, it is enough to match the "strong" strength.

  The system consists of a 2.0T all-aluminum engine and a high-voltage, high-speed and high-efficiency driving motor. The 6-speed wet powershift has a maximum power of 321kW and a maximum torque of 650N&bull. m。 In addition, Han DM is equipped with a power battery with a capacity of 15.2kWh, and the cruising range of NEDC in pure electric mode is 81km.

  Calm and smooth flagship luxury car should have the gas field.

  The first feeling of driving Han DM is that it is very calm, which is in line with its gas field as a flagship luxury car. The driving experience on urban roads can also be summarized by the word "smooth". In terms of chassis, Han DM adopts the combination of front McPherson independent suspension and rear multi-link independent suspension. When the road surface is slightly bumpy, Han DM can easily resolve the vibration, and the vibration filtering is relatively soft, which is almost imperceptible to the front and rear passengers in the car. It is very suitable for daily use, and the whole process makes people feel very comfortable.

  In terms of power, Han DM provides five power modes, including pure electricity, parallel connection, series connection, high speed and energy recovery. EV pure electric mode is perfect for daily commuting in urban road conditions, which is very light to drive and fast to start and accelerate at medium and low speeds. When the battery is low, the system will automatically switch to HEV mode, and the engine will provide the main power and charge the battery in reverse.

  In HEV mode, Han DM showed a rapid performance of 4.7 seconds. Under the dual drive of motor and engine, it can feel its powerful power output whether starting or overtaking. In the high-speed section during the test drive, this excellent high-speed sports characteristic was brought into full play.

  In addition, what impressed the reporter was that in this mode, every intervention of the engine can be "smooth and silent", and the switching is very smooth, which makes people feel no jitter, and the whole process can be described as "smooth".

  The five power modes of Han DM all adopt intelligent switching, without manual control by the driver, and the vehicle will automatically switch according to the vehicle demand in each working condition and scene, thus ensuring the optimization of power and energy consumption.

  In terms of handling, the steering power of Han DM is divided into standard and sport. In the standard mode, the reporter’s personal feeling is a little heavy, and girls need to adapt to it when driving, but this is also in line with the stability of its steering texture as a flagship model.

  In terms of quietness, the official data of Han DM show that when the speed is 120km/h, the noise value in Han DM car is only 63.5 decibels. This has also been fully proved during the test drive. When the vehicle travels to 100-120km/h on the expressway, the passengers in the vehicle do not need to raise the tone deliberately, and the sound insulation effect is ideal.

  Comprehensive intelligent configuration brings a rich car experience.

  In addition to bringing quiet feeling to the interior space, Han DM is also equipped with a series of intelligent configurations. In addition to the rotating 15.6-inch screen mentioned above, Han DM is also equipped with DiPilot intelligent driving assistance system, which can realize L2.5-level automatic driving assistance, including full-speed adaptive cruise, curve speed control system, front collision warning system, automatic emergency braking system, pedestrian identification/protection system, emergency braking assistance system and lane departure warning system. Combined with the software and hardware system of DiLink 3.0, the interaction between people and vehicles is realized, which brings more convenient and intelligent operation and richer car experience.

  In addition, in terms of active safety, Han DM is equipped with 15 radars, 6 cameras, 3D panoramic transparent image system, and has the functions of speed sensing automatic locking and active tire pressure detection, so as to ensure the safety of people in the car at all times during driving.

  In the post-epidemic period, in order to meet consumers’ higher requirements for in-vehicle air disinfection, Han DM is equipped with CN95 filter element with remote high-temperature disinfection and sterilization mode, so that drivers can fully disinfect the in-vehicle air before getting on the bus, filter pollutant particles adsorbed by viruses in advance, and reduce air hazards when using the car.

  In addition, it is worth mentioning that for female drivers, Han DM also thoughtfully adopted Fuyao’s "Sunscreen Black Umbrella" with silver-plated film interlayer to prevent three safety car windows, and the ultraviolet isolation rate reached over 99%, so that women don’t have to worry about sun protection while driving.

  Editor’s summary:

  It is undeniable that the price of more than 200,000 yuan is not cheap for self-owned brand models, but if it has many advantages such as high performance, high configuration and low fuel consumption at the same time, and the price/performance ratio exceeds the level of its peers, the reporter thinks that BYD Han DM is indeed considerable. No matter its acceleration ability, chassis quality or all-round intelligent configuration, this flagship model can meet the daily use of families. In the domestic mixed market, Han DM can be regarded as a model worthy of starting. 

