What will happen to the e-cigarette market without "fruit flavor" in Tianmu survey?

Tianmu journalist Gan Jupeng

"The last day, there are not many goods. If you can save it, you can save it." On September 30, Wang Ming (a pseudonym), an e-cigarette brand agent in Hangzhou, said in a circle of friends. Posters of countdown began to appear in early September, and finally came to the "deadline".

On March 11th this year, the State Tobacco Monopoly Bureau issued the Measures for the Administration of Electronic Cigarettes, which stipulated that the sale of fruit-flavored tobacco bombs would be completely banned from October 1st. At the same time, the Compulsory National Standard for Electronic Cigarettes came into full effect. After half a year’s transition period, the new regulations for e-cigarettes have finally arrived.

Do consumers accept the new national standard electronic cigarettes? How do agents transform? After the barbaric growth, can the industry move towards standardization? When the "fruity smell" disappears, users, agents, enterprises and tobacco control units are quietly waiting to meet the "ultimate exam".

Agent: Transformation or Exit

On September 30, Wang Ming moved the remaining dozen boxes of fruit-flavored smoke bombs home, intending to keep them for his own use.

"After these are contraband, can’t sell. There are many people who have been hoarding goods these days. Most of them have been squatting for about half a year, and the goods in the store have basically bottomed out. " Wang Ming told the Tianmu journalist.

Miss Bai, who works on the Internet in Hangzhou, has been slowly collecting some fruit-flavored smoke bombs since September, and there are more than 10 boxes so far.

"I’m going to stop smoking after I finish this batch. Quitting smoking is good for your health. Recently, the price increase has been too great. Some tastes have risen from 99 yuan to 109 yuan, and the merchants say that there are not many goods. " Miss Bai said.

Wang Ming’s shop didn’t raise the price, so it was all handled at the original price. Facing the approaching deadline, Wang Ming only wants to clear the inventory.

Since 2018, Wang Ming, who resigned, has seen business opportunities, set up a store and started to operate e-cigarette business, becoming one of the earliest agents in Hangzhou. After earning the first bucket of gold, Wang Ming soon opened a second shop in a shopping mall.

In March of this year, Wang Ming already felt that the industry was about to undergo a major change. At that time, the State Tobacco Monopoly Bureau proposed to completely ban the sale of flavored e-cigarettes other than tobacco flavors and e-cigarettes that can be atomized by themselves from May 1. Later, the ban was extended to October 1.

Li Yan, who is the first agent with Wang Ming, has a bigger business and has more than a dozen stores in Hangzhou. Now she is also facing a choice.

"During the National Day, some of our stores were closed, and the stock of fruit-flavored cigarettes and bombs has been sold almost. We used to be Yueke’s exclusive store, and later we will be transformed into a collection store. I have obtained a retail license, and brands and products that meet the new national standard can be done. " Li Yan told the Tianmu journalist.

Production and operation enterprises: hold relevant certificates.

The era of unlicensed operation in which everyone can make e-cigarettes is over.

On September 29th, the State Tobacco Monopoly Bureau issued the Notice on Strengthening the Supervision of E-cigarettes in official website, re-emphasizing that from October 1st, e-cigarette market participants engaged in the production and operation of e-cigarettes should obtain tobacco monopoly licenses.

"Pain is inevitable, but it also points out the direction for future development." Li Yan told Tianmu journalists that the e-cigarette market was mixed before, and the introduction of new regulations was conducive to controlling the chaos in the e-cigarette industry. In the future, the concentration of e-cigarette brands will be higher and higher.

According to the new consumption data of e-cigarette industry platform Blue Hole, at present, there are 40 e-cigarette brands in China, and more than 80 products have been approved for listing. Nearly 400 e-cigarette related enterprises have obtained tobacco monopoly production licenses. 54,000 e-cigarette retail licenses will be planned and laid out nationwide.

According to the incomplete statistics of Tianmu journalists, at least eight A-share listed companies or their subsidiaries have obtained the Tobacco Monopoly Production Enterprise License, namely BYD (002594), Jinjia (002191), Shunhao (002565), dongfeng shares (601515) and Xiaoyan (002723).

On July 22nd, Wuxin Technology (parent company of Yueke brand), a leading e-cigarette enterprise, announced that it had been awarded the License of Tobacco Monopoly Enterprise (e-cigarette product manufacturer) by the State Tobacco Monopoly Bureau. On August 29th, the official micro-announcement of Wuxin Technology said that the new national standard products of Wuxin Technology began to be sold on the national unified e-cigarette trading management platform.

How much impact does the new e-cigarette regulations have on sales performance? Tianmu journalists called Wuxin Technology, but no response was received before the press release.

Judging from the stock price of US stocks, Wuxin Technology is very bleak. As of September 30 this year, Wuxin Technology quoted $1.03 per share, with a market value of only $1.6 billion. On January 22, 2021, the market value of Wuxin Technology on the first day of listing was as high as 45.8 billion US dollars. .

According to soochow securities Research Report, the short-term income of companies in the e-cigarette industry is under pressure due to the old products going to the warehouse during the policy transition period. Follow-up with the implementation of the "Electronic Cigarette Management Measures" and the new national standard, the industry demand is expected to gradually repair.

Tobacco control experts: the harm of e-cigarettes can not be ignored

According to the regulations, from October 1st, except fruit-flavored electronic cigarettes, solid electronic cigarettes, zero nicotine electronic cigarettes and open electronic cigarettes will be completely removed from the shelves and banned from sale. The national unified e-cigarette trading management platform only provides national standard tobacco-flavored e-cigarettes and smoking sets with child locks.

Tianmu news reporter noticed that "fruit flavor" and "child lock" caused widespread concern on the Internet.

