Interview with Zhang Zhen: "Dune" plays less but not water, I want to shoot "Embroidery Spring Knife 3"

1905 movie network feature After a long time, the Hollywood sci-fi giant has officially landed in mainland theaters. Among the foreign star actors, one "Oriental face" is particularly prominent, and he is the doctor Yue he plays.

1905 Film Network interviewed Zhang Zhen during the 78th Venice International Film Festival. Although he did not have many scenes, he was still dedicated as usual, arranging full announcements and accepting online interviews with mainland media. Although the characters are limited in length, they are heavy in weight, which is the key to the plot twist of the whole film. Zhang Zhen also believes that "every play has a meaning, there is no so-called water play".

"Dune" was Zhang Zhen’s first Hollywood movie, but Hollywood blockbuster movies didn’t give him a particularly novel experience. Instead, it was facing foreign actors that gave him a very different feeling. He and "Sweet Tea" Timothy Chilemaid spoke a sentence in Chinese in the film, which was the director’s idea. Even at the moment of shooting, he realized that "Sweet Tea" also returned his sentence in Chinese.

On the set, Zhang Zhenhe has the most communication with everyone. How to maintain the same performance level with everyone requires the director’s adjustment, as well as his own observation and balance.

The opportunity for Zhang Zhen to be electrocuted by "Dune" began in 2018. He and his colleagues served as judges for the main competition unit of the 71st Cannes International Film Festival. At that time, the director had not yet made "Dune". Zhang Zhen had long liked his work, especially during the short time they spent together at the festival, and the two became good friends.

Zhang Zhen said that they talked very well in private, exchanging emails after the festival and occasionally corresponding with each other. In an interview with 1905 Film Network, Villeneuve said that when he decided to make "Dune" and find actors for Dr. Yue, Zhang Zhen’s name immediately came to his mind.

Villeneuve noticed the actor when he first saw Zhang Zhen in Wong Kar Wai’s films in the 1990s. He has always followed him and liked his performances. Through the acquaintance and acquaintance of the Cannes Film Festival, Villeneuve found that "Zhang Zhen is not only a good actor worthy of respect, but also a lovely person."

Villeneuve wanted Dr. Yue to be a fragile and complex person, and he needed a strong actor to bring Dr. Yue’s complexity and layers to the screen in a short period of time. Zhang Zhen was the ideal choice. After receiving the invitation, Zhang Zhen did not have too many concerns. To be able to act in Villeneuve’s movie was a very enjoyable thing in his opinion.

"The original novel is so huge that I don’t have that much time to read it." Dr. Yue has a small proportion of the entire original novel series of "Dune" and does not have many scenes in the movie. Zhang Zhen said that he joined less than half a year before the start of filming, so the basic preparation work he did was to digest the entire world view of "Dune" first.

Dr. Yue is a trusted royal physician and a tragic figure with an ill-fated fate. In order to save his beloved wife who was imprisoned by the Hacknaum family, he had to betray the Hacknaum family and help the Hacknaum seize power. However, he also plotted for Duke Leto to try to poison Hacknaum before he died, and at the same time designed to help Lady Jessica and her son Paul escape, leaving a way for the entire family.

Zhang Zhen said that his performance was mainly to interpret Dr. Yue’s torn and struggling psychological state, hoping to present "a deeper, not a very floating, very symbolic character", "a person who is both sci-fi and humane, and solid."

Dr. Yue also has a certain kind of common trait that Zhang Zhen has played in recent years. Whether it is Shen Lian in the series, Jiu Chen in "Chen Xiyuan", or Prosecutor Liang, they are all particularly determined on the outside, but they are all tortured by love on the inside, and they are all caught in a sad dilemma.

Will this kind of "beautiful, strong and miserable" character be the next one? Zhang Zhen didn’t say much, what he thought was – "Then hurry up and shoot’Embroidery Spring Knife 3 ‘".

The following is the content of the conversation:

1905 Movie Network: In 2018, when you were a judge at the Cannes International Film Festival with Dune director Denis Villeneuve, did he invite you to appear in Dune?

Zhang Zhen: When I was a judge, I didn’t have this invitation, but we got along very well. During the two weeks of the judge’s life, we watched a lot of movies together, discussed movies together or talked about a lot of movie-related things. I was especially able to chat with him, and I became more like each other and became better friends.

His personality is particularly interesting, which is different from when he was interviewed. He is actually a very cheerful, warm, and enthusiastic person, which is a little different from the cold and well-behaved compositions seen in movies. Privately, he is the kind of person who is very good at reading.