The original Song Xiaofeng apologized for jumping "Subject 3" in the Spring Festival Evening and told the creative process, which was different from the director’s statement.

Original title: Song Xiaofeng apologized for jumping "Subject 3" in the Spring Festival Evening and told the creative process, which was different from the director’s statement.

Just today

As the Spring Festival approaches, the recording scene of the Spring Festival Gala has set off a sensational "Subject III" storm, and Zhao Benshan’s disciple Song Xiaofeng has become the focus! On the sketch of anhui tv Spring Festival Evening, the funny artist suddenly danced the controversial "Subject Three" dance, which made the audience and the Internet fall silent, and this move also caused a fierce controversy.

How did this Spring Festival Evening storm ferment? Let’s unveil the mystery of this Spring Festival Gala and discuss the story behind the stars.

First of all, looking back at the recording scene, Song Xiaofeng, as a disciple of Zhao Benshan, is good at humor. However, when he learned that he needed to jump to "subject three", his first reaction was to refuse! He thinks this dance has been "out" in the Spring Festival Evening, and he is no longer suitable for this kind of young people’s dance at his age. This view has sparked a heated debate between the director and the screenwriter. The director thinks that "Subject III" can enhance the atmosphere of the sketch, while the screenwriter thinks that this is an outdated stalk.

In the end, Song Xiaofeng gave in and learned this dance. He thinks that as an actor, it is most basic to respect the director, although he has doubts about this decision. This heated discussion adds a lot of drama to a simple dance.

This incident triggered thinking about the relationship between innovation and tradition in the Spring Festival Gala. Director Gao Hailong believes that the modern Spring Festival Gala needs to be younger and more fashionable, and "Subject III" is the element that can attract young audiences. His persistence makes the whole sketch more lively and energetic on the stage.

However, Song Xiaofeng’s response has complicated the dispute. In his response, he said that he didn’t expect to cause trouble to everyone, and wished everyone a happy New Year in advance. However, unlike the director’s statement, he revealed that he knew nothing about "Subject III" when he saw the script, and he had doubts about dancing this kind of dance at his age. This makes people think more about the differences and compromises between actors and directors in the creative process.

This "subject three" storm made the audience see that the Spring Festival Evening is no longer just a machine to create paragraphs, but is constantly trying to innovate. The conflict between actors and directors and the audience’s expectation for the innovation of the Spring Festival Gala all make this year’s Spring Festival Gala more interesting.

Generally speaking, this Spring Festival Gala is like a wonderful drama, with fierce conflict between actors and directors, real emotional expression, and more laughter and tears expected by the audience. Whether it is for or against "Subject Three", this controversy has become a highlight of the Spring Festival Evening. Looking forward to the future Spring Festival Evening, we can continue to present more exciting programs for the audience. Let’s look forward to more surprises and touches on the stage of the Spring Festival Evening. On this stage full of collision between traditional culture and modern elements, we have witnessed the gorgeous transformation of Spring Festival Gala again and again.

Thank you for watching ~

Editor in charge:

Symposium on "Sino-Russian Civil Aviation Cooperation and Financial Support" Held in Beijing

  CCTV News:The symposium on "Sino-Russian Civil Aviation Cooperation and Financial Support", a series of seminars on "Sino-Russian Industrial Investment Cooperation" jointly sponsored by Silk Road Planning Research Center, CITIC Reform and Development Research Foundation, China Russian Friendship Association and Qinhuangdao Municipal People’s Government, was successfully held in Beijing yesterday. More than 220 guests from more than 130 units of Chinese and Russian industrial and commercial circles gathered together. Chen Yuan, Vice Chairman of Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference, Chairman of Silk Road Planning and Research Center and President of Russian Friendship Association in China, delivered a keynote speech. Dmitry fyodorovich Mezentsev, member of the Russian House of Lords, president of the Russian China Friendship Association and former Secretary-General of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, attended the seminar and delivered a speech.