"The merchants developed fruit-flavored e-cigarettes at that time, mainly to attract young people to smoke. China prohibits minors from smoking, including cigarettes and electronic cigarettes. In order to protect minors, it is necessary to ban the sale of fruity electronic cigarettes. " Xu Weihua, deputy director of the Department of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine of Zhejiang Tongde Hospital, told Tianmu News reporter. In addition, the national standard e-cigarette has a child lock, which requires a certain amount of strength and skill to load, and can avoid being used by minors to a certain extent.

Xu Yue, head of the Health Monitoring Section of Zhejiang CDC, also told Tianmu journalists: "The harm of e-cigarettes cannot be ignored. More and more evidence shows that the use of e-cigarettes by minors who have never smoked will at least double the possibility of starting smoking and make them more likely to get addicted to cigarettes. "

Experts said that compared with cigarettes, e-cigarettes appeared for a short time, and people’s understanding of it is not comprehensive enough. Many businesses claim that e-cigarettes can help smokers quit smoking, which is wrong and unscientific.

Xu Yue said: "Using e-cigarettes is as harmful to health as smoking cigarettes. E-cigarette is an electronic nicotine delivery system, which will produce various organic compounds and ultrafine particles during its use, many of which are known toxic and harmful substances. Studies have proved that long-term use of e-cigarettes will lead to nicotine dependence, which may increase the risk of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, lung cancer and cardiovascular disease. "

Xu Weihua analyzed: "The national standard was issued this time because the e-cigarette market is too chaotic, and the use of various additives, including a large amount of propylene glycol or glycerol, is sometimes even more harmful than ordinary cigarettes. Some people think that e-cigarettes can be addicted to cigarettes, but the harm is not so great, and they may relax their vigilance, which is even more unfavorable. "

"Do not reprint without permission"


What should the zoo beast do to "run away"

Yesterday morning, an emergency occurred in Danjiang Peacock Valley, Shangji Town, Xichuan County, Nanyang City, Henan Province, when a keeper was bitten while feeding a tiger and two tigers ran out of the cage. The injured breeder Jia Moumou was sent to the hospital for the first time and died after being rescued.
After the incident, the two tigers that came out of the cage were controlled in Peacock Valley. After many times of trapping, they failed. In order to ensure the safety of the people, according to the situation at the scene and after reporting to the higher authorities for approval, the two tigers were killed at 14: 20 and 15: 12.
According to preliminary investigation, the two tigers are owned by a circus in Suzhou City, Anhui Province. They are rented by Peacock Valley and have business licenses and domestication and breeding licenses. At present, the aftermath and accident investigation are being carried out in accordance with relevant laws and procedures.
Animals in the zoo fled.
How did it become a series?
Coincidentally, at 8 o’clock in the morning on the 23rd, a tragedy happened in Zhanggongshan Zoo (pictured above) in Yuhui District, Bengbu City, Anhui Province. Master Yang, a keeper, was attacked by a raised tiger in his daily work, and was rushed to the hospital and declared dead.
The emergency department of the First People’s Hospital of Bengbu City, which participated in the rescue, revealed that the injured person had obvious bites or scratches on his neck, head and back, and had no obvious vital signs after examination.
According to a family member of Master Yang, Master Yang is 55 years old and has been a tiger keeper in Zhanggongshan Zoo for nearly 20 years.
According to CCTV news reports, according to the introduction of the local authorities, it is initially believed that the breeder entered the tiger cage for cleaning without ensuring that the door of the tiger isolation room was locked.
Since someone raised animals, there has always been the problem of animals escaping, which is difficult to completely avoid. According to Song Dazhao, head of the China Cat Protection Alliance, from 2016 to now, there have been at least 17 or 8 incidents of animal escape in domestic zoos in public reports.
Not long ago, the leopard escaped in hangzhou safari park, Zhejiang Province, because someone went into the leopard house to clean, and forgot to close the door when going out, so the leopard ran out.
Apart from the escape of animals, in recent years, many accidents in domestic wildlife parks have aroused strong public concern.
Similar to double-checking every equipment and link before the plane takes off, the zoo has a set of norms and procedures for animal management. The staff will confirm the status and quantity of animals when they go to work every day, including door locks, windows, fences and so on.
In Song Dazhao’s view, the mistake of animals fleeing is not fatal. The key is to strengthen management, prevent problems before they happen, deal with them according to the emergency plan, report and warn them, so that the public should not panic and professionals can do professional things.
What should I do if the beast in the zoo "runs away"?
As of yesterday, the escape farce of Hangzhou leopard is not over yet. People who are used to the reinforced concrete jungle at ordinary times suddenly find mysterious beasts from distant nature around them, and fear and curiosity ferment rapidly.
Since the birth of modern zoos, crazy zoo escape has become a fixed program of society. Animals who are bored in a fixed environment show their talents in pursuit of freedom.
In the history of many zoos around the world, there are a lot of ironic escape events, and the reasons for escape are also varied.
Animals on their way to freedom
In 1935, the keepers of Long Island Zoo in new york forgot to recycle the wooden boards on the moat of Monkey Mountain when they were cleaning, so a rhesus monkey named Capone led more than 150 monkeys to flee collectively and fled into the local community.
Because the number is too large, and many monkeys have cleverly developed into adult monkey families with residents, the zoo has to ask local residents for help and offer free season tickets or a small amount of bonuses on condition that they can send the missing monkeys home. However, as of now, it is still unclear whether all these monkeys have been returned.
In 2005, a flamingo flew away from a zoo in Kansas, USA, while the keeper didn’t guard the cage door properly. The zoo searched everywhere in vain, until eight years later, bird observer Neil Hayward found the flamingo in the Gulf of Mexico, Texas, 650 miles away.
This flamingo not only migrated to its own habitat, but also met a friend who escaped from the Mexican nature reserve. The zoo that heard the news silently sent its blessing.
Different from the above cases, some animals found that the other side of the wall was not as comfortable as expected after they escaped.
In 1997, heavy rain damaged the lion enclosure in Kissimmee Zoo, Florida. While the workers were repairing the cage, a two-and-a-half-year-old lioness named Nora took the opportunity to escape and stayed on the run for nearly two days. However, this big cat, which grew up in captivity, found that she couldn’t adapt to the external environment at all after breaking into nature. She tried to escape back more than once and was finally caught.
Indeed, after all, life in the wild is very hard.
Even, some animals got into the zoo from the wild. In 2015, this happened in Nandakanan Zoo in India. While the keeper was not looking, a wild tiger swaggered into the cage through the open cage door and ate and drank in it. After a few weeks of satiated food and harem, the tiger climbed over a two-story safety wall and fled back to the wild, hiding his fame and fortune, and is still at large.
Zoo escape response manual
Accustomed to being raised, zoo animals usually don’t have the ability to survive and prey in the wild. And unlike monkeys, flamingos and other species that are not too aggressive, the escape of large animals such as lions, tigers, elephants and gorillas often poses great security risks to visitors and surrounding residents in the park.
So once an animal escapes, how should the zoo respond?
To solve this problem, we found a copy of the Emergency Disposal Process for Escaped Animals issued by the North Carolina Zoo in the United States, which can be regarded as the professional operation of modern zoos, and let us know what the correct and professional operation should be like.
When an animal escapes, the first and most important thing is to report it in time. The document stipulates that all animal escape events, regardless of the danger of the animal, must be reported.
Employees who find animals escaping should report the following information as clearly as possible:
1. Species of escaped animals
2. The number of escaped animals was observed.
3. The exact position and moving direction of the animal.
4, the animal’s condition and behavior (injury, panic, running, etc.)
5. Persons injured by escaped animals
6, animal description (gender, adult, minor, specific identity information, etc.)
Then keep visual contact with the animals until the aid workers arrive.
The emergency shelter and disposal of animals after fleeing should also be regularly trained as part of the emergency procedures of the zoo to ensure that all employees in the park can respond safely in times of crisis. Many zoos at home and abroad will have regular exercises. After the animals are successfully captured and confirmed to be safe, the leader of the action group will report the details to the emergency commander, and put forward whether to suggest restoring the normal order of the park, and the general commander will order whether to end the emergency state.
A guide to the life of escaped animals in Lu Yu
Usually, most zoo animals can only face people across the fence and interact within a safe range. But if an ordinary person meets an escaped animal without isolation, what can he do to ensure his own safety?
First of all, if it is a gentle and non-aggressive animal such as birds and monkeys, please call the police or the relevant local authorities to report the relevant location and animal status without disturbing the animals.
However, if it is a large carnivorous animal, such as a leopard, please ensure your personal safety first, and do not provoke, approach, attack or make big moves to disturb the animals.
The probability that the underage leopard will take the initiative to attack humans is extremely low. You can keep your eyes on it and leave slowly. Usually, it is not recommended to run with your back to them, which may arouse their pursuit instinct and catch up with you from behind.
If the leopard slowly approaches you, at this time, zoologists will advise you to act like a predator rather than a prey.
You need to show more "momentum" and "aggression" to make yourself look offensive. Stretch your limbs and hold them as high as possible to make your body look bigger, and then "greet each other" with enthusiasm.
In addition, seize the opportunity to leave the scene calmly and slowly at any time, and don’t entangle with each other for too long.
Despite being kept in captivity, the animals in the zoo always have natural wildness. In short, if you accidentally meet animals fleeing from the zoo, try not to hurt these animals and try to avoid being hurt by them.
We appreciate the creatures of nature, but at the same time we should be in awe.
Comprehensive reports from China News Service, Southern Weekend and paper clips
Source: Wuhan Evening News

