Guo Fucheng took his two-year-old daughter to eat hot pot and took the initiative to hold the child to prevent his mother-in-law from working hard

Since marrying mainland model Fang Yuan in 2017, Guo Fucheng has quickly had two precious daughters.

And he has also become a good man at home. After marriage, every day except work is family, and he no longer gathers with friends. The great change has surprised Yuan Yongyi and his wife, who have been friends for many years.

Guo Fucheng revealed the English names of his two daughters, the eldest daughter is Chantelle, and the second daughter is Charlotte. He also often takes his wife and daughter out, allowing passers-by and the media to film, without the air of a king.

Guo Fucheng said that he hopes to be able to accompany his children to grow up, so he will not be as low-key as his previous relationships, and will be a good father. At the same time, he hopes that everyone will give him some space to see their family on the road. Don’t be too surprised.

Indeed, the media often publish photos of Guo Fucheng with his family, and his image of transforming from a king of heaven to a father has been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

A few days ago, the media filmed Guo Fucheng and Fang Yuan taking their two daughters to the beach to play.

However, the younger daughter fell asleep, and the nanny carried her to sleep in the car.

The couple took their eldest daughter to see the sea, and Guo Fucheng kept staring at his daughter and laughing non-stop, completely like a "pet girl maniac".

On this day, Guo Fucheng went out again, driving a white Porsche and taking his wife, Fang Yuan, mother-in-law, and eldest daughter, Chantelle, out for dinner.

It was around 7 p.m. when Mr. Kwok drove out of his apartment and arrived at Lee Tung Street, Wan Chai.

After parking the car, Guo Fucheng immediately walked to the back, ready to hug his daughter.

Chengcheng was very vigilant, first looking around to see if there were any cameras, and then motioning Chantelle to get out of the car, but they still couldn’t escape the shooting of the media. The family was photographed. Fortunately, the media was very considerate and mosaic the child.

It turned out that Guo Fucheng planned to bring his family to eat his favorite spicy hot pot. The restaurant owner was obviously a good friend of Chengcheng. When he saw their family get off the bus, he went to the door to greet them and arranged a box for Chengcheng.

Guo Fucheng likes spicy food very much. It seems that he plans to train his eldest daughter, who is only two years old, to become a spicy food expert. He takes her to a spicy hot pot restaurant at a young age.

Guo Fucheng’s family ate for about an hour and a half. Before leaving, they found a reporter taking pictures. Chengcheng was not angry and smiled and asked the reporter not to publish the positive photos of his daughter.

The reporter asked him why he took his daughter to eat spicy hot pot, and Guo Fucheng responded that he just wanted to take his daughter out for a walk, no big problem.

The man with advanced cancer insists on driving a car-hailing website just to save more money for his mother

  "Goodbye, take your time." Wang Jun, the driver of the online taxi, stopped the car steadily and turned around to greet the passengers in the back seat politely. His face was slightly pale. After delivering a passenger, he stuffed a pill into his mouth and took it with boiling water in a thermos cup. Then he drove to the next destination according to the voice prompt of his mobile phone.

  This is a scene that took place last week. No one could have imagined that the driver was a terminal cancer patient.

  Wang Jun only wanted to drive for one more day when he was confident that his body could still support it. He didn’t dare to stop because his mother, who was dependent on him, had uremia and mild Alzheimer’s disease. The monthly treatment fee of several thousand yuan was a fixed expenditure, and he wanted to save a little more for his mother’s living expenses and medical expenses.

  Son who suffers from cholangiocarcinoma and still insists on driving a car

  Wang Jun, a native of Yuzhong District, was diagnosed with cholangiocarcinoma in early July, having always been in good health.

  The scariest thing about the disease is the insidious nature of the disease. Patients often have no symptoms in the early stage, and once detected, they are advanced. Doctors say that patients with the disease can usually survive for six months to a year, and if treated well, it may last for two years. But so far, no case has been found in the world that has survived for five years.

  Wang Juncai is 37 years old.

  This was undoubtedly a huge blow to any family. But Wang Jun didn’t fall, he didn’t even stop getting out of the car. Because he knew that there were more important things to do.

