Interview with Zhang Zhen: "Dune" plays less but not water, I want to shoot "Embroidery Spring Knife 3"

1905 movie network feature After a long time, the Hollywood sci-fi giant has officially landed in mainland theaters. Among the foreign star actors, one "Oriental face" is particularly prominent, and he is the doctor Yue he plays.

1905 Film Network interviewed Zhang Zhen during the 78th Venice International Film Festival. Although he did not have many scenes, he was still dedicated as usual, arranging full announcements and accepting online interviews with mainland media. Although the characters are limited in length, they are heavy in weight, which is the key to the plot twist of the whole film. Zhang Zhen also believes that "every play has a meaning, there is no so-called water play".

"Dune" was Zhang Zhen’s first Hollywood movie, but Hollywood blockbuster movies didn’t give him a particularly novel experience. Instead, it was facing foreign actors that gave him a very different feeling. He and "Sweet Tea" Timothy Chilemaid spoke a sentence in Chinese in the film, which was the director’s idea. Even at the moment of shooting, he realized that "Sweet Tea" also returned his sentence in Chinese.

On the set, Zhang Zhenhe has the most communication with everyone. How to maintain the same performance level with everyone requires the director’s adjustment, as well as his own observation and balance.

The opportunity for Zhang Zhen to be electrocuted by "Dune" began in 2018. He and his colleagues served as judges for the main competition unit of the 71st Cannes International Film Festival. At that time, the director had not yet made "Dune". Zhang Zhen had long liked his work, especially during the short time they spent together at the festival, and the two became good friends.

Zhang Zhen said that they talked very well in private, exchanging emails after the festival and occasionally corresponding with each other. In an interview with 1905 Film Network, Villeneuve said that when he decided to make "Dune" and find actors for Dr. Yue, Zhang Zhen’s name immediately came to his mind.

Villeneuve noticed the actor when he first saw Zhang Zhen in Wong Kar Wai’s films in the 1990s. He has always followed him and liked his performances. Through the acquaintance and acquaintance of the Cannes Film Festival, Villeneuve found that "Zhang Zhen is not only a good actor worthy of respect, but also a lovely person."

Villeneuve wanted Dr. Yue to be a fragile and complex person, and he needed a strong actor to bring Dr. Yue’s complexity and layers to the screen in a short period of time. Zhang Zhen was the ideal choice. After receiving the invitation, Zhang Zhen did not have too many concerns. To be able to act in Villeneuve’s movie was a very enjoyable thing in his opinion.

"The original novel is so huge that I don’t have that much time to read it." Dr. Yue has a small proportion of the entire original novel series of "Dune" and does not have many scenes in the movie. Zhang Zhen said that he joined less than half a year before the start of filming, so the basic preparation work he did was to digest the entire world view of "Dune" first.

Dr. Yue is a trusted royal physician and a tragic figure with an ill-fated fate. In order to save his beloved wife who was imprisoned by the Hacknaum family, he had to betray the Hacknaum family and help the Hacknaum seize power. However, he also plotted for Duke Leto to try to poison Hacknaum before he died, and at the same time designed to help Lady Jessica and her son Paul escape, leaving a way for the entire family.

Zhang Zhen said that his performance was mainly to interpret Dr. Yue’s torn and struggling psychological state, hoping to present "a deeper, not a very floating, very symbolic character", "a person who is both sci-fi and humane, and solid."

Dr. Yue also has a certain kind of common trait that Zhang Zhen has played in recent years. Whether it is Shen Lian in the series, Jiu Chen in "Chen Xiyuan", or Prosecutor Liang, they are all particularly determined on the outside, but they are all tortured by love on the inside, and they are all caught in a sad dilemma.

Will this kind of "beautiful, strong and miserable" character be the next one? Zhang Zhen didn’t say much, what he thought was – "Then hurry up and shoot’Embroidery Spring Knife 3 ‘".

The following is the content of the conversation:

1905 Movie Network: In 2018, when you were a judge at the Cannes International Film Festival with Dune director Denis Villeneuve, did he invite you to appear in Dune?

Zhang Zhen: When I was a judge, I didn’t have this invitation, but we got along very well. During the two weeks of the judge’s life, we watched a lot of movies together, discussed movies together or talked about a lot of movie-related things. I was especially able to chat with him, and I became more like each other and became better friends.

His personality is particularly interesting, which is different from when he was interviewed. He is actually a very cheerful, warm, and enthusiastic person, which is a little different from the cold and well-behaved compositions seen in movies. Privately, he is the kind of person who is very good at reading.

1905 Movie Network: When did you receive the invitation for "Dune" and how are you feeling at the moment?

Zhang Zhen: He just sent me an email, and we all left each other emails at that time, and occasionally corresponded. Then I suddenly received this notice that he wanted to prepare for the movie "Dune" and needed me to play Dr. Yue. I didn’t think much about it, so I discussed it with the company. I like watching his movies very much, and it is very enjoyable to be in his movies, so I didn’t have too many doubts, so I went to participate in this movie.

1905 Movie Network: Have you read the original novel to understand the role of Dr. Yue, and have you gone through the process of auditioning?

Zhang Zhen: There is no audition for this movie. I haven’t seen the original novel of "Dune" before. I decided to do this project before looking for the original novel to read. Of course, this original novel is very huge, and I don’t have that much time to read it. I decided to join it less than half a year before the filming started. The time is actually a little rushed. The main thing is to digest the characters, backgrounds, and proper nouns in the whole world of "Dune", which requires some effort to prepare.

The character of Dr. Yue in "Dune" is a rather mysterious tragic character, and his psychological state is very torn, so I focus more on what this person’s psychological state is like. When the audience sees it, he is a deeper, not a very superficial, very symbolic character.

The whole story itself has already given this character a lot of points, I just hope to be a little closer to this character. Because he is science fiction, he is not a worldview that we can usually understand, but he is also very human, he is actually a character who cannot let go of emotions, so I want him to be a solid person in the movie.

1905 Movie Network: Dr. Yue doesn’t have many scenes, but he is a key role that affects the overall situation. In a limited space, is there any performance design to make this character richer and more three-dimensional?

Zhang Zhen: I didn’t do much design, I focused more on how to let the audience see this character, his inner torn and struggling state.

Although there are not so many scenes, I think every scene has its own meaning. Basically, there is no so-called "water play", or just a scene that explains the plot. The audience can see what his relationship is with everyone in this family, why he made such a decision, and why he made this decision because his feelings for these people are so strong and so solid.

Zhang Zhen played Dr. Yue in "Dune"

1905 Movie Network: This is your first time going to Hollywood to make a movie. What new experience did you have?

Zhang Zhen: In fact, they are all doing the same thing, and the shooting scenes are similar, but I think it feels different to play with actors from different places. Maybe in terms of language and living habits, everyone is different, so in such a state, how to keep everyone’s performance at a better level may be through some observation on the spot, or by relying on the director’s adjustments to the actors.

Basically, they were very happy working there. Although they were all filmed in the studio, whether they were in costumes, art, or props, for me, they all have a very deep and solid history or cultural origin as a background, and make some ideas on it. So basically if you go to watch this movie, you will find that this so-called science fiction world is far away from us, but it doesn’t seem to be that far away.

1905 Movie Network: On the set, besides the director, who else did you talk to more?

Zhang Zhen: I talk a lot with Rebecca Ferguson, and I talk a lot with Oscar Isaac after work, and they both talk a little more.

1905 Movie Network: There is a scene where you speak Chinese with sweet tea. Was it specially added?

Zhang Zhen: The director hopes to let the audience and friends see in the shortest possible time that the relationship between Paul and Dr. Yue is not just a relationship between doctors and patients. There is a deep friendship between them. So the director chose to express it in Chinese. This kind of quick sentence or two can let everyone know that their relationship is actually very good, and there is their secret existence between them.

1905 Movie Network: Is that sentence in Chinese what you think?

Zhang Zhen: No, it was the director’s idea.


1905 Movie Network: Did you teach Sweet Tea to speak Chinese?

Zhang Zhen: I didn’t teach him, and I didn’t hear him speak it before filming. I only heard it when I was filming. He is actually a very dedicated actor. When we play against him, everyone is very engaged and rarely plays, so I didn’t realize that he was speaking a language he didn’t know, and he really knew this language.

1905 Movie Network: From "Embroidery Spring Knife", "Chen Xiyuan", "Soul Hunting" to "Dune", many fans have said that you have been taking on roles such as "beautiful, strong and miserable". What do you think?

Zhang Zhen: Then hurry up and shoot "Embroidery Spring Knife 3", hahaha, if you can shoot 3, in fact, I have always wanted to shoot "Embroidery Spring Knife 3", but I haven’t shot it yet, so I hope "Embroidery Spring Knife 3" can be presented to everyone as soon as possible.

Guo Fucheng took his two-year-old daughter to eat hot pot and took the initiative to hold the child to prevent his mother-in-law from working hard

Since marrying mainland model Fang Yuan in 2017, Guo Fucheng has quickly had two precious daughters.

And he has also become a good man at home. After marriage, every day except work is family, and he no longer gathers with friends. The great change has surprised Yuan Yongyi and his wife, who have been friends for many years.