China Software plans to raise 2 billion yuan to increase the layout of the operating system.

On the evening of February 25th, China Software announced that it planned to issue No more than 90.13 million A shares (inclusive) to China Electronics and CLP Gold Investment at a price of 22.19 yuan per share, and the total amount of funds to be raised (inclusive) would not exceed 2 billion yuan.
According to the announcement, the funds raised this time will be used to invest in three major projects of Kirin Software, a subsidiary company: research and development of mobile and fixed integrated terminal operating system products, research and development of cloud-oriented server operating system products, and construction of embedded operating system capability platform. China Software said that after the implementation of the aforementioned projects, it can bring direct economic benefits to the company.
Among them, the total investment in the research and development of mobile-fixed integrated terminal operating system products is 1.5 billion yuan, including 1 billion yuan and 500 million yuan of self-raised funds. China Software invested heavily in this project, in order to meet the new demand of terminal operating system market and create terminal interconnection and diversified application scenarios.
The reporter learned from the announcement that the mobile terminal operating system can expand the terminal operating system from supporting desktops and notebooks to supporting hardware platforms such as tablets, all-in-one notebooks and large screens at the same time. This may mean that the Galaxy Kirin operating system of Kirin Software will support a variety of mobile terminals such as tablets and 1-in-1 notebooks in the future.
It can be said that the overweight layout of China’s software in the field of mobile-solid integration was opened in the long-awaited investors and the industry volume.
In 2023, some investors frequently asked them questions on the interactive platform, whether the company’s operating system products can be applied to mobile phones and other smart wearable devices. China Software responded that "Kirin operating system can be used in many fields such as desktops, servers, workstations and embedded applications, and currently does not support mobile devices."
At the same time, Tongxin software, which is also the leader of domestic operating system, took the lead in realizing the interconnection of domestic desktop systems from mobile to PC at the end of 2023, successfully migrated two applications for data synchronization between mobile and desktop, iTunes and vivo, and started the war of "involution" in the field of migration and integration.
China Software plans to invest 1.2 billion yuan in the research and development project of cloud-oriented server operating system products. According to the company, the project focuses on solving the shortcomings of the server operating system products and ecology, accelerating the integrated development of the server operating system and the cloud platform, strengthening the AI intelligent computing enabling and heterogeneous AI resource scheduling technology of the server operating system, and comprehensively improving the performance of the server operating system.
In addition, China Software plans to invest 300 million yuan in the embedded operating system capability platform construction project.
In addition to the market and policy drive, China Software’s investment is also aimed at developing advantageous industries. According to the company, after the smooth implementation of the project, the company’s overall technical strength will be further improved, its business advantages will be further highlighted, and its overall profitability will be improved in the future.
From the perspective of profitability, Kirin Software is indeed the best among the 22 holding and shareholding companies of China Software, and even needs to support the basic disk of China Software. The reporter looked up the financial report and found that in 2023, China Software suffered its first loss since it landed in the capital market in 2002, with a pre-loss of 200-240 million yuan in net profit attributable to its mother.
However, Kirin software has been relatively stable. In H1, 2023, the net profit of Kirin Software ranked first among 22 companies; In the first three quarters of 2023, Kirin Software achieved an operating income of 661 million yuan, a year-on-year increase of 6.27%; The net profit was 129 million yuan, a year-on-year increase of 152.94%.
Source: Cailian Association

