Used cars usher in a big market (new economic orientation)

  Not long ago, Mr. Jin, who works in a chemical company in Yangzhou, successfully completed the registration procedures for the transfer of used cars. "I found a joint venture brand car with Qingdao license in 2015 on the second-hand car trading platform, and the hand price was 33,500 yuan." Mr. Jin said that in Jiangsu, from June 17, foreign used cars that meet the national five emission standards can move in normally.

  Mr. Jin is just one of the many beneficiaries of the favorable policy for used cars. On June 22, the executive meeting of the State Council decided that the restrictions on the moving-in of small non-operating used cars will be completely lifted from August 1, and the automobile sales enterprises will implement separate endorsement management and issue temporary license plates when applying for transfer registration from October 1. Luo Lei, Deputy Secretary-General of china automobile dealers association, said that favorable policies will further enliven the used car market, promote the renewal of automobile consumption and release the consumption potential.

  Favorable policies help the market to accelerate development.

  "The circulation of used cars is actually convenient and smooth." Chen Ji, general manager of Suzhou Lexuan UCAR, told the reporter that the company has collected more than 10 used cars with foreign licenses after Jiangsu province lifted the relocation restriction in mid-June. "The cancellation of the relocation restriction not only allows more foreign car sources to enter Suzhou, but also the second-hand cars with the national five emission standards that cannot be digested locally can be sold to various places more conveniently." Chen Ji said.

  Wang Xiaoyu, co-founder of Guazi used car, believes that the cancellation of the relocation restriction policy has opened up the blocking points and card points in the circulation of used cars, which will activate the trading of used cars in different places and drive the continuous growth of the trade scale. "Since June 1, Hebei, Jiangsu, Tianjin, Zhejiang, Guangdong and other places have successively implemented the policy of canceling the national five emission standards for second-hand cars. The range of optional car sources for users in these places has expanded by about 6 times, and the proportion of off-site car sources on the platform has also increased from the previous 35% to 80%, which has driven the growth of platform car dealers’ sales." Wang Xiaoyu said.

  "The policy of separate endorsement management and issuance of temporary number plates for second-hand car transfer registration implemented nationwide since October 1 is a big plus for second-hand car circulation enterprises in cities with limited purchases." Guo Jian, general manager of the famous car in Beijing No.1 Station, said, "In the past, in order to transfer and register used cars in Beijing, it was necessary to occupy the index of car purchase, and circulation enterprises could only rent number plates. After Beijing promoted the temporary license plate policy in advance, it reduced the company’s operating expenses, and the acquired used cars entered the company’s name, which can be treated as ‘ Inventory goods ’ Accounting has also opened the door to social financing. "

  Feeling the huge development potential of the used car market, SAIC-GM launched a brand-new "Buick officially certified used car" brand last year. "Since 2020, especially since the first half of this year, a series of policies and measures to encourage the development of the used car market have been intensively introduced." Yao Fu, head of marketing department of SAIC-GM Buick, said that the favorable policies cover all aspects, such as encouraging to speed up the elimination and renewal of old vehicles, completely canceling the relocation restriction policy, and lowering the value-added tax rate of used cars. Combined with the implementation of the new policy, the company will open up the new and used car business chain through active car source repurchase, realize the three-dimensional sales model of national circulation, and gradually plan a standardized service system equivalent to the new car type to enhance the service experience of used car owners.

  Branding and digitalization to enhance the transparency of transaction information

  At the beginning of July, Mr. Ju, the owner of a restaurant in Shanghai, bought a Buick Angkewei in 2019 through the "Buick Official Certified Used Car". "I bought a new car with a car age of 3 years in the early 100,000 yuan, and I have been driving for more than 20 days. It feels really good." Mr. Ju said that he considered a new car, ran through the used car market, brokerage companies, and saw the online platform, and finally chose an officially certified used car.

  "Quality and service are the two core competitiveness of used car distribution enterprises, and they are also an important way to build consumer trust and enhance consumer experience." Luo Lei believes that the official certification of used cars by car companies is guaranteed by high-quality first-hand car sources, standardized testing and evaluation processes, original factory warranty, after-sales service, etc., plus the endorsement of car brands, which solves the pain point of information asymmetry of consumers buying used cars.

  In recent years, the booming second-hand car e-commerce platform has also contributed new solutions to improve the transparency of second-hand car trading information.

  "Entering the platform and empowering the platform digitally is an effective way for traditional used car circulation enterprises to enhance their competitiveness." Chen Ji said that platform enterprises can carry out digital and standardized management of used cars in different ways. Consumers can see at a glance whether the vehicles have collided, to what extent, and which side has been painted, which is what most used car circulation enterprises cannot do. In addition, remote delivery, door-to-door delivery, seven-day unreasonable return, etc. are inseparable from the platform enterprises’ strong logistics system, financial support and remote after-sales maintenance.

  "Digital means allow enterprises to reach potential customers nationwide." Wang Yong, general manager of Nanjing Qihang Famous Car, said that today, they have sold local car sources to more than 20 cities outside Nanjing, and the turnover efficiency of car sales has increased by three times.

  Take precautions and standardize the development of new energy used car market

  "In Shanghai, buying new energy used cars is not restricted by licenses, but I gave up after thinking about it again and again." Mr. Ju said that consumers have no way to verify the data related to safety and directly affecting the charging and driving performance of vehicles, such as the number of times of vehicle charging and discharging, the degree of battery attenuation, and whether the batteries are overheated and out of control.

  "Since last year, China’s new energy vehicles have continued to double, and the annual sales volume this year is expected to exceed 5.5 million. How to standardize the development of the new energy used car market has become a problem that the industry must seriously face. " Luo Lei said that last year, the Technical Specification for Appraisal and Evaluation of Second-hand Pure Electric Passenger Cars, which was researched and compiled by china automobile dealers association for three years, was released, providing a set of scientific and practical appraisal and evaluation standards for second-hand cars suitable for new energy vehicles for the domestic market.

  "Since the second half of last year, the market price of pure electric used cars factory in 2017 has almost doubled. This not only shows that the market’s recognition of new energy used cars has greatly increased, but also means that the previously underestimated hedge ratio is returning rationally. " For example, Shen Wenjun, the founder of Beijing Che Yi De New Energy Technology Co., Ltd., said that the EV150 of Beiqi New Energy, which has a driving range of about 100 kilometers and is six years old, sold for about 10,000 yuan last year, and now it is close to 20,000 yuan.

  The second-hand car industry of new energy not only undertakes the replacement of new cars in the upstream, promotes the sustainable development of the new energy vehicle market, but also connects the cascade utilization and recycling of waste power batteries in the downstream, which is an important link in the whole life cycle management of new energy vehicles. Although the current appraisal and evaluation standards, new testing equipment, etc. have made quality identification no longer a problem, in Shen Wenjun’s view, the sustainable development of the industry is still facing challenges without a breakthrough in traceability management of power batteries.

  All new energy vehicles are equipped with power battery monitoring system, which can monitor and upload key data in use, and even notify the owner in advance before the battery thermal runaway occurs, but this information cannot be shared. "We have been discussing whether to install a set of similar equipment on the used car for sale and record the operation data of the vehicle’s three electric systems." Shen Wenjun said that this move not only improves the safety of vehicles and user stickiness, but also contributes to the later cascade utilization and recycling.

  "The standardized start of the new energy used car market is conducive to the healthy development of the entire used car market." Luo Lei introduced that in 2019, China’s used car trading volume exceeded half of new car sales, and in 2021 it reached 2/3 of new car sales. "With the obvious effect of the policy, in 2025, the transaction volume of used cars will be expected to be the same as that of new cars." Luo Lei said.

Off-line shutdown, on-line transition-the "on-the-cloud" gym is coming.

Reading tips

  With the increasing awareness of residents’ exercise and fitness, many people have developed the habit of staying at home. Especially after the popularity of live fitness broadcast by artist Liu Genghong, more and more fitness enterprises began to try to transform online, and "cloud fitness" began to become a new trend.

  "Finally!" On May 22nd, Fan Peipei, who worked as a fitness coach in Shanghai, stared at the TV news conference and could not help but let out a sigh of emotion.

  On the same day, the Shanghai Municipal Sports Bureau issued the "Implementation Plan for Shanghai Sports Industry to Restore Normal Production and Life Order in an Orderly Way". The plan requires that the opening of sports venues and sports events be resumed in an orderly manner, following the principle of outdoor first, indoor first, and individual events first.

  Affected by the epidemic, some fitness facilities in Beijing, Shanghai and other places have been operating poorly for some time.

  Although it ushered in the dawn of returning to work, in Fan Peipei’s view, the domestic epidemic has fluctuated repeatedly, and fitness companies must find a "more reasonable business model under the epidemic".