Guo Fucheng revealed the English names of his two daughters, the eldest daughter is Chantelle, and the second daughter is Charlotte. He also often takes his wife and daughter out, allowing passers-by and the media to film, without the air of a king.

Guo Fucheng said that he hopes to be able to accompany his children to grow up, so he will not be as low-key as his previous relationships, and will be a good father. At the same time, he hopes that everyone will give him some space to see their family on the road. Don’t be too surprised.

Indeed, the media often publish photos of Guo Fucheng with his family, and his image of transforming from a king of heaven to a father has been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

A few days ago, the media filmed Guo Fucheng and Fang Yuan taking their two daughters to the beach to play.

However, the younger daughter fell asleep, and the nanny carried her to sleep in the car.

The couple took their eldest daughter to see the sea, and Guo Fucheng kept staring at his daughter and laughing non-stop, completely like a "pet girl maniac".

On this day, Guo Fucheng went out again, driving a white Porsche and taking his wife, Fang Yuan, mother-in-law, and eldest daughter, Chantelle, out for dinner.

It was around 7 p.m. when Mr. Kwok drove out of his apartment and arrived at Lee Tung Street, Wan Chai.

After parking the car, Guo Fucheng immediately walked to the back, ready to hug his daughter.

Chengcheng was very vigilant, first looking around to see if there were any cameras, and then motioning Chantelle to get out of the car, but they still couldn’t escape the shooting of the media. The family was photographed. Fortunately, the media was very considerate and mosaic the child.

It turned out that Guo Fucheng planned to bring his family to eat his favorite spicy hot pot. The restaurant owner was obviously a good friend of Chengcheng. When he saw their family get off the bus, he went to the door to greet them and arranged a box for Chengcheng.

Guo Fucheng likes spicy food very much. It seems that he plans to train his eldest daughter, who is only two years old, to become a spicy food expert. He takes her to a spicy hot pot restaurant at a young age.

Guo Fucheng’s family ate for about an hour and a half. Before leaving, they found a reporter taking pictures. Chengcheng was not angry and smiled and asked the reporter not to publish the positive photos of his daughter.

The reporter asked him why he took his daughter to eat spicy hot pot, and Guo Fucheng responded that he just wanted to take his daughter out for a walk, no big problem.

Fan Bingbing show ring reveals "marriage", saying that he has learned to take care of others

    On the evening of September 20, a large-scale charity auction dinner co-sponsored by the China Foundation for Poverty Alleviation and the Beijing International Top Personal Goods Exhibition Organizing Committee, initiated by the fashion media series of "Boutique Shopping Guide", was held in Beijing for the first time. Many performing arts stars and business celebrities attended the feast of love. The picture shows the famous actor Fan Bingbing, who was invited to serve as the "love ambassador" of the boutique charity fund, making a sexy appearance. Posted by China News Agency, Li Xueshi, photo

    On September 8, the fifth "BAZAAR Celebrity Charity Night", a Chinese charity festival, opened at the China World Hotel. This is a grand dinner that brings together 100 Chinese A-list stars, famous entrepreneurs and celebrities, top international brands, and top fashion magazine influences. A total of 7.538888 million yuan was raised, which will be donated to the "Loving Orphans Project" project of the China Charity Federation. The picture shows actress Fan Bingbing appearing on the red carpet in a dark purple evening dress, which is quite noble and elegant. That night, she bought a mink leather winter jacket designed by John Galliano himself for the "BAZAAR Celebrity Charity Night" by Dior for 388,888 yuan. Photo by Li Xueshi, China News Agency

    When it comes to Fan Bingbing, people immediately think of the words "topic-obsessed". Yesterday, Fan Bingbing came to Quanzhou to meet fans, and a ring on her right ring finger also attracted everyone’s attention. In response, Fan Bingbing explained that wearing a ring is her habit. However, she admitted that she is looking forward to the arrival of marriage.

    Wearing a ring is a habit

    Dressed in a dress and smiling, Fan Bingbing’s appearance was not as "big-name" as the legend said. Gentle and natural, she also improvised a Hokkien song "Double Pillow" to close the distance with fans. Fan Bingbing also agreed to the request for a group photo. When someone noticed that she was wearing a ring on her right ring finger, she responded calmly, "In fact, if you know me, you know that I have the habit of wearing a ring. This time I wear it on my ring finger because the ring is too small."

    It has been reported in the past that Fan Bingbing has different criteria for choosing a mate in each period. Fan Bingbing does not deny this. She said that when she was young, she liked to be handsome, and when she was in her twenties, she wanted to find someone to rely on. Now she wants to find someone to trust, and she says she is very much looking forward to marriage. When asked if she is often accused of having a big temper because she likes to eat hot pot, Fan Bingbing said that her temper is actually very good, and it has nothing to do with liking hot pot. If she really gets angry, it will exceed her tolerance line.

    The award is everyone’s credit

    Fan Bingbing, who recently won Best Actress at the Kazakhstan Film Festival for his film "Apple" directed by director Li Yu, said in an interview that the award was the credit of the entire crew, and the honor belongs to everyone in the crew. "Thank you to the director for his help and the cooperation and support of all the staff!"

    In the past, Fan Bingbing only needed to be a good actor and singer, but now she has set up a "Fan Bingbing Studio" on her own. When asked how it is different from before, Fan Bingbing said that in the past, others arranged and took care of herself, but now she knows how to take care of others.

    Talking about his work situation, Fan Bingbing said that he is currently dizzy. The Republic of China drama "Rouge Snow" has just finished filming and is busy posting productin. The next "Wu Zetian" has entered the preparatory stage, and there are movies, photos, records, etc. As for the much-anticipated new song release, Fan Bingbing said that the second album is still being prepared. "I have always wanted to be innovative, so this album has also spent a lot of time, and the style must be a lot different from before."

Editor in charge: Liu Li

Too fast! These three banks have announced! About Huawei Hongmeng System

  With the release of a number of new products equipped with HarmonyOS 2, consumers will experience the full-scene intelligent life of the Internet of Everything on a variety of smart end points. How will commercial banks in the digital transformation period connect and adapt to this new system to build a new scene ecosystem?

  At present, Bank of China, China CITIC Bank (credit card), and Guangfa Bank (credit card) have announced their access to HarmonyOS (Hongmeng) for the first time to support the localization of the operating system. Bank of China and China CITIC Bank said they will cooperate with Huawei to launch atomized services and lay out a new ecosystem for open banking scenarios.

  Bank of China: Launched "Bank of China Foreign Currency Cash Reservation" atomization service

  Bank of China announced that, as a strategic partner of Huawei, combined with the functional characteristics of Hongmeng, it took the lead in launching the "Bank of China foreign currency cash reservation" atomization service, laid out a new ecosystem of open banking scenes, and actively explored lightweight services.

  The "BOC Foreign Currency Cash Reservation" service is based on the upgrade of Hongmeng’s "Atomization Service" experience, with the feature of installation-free applications, which realizes the simplification of applications.

  What is an atomized service? Generally speaking, under the Hongmeng "atomized" system architecture, users can access the services they want in the fastest way, that is, search and use, and no longer need to download apps in advance.

  Bank of China’s "Bank of China Foreign Currency Cash Reservation" atomization service is used by searching through Hongmeng’s service center, you can quickly enter the "Bank of China Foreign Currency Cash Reservation" program to make an appointment, and more conveniently obtain more than 20 kinds of foreign currency cash reservation services, eliminating the need for application download and installation, user registration and other steps, simplifying the business process.

  Bank of China said that in the future, it will continue to explore the new technologies and service methods brought by Hongmeng together with Huawei, and try to launch financial scene services based on features such as "voice evocation" and "multi-terminal collaboration".

  China CITIC Bank: Launches Debit Card Atomization Service

  China CITIC Bank said that it has jointly launched the "China CITIC Bank" atomic service, and customers can enjoy the China CITIC Bank debit card application and progress inquiry services through the "China CITIC Bank" service card without downloading the app.

  The bank said that at present, users can apply for a variety of China CITIC Bank popular debit cards, and the emergence of Hongmeng will bring new opportunities, namely new end points, new interactions, and new scenarios. China CITIC Bank will effectively use Hongmeng’s distributed capabilities to achieve multi-end point collaboration through the super end point concept, providing continuous and consistent operation; based on Hongmeng atomization services, China CITIC Bank will respond to various scenarios, allowing users to achieve a more convenient operation experience.

  Guangfa Bank: Launches Credit Card Application Adapted to Hongmeng System

  The official WeChat account of Guangfa Bank said that Guangfa has officially become the first member of Huawei’s Hongmeng operating system ecosystem. As the first credit card application in the banking industry to adapt to Hongmeng, the "Discover Wonderful" App fully supports the localization of the operating system.

  GF Credit Card said that whether it is in the underlying technology or products, GF Credit Card has worked closely with Huawei, and GF is also one of the first banks to support Huawei Pay.

  Reporters found that in addition, many Financial Institution Groups have been carrying out testing work. According to incomplete statistics, there are currently a number of listed companies disclosed that they are ecological partners of Hongmeng.

  The launch of Hongmeng has brought new thinking to commercial banks – how to better carry innovative content with open and secure services and build a distributed service system for all scenarios of finance is a topic facing the digital transformation of banks.