The emperor’s beautiful scenery with the same paragraph directly hits the delicious taste of the soul! Yangzhou "Shopping Guide" is coming ~

  [Editor’s note]

  The charm of Jiangsu is inseparable from the long canal. The Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal connects 11 cities in Jiangsu, and 60% of the population lives along the river, so that the vast land and countless people can be nourished and multiplied, and towns have risen and prospered. In order to actively guide the new consumption mode of cultural tourism in Jiangsu Grand Canal Cultural Belt and promote the high-quality development of cultural tourism industry in Jiangsu, the Provincial Cultural Tourism Department and the Provincial Radio and Television General Station jointly produced the all-media cultural tourism program "Travel All over Jiangsu". The program group traveled all over the province’s scenic spots and historical sites and old streets and alleys, found folk artists and craftsmen, visited experts and scholars in literature and history, and explored those moving stories behind the scenery, so that everyone "had the impulse to travel and was moved by culture.""Lead the audience to discover the unprecedented "fun Jiangsu".

  The program has been broadcast on Jiangsu Public News Channel since April 18th. The first broadcast time is from 20: 30 to 21: 00 every Thursday, and the second broadcast time is from 8: 50 to 9: 20 every Tuesday and Saturday.

  Yangzhou, Jiangsu Province has a glorious history of more than 2,500 years.The birthplace of the grand canal, known as"The first city of China Canal", tooLeading city for applying for the Grand Canal World Heritage. shebecauseriver"Born, but also becauseriver"Erxing, can be described asSit with the "peerless" beauty and enjoy the delicious food on the tip of your tongue.. Today, Xiaobian will take you around Yangzhou and eat all over the city!

  First stop: Slender West Lake — — City business card with six punch cards.

  Slender West Lake, a tributary of the Grand Canal and a section of Yangzhou moat, is calledSecurity river; During the Ming and Qing Dynasties, Yangzhou salt merchants were rich in the world, and they built pavilions on both sides of the river, forming this.Unique water garden community.

  Speaking of Slender West Lake,This name is really related to Hangzhou West Lake.! During the Qianlong period, there was a poet Wang Ling from Hangzhou. When he visited, he thought that the scenery and prosperity were similar to those of the West Lake in Hangzhou, so he felt it and wrote a poem — —"The weeping willows continue to pick up the weeds, and the wild goose tooth Hongqiao Yanyan draws pictures. It is also a pot for selling gold, so it should be called Slender West Lake. " It meansWest Lake is a bit like Yang Guifei, while Slender West Lake is as slim as Zhao Feiyan.Each has his own strengths..

  After six trips to the south of the Yangtze River, you must punch in at Slender West Lake.What is it that fascinates Master Qianlong? downWaterway tour of "Qianlong with the same paragraph"Maybe we can find out!  

  Imperial Horsehead is the place where Ganlong boarded the ship.. It seems that the word "horse" is a typo, but in fact, folklore is afraid of stumbling and removing stumbling blocks, so it gives away the "stone" of "code". 

  Five pavilion bridgeThe scientific name is lianhua bridge, with five pavilions and four wings. Looking down from the air, it looks like a lotus blooming on the water. Used to be forIt is convenient for salt merchants to pick up and build.Yes. I still do.Yangzhou’s best place to enjoy the moonIt is said that a moon can be seen in fifteen bridge opening under the bridge.

  When you come here in spring, the most beautiful scenery isSpring willow on long beach. Spring willows are lingering, and the breeze is blowing gently. If you are in this scene, you will understand what is called."Life only loves Yangzhou to live.,The weeping willows on the shore are fragrant with spring air". 

  Finally, I’ll tell you in secretPhoto punching resort — — fishing terrace. At an oblique angle of 60 degrees, there are not onlyA lake of spring water and weeping willows on both sides, but also putWuting Bridge and Baita have a panoramic view.. Here’s one, it’s hard not to praise the circle of friends!

  The second stop: Geyuan — — "Four Seasons Cycle" in the Garden of Canal Salt Merchants

  Geyuan is Yangzhou.The existing salt merchant gardens with the highest artistic achievements, the best preservation and the longest history., the master.It took 20 years to build this garden.It has a history of more than 200 years. itCovering an area of 36 mu, there are more than 60 kinds of bamboos with nearly 20,000 plants.So if you want to feel the Yangzhou garden, it is right to come to a garden!

  The most essential part of the garden is the four-season rockery in the back garden.Wouldn’t it be wonderful to hide spring, summer, autumn and winter in your yard?

  The owner loves bamboo, and bamboo shoots can best represent the arrival of spring, so the ginkgo stone shipped from Fujian is used as stalagmite to show a picture.Spring is suddenly leaking.

  Go further inside the door and you will come.Xiashan— — The blue-black (gray) Taihu rocks are piled up, and this rockery looks like it from a distance.Clouds rolling in the sky before the summer rainstorm.. There is also a piece hidden in it."Treasure of Town Garden" — — "Moon" stoneOh!