  With the increasing awareness of residents’ exercise and fitness, many people have developed the habit of staying at home for fitness, and the download volume of some fitness apps has been increasing. Especially after the live broadcast of Liu Genghong, an artist, became popular, more and more fitness companies began to try to transform online, and "cloud fitness" began to become a new trend.

  "The most important thing is to survive first."

  "In the past, spring was the peak season for business, but this year the situation is really not optimistic." Yang Lan, manager of Beijing Superman Fitness shaoyaoju Branch, said frankly.

  During the May Day holiday this year, Beijing announced that it would suspend the business activities of indoor sports venues such as gymnasiums throughout the city.

  "Our main source of revenue is private lessons, especially one-on-one membership services. Suspension of offline operations is equivalent to cutting off cash flow, but the rent and labor costs have not decreased." Yang Lan said.

  Generally speaking, the fitness industry belongs to the offline entity industry with heavy assets, and its operating characteristics are large initial investment and high operating costs. However, after the epidemic, the number of people dropped sharply, which also led many fitness enterprises to face debt or even bankruptcy.

  "The passenger flow has been greatly reduced, the store rent is still high, and the higher the operating cost, the greater the impact." Yang Dahao, a partner of Leke Fitness and Hepingli Store, told reporters that compared with small fitness studios with lower operating costs, those fitness institutions located in prosperous business districts often face greater survival tests.

  In desperation, many operators began to strive to reduce operating costs. For example, many businesses in Beijing recently applied for rent reduction. According to the relevant notice issued by Beijing in April, all small and micro enterprises and individual industrial and commercial households renting state-owned houses in Beijing can reduce the rent for three months, while the rent for state-owned houses in areas classified as high-risk areas in the epidemic can be reduced for six months.

  In addition, many fitness companies have also launched trendy sports such as frisbee and flag football, which are mostly carried out outdoors, which can effectively reduce the risk of epidemic spread.

  "Take frisbee as an example. People can buy a frisbee for tens of yuan." Yang Haohao introduced that the entry threshold of Frisbee is not high, and the basic rules are simple and easy to understand, so you can learn it easily with or without experience. Frequent and close communication in Frisbee sports also makes Frisbee sports have strong social attributes.

  Of course, many fitness institutions are selling fitness products at reduced prices to survive.

  "The longer the epidemic lasts, the more conservative people’s consumption concept becomes. Although many fitness companies are operating at a loss, it is most important to survive first." Yang Lan said.

  On the test line, there are joys and sorrows.

  A tripod, an iPad and a small microphone … … This is a "three-piece set" taught online by Zhou Qian, the coach of a private fitness studio in Shanghai.

  "Every day, there are two one-on-one private classes and a small class group exercise class, all of which are conducted online." Zhou Qian told reporters.

  It is reported that the online business of testing water during the epidemic has become an important measure for the transformation and development of fitness enterprises. Take Super Orangutan, a sports and fitness brand, as an example. After the current epidemic, the company quickly set up a "online class" topic, including fat burning, shaping and other options. Some companies tried to pre-sell course packages on platforms such as Tik Tok, and launched online one-to-one and one-to-many course teaching.

  Zhou Qian believes that online teaching can help fitness enthusiasts keep fit, and at the same time, it can strengthen the brand effect and lay a good foundation for returning customers after returning to work.

  However, not all members can adapt to the rhythm and atmosphere of online teaching. During the interview, many consumers told reporters that the efficiency of online teaching needs to be improved, and the sense of experience is not as good as offline. "Online teaching can’t be demonstrated in close proximity, which greatly reduces the teaching effect." Xu Weiwei, a fitness enthusiast, said that some fitness enthusiasts around him are not very receptive to online teaching, and many people are unable to carry out online learning because of the limitations of venues, equipment and other factors.

  A good opportunity for coaches to build personal IP

  "Swing your arms and legs up, and the fat around your waist will snap off" and "thin and thin together" … … Artist Liu Genghong’s recent live fitness broadcast on the short video platform quickly became popular.

  After Liu Genghong’s fire spread all over the network, Qin Ye, the coach of Super Orangutan Group’s aerobics class, quickly made a circle in Tik Tok for adapting Liu Genghong’s shuttlecock gymnastics. This attempt made him realize that with the continuous improvement of national health awareness, the online fitness market in China is showing great growth potential.

  The reporter learned that in the online live broadcast of the super gorilla, in addition to the live broadcast of the official platform, many coaches also opened their own live accounts, and they gradually became accustomed to the online live broadcast teaching method, paying more attention to online and offline linkage.

  According to relevant data, in 2021, the market size of fitness industry in China will reach 377.1 billion yuan, including 638 million webcast users in China, and the utilization rate of online live broadcast is as high as 63%. It is generally believed in the industry that fitness coaches have ushered in a good opportunity to build personal IP.

  Qin also told reporters that since the audience of online live broadcast is mostly zero-based "fitness white", the content of the course he arranged should first consider safety and scientificity, and the intensity should not be too great.

  "For the fitness instructor himself, excellent professional ability is only the foundation. The most important thing to get out of the circle is to strengthen your personal style and identify the user base in combination with your own strengths." Tang Huan, founder of a fitness media, said.

  Tang Yuejun, an associate professor at Fudan University School of Management, believes that this is precisely the prerequisite for achieving a win-win situation between fitness coaches and fitness platforms.

  "The coach can’t build personal IP without the promotion and operation of fitness platform. The two are complementary. The coach is responsible for providing high-quality fitness resources, while the enterprise provides platform construction, technology integration and business model construction." Tang Yuejun said, "The key to the sustainability of this model lies in whether fitness enterprises can break through the traditional logic of employment and service between enterprises, employees and customers and evolve into a new type of partner logic."

What about children’s burns? Doctor: Keep calm and use this five-step method to deal with it.

  The nurse injected the scalded little girl.

  Summer is the season with high incidence of scalds. Due to the hot weather, people wear thin clothes and have a large exposed skin, which increases the risk of being scalded. Children, in particular, are curious, lively and active, have poor self-protection ability, and are more likely to be burned.

  "At most, the clinic can receive more than a dozen scalded patients a day, including many children." Xu Yanran, deputy director of the Department of Burn and Plastic Surgery of Shantou Second People’s Hospital, said that since the summer, the number of scald patients has increased significantly, and most of them are hydrothermal burns. Recently, the hospital admitted a 22-month-old child, who accidentally knocked over a teapot that had just been filled with boiling water while playing, and suffered deep second-degree burns on his trunk and thighs, with the total burned area reaching 20% of his body area.

  In this regard, Xu Yanran reminded that parents should first keep calm after a child’s scald, and adopt a five-step method of "rushing, taking off, soaking, covering and sending" to deal with it, so as not to cause secondary harm to the child.

  Text/Figure Song Wei Zheng Ruinian

  Guardians should remember to be calm after scalding children.

  According to reports, there are nearly 200 cases of moderate and severe burns and scalds of children admitted to the Department of Burn and Plastic Surgery of Shantou Second People’s Hospital every year, while there are more cases of mild burns of children treated in outpatient department. Within a few days in mid-May, the hospital treated seven severely scalded children, the oldest of whom was 4.5 years old and the youngest was only 22 months old. Most of them were caused by knocking over kettles, cups or hot soup.

  Usually, once the young son is burned, many parents and guardians will fall into two misunderstandings: hurriedly take off the child’s clothes; Apply an incorrect "folk prescription" to the wound.

  The doctor said that after a child was burned, many parents’ first reaction was to take off their children’s clothes immediately to check the injury. This was understandable. However, if parents are not calm enough and tear off their children’s clothes at random, it is easy to rub the scalded epidermis and aggravate the damage to the skin, and even pull off the scalded epidermis, causing serious secondary injuries.

  "In addition, parents should stay away from the misunderstanding of scalding remedies, such as immediately applying ice, soy sauce, vinegar, wine, toothpaste and other methods after burns, which will not only not alleviate the injury, but will continue to stimulate the wound, aggravate the degree of injury, increase the chances of infection, and increase the difficulties for doctors’ diagnosis and treatment." Deputy director Xu Yanran said.

  Five-step treatment of burns with expert advice

  On the contrary, if parents can immediately and correctly dispose of the wound after the young son is burned, the injury caused by the burn can be greatly reduced.

  If the child is unfortunately burned, first of all, parents should keep calm and carry out first aid treatment according to the five-step method of "rushing, taking off, soaking, covering and sending" to reduce the degree of injury. "Flushing" means to wash the wound surface with flowing tap water for 0.5 to 1 hour quickly to reduce the residual heat damage on the skin surface, and the sooner the better. If the child can’t cooperate with crying, it can be flushed with clothes to cool down. Carefully remove children’s clothes after they are fully soaked and cooled. If necessary, cut them off directly with scissors, and temporarily keep the stuck parts. Do not tear them directly, and avoid the blisters on the wound from being broken.