  Chen Yuan first expressed warm congratulations on the success of the seminar and extended warm welcome and cordial greetings to all the guests present. He said that in the past 20 years, Sino-Russian relations have become increasingly close, and friendly and extensive cooperation has been carried out in many economic fields such as energy industry, equipment industry, commerce and trade, light industry, agriculture, etc., and a good trend of promoting each other and learning from each other’s strengths has been achieved. Russian aviation industry has long been an important force in the world aviation industry. In recent years, the establishment of United Aviation Manufacturing Group indicates that Russian aviation industry has returned to the normal road of orderly development, new products are constantly emerging, and foreign cooperation has also achieved fruitful results, trying to return to the first group in the world aviation manufacturing industry. These are all reliable foundations for future cooperation between China and Russia in civil aircraft industry.


  Chen Yuan emphasized that looking forward to the future development prospect of Sino-Russian cooperation, on the basis of continuing to develop the traditional energy economy such as oil and natural gas, China and Russia need to increase cooperation and promote common development in the field of non-energy economy. Under the pattern of cooperation in the field of non-energy economy, it is the best way to select specific industries for complementary development. The most prominent and urgently needed complementary advantages between China and Russia are in the field of civil aviation industry, joint research and development and joint manufacturing of major aircraft projects. At present, China and Russia have begun to promote large-scale wide-body passenger aircraft and heavy helicopters in the field of civil aviation industry. The joint development of civil aviation industry between China and Russia is a natural complementary pattern, and the basic industrial conditions can form a mutually beneficial pattern.

  Chen Yuan believes that China’s civil aircraft industry is currently facing an industrial leap from single-aisle passenger aircraft to wide-body passenger aircraft, and China Commercial Aircraft Co., Ltd. C919 will complete its first flight in 2017 and move towards the engineering development stage of airworthiness and evidence collection. The Sino-Russian joint working team of C929 is being set up, and the planning of engineering development has begun. China’s cooperation and promotion model in the field of civil aircraft industry can refer to and draw lessons from the historical successful experience of the establishment and development of EADS, a European Airbus Group, with clear strategic objectives. At the same time, it can take the lead in making innovative breakthroughs from financial support and support Sino-Russian cooperative enterprises to jointly develop a number of aviation branch technologies. With incubation and investment, we will guide the potential supplier enterprises of China and Russia to quickly match the models and parts of products with wide-body passenger aircraft and heavy-duty helicopter projects. We hope that both China and Russia can follow the pattern of joint development of airframe composite materials of Airbus in Europe and establish priority financial support projects for cooperation between Chinese and Russian enterprises.

  Mezentsev highly agreed with Chairman Chen Yuan’s speech and conveyed Russian Minister of Industry and Trade Manturov’s concern and support for this seminar. He hoped that the seminar could start from the aspects of trade, equipment and civil aviation, and strive to reach the plan to be implemented in cooperation, forming new achievements and new standards for cooperation between the two sides.


  Emelianov Sergey Fraki milovic, Director of Aviation Industry Department of Russian Ministry of Industry and Trade, Lobov Ollego Gennadiyevich, Director of International Cooperation Department of United Aviation Manufacturing Corporation, Petrov Victor Fraki milovic, Head of Aviation Integrated Facilities of Russian National Technology Corporation, Parkin Vladimir Anatolievich, General Manager Advisor of baranov Central Aeroengine Research Institute, and other representatives of Russian enterprises spoke at the plenary meeting in the morning.

  He Dongfeng, Vice Chairman, General Manager and Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee of China Commercial Aircraft Co., Ltd., Pang Zhen, Minister of Civil Aircraft Industry of aviation industry corporation of china, Gong Haiping, Director of Civil Aircraft Office of China Aviation Engine Group Co., Ltd., and leaders and experts from leading Chinese civil aircraft manufacturing enterprises spoke at the conference. Yang Yu, Vice President of CITIC Bank, and Si Xinbo, Deputy General Manager of Silk Road Fund delivered speeches on behalf of financial institutions. Jiang Zhigang, vice chairman of Silk Road Planning and Research Center, presided over the morning meeting.


  In addition, more than 50 important leaders and well-known experts from the political, business, financial and academic circles of China and Russia, as the main speakers, expressed their unique opinions at the group discussion in the afternoon to discuss major issues such as Sino-Russian civil aviation cooperation and financial support.

Screen hot search! Hua Xizi is "crazy"? The comment section exploded …

On the afternoon of September 26th, Weibo, the official of Hua Xizi, wrote, "I, Hua Xizi, 6 and a half years old, have a dream to be a high-end brand based on the local market and going global."