  According to the master’s ingenuity, in the garden,Tour clockwise.You can continue to feel the autumn and winter seasons.

  Change the scene, the four seasons cycle.One by one, you can get a glimpse of the prosperity that the canal once brought to Yangzhou City, and you can also feel the rich and exquisite life of the canal salt merchants.

  The third stop: Fun Garden Tea House — — North-South Compatibility of Canal Flavor

  After enjoying the visual feast, how can the taste be followed? When it comes to Yangzhou cuisine, what comes to mind first?Is it boiled dried silk? Babel gourd duck? Braised silver carp head? Or crab powder lion head?As a senior foodie, you must try something different! Today, I will come to the Fun Garden Tea House with Xiaobian to feel it.Authentic canal cuisineOk!

  The Thousand-Li Canal made a wonderful collision between the ingredients and cooking methods of the north and the south in Yangzhou, so there was.Cooking in the south or cooking in the north..

  Little masters, are you ready? The chef will serve you!

  The first one: eight treasures pull cakes.Sticky and sticky, the taste is sweet, which not only reflects the level of rice and flour in the south, but also refers to the northern preserves.

  The second way: Jingguo powder soaked in King Kong navel.King Kong navel is the bread that southerners like to eat, and Beijing fruit powder is the powder ground from the oil fruit that northerners like to eat. This integration of north and south is simply wonderful!

  Fourth stop: Shao Bo Ancient Town — — Canal ancient town on the tip of her tongue

  Find the taste of the canal, and then taste the ancient town of the canal."Singing" foodOk!

  Since the Tang and Song Dynasties,Shao Bo is a famous and important commercial port on the Grand Canal.. Emperor Qianlong visited the south of the Yangtze River six times and came to Shao Bo. Presumably, there was the temptation of delicious food among them.

  Shao Bo braised fishThe crispy fried eel, which originated in Susie, came to Shao Bo along the canal and became a legendary dish there.The craft is complicated and the taste is delicious. It was once the first choice for salt merchants’ banquets..

  Sliced fish fillets should be hung with local water chestnut powder from Shao Bo; Then, stew and fry in the oil pan for three times.It can’t take more than a minute from the pot to the table.Because whether Shao Bo braised fish can "sing a song" depends not only on the chef’s skill, but also on the speed of serving.


  Wow, is your mouth watering? There are not only braised fish, but also spicy and mellow.Shaobo small lobster, also can let you feast your eyes here.

  Seeing this, can’t you wait to take a trip, taste it and feel the different taste of this ancient canal town for yourself?

  Fifth stop: Dongguan Street — — Visit the treasure old street.

  The last stop today isTop Ten Historical and Cultural Streets in ChinaOne of Dongguan Street.Fishbone-shaped streets and lanes, extending out of the alley to the north and south, hidden in the quiet alley.50Many former residences of celebrities, salt merchants’ mansions and temple gardens.And other important historical relics, and there are many centuries-old inheritance on the noisy main street.old name in business;time-honored brandandIntangible cultural heritage project, it can be said that youGo shopping and eat!

  There is a heritage on the street.189AnnualYangzhou xiangfen;

  And Su Dongpo are full of praise.Yangzhou pickles;

  more2400Years-oldyangzhou lacquer ware.

  Standing on the East Gate Tower,The left hand is present, and the right hand is fleeting., as if there is a kind ofThrough ancient and modern timesThe feeling.

  "The First City of China Canal", with its sharp edges hidden in the streets and beautiful scenery, is waiting for you to explore slowly here … …

   The full version of the first episode of "Traveling around Jiangsu" is presented! Poke the video to get more exciting ↓ ↓ ↓

   (Manuscript and video source: Jiangsu Guangdian Rong Media News Center Editor/Jeikiy)

Hangzhou men spend 4000 yuan a month to fly to work: about 4 hours a way, I am looking forward to going home every week.