  Dr. Xu stressed that children can continue to soak in cold water for 30 minutes, which can not only relieve pain, but also stabilize mood. However, if the scald area is too large, the weather is too cold or the age is too young, it is not necessary to soak for too long, so as to avoid excessive temperature drop or delay the treatment opportunity. Before being sent to the hospital, clean or sterile gauze or cotton cloth should be used to cover the wound and properly fixed to reduce external pollution and irritation, so as to keep the wound clean and relieve pain. Never apply external drugs or folk remedies at will.

  At this time, except for minor burns, parents should call 120 emergency number or go to a professional hospital for treatment.

  The doctor also suggested that if the burn area is large and serious, cold water treatment may aggravate the systemic reaction, and should be sent to the hospital immediately at this time. If the burns and scalds are located in special parts such as face, head and neck, even if the wound area is small, complications may occur. At this time, in addition to emergency treatment with cold water, in order to prevent shock, the injured person can be given some light salt water to replenish blood volume and reduce the degree of shock.

  Reducing injuries should start with prevention.

  Xu Yanran has been engaged in burn plastic surgery for more than 20 years, and has seen many clinical cases. Every year, children are accidentally scalded and burned. Because of the high cost of plastic surgery, many families can’t afford it, or parents don’t pay enough attention to it and adopt folk remedies. Because of the failure to standardize treatment, scars on children form scar spasms and even cause deformities over time. He said that to prevent burns, we should start with prevention.

  "Especially children under the age of 3 lack self-protection awareness, which is the age group with high incidence of burns. Parents should pay attention to taking care of their children and stay away from dangerous goods in life. Parents must strengthen safety knowledge learning and create a safe living environment for their children as much as possible. At the same time, we should pay attention to improving children’s self-protection awareness and ability, informing them of items that may have hidden dangers, and reducing the occurrence of injury accidents. " Xu Yanran said.

In July, production and sales increased by over 30% year-on-year, and new energy vehicles continued to develop well.

  Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, August 12th Title: Production and sales in July increased by over 30% year-on-year, and new energy vehicles continued to develop well.

  Xinhua News Agency reporter Zhang Xinxin

  According to the data released by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology recently, in July, the production and sales of new energy vehicles in China reached 805,000 and 780,000 respectively, up by 30.6% and 31.6% respectively, and the market share reached 32.7%.

  Industry experts said that with the support of a series of policies such as excellent supply and consumption promotion, new energy vehicles continued to develop well and supporting facilities were constantly improved. The market penetration rate of new energy vehicles has increased, the technology has been continuously improved, the innovation vitality of enterprises has been further stimulated, and the high-quality development of the industry has been continuously promoted.

  Lantu Automobile recently released brand delivery data, and delivered a total of 3,412 new cars in July, up 90% year-on-year and 13% quarter-on-quarter. Stepping up to 3,000 steps for five consecutive months, "Lan Tu Speed" has the strength of brand’s continuous accumulation, as well as the expanding market scale and comprehensive industrial competitiveness of new energy vehicles. Lu Fang, CEO of Lantu, told reporters that Lantu Automobile has entered a stage of steady growth in sales, and the newly upgraded new Lantu FREE will be listed soon. While constantly exploring the domestic market, the brand is also actively deploying "going out". In the third quarter of this year, it will be officially launched in the Nordic markets such as Finland.

  On July 11th, 2023, at Taicang Port International Container Terminal in Jiangsu Province, a batch of new energy vehicles will be exported by special frame transportation (panoramic photo of unmanned aerial vehicle). Xinhua News Agency (photo by Ji Haixin)

  Since the beginning of this year, China’s new energy automobile industry has galloped all the way. From January to July, the production and sales of new energy vehicles totaled 4.591 million and 4.526 million, up 40% and 41.7% respectively.

  Recently, policies to support automobile development have been launched intensively. China has made it clear that the vehicle purchase tax reduction policy for new energy vehicles will be extended to the end of 2027; The National Development and Reform Commission, together with the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology and other departments, formulated "Several Measures for Promoting Automobile Consumption"; The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology has clearly stepped up the formulation and implementation of the work plan for the steady growth of key industries such as automobiles … …

  "Support measures from both ends of supply and demand further boost market confidence and stabilize industrial development." Chen Shihua, deputy secretary-general of China Automobile Industry Association, said that with the implementation of the new round of automobile consumption promotion policy, the consumption potential of automobiles, especially new energy vehicles, is expected to be further released, which will help the industry achieve the goal of steady growth throughout the year.

  Market expansion drives industrial chain innovation. At the end of June, Dongfeng Weifu distributed wheel drive passenger car started long-term test, adopting pure electric four-wheel drive, high integration technology of wheel motor and controller. Compared with the traditional drive configuration, the whole vehicle accelerated by 42% in 100 kilometers.

  You Zheng, deputy general manager of Dongfeng Company, told the reporter that Dongfeng has continued to promote electrification and intelligent technology across the board, and has achieved independent control in the three power systems and completed the industrial layout. Focusing on intelligence, we have independently created a new generation of centralized SOA electronic and electrical architecture. Relying on technology brands Hydrogen Boat, we will continue to promote the development of hydrogen power. "We will make efforts to fill the shortcomings, seize the new track of intelligent network connection, and use new technologies and new products to build the competitive advantage of new energy intelligent network connection vehicles".

  "In the past, competition relied on special technology. Today, it depends more on ‘ Chain ’ 。” Xu Jun, senior vice president of Zero Run Automobile, said that consolidating and expanding the advantages of industrial chain by relying on integrated innovation is very important for new energy vehicles to achieve "leading" in the future. The industry is also stepping up its efforts, and collaborative innovation modes such as host manufacturers, component manufacturers, software companies and scientific research institutes have become the mainstream.

  The supporting system will be improved to lay a solid foundation for industrial development. According to the data released by China Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure Promotion Alliance, as of July 2023, the member units in the alliance reported a total of 2.211 million public charging piles.

  According to the data of the Ministry of Transport, by the end of June, 5931 expressway service areas had built charging facilities, accounting for 89.48% of the total number of expressway service areas in China. The next step will be to further optimize and improve the service charging infrastructure network along the highway in accordance with the principle of "moderate advance".

  Shandong introduced measures from the aspects of charging infrastructure construction and time-of-use electricity price of residential charging piles, and Shenzhen issued the Three-year Action Plan (2023-2025) for Shenzhen to accelerate the construction of a new generation of world-class automobile city … … All localities have launched pragmatic measures according to local conditions to "escort" the development of new energy vehicles.

  Recently, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology and other five departments have revised the current Measures for the Parallel Management of Average Fuel Consumption of Passenger Car Enterprises and New Energy Vehicle Points, adjusted the calculation method of new energy vehicle points, and established a flexible trading mechanism of points to further help the industrial development.

  The "Guidelines for the Construction of National Vehicle Networking Industry Standard System (Intelligent Networked Vehicles) (2023 Edition)" was recently issued to provide the vehicle networking industry with a more complete framework, more comprehensive content and clearer logic.

  The relevant person in charge of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology said that it will guide the industry to be electrified, intelligent and networked through standards, and further enhance the development momentum of the automobile industry. At the same time, it will support key large enterprises to take the lead, large, medium and small enterprises to participate, carry out cross-industry and cross-domain collaborative innovation, accelerate the research and development, popularization and application of new technologies and new products such as high-precision sensors and operating systems, support the development of high-security climate power batteries, heat pump air conditioning, vehicle thermal management and other technical research, and provide policy assistance for the high-quality development of new energy vehicles.

Drink good tea. A new generation of healthy tea beverage brands of Alpine Tea will bring new products of Tea Alpine Series to the market.

Source: Nanzao. com

  Drink good tea, Alpine Tea! On January 4th, Jean Tea Group released a brand-new product-Alpine Green Tea. Since ancient times, there has been a saying that "mountain clouds produce good tea", so that once the product concept of tea is launched, it will gain industry expectations.

  It is reported that this product is jointly developed by Professor Liu Zhengquan, a well-known domestic tea expert, the State Key Laboratory of Tea Tree Biology and Resource Utilization of Anhui Agricultural University. The original leaf tea is selected from the ecological tea garden in Mengdingshan, Sichuan at an altitude of more than 1000 meters, and the national tea variety Zhongcha 108 is preferred. In terms of taste, it follows the flavor of fried tea in Tang and Song Dynasties, and chooses the process of steaming green and baking fire to make the taste less bitter and more sweet. Form a unique green tea flavor that makes tea alpine green tea; 100% original leaf tea extraction, 0 sugar, 0 calories, 0 fat, no essence, no preservatives, healthy and delicious, sweet and fresh, fragrant with rice flavor.