Text with pictures:

A good attitude determines Huaxizi’s life.


Hua Xizi’s "Crazy Literature" looks silly to many netizens.

Subsequently, @ 京京京京京京京京京京京京京京京京京京京京京京京京201

One of them wrote: "China brand, each generation has its mission! My generation is going to fight in the international market with high-end potential! It doesn’t matter if I am ridiculed or ridiculed. I have been neighbors with LV and Gucci by the West Lake, and I will be opposite Chanel in Isetan, Japan’s top department store, and then I will go to France, Dubai and the United States. Wait for me. "

In response to the price issue, @ 京京京京京京京京京京 commented: "Does anyone really take grams to measure the value of eyebrow pencil? When people went to the stationery store to buy pencils when they were young, between 2B pencils and mechanical pencil, did you finally buy mechanical pencil because the refill was heavy? But why does 2B pencil cost only a few cents, while mechanical pencil costs several dollars? Why is this? Did you ever think about this question when you were young? No, you won’t. "

Business newspaper jun is not exaggerating the facts.

It is indeed a "high-density" brush screen follow-up review. ……

If there are too many, I won’t list them one by one.

In a word, after some operation.

It takes a long time for n hot searches.


But after the release,

Hua Xizi’s comment area overturned,

Some netizens directly said that it was "crazy literature".

Others pointed to Hua Xizi’s concept of stealing.

Most netizens said that they couldn’t understand this wave of operation.

Playing the fool?

Some netizens were puzzled by Hua Xizi’s remarks in the comment area, saying, "It’s better for me to do this operation." @ 京京京京京京京京京京京京京京: You can go to a recruitment platform to see if there is a position suitable for you.

Some netizens discovered the "unusual" mental state of Hua Xizi Xiaobian, and @ Hua Xizi Florasis responded: "How can people not be crazy, just hold on?"

Subsequently, these remarks also boarded the hot search.


The whole story of Hua Xizi’s eyebrow pencil incident

A few days ago, when Li Jiaqi, the anchor of Taobao, introduced a Huaxizi eyebrow pencil in 79 yuan during a live broadcast, some netizens left a message saying that it was getting more and more expensive. As a result, Li Jiaqi himself directly "opened the door" to consumers, and related remarks caused extensive discussion on the Internet.

On September 19th, Hua Xizi published a "belated" open letter in the official Weibo, giving a positive response and apologizing for the first time. However, this open letter is considered "flashy" by many people. Some netizens said, "Having said so much, I feel as if I haven’t said a word."

On September 20, according to Zhongxin Jingwei, it was learned from people familiar with the matter that the open letter was not written by the company’s public relations department, and employees of the public relations department had voluntarily resigned. It is also known that there are still several employees in Huaxizi Public Relations Department, but they also tend to leave or have decided to leave.

According to beijing business today news, in the direct employment of BOSS, Hua Xizi newly released the recruitment notices of the person in charge of scientific communication research and the person in charge of media planting grass within five days, all of whom are responsible for brand promotion and other work. The former salary is 20-35K, with 14 salaries, and the annual salary is as high as 490,000 yuan; The latter’s salary is 23-40K, 14 salaries, and the annual salary is as high as 560,000 yuan.

It is worth mentioning that the continuous public opinion directly affects the sales of Hua Xizi.

According to the data of the e-commerce platform, before September 10, the sales of the official flagship store of Huaxizi was between 1 million and 2.5 million yuan; After September 11th, the sales of official flagship store of Huaxi Zi fell to 75,000-100,000 yuan, a drop of over 90%.

According to the data of cicada mother, in August this year, under the category of beauty and skin care, the sales of Huaxizi brand ranked fourth, second only to Kans, L ‘Oreal and Polaiya, and the sales in August exceeded 100 million yuan. However, the latest data show that since September this year, before September 11th, the daily sales of Hua Xizi in Tik Tok were basically more than 2.5 million yuan, and the daily sales on September 7th even exceeded 10 million yuan. However, after Li Jiaqi’s inappropriate remarks, from September 11th to 18th, Hua Xizi’s sales in Tik Tok dropped sharply, and the single-day sales did not exceed 1 million yuan.