1905 Movie Network: When did you receive the invitation for "Dune" and how are you feeling at the moment?

Zhang Zhen: He just sent me an email, and we all left each other emails at that time, and occasionally corresponded. Then I suddenly received this notice that he wanted to prepare for the movie "Dune" and needed me to play Dr. Yue. I didn’t think much about it, so I discussed it with the company. I like watching his movies very much, and it is very enjoyable to be in his movies, so I didn’t have too many doubts, so I went to participate in this movie.

1905 Movie Network: Have you read the original novel to understand the role of Dr. Yue, and have you gone through the process of auditioning?

Zhang Zhen: There is no audition for this movie. I haven’t seen the original novel of "Dune" before. I decided to do this project before looking for the original novel to read. Of course, this original novel is very huge, and I don’t have that much time to read it. I decided to join it less than half a year before the filming started. The time is actually a little rushed. The main thing is to digest the characters, backgrounds, and proper nouns in the whole world of "Dune", which requires some effort to prepare.

The character of Dr. Yue in "Dune" is a rather mysterious tragic character, and his psychological state is very torn, so I focus more on what this person’s psychological state is like. When the audience sees it, he is a deeper, not a very superficial, very symbolic character.

The whole story itself has already given this character a lot of points, I just hope to be a little closer to this character. Because he is science fiction, he is not a worldview that we can usually understand, but he is also very human, he is actually a character who cannot let go of emotions, so I want him to be a solid person in the movie.

1905 Movie Network: Dr. Yue doesn’t have many scenes, but he is a key role that affects the overall situation. In a limited space, is there any performance design to make this character richer and more three-dimensional?

Zhang Zhen: I didn’t do much design, I focused more on how to let the audience see this character, his inner torn and struggling state.

Although there are not so many scenes, I think every scene has its own meaning. Basically, there is no so-called "water play", or just a scene that explains the plot. The audience can see what his relationship is with everyone in this family, why he made such a decision, and why he made this decision because his feelings for these people are so strong and so solid.

Zhang Zhen played Dr. Yue in "Dune"

1905 Movie Network: This is your first time going to Hollywood to make a movie. What new experience did you have?

Zhang Zhen: In fact, they are all doing the same thing, and the shooting scenes are similar, but I think it feels different to play with actors from different places. Maybe in terms of language and living habits, everyone is different, so in such a state, how to keep everyone’s performance at a better level may be through some observation on the spot, or by relying on the director’s adjustments to the actors.

Basically, they were very happy working there. Although they were all filmed in the studio, whether they were in costumes, art, or props, for me, they all have a very deep and solid history or cultural origin as a background, and make some ideas on it. So basically if you go to watch this movie, you will find that this so-called science fiction world is far away from us, but it doesn’t seem to be that far away.

1905 Movie Network: On the set, besides the director, who else did you talk to more?

Zhang Zhen: I talk a lot with Rebecca Ferguson, and I talk a lot with Oscar Isaac after work, and they both talk a little more.

1905 Movie Network: There is a scene where you speak Chinese with sweet tea. Was it specially added?

Zhang Zhen: The director hopes to let the audience and friends see in the shortest possible time that the relationship between Paul and Dr. Yue is not just a relationship between doctors and patients. There is a deep friendship between them. So the director chose to express it in Chinese. This kind of quick sentence or two can let everyone know that their relationship is actually very good, and there is their secret existence between them.

1905 Movie Network: Is that sentence in Chinese what you think?

Zhang Zhen: No, it was the director’s idea.


1905 Movie Network: Did you teach Sweet Tea to speak Chinese?

Zhang Zhen: I didn’t teach him, and I didn’t hear him speak it before filming. I only heard it when I was filming. He is actually a very dedicated actor. When we play against him, everyone is very engaged and rarely plays, so I didn’t realize that he was speaking a language he didn’t know, and he really knew this language.

1905 Movie Network: From "Embroidery Spring Knife", "Chen Xiyuan", "Soul Hunting" to "Dune", many fans have said that you have been taking on roles such as "beautiful, strong and miserable". What do you think?

Zhang Zhen: Then hurry up and shoot "Embroidery Spring Knife 3", hahaha, if you can shoot 3, in fact, I have always wanted to shoot "Embroidery Spring Knife 3", but I haven’t shot it yet, so I hope "Embroidery Spring Knife 3" can be presented to everyone as soon as possible.