Natural and delicious, good tea comes from consumer demand.

  In recent years, under the influence of the epidemic, the demand for tea has surged, and healthy and delicious tea drinks have become a new choice for consumers. They not only pursue natural flavor, but also delicious taste, and seek a "win-win" solution between the two. This puts forward new requirements for sugar-free tea drinks.

  According to Mintel data, the sugar-free tea beverage market in China is developing rapidly. From 2014 to 2019, the market share of sugar-free tea beverage in China increased from 1.53% to 5.21%, and it is estimated that the market share of sugar-free tea beverage in China will increase to 12.29% in 2024.

  Let tea have a keen insight into consumers’ demands, introduce new alpine green tea, restore the natural taste of tea on the basis of keeping the product with 0 sugar, 0 calories and 0 fat without adding essence and preservatives, and meet the needs of consumers for healthy, natural and delicious multi-component tea drinks.

  Stick to quality and start from the source of good tea.

  It was learned that this product was jointly developed by Jean Tea and Professor Liu Zhengquan, a well-known professor of tea science in China, the State Key Laboratory of Tea Biology and Resource Utilization of Anhui Agricultural University, and the tea raw material was selected from Zhongcha 108, a national tea variety in Mengding Mountain, Sichuan, with an altitude of more than 1000 meters.

Professor Liu Zhengquan, State Key Laboratory of Tea Biology and Resource Utilization, Anhui Agricultural University

  Fan Zhen, a Song Dynasty man, said in Dong Zhai Chronicle: "The tea produced in Mengling area of Yazhou in Shu is the best." Cheng Qikun, a tea expert, believes that alpine tea has high aroma, strong taste and resistance to brewing. After drinking, the mouth and cheeks are fragrant and refreshing.

  As the Millennium "Holy Land of Tea Culture", Mengding Mountain is shrouded in fog all year round, with a large temperature difference between day and night, which helps to accumulate tea polyphenols, theanine, minerals, aromatic substances, etc. Tea buds can remain fresh and green for a long time, creating a better tea soup. National excellent tea varieties+high altitude original ecological environment is a highlight that makes tea alpine green tea worth looking forward to.

  The taste follows the flavor of Tang and Song dynasty fried tea. Using steaming+roasting technology, 100% original leaf tea extraction, aseptic cold filling production, and carefully controlling the extraction temperature and time, the tea soup can retain the color, aroma and taste of alpine tea to the greatest extent. Without sugar and essence, it is very fragrant, well-organized, mellow, naturally sweet and healthy, which is a good choice for young people to pursue quality and healthy life.

  Ingenuity and persistence, casting healthy and good tea in China

  Ingenuity is the insistence on quality, and it is the struggle and perfection of every link. It was learned that before the tea mountain series was updated, the finished products were overturned three times. After 2000+ man-hours and 100+ times of formula adjustment, we invited famous tea scholars, serious tea lovers and pure tea xiaobai, a total of 350+ people, polished the taste regardless of the cost, and conducted 280+ times of tasting and public testing, trying to capture the subtle differences between flavors, just to inherit a good cup of China tea.

  It is worth mentioning that the packaging design of Chagaoshan series bottles inherits the traditional Chinese style and is jointly created by many industry masters. The word "mountain" was written by Ms. Qian Xiaocui, an independent calligraphy artist; The bottle shape was designed by Xiu Haoren, the former design director of LeTV Sports Industry, who won many international design awards such as Red Dot Award and GoodDesign. The illustration of bottle stickers was drawn by Pengjie Ouyang, a new generation leader of pen-and-ink painting in China. Focusing on China alpine tea, it presents the orthodox and authentic China tea culture with Chinese visual elements.

  Good tea has its own height; Good tea has its own stress; Good tea has its own ingenuity; Let tea and alpine green tea be worthy of "fine products". It is reported that Jean Tea Alpine Green Tea will be fully launched on major e-commerce platforms, including Jean Tea Tmall, JD.COM official flagship store, Tik Tok, Youzan and Xiaohongshu, and the price is 6 yuan/bottle.


What should I pay attention to when traveling abroad on New Year’s Day and Spring Festival? Please check the eight suggestions of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs!

  CCTV News:Don’t worry about nagging, every word is peace; Go out happily and come home safely. New Year’s Day and Spring Festival holidays are approaching. The Consular Protection Center of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of China reminds China citizens to pay attention to safety and civilization. Please check the following eight suggestions!

  First, prepare for a rainy day and worry about everything.
Please fully understand the security situation of your travel destination and be cautious or avoid going to countries and regions with high security risks. Pay attention to choose a travel agency with good qualifications and good credit, sign a formal contract, buy corresponding insurance, get a visa, and bring passports, air tickets, invitations and other documents and documents.

  Second, entry is forbidden, and legal protection is provided.
Before traveling, please know the relevant laws and regulations of the destination country, especially the regulations on the amount of cash and the quantity and variety of goods to be carried in and out of the country. Do not bribe the customs and border inspectors. If foreign entry-exit border inspectors ask for "tips", please refuse them. If a tour guide or tour leader explicitly or implicitly pays a tip to a foreign border inspector, please keep the evidence and report to the 12301 hotline of China’s tourism authorities after returning home. Please abide by the law after entering the country, do not engage in gambling, pornography, drugs and other illegal activities, and do not buy illegal wildlife products such as ivory and rhinoceros horn.

  Third, when in Rome, do as the Romans do and have a civilized journey
Please know the local customs, cultural traditions and religious beliefs in advance, as well as the local people’s customs and taboos in behavior, clothing, diet, taking photos, etc., pay attention to proper manners and civilized tourism, show the good image of China tourists, and avoid violating taboos and causing trouble.

  Fourth, pay attention to risks and strengthen prevention.
There are risks overseas, and strengthening prevention can effectively avoid risks. Please raise your awareness of overseas safety, take good care of your personal belongings, abide by traffic laws and regulations, and try to avoid going to crowded places to ensure personal and property safety.

  Fifth, the wind and rain are ruthless and do what you can.
Please keep abreast of the climate of your destination and be prepared for extreme weather or natural disasters such as rainstorm, snow and earthquake. Do not swim in unsafe waters. When engaging in adventure activities and extreme sports, please go hand in hand and do what you can, and be equipped with necessary life-saving equipment.

  Sixth, rational rights protection is not difficult.
Master the necessary knowledge of international travel. When you have a dispute with a travel agency when you are abroad, when your flight is delayed or your entry and exit are blocked, please calmly face it, rationally defend your rights according to law, and express your demands reasonably and legally, so as to avoid changing yourself from "rational" to "unreasonable" because of improper ways of safeguarding rights.

  Seven, travel schedule, tell friends and relatives.
Inform relatives and friends of the travel plan and foreign contact information before traveling, and keep in touch with relatives and friends during the trip. Write down the contact information of the emergency contact person in detail in the passport, so that the relevant departments can get in touch with them in time in case of emergency.

  Eight, "12308", something depends on it (CALL)
In case of emergency, please respond calmly and call the police in time, and contact the local embassy or consulate of China or call the hotline of the Global Consular Protection and Service Emergency Call Center of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (+86-10-12308) for assistance.


  In addition to the precautions for outbound travel, traffic and weather issues are also of concern to everyone.

  During the New Year’s Day, most of our country is warm and harmonious.

  In 2017, the New Year’s Day holiday is coming soon. During this period, China’s overall temperature is warmer, and temperatures in Northeast China and South China begin to rebound, and South China will return to above 20℃. On New Year’s Day, the highest temperature in Hangzhou and Changsha can reach 15~16℃. There will be little precipitation in China in the next three days, and only Xinjiang and other places will have heavy snow. During this holiday, China is generally warmer and has less rain, which is suitable for travel.11111

  In addition, according to the China National Environmental Monitoring Center, from tomorrow to January 5, 2017, Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei and its surrounding areas will experience heavy pollution in the new year.

  What are the most blocked places during New Year’s Day?

  Recently, under the guidance of the Traffic Management Bureau of the Ministry of Public Security, traffic police departments in many places across the country used big data to predict the travel situation during the New Year’s Day holiday. What are the most blocked places during the New Year holiday? When is the most traffic jam? A picture to understand.



His life really began after he resigned.

  CCTV News:At ten o’clock in the morning, Zhou Jie opened WeChat, skillfully copied a few paragraphs, and posted them in the WeChat group of "Cai Tuan Tuan 1 Group" on the hour. In the message he just sent out, he used several exclamation points to say hello to the group members. A string of WeChat expressions followed by "Today’s Special: Farmer Strolling Chicken" also made the whole message vivid, even though he was still a little sleepy.