Source Reading Creation/Shenzhen Business Daily Comprehensive Self-Flower Xizi Official Weibo, Zhongxin Jingwei, beijing business today, Securities Times, etc.

Editor Xin Jiayi

Original title: "Screen hot search! Hua Xizi is "crazy"? The comment area exploded … "

Read the original text

Release of M9 official map: The design was inspired by Kun Peng and equipped with Huawei’s advanced intelligent driving system.

According to the latest news, AITO, a brand owned by Huawei, will officially release the flagship SUV M9 at the end of this year. Today, the official map of the car was released, and its design concept was explained in detail.

The design inspiration of the M9 in Wen Jie comes from Kun Peng, a god beast in Zhuangzi’s Happy Wandering. It adopts a brand-new family design language and is called "Kun Peng spreads its wings". The design adopts a highly integrated ALL IN ONE design method, and the front face modeling integrates the functions of daytime running lights, far and near headlights, intelligent interactive lights and air intake ducts into the same element. The overall appearance takes the horizontal line as the visual center of gravity, extending a semi-open outline, creating a visual tension like Kunpeng spreading its wings. The integrated spoiler tail complements the design of penetrating taillights and headlights, making the overall appearance more harmonious and unified.

The design idea of the M9 is different from that of most new power vehicles. It abandons the common design of "squint+split light group" and adopts an integrated design. This unique design style may make people feel a little uncomfortable. Similar design ideas are adopted in the whole series of vehicles, which is in sharp contrast with the similar schemes of other new power vehicles. This car is considered as a heavyweight product of Huawei this year. It is equipped with Huawei ADS advanced intelligent driving system and will adopt HarmonyOS 4.0 intelligent cockpit. Internal innovation and highlights are very prominent. All models are equipped with air suspension and CDC electromagnetic damping system as standard.

According to the application information, the size of the M9 is 5230/1999/1800mm, and the wheelbase is 3110mm, so it is located in a large SUV. The models are divided into extended range version and pure electric version, both equipped with front and rear dual motors, and the maximum power of the system is 365 kW (496 HP).

In terms of battery, the extended-range model uses Contemporary Amperex Technology Co., Limited’s 40-degree battery, with a pure electric cruising range of 175 kilometers; The pure electric version uses 4C Kirin battery from Contemporary Amperex Technology Co., Limited, with a capacity of 97 degrees and a cruising range of 630 kilometers, and supports 800V ultra-fast charging technology.

Let the same level call can’t catch up! The three black technologies of M9 show a far-reaching lead.

The consumption concept of new energy vehicles is quietly changing. According to the newly released report "Insight into the Consumption of New Energy Vehicles in China in 2023", people expect networking to bring more freshness and sense of technology. It can be said that the level of intelligence is gradually becoming the core competitiveness.

Starting from this trend, it is obvious that M9 is leading the new trend of science and technology in the field of new energy vehicles. With the layers of mystery unveiled, many scientific and technological attributes and characteristics of M9 in the world are continuously known by the industry and consumers.

In recent days, two patent drawings of black technology of M9 were released, including sound painting AI complex (guess name) and retractable triple screen (guess name). At the same time, Huawei’s megapixel smart headlights, a black technology, also have more new information exposure. With the deep empowerment of Huawei, the three black technologies are the pioneers in the world, which not only realizes the revolutionary advancement of the owner’s experience, but also makes it difficult for other car companies to catch up with it with a far-reaching posture.

Huawei is deeply empowered! The three major black technologies show their advantages.

With the approaching of the official listing date, the news about M9 continues to increase and quickly becomes a hot topic. For example, some time ago, the measured video of Huawei smart headlights carried by the M9 was screened on major platforms. In recent days, the three major black technologies in the world have once again become hot spots.

Huawei’s mega-pixel smart headlights, which have been familiar to people, once again show their multiple characteristics. The unique advantage of Huawei’s mega-pixel smart headlights is the high-pixel module blessing+precise control algorithm, which not only takes into account lighting safety, but also brings multiple interests. To put it simply, Huawei’s mega-pixel smart headlights can easily bring practical value to each scene, regardless of safety assistance functions, pedestrian interaction and entertainment atmosphere scenes.

The sound painting AI complex is also a "must" in the black technology matrix. From the patent drawing, the sound painting AI complex integrates light and shadow aesthetics, acoustic technology and AI wisdom, and is expected to realize the symbiosis of "sound, painting and wisdom". For example, in terms of "sound", passengers in all locations can experience the shocking auditory enjoyment brought by HUAWEI SOUND 2.0.