  Wang Jun used to be a driver of Chongqing Bus Company No. 2 and drove the No. 202 bus for nearly a decade. When he was driving the bus, his mobile phone vibrated for more than half an hour. When he saw that his mother was calling, Wang Jun felt nervous. He drove back to the terminal, parked the car, and quickly dialed. It turned out that his mother was diagnosed with uremia.

  Uremia usually doesn’t kill people all at once, but dialysis must be adhered to. Since then, dialysis three times a week has been unstoppable.

  Each dialysis needs 200 yuan, and the monthly dialysis fee is at least 2,400 yuan. And Xie Zaigui’s pension is only 2,600 yuan.

  In order to take care of his mother and increase family income, in 2015, Wang Jun resigned from the bus company and started to drive an online car. The car was purchased with a loan and operated by an online car-hailing unit. Nearly 140,000 yuan for the car, a monthly payment of 3,200 yuan, and now there are still 3 years of loans, about 88,000 yuan that have not been paid off.

  After being diagnosed with cancer, Wang Jun felt that his physical strength could still support him. Under the condition of ensuring driving safety, he continued to drive every day. Earning a little more counts as a little bit.

  He calculated the account, opened an online car, and earned three or four hundred yuan a day. Every extra day of running, he could save one or two more times to do dialysis for his mother.

  Wang Jun’s driving skills are good, and he drives steadily. No passengers notice that the master who drives for them is a terminal cancer patient who races with death.

  Wang Jun kept a lot of photos of his mother in his phone. When he was resting, he took them out to take a look.

  This was the source that supported his desperate efforts.

  A mother with uremia and fading memory

  Wang Jun’s big eyes, long eyelashes, and double eyelids were just like his mother’s.

  The mother and son have always had a very good relationship.

  His father used to be a unit driver. Wang Jun died of an illness when he was 4 years old, and his mother brought him up. His stepfather also passed away a few years ago. After Wang Jun divorced in 2016, he and his mother depended on each other for life.

  Since Wang Jun had to drive, most of the time Xie Zaigui went to the hospital for dialysis by himself.

  Last year, Wang Jun vaguely felt that something was wrong. One day, the dialysis was supposed to end at 11 am, but his mother didn’t come home until 1 pm. It turned out that she suddenly didn’t know where she was going and took the wrong car. Another time at home for dinner, his mother suddenly looked up and said to him, "You and your father will go out later, and you need to come back early."

  He took his mother for a checkup, and it turned out that her mother had mild Alzheimer’s disease. Memory declines, and if left unchecked, severe cognitive impairment can occur.

  Mom now often sits at home watching TV or watching the neighbors play cards. She used to like to keep the house spotless, but now she doesn’t like to clean it, and sometimes she doesn’t even care if the rice in the pot is mushy.

  When he was young, Xie Zaigui was beautiful and capable. He was responsible for pulling cloth in Datong general merchandise company. He measured, calculated, cut, and worked very quickly. When his mother was young, she had long black hair and loved to dress up. It was the most beautiful look in his memory.

  Mom was still very diligent. She had a table full of more than a dozen dishes with her relatives and friends at home. Sweet and sour ribs, white chopped chicken, fish-flavored shredded meat… It was even more delicious than in a restaurant.

  Wang Jun checked the Internet and found that being lazy and not moving are all symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease.

  He had seen the movie "Eraser in My Memory" and knew that Alzheimer’s would erase his memory bit by bit like an eraser until he could remember nothing.

  Seeing that his mother’s memory was fading day by day, Wang Jun was very anxious. He heard that practicing calligraphy can exercise his brain power, so he bought a copybook, like coaxing a child, and asked his mother to write it against it. After writing, he gave her his favorite dessert.

  Wang Jun also coaxed his mother to cook. He often told his mother that if you cook, I will come back to eat and not eat outside.

  But with little success, my mother remained the same.

  In order to take care of his mother, his son has not traveled far for many years

  Huang Lu, a friend who has played together since childhood, said that in the past, Wang Jun would actively participate in friends’ gatherings and outings. But after his mother fell ill, he never went out again.

  Wang Jun was looking forward to taking his mother for more walks. Due to dialysis on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, he couldn’t go out for more than two days.