"Source of this article: Beiqing Qnews"
Recently, "Hangzhou men fly to Tianjin to work every week with a monthly toll of 4,000 yuan" triggered a hot discussion on the Internet. On December 7th, the reporter of Beiqing-Beijing Headline contacted the client Xu Xufeng, who said that he worked as a salesman in Tianjin Free Trade Zone. Since his family is in Xiaoshan, Hangzhou, he has traveled to and from the two places frequently this year, and he needs to take multiple relays by car, plane, subway and taxi every week, with a one-way trip of 3 to 4 hours. Considering that his parents are in good health and the industry prospects are acceptable, Xu Xufeng has not considered going back to work in Hangzhou for the time being in the past two years. He said that being separated from relatives and friends also increased his expectation of life.
It costs 4,000 yuan a month to fly to work for 3 to 4 hours.
In November this year, Xu Xufeng saw a hot post of citizens commuting between Hangzhou and Shanghai in a local forum in Hangzhou. His heart moved: "Isn’t it farther for me to travel between Hangzhou and Tianjin?"
Therefore, Xu Xufeng wrote his own commuting road on the forum and joined this "longest commute distance PK".
Every Friday at 16 o’clock in the afternoon, he leaves Tianjin, drives about 30 minutes to the airport, takes the flight at 17: 10 to Hangzhou, arrives at Xiaoshan Airport at 18: 50, and takes the subway for 40 minutes to pick her up from her daughter’s dance training class.
Every Monday morning, Xu Xufeng starts from home at 5: 30, takes a taxi for about half an hour to arrive at Xiaoshan Airport, takes a flight at 6: 50, arrives in Tianjin at 8: 30, and drives to the company at about 9: 10.
"Some netizens feel incredible, thinking that the plane is not so punctual, but in fact it is so punctual. I just followed this timetable and didn’t encounter any plane delays. " Xu Xufeng was born in Xiaoshan, Hangzhou in 1980. He went to Tianjin Free Trade Zone to do sales work in 2011. In the first half of this year, his son went to Hangzhou to go to school, and he began to travel to and from the two places frequently, about twice a month. Later, his wife returned to Hangzhou with her daughter, and he made regular trips to and from the two places every week. Because on the same flight, some flight attendants will greet him when they get familiar.
Every time he travels to and from the two places, Xu Xufeng needs to go through multiple relays by car, plane, subway and taxi, with a one-way trip of 3 to 4 hours. Xu Xufeng calculated the bill, and all kinds of fares plus parking fees cost about 1000 yuan each time.
Xu Xufeng said that even if he frequently traveled to and from the two places during the epidemic, he did not encounter too much trouble. "The domestic epidemic situation is well controlled, and there has not been much fluctuation in Tianjin and Hangzhou in the past year, so my trip has not been affected. If I ask for nucleic acid testing, I will actively cooperate. "
Cross-provincial work attracts netizens to resonate with relatives and friends in different places, increasing life expectations.
"I accidentally posted a very ordinary thing, but I didn’t expect the resonance to be relatively large." Xu Xufeng said that many people around him actually go to work across provinces like him. In addition to many Hangzhou residents going to work across provinces in Shanghai, there are also many Beijingers among their colleagues who travel back and forth between Beijing and Tianjin every week.
"Many friends say that they are too tired, but they are used to it. It is easier for a person to go to work outside than for parents and daughters-in-law to take care of their children at home. " Xu Xufeng said that after work on weekdays, he will run, swim and play badminton. After returning home on weekends, he will spend more time with his children and take them to playgrounds and shopping. "Sales work is relatively free, and we usually video every day."
Xu Xufeng recalled that when he first came to work in Tianjin in 2011, his wife was still in Hangzhou, and the economic conditions did not allow him to go back and forth every week. They often met once every two or three months, and this state lasted for more than a year. "That was the initial stage of struggle, and now it is much happier than then."
"I think it is also a good thing for our husband and wife to travel back and forth between the two places now. There is a saying that’ small parting is better than new marriage’. If you stay in an environment for a long time, you will feel bored. I think life now is more fulfilling than before. " Xu Xufeng said with a smile: "Everything has two sides, so we should look at the bright side. For example, my children and I are separated for five days, and we are looking forward to going back every week. And now there are more opportunities to meet friends than before. "
Xu Xufeng said that considering that his parents are physically strong and his industry is promising, he has no plans to return to work in Hangzhou in the past two years. "It’s gradually coming to the’ year of no doubt’. Taking advantage of youth, for the sake of family, I think we should all stick to it. Heaven rewards diligence and pays off."
(Beiqing-Beijing headline reporter Li Tao trainee reporter Chen Jing)
For more information, please pay attention to Qnews.

Don’t run empty! Chengdu Giant Panda Base will be closed for one day on New Year’s Eve.

On February 2nd, chengdu research base of giant panda announced the Spring Festival holiday travel notice. During the Spring Festival, measures such as online real-name reservation and time-limited inflow into the park will continue to be implemented. Visitors can book tickets for nearly 7 days, and the number is limited while stocks last. On New Year’s Eve (February 9th), the park will be closed for one day. (chengdu research base of giant panda)

Inform civil servants of the violation of discipline in examinations in many places. Cheating candidates are recorded in integrity files.

  Beijing, June 14 (Leng Yuyang) In April this year, more than 20 provinces across the country gathered together to conduct the 2019 civil service recruitment examination. Since May, many provinces have intensively announced the written test results of civil service examinations. With the release of the written examination list, some provinces have also disclosed the disciplinary situation of the civil service examination to the outside world, and many candidates have been recorded in the integrity file of the civil service examination because of cheating, duplicate papers and other problems.

  The written examination of civil servants in many provinces is released. Examination violations were disclosed.

  On April 20 this year, 22 provinces across the country held a "provincial examination" for civil servant recruitment on the same day, with a total of nearly 80,000 people planned to recruit. However, compared with last year, the scale of planned recruitment in Fujian, Shandong and other provinces has dropped significantly this year.

  Although the recruitment plans of many provinces have shrunk, the popularity of civil service examinations in various places seems to have not diminished. Judging from the job competition, according to media reports, the competition for the hottest jobs in Guangxi, Shandong, Yunnan and other provinces exceeds "one in a thousand".

  Since entering May, several provinces have successively announced the written test results of the 2019 civil service provincial examination. According to the recruitment procedure of civil servants, candidates who pass the written examination will face interview selection next. At present, many provinces have determined the time for qualification examination and interview.

  At the same time, with the announcement of the written test results, the reporter found out that many provinces including Fujian, Hubei, Hunan and Shaanxi also notified the candidates who violated the rules and regulations in this year’s civil service examination.

  For example, the Fujian Provincial Department of Human Resources and Social Security decided to "cancel the test scores and record them in the civil service examination and employment integrity archives for five years" for two people who used electronic equipment such as mobile phones to take test papers during the examination.

  For another example, the Shaanxi Provincial Personnel Testing Center will treat 38 candidates who have general violations of discipline and discipline at the examination site as "the examination results of this subject are invalid" and warn them once. If the general violation of discipline occurs again, it will be recorded in the integrity file of civil service examination and employment. The reporter found that the disciplinary actions of these candidates include "not taking the test at the designated seat", "deliberately damaging the test paper, answer sheet and answer sheet" and "continuing to answer the questions after the end of the test signal" and so on.

  Strictly check the "same volume" in many places.

  It is worth mentioning that in addition to the above violations, the "identical volume" is also a major focus of the candidates’ violation of discipline in this year’s provincial examination office. On the eve of the written civil service provincial examination, many provinces have emphasized that this examination will strictly screen and identify "identical papers".

  In this year’s provincial examination, many provinces also announced the processing results of "identical papers".

  Among them, the Shaanxi Provincial Personnel Testing Center has highly similar information on the answers to the "Administrative Professional Ability Test" of this exam, and six candidates who are cheating in the same examination room will be treated as "the test results of this subject are invalid". According to the circular, once warned, if such a situation occurs again, it will be recorded in the integrity file of civil service examination and employment.