Fan Bingbing show ring reveals "marriage", saying that he has learned to take care of others

    On the evening of September 20, a large-scale charity auction dinner co-sponsored by the China Foundation for Poverty Alleviation and the Beijing International Top Personal Goods Exhibition Organizing Committee, initiated by the fashion media series of "Boutique Shopping Guide", was held in Beijing for the first time. Many performing arts stars and business celebrities attended the feast of love. The picture shows the famous actor Fan Bingbing, who was invited to serve as the "love ambassador" of the boutique charity fund, making a sexy appearance. Posted by China News Agency, Li Xueshi, photo

    On September 8, the fifth "BAZAAR Celebrity Charity Night", a Chinese charity festival, opened at the China World Hotel. This is a grand dinner that brings together 100 Chinese A-list stars, famous entrepreneurs and celebrities, top international brands, and top fashion magazine influences. A total of 7.538888 million yuan was raised, which will be donated to the "Loving Orphans Project" project of the China Charity Federation. The picture shows actress Fan Bingbing appearing on the red carpet in a dark purple evening dress, which is quite noble and elegant. That night, she bought a mink leather winter jacket designed by John Galliano himself for the "BAZAAR Celebrity Charity Night" by Dior for 388,888 yuan. Photo by Li Xueshi, China News Agency

    When it comes to Fan Bingbing, people immediately think of the words "topic-obsessed". Yesterday, Fan Bingbing came to Quanzhou to meet fans, and a ring on her right ring finger also attracted everyone’s attention. In response, Fan Bingbing explained that wearing a ring is her habit. However, she admitted that she is looking forward to the arrival of marriage.

    Wearing a ring is a habit

    Dressed in a dress and smiling, Fan Bingbing’s appearance was not as "big-name" as the legend said. Gentle and natural, she also improvised a Hokkien song "Double Pillow" to close the distance with fans. Fan Bingbing also agreed to the request for a group photo. When someone noticed that she was wearing a ring on her right ring finger, she responded calmly, "In fact, if you know me, you know that I have the habit of wearing a ring. This time I wear it on my ring finger because the ring is too small."

    It has been reported in the past that Fan Bingbing has different criteria for choosing a mate in each period. Fan Bingbing does not deny this. She said that when she was young, she liked to be handsome, and when she was in her twenties, she wanted to find someone to rely on. Now she wants to find someone to trust, and she says she is very much looking forward to marriage. When asked if she is often accused of having a big temper because she likes to eat hot pot, Fan Bingbing said that her temper is actually very good, and it has nothing to do with liking hot pot. If she really gets angry, it will exceed her tolerance line.

    The award is everyone’s credit

    Fan Bingbing, who recently won Best Actress at the Kazakhstan Film Festival for his film "Apple" directed by director Li Yu, said in an interview that the award was the credit of the entire crew, and the honor belongs to everyone in the crew. "Thank you to the director for his help and the cooperation and support of all the staff!"

    In the past, Fan Bingbing only needed to be a good actor and singer, but now she has set up a "Fan Bingbing Studio" on her own. When asked how it is different from before, Fan Bingbing said that in the past, others arranged and took care of herself, but now she knows how to take care of others.

    Talking about his work situation, Fan Bingbing said that he is currently dizzy. The Republic of China drama "Rouge Snow" has just finished filming and is busy posting productin. The next "Wu Zetian" has entered the preparatory stage, and there are movies, photos, records, etc. As for the much-anticipated new song release, Fan Bingbing said that the second album is still being prepared. "I have always wanted to be innovative, so this album has also spent a lot of time, and the style must be a lot different from before."

Editor in charge: Liu Li

The director of the movie "Hua Qiangu" apologized for less than 5 million box office in 4 days

January 20th, the movie "flower bone" was released, the first day of the box office less than 3 million, the fourth day today, the box office less than 5 million. In this regard, the film director Zhang Chao haircut video apologized, saying that the box office is now sorry for the team’s partners, four years of hard work and pay have not been rewarded.

Zhang Chaoli wrote: "Running in love, meeting in the present, thanks and apologies, thousands of words are not enough, but the movie Hua Qiangu still looks forward to giving us a chance to meet you."

In the video, Zhang Chaoli said, I am very grateful to my friends who have already entered the cinema. At the same time, I am also very concerned about the box office, knowing that it is not ideal.

"This surprised me. At this moment, I feel very guilty. I have let down our producer, betrayed his trust, and at the same time, I have also let down my colleagues in the team. I feel that four years of hard work has not been rewarded, and here I want to say sorry to everyone." Zhang Chaoli said in tears.

Zhang Chaoli said, "There may be many friends who did not pay attention to the news of the movie’s release, or the movie did not have expectations. But what I want to say is that our movie, as the first batch of movies to resume work in 2020, has gone through too many difficulties. It is already very difficult to finally meet you in the cinema, so I sincerely hope that everyone can go to the cinema to support and test."

At present, the cat’s eye professional version shows that "Hua Qiangu" has been released for 4 days and the box office is 4.868 million.

According to public information, the movie "Hua Qiangu" is directed by Zhang Chaoli, starring Chen Turin and Li Chengbin, with Mao Zijun in particular, and Chen Xiaodong, Zhang Danfeng, and Zhang Li in an oriental fantasy movie.