  This spring, he drove his mother and aunt to the Fuling Great Wood Flower Valley. Xie Zaigui was as happy as a child, wearing his favorite clothes, wearing a silk scarf, and taking many pictures in the sea of flowers. Seeing his mother so happy, Wang Jun decided to take her out as much as possible before her memory deteriorated. If you can’t go far away, you can go nearby. Let her memory leave the best look in this world.

  Earlier this year, in order to make it easier for their mother to receive dialysis treatment three times a week, the mother and son sold the old house that Wanglongmen had lived in for decades and bought a second-hand house near the Jiulongpo District Hospital. The new home is only one stop away from the hospital. Xie Zaigui can take the bus and walk back.

  The new home of only 50 square meters makes the mother and son very satisfied.

  Wang Jun thought to himself that this was a new beginning. He had to drive well and try his best to give his mother a good life. But he didn’t expect that fate would play such a joke on him again.

  To make her son happy, my mother made another "specialty dish"

  After learning that her son was sick, her mother was obviously more "obedient" than before.

  She may not be completely clear about the severity of Wang Jun’s condition. But her temper is not as stubborn as before, and she is much more obedient.

  After driving for more than ten days after finding out his condition, Wang Jun felt that his physical strength was gradually running out. He knew that driving while sick was also a safety hazard. Due to a blocked bile duct, a stent drainage operation was required on Tuesday afternoon. Last week, Wang Jun was reluctantly admitted to the hospital.

  He told his mother that the weather was hot, so he would stay at home and not come to see him. But his mother still insisted on taking the car to the hospital, guarding Wang Jun’s bedside, holding his hand tightly, unwilling to leave.

  Wang Jun had to ask his classmates to help him build a small bed on the side. His mother accompanied him during the day and slept here at night.

  The mother and son took care of each other. He combed his mother’s hair, and her mother gave him sick meals. In the evening, she accompanied him to the hospital downstairs for a walk. Xie Zaigui held her son with her thin and shriveled hands, just like when she was a child, holding hands and sending him to school.

  Last weekend, Xie Zaigui also made a first-of-its-kind dish for his son. It was his favorite white-chopped chicken. But Xie Zaigui’s memory deteriorated, forgetting the garlic paste and pepper oil, and the salt-to-sugar ratio was also wrong.

  Wang Jun picked up this childhood dish that his mother used to specialize in, and stuffed a few large mouthfuls into his mouth. In his heart, this white chopped chicken with missing ingredients was still the best taste in the world.

  Xie Zaigui would forget what she had done five minutes ago, but she remembered her son’s childhood very clearly. She muttered silently, "Yaoer has been very obedient since she was a child, and she is not naughty.

  Our reporter, Ji Wenling

Seeking the red flag in time travel

    "There may be many people who know the history of the Hongqi brand, but in my opinion, 63 years later, Hongqi has already been sublimated into a totem, a culture, and a quality," said Yang Jianzhong, a former deputy chief engineer of FAW Automobile Research Institute and an engine design expert.

    Although he is already in his 80s, Yang Jianzhong still remembers the summer of 1958.

    That year, the First Automobile Factory (hereinafter referred to as "FAW"), which had been founded for only five years, received the task of manufacturing domestic high-end cars. In that era of "even a screw needs to be imported", within 33 days, the whole FAW factory mobilized, formed a key attack team, and forced the first red flag car to be born by "touching the hammer".

    At that time, the Hongqi car was more based on the reverse development of the 1955 Chrysler sedan, but the self-reliance and self-improvement spirit of FAW entrepreneurs became a spark for the development of China’s automobile industry.

    Nowadays, Hongqi has gone through more than a century. In the process of marketization, Hongqi has also been questioned and experienced tremendous pain of transformation, but it is undoubtedly a deep feeling and sacred memory for generations.

    "As the eldest son of New China and the cradle of the automobile industry, FAW’s 68-year history of entrepreneurship and development is a microcosm of the history of the party, the history of New China, the history of reform and opening up, and the history of socialist construction." According to Xu Liuping, secretary of the party committee and chairperson of FAW Group, the establishment of "Red Flag" and "Liberation", the two national automobile brands, has realized a major turning point in the automobile industry of New China from scratch and laid an important foundation for the development and progress of the national automobile industry in our country.