  Fujian and Hunan also gave "invalid test scores of this subject (session)" to four and six candidates who were identified by professional institutions as identical answers respectively.

  In addition, the recent news that a civil servant cheated in the provincial examination in Guizhou and more than 20 candidates were sentenced to "identical papers" also attracted attention. According to the report of "Qianwei Popularization of Law" on WeChat WeChat official account of Guizhou Provincial Department of Justice, recently, police in Zunyi, Guizhou successfully destroyed an exam cheating gang, and three suspects were criminally detained by the police according to law.

  It is reported that in order to gain profits, these lawless elements organized candidates to cheat collectively during the civil service examination by selling headphones, transmitters, receivers and other equipment, with more than 20 candidates participating. In the end, because the test papers were identical, these candidates were cancelled.

  What are the criteria for judging "identical volumes"?

  For cheating on identical papers, the Measures for Handling Violations of Discipline in Civil Servant Examination, which was issued by the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security and implemented in October 2016, stipulates that in the process of marking, it is found that the answers of candidates in the same subject are the same, and confirmed by the marking expert group, the examination institution that specifically organizes the implementation of the examination will give it the treatment that the examination results of this subject (session) are invalid.

  Regarding the criteria for judging "identical papers", the Measures for Handling Violations of Discipline in Civil Servant Examination and Employment clearly stipulates that "the examination institutions at or above the provincial level shall determine the specific methods and standards for answering the same questions".

  In this regard, Li Manqing, an expert in the public examination of Huatu Education, told the reporter of Zhongxin.com that in the civil service examination, the criteria for judging identical papers are divided into subjective papers and objective papers. For example, in the subjective paper, there is a high degree of consistency between candidates’ answers to the same subject, including written expressions or main right and wrong points; As far as the objective paper is concerned, there is a high degree of consistency between the answers selected and scribbled by more than two candidates in the objective paper.

  "For example, it is normal that candidates A and B have the same correct answers, but if all or most of the wrong answers are the same, it may be judged by the system as the same volume at this time, and further review is needed." Li Manqing said.

  Li Manqing said that in order to ensure the openness and fairness of the civil service examination, the relevant departments have standardized on many levels, such as technology, manpower, examination paper setting and protection of rights and interests afterwards. For example, the competent departments of civil servants strengthen the supervision of examinations, improve the technical prevention level to ensure the safety of examinations, prevent organized cheating by grouping questions such as one question and multiple volumes, and detect the information of candidates’ answers through professional institutions to identify identical papers. (End)

Regular lottery spots? Guide lottery players to gamble under the formal "banner"

  Cctv newsRecently, the police in Dongguan, Guangdong Province received a report that there was online gambling in regular sports lottery spots. After nearly two months of investigation and evidence collection, the police finally confirmed that the gang headed by Chen Mou Feng had made a mobile phone APP similar to the sports lottery official website under the guise of regular lottery shops to guide people who bought regular lottery tickets to gamble and make profits from it.

  Mr. Wang, who works in Dongguan, is a veteran lottery player. In January of this year, Mr. Wang went to the lottery to buy lottery tickets. The store owner asked him to scan a QR code and recommended an APP to him.

  Mr. Wang, the lottery player: He said it’s formal, and you can also purchase tickets. It’s more convenient online.

  According to the boss’s instructions, Mr. Wang installed this "Red God Sports Lottery" APP on his mobile phone, and the store owner also pulled him into a WeChat group built by the owner. In the group, everyone often talked about how to bet. At first, some people won the prize.

  journalist: Sometimes I win prizes, don’t I? How much did you win?

  Mr. Wang:Just a few hundred, sometimes more than a thousand.

  In the next few months, Mr. Wang accumulated more than 30,000 yuan, losing every time, and many lottery players in the WeChat group also encountered the same situation. Mr. Wang and other lottery players were suspicious, so they reported it to Dongguan police. After receiving the report, Dongguan police found that many lottery shops in Da Lang, Liaobu and Changping were all suspected of committing crimes by the same means.

  Zhou Weichao, Deputy Director of Lincun Police Station of Tangxia Branch of Dongguan Public Security BureauThe QR code is posted in the store. When people come to bet, they generally recommend the people to scan this QR code, and they enter an APP set up by the suspects themselves, and illegally make profits by illegally collecting the lottery tickets of the national sports lottery.

  Through secret investigation, the police verified that the gang headed by the suspect Chen Mou Feng used the privately-run "Red God" and "Xixi" Sports Lottery APP to gamble. The lottery results and odds displayed in the APP were copied from the regular sports lottery website, and the members of the gang also misled the lottery players with "words" on the WeChat group. In less than five months, more than 16,000 lottery players were guided to these APP platforms for gambling.

  Zhou Weichao, Deputy Director of Lincun Police Station of Tangxia Branch of Dongguan Public Security Bureau: As far as we know, it is very common to win or lose 20,000 to 30,000 yuan in half a year.

  On August 26th this year, the task force collected the nets in several lottery shops involved in Liaobu, Da Lang and changping town, arrested 10 suspects, seized a batch of computers, mobile phones and bank cards, and frozen the bank account of Chen Mou Feng for about 16.7 million yuan. The case is currently under trial.

  The police suggested that as early as April 2015, eight ministries and commissions, including the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Public Security, jointly issued an announcement on Internet lottery tickets, and the state explicitly prohibited the sale of Internet lottery tickets. China Welfare Lottery Issuance Management Center and National Sports Lottery Management Center have not authorized any website or institution to conduct online lottery sales, and all online lottery sales are illegal.

"Olive" will win! China won the women’s rugby sevens championship.