In the aspect of "painting", under the catalysis of crystal and electric light source, it reflects beautifully, creating a bright and beautiful visual feast; In terms of "wisdom", Xiaoyi’s intelligent assistant jumped out of the screen for the first time and became a digital virtual "housekeeper" who knows you and knows you. The trinity of "sound, painting and wisdom" makes the sound-painting AI complex become the core of the cockpit.

The retractable triple screen is the focus of this exposure. It is reported that this set of new patents can make the central control panel show longitudinal telescopic effect. You know, triple screen is the mainstream at the moment. It is foreseeable that the display effect of the retractable triple screen will far exceed that of the same level. More importantly, the retractable triple screen should be able to realize multiple functions such as multi-screen interaction and multi-screen simultaneous display, so that the more intelligent, convenient and smooth interactive experience of the extremely intelligent cockpit can really land.

It is not difficult to find that the three major black technologies of this exposure all show their respective advantages and characteristics. The cornerstone and source of these advantages comes from Huawei’s deep empowerment. Huawei’s technology accumulation and profound accumulation have truly turned into a valuable black technology and applied it to the M9.

For example, Huawei’s megapixel smart headlights have benefited from Huawei’s intensive cultivation and continuous progress in the field of optical communication for more than 30 years. Today, Huawei has deployed a large number of optical patents and standards in this field. Based on the technical accumulation in space optics, laser light source, optical algorithm, optical perception and other aspects, Huawei has integrated optical technology with the automobile industry with innovative thinking, and then produced Huawei’s mega-pixel smart headlights.

Huawei’s bottomless accumulation is far more than that. To sum it up briefly, Huawei not only has the autonomous controllable capabilities of HarmonyOS, AOS and VOS, but also has the "smart ceiling" capabilities in four fields: intelligent cockpit, intelligent driving, intelligent vehicle control and intelligent network connection! It can be seen that Huawei is already in the leading position in the technical field of new energy vehicles.

Far ahead! Experience revolutionary advancement,identical sizeDifficult to catch up with

"China New Energy Vehicle Consumption Insight 2023" also mentioned that new energy vehicle manufacturers should aim at the demand side and improve the intelligent level of vehicles to cater to consumers’ consumption preferences. In addition, the competition pattern of the new energy vehicle market is also undergoing major changes, and the pattern differentiation is increasingly disparity.

This also means that new energy automobile manufacturers should find the key to breaking the game-both resonating with consumers’ preferences on the same frequency and being left behind by competitors. Obviously, based on the three major black technologies, the M9 in the world has a far-ahead advantage in both the owner experience and the comparison at the same level.

In terms of car owner experience, Wenjie M9 realizes the revolutionary advancement of experience with three black technologies. Taking the AI complex of sound and painting as an example, it not only realizes "both listening and painting", but also has "great wisdom". For the car owner, the sound painting AI complex is like a "peerless fairy" who is always around to open a gorgeous world, making the daily use experience always comfortable, comfortable and pleasing to the eye. At the same time, compared with other models in the same class, it is possible to truly realize a more uniform distribution of sound, ensuring the consistency of the whole car’s hearing. And with the help of HUAWEI SOUND 2.0, the M9 will also support the spatial audio function. Different from the panoramic sound and immersion sound solutions provided by other models in the same class, Huawei Space Audio provides complete services based on the ecological advantages of content sources, car operating systems and audio equipment, and the depth adjustment of software and hardware can give full play to the immersion listening effect of cockpit advantages.

Huawei’s mega-pixel smart headlights can bring advanced novel experience-in static state, it can project holiday wishes, music, weather, etc., while in dynamic state, it can realize many functions such as curve light carpet lighting, distance warning, narrow road width indication, lane change warning, lane safety guidance, and courtesy to pedestrians. It can be said that Huawei’s megapixel smart headlights are not only safe enough, but also interesting enough, and the humanized feeling is full. Its strength is beyond doubt, and it is even more difficult for other models to catch up. This is because the high-pixel module blessing+precise control algorithm of Huawei’s megapixel smart headlights is one generation ahead of the industry. At the same time, Huawei’s megapixel smart headlights adopt the industry-leading self-developed dual-lamp fusion algorithm, which breaks through the industry’s imagination of the use function of smart headlights.