The film tells the story of Tiansha Lone Star Flower Qiangu in order to change his destiny, overcoming many difficulties and rushing to the fairyland to worship Xianbaizi Painting as a teacher, and finally being forced to awaken the power of the flood and start a life-and-death confrontation with fate. It was released on January 20, 2024.

Source: Jiupai News comprehensive party accounts and public information

NIO: The total mileage of pilot assistance exceeded 1 billion kilometers

  [Autohome News] We learned from NIO officials that NIO Pilot Assist NOP/NOP + users have accumulated a mileage of 1 billion kilometers, and have become the first Pilot Assist product in China with a total mileage of 1 billion kilometers.



  It is reported that in September 2020, NIO released China’s first pilot assistance driving product NOP; in October 2022, NIO released enhanced pilot assistance NOP +; in September 2023, NOP + entered the urban area from high speed, and the global pilot assistance NOP + achieved full coverage of high-speed, urban, parking and power exchange scenarios; in April 2024, NIO pushed the global pilot assistance NOP + urban route to all users of the second-generation platform.


  In terms of user accumulated mileage, in September 2023, the total mileage of NIO pilot auxiliary driving users reached 500 million kilometers, which took 3 years; on June 10, 2024, the total mileage of pilot auxiliary exceeded 1 billion kilometers, which took only 273 days. Previously, NIO released the intelligent driving operation report in May. In May, the intelligent driving mileage of users exceeded 100 million kilometers in a single month, of which the pilot auxiliary driving mileage reached 76.94 million kilometers, accounting for 72.7% of the intelligent driving mileage. At present, NIO has more than 520,000 intelligent driving users. The total mileage available for intelligent driving road verification exceeds 1.39 million kilometers, of which the urban area can be used for more than 1.03 million kilometers, covering 726 cities across the country. (Compiler/Autohome Zhouyi)

Jackie Chan is getting old in a hurry, and Will Smith Aiko is in great style

Jackie Chan looks a little haggard

In the past, every time I saw Jackie Chan, the eldest brother always had a high-spirited expression. However, since the new film "Kung Fu Kid", Jackie Chan, who had short hair and a beard, always looked listless and looked very haggard. When the reporter went to the set of "Kung Fu Kid" a few days ago, he saw Jackie Chan with dull eyes again – as expected, time makes people old, and the eldest brother is no exception.

Jackie Chan rushed to the play day and night and returned to the hotel to rest in the rain

On the morning of the 14th, at around 9:00, the reporter went to the filming venue of the Beijing Film Studio. Jackie Chan and Jaden Smith’s "Kung Fu Kid" were filming here. Although the reporter thought he had arrived early, we still found Jackie Chan’s makeup car on the set, and according to the information, Jackie Chan had already been filming on the set.

Due to the large number of security guards on the set, the reporter had to wait outside for Jackie Chan to show up. Who would have thought that it would take six hours to wait until the pouring rain began at 3pm, and finally he saw Jackie Chan who was surrounded by the staff and walked out. The continuous work made him look even more haggard and thoughtful than at the launch ceremony not long ago. The reporter later learned that it was the rain that prevented the shooting of the scene from being normal, and Jackie Chan was able to rest for a while.

Although there was a staff member holding an umbrella for him, Jackie Chan was still wet due to the heavy rain, but he didn’t seem to care about it, just wanted to get on the bus quickly. At around 4 pm, the driver took Jackie Chan to the hotel where he was staying. After getting off the bus, he quickly entered his room. It was not until it was dark at 7:30 pm that Jackie Chan appeared at the door of the hotel again. After a few hours of rest, Jackie Chan was obviously in good spirits at this time. The driver arrived quickly, and when Jackie Chan got on the bus, the car drove in the direction of the set.

Will Smith Aiko’s filming style

Will Smith’s son is making great films

Sometimes I have to admit that having a good father who can call the wind and call the rain can indeed save many years of struggle. For example, Jaden, the son of Hollywood superstar Will Smith. With the support of his father, the little boy who is obsessed with Chinese kung fu is finally going to fulfill his martial arts dream – to collaborate with Jackie Chan in the movie "Kung Fu Kid". Of course, the most important thing is that the male lead is not Jackie Chan, who is also famous in Hollywood, but Will’s son Jaden. In other words, Will, one of the producers of the show, found a kung fu superstar just to fulfill his son’s kung fu dream – this father is really speechless.

A few days ago, the reporter photographed Jaden’s pomp in the Beijing Film Studio, where "Kung Fu Kid" was filmed. I saw the little guy walk out of the lounge first. Just as the reporter wondered why the staff was missing, several burly black bodyguards suddenly rushed out of the room and surrounded Jaden. Then several staff members with walkie-talkies followed. Jaden walked around with a swagger and looked around. The surrounding residents basically did not know the son of the Hollywood superstar, but they also stopped to watch and give advice when they saw his pomp. Jaden seemed to enjoy it. The reporter later heard that the staff members with walkie-talkies were opening the way for Jaden to go to the set, which was not inferior to his father Will Smith. Jaden quickly walked into the set, and apart from a few bodyguards who followed him in, the rest were all around the set, watching around very vigilantly, absolutely dedicated.