  Zhou Jie graduated from university in 2018, and then he got a job in Beijing, rented a one-bedroom apartment in Daxing District and started a nine-to-five life. Before the Spring Festival this year, Zhou Jie went home on holiday, and soon after returning home, the COVID-19 epidemic broke out.

  At first, Zhou Jie spent every day in anxiety, not knowing when the epidemic would pass, let alone when he could return to work. Just in this "idle" "house" life, Zhou Jie suddenly came up with a new idea — — He wants to sell vegetables full-time.

  Online food and meat sales have been Zhou Jie’s part-time job for the past six months. At first, Zhou Jie’s father contacted several local suppliers of vegetables, meat and poultry, and made a simple WeChat applet to sell online. Zhou Jie just laid a hand on it and didn’t care about this part-time job.

  Although the epidemic has had a great impact on traditional consumption and industry, it also contains potential and opportunities under pressure. "Home economy" is popular, and "no meeting" has become fashionable. New opportunities are in front of Zhou Jie.

  At the end of January, Zhou Jie took over the online vegetable selling platform from his father, and he wanted to transform this humble WeChat applet. From contacting suppliers, market research, maintaining the background to distribution and after-sales service, he did it himself, and gave this small program a name called "Cuisine Tuantuan", hoping that this easy-to-remember name can be branded locally.

  During the epidemic period, everyone stayed at home, and playing games became a "standard" every day, and Zhou Jie was no exception. But gradually, it was hard to find Zhou Jie in the game team. When friends invited him, he always said, "Sorry, I want to get ‘ Dish group ’ I can’t play today! " In the WeChat group of Zhou Jie and his friends, there are more and more design schemes for the "Cai Tuan Tuan" applet page. Zhou Jie always asks in the group, "Do you think this looks good?"

  In order to promote the applet, Zhou Jie also launched a WeChat group called "Caituantuan". In the process of previous research, he found that some local older customers prefer to buy things in the form of "group purchase", and compared with WeChat applet, WeChat group is more in line with their communication habits. As a result, Zhou Jie sends news of buying vegetables and meat and poultry in the group at ten o’clock every morning, and answers customers’ questions in the group at any time.

  "Boss Zhou" is a new name for Zhou Jie by friends. Several friends in Zhou Jie are still "trapped" at home because of the epidemic. They are full of envy when talking about Zhou Jie’s "new job". In their eyes, it is difficult for college graduates to be associated with "selling vegetables". No one thought of employment choices, but Zhou Jie took a new path.

  Xiao Lu still remembers playing with Zhou Jie at the end of December last year. The game was suspended by a phone call received by Zhou Jie. After receiving the phone call, Zhou Jie began to handle the business of "Cai Tuantuan" in the background of WeChat applet. Xiao Lu leaned over and saw that the turnover of "Cai Tuantuan" was 59 yuan that day, and when Zhou Jie was asked three months later, the monthly turnover of "Cai Tuantuan" had exceeded 6,000 yuan.

  In March, Zhou Jie’s company in Beijing told Zhou Jie that if he could not go to work before March 10th, Zhou Jie would be treated as "leave without pay". Zhou Jie didn’t hesitate for a long time, so he resigned from the company.

  Neither the job in Beijing nor the online sales platform is Zhou Jie’s career ideal. His English is very good, and he wants to take a teacher qualification exam and become an English teacher. While dealing with the "food group" business, he has bought a set of books for preparing for the teacher qualification certificate and is studying. These days, he also interviewed several English-related positions. Fortunately, a company has sent an employment notice for the position of "foreign trade salesman".

  For Zhou Jie, with one more effort, life will have one more choice button. Which button will he press in the near future?

  At eleven o’clock in the evening, CC pressed the button to start the live broadcast. Network anchor is a part-time job that CC has been looking for in recent months. Before doing the webcast, CC had just graduated from university for one year, and his job was to sell household products.

  The Spring Festival holiday should have been the best time for CC’s sales performance. However, due to the epidemic, offline sales stagnated, and CC had to start to establish online contact with customers and start online sales. However, the effect of online sales is not ideal, and there is no big discount, which can’t attract customers’ attention. Invisible and intangible products will also make customers have many doubts. CC has almost no performance.

  For CC, the outbreak of the epidemic is more like a boost, pushing him to the career of network anchor. At first, CC just felt that this profession was "capable and interested". Moreover, in the absence of sales performance, he needs to find another job that can support his life.

  Every night at eleven o’clock, CC will start the live broadcast on time. When being an anchor, he should not only keep an active mind at all times, but also actively throw out questions to keep the live broadcast room quiet, and also have clear ideas to solve the problems that the audience keeps asking. CC found that the network anchor is not a brainless job, but a job that needs "strength" very much.

  The more energy you put into it, the more interested CC is in the career of network anchor. He has made a plan, and will study vocal music and broadcasting first in the future. With more professional skills, he can better support his anchor career. In the future, the anchor will also become his full-time job.

  Every night from eleven o’clock to one or two o’clock at night, CC will broadcast live on the Internet, and he will still be doing sales work during the day. His day is fully scheduled. He said: "No matter how tired I am, I have to hold on. This is my own choice. I am tired just to live a better life."

  The new opportunity was in front of us, and CC felt that she had seized it. (Text/Wang Yuxi)

  (At the request of the interviewee, pseudonyms are used in the articles. )

85 landscape photos, really beautiful and drunk.

1. In the red flower field, people line up to carry a laundry list.

2. The endless rape fields let me see the golden harvest.

Even when the sun goes down, the rivers are still running.

4. Sailing in Wan Li, I finally found a place to dock.

5. The suspension bridge on the turbulent flow is a brave game for adventurers.

6. Leaves dyed yellow in autumn wind symbolize the good news of farmers’ autumn harvest.

7. In the water market, the ships make way and become crowded.

8. Leaves falling in the four seasons gather in this Xiaoshi Pond.

9. Clear river, everything underwater is so clear.

10. The stone ladder dug a long time ago, I really want to touch the historical relics.

11. The ancient temple is like a golden bell.

12. Monks and children who are boating and picking lotus flowers, how harmonious everything is.

13. The boy poured out the collected flowers, and I seemed to smell the flowers.

14. Do you want to see the staircase leading to the underwater Dragon Palace?

15. A quaint town with a palette on the ground.

16. The lamps in the garden are like seven-color glass, which is so beautiful.

17. I really want to sit alone in the mountain attic and watch the fallen leaves return to their roots.

18. Riding a canoe is also a comfortable and good choice.

19. It’s so beautiful to see the moon so close for the first time.

20. The fishermen spread their nets and caught them just in time.

21. On the reef, the sheep are still waiting for their master to go home.

22. Over the long bridge, looking at the gloomy Woods, time will also slow down.

23. The mysterious stone array by the sea is indescribable.

24. Yunnan terraces are really beautiful.

25. The ceremony of tracing back to the ancient times, I really want to join in the fun.

26. Porcelain from the East amazed the world.

27. The ceiling of the church is painted very delicately.

28. People who live at the top of the mountain are accompanied by Xiangyun.

29. Is this the house of the snail girl?

30. This tree is a little old, and you can see it.

31. Really, a village built in a mountain.

32. The layers of forest are all dyed and look golden.

33. Such a big pumpkin is a bumper harvest.

34. The interweaving of green and yellow reveals new vitality

35. The once-in-a-lifetime Zi Xia is beautiful.

36. it is hard to go, it is hard to go

37. The carving art on the temple is lifelike.

38. A magical shirt collision, the clothes are exactly the same as the floral decorations on the wall.

39. I wish I could see the delightful pink if I opened the door.

40. Wow, is this ink painting? Isn’t it beautiful?

41. Where does this road lead? Is it a misty mountain?

42. The colorful mountains and rivers of the motherland are beautiful.

43. The herdsmen are weaving brocade. Will you give me one?

44. neatly stacked salt mountains

45. The goddess statue on the ancient temple is graceful.

46. Is this the reflection of the sun? Or did it sink to the bottom of the sea?

47. It’s good to admire colorful western buildings occasionally.

48. Let’s fly this Kongming Lantern together and pray for our family and friends.

49. Green water and green mountains are full of vitality.

50. Flowers are in full bloom, where are the butterflies?

51. The stone bridge built between the giant peaks is a miracle built by man and nature.

52. What clear sea water is rare now.

53. The magnificent palace, even the reflection is amazing.

54. Flowers and lanterns are like a dream.

55. Old friends, you should always find beautiful scenery in the yard.

56. If you have the opportunity, you can only know the fun of the world by taking a trip abroad.

57. Smell the fragrance of flowers yourself, and your body and mind will be comfortable.

58. Living in a small house on the shore, watching geese fly and flowers bloom.

59. The closest thing is often the most beautiful.

60. Looking at the outside world with a generous heart can yield more surprises.

61. Happiness is nothing more than happiness when you get it.

62. If you look at it from another angle, you will have a different scenery.

63. Old castles can shine in the sunshine.

64. What’s the name of this flower? Does anyone know

65. The ship seems to be floating in the air.

66. The river freezes, and under the ice is another wonder.

67. casting a net is like dancing. Indeed, art comes from life.