The director of the movie "Hua Qiangu" apologized for less than 5 million box office in 4 days

January 20th, the movie "flower bone" was released, the first day of the box office less than 3 million, the fourth day today, the box office less than 5 million. In this regard, the film director Zhang Chao haircut video apologized, saying that the box office is now sorry for the team’s partners, four years of hard work and pay have not been rewarded.

Zhang Chaoli wrote: "Running in love, meeting in the present, thanks and apologies, thousands of words are not enough, but the movie Hua Qiangu still looks forward to giving us a chance to meet you."

In the video, Zhang Chaoli said, I am very grateful to my friends who have already entered the cinema. At the same time, I am also very concerned about the box office, knowing that it is not ideal.

"This surprised me. At this moment, I feel very guilty. I have let down our producer, betrayed his trust, and at the same time, I have also let down my colleagues in the team. I feel that four years of hard work has not been rewarded, and here I want to say sorry to everyone." Zhang Chaoli said in tears.

Zhang Chaoli said, "There may be many friends who did not pay attention to the news of the movie’s release, or the movie did not have expectations. But what I want to say is that our movie, as the first batch of movies to resume work in 2020, has gone through too many difficulties. It is already very difficult to finally meet you in the cinema, so I sincerely hope that everyone can go to the cinema to support and test."

At present, the cat’s eye professional version shows that "Hua Qiangu" has been released for 4 days and the box office is 4.868 million.

According to public information, the movie "Hua Qiangu" is directed by Zhang Chaoli, starring Chen Turin and Li Chengbin, with Mao Zijun in particular, and Chen Xiaodong, Zhang Danfeng, and Zhang Li in an oriental fantasy movie.

The film tells the story of Tiansha Lone Star Flower Qiangu in order to change his destiny, overcoming many difficulties and rushing to the fairyland to worship Xianbaizi Painting as a teacher, and finally being forced to awaken the power of the flood and start a life-and-death confrontation with fate. It was released on January 20, 2024.

Source: Jiupai News comprehensive party accounts and public information

Studio worker delivering food: After waiting for more than 100 days, I finally see the light of day

  China News Service client side ******* on May 22 (Ren Siyu) from January 23 ****** Festival film files have been withdrawn s***ar, the cinema has been closed for more than 100 days.

  In the halls of many cinemas, there were also posters promoting the Spring Festival movies. During this period, a few cinemas were temporarily open and closed, and some cinemas said goodbye forever. Countless filmmakers were confused and anxious, staying and waiting, or leaving as soon as possible?

  A movie theater manager who goes by the online name "Don’t Character Xiaosheng" made a video of his daily delivery life. One of his common phrases is to wait for the spring flowers to bloom. When someone asks why he is still waiting for the spring flowers to bloom now that it is summer, he said, "It is waiting for the spring flowers that belong to us filmmakers."

Source: Video screenshots

  Cinema under the epidemic

  On May 19, Wu Xujie had been delivering food for a whole month. But he was a little depressed that day because he met a store that was not honest. The weight of the goods was written as 1 kilogram, but when he arrived, he found that it was several large boxes of bayberry, with a total weight of nearly 30 to 40 catties.

  A few days ago, he and his colleagues visited a movie theater under construction in Xiangshan County, Zhejiang Province during the day. At night, he switched from formal clothes to takeaway clothes, and completed the task of delivering 5 orders a day after 10 o’clock, subtracting 3 yuan in insurance premiums. A total of 29.9 yuan was earned.

  Source: Video screenshots

  Wu Xujie is the store manager of Ningbo Yuyao Wanda Cinema, which generates about 20 million box office output each year and ranks among the top three in Ningbo. But since January 23, the theater has not been open for 119 days.

  In early 2020, the COVID-19 epidemic shut down the film industry. Wu Xujie and his colleagues had invested considerable energy in preparing for the Spring Festival, setting up the atmosphere, preparing food, arranging films, and recruiting and training many part-time college students, but they did not expect that they ushered in a long "holiday".

Data map: Pedestrians pass by the out-of-home advertising of a movie theater in the Wangjing area of Chaoyang District, Beijing. Photo by China News Agency reporter Hou Yu

  In recent years, China’s film market has been booming. In fact, cinemas that rely on box office revenue are not as good as they seem. Under normal circumstances, the box office revenue generated by a film needs to pay 5% of the national film industry development special project funds and 3.3% of taxes and fees. The remaining 43% of the net box office goes to the producer, and 57% goes to the theater and the theater chain. The share of the theater and the theater chain depends on the specific situation.

  In the case of revenue interruption, the theater has to face a number of expenses, including rent, labor, equipment, publicity, maintenance, cleaning… On the days when the theater is closed, the staff also need to turn on the equipment for maintenance.

  In mid-to-late March, cinemas in some parts of China tried to resume work. Wu Xujie and colleagues also submitted applications, but they encountered "sudden brakes" before they could open. At the end of April, the National Film Administration estimated that due to the impact of the epidemic, the annual box office loss will exceed 30 billion yuan. Tianyancha data shows that 2,799 cinema-related enterprises have been cancelled or revoked in Quarter 1 in 2020.

  In order to recover costs, many cinemas have launched takeaway services, dealt with hoarded popcorn sausages at discounted prices, and turned cinemas into "wedding studios", but compared with the pressure of rent and labor costs, these incomes are only a drop in the bucket.

Data map: Chengdu Pacific Studios Wangfujing Store Ticket Office. Photo by Yang Yudi

  Under the anxiety, many filmmakers tried to "change careers", some made masks, and some delivered express deliveries in the same city. Wu Xujie also realized that he could not be influenced by decadence for a long time. He planned to deliver takeout and make videos of his daily life, hoping to show a positive attitude and cheer up his equally anxious colleagues.

  Most of his colleagues were born in the 1990s and 1990s. "As a store manager, doing this can also set an example for other friends." On the other hand, he also wanted everyone to understand the real life of movie theater and studio workers.

  When filmmakers "switch careers" to deliver food

  In the past month, Wu Xujie has delivered supermarket goods, large-scale seafood, and expensive digital products. He has also sent them to the wrong place many times. When grabbing orders, he is "not brave enough". "They all say that delivering food is a hard job. In addition to strong winds and rain, they also have to face the sun and high temperature, which can only be realized when doing this job."

  After two weeks of delivery, Wu Xujie earned a total of 772.85 yuan on the three platforms. Compared with the electric car bought for 2,600 yuan and the professional raincoat bought for 99 yuan before, it can be said that "it is not enough to make ends meet", but he is not discouraged. "I think being able to stick to one thing, or being very happy and positive about the current work, is a good life exercise."

Source: Video screenshots

  Taking advantage of the opportunity to deliver takeout and shoot videos, he came into contact with ramen shop owners, online car drivers, driver drivers and other people from all walks of life, a takeaway brother joked with him, business will be better after college students start school, and business will be better when the studio resumes work. Because of the pandemic shutdown, people from all walks of life are delivering takeout, and it has become particularly difficult for them to grab orders.

  One day, he was chatting with a colleague, Ah Wei, whose wife works in film distribution, and both of them were "unemployed" during the epidemic. In order to make a living, Ah Wei first went to a restaurant street to work part-time, which cost 17 yuan an hour, and was busy from 4:00 pm to 10:00 pm every day. Later, he found a manual job near his home, and cooperated with his mother and wife on the assembly line. If the speed was fast, he could earn more than 400 yuan a day.

  "You have to keep yourself busy every day, otherwise you won’t be able to maintain a good working condition." A Wei’s thoughts were the same as Wu Xujie’s, preparing for the resumption of work in the studio in the future.

  On the way to deliver food, Wu Xujie can always think of all kinds of work in the theater. One day, he received an anonymous reward of 18.88 yuan from a customer. The customer service told him that it may be because of the better service attitude. He thinks this should be related to the work in the studio. Every time he delivers an order, he will say "Happy dining" and "Please take it well. Thank you." Just like in the past, he and his friends will always patiently answer customers’ questions and say to them, "I wish you a happy movie viewing."

  Five years ago, Wu Xujie first entered the studio to work. That year, the domestic film market was very lively. What made him remember deeply was that in the past, audiences often left before the end of the main film, but when "Detective Chinatown" was released, even if it was an evening show, the theater was full of guests, and they had to wait until the subtitles were completely over before leaving.

  Five years later, the material for "Detective Chinatown 3" is still in theaters, but I don’t know when it will be released. Every week, Wu Xujie and his colleagues will go to the theater on duty. One day, he recalled in a video the pomp of the release of "Avengers 4" last year: "It was the biggest and hottest zero-point show I’ve ever seen. There were people in front of the ticket machines, and the sales area was full of fragrant popcorn. Now these scenes are gone. It’s very cold here, but I believe that the spring of filmmakers will come."

Source: Video screenshots

  At the end of April, he and his studio colleagues went hiking, all wearing T-shirts around the movie, standing on the top of the mountain and shouting: "We are filmmakers, see you tomorrow, because tomorrow will be better!" Wu Xujie cried as he edited the video.

  Like many filmmakers who are on the job, he is looking forward to hearing the news of the resumption of work in the cinema, even if it is just a point in time or a signal, at least to be mentally prepared.

  I’ll be waiting for you at the theater

  Wu Xujie often said in the video, "It is not because there is hope to persevere, but because of perseverance to see hope." Now, with the domestic epidemic prevention and control situation gradually improving, filmmakers have finally waited for a glimmer of hope.