    On January 8, 2018, the "Xinhongqi" brand development strategy was released. From the beginning of 2018 to the end of 2020, Xinhongqi achieved a growth miracle of 42 times in three years and three years. In the first half of this year, the cumulative sales of Hongqi vehicles 145,000 units, an increase of 107% year-on-year.

    After many ups and downs in history, today, the dreamers of Hongqi are moving towards the center of the historical stage without hesitation. And from the revitalization of Hongqi, it is not difficult to see the development code of China’s automobile industry.

    "Catch the temple fair" Zhang Bang Recruitment "Continuous rotation" Technical research

    In 1953, FAW, as one of 156 projects aided by the Soviet Union, started the process of the national automobile industry in New China. In the early days of its establishment, entrepreneurs from all over the country started from scratch and completed the construction of the factory in just three years, realizing the first generation of Jiefang brand products off the assembly line, completely ending the history that New China could not make cars.

    The history of China’s automobile industry officially began in 1953. It was also in 1953 that Yang Jianzhong, who was only 20 years old, joined FAW after graduating from the Department of Power Mechanics of Tsinghua University with a major in automobiles.

    Yang Jianzhong still remembers that in July 1958, FAW took over the "military order" to manufacture domestic luxury cars. At that time, China’s auto industry was almost blank, and only about a year before the 10th anniversary of the founding of New China, making a luxury car was an almost impossible task.

    "To this end, we used the method of’catching the temple fair ‘. The so-called’catching the temple fair’ is to split the parts of the reference model to the level of gears and shafts, place them, and organize the workers of the whole factory to queue up to see and claim the task," Yang Jianzhong said.

    He recalled that at that time, there were more than 2,000 parts in total, filling five workshops. In just half a day, the parts were robbed by workers. Since then, the sound of hand-beating has been in a car room day and night.

    On August 1 of that year, the Red Flag sedan, code-named CA72, was successfully rolled off the assembly line. On October 1, 1959, National Day, state leaders took the Red Flag high-end sedan to review the troops under review, which was the first time the Red Flag car appeared to the people of the whole country.

    On March 16, 1960, the Hongqi CA72 sedan was exhibited at the Leipzig International Expo and received great attention and praise. Since then, there has been a Chinese column in the "World Automobile Yearbook", and the "Hongqi" has become a world-class famous car. In the same year, Hongqi participated in the Leipzig International Expo and the Geneva Exhibition one after another, and was also included in the "World Automobile Yearbook".

    In the "temple fair", Yang Jianzhong led the most difficult hard bone in engine manufacturing and forged an indissoluble bond with engine design. He presided over the design of Hongqi 200HP and 250HP engines, as well as the 300HP V8 gasoline engine of the head of state bulletproof car, which laid a solid foundation for the development of Hongqi.

    Today, Yang Jianzhong’s blue silk has turned white hair, but in his heart, the imprint of independent research and development will always be engraved. "The quality of the red flag will surely inspire generations of automakers to forge ahead to the heights of the world automobile industry."

    "The spirit of the Red Flag people has been reactivated"

    For the changing Chinese auto industry, youth has always been a concept independent of age. To deeply tap the potential of technological innovation and carry forward the spirit of reform and innovation, many established auto companies have launched "self-revolution". But it is undeniable that when fierce competition has become the new normal of the auto industry, it is not easy for Hongqi to regain its former glory.

    In September 2017, with the implementation of a series of actions such as brand layout, system restructuring, and personnel reform, the "fast-paced and high-efficiency" atmosphere became popular within FAW, and the Hongqi brand showed a vitality that had not been seen for a long time.

    Then, in January 2018, FAW released a new Hongqi brand strategy, systematically explaining the development plan of Hongqi, and the new Hongqi brand entered a new stage of rapid development.

    "In recent years, the spirit of Hongqi people has been reactivated!" Qi Songyu, a senior mechanic at FAW’s Hongqi factory, said in an interview with reporters.

    After graduating in 1994, Qi Songyu entered the Hongqi factory. In more than 20 years of experience, his career is closely tied to Hongqi.

    So far, Qi Songyu has obtained a total of 33 invention patents, 28 of which have won the National Science and Technology Innovation Award. He has also grown from an ordinary worker to a winner of the National Science and Technology Progress Award and a national model worker. He is called "an inventor on the production line" by his colleagues.