Huawei P60 is coming, more details are coming

Hello, I’m your machine duck~

According to Huawei Central, Huawei is expected to release the P60 series in March, including at least two new products, the P60 and the P60 Pro.

Network exposure Huawei new machine network access certification 

Image source: Aifou Technology 

Didn’t we just see the Huawei P60 rendering graph leaked by extranet bloggers last month! This, as the release date approaches, more and more details are being pulled out~

Image credit: @RODENT950

On the back of the Huawei P60 Pro body, the back lens is no longer a double ring design, but a single ring centered design. The golden color scheme looks very bright.

The rear camera of the P series continues the appearance of "big-eyed cute" (big round rear camera) as always, but by transforming the two circles into a big golden ring, the "gas stove" has become "one-eyed boy"!

Huawei P50 Pro & P60 Pro Comparison Chart

The new series may have up to six color schemes. In addition to the classic poplar color, the Aurora color on the P30 Pro will also return.

Image Source: @EMUI

But the specific color scheme will not be known until the real machine is released. I will look forward to it with everyone~

After enjoying this very cool new color, let’s come back to Kangkang’s internal configuration.

Among them, the P60 Standard Edition is sure to be equipped with a Qualcomm Snapdragon 8 + chip; the P60 Pro may be a Snapdragon 8 + or a Snapdragon 8 Gen2.

Unfortunately, the Snapdragon 8 Gen2 still does not support 5G and is still 4G.

One of the focuses that everyone pays attention to when buying a mobile phone must be the ability to take pictures.

On the P60 series, Huawei will bring variable aperture technology, the maximum aperture is f/1.4, which is larger than the f/1.78 of Apple’s iPhone 14 Pro Max.

The so-called aperture is the device that the lens controls the amount of light entering the photosensitive element of the fuselage.

Therefore, the larger the aperture of the lens, the more light per unit time passes through this aperture, the richer the information obtained by the photosensitive element, and the better the final photo effect.

Image Source: @EMUI

More importantly, the P60 series will be equipped with self-developed XMAGE images, and Huawei will form its own system of mobile imaging technology by building four technical bases of "light, machine, electricity and computing".

In addition, the Huawei P60 series will be pre-installed with the latest Harmony OS 3.1. Compared with Harmony OS 3.0, the biggest highlight of version 3.1 is the synergy of distributed capabilities and cloud capabilities, allowing devices to break through space limitations.

Image Source: Drive Home 

And to sum it up, it’s four words – lasting and smooth! Mom no longer has to worry about my phone kaka kaka kaka~

Pinch your fingers, time is running out, let’s squat for a wave of new machines to be officially released! If you want to change the treasure of the P60 series, talk about what mobile phone you are using now in the comment area~

Hengda Automobile Hengchi 5 pure electric luxury SUV officially met with consumers: the pre-sale price is 179,000 yuan, equipped with Ningde era lithium iron phosphate battery

On July 6th, Hengda Automobile officially held a pre-sale press conference today. Liu Yongzhuo, President of Hengda Automobile, attended the press conference and said that he has poured a lot of effort into the past three years, shared Hengda Automobile’s concepts and achievements, tried every means to introduce international talents and advanced technologies, adopted a global integrated research and development model, and gathered global wisdom to build good Chinese cars.

Liu Yongzhuo said that today, Hengchi 5 officially met with you. It is a pure electric luxury SUV with a body size larger than BMW X1. Hengchi 5 is equipped with a lithium iron phosphate battery from Ningde Times.

The pre-sale price of Hengchi 5 car is 179,000 yuan, and it provides 10 rights and interests including 15 days of car pickup and refund. This is the first model under Hengda Automobile.

Previously, it was reported that the first pre-sale production of Hengchi 5 cars is about 10,000 units, and the first delivery time is expected to be from October 1, 2022 to March 31, 2023.

Didi, sorry again!

China Fund News, Chenxi

After the system failure incident, Didi apologized again!

On the morning of November 29, Didi Chuxing’s official Weibo issued a statement of apology again. Didi Chuxing said that the system failure that occurred on the night of November 27 caused a lot of trouble and inconvenience to the majority of users, and sincerely apologized again.

At the same time, Didi gave the results of the investigation of the system failure incident, saying that the cause of the accident was "the failure of the underlying system software", and all services of the Didi App have been restored.