68. Looking at these full grains, I feel very happy.

69. Under the auspicious five colors forging, can you guess what it is?

70. The market on the corridor is quite interesting.

71. Holland, the capital of windmills and the country of tulips.

72. The sky has changed, and the wind is surging.

73. Is such a strange stone higher than the sky?

74. Blue and deep caves, does anyone want to explore with me?

75. A jewel-like house must not be cheap.

76. Colorful flowers bloom and secret scenery is sent to you.

77. Magnificent mountains and rivers, magnificent homes.

78. If I can, I’d also like to have a panoramic view of the summit.

79. How much I want to see the beauty of this world.

80. How I want to put those rare wonders into my heart.

81. Friend, I’ll send you some green eye protection pictures to make your eyes comfortable.

82. Green is full of vitality.

83. Green is full of vitality.

84. Green is a natural business.

85. Finally, I give you a lucky koi fish. Everyone who wishes to meet you will have good luck!

(source: inheriting classics, only for non-commercial information transmission. If your legitimate rights and interests are infringed, please contact us, and we will delete them in the shortest time and apologize. )

A big wave of heavy new cars hit in December! Brand-new Mercedes-Benz E-Class, BYD Song L… Which one do you like best?

As the last month of 2023, although the domestic automobile large-scale exhibition has come to an end, it is a key sprint battle for automobile enterprises. In addition to the promotion policy, there are many new cars worthy of attention that will be listed in December, so whether these new cars will realize consumers’ "dream of buying a car" will come today.

Xingyue l zhiqing xingrui l zhiqing

Realize the vehicle layout of fuel, oil mixture and plug-in mixture.

Xingyue L Zhiqing has launched two models: Xinghe Edition and Tiangong Edition, and Xingrui L Zhiqing has launched three models: Xingyun Edition, Xinghe Edition and Tiangong Edition. The biggest highlight of these two models is undoubtedly that they are equipped with China Star Intelligent Dual-Engine System, which is a new hybrid member in addition to the self-powered and plug-in hybrid models of Xingyue L, and it is also the first time that Xingrui L, the first model adopting CMA platform, has introduced hybrid models.

The overall appearance of the two cars is closer to the design of traditional fuel vehicles. Among them, Xingyue L Zhiqing did not adopt the more inductive and bold design of its plug-in hybrid model, but returned to the tradition, adopting Geely’s classic straight waterfall air intake grille and adding a circle of chrome decoration to the middle net, which was more mature and generous, consistent with the overall tough style of the car body. Different from Xingyue L Zhiqing, its straight waterfall grille is not decorated with a circle of chrome, so it looks younger and more fashionable than mature and dignified, and the car’s performance of youth and dynamics is relatively easier.

(Xingyue L Zhiqing)

(Xingrui L Zhiqing)

Except for some minor changes in the appearance of the two cars, the power systems of the two cars are the focus of the changes. First of all, the power systems of the two new cars are the same. One of the highlights of this power system is the dual-motor layout of P1+P2 and the 1.5T four-cylinder engine. Previously, the plug-in hybrid model of Xingyue L was equipped with a 1.5T three-cylinder engine. For buyers who do not accept three-cylinder engines, Xingyue L Zhiqing can make people feel at ease. The engine adopts Miller cycle, and the maximum power is 120kW.(163Ps)The peak torque is 255N·m, and the total motor power is 100kW.(136Ps)The peak torque is 320 n m. The whole system is matched with the 3DHT gearbox. The official acceleration of Xingyue L Zhiqing is 7.9S, the comprehensive fuel consumption of WLTC is 4.79L/100km, the official acceleration of Xingrui L Zhiqing is 7.5S, and the comprehensive fuel consumption of WLTC is 4.22L/100km.

Secondly, let me briefly talk about Geely’s intelligent engine system. First, the brand-new 1.5T four-cylinder engine has a thermal efficiency as high as 44.26%, and adopts Miller cycle instead of Atkinson cycle, reaching the world’s top level in terms of calorific value efficiency, and the Miller cycle engine is better than the Atkinson cycle engine in terms of torque output and noise.

The core is the 3DHT electric drive with three mechanical gears. First, Geely established a brand-new production line for its special planetary gear design and high-demand materials and manufacturing technology. This 3DHT is actually equivalent to the effect of 4AT, mainly used at medium and high speeds, which can improve the fuel economy at medium and high speeds to the greatest extent, and has a huge fuel consumption advantage compared with the traditional hybrid single-speed electric drive.

Comments:At present, under the general environment that all brands in China focus on plug-in hybrid, Geely has launched a hybrid electric vehicle for two hot-selling models. For users without charging equipment, the fuel economy effect brought by hybrid electric vehicle is better than the plug-in hybrid electric vehicle with large batteries. For the brand, it also completes the coverage of the power system.

Lantu Zhuiguang PHEV was listed on December 5th.

Won the "Top Ten Car Bodies in China in 2023" without listing.

Will Lantu Zhuiguang PHEV be listed on December 5th? Pre-sale has already started at Guangzhou Auto Show, with the pre-sale price starting from 266,900 yuan, and the reference price range of pure electric version is 32-29-385,900 yuan. Lantu Chasing Light PHEV is equipped with a plug-in hybrid system consisting of 1.5T and dual motors. It is equipped with a battery pack with a capacity of 43kW. CLTC has a pure battery life of 262km and a comprehensive cruising range of 1260km.

In terms of appearance, the main difference between the Lantu light-chasing PHEV model and the pure electric model is reflected in the front face. Due to the addition of the engine, the new car adopts a conventional front grille design, and the interior adopts a similar dot matrix decoration to increase the sense of exquisiteness, while the chrome-plated Lantu LOGO and the through-type light strip are also preserved.

In terms of interior, Lantu Chasing Light PHEV continues the layout design of the triple screen of the pure electric model, which will be equipped with 12-way electric seat adjustment in the front row, massage, ventilation and heating functions in the front and rear seats, and leg rest and electric backrest adjustment functions in the rear row.

In terms of power, the Lantu Chasing PHEV will be equipped with a plug-in hybrid system consisting of a 1.5T engine and front and rear dual motors, in which the maximum power of the engine is 100kW, the maximum power of the front and rear drive motors is 130kW and 160kW respectively, the comprehensive power of the system is 390kW, the comprehensive torque is 790Nm, and the official acceleration time of 100km is 5.9 seconds.

In terms of battery life, it will be equipped with a ternary lithium battery with a capacity of 43 kWh. The pure electric cruising range of CLTC is 262km, and the comprehensive cruising range of CLTC is 1260km when it is fully charged with oil.

In addition, the new car is the only one in its class with all-aluminum chassis and equipped with CDC+ air suspension with magic carpet function, which can actively identify and scan road information, intelligently adjust suspension damping, and give consideration to comfort and sportiness. What’s more worth mentioning is that, in terms of safety, Lantu Chasing Light PHEV, which has not yet been listed, won the "Top Ten Bodies in China in 2023" award last week for its body-in-white performance.

Comments:Lantu Chasing Light PHEV is the brand’s first plug-in hybrid model, in which CLTC has a pure battery life of 262km, which can guarantee the pure electric commuting from work five days a week. In addition, the overall product continues the high-quality, cost-effective route of Lantu FREE, and has the potential of explosion in the range of 250,000-300,000.

Chery Exploration 06 Urban Edition will be launched on October 6th.

The front face style has changed greatly to meet the needs of different consumers.

The new urban version of Chery Exploration 06 series has obvious changes compared with the front face of the previous models, and it will be more inclined to urbanization. The models listed in the early stage are mainly a cross-country model.

(Exploration 06)

The biggest highlight of the urban version is that the front face is replaced with a large-size straight waterfall air intake grille, and the front lip position also uses the same color as the body+blackened decoration. In addition, the urban version continues the split headlight group, while the English LOGO of the front net "CHERY" has been reduced compared with the current model.

The adjustment of the tail is concentrated on the lower bumper, and the new model style is more fashionable, dotted with two exhaust ports on both sides. Design of penetrating taillights for other models reserved for sale.

In the interior design part, Explore the interior design layout of the 2006 urban version, such as a three-spoke flat-bottomed steering wheel, a 10.25-inch LCD instrument and a 13.2-inch vertical control panel. At the same time, the new car continues to use the electronic shift mechanism, and 50W wireless charging is also arranged in front of the handlebar.