On September 26th, the women’s rugby sevens final of the Hangzhou Asian Games was held in the stadium of Hangzhou Normal University (Cangqian Campus). China narrowly defeated the Japanese team 22-21 and won the championship.
In this event, China and Japan have always been old rivals. At the 2018 Asian Games in Jakarta, China lost to the Japanese team 5-7 and missed the championship. Since then, the girls of the China team have never given up their desire for victory. In the 2019 World Women’s Rugby Sevens Series in Japan, China beat the host Japan 7-0. In the group stage of Tokyo Olympic Games, China once again beat the Japanese host team 29-0, which made the girls feel more confident.
This time, they met again in the finals of the Asian Games, and both teams were determined to win the championship-
China took the lead in attacking at the opening stage, and Gu Yaoyao took the lead in completing the touchdown by using fake moves to shake off the opponent’s defense. In the first half, China played well and gained a 22-0 lead. In the second half, the China team was sent off by one person. The girls withstood the strong counterattack of the Japanese team in the unfavorable situation of 6-7, and finally won the gold medal with a narrow victory of 22-21. China team can win the championship without the tacit unity and cooperation and tenacious will. In the enthusiastic cheers of the audience, the girls of the China team embraced warmly to celebrate this hard-won gold medal.
Fierce confrontation, quick sprint, clever evasion … Rugby has always been a "brave game". Compared with women’s basketball and women’s volleyball, which have attracted much attention from fans, China women’s rugby sevens is a relatively unpopular group ball game. However, this team has made gratifying achievements in the international arena several times in the past 10 years. At the Tokyo Olympic Games, the China Women’s Rugby Team realized its long-cherished wish of going out of Asia, and made a historic entrance to the Olympic Games stage and advanced to the quarter-finals.
It’s not easy for the girls of China football team to achieve today’s good results, and they deserve it.
The China women’s football team that appeared in the Asian Games was almost exclusively "post-1995" players and several "post-00" teenagers. They have excellent physical fitness, hard daily training, and often can give full play to their speed advantage, and finally have the initiative in the competition.
Lu Zhuan, head of the Chinese coaching team of the China Women’s Rugby Team, said: "Some of our old players didn’t play because of injuries, and many young players were used in today’s game. I believe that in the follow-up competitions, they will definitely have more exciting performances. " It is also the pursuit and desire of the China Women’s Rugby Team to let more people know and fall in love with rugby through the venue of the Hangzhou Asian Games. "I am very happy. I hope everyone can join these highly antagonistic sports. They will bring us many different feelings. " After winning the championship, China team member Liu Xiaoqian said.
After winning the Asian Games, China women’s rugby team will challenge the qualification of the Paris Olympic Games. We also believe that these girls who dare to fight and fight will definitely create more glory in the next competition. (People’s Liberation Army Daily, Hangzhou, September 26th, by reporter Li Shihe and Qiu Jianhui of the People’s Liberation Army Daily; Figure/Liberation Army Daily reporter Wang Chuanshun photo)
Source: Liberation Army Daily

Remember at the group reunion: "Cephalosporin drinks and leaves when you say it!" Three cases have been received in a row in half a month!

Near the end of the year
Many people get together in the wine shop.
The emergency room of the hospital is also "lively".
"Cephalosporin with wine, leave when you say it."
The warning is highlighted again!
"doctor! Doctor! Quick, quick, quick … "A few days ago, with the rapid footsteps, a 60-year-old male patient came in at the entrance of the rescue room of Ningbo Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital. I saw him.Pale face, hands over his chest, has been asthma, retching.,I smell of alcohol.
A check, the old man.Blood pressure 60/40mmHg(the normal value is 90-140/60-90mmHg),Heart rate 130 beats/min(The normal value is 60-100 times/minute). The accompanying family members anxiously asked the doctor, "The old man is usually in good health. Why?"Have a good meal and that’s it.? "
The attending doctor inquired about the patient’s medical history in detail.It turned out that the old man had a cold and fever the day before, and he was given intravenous infusion in the hospital and cephalosporins..At noon that day, comrades-in-arms were happy to get together and drank some wine, which became like this …
Doctor’s decision: This is typical. "Disulfuron-like reaction"So he immediately gave symptomatic rehydration treatment to the elderly. Soon, the patient’s symptoms eased and he went home to observe.
Dr. Long Kangjian from the emergency department of Ningbo Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital said: "Fortunately, this uncle delivered it in time, so it did not cause serious consequences. Every year, people are sent to the emergency department for drinking after taking medicine, and some of them are even life-threatening.In the past half a month, this is the third patient with’ Disulfiram-like reaction’ that we have encountered."
What is "Disulfuron-like Reaction"?
Drinking alcoholic drinks after using drugs will lead to the accumulation of acetaldehyde in the human body and cause toxic reactions. It can be manifested as flushing, conjunctival congestion, pulsating headache, nausea and vomiting, dyspnea, chest pain, myocardial infarction, hypotension shock, acute heart failure, liver injury and even death.
According to related literature reports,Disulfiram-like reaction induced by cephalosporins is closely related to drinking up to 99%.The reason is related to the chemical structure of the drug.
In recent years, there have been many reports related to this, but people still often get caught.
So, how long can I drink after taking cephalosporin? The medical profession has a clear answer to this:
If you take cephalosporin first, it is recommended to take it for 6 to 7 days before drinking.Ensure that all drugs in the body are metabolized. Another situation is thatAfter drinking wine first, it is more appropriate to take cephalosporin after 3 days.Because for most people, alcohol is almost completely metabolized after 3 days.
In addition to cephalosporin,Hypoglycemic drugs, antihypertensive drugs, cold drugs, sleeping pills, gastroenteritis drugs, antiallergic drugs, anti-angina drugs.wait forWill have some chemical reactions with alcohol.
The doctor reminded the general public that although the festive season is coming, the New Year’s Eve, the gathering of relatives and friends, and drinking can create an atmosphere, we must remember: take medicine without drinking, and drink without taking medicine, so as to avoid extreme joy and sorrow.
Finally, I present a group of people’s daily officials.
An inductive warning of the danger of taking "medicine+wine"
From: ningbo evening news