Before this apology, Didi had carried out two rounds of apologies on official Weibo and notified the progress of the restoration of relevant services. For the recent rumors such as "driver income 69 billion", Didi also immediately investigated, verified and clarified, "I implore everyone not to spread rumors or spread rumors".

So here it is.

Didi Chuxing apologizes again

The underlying system software malfunctions

On November 29, Didi Chuxing issued another apology statement.

Didi Chuxing said that the system failure that occurred on the night of November 27 caused a lot of trouble and inconvenience to the majority of users. "We let you down when you needed us, and we sincerely apologize again."

In addition, Didi Chuxing also gave the reason for the system failure incident: After an internal review investigation, it was initially determined that the cause of the accident was a failure of the underlying system software, not an "attack" spread on the Internet. In the future, Didi will carry out in-depth investigation and upgrade of technical risk hazards, comprehensively ensure service stability, and do its best to avoid similar accidents from happening again.

At present, all services of Didi App have been fully restored. Didi Chuxing said that the troubles and problems caused by the accident are being properly resolved at an accelerated pace, and thanks everyone for their encouragement, care and tolerance to Didi. "Today’s Didi still has many shortcomings. We will take this as a warning, deeply reflect on it across the company, make every effort to correct it, and continue to work hard to ensure service."

After the failure late at night on November 27, Didi issued an apology statement in the early morning of the same day: Due to a system failure, the Didi App service was abnormal, which was urgently repaired by technical students and is currently being restored one after another. Sorry again for the inconvenience caused to users and drivers.

On the morning of November 28, Didi Chuxing issued an apology announcement again, saying that after the technical team repaired overnight, Didi’s online car-hailing and other services have been restored, and users can download the Didi App to use the taxi service. Cycling and other services are still being repaired one after another. All green and orange vehicles that can be unlocked or unlocked can ride for free, hoping to do a little more to relieve the pressure of the morning peak.

System failure "collapse on hot search"

Didi refutes rumors in time

Late at night on November 27, the collapse of the Didi APP led to a large number of user feedback and complaints, which attracted market attention. Multiple entries such as #Didi broke down #and #Didi employees said that the intranet also broke down when the system crashed were listed on Weibo’s trending topic list.

Judging from the feedback from netizens, the failure performance is various: there are APP network abnormalities, unable to log in, and some unable to check out and arrive. The driver also has problems such as "unable to start the journey" and "unable to click to receive passengers".

In the midst of the panic, some rumors also began to emerge. For example, some netizens posted that the background income balance of the contracted driver showed 69387199691.71 yuan. In response, Didi Chuxing responded that after verification, it was confirmed that the picture was a rumor forged by PS, and I implore everyone not to spread rumors or rumors.

In response to reports that some drivers began to withdraw cash, drivers said they were afraid of a problem with the system and their account would be cancelled. Didi Chuxing said that after checking the driver’s account and withdrawal function, everything was normal, and the majority of drivers did not need to worry.

Didi Chuxing said that the Didi platform is to withdraw cash every Tuesday, and drivers with high service levels can withdraw cash every day. According to the chat of multiple driver groups, many Didi drivers said that they have successfully withdrawn cash. I implore you not to spread rumors or spread rumors.

Didi said in the announcement that drivers are requested to pay attention to the fact that starting from Monday night, due to system reasons, the issuance of relevant rewards that have been received or purchased will be delayed. The platform will calculate normally, make up the money one after another, and the word-of-mouth value travel points will also be calculated normally, and the display will resume one after another. Individual drivers and masters have reported that they cannot start the journey and billing after receiving passengers. Please pick up and drop off passengers normally and deliver them to the destination safely. The platform will calculate and reissue the fare according to the itinerary in the future.

In terms of passenger rights and interests, Didi said that the coupons in the user account can be used normally. If the coupons in the passenger account are not valid due to the failure and the user pays the original price, the system will automatically deduct the coupons and refund the same way after the failure is restored (the same amount of coupons).

"Please don’t worry about the abnormal payment of fees and multiple deductions caused by the system failure. Please be patient. We will settle the compensation uniformly after the accident is dealt with," Didi said.

According to Didi’s latest financial report, its R & D expenses in the third quarter were RMB 2.10 billion, accounting for 4.1% of total revenue, compared with RMB 2.50 billion in the third quarter of 2022, accounting for 6.2% of total revenue. Didi said that the decrease in R & D expenses as a percentage of revenue was mainly related to the decrease in the company’s smart car business product development expenses.

Editor: Joey

Review: Wood Fish

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"China Foundation News" has the copyright to the original content published on this platform and is prohibited from reprinting without authorization, otherwise it will be investigated for legal responsibility.

Authorized reprint Cooperation contact: Mr. Yu (Tel: 0755-82468670)

Original title: "Didi, sorry again!"