In terms of some highlights, Exploration 06 Urban Edition has Qualcomm Snapdragon 8155 chip, active safety early warning system, 360 panoramic image, full-speed adaptive cruise, electric tailgate, 8-channel SONY stereo, 64-color ambient light and other functional configurations.

Exploration 06 Urban Edition is expected to adopt the same power combination as the current model, 1.6T Kunpeng Power+Getrake7DCT wet dual clutch, with a maximum power of 145kw.(197PS)The peak torque is 290 n m.

Comments:Too much personality for off-road appearance? Then the appearance of the urban version may wish to take a look. The large-size chrome-plated front mouth has a good visual impact. If you can sell a middle-priced model for sale, I believe it is quite attractive.

Pentium B70 will be launched on December 8th.

China brand evergreen car

It has been almost 17 years since the first generation of Pentium B70 was launched in 2006 and now it is ready to welcome the launch of the fourth generation model. The new car is made with a brand-new design language, and the overall shape is more concise and fashionable, followed by the 2.0T+ Aisin 6AT power system.

The new Pentium B70 adopts FAW Pentium’s brand-new family design language of "strength, purity and perfection". The front of the car is equipped with a borderless middle net design, and the interior is equipped with parallel banner decorative strips. With the penetrating LED light group above, the overall visual effect will be widened horizontally. Secondly, there are obvious lines on the hood, which makes it look full of youth.

The side is equipped with a double waistline design, in which the upper waistline extends from the taillights to the front hood. The side posture is similar to that of a common family car. At the same time, the real shot model is equipped with multi-frame aluminum alloy wheels. In terms of body size, the new car is 4855mm long, 45mm more than the current one, and the wheelbase is 2800mm, so it is positioned as a medium-sized car.

In terms of interior, the new Pentium B70 continues the dual-screen design and dual-spoke flat-bottom multi-function steering wheel of the current model, mainly aiming at the area below the center console, adjusting the position of air conditioning buttons, and adjusting the mechanical shift mechanism to a toggle shift mechanism, which looks more concise and advanced.

In terms of power, the new Pentium B70 will be equipped with a 2.0T engine with a maximum power of 224 HP. The transmission system is matched with a 6-speed automatic manual transmission, with a maximum speed of 230km/h and a comprehensive fuel consumption of 7.1L/100km under NEDC conditions. In addition, the new Pentium B70 may also launch a 1.5T model with a maximum engine power of 169HP and a transmission system matched with a 7-speed wet dual-clutch gearbox.

Comments: The model history of Pentium B70 has been 17 years, so this "veteran" can still have his own sky in the new energy environment, perhaps by a more cost-effective price.

The new generation of Mercedes-Benz E-Class long wheelbase will be launched on December 14th.

Cockpit design depends on Mercedes-Benz.

Mercedes benz c and S-Class are listed, so it’s time to go to Mercedes-Benz E-Class. The new domestic Mercedes-Benz E-Class was pre-sold at the Guangzhou Auto Show. The new car has launched two vehicle configurations, with a pre-sale price range of 450,000-540,000 yuan. In contrast, the price range of the models currently on sale is 44.01-569,500 yuan, and the overall level remains the same.

In terms of appearance, the new Mercedes-Benz E-Class continues to adopt the double-body design, which is popularly known as the "big standard" sports version and the "vertical standard" luxury business version. The main differences in appearance are reflected in the details such as the middle net, the front and rear enclosures, and the wheel hub style to meet the aesthetic needs of different users. In terms of body size, the length, width and height of the new long-wheelbase E-Class are 5092/1880/1493mm and the wheelbase is 3094mm respectively.

In terms of interior, the new wheelbase E-Class draws on the design of Mercedes-Benz EQS and adopts what Mercedes-Benz calls "MBUX Super Screen".(MBUX Superscreen)The layout of the three-screen center console is composed of a 12.3-inch full LCD instrument panel, a 14.4-inch central display screen and a 12.3-inch passenger entertainment screen, and is equipped with a three-spoke multi-function steering wheel in the "Dragonfly" style, showing a sense of luxury and technology that has surpassed Mercedes-Benz S-Class.

In addition to the visual shock, the new car is also equipped with the third-generation MBUX intelligent human-computer interaction system, and has built-in Qualcomm’s latest generation 8295 intelligent cockpit chip, which is also the first model equipped with this chip in luxury brands. At the same time, it has also upgraded the brand-new "mind-reading voice assistant" function, which is more accurate in recognition, faster in response, supports full-scene wakeup-free, spoken language and multi-command recognition, and can also control the vehicle through voice. On the road of intelligent transformation, Mercedes-Benz is going to demonstrate with a group of new forces in China.

Secondly, in terms of driver assistance configuration, the new Mercedes-Benz E-Class is equipped with L2+ driver assistance system, which can cover high-speed and urban expressway sections, and has the ability to realize high-speed point-to-point navigation assistance driving, and has the functions of automatically changing lanes, automatically leaving the cart, and automatically entering and leaving the ramp. In the field of advanced intelligent assisted driving, Mercedes-Benz is not far behind.

In terms of ride comfort, the new long-wheelbase E-Class car has also made more than 10 upgrades for the China market, namely, rear seat cushion lengthening, electrically adjustable rear seat leg rest, luxurious rear headrest, rear seat neck heating, luxurious rear center armrest, wooden door panel, rear surround ambient light, rear extended center console with ambient light and wooden decoration, rear "boss key", rear wireless charging, side window electric sunshade and triangular window sunshade, and electrically adjustable rear.

Finally, in the power system, the domestic long-axis model will be equipped with M254 2.0T engine, which is divided into high and low power adjustment, and the maximum power of the E 260 L model is 204 horsepower; The maximum power of the E 300 L model is 258 horsepower, and the transmission system matches the 9-speed automatic manual transmission.

Comments:Judging from the pre-sale price, the price of the new Mercedes-Benz E-Class is expected to be consistent with the current model, but the improvement in all aspects is quite obvious. However, the competitors of the new Mercedes-Benz E-Class are not limited to the traditional luxury brands. For example, the China brand can bring advantages such as higher cost performance, intelligence and electrification, so the new Mercedes-Benz E-Class faces a lot of market pressure.

BYD Song L will be listed on December 15th.

Byd’s most beautiful SUV

BYD Song L is known as "BYD’s most beautiful SUV". This new car will target five target groups, namely, compact car upgrade, oil-to-electricity upgrade, intellectual elite, young families and exquisite girls. At the end of October, the pre-sale price has been launched. At present, there are 5 models announced, providing two driving forms of rear drive and four-wheel drive, and 3 endurance versions.(550KM、662KM、602KM)The pre-sale price range is 220,000-280,000 yuan.

Why can Song L be called "BYD’s most beautiful SUV"? After seeing the real car, you will feel that it is indeed emboldened. First, the new car is built on BYD e platform 3.0, adopting the new generation of "Pioneer Beauty" design language of Dynasty Network, and the front face design is simple and sporty; The sharp headlights on both sides are integrated with the "dragon beard", which flows with light and shadow, showing a sense of advanced; The two "dragon teeth" next to the front bumper are the finishing touch of the front face.

The highlights of cross-border modeling are vividly experienced on the side of Song L’s body. Its body posture is very low, the waistline is on the rise, and it has a strong sense of quantity, showing a momentum ready to go; The slip-back shape of C-pillar is in place, the trend of outline lines is restrained, and the whole posture is just right; The new car is equipped with five-pointed star spoke wheels, which are very beautiful, with large wheels and brake calipers, showing the sports characteristics.

Song L’s rear styling is very layered. It adopts the design of penetrating streamer tail lights, incorporates Chinese knot elements, and is equipped with tail wings and high-position brake lights to further highlight the sense of movement. Secondly, it is equipped with a borderless door, an active electric lifting tail, an active air intake grille, a suspended spoiler and other sports configurations.

Song L’s interior design is to evolve the orderly insertion of Chinese knots into a layered and staggered interior structure, which extends from the main instrument panel to the auxiliary instrument panel, door panel, seat headrest and so on, giving Song L a unique oriental charm and avant-garde texture. The air conditioning outlet in the middle of the instrument panel is set below the central control screen.

Song L is equipped with BYD’s new generation of DiLink car system, and equipped with AR-HUD head-up display, EC dimmable canopy, wide temperature range heat pump air conditioning and other configurations.