  On May 8, the joint prevention and control mechanism of the State Council issued the "Guiding Opinions on Doing a Good Job in the Normalization Prevention and Control of the COVID-19 epidemic", which mentioned that under the premise of implementing prevention and control measures, reservations and limited viewership can be taken to open closed entertainment venues such as theaters and amusement halls.

  Wu Xujie also saw the news at the first time, "After waiting for more than 100 days, I finally saw the dawn." In the WeChat group, the practitioners were excited and also expressed various worries.

  The next day, he attended a meeting organized by the local government department to discuss some of the difficulties the studio is currently facing and the preparations for its future opening. After the meeting from 50 or 60 kilometers away, Wu Xujie coincidentally received a tailwind order, which ended near his home. In order to maintain professionalism, he hurried home and changed into a takeaway suit before delivering it. "When the cinema officially opens, I will wear a shirt and welcome everyone."

Source: Video screenshots

  On the 13th, the Chinese poster of the Oscar-winning film "1917" was exposed, "Meet the cinema, still together". For the Chinese film market, such a poster release has been too long.

  On the 14th, the Ministry of Finance and the State Administration of Taxation issued tax and fee support policies for film and other industries, involving reduction and exemption of value-added tax and cultural undertaking construction fees; the Ministry of Finance and the State Film Administration issued an announcement that Hubei Province will be exempted from the national film undertaking development special project funds from January 1, 2020 to December 31, 2020; other provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities will be exempted from the national film undertaking development special project funds from January 1, 2020 to August 31, 2020.

  Recently, Guizhou Province, Guangzhou City, Kunming City and other places have successively issued guidelines and opinions on the resumption of work, making it clear that under the premise of implementing prevention and control measures, they will open theaters by appointment and limited viewership.

  With the idea of resuming work, it is still unknown when the theater will actually open, what movies will be shown after opening, and how many people will come. Recently, Wu Xujie was still working part-time to deliver food, and the mantra in his video changed from "waiting for spring flowers to bloom" to "believe that tomorrow will be better."

  On May 18, Mr. Wu waited 15 minutes for a 30-minute meal at the door of a restaurant, but he was not angry because he saw a line of small print under the rider’s pick-up area: "We are grateful for every time you wait." Thinking of the many people recently asking about the opening of the cinema and saying they missed the cinema, he said, "I also want to say to the customers waiting for the movie, every time you wait, we are grateful."

Red flag fluttering

  Red flag fluttering

  "The eldest son of the Republic" FAW Entrepreneurship Tales

  Changchun, Jilin Province, is a world-renowned "automobile city". The headquarters of China First Automobile Group Co., Ltd., known as the "eldest son of the Republic", is located here. National brands such as Hongqi and Jiefang and joint venture brands such as Audi and Volkswagen have set up factories here. Every day, a steady stream of cars from Changchun to the world.

  Located on Dongfeng Street, Changchun Automobile Economic and Technological Development Zone, "Gate 1 of the First Automobile Factory" is where FAW laid the foundation stone 70 years ago. On July 15, 1953, the groundbreaking ceremony of the exciting First Automobile Factory was held here, opening the first step in the development of the automobile industry in New China.

  70 years of ups and downs, 70 years of hard work, 70 years of self-reliance and self-improvement. FAW’s 70-year history of serving the country and strengthening the automobile industry is also a historical epitome of the new China’s automobile industry from scratch and from weak to strong. It inspires people to anchor the goal of "independently controlling key core technologies, establishing a national automobile brand, and building a world-class enterprise" and walk out of the road of a new era of automobile power.

  Concentrate on building FAW, and talents will go north to gather in Changchun

  In the early days of the founding of New China, economic construction and national defense construction required a large number of automobiles. This made it a question of the times "when the Chinese people can drive their own cars". The Party Central Committee has a long-term vision and judged the situation, and put the construction of a modern automobile factory on the high agenda.

  In 1950, during Chairperson Mao Zedong’s visit to the Soviet Union, the two sides agreed that the Soviet Union would assist China in building the first heavy truck plant. In April of the same year, the Ministry of Heavy Industry established an automobile industry preparatory group and began intensive preparations. On the basis of extensive investigation and repeated comparisons, the Central Financial and Economic Commission approved the construction of the first automobile manufacturing plant in Changchun City, Jilin Province.

  In 1953, Chairperson Mao issued the "Instructions of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China on Striving to Build Changchun Automobile Factory in Three Years", instructing all relevant departments to give maximum support to the construction of Changchun Automobile Factory and strive to complete it in three years. The construction of the automobile factory was also included in the first five-year plan as the first batch of key projects in our country. The young republic has cultivated FAW, the "eldest son of the republic", by giving full play to the advantage of concentrating its efforts to do great things.

  Under the call and direct command of the Party Central Committee, the Organization Department of the Central Committee dispatched more than 150 bureau-level cadres to FAW, and the Northeast Bureau also dispatched 529 government cadres to work at FAW. A large number of high-tech workers from Beijing, Shanghai, Tianjin and other places went to Changchun. Only private enterprises and public-private joint ventures in Shanghai supported FAW with nearly 1,000 technical workers. In addition, graduates and returned students from Tsinghua University, Shanghai Jiaotong University and other universities also went north to report to FAW.

  Even elementary school students have joined the ranks of supporting FAW. Jiangning Primary School in Jiangsu Province wrote: We used our spare time to collect scrap copper, scrap iron, rags, rotten cotton, glass and waste paper outside, and sold these things to the cooperative. We got more than 50,300 yuan (old money), which was transferred to you by the China Youth Daily. We think that although the money is small, it can be regarded as adding a brick and tile to the construction of the socialist building.

  At the busiest time of FAW construction, two or three hundred wagons full of various materials and equipment were sent to the construction site every day. Changchun City took the initiative to serve the front and invested a lot of manpower and material resources to support the construction of FAW. The First Party Congress of Changchun City determined the support policy of "taking the initiative, handling it first, only allowing it to be done well, not allowed to be damaged". 95% of municipal construction costs in 1954 and 84% in 1955 were used for FAW, and more than 30,000 people, such as government cadres, participated in the construction of FAW. Volunteer labor.

  The automobile industry is very professional, and it is not enough to rely on brute force alone. In the fiery construction site, "no shame to ask, no school" has become the norm. Since 1954, FAW has launched a "white hat" learning movement, and has specially set up an amateur training class for leading cadres, equipped with many teachers, including Soviet experts, and more than 100 leading cadres above the department level have participated in the study.

  Through the study, the students not only initially mastered the basic knowledge of automobile manufacturing, but also learned to operate machine tools, do fitter work, and many female students learned to drive cars. This batch of cadres at the division level and above, transferred from various fronts of the party, government and army, gradually removed the "white hat", thereby improving the overall quality of FAW managers.

  Find the factory manager in front of the factory manager, selfless dedication and dare to take responsibility

  In April 1952, Guo Li, who was then the director of the preparatory group for the automobile industry of the Central Ministry of Heavy Industry, was appointed as the director of the Changchun Automobile Factory (later officially named the First Automobile Factory).

  FAW started from the wilderness, and everything was new. In the early days of his business, there was "no manpower, no position, and no experience" here. Guo Li was eager for talents, and he "recruited a lot of people" and made hard efforts.

  While everyone was preparing to build an automobile factory under the leadership of Guo Li, he had the idea of "letting Xian".

  Why is this? Guo Li once told his old comrades that he wanted to hire a person familiar with the situation in the Northeast as the factory director and himself as a deputy. "The central government has decided that the automobile factory will be completed and put into production in three years. If a comrade who is familiar with the situation in the Northeast, with older qualifications, stronger abilities and higher positions, can be the factory director, it will be more conducive to mobilizing forces from all over the world to support the FAW construction."

  In order to "let go" the factory manager, Guo Li went to Beijing and Shenyang many times to ask the Party Central Committee and the Northeast Bureau to transfer the factory director. In early 1953, Guo Li finally hoped to replace him with Rao Bin, and he was "demoted" to the first deputy factory manager and chief engineer.

  Unity is strength. Rao Bin focused on basic construction, while Guo Li focused on production preparation. Rao Bin made a bold and resolute move, Guo Li was down-to-earth, serious and meticulous, and the two cooperated tacitly to successfully complete the task of building and putting into production in three years. The story of "looking for the factory manager in front of the factory manager" has also become a widely circulated story in the history of entrepreneurship in the automobile industry in New China.

  Trains run fast, all rely on the headband. The role of role models is endless. The story of Rao Bin and Guo Li working together in unity has inspired a large number of cadres from all over the world. It is the team that is united, the leaders are selfless and dedicated, and with the efforts of party members, cadres and all workers, and the support of all parts of the country, entrepreneurs are fighting for the world. In just three years, a large modern automobile factory has risen from the ground.

  Building a factory in the wasteland is always more difficult

  In the winter of 1953, it was FAW’s first winter construction period. Living in a ventilated construction shed, FAW builders worked in snowy weather above their heads, stepping on permafrost, climbing more than 30 meters to tie steel bars and pour concrete. Some hands were frozen and cracked, wrapped with tape to continue drying.