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Conquer the problem of sound quality and thickness! Casarte Mural TV: Ultra-thin and good sound quality

  Nowadays, music variety shows such as "Summer of the Band" are not available, but watching music shows on TV always seems to be just passable. This is because under the trend of "thinner and lighter" TV, some brands choose the built-in small-size speaker unit in order to pursue the ultra-thin body. The listening experience is disappointing, and it is difficult to produce surround immersion sound effects, so it cannot resonate with the audience.

  Casarte conquered the problem of sound quality and thickness, bringing ultra-thin and good sound quality. Casarte Mural TV not only has the best 5.2.2 sky sound in the industry, but also cooperates with 122W
The combination of super-high-power speakers and independent audio perception processing chips has raised the level of TV sound quality to a new level. At the same time, it integrates true art and technology, and transforms the TV into a mural through zero-paste design and flat-mount technology, creating a more artistic and technological living space for users.

    Sound quality and thickness are difficult to balance? Casarte TV brings ultra-thin and good sound quality

  When users buy a TV, they are nothing more than considering the two levels of "sound and painting". However, looking at the technological development of the TV industry, the image quality has changed from SD and high definition to the current 4K and 8K ultra-high definition, opening the door to "new horizons" for users. However, the development of sound quality is difficult to break through, and it has become a shortcoming of TV technology change. In order to pursue ultra-thin bodies, some brands choose built-in small-size speaker units, resulting in poor sound bass, good sound quality and ultra-thin appearance are difficult to balance.

  Nowadays, under the trend of ultra-thin TVs, the space of TV audio boxes is too small, which leads to these four factors affecting the sound quality of TVs: First, the configuration of sound units, such as the limited configuration of sound units, cannot ensure that the sound forms enough reflections in the cavity, resulting in too much noise or not enough sound. Second, the audio power, the more powerful the speaker can release higher sound clarity and better sound effects; third, the sound quality processing chip, intelligently optimize the sound source and transmission method, effectively improve the sound signal strength, and the sound is more powerful. Fourth, the influence of the sound field, the sound emitted by the TV will be continuously reflected by the wall, ceiling and furniture before entering the ear. Only with a high sound field adjustment ability can users upgrade the immersive surround sound experience.

  In order to overcome the problem of TV sound quality and thickness, Casarte has undergone 5,000 hours of research and development and 1,000 acoustic simulation tests to solve three major challenges in the industry.

  First of all, in the audio speaker arrangement, Casarte TV boldly dismantles the main board of the whole machine, prioritizes the placement of the speaker position and the speaker position is all forward, breaking the current industry example of the bass speaker vibrating backwards through the wall, and raising the level of TV audio configuration. It also avoids the embarrassing appearance design of ordinary TV under thick and thin.

  Secondly, the TV sound quality level is full in the audio and picture configuration. Through 2 super audio 31 sound units, 9 cabinets are formed to complete the 50-60Hz bass band that is currently missing in high-end TVs, and refresh the 122w super power speaker. Bring the best 5.2.2 sky sound in the TV industry, and inject soul into the picture. Finally, through the independent audio perception processing chip, the independent switch gain control of each channel, intelligently optimize the adjustment of YPAO
V2.0 three-dimensional sound field, obtaining richer sound field effects, presenting users with immersive high-level surging sound.

    More artistic living space, more technological wisdom family

  In the trend of integrated home space, TVs must have both functional attributes and artistic taste. Casarte TV believes that sound quality is the soul of the picture, and aesthetics is the core of the living room to create a more artistic appearance. In terms of design, the thickness of the mural TV is only 49mm, and the design as thin as a mural can be perfectly integrated into the home environment; on the built-in, through the Residence Art Museum APP, there are a large number of built-in artworks for consumers to choose from. You can choose Monet’s world of light and shadow or Picasso’s abstract paintings to add a touch of color to the beauty of the home, so that it is a TV when turned on and a work of art when standby.

  While Chat GPT opens up more imagination space for artificial intelligence, Casarte TV also opens up imagination space for home wisdom scenes. It is not only a member of the smart living room scene, but also the entrance and brain of the smart home. It can be connected with
More than 9,000 smart home appliances are interconnected, enabling one-screen connectivity for the whole family. They can also be connected to the whole house scene, providing whole-house air, whole-house water, smart living room, and smart kitchen solutions, allowing users to experience the beautiful life of the digital intelligence era.

  For example, when you sit on the sofa and start watching a movie, the TV will automatically resume the content you didn’t watch last time. Users don’t have to get up to control the water heater by voice, and start preparing water according to the temperature you are used to. The heating progress can also be monitored in real time by Casarte TV, and the operation status of the whole house appliances is under control.