    "Quality is not checked, but guaranteed by the process." Qi Songyu bluntly said that behind the innovation again and again, it is Hongqi’s requirement for 100% quality assurance.

    "It is this kind of guarantee requirement that prompts me to constantly observe the factors that may cause quality defects in production in my work, and constantly optimize and improve the production process. ‘Extreme standard, extreme requirements’, this is the spirit of craftsmanship, and it is also the quality of the red flag." Qi Songyu said.

    Perhaps everyone has a different interpretation of the quality of the red flag. Some people say that it represents the national spirit of hard work and innovation. Others say that it represents the spirit of the times to keep pace with the times and dare to be the first. But there is no doubt that the quality of the red flag is driving the red flag brand to accelerate.

    In the opinion of Zhao Xuesong, senior director of transmission development at the Institute of Motor and Electric Drive of the New Energy Development Institute of FAW Group, since FAW released the brand concept of "Chinese-style new noble delicacy" in 2018 and set the development goal of becoming "China’s first and world-famous" new noble brand, the new generation of Hongqi people are practicing and passing on the fighting spirit of the old generation of Hongqi people, who are united, dare to take responsibility, and full of energy.

    As the head of Hongqi’s independent DCT transmission development, Zhao Xuesong led the team to explore the first line of DCT core technology, and successively broke through a number of core technologies such as low-noise gears, large-capacity carbon synchronizers, and lightweight shells, obtaining 65 patents.

    At the same time, he led the team to establish a DCT configuration analysis method, which was successfully applied to the development of multiple DCTs on horizontal and vertical platforms, achieving industry-leading technical indicators.

    It is worth mentioning that after years of unremitting efforts, DCT220, DCT270, DCT400 three heavy independent products have been put into production in 2018-2020, and the cumulative output has reached 200,000 units. Among them, DCT400 won the title of "World’s Top Ten Transmissions" and was mounted on the Hongqi H9.

    "When the new Hongqi brand was launched in 2018, it reminded me of the scene when FAW built the first Hongqi in 1958," said Zhao Xuesong. "The courage and courage of the older generation of Hongqi people to challenge the unknown also inspired us to attack difficulties."

    In this regard, Wang Zhi, the operator of the processing center of the FAW R & D General Institute, also agreed. In the 22 years of his career, Wang Zhi has never taken annual leave. As a party member, in the project-setting and research activities initiated by the party branch, he takes the lead in declaring research projects every year to break through technical difficulties.

    In the past year, his numerical control crankshaft polishing and transformation debugging technology has won the "National Excellent Innovation Achievement Award", and won the silver award in three projects including "Automatic Setting Method of Multi-angle Machining Coordinate System" at the 24th National Invention Exhibition. At the same time, he led the numerical control team to complete 6 projects, solve more than 20 technical problems, and apply for 12 new national patents.

    Therefore, Wang Zhi was hired as the chief skill master of FAW Group, won the "China Skills Award", the highest government award for high-skilled talents in our country, and was named "Outstanding Communist Party Member of Central Enterprise".

    "The key to the development of an independent brand lies in its core technology. In the future competition, it cannot be’choked ‘by technology, but should firmly grasp the core technology in its own hands." Wang Zhi said bluntly that in recent years, the Hongqi brand has become more market-oriented and younger, and cannot be separated from the technological innovation that can be seen everywhere, which is also the meaning of Hongqi’s quality.

    From borrowing and imitating to positive research and development, from "encouraging cars to enter the family" to continuously ranking first in global automobile production and sales, from following the global automobile giants to leading the world trend of "new four modernizations" of automobiles, over the past few decades, Chinese automakers have actively participated in this great wave of change with unprecedented courage and action, making the "dream of an automobile power" the strongest voice of the times.

    With technology as the cornerstone and market-oriented, Hongqi’s revolutionary actions are being rolled out and deepened in an all-round way. In the opinion of industry insiders, on China’s journey to the world’s automotive industry highland, the quality of Hongqi will never fade, and will bloom in the inheritance of generations of automakers.

China Youth Daily · China Youth Network reporter, Cheng Honghe, Source: China Youth Daily

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