  At that time, many designers lived in simple houses with no floors, the ground was damp, and the boxes would get moldy on the ground. It was fine in summer, but we had to make a fire in winter. "Although life was hard, we all focused on work," recalls Liu Jingchuan, the former chief designer of the First Automobile Factory.

  Beginning in the second half of 1954, tall factories were erected one after another, and civil construction work was gradually transferred from outdoors to indoors. In order to carry out larger-scale winter construction in a closed factory building of more than 200,000 square meters, Soviet expert Kirev proposed using locomotives for heating.

  Is it safe to use locomotives for heating? Can it work? After repeated studies, the builders found it feasible. Therefore, the Ministry of Railways specially transferred 8 steam locomotives from all over the country for FAW construction.

  In order to cooperate with the "heating" of the locomotive, the pipeline system was redesigned at the construction site, and the steam locomotive was modified, and the hot steam was continuously transported to the construction site. Fu Yuwu, the honorary chairperson of the China Society of Automotive Engineers, said that the locomotive was turned into a large heater, and the workers sprayed steam on the ground while covering it with a straw curtain. The factory manager and his employees worked around the clock to build a FAW on the black land.

  Ride the east wind to show the red flag, passion burns the heart to the party

  On July 14, 1956, the first batch of 12 Jiefang brand cars rolled off the assembly line to thunderous applause. FAW Central Avenue became a sea of joy, and many people touched the domestic cars engraved with Chinese characters, with great pride and joy.

  "I remember Ma Guofan, a 52-year-old driver at the time, marching with a convoy of 12 cars to celebrate. As soon as the car left the factory, it was surrounded by people on the inner and outer floors. Everyone was fighting and shouting for a ride. The carriage was full of people, and there were people standing on the pedals. There were people sitting on the front bumper and the fender of the car. They all straightened their chests and wanted to be more exuberant. Colorful paper flowers flew all over the sky, and many people didn’t have paper flowers in their hands, so they threw sorghum, rice and grain onto the car." Xinhua News Agency reporters who reported that the Jiefang brand car was off the assembly line described the scene at that time. Still very excited.

  After the Jiefang brand car came out, it quickly became the main force of urban and rural transportation and highway transportation in China, which left a deep memory for several generations. Subsequently, FAW developed the first Dongfeng brand car and the first Hongqi brand high-end car in New China in 1958.

  Looking back at the summer of 65 years ago, inspired by the slogan of "Ride the East Wind, Show the Red Flag, Build a High-end Car to See Chairperson Mao", the FAW factory broke the routine and adopted the method of "catching the temple fair" to recruit talents in the factory area. The red flag car placed in the courtyard was designed and manufactured for more than 2,000 parts of Chrysler, which was a prototype car, and was robbed by everyone in less than a few hours.

  After 33 days of hard work, the Hongqi brand high-end car was successfully launched, and Chinese cultural elements such as "sky round place", "Chinese fan grille", "palace tail light" were integrated into it, and it was equipped with FAW’s self-designed V8 engine, with a maximum power of 200 horsepower and a top speed of 185 kilometers per hour. So far, the Hongqi car has driven to the land of China and has become China’s own high-end national car brand.

  At the beginning of 1959, the Hongqi sedan entered a tense mass production preparation stage, and the product quality became a prominent contradiction. At the fifth-level cadre meeting attended by 2,000 people in the whole factory, everyone’s speeches merged into a determination: a batch of qualified Hongqi cars must be produced to participate in the tenth anniversary of the National Day. In response to the production difficulties and quality problems that have been discovered, 323 key attack commandos were organized, including 32 key commandos of the whole factory.

  At that time, many of the problems FAW encountered were technical problems that no one had ever encountered in China, such as the hydraulic tappet of the engine. The products that were initially trial-produced had a lifespan of only two minutes in the high-speed operation of the engine. To break through the problems, the hydraulic tappet commando led by Li Gang gathered more than 150 professionals in design, technology, processing and trial production.

  While studying relevant literature and analyzing foreign samples, they proposed a plan for testing. The commandos tried dozens of different materials, and finally selected alloy cast iron. After 42 tests on the quenching process, they finally determined the quenching time and temperature.

  Under the mobilization of the whole factory, many key research projects have played an important role in improving the quality of Hongqi cars. In September 1959, on the eve of the tenth anniversary of the National Day, the first batch of 30 Hongqi brand high-end cars and 2 inspection vehicles produced after quality research were sent to Beijing.

  End the 30-year system, and take the lead in joint ventures and cooperation

  The change of Jiefang’s seventh-generation vehicles and the leap of more than 8 million vehicles have witnessed the history of China’s automobile industry from scratch and from weak to strong. On June 26, 2023, the Jiefang Seventh Generation Truck Parade was held. From Jiefang’s first-generation product CA10 to its second-generation product CA141, and then to the latest seventh-generation product Jiefang J7, Jiefang welcomed the 70th anniversary of FAW’s establishment with a "family-style" parade.

  In the FAW Liberation Factory area, there is a verdant pine forest. In the center of the pine forest stands a 5-meter-high and 2.5-meter-wide marble monument. Above the monument is a one-ton medal, which records the exciting history of FAW’s transformation.

  From the first Jiefang brand car to the early 1980s, Jiefang brand cars have not been reinvented, sales continue to decline, and FAW faces the test of life and death.

  Since the end of 1980, with the help of the east wind of reform and opening up, FAW has relied closely on all cadres and employees to raise funds for transformation to end the 30-year system of Jiefang Trucks. On January 1, 1987, Jiefang’s second-generation CA141 car was officially put into production, and China National Automobile Industry Corporation awarded FAW a one-ton medal. FAW "does not stop production, does not reduce production, and vertically transforms", creating a miracle in the history of China’s automobile development.

  Afterwards, FAW took the initiative to keep up with the times, joining hands with world auto giants such as Volkswagen, Toyota, and Audi. Domestic Audi, Jetta, Bora and other models became household names in China, making important contributions to the country’s resistance to imported cars and consumption of large amounts of foreign exchange. At the same time, cooperation with multinational companies has brought a lot of technology and advanced management experience.

  Lin Ganwei, former general manager of FAW-Volkswagen Co., Ltd., recalls that in 1987, Volkswagen came to FAW to seek cooperation opportunities. At that time, FAW had already purchased the Chrysler 488 engine production line, and Dr. Hahn, the former chairperson of Volkswagen Group, promised to install Chrysler engines into the Audi 100 model, and it was a success.

  With the efforts of all parties, on May 17, 1988, FAW and Audi signed a "technology transfer license contract for the production of Audi in FAW", which kicked off Audi’s entry into the Chinese market. The next 30 years were the period of China’s reform and opening up, and Audi also benefited a lot. By now, China has become Audi’s largest single market in the world. Audi has many domestic models in China, and sales have continued to lead the Chinese luxury car market for more than 30 years.

  Sino-German cooperation goes beyond commercial cooperation and also opens a window for Germans to understand China more comprehensively. When FAW-Volkswagen established a party organization in 1993, the Germans did not understand this. Later they found that the best workers in the workshop were always Communist Party members. When the company organizes volunteer raids for party members in the future, German personnel will also automatically join.

  At a "Tell the Story of the Communists Around You," a German expert, Manfred Brock, described his love for the Chinese Communist Party, which he called "the most advanced and representative party in the world," and whose members he could tell at a glance. He wrote three letters to the FAW Party Organization expressing his admiration for the Chinese Communist Party.

  Li Zhihong, director of the general manager’s office of FAW-Volkswagen, said that for some time, some people have questioned the "market for technology", but the joint venture represented by FAW-Volkswagen has cultivated a large number of leading talents in the automobile industry for the country and laid a solid foundation for the realization of the automobile power. This is the biggest achievement of the joint venture cooperation.

  "Red Flag" takes responsibility on its shoulders and strives for reform

  Faced with the great changes in the global automobile industry, FAW holds high the "red flag", rides the wind and waves, and is at the forefront of exploring high-quality development and creating a world-class enterprise.

  Since the establishment of the Hongqi brand in 1958, the road to marketization has not been smooth sailing, and it has even faced market criticism. Since 2017, FAW has reorganized its organization with a market orientation, forming a more professional, fine and flat structure and operation model. The group headquarters is directly responsible for the operation of the Hongqi brand. At the same time, FAW has launched the new Hongqi brand strategy, created four major product series L, S, H and Q, and built a large number of Hongqi experience centers across the country to expand the influence of the Hongqi brand.

  September 18, 2017, is the day that all FAW people remember. On that day, FAW launched the "four abilities" reform, that is, "cadres can go up and down, employees can come in and out, salaries can be high and low, and institutions can increase and reduce energy". The whole group competed for recruitment, and senior managers competed for positions.

  "At that time, FAW and Dongfeng had a cadre training course at Tsinghua University. As soon as we reported for duty, we were notified that the FAW Group had all stood up. The’iron rice bowl ‘was gone all of a sudden, and only Dongfeng’s people were left in the training class the next day. All FAW’s people returned to Changchun to participate in the reform," said Liu Jun, director of the FAW Reform Office.

  He believes that the reform has touched everyone a lot, and their enthusiasm for entrepreneurship has been thoroughly stimulated.