  The original intention of choosing TV is to enjoy the audio-visual experience of audio-visual integration at home. The need for upgrading sound quality technology should also be the focus of brand attack. Among many brands, Casarte TV has not only solved the problem of sound quality with its own technological advantages, but also created a mural TV with artistic and technological sense for users, leading the innovation direction of the industry, and also expanding new growth space for high-end TV.

At the World Internet Conference, what did Ma Yun, Ma Yun and other "big coffee" people talk about?

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  Alibaba Chairperson Ma Yun: In the face of new technologies, it is better to be responsible than to worry

  Photography/Xinhua News Agency reporter Meng Dingbo

  "In cyberspace and the digital economy, it is better to be responsible than to worry. In recent years, almost the whole world has been filled with worries about the new technology era and technology, worried that machines will take away job opportunities, worried that machines will control human beings, worried that human beings will be destroyed in their greatest inventions. In fact, new technologies do not make people unemployed, but allow people to do more valuable things, let people not repeat themselves, but to innovate, and let people’s work further evolve. I believe that machines will make people’s work more dignified, more valuable and more creative."

  Apple CEO Cook: Injecting humanity into technology

  Photography/Xinhua News Agency reporter Zheng Huansong

  "A lot of people talk about the downside of artificial intelligence, but I’m not worried about robots thinking like people, I’m worried about people thinking like machines. So we have to humanize technology, we have to infuse our values into technology, and that’s our commitment to our families, to our communities, to each other. We need to make the most of this historic opportunity, we need to give technology the value it deserves, we need to be open, we need to be confident, we need to be creative, we need to protect all people, and we look forward to working with our friends in China and partners around the world to make sure that these efforts and achievements we make can be created around the world."

  Pony Ma, Chairperson of the Board of Directors of Tencent Holdings: To be a driver of new technologies

  Photography/Xinhua News Agency reporter Weng Xinyang

  "New technologies represented by artificial intelligence, cloud computing, and big data have begun to drive deep changes in all walks of life. In the face of a new round of technological and industrial revolution, Chinese companies used to mainly play the role of followers of new technologies, but today we hope to become drivers and contributors of new technologies, and develop together with global partners. Today, every person, every enterprise or organization is closely connected through digital technology and is part of the" community with a shared future in cyberspace ". At present, various new challenges emerging in this" community with a shared future "require the government, industry partners, and all sectors of society to explore, build and govern together."

  Zhihu founder and CEO Zhou Yuan: May knowledge illuminate everyone

  Photography/Xinhua News Agency reporter Huang Zongzhi

  "The development of the Internet has made knowledge sharing extremely convenient, and it has also made knowledge sharing accessible to all people. Knowledge sharing that goes beyond the traditional elite concept will be the best solution to promote sustainable social development. Knowledge platforms like Zhihu have the potential to become a new generation of knowledge infrastructure, where everyone can share their views in their professional fields, and everyone can access a variety of knowledge. Knowledge is no longer distant, and it is no longer only in the hands of a few people. This is no longer just a matter of commercial value. It also has great social value. May knowledge illuminate everyone and discover the bigger world together." CEO Liu Liu: drones solve the last mile problem of rural logistics

  Photography/Xinhua News Agency reporter Huang Zongzhi

  "Logistics leads to poorer, more remote and backward areas, and the value of industrial products that consumers have to pay is much higher than that in wealthy areas such as Beijing and Shanghai. At the same time, because of high logistics costs, a large number of high-quality agricultural products cannot leave the village. After they come out to Beijing and Shanghai, the price is so high that consumers cannot spend it. We have spent 10 years to build a huge logistics network covering the whole country. We are also investing a lot of money in developing the latest logistics technology, the most important of which is drones, which is to solve the problem of the last mile of rural logistics."

  Lenovo Group Chairperson and CEO Yang Yuanqing: The digital economy represents the future

  Photography/Xinhua News Agency reporter Weng Xinyang

  "I don’t think the digital economy can be overdone, because it represents the future. It is because of digitalization and the development of the network that we can generate a large amount of data, and the data empowered by the network will bring intelligence to all walks of life. With data collected from intelligent end points, with the computing power of new infrastructure, with continuous learning and improvement algorithms, we can perceive and understand our world more accurately, make more intelligent judgments and decisions, so that our lives are more convenient and colorful, our work is more accurate and efficient, and our society is more harmonious and orderly."

  Cheetah Mobile CEO Fu Sheng: AI (artificial intelligence) helps you live easier

  Photography/Xinhua News Agency reporter Weng Xinyang

  "The connection of AI, or super AI, is everywhere. If you think of cars as our connection to tools, to travel, AI is actually a connection of brain power and information. Today AI can do what God once imagined, doing differently to everyone. A supercomputing entity grows naturally on a global scale. Everyone’s brain power, your own preferences, your own characteristics, your own habits, all your data can be used by a super brain to help you live better and easier."