The expected experience of the retractable triple screen is the welcoming effect of the triple screen with a great sense of ceremony and the multi-screen and multi-angle view of the triple screen cinema. With the excellent image quality, the ultimate silky and intelligent interconnection, it is expected that the experience will really take a new stage. In addition to properly arranging the LCD instrument panel, the central control large screen and the passenger entertainment screen, it is also possible to lead the same level in screen size. It is conceivable that the retractable triple screen can realize the cooperation between the screens and solve the problem of separation between the triple screen schemes of other models.

Far ahead! With the three major black technologies as the vanguard, although the M9 in the world has not been listed, it has already given people a series of surprises, and this is far from over. You know, Huawei definitely has more black technologies to carry on this important model, the M9. For example, HUAWEI AR-HUD, which can present a large display area, and a smart chassis that makes driving feel more comfortable. This also makes consumers look forward to asking how wonderful and grand science and technology drama M9 will bring after it is officially listed!

The supercomputer "Shenwei Taihu Light" is the fastest in the world.

  On June 19th, at the Global Supercomputing Conference in Frankfurt, Germany, China’s "Shenwei Taihu Light" topped the list of the top 500 supercomputers in the world. Since it came out in June 2016, this is the third time that it has been awarded the "fastest supercomputer in the world", thus achieving "three consecutive championships".

  "Shenwei Light of Taihu Lake" was developed by National Parallel Computer Engineering Technology Research Center, using China’s own chip. In the field of supercomputers known as "the heavyweight of the country", "Shenwei" indicates that China’s supercomputing technology has made many key breakthroughs, providing technical means for solving a series of major challenges such as economic and social governance, and has strategic significance for enhancing comprehensive national strength.

  How fast is Shenwei? It has three "world first" indicators: the peak performance of the system is 1.25 billion times per second, the continuous performance is 930 million times per second, and the performance-power ratio is 6.05 billion times per watt. It is understood that its one-minute computing power is equivalent to 7.2 billion people around the world using calculators for 32 years without interruption.

  Why is this so? It uses 40 computing cabinets and 8 network cabinets for "system operations". Pushing open a cabinet slightly larger than a household double-door refrigerator, four groups of super nodes consisting of 32 computing plug-ins contain 1024 high-performance processors; Each processor is equivalent to the computing power of more than 20 commonly used laptops. The whole "Shenwei Taihu Light" has a total of 40,960 processors, and the speed can be imagined.

  More importantly, the central processing unit "Shenwei 26010" of "Shenwei" was designed and produced by China independently, and the whole system realized full localization of the core components. In the past, foreign countries crowded out surveillance and restricted the sale of core parts for China supercomputer research. Nowadays, there are 260 computing cores, billions of transistors and more than 3 trillion calculations per second … … The 25-square-centimeter "Shenwei 26010" has not only become the fastest supercomputer "heart" in the world, but also broke the 30-year foreign core technology blockade and opened the "China Core" era with completely independent and controllable software and hardware.

  The speed is ahead of the world, and the application ability is also accelerating. The speed advantage of supercomputing is transforming into the application advantage. Last November, based on "Shenwei Taihu Lake Light", the application project of "Ten Million Approved Expansion of Global Atmospheric Dynamics Full Implicit Simulation" won the highest award in the field of international high-performance computing applications — — The "Gordon Bell Award" fills the gap of China’s supercomputing application in this award.

  At a deeper level, "‘ Shenwei Light of Taihu Lake ’ It plays a very important role in China’s scientific and technological innovation and economic development. " Fu Haohuan, deputy director of the National Supercomputing Wuxi Center, said. Relying on the "Shenwei Taihu Light", China completed the numerical simulation of the global 10 km high-resolution earth system with a scale of one million nuclear; Two weeks to complete the routine 10-month calculation of Shanghai drug screening and disease mechanism research … … It is understood that in the past year, "Shenwei" has been involved in 19 application fields such as climate and meteorology, advanced manufacturing, aerospace, high-energy physics, life sciences, etc., supporting hundreds of solving tasks in major national scientific and technological applications, advanced manufacturing and other fields, and completing more than 2 million homework tasks in total.

  Zhang Yue Song Xiaoliang Zhao Zhiran