  In September 2020, FAW implemented a more systematic reform of the new three-year term of office for senior managers, setting goals first and then taking up positions, and encouraging challenges to high goals. The matching of senior managers was completed within a week, and the average age of cadres was reduced by 1.4 years. According to the plan, these reform measures will continue during the "14th Five-Year Plan" period to continuously stimulate employees’ enthusiasm for entrepreneurship.

  Hu Hanjie has served as assistant general manager of FAW joint stock company and chairperson of FAW Jiefang Company for 5 years. In these 5 years, "Jiefang" sold 440,000 vehicles in 2021, creating the global "five consecutive" performance of "Jiefang" medium and heavy truck sales. In the new three-year term reform in 2020, according to "performance review + target undertaking + ability evaluation", the excellent will be hired first, and the latter will compete for jobs. Hu Hanjie was directly hired because of his excellent performance. There are more than a dozen leading cadres like him who have been hired without competition.

  The FAW reform has changed many people’s old-fashioned thinking and concepts, built a customer-centric management structure, and established a market-oriented incentive mechanism that does not raise lazy, idle, and mediocre people. This has effectively inspired cadres and employees to charge forward, face difficulties, and pioneer and innovate. It has ignited the hope and dream of all FAW people to revive the Hongqi brand.

  In recent years, under the impetus of the national tide, with the advantages of atmospheric styling, forward-looking technology and high-quality after-sales services, many new cars of the Hongqi brand have experienced an unsold phenomenon. Today’s Hongqi brand has more and more family products, higher and higher value, and more down-to-earth market expansion.

  Zhang Ming, president of FAW Hongqi Design Institute, said that the Hongqi brand car follows the national trend and is closely integrated with traditional cultural symbols such as the Forbidden City and modern scientific and technological symbols such as China Aerospace, incorporating Chinese elements into the car, making the car not only a means of transportation, but also a work of art.

  "Red Flag" makes dreams come true, engine manufacturing takes the lead

  At the age of 34, he is a numerical control technician and a great craftsman in China’s automobile manufacturing field. Over the years, the situation of carrying the heavy responsibility of "red flag" development in FAW has also provided a stage for him to display his talents.

  He is Yang Yongxiu, a senior technician in the numerical control team of the Research and Development Institute of China First Automobile Group Co., Ltd.

  16 years ago, Yang Yongxiu chose Changchun Automotive Industry College to become a numerical control student.

  After going to school, he gradually fell in love with the numerical control major and maintained the first place in the class during school. After graduation, he became a worker in the former FAW Technology Center as he wished.

  The sea is wide and the fish leaps, and the sky is high and the birds fly. Yang Yongxiu secretly made up his mind that he could not be satisfied with the status quo and would contribute to the golden signboard of FAW.

  After being an ordinary processing worker for half a year, he transferred to the numerical control position he loved. FAW has a large number of excellent technical workers and many of them are craftsmen in big countries.

  For more than 5 years, he slept and ate to ask his seniors for difficult problems, and many people knew everything about him. He also bought a lot of courseware and taught himself the latest theories. Soon, Yang Yongxiu stood out and became a technical expert.

  With this strength, Yang Yongxiu can not only skillfully operate imported numerical control systems such as Heidelhan, but also possess a variety of software programming, multiple CNC equipment operation and complex tool design and restructuring skills, which allows him to show his talents in high-end engine manufacturing, precision parts development and other fields.

  At the beginning of 2018, after the release of the new Hongqi brand strategy, Yang Yongxiu mainly undertook the numerical control processing of the core precision parts such as the high-end engine, gearbox and chassis independently developed by the Hongqi brand, solved a large number of neck jams, and completed more than 30 major trial production tasks.

  He also relied on the mentoring workshop and the model worker innovation studio to carry out a number of trial production technology research such as rapid trial production and integrated manufacturing, and cultivated a group of high-skilled talents. Most of his team members have mastered numerical control technology and realized the transformation of digital intelligence.

  In recent years, FAW’s accelerated reforms have given Mr. Yang more room to display his talents. "There are still many young people like me at FAW. As big as everyone dreams, as strong as technology and as capable as they are, the stage will be as big as it is," he said.

  At the same time, the state and local governments have continuously increased their support for talents, especially automobile manufacturing talents, so that Yang Yongxiu can enjoy the benefits brought by many policies such as children’s schooling, and solve his worries.

  Yang Yongxiu is particularly happy to see more and more Hongqi cars on the street equipped with key components such as self-developed engines. He said: "It is the mission of FAW people to promote the national car brand. I am willing to take root in the northeast, take root in FAW, and work with my colleagues to solve more technical problems of neck sticking."

  Central-local cooperation sets a benchmark and strives for the first place in the new and brave

  On January 8 this year, China FAW Hongqi brand new energy vehicle global strategy conference was held in Guangzhou. That night, China FAW announced the new logo, design language, technology platform, etc. of the Hongqi new energy brand, and released three upcoming new energy vehicle models.

  On the eve of the Shanghai International Auto Show, FAW released the Hongqi "flag" high-end electric intelligent super architecture FMEs, and successively launched three major platforms: electric, intelligent and hybrid.

  The country needs it, and FAW wants it. In the era of "structured car building" and "software-defined car", FAW has released "three major platforms with one architecture" in half a year, and it is rare in the industry to fully promote "All in" new energy. Behind this, there is not only the firm determination of the enterprise to transform, but also the central and local cooperation to "new".

  Since the birth of the first car, the development of FAW in China has been closely related to the development of Changchun City and even Jilin Province. In order to support the development of FAW, the local government has not only increased the infrastructure transformation in the area where FAW is located in recent years, creating a good production and living environment, but also actively promoted the reform and development of FAW, and promoted the faster landing of new products.

  At present, Jilin Province has started to support FAW to focus on key core technologies, strengthen cooperation with universities and key enterprises, and strive to activate the innovation chain, reshape the industrial chain, cultivate the brand chain, and actively seize the commanding heights of industrial development. The main leaders of Jilin Province have come to FAW on-site dozens of times to solve the problems of enterprises.

  Changchun Automobile Economic and Technological Development Zone is the headquarters of FAW Group and the only national-level development zone named after the automobile industry in the country. It is actively creating a high-quality business environment, and often "door-to-door service" solves various problems for enterprises and relieves their worries.

  "What the enterprise needs, we will do, ensure that we are on call, and find ways to satisfy the enterprise" – this has become a guide for many cadres.

  Tower cranes stand in the Changchun Automobile Economic and Technological Development Zone, and the construction scenes of automobile industry projects can be seen everywhere. On June 30, Audi FAW New Energy Vehicle Supporting Industrial Park and Audi PPE Supporting Project started construction in Changchun City, Jilin Province, with a total investment of over 44.40 billion yuan. After the project is completed and put into operation, it will effectively promote the automobile industry cluster in Jilin Province to "climb the ladder" and provide solid support for accelerating the revitalization of old industrial bases and the development of new energy automobile industry.

  In recent years, Jilin Province has accelerated the pace of transformation and upgrading of the automobile industry. The Audi FAW new energy vehicle project with an investment of 35 billion yuan and the FAW Freddy project with an investment of 13.50 billion yuan are being accelerated. According to the latest plan of the Jilin Provincial Government, the scale of the automobile industry in the province will reach one trillion yuan by 2025. The accelerated development of Jilin’s automobile industry continues to attract multinational companies such as Volkswagen Group, Audi, and Continental Automobile to invest and start business.

  Wang Chuanfu, chairperson and president of BYD’s joint stock company, said that BYD will strengthen cooperation with FAW to accelerate the local transformation of green technologies and contribute to making national automobile brands bigger and stronger.

  FAW is also working hard to accelerate its overseas market layout and gather global resources to serve the development of enterprises. Recently, FAW and Israeli partners held the launch ceremony of the Red Flag flagship model E-HS9 in Tel Aviv, Israel, marking the official launch of the Red Flag brand car in the Israeli market. At present, FAW’s overseas business has covered more than 50 countries and regions along the "Belt and Road Initiative", and has also set up research and development centers in Munich, Germany and other places.

  In September 2021, Hongqi’s strategic pure electric smart SUV, the E-HS9, was officially exported to Norway, becoming an important milestone for China’s high-end national automobile brands to export to the European market in batches. After launching the end point delivery in 2022, Hongqi E-HS9, with its excellent product performance and appearance design, not only brought the ultimate driving experience to local users, but also gained a large number of fans. It achieved a delivery of over 1,000 units in 6 months, and achieved the top three results in Norway’s large and medium-sized luxury SUV segment.

  The relevant person in charge of FAW said that FAW will deeply implement the "Belt and Road Initiative" initiative and "going out" strategy, grasp the basic rules of building a world-class enterprise, make good use of two domestic and international markets and two resources, and accelerate the expansion of overseas high-end automobile markets. Continuously improve the layout of the global automobile industry chain, strive to build an integrated overseas business operation system, continuously provide global consumers with the ultimate products and services, and strive to polish the Chinese business card of the world automobile stage. (Reporter, Zhang Jian)

Exceeding the annual target, Geely Automobile sales exceeded 1.68 million in 2023

On January 1, Geely Automobile Holdings Limited (0175.HK) announced sales data for December 2023 and the whole year: passenger car sales in December were 150,453 units, an increase of 3% year-on-year; total sales in 2023 reached 1686,516 units, an increase of about 18% year-on-year, exceeding the annual sales target, and annual sales reached a record high.
In 2023, Geely Automobile Group’s "all-round new" strategic transformation will move from "all-round acceleration" to "all-round deepening". Anchoring the "Intelligent Geely 2025" strategy, Geely’s self-developed chips, low-orbit satellites, intelligent computing centers and other achievements have been implemented one after another, opening a new round of strong product cycles, achieving a two-way breakthrough in brand renewal and value improvement, and the globalization process has also entered a new stage. Give full play to the advantages of systematic coordination strategy, and firmly promote the transformation of new energy, intelligence and globalization. Geely Automobile Group has set a sales target of 1.90 million vehicles in 2024, and new energy sales have increased by more than 66%.

New energy has repeatedly achieved great results, significantly accelerating towards "new"
In 2023, Geely Automobile Group completed the "comprehensive new" strategic layout, the advantages of intelligent electric vehicle manufacturing system strength are highlighted, new energy has repeatedly achieved great results, and the transformation to "new" has accelerated significantly. In December, new energy (including Geely, Lynk & Co, Extreme Krypton, and Ruilan) sold 60,447 vehicles, an increase of about 36% year-on-year, achieving positive year-on-year growth for 11 consecutive months; in 2023, the annual new energy sales volume was 487,461 vehicles, an increase of more than 48% year-on-year.
The new trend technology brand Extreme Krypton delivered 13,476 units in December, an increase of about 19% year-on-year, setting a new high in single-month delivery; a total of 118,685 units were delivered throughout the year, an increase of 65% year-on-year. In 2023, Extreme Krypton’s product matrix accelerated, and Extreme Krypton X, Extreme Krypton 001 FR, and Extreme Krypton 007 were launched one after another. With innovative technology and excellent performance, it continued to refresh the performance, intelligence and safety of pure electric models to new heights. By the end of 2023, the Extreme Krypton brand had delivered more than 190,000 units and maintained a record of "zero spontaneous combustion". At the same time, Extreme Krypton’s sales channels and charging network expanded rapidly. By the end of 2023, Extreme Krypton had established So far, a total of 432 polar krypton charging stations have been built. In 2024, the total number of polar krypton charging stations is expected to reach 1,000 stations; by 2026, the total number of polar charging piles is expected to reach 10,000, realizing the idea of "thousands of stations and thousands of piles".
The new mid-to-high-end new energy series "Geely Galaxy" sold 12,088 units in December, which has exceeded 10,000 units for 6 consecutive months, and the cumulative sales volume exceeded 83,000 units. "Product + Channel" came to users at "Galaxy Speed" and continued to strengthen the "Galaxy High Value Reputation". In 2023, Geely Galaxy launched a total of three new products, of which Geely Galaxy L7 and Geely Galaxy L6 formed a "new generation of ultra-hybrid CP", which became a new explosion on the plug-in track; the first pure electric flagship sedan of the Galaxy series, Geely Galaxy E8, has been pre-sold and will be officially launched in January 2024, bringing "peak value" experience that exceeds expectations for mainstream pure electric users.So far, the number of Geely Galaxy stores has reached 650, and it continues to deepen the "personalized customization and transparent whole process" car purchase service to provide users with a warmer and more comfortable Galaxy experience.
Fashion pure electric series Geometry sold 17,827 units in December; the annual sales reached 191,346 units, an increase of more than 28% year-on-year. In 2023, the Geometry series continued to upgrade and evolve, and the new micro electric series Geely Panda was launched. The market heat continued to rise. In 2023, the total sales reached 109,642 units, ranking among the TOP3 of the A00 micro pure electric market, opening a new situation for Geometry to accelerate the development of the C-end market.
Replacement of high-value brand Ruilan Automobile sold 3,900 units in December, an increase of about 27% month-on-month, and 38,001 units in the whole year. In 2023, Ruilan launched the "intelligent rear-drive coupe SUV" Ruilan 7, which formed a dual-engine product strategy with Ruilan 9, ushering in a new chapter of C-end strategic transformation. At the same time, Ruilan has started its journey to sea. In 2023, it has established a standard flagship store in Azerbaijan, and established more than 80 high-quality dealer channels overseas, continuing to explore the international market.

The value of classic products has jumpedOpen a new era of smart boutique vehicles
Under the concept of "building an intelligent boutique car for everyone", Geely has promoted the comprehensive advancement of the classic series of intelligent, electric and energy-saving, making fuel vehicles leap to a new generation. In December, Geely brand (including geometry) sales reached a new high of 107,382 units, an increase of about 6% year-on-year; annual sales of 1309,580 units, an increase of more than 16% year-on-year. So far, the cumulative sales volume of the "China Star" high-end series has exceeded 870,000 units, becoming the "high-value benchmark" of fuel products in China.
The global high-end brand Lynk & Co sold 25,695 vehicles in December, an increase of about 17% year-on-year, and new energy accounted for more than 55%; the annual sales reached 220,250 vehicles, an increase of more than 22% year-on-year, making it the fastest Chinese high-end car brand to break through the scale of one million vehicles. Lynk & Co launched the "world’s strongest hybrid" EM-P super range extension electric solution in 2023, bringing users a new driving experience of "high speed is not soft, long distance is not weak, and off-road is not panicked". It also released Flyme Auto OS, which opened up the handcar interconnection ecosystem. The first two innovative solutions, Lynk & Co 08 EM-P, continued to break through 10,000 sales in December, and continued to grow positively month-on-month. The cumulative sales
In the new energy transformation, the ecological value advantage of the group’s full-stack self-developed new energy technology is becoming more and more obvious. Based on SEA,e-CMA, CMAEvo and other world-class native new energy architectures, GeelyReleased one after another in 2023The world’s first mass-produced 800V lithium iron phosphate ultra-fast charging "BRIC battery",The world’s first high-performance silicon carbide four-motor drive system delivered in mass production, the new generation of V3 charging technology with the highest single gun charging power in the world, the new generation of Raytheon hybrid technology, Aegis battery safety system, EM-P super range extension electric solution, green methanol power vehicleAnd so on.New energyTechnology fully empowers the new generation of intelligent electric boutiques of the group’s brands to lead the same level of products in multiple dimensions such as performance, energy saving, intelligence, comfort and safety.
In the intelligent track, Geely has made in-depth layout in the fields of operating system, intelligent cockpit, on-board chip, autonomous driving, car network connection, low-orbit satellite, intelligent computing center, etc., and has achieved major breakthroughs in many fields in 2023. Industry-leading handcar integration solutions such as Galaxy N OS and LYNK Flyme Auto have been applied to Geely Galaxy series, Lynk & CoWait for the model.To comprehensively enhance the experience of intelligent cockpit use; Geely’s self-developed China’s first car-grade 7nm cockpit chip "No. 1" has been mass-produced in Lynk & Co, Ruilan and other brands; the Xingrui Smart Computing Center has been officially launched, and the super cloud computing power has been empowered to help Geely create generational advantages in intelligent driving, intelligent cockpit, new energy power management, native safety and other fields; satellite communication technology has been mass-produced for the first time in the world, and applied to JK 001 FR and Geely Galaxy E8, so that smart cars will never lose contact; during the Hangzhou Asian Games, the first high-end intelligent driving demonstration line in Hangzhou was successfully operated, and all Geely Asian Games official designated cars were provided with star-based high-precision positioning services, making Asian Games travel safer and smarter.
Under the power of the new energy vehicle manufacturing system, Geely Automobile has also obtained the industry’s first "new energy vehicle safety management system certification", and jointly established the first "new energy joint innovation laboratory" in China with the China Automotive Center, focusing on solving the problem of "stuck neck" of new energy vehicles, key technologies and forward-looking leading technologies, helping Geely Automobile to bring safer, smarter, more comfortable and more assured new energy products to users.

The entire industrial chain goes to sea for ecological advancement, and its international competitiveness and influence continue to improve
Seizing the important window period for China’s new energy vehicles to go overseas, Geely has strengthened its end-to-end overseas localization capabilities with more flexible and diverse overseas models, continuously optimized the entire industry chain’s overseas ecology, and steadily improved its international competitiveness and influence. In December, Geely Automobile Group exported 21,347 vehicles overseas, an increase of over 9% year-on-year. From January to December 2023, the group’s annual cumulative export sales volume was 274,101 vehicles, an increase of over 38% year-on-year.
In 2023, Geely’s brand internationalization map will usher in a new breakthrough. The overseas product matrix continues to grow, and 10 high-value products have been launched in 43 countries around the world. At the same time, Geely established its fourth subsidiary in the Mexican market to develop the Latin America market with systematic strength. As of now, Geely has established 532 sales and service outlets in 70 countries around the world, and continues to expand the global market.
The Lynk & Co brand adheres to the virtuous development of domestic and foreign double cycles, and the "European strategy" and "Asia-Pacific strategy" accelerate again. As of the end of December, Lynk & Co has opened 11 offline experience stores in 6 European countries. Lynk & Co 01, Lynk & Co 05, Lynk & Co 03 performance family, and flagship model Lynk & Co 09 have successively landed in the Asia-Pacific market, further enriching the overseas product matrix.
In 2023, Extreme Krypton officially launched its globalization journey, landing in a total of 12 international mainstream markets, of which Extreme Krypton X and Extreme Krypton 001 have been delivered overseas, and two Extreme Krypton centers have been completed in Europe.
At the same time as products going overseas, technology going overseas has also become a new growth point for the development of the group. Based on the strong output of Geely Automobile’s entire industrial chain, Geely Automobile’s financial report for the first half of 2023 shows that Geely Automobile’s technology and authorized service revenue in the first half of 2023 was 2.71 billion yuan, an increase of 5.5% year-on-year. In early 2023, JK 001 and Waymo customized exclusive models based on the ZEEKR M-Vision concept car made their debut at the US CES exhibition Mobileye and Waymo booth respectively; in July 2023, Geely and Renault joined hands to establish a powertrain company, with an annual production capacity of over 5 million sets of engines and transmissions, which can cover 80% of the global fuel and hybrid vehicle market application needs; 2023 is also the seventh year of Geely and Proton’s cooperation. Since the cooperation, Geely’s strategy has exported a variety of products, engine technology, management and talent resources, helping Proton to achieve the gorgeous butterfly change of "turning losses into profits". "Proton model" is also regarded as a new business card of Geely’s globalization strategy. In October 2023, Geely and DRB-HICOM Group signed a main cooperation framework agreement. The two parties will cooperate in depth on the construction of Tanjung Marin Automotive High-Tech Valley ("AHTV") in Malaysia, and help AHTV become a high ground for new energy and new technology research and development and manufacturing.
Voice "Carbon" to seek a green future and promote the sustainable development of the world’s automotive industry
In 2023, Geely’s global influence will continue to increase.The ESG strategy has been accelerated and has been recognized by international authoritative organizations for many times: Geely Baoji factory has obtained the five-star certification of "Zero Carbon Factory"; it has been ranked 8th on the list of "China ESG Listed Companies Pioneer 100", ranking first among Chinese car companies; dual carbon leadership has been the first in the industry for two consecutive years, and has been awarded the "carbon neutrality benchmark enterprise"; it has been selected as a constituent of "Hang Seng ESG50 Index", "Hang Seng Sustainable Development Enterprise Benchmark Index" and "FTSE Social responsibility Index Series"; in 2023, the MSCI ESG rating has been upgraded from "A" in 2022 to "AA". In December, Geely Automobile was invited to attend a number of activities of the COP28 United Nations Climate Conference, sharing its practices and experiences in full-link carbon emission reduction, carbon utilization and carbon management with the world, and expressing the Chinese voice of "carbon" seeking a green future on the world stage.
For a long time, Geely Automobile has planned high-quality green and low-carbon development from the height of the entire industrial chain, value chain and ecological chain, and its quality system and management level have been achievedInternational Automotive Standards Cooperation OrganizationIATF Accreditation – Become the first Asian member in IATF history in 2021; November 2023,IATF officially awarded Geely.As of nowGeely has led the development of 407 international, national, industry, local and group standards, and has completed the publication of 254 standards.
In 2024, Geely will stillWe will continue to deepen the transformation of new energy and intelligence by launching industry-leading new technologies and achievements such as new pure electric architecture, new electric drive, CTB chassis, self-developed battery, AI intelligent cockpit, urban commuter NOA, satellite, etc.Build a strong intelligent electrification system. At the same time, combined with its own development experience, better participate in the formulation of international standards, make a Chinese voice, contribute Chinese wisdom, and join hands with global partners.To jointly build a new ecosystem for the development of a low-carbon and sustainable new energy vehicle industry.Let’s jointly promote the sustainable development of the world automotive industry.

Always as "one", "Dan" line, public welfare – Tencent’s main founder Chen Yidan guest CCTV financial channel "dialogue"

At the age of 27, he gave up his stable public office and joined forces with Pony Ma to start a business, single-handedly building Tencent into Internet Tech Giants with a market value of more than 3 trillion. At the age of 43, he chose to retire bravely and devote himself to public welfare. He has personally donated nearly 10 billion Hong Kong dollars to public welfare causes, and is known as "the first person in China’s Internet public welfare". On January 19, he walked into CCTV’s "Dialogue" program, which was the first comprehensive review of the Internet public welfare road he has walked for more than 20 years, and also gave people a deeper understanding of the Internet spirit in the new era. He is Chen Yidan, the main founder of Tencent, the founder and honorary chairperson of Tencent Charity Foundation.

(CCTV financial channel "Dialogue" column recording scene) 

The Internet spirit is open and inclusive, and it is a kind of equality, creating opportunities for everyone to grow. When China entered the Internet age, Chen Yidan won the first half of his life, and he looks forward to leaving more excitement in the second half of his life. "Everyone can do their part to make public welfare an activity for the whole people." Chen Yidan, with the Internet entrepreneurship spirit, hopes to apply Internet thinking to the development of public welfare undertakings, link more love together, and create a super node that gathers public welfare forces, so that more people can participate in building a well-off society in an all-round way and share a better life in the new era.

(CCTV financial channel "Dialogue" column recording scene)

"Internet + Public Welfare" allows the Internet not only to close the distance between people, but also to close the distance between hearts. How to make public welfare undertakings follow the iterative upgrading of Internet technology and models, and also become more efficient, accurate, fair and fashionable is a major proposition for China’s Internet industry to enter a new era.

Along with Chen Yidan, Wang Zhenyao, the dean of the China Philanthropy Research Institute of Beijing Normal University, Pan Jiangxue, the founder and chairperson of the Shanghai True Love Dream Philanthropy Foundation, Li Lili, the village product director of Tencent, Zheng Xiaoqin, the village administrator of Tencent, and Miao Shiming, the founder of the WABC Foundation, walked into the studio with thoughts.

From Chen Yidan and Tencent’s road to public welfare, they not only perceive the speed of the Internet, but also touch the temperature of the Internet, and understand the social value and significance of the Chinese Internet from a more diverse perspective.


(Liu Yi, the "Little Artist" of Tencent’s "Children’s Gallery" project in "99 Charity Day", and his mother also came to the studio. The "Children’s Gallery" project displayed 36 paintings of autistic children through the H5 page. Less than a day after its launch, it attracted 6 million people to participate, and the fundraising reached 11 million)

The story of youth, join Tencent

When Chen Yidan founded Tencent in 1998 with Pony Ma, Zhang Zhidong, Xu Chenye and Zeng Liqing, he, like many others, was dazed and worried about the future of the Internet. Chen Yidan was born in Huizhou, Guangdong in 1971 and grew up in Shenzhen, Guangdong, where he and Pony Ma were classmates. Before joining Tencent, Chen Yidan had been working at the Shenzhen Entry-Exit Inspection and Quarantine Bureau. "The concern at that time was, what would happen to the family’s financial resources if it failed." Chen Yidan went home to discuss with his wife, who replied: "It’s okay. I still have a job."

It is the sincere love that makes Chen Yidan determined to choose the road of entrepreneurship. This has also become the road sign he has always adhered to in the Internet age.


(Chen Yidan, Xu Chenye, Pony Ma, Zhang Zhidong, Zeng Liqing)


Among the five founders at the beginning of Tencent’s birth, Chen Yidan married the earliest and was called "Daddy". Every Chinese New Year, he would take a stack of red envelopes to distribute. Perhaps, this warm man’s Internet road is destined to be different.


"Old Boy" Chen Yidan, once again pays tribute to youth with singing

Chen Yidan, who studied chemistry, is actually not good at singing. In 2000, at the Christmas party that year, the five founders of Tencent left this precious photo. "Singing some New Year and Christmas songs, I still remember some colleagues throwing glow sticks to hit us because they sang so badly." On the "Dialogue" show, when Chen Yidan saw the photo and recalled the past, he laughed. The memory of youth will never fade, and Chen Yidan, who is already an "old boy", still has the heart of youth. In the show, he once again sang the song that the 20-year gathering of university alumni sang to pay tribute to the eternal youth.


(Dialogue program recording live)

Fill in the words:

That’s the person who stays with me day and night

How can I express it?

Would you like to go to Sparrow Ridge?

Maybe you should never say hurtful things to him

I’m destined to be stupid

How can you not fall?

Graduation is always out of reach

Should I give up?

Test tube, beaker, test paper again

Spring, where are you…

Tencent Charity under the Internet

On June 16, 2004, Tencent Holdings Limited was listed on the main board of Hong Kong. Chen Yidan served as the Chief Administrative Officer (CAO) of Tencent, and began to be fully responsible for the administrative, legal, intellectual property, government relations, policy development, management mechanism, human resources and charitable funds of Tencent.

Under Chen Yidan’s advocacy, the dream of exploring the road of "Internet + public welfare" began to germinate at Tencent. In 2006, Tencent invested more than 20 million yuan to launch the "Tencent Charity Foundation". As the first national non-public foundation registered by an Internet company with the Ministry of Civil Affairs in China, it is committed to using technology to connect trust and make every small good deed more powerful.

The online donation platform launched by Tencent Charity Foundation integrates the wisdom and spirit of the Internet to transform public welfare success into a new social way, allowing the public to participate in public welfare in the easiest way.

Tencent Charity Foundation initiated and hosted Tencent "Yixingjia", calling on the public to participate in offline walking through online public welfare donations. Translate users’ exercise data into public welfare steps, allowing the public to directