Huawei Zhang Wenlin: Digital technology accelerates the transformation and upgrading of media industry.

  On May 20th, the 2021 China International Intelligent Communication Forum, with the theme of "Intelligent Communication in the New Era", hosted by the Central Radio and Television General Station and the People’s Government of Jiangsu Province, kicked off in Wuxi, Jiangsu. Vice Minister Publicity Department of the Communist Party of China, Director and Editor-in-Chief of the Central Radio and Television General Station, Shen Haixiong, Deputy Secretary of jiangsu provincial party committee and Governor Wu Zhenglong attended the opening ceremony of the forum and delivered speeches. Huang Qin, secretary of Wuxi Municipal Party Committee, delivered a speech at the opening ceremony, and Du Xiaogang, deputy secretary of Wuxi Municipal Party Committee and mayor, delivered a keynote speech. A number of industry experts and scholars, entrepreneurs and representatives of Chinese and foreign media gathered in Wuxi to talk about the new future of intelligent communication. Zhang Wenlin, President of Huawei’s Strategy Department, attended the main forum and delivered a keynote speech entitled "Digital Technology Accelerating the Transformation and Upgrading of Media Industry".

  Zhang Wenlin, President of Huawei’s Strategy Department, delivered a keynote speech on "Digital Technology Accelerating the Transformation and Upgrading of Media Industry" in the main forum.

  First, the era of ultra-high-definition video has arrived, and it is accelerating towards 4K/8K and richer experiences.

  On March 1, 2019, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, the State Administration of Radio and Television and the Central Radio and Television General Station jointly issued the Action Plan for the Development of Ultra HD Video Industry (2019— 2022). The overall goal of the action plan is to vigorously promote the development of ultra-high-definition video industry and its application in related fields in accordance with the overall technical route of "4K first and 8K second". In September, 2020, HDRVivid, the key technical standard of ultra-high definition video industry in China, was officially announced. In the Spring Festival Evening of 2021, the world’s first 8K ultra-high-definition TV live screen was fresh in memory. The era of ultra-high definition is coming. The penetration rate of family 4K TV in China has exceeded 70%, and the number of families with 4K receiving ability has reached 200 million.

  Technological changes have driven the development of the industry, and the requirements for efficiency, quality and computing power in film and television production have been greatly improved. Driven by the demand for accelerated remote collaboration in the epidemic, it is accelerating the overall cloud. Taking film and television works as an example, from Avatar in 2009 to Alita in 2019, the number of special effects shots doubled, and the requirements for calculation and storage increased by more than four times; There are also super variety shows, the number of shots is increased by 10 times, the quality is required to start at 4K, the production time is required to be shortened, and the parallel computing is required to be improved by 10 times. Starting from supporting the efficient production of content, AI will completely change the future creation and production mode, from the production end to the consumption end. There are a lot of pain points that need to be solved by AI intelligence in the whole process of current content production, and the changes in the future film and television industry need innovative technical support.

  Second, the ultra-high-definition industry will be scaled up to promote technological innovation and industrial transformation.

  Throughout the 14 th Five-Year Plan, a new round of scientific and technological revolution and industrial transformation is accelerating, and the deep integration of virtual reality technology and digital technologies such as the Internet, big data, artificial intelligence and 5G is having a profound and extensive impact on the economic and social development process. In recent years, the policies and plans of the General Administration of Radio and Television and the Film Bureau have clearly put forward the requirements for technology and industrial development, and the core points to four aspects: open innovation, deepening development, all-round promotion and industrial upgrading.

  Huawei is deeply involved in video media technology and continues to innovate: In the past 25 years, from multimedia communication to video products serving radio and television/operators, it has gradually built the video development capability of the whole process and industry, and through in-depth and comprehensive research on audio and video basic technologies, it has been actively contributing to and promoting the formulation of open and innovative industrial standards and international standards with innovative technologies, and promoting industrial upgrading.

  The key basic technology of ultra-high-definition video is firstly HDR. Since the release of the HDR standard by the Ultra-high-definition Alliance, the HDRVivid industry has become increasingly mature: commercial products in all sectors of the industry have been fully launched, and all mainstream manufacturers in all sectors will launch products and contents supporting this technical standard during the year, greatly enhancing the visual experience of consumers; Then there is DRM, the key guarantee technology of ultra-high-definition industry: multilateral enterprises in the industrial chain jointly build a trust center DTA, creating an open standard, transparent and credible service model for global multilateral cooperation; Domestic and foreign manufacturers have participated in it, and the ecosystem has become increasingly mature, escorting the security of ultra-high-definition content.

  At CCTV main station ‘ 5G+4K/8K+AI’ Driven by the strategy, the whole industry is accelerating the comprehensive technological upgrading and transformation such as IP and cloud. The ultra-high-definition video production and broadcasting platform built by CCTV will form an ultra-high-definition program production capacity with an annual output of 10,000 hours (including new media and TV terminals), which will greatly promote the large-scale application of ultra-high-definition content, and then promote new business models such as live broadcast of ultra-high-definition TV theaters, support unified distribution for various end users, and accelerate the development of industrial integration.

  Three, industrial change to stimulate technological breakthroughs, business innovation chain reaction

  With the advent of the 5G era, the audio and video industry will realize digitalization, networking and intelligent upgrade. The access of 5G technology will bring new changes to film and television shooting. Media shooting can be made directly on the cloud. Since the National Day military parade of CCTV in 2019, the technology of 5G back transmission after shooting has taken the lead. At present, the technology has gradually matured. Huawei can provide more than 500M of stable bandwidth through 5G super uplink capability, and at the same time, it can provide 1G uplink capability next year, which can be widely used in all kinds of media shooting and live event scenes. By shooting the production scheme on the cloud through live broadcast, the cost of single live broadcast can be reduced by 60%. At the same time, because the live shooting brought by 5G jumps into the cloud, virtual shooting will redefine the shooting mode: by constructing a three-dimensional digital twin space of film and television content, the background of the calculated content can be combined with the physical image of the real shot, which will greatly improve the manufacturing efficiency in the early and late shooting. AI drives motion capture/voice/digital twins/light/spatial positioning and other functions to comprehensively improve the efficiency and quality of film and television content creation.

  The key to upgrading the 4K/8K content production and broadcasting is IP transformation. The media matrix will lead the IP transformation of TV station production and broadcasting, and support 2000 channels of 4K/8K content production and broadcasting in the traditional SDI mode, which requires 32 cabinets and 4 tons of heavy copper cable. The MediaFabric jointly innovated by Huawei and CCTV can complete the same task with two cabinets and about 100 kilograms of optical fiber, and support flexibility and scalability, and support future-oriented evolution.

  The application of technologies such as 5G, IP, cloud and AI in the process of ultra-high definition has contributed to the chemical reaction of business innovation. For example, the free viewing angle in the ultra-high-definition field is becoming a bright spot and hot spot in the industry. The Spring Festival Evening "Heroes of Heaven and Earth" has a high-quality image quality and a full-time 4K free viewing angle, bringing a new viewing experience and rich application scenarios.

  Fourth, cloud-based technologies and services have brought about changes in production, processing and distribution models.

  There will be three revolutionary services on Huawei Cloud:First, digital content is fully produced on the cloud, and various tools such as modeling interaction are efficiently scheduled and operated on the cloud through large-scale flexible computing power; Huawei and its eco-partners are steadily advancing the innovation of cloud production process services, which were officially released together with their partners at the Shanghai Film Festival in June this year. The second is the production on the 4K variety cloud. Based on the production practice of "Sister Riding the Wind and Waves", Huawei Cloud can realize the simultaneous editing and processing of hundreds of video streams through mature technologies such as real-time processing of proxy files and original files, which greatly accelerates the production efficiency in the later stage of variety. Third, making real-time generation services on the digital people cloud, which will produce film-and-television digital people with anthropomorphic characteristics and real digital twin figures, will be applied to the field of TV variety for the first time, and more innovative scenes such as lifelike digital twin program hosts will greatly enrich the content creation mode. There will be a famous host’s digital twin in the year, so please look forward to it.

  The mature services on Huawei Cloud are also constantly innovating and promoting the development of ultra-HD industry;Intelligent repair function, with accurate AI algorithm to help high-quality, efficient content repair and quality improvement, while improving video quality, enhance users’ willingness to watch. More than 500 films and videos have been restored.

  Explore a new mode of publishing on the cloud;Support the film distribution field to quickly enter the digital service era from the hard disk mailing era. In the field of distribution, there are still many difficult problems in the distribution of the film industry. At present, the distribution for urban cinemas still adopts the mode of hard disk delivery, which is high in cost, easy to damage, low in security and unable to be flexibly scheduled. The cloud service based on timely error correction and security guarantee of Huawei Cloud greatly improves the flexibility, timeliness and security of film distribution.

  5. New market space: integrating innovation and providing the ultimate experience for more users in a timely manner.

  The second live mode is about to provide services in a normal and large scale. It is expected to provide users with more and better enjoyment in cinemas, theaters and various venues that can provide the ultimate experience of film and television content.

  The new home theater will create the second largest cinema market. Through revolutionary experience upgrading, convenient and flexible installation and civilian price, it provides a brand-new video business experience for home users. The AiMax business operation practice of Huawei video and smart screen proves that high-quality home theater experience will stimulate three times the viewing volume, increase the willingness to pay by two times, and incite huge commercial value.

  Generally speaking, under the general trend of the accelerated development of ultra-high-definition industry, various technologies have been iteratively developed, which has spawned various business innovations and business model innovations, and constantly opened up new markets. This will promote the chain reaction of innovation in all aspects of the industry, which requires the joint efforts of the entire industrial ecological partners and the government to provide necessary conditions and convenience for the cluster development of the industry. In this process, Huawei will focus on technological innovation, join hands with partners, actively promote the development of ultra-high-definition technology and industry, and create full-process technological innovation with the support value of 5G, IP, cloud and AI to help the digital transformation and industrial upgrading of the film and television industry in the ultra-high-definition era.

Yu Chengdong said that the M7 hanged a million-level class, and He Xiaopeng wanted to throw shoes.

May 28th, the first day of Shenzhen Auto Show.

In the afternoon, at the "Pioneer Dialogue on Future Automobile Innovation and Integration" officially held by the auto show, there was probably the most intriguing scene of this auto show:

If it is in committee of 100, Lao Yu said, it is estimated that there will be a lot of shoes thrown up below; Just now, Lao Yu said so, and I kind of want to throw a shoe up.」。

This passage comes from He Xiaopeng, and "Lao Yu" is Yu Chengdong.


When He Xiaopeng said that he wanted to throw Yu Chengdong shoes, he meant that Yu Chengdong had repeatedly "set up the flag" during his speech, or made very exciting speeches by diss traditional car companies and suppliers, such as ".The M7 will completely surpass millions of luxury cars such as Toyota Erffa and Lexus LM.」。

In fact, He Xiaopeng’s speech this afternoon was not peaceful. It was also a roar of gunfire, and traditional car companies, new cars and autonomous driving technology companies were all within his firepower.

Look at the car at the auto show, but the auto show is not just about cars. Today, let’s take a look at how the two giants in the field of smart cars portray the general trend of competition in the new automobile era in words.

This is the core evaluation given by Yu Chengdong to the M7, which will debut in June and be delivered in July.

He said that the goal of the M5 project is to benchmark millions of luxury cars, and when it comes to M7, it will naturally become ".Beyond the million-class luxury car」。

Are there any specific competitors? Yes,Toyota Erffa, Lexus LM.

These two models almost dominate the market of luxury MPVs above one million. It can be said that AITO is very confident-but wait, these two models seem to be MPVs?

Yu Chengdong explained that M7, as an SUV, will surpass all luxury SUVs in the million-class and luxury MPV. Moreover, the M7 will not be positioned as a large SUV.Its appearance is very compact, and its interior space is very large. It is a six-seat SUV and very comfortable.」。

How comfortable is it? His exact words were ".We have many new functions, which are the first in the world for leaders and bosses to rest comfortably, even surpassing all luxury SUVs and MPVs.

In addition, Yu Chengdong also officially announced the launch date of the M5 pure electric version: September, "trying to let everyone drive this car during the National Day".

In addition to preheating M7 and promoting M5, Yu Chengdong also talked about many stories related to the world, and the smart car industry.

First of all, he said that his M5 had been in Shenzhen for so long that he "didn’t refuel once" because both the company and the home can recharge. However, he came back from his hometown for more than 1,400 kilometers during the Chinese New Year. He said that the M5 ran farther than all pure trams, "because I can refuel".

Mentioned, Yu Chengdong stressed that "eating alone" is definitely not the idea of entering the automobile industry. "If it were this idea, we would not have been killed by the United States, and we would have been ruined by others. When making chips, I believed in the global division of labor too much, but there is no regret medicine to sell in the world. "

Secondly, when talking about HUAWEI Inside and Zhixuan, Yu Chengdong said that these two cars were not "made".

Bound M5


However, compared with HI, Zhixuan belongs to deeper cooperation. From the aspects of exterior design, interior design, intelligent cockpit, electric drive system and even sales, Zhixuan partners can cooperate with them.

When talking about "cooperation", Yu Chengdong mentioned that he once drove a car made by his partner. After driving,"Ten thousand alpacas are running in my heart, and I want to swear. It’s a trick design."So which partner will be here?

Finally, regarding smart cars, Yu Chengdong believes that most traditional car companies will eventually die like mobile phones, and a number of new car companies will rise, even though many people can’t imagine this day at all.



Just like who would have thought that Nokia, whose revenue and profit were equivalent to the sum of the last few, would disappear quickly.

As for the reason of driving the wave, Yu Chengdong mentioned a point: At present, the R&D expenses of new car companies (and) are not big, but the software is an important part of the R&D expenses.

There are 10,000 ways to interpret the shoe that He Xiaopeng wanted to throw to Yu Chengdong, but what remains unchanged is that he did say this sentence, and the content of this sentence is indeed "I want to throw shoes to Yu Chengdong".


By the way, He Xiaopeng was throwing shoes almost all the time.

For example, throw it to autopilot technology companies.

He Xiaopeng said that he always believed that L2 to L4 was a gradual process. He made an analogy:"Today, many L4 companies can shoot it in a video, which looks cool. In the second year, you will find that it is still the same, and it will be the same in another year. 」

He believes that a major prerequisite for realizing autonomous driving should actually be "full scene."

On the way to realize the whole scene, it is equivalent to completing the gradual progress from L2 to L4:"Can you open a few roads in the city? Can it be opened in the whole city? Can we open it in the suburbs? Can you cross this city and China to open overseas? 」

In addition to no geographical restrictions, He Xiaopeng also firmly stated that true autonomous driving should have no environmental restrictions. look like"Without GPS, no signal, you can drive in glaciers and snow, and you must drive in the whole area before you can drive automatically.".



Apart from the level of autonomous driving, He Xiaopeng feels that many autonomous driving companies ignore safety.

He said that the car safety factor was designed according to the occurrence of a serious accident in the fifth hour of 10, and then he calmly "killed people": "If you have driven a car, you will know that the fifth power of 10 is not enough at all, because the drivers are uncontrollable and the roads are changing every day. 」

Or, for example, throw it into a pit that you have stepped on in the past.

He Xiaopeng mentioned that he was "cheated" by public opinion at that time: when Tucki was just founded, many people said, "When will you achieve 100,000 vehicles in Tucki?".

He said that at that time, he thought that after accumulating 100,000 vehicles, it proved that this car company already had a good scale and ability. But it was only after he really achieved it that he discovered that 100,000 vehicles were only one of the small milestones, "just one pass".


Finally, mention a number: 30 billion.

He Xiaopeng said that when he said that he wanted to build a car and sell it, he needed at least 20 billion yuan. Now, Tucki has started to go to sea, and he said that going to sea needs at least an extra 30 billion yuan.

In other words, Xpeng Motors needs 50 billion yuan to realize He Xiaopeng’s dream of internationalization.

Do you think it’s much?

In the past decades or twenty years, the atmosphere in the automobile industry was not like this.

Many people have seen the video of BMW spoofing dieter zetsche’s retirement. After returning home in an S-class, dieter zetsche excitedly drove a BMW out of the street-this is already the most intense "diss" in the traditional automobile industry, not even a diss.

Comparing the level of advertising copy is that the way of "arguing" in the automobile industry in the past is completely different from the way of "losing shoes" at every turn.

Why? Because the order is not stable, because the table is being shuffled, it is not known which player will be eliminated, and there is no dealer like Toyota Volkswagen BBA. And because the new era of automobiles is socialized and labeled,

So be sure to talk about the topic, be sure to be hot, and be sure to compare others; So we must fight, not lose, let alone lose.

Debate among Confucianism, in a sense, also represents a hundred schools of thought contend.

Author: Yu Fei, source:Electric planet News (ID:glxsl2017), the original title: "Yu Chengdong said that the M7 hanged a million, and He Xiaopeng wanted to throw shoes."

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The market is risky and investment needs to be cautious. This paper does not constitute personal investment advice, nor does it take into account the special investment objectives, financial situation or needs of individual users. Users should consider whether any opinions, viewpoints or conclusions in this article are in line with their specific situation. Invest accordingly at your own risk.

Aauto Quicker’s listing in Hong Kong ignites a new economic boom.

  Xinhua News Agency, Hongkong, February 5th (Reporter Wang Xi) "Bang!" With the sound of the online "gong gong", Aauto Quicker Science and Technology officially landed on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange on the 5th. Aauto Quicker Science and Technology, with the stock code of 1024, offered an opening price of HK$ 338.

  When the epidemic in COVID-19 pressed the "pause button" for economic life, short videos and live broadcasts went against the wind.

  Affected by industry dividends, Aauto Quicker has developed rapidly in recent years, becoming one of the social platforms widely used in the Mainland, with an average daily active users of applications and applets exceeding 300 million.

  According to the prospectus, the share price of Aauto Quicker Technology ranges from HK$ 105 to HK$ 115, and the number of shares for initial public offering worldwide is 365,218,600. Within a few days of the public offering, the part of the sale has been oversubscribed by more than a thousand times, and the market frozen capital has exceeded one trillion yuan.

  "Aauto Quicker is the first global listing of a large short video social platform. For investors, this innovative enterprise in the mainland is in a period of high growth, which is very attractive. Coupled with the lack of scarcity of similar companies, it has aroused great enthusiasm from investors. " Yang Yuchuan, a visiting professor in hong kong financial services institute, said.

  Not only large institutions are concerned, but also many retail investors are fond of Aauto Quicker.

  Liu Hui, a Hong Kong citizen, also made a "new" Aauto Quicker in the IPO. She said: "There are many people in the Mainland who use short videos now. I believe that advertising revenue and cargo revenue will increase greatly, and there will be a lot of room for online economy development after the epidemic. I am very optimistic."

  As a typical representative of the new economy, Aauto Quicker’s main product is short video, a popular mobile phone application in mainland China in recent years. Earlier, iResearch predicted that the short video market revenue in the Mainland would reach 211 billion yuan in 2020.

  Liao qun, chief economist of China CITIC Bank (International), said that Aauto Quicker was only one of the listed companies in, and the reason why he was so popular was that investors were optimistic about China’s economy and the development of emerging industries in China.

  "North water flows south, and China Stock Exchange returns, which not only promotes the prosperity and stability of Hong Kong’s stock market, but also prompts Hong Kong to transform into a new economy." Liao qun said.

Release of M9 official map: The design was inspired by Kun Peng and equipped with Huawei’s advanced intelligent driving system.

According to the latest news, AITO, a brand owned by Huawei, will officially release the flagship SUV M9 at the end of this year. Today, the official map of the car was released, and its design concept was explained in detail.

The design inspiration of the M9 in Wen Jie comes from Kun Peng, a god beast in Zhuangzi’s Happy Wandering. It adopts a brand-new family design language and is called "Kun Peng spreads its wings". The design adopts a highly integrated ALL IN ONE design method, and the front face modeling integrates the functions of daytime running lights, far and near headlights, intelligent interactive lights and air intake ducts into the same element. The overall appearance takes the horizontal line as the visual center of gravity, extending a semi-open outline, creating a visual tension like Kunpeng spreading its wings. The integrated spoiler tail complements the design of penetrating taillights and headlights, making the overall appearance more harmonious and unified.

The design idea of the M9 is different from that of most new power vehicles. It abandons the common design of "squint+split light group" and adopts an integrated design. This unique design style may make people feel a little uncomfortable. Similar design ideas are adopted in the whole series of vehicles, which is in sharp contrast with the similar schemes of other new power vehicles. This car is considered as a heavyweight product of Huawei this year. It is equipped with Huawei ADS advanced intelligent driving system and will adopt HarmonyOS 4.0 intelligent cockpit. Internal innovation and highlights are very prominent. All models are equipped with air suspension and CDC electromagnetic damping system as standard.

According to the application information, the size of the M9 is 5230/1999/1800mm, and the wheelbase is 3110mm, so it is located in a large SUV. The models are divided into extended range version and pure electric version, both equipped with front and rear dual motors, and the maximum power of the system is 365 kW (496 HP).

In terms of battery, the extended-range model uses Contemporary Amperex Technology Co., Limited’s 40-degree battery, with a pure electric cruising range of 175 kilometers; The pure electric version uses 4C Kirin battery from Contemporary Amperex Technology Co., Limited, with a capacity of 97 degrees and a cruising range of 630 kilometers, and supports 800V ultra-fast charging technology.

Mass production in 2024! Is the money ready? Xiaomi automobile obtained production qualification.

Xiaomi has always been a cost-effective existence in the mobile phone industry. Although it is gradually developing in the high-end direction, the famous sentence that Lei Jun said that the diaosi won the world has become an inherent impression of Xiaomi. Lei Jun’s unspeakably swearing attribute is quite in line with the style of the leaders of new forces automobile enterprises.

According to the report of Reuters, Xiaomi has obtained the production qualification of new energy vehicles. Lu Weibing, president of Xiaomi Group, also said in May this year that Xiaomi Automobile will be officially listed in the first half of 2024.

According to informed sources, the National Development and Reform Commission approved Xiaomi Company to produce electric vehicles earlier this month. It is reported that Xiaomi Automobile is the fourth enterprise approved by the National Development and Reform Commission since 2017.

As early as August 19th, Lei Jun posted six pictures on social platforms. In one picture, it can be clearly seen that Lu Weibing, president of Xiaomi Group, and others are holding banners that read "Fight for Xiaomi Automobile". The IP address where Lei Jun posted this message is shown as Xinjiang, so many netizens also speculated that this is the first model of Xiaomi to be tested in Xinjiang.

As netizens guessed, a few days ago, the spy photos of Xiaomi’s road test in Xinjiang were exposed on the Internet. Although the current model is still closely disguised, it can be seen from the shape of the slip back, the front lip, and the style of the inner lamp group of the headlight that many details of the previously exposed design renderings have been continued.

In the past, there have been many news about Xiaomi making cars. As early as July 5, Changchun FAW Fuwei Auto Parts Co., Ltd. once said on the interactive platform that the company is actively communicating with Xiaomi Automobile, and many companies have entered the purchasing group of Xiaomi Automobile., as ofOn July 4th, the quotation for the first model of Xiaomi was completed.

At the same time, on July 6, Yachuang Electronics said on the interactive platform that it also indirectly carried out business cooperation with Xiaomi Automobile, which is now in a small batch stage. Later, it was reported that Xiaomi Automobile began to screen the delivery center. Xiaomi Automobile requested that the candidate venue "can provide at least 120 parking spaces" and the construction area "cannot be less than 3,000 square meters".

In mid-July, a group of battery pack information carried by the first model of Xiaomi automobile was exposed on the Internet. The exposure picture shows that the rated voltage of the battery pack is 726.7V, the rated capacity is 139Ah, the battery pack capacity is 101kWh, and the weight is 642kg. It can be inferred that the first model of Xiaomi automobile is likely to support 800V high-voltage fast charging. Although Lei Jun made no mention of the progress of Xiaomi Automobile in his annual personal speech, it can be expected that Xiaomi Automobile is indeed getting closer and closer to us.

N Comments: It is an ironclad fact that Xiaomi builds a car, but I don’t know if the future Xiaomi car can be like its mobile phone, but the flagship configuration only sells cabbage prices. If Xiaomi can do it, it is really another company besides Tesla that can knock down the price of new energy vehicles. But building a car is not building a mobile phone, which I deeply doubt. After all, even if it is ergonomics, it takes a long time to adjust the new power cars in the market now, and there are still many things that are not done well. But in any case, the cross-border car-making of mobile phones, Xiaomi, can go faster than Apple!

Using mobile APP to spread obscene articles for profit was solved. The suspect taught himself to develop mobile phone applications.

  CCTV News:Not long ago, the Netan detachment of Zhoushan Public Security Bureau of Zhejiang Province and the Cultural Comprehensive Law Enforcement Detachment of Zhoushan Cultural Bureau cracked a case of spreading obscene articles for profit by using mobile APP, which was listed as a case supervised by the National Leading Group Office for Combating Pornography, and arrested Li, the producer of the mobile APP of Fast Fish Cloud Broadcasting, Yu, Shi and Ren, and found more than 7 million obscene video files in the mobile APP of Fast Fish Cloud Broadcasting.

  In July this year, Liu Haibo, a grass-roots grid member of Zhoushan New Town Management Committee, found in his daily visit that many people were watching obscene videos using a mobile APP called "Fast Fish Cloud Broadcasting", which aroused his vigilance.

  After mastering and fixing the relevant evidence, the Cultural Comprehensive Law Enforcement Detachment of Zhoushan Municipal Bureau of Culture immediately launched the joint disposal mechanism for eliminating pornography, provided relevant clues to the Netan Detachment of Zhoushan Public Security Bureau, and cooperated with the Netan Detachment to investigate related cases.

  Access to overseas obscene websites is hidden.

  After receiving the relevant clues, the Netan detachment of Zhoushan Public Security Bureau immediately filed an investigation. During the investigation, it was found that the "Fast Fish Cloud Broadcasting" APP was extremely confusing and concealed in the process of spreading obscene pornographic videos.

  The police investigation found that the main page of the "Fast Fish Cloud Broadcasting" App is no different from the normal film and television App. Users can watch a large number of legal film and television works as long as they install it, but when they click on the sub-pages such as classification and search on the page, obscene pornographic video pages will pop up on the mobile phone. By purchasing the registration code and registering as a member, you can browse and watch these obscene video contents.

  Gu Zhoutao, Deputy Team Leader of Netan Detachment of Zhoushan Public Security Bureau: "The criminal suspect made this mobile APP, and its communication route is mainly through his QQ group, WeChat circle of friends, or website. To watch obscene videos, you must first get an invitation code on your mobile phone and send a part of the invitation code to the card issuing website. "

  After careful investigation, the police found that most of the registered users of this mobile APP purchased the "registration code" from a place in Huanggang, Hubei Province, and there are more than 1,500 registered members from all over the country, and the actual owner and maintainer of this mobile App is Li, a native of Xuzhou, Jiangsu Province. Li made the "Fast Fish Cloud Broadcasting" App, rented the Internet data cloud to set up a server, and finally accessed more than a dozen overseas obscene websites and more than 7 million obscene video resources.

  Through further investigation, the police also found that 16 other people, such as Shimou from Yuyao, Ningbo and Renmou from Deqing, Huzhou, also bought apps from Li or purchased obscene video resources to access their own apps, and then spread them for profit. After mastering sufficient evidence, Zhoushan Public Security Bureau police rushed to Xuzhou, Jiangsu, Huanggang, Hubei, Yuyao, Zhejiang, Huzhou and other places, and successfully arrested suspects such as Li, Shi and Ren with the cooperation of local police.

  Self-taught mobile phone application development is involved in pornography and is in jail.

  Different from the previously uncovered cases of spreading obscene articles on the Internet, the case of "Fast Fish Cloud Broadcasting" spreading obscene articles for profit by using mobile App has the characteristics of fast spread, wide spread and large audience. The four people involved in "Fast Fish Cloud Broadcasting" arrested by the public security organs are all very young, and three of them are post-90 s. What is even more surprising is that Li, the developer of the mobile APP "Fast Fish Cloud Broadcasting", has only a first-year junior high school education.

  Gu Zhoutao, deputy detachment leader of the Netan detachment of Zhoushan Public Security Bureau, said that it is difficult to block obscene videos spread by the "Fast Fish Cloud Broadcasting" mobile APP.

  Gu Zhoutao, Deputy Team Leader of Netan Detachment of Zhoushan Public Security Bureau: "This software is very concealed. The cases encountered in the past spread through the cloud disk and are easily blocked by the public security organs. Connected through the mobile APP, it is very concealed and difficult to block, so these obscene video data quickly spread to the whole country. "

  The registration code used by registered members of this APP is also very cheap online. The registration code is divided into day card, month card, half-year card, year card, permanent card, etc. The online price of permanent card is 98 yuan, and the cheapest day card only needs 2 yuan. From March this year, the "Fast Fish Cloud Broadcasting" went online for only six months until the incident, tens of thousands of people across the country have registered as members, and the relevant personnel have illegally made more than 100,000 yuan.

  Because of his poor family, Li began to work after dropping out of school in the first grade of junior high school, and later taught himself the mobile APP method online. In the face of police interrogation, Li realized that his mistakes were irreparable. At present, four suspects have been transferred for prosecution.

The original tens of millions of online celebrity small groups are suspected of being arrested, and they will be jailed for 8 years and face huge fines because of the fighting fish incident.

Original title: Ten million online celebrity small groups are suspected of being arrested, and they will be imprisoned for 8 years and face huge fines due to the fighting fish incident.

As a well-known anchor of the platform for fighting fish, online celebrity Tuantuan is afraid of being sentenced to 6-8 years in prison for being suspected of participating in money laundering activities on the platform, and the amount involved is as high as 48 million, and about 11 people in the whole trade union have been arrested. In fact, before this, there was a warning that she had announced that she had stopped broadcasting because of "involuntary" and went online after the first stop, saying that she had to continue to stop broadcasting because of "involuntary". Although she did not disclose the specific reasons, she mentioned that she had experienced many bad things in the last month. She hasn’t been seen since it was announced in November last year.

Well-known gossip anchor cold wind also said during the live broadcast:

It is very likely that the small group will be eight years. Maybe the assistant of the small group will take five to six years, and her assistant has not come out yet. If the assistant has no income, it may be delayed. It seems that the problem of Xiao Tuan Tuan is still quite big.

However, these revelations have not been officially confirmed, and their authenticity is still difficult to verify for the time being.

The Betting Platform has been thoroughly investigated for money laundering before, and its owner, Li Shaojie, was arrested for opening a casino. Betta has various forms in this respect, such as opening casinos, money laundering and smuggling activities with northern Myanmar, and organizing activities by lottery in live broadcast rooms.

The most popular "card lottery" game is the most popular in the live broadcast rooms of major anchors. The form is that the audience spends money to buy props, gifts, open cards to participate in the lucky draw, and the anchor usually gives the bonus to the audience privately. Take the betta anchor "Jiujijiu Outdoor" as an example. He has more than 3 million fans on betta. By the time he was arrested, the live broadcast room had organized more than 4,200 lottery games, with more than 4.42 million people participating, and finally "attracted nearly 120 million yuan", which shows how violent it was!

In January 2021, the "Changsha Rural Death Squad" was selected as the top ten anchor of DouYu Platform. According to the Green Hornet, the "Changsha Country Death Squad" is the "biggest casino for fighting fish", with an annual flow of 177 million yuan and a daily flow of 13 million yuan. At 10 o’clock every night, the lucky draw activities suspected of gambling are started, and the public code "Ten-Point Economy Class" is also formed.

According to the news that China. com quoted the anchor of the platform, the Betting Platform may have been aware of the cash back of the anchor’s lottery, and 50% of the revenue from the anchor’s running water also goes directly to the platform. With the increasing business pressure, fighting fish or being driven by interests is "desperate", and the chaos of live broadcast reappears. This is also the reason why many anchors lost contact.


The above content is part of online news, so we should keep a rational and objective attitude until it is officially confirmed. At the same time, this incident also warned the live broadcast industry and the Internet platform that it is necessary to strengthen self-discipline and standardized management to avoid similar problems. For the majority of netizens, it is necessary to raise their awareness of self-prevention, stay away from illegal activities such as the Internet, and jointly maintain a healthy and harmonious network environment. Of course, we also expect relevant departments to give clear findings as soon as possible, so that the public can know the truth.

Editor in charge:

Investigation on mobile phone surfing of college students: over 40% surf the Internet for more than 5 hours every day.

  China Youth Network, Beijing, October 21st "It’s not that I’m not sleepy. I just want to wait. As for what? I don’t know, I just want to wait. "This passage has become the mantra of many college students. And this "wait", most of them are brushing their mobile phones. So, how long do college students surf the Internet on their mobile phones every day? What are you mainly doing? Are you worried about network security?

  Recently, China Youth Network Campus News Agency conducted a questionnaire survey among 1,220 college students around the country. The results show that more than 40% of students surf the Internet for more than 5 hours every day, and more than 80% of students surf the Internet mainly for social chat. Most students think that surfing the Internet by mobile phone makes mobile payment, information acquisition and social communication more convenient. Nearly 90% of students are worried about network security, and most students expect the network speed of 5G to be faster and more convenient for study and life.

  The picture shows the proportion of college students’ mobile phone surfing time every day. China Youth Network reporter Li Huaxi cartography

  Over 40% of students surf the Internet on their mobile phones for more than 5 hours every day, and over 80% of students mainly chat socially.

  Wu Lin, a student of Sichuan Agricultural University, uses his mobile phone to surf the Internet every day for about 6 hours. "It has become my habit to brush my mobile phone when I wake up every day. Now surfing the Internet is a daily need. I feel that I don’t have much to do except surfing the Internet. I like chatting, watching news and playing games online when I have no classes. I can’t stop playing my mobile phone."

  Like Wu Lin, there are not a few college students who have the habit of surfing the Internet for a long time. According to a survey conducted by a reporter from China Youth Network, 41.56% of college students spend more than five hours on their mobile phones every day. When surfing the Internet, 83.93% of the students mainly chat socially, followed by consulting materials and listening to songs, accounting for 62.46% and 58.61% respectively.

  "I am deeply dependent on the Internet, partly because of my shortcomings in social skills." Joline, a student of Northwest Normal University, told reporters that she is introverted and unwilling to communicate face to face. She can express herself more directly and accurately online. She will keep a diary on the trumpet in Weibo, and what she is embarrassed to say in person can be expressed by WeChat. "Besides, I can also tell my story with strangers through Zhihu."

  The picture shows the proportion of college students’ mobile phone surfing behavior. China Youth Network reporter Li Huaxi cartography

  Mobile Internet access makes mobile payment, information acquisition and social communication more convenient.

  So what convenience does mobile Internet access bring to college students’ daily life? In the survey, China Youth Network reporter found that most of the students interviewed thought that surfing the Internet by mobile phone made mobile payment, information acquisition and social communication more convenient, accounting for 90.25%, 80.49% and 78.52% respectively.

  "Now you don’t have to bring cash when you go shopping. It’s really convenient to pay by QR code." Zhao Tingting, a student at Guilin University of Technology, said that it used to be troublesome to use cash for shopping. Now, with mobile payment, the mobile phone can scan the code to pay, which not only saves a lot of time, but also brings great convenience to life.

  Chen Yixin, a student at Chengdu University of Information Science and Technology, told reporters that after going to college, she often chats with her parents online. "Sometimes I use WeChat videos, and it is very convenient to contact them anytime and anywhere even if I don’t go home." She also said that now she mainly watches news through Weibo and news apps, so she can keep abreast of the latest hot events, which is very fast.

  The picture shows the proportion of convenience brought by mobile internet access to life. China Youth Network reporter Li Huaxi cartography

  Nearly 90% are worried about network security, and most students expect 5G network speed to be faster and study and life more convenient.

  Xie Wenyi is a student of Shandong University of Technology, and he attaches great importance to network security. "I have learned that bank card deposits may be stolen by clicking on the link to help bargain, which makes me very worried about network security." In order to avoid the disclosure of personal information, he will be more cautious when registering his account. He told reporters that many friends around him have fallen into the trap of online fraud, so they must strengthen their prevention.

  The results of this survey show that 88.03% of the respondents are as worried about network security as Xie Wenyi. In addition to network security issues, 5G has also become a hot topic this year. When talking about the expectation of the 5G era, 87.38% of the respondents hope that 5G will make the network speed faster, and secondly, it will make the study and life more convenient and the video quality clearer, accounting for 86.64% and 71.31% respectively.

  Hong Yumin studied in Hope College of Southwest Jiaotong University, and she needed to surf the Internet frequently for professional reasons. When talking about 5G, she said that 5G is a "good medicine" for architectural drawing. It doesn’t take a long time to download the software installation package, which greatly shortens the students’ drawing time. Compared with 4G, 5G is more stable and not easy to get stuck. When drawing, you don’t have to worry about network failure, which can guarantee the smooth birth of the work.

  The picture shows the proportion of college students’ expectations for 5 G. China Youth Network reporter Li Huaxi cartography

  Teachers in colleges and universities suggest that Internet surfing time should be arranged reasonably and network security protection should be done well.

  Yang Mei, an administrative teacher at School of Information Engineering, Sichuan Agricultural University, believes that college students spend more time on the Internet than study time. Although this has become a common phenomenon, students are advised to pay attention to study. "At present, many students will become very anxious when they leave their mobile phones. In fact, students will make good use of the Internet to arrange their free time and pay more attention to WeChat official account and online classes related to their majors or employment, which will be helpful for future postgraduate entrance examinations or job hunting."

  "Don’t easily click on pop-up web pages or unreliable advertising links shared by others, which are likely to contain viruses. When surfing the Internet in Internet cafes outside, don’t connect your USB flash drive, mobile phone and other things containing important personal information to your computer, which is easy to cause network security problems." At the same time, as the class teacher of the students, Yang Mei recommends students with poor self-control to use professional APP for entertainment time management, hoping that students can concentrate on their studies and focus on their studies.

  This semester, Fan Yingjie, a teacher of Marxism College of Chengdu University, asked students to strengthen self-discipline, stay away from the internet at least half a day to one day in class and at ordinary times, and learn to control themselves. She hopes that through these ways, students can understand that instead of constantly paying attention to other people’s lives through mobile phones, it is better to live their own lives and do their own things in a down-to-earth manner.

  Fan Yingjie also mentioned that regarding the issue of network security, the relevant state departments released a lot of warning case materials when promoting network security, hoping that students would learn more about it. "When using mobile phones or computers to surf the Internet, students should not randomly click unfamiliar links to avoid revealing personal information on the Internet, and try their best to do network security protection." (At the request of the interviewee, the names of the students in this article are all pseudonyms.)

  (Reporter Li Huaxi correspondent Yang Qing)

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Off-line shutdown, on-line transition-the "on-the-cloud" gym is coming.

Reading tips

  With the increasing awareness of residents’ exercise and fitness, many people have developed the habit of staying at home. Especially after the popularity of live fitness broadcast by artist Liu Genghong, more and more fitness enterprises began to try to transform online, and "cloud fitness" began to become a new trend.

  "Finally!" On May 22nd, Fan Peipei, who worked as a fitness coach in Shanghai, stared at the TV news conference and could not help but let out a sigh of emotion.

  On the same day, the Shanghai Municipal Sports Bureau issued the "Implementation Plan for Shanghai Sports Industry to Restore Normal Production and Life Order in an Orderly Way". The plan requires that the opening of sports venues and sports events be resumed in an orderly manner, following the principle of outdoor first, indoor first, and individual events first.

  Affected by the epidemic, some fitness facilities in Beijing, Shanghai and other places have been operating poorly for some time.

  Although it ushered in the dawn of returning to work, in Fan Peipei’s view, the domestic epidemic has fluctuated repeatedly, and fitness companies must find a "more reasonable business model under the epidemic".

  With the increasing awareness of residents’ exercise and fitness, many people have developed the habit of staying at home for fitness, and the download volume of some fitness apps has been increasing. Especially after the live broadcast of Liu Genghong, an artist, became popular, more and more fitness companies began to try to transform online, and "cloud fitness" began to become a new trend.

  "The most important thing is to survive first."

  "In the past, spring was the peak season for business, but this year the situation is really not optimistic." Yang Lan, manager of Beijing Superman Fitness shaoyaoju Branch, said frankly.

  During the May Day holiday this year, Beijing announced that it would suspend the business activities of indoor sports venues such as gymnasiums throughout the city.

  "Our main source of revenue is private lessons, especially one-on-one membership services. Suspension of offline operations is equivalent to cutting off cash flow, but the rent and labor costs have not decreased." Yang Lan said.

  Generally speaking, the fitness industry belongs to the offline entity industry with heavy assets, and its operating characteristics are large initial investment and high operating costs. However, after the epidemic, the number of people dropped sharply, which also led many fitness enterprises to face debt or even bankruptcy.

  "The passenger flow has been greatly reduced, the store rent is still high, and the higher the operating cost, the greater the impact." Yang Dahao, a partner of Leke Fitness and Hepingli Store, told reporters that compared with small fitness studios with lower operating costs, those fitness institutions located in prosperous business districts often face greater survival tests.

  In desperation, many operators began to strive to reduce operating costs. For example, many businesses in Beijing recently applied for rent reduction. According to the relevant notice issued by Beijing in April, all small and micro enterprises and individual industrial and commercial households renting state-owned houses in Beijing can reduce the rent for three months, while the rent for state-owned houses in areas classified as high-risk areas in the epidemic can be reduced for six months.

  In addition, many fitness companies have also launched trendy sports such as frisbee and flag football, which are mostly carried out outdoors, which can effectively reduce the risk of epidemic spread.

  "Take frisbee as an example. People can buy a frisbee for tens of yuan." Yang Haohao introduced that the entry threshold of Frisbee is not high, and the basic rules are simple and easy to understand, so you can learn it easily with or without experience. Frequent and close communication in Frisbee sports also makes Frisbee sports have strong social attributes.

  Of course, many fitness institutions are selling fitness products at reduced prices to survive.

  "The longer the epidemic lasts, the more conservative people’s consumption concept becomes. Although many fitness companies are operating at a loss, it is most important to survive first." Yang Lan said.

  On the test line, there are joys and sorrows.

  A tripod, an iPad and a small microphone … … This is a "three-piece set" taught online by Zhou Qian, the coach of a private fitness studio in Shanghai.

  "Every day, there are two one-on-one private classes and a small class group exercise class, all of which are conducted online." Zhou Qian told reporters.

  It is reported that the online business of testing water during the epidemic has become an important measure for the transformation and development of fitness enterprises. Take Super Orangutan, a sports and fitness brand, as an example. After the current epidemic, the company quickly set up a "online class" topic, including fat burning, shaping and other options. Some companies tried to pre-sell course packages on platforms such as Tik Tok, and launched online one-to-one and one-to-many course teaching.

  Zhou Qian believes that online teaching can help fitness enthusiasts keep fit, and at the same time, it can strengthen the brand effect and lay a good foundation for returning customers after returning to work.

  However, not all members can adapt to the rhythm and atmosphere of online teaching. During the interview, many consumers told reporters that the efficiency of online teaching needs to be improved, and the sense of experience is not as good as offline. "Online teaching can’t be demonstrated in close proximity, which greatly reduces the teaching effect." Xu Weiwei, a fitness enthusiast, said that some fitness enthusiasts around him are not very receptive to online teaching, and many people are unable to carry out online learning because of the limitations of venues, equipment and other factors.

  A good opportunity for coaches to build personal IP

  "Swing your arms and legs up, and the fat around your waist will snap off" and "thin and thin together" … … Artist Liu Genghong’s recent live fitness broadcast on the short video platform quickly became popular.

  After Liu Genghong’s fire spread all over the network, Qin Ye, the coach of Super Orangutan Group’s aerobics class, quickly made a circle in Tik Tok for adapting Liu Genghong’s shuttlecock gymnastics. This attempt made him realize that with the continuous improvement of national health awareness, the online fitness market in China is showing great growth potential.

  The reporter learned that in the online live broadcast of the super gorilla, in addition to the live broadcast of the official platform, many coaches also opened their own live accounts, and they gradually became accustomed to the online live broadcast teaching method, paying more attention to online and offline linkage.

  According to relevant data, in 2021, the market size of fitness industry in China will reach 377.1 billion yuan, including 638 million webcast users in China, and the utilization rate of online live broadcast is as high as 63%. It is generally believed in the industry that fitness coaches have ushered in a good opportunity to build personal IP.

  Qin also told reporters that since the audience of online live broadcast is mostly zero-based "fitness white", the content of the course he arranged should first consider safety and scientificity, and the intensity should not be too great.

  "For the fitness instructor himself, excellent professional ability is only the foundation. The most important thing to get out of the circle is to strengthen your personal style and identify the user base in combination with your own strengths." Tang Huan, founder of a fitness media, said.

  Tang Yuejun, an associate professor at Fudan University School of Management, believes that this is precisely the prerequisite for achieving a win-win situation between fitness coaches and fitness platforms.

  "The coach can’t build personal IP without the promotion and operation of fitness platform. The two are complementary. The coach is responsible for providing high-quality fitness resources, while the enterprise provides platform construction, technology integration and business model construction." Tang Yuejun said, "The key to the sustainability of this model lies in whether fitness enterprises can break through the traditional logic of employment and service between enterprises, employees and customers and evolve into a new type of partner logic."