In terms of power, Song L provides two driving forms: rear-drive and four-wheel drive, among which the rear-drive version is divided into high and low power adjustment, and the maximum power is 204 horsepower and 313 horsepower respectively; The four-wheel drive model system has a comprehensive power of 517 horsepower and an acceleration time of 4.3 seconds per 100 kilometers. Secondly, in terms of battery life, Song L provides battery packs with capacities of 71.808kWh and 87.04kWh. According to different vehicle configurations, the pure electric cruising range of CLTC is 550 km, 602 km and 662 km respectively. In addition, the new car adopts front double wishbone and rear five-bar independent suspension, and is equipped with Yunqi -C chassis system and iTAC intelligent torque control system.

Comments:The pre-sale price of BYD’s most beautiful SUV Song L is very attractive. First of all, the whole car is online, which can definitely attract a large number of young users. Secondly, the internal technology configuration level is very high, and the interior seats are full of texture. In addition, it also has the strongest acceleration ability of 4.3 seconds, as well as the cloud C chassis with comfort and control. Will its price be more surprising when it is officially listed?

The M9 will be listed in December.

Yu Chengdong’s best SUV in 10 million.

Known by Yu Chengdong as the best SUV in 10 million, the M9 in Guangzhou Auto Show is also very popular. The pre-sale of Wenjie M9 has been started before. The estimated price of the extended range version is 500,000-600,000 yuan, and the estimated price of the pure electric version is 500,000-600,000 yuan.

Wen Jie M9 adopts the brand-new design language of "Kun Peng spreads his wings", which highlights the luxurious atmosphere. In detail, the new car adopts a closed front face shape, and the polygonal headlight group is connected by the central light strip. With the closed front grille, the whole car looks more refined by deleting the complexity and simplifying the modeling ideas. It is worth mentioning that the car owner M9 has Huawei xPixel smart car lights, which can not only project various characters, patterns and even animation effects, but also display various patterns when the vehicle is stationary, thus enhancing the interactivity between cars and people. In addition, the addition of the narrow strip trapezoidal air intake also increases the visual layering and fashion atmosphere of the vehicle. The air inlet shape of pure electric version and extended range version is different.

(extended range version)

(pure electric version)

The M9 has a straight roof line, thus obtaining better head space in the car. In addition, the window is decorated with silver strips to create a younger visual effect. After careful observation, it can be found that the M9 of the boundary adopts a flat side window shape, which is more concise. The front and rear fenders protrude slightly from the body and are full of muscle.

In addition, the addition of the hidden door handle and the brand-new low-drag wheel rim has greatly optimized the drag coefficient of this car, making the drag coefficient of the whole car reach 0.26cd. In terms of body size, the length, width and height of the new car are 5230/1999/1800mm and the wheelbase is 3110mm respectively. In terms of rims, the car will provide 21-inch rims.

The shape of the tail is more generous, and a large number of horizontal design lines are adopted at the rear, which is conducive to improving the visual width of the rear. In addition, the car adopts a through taillight shape to visually create a layered feeling of the car. With chrome-plated rear fender, it brings some youthful effects.

In terms of interior, the new car adopts the very popular triple screen layout and will integrate AR HUD function. In terms of details, the new car will be integrated with wooden decorative boards in doors and other places to create a stronger sense of grade. In addition, there is a crystal carrying Xiaoyi’s intelligent assistant above the center console of the new car. Combined with the information we have obtained before, the new car will also integrate the HarmonyOS 4.0 cockpit, Huawei ADS advanced autopilot assistance, rear aurora projection, and the co-pilot queen seat.

In terms of power, the M9 will have two versions: extended range and pure electricity. Previously, the official has declared the pure electric vehicle type, with the rated power of the driving motor of 62kW and 88kW, and the peak power of 160kW and 230kW respectively.

Comments:In addition to the undeclared interior, that is, Huawei’s core cockpit and intelligent driving configuration, what kind of official price will the so-called "best SUV within 10 million" face the market, because the current pre-sale price of 500,000-600,000 yuan can highlight the identity of its own brand flagship SUV, but whether it can grab the market share of luxury brands in the future can only be told through official listing.

Star Age ES will be listed in December.

He made his debut at overseas auto shows.

Star Age ES not only made its debut at Shanghai Auto Show, but also made its first overseas appearance at Geneva Auto Show. Time went to the recent Guangzhou Auto Show in 2023, and the Star Road Star Era ES officially opened for pre-sale, with a pre-sale price of 248,000-358,000 yuan. The new car is positioned as a medium-sized and large-sized pure electric car, with air suspension +CDC as standard, with the longest battery life of 650Km+ km, and it is a high-end series model of Xingtu brand.

The front face of Xingjiyuan ES is simple and atmospheric, equipped with a penetrating LED strip, and a wing-shaped light group is used below, providing different decorative styles. The side of the car body adopts slip-back shape, equipped with hidden door handles. According to different models, 19-inch, 20-inch and 21-inch wheels are available. In terms of body size, the length, width and height of the new car are 4945mm/1978/1489 respectively.(1480、1467mm)The wheelbase is 3000mm, which is similar to that of Krypton 001 as a whole.

The tail adopts a flat penetrating rear taillight group, and the lower rear enclosure is also decorated with black decorative panels, which enhances the sense of movement and is simple.

The interior of Star Road Star Era ES adopts embracing design style, equipped with large-scale suspended central control screen, full LCD instrument panel and dual-spoke multi-function steering wheel, and adopts gear shifting mode. At the same time, the electric seat adjustment of the new car is designed at the door panel position, and two mobile phone wireless charging boards are also designed under the central control screen.

In terms of power system, Star Road Star Era ES provides single-motor version and double-motor version, in which the single-motor version is divided into high and low power adjustment, and the maximum power is 185 kW respectively.(252 HP)And 230 kilowatts.(313 HP). The comprehensive power of the dual-motor version system is 353 kW.(480 HP)The acceleration time of 100 kilometers will reach 3 seconds. Secondly, the new car is based on E0X, the new electric platform of Chery Group, which supports 800-volt voltage system. At the same time, it will also adopt the battery pack of Chery NP2.0 technology, with a maximum cruising range of over 700 kilometers. At the same time, in the fast charging mode, it can achieve a cruising range of 150km kilometers in 5 minutes, and the battery can be charged from 30% to 80% in 15 minutes. In addition, the new car will be equipped with air suspension and CDC continuous damping control system.

Comments:As a high-end model in the high-end brand of Chery Group, the overall product strength of Xingjiyuan ES is set according to the standards of luxury brands, and from the current pre-sale price, the latter-stage price will be a bit high. If it can be adjusted in the later stage, I believe it is also a model that everyone should not miss.

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What do you know about the six benefits of persistent exercise?

When you wake up your body with exercise, you also wake up a brand-new self. Today is "National Fitness Day". Life is endless and exercise is endless. Let’s share the benefits of sports with you. How many do you know?

Strong body

A person who insists on exercise will look particularly young. Because you often stretch and exercise your bones and muscles, your body can remain energetic and elastic; And a sedentary person, the body will become stiff.

If you never exercise, you will not only feel poor, tired and sleepy, but also look lacking in vitality. Only by insisting on proper exercise can you keep your body in a good state.

relieve stress

When a person is in a bad mood, he can try to heal and repair himself during exercise. When you feel stressed, going swimming may relieve the burden in your heart; When you feel overwhelmed, running may help you regain your inner momentum and motivation.

Maybe exercise won’t help you solve all your troubles, but it can let you release your emotions while sweating, and the whole person will feel relaxed and comfortable.

Overcome inertia

The biggest difference between people who exercise and those who don’t exercise is self-discipline. A person who just wants to lie down every day will eventually lose to laziness and procrastination. But a person who insists on sports, they will not let themselves be defeated by inertia.

Exercise will inevitably consume physical strength, but as long as you are moving, you will overcome your inertia; As long as you persist in exercising, you are persisting in becoming a better self.

Optimistic attitude

In life, a person who loves sports usually has an optimistic attitude. Even if they encounter bad things, they will have the confidence and courage to face and deal with them.

Sports games give people very good psychological hints. When you feel that running 5 kilometers is the limit, stick to it for a while and find that you can run a little further, your optimistic attitude of breaking through difficulties and difficulties will also be cultivated.

Learn to focus.

If you want to concentrate more on your work, you can try to exercise your attention in sports. When you are dancing, you will concentrate and think about action in your mind; When you jump rope, you will also pay attention to the rise and fall of the rope.

Finish this action in front of you, and then do the next action; Finish this one thing, and then do the next one. When you learn to pay attention to every present and moment, you can live every minute with high quality.

Change life

When you form the habit of exercise, you will also drive yourself to form other good habits. For example, in order to run in the morning, you start to let yourself go to bed early and get up early; In order to have a good physical strength, your diet has become regular.

Starting any sport is a good start in your life. Because it will drive the self-disciplined you to run together like a gear, and your life will get better and better.

Information: People’s Daily

Editor: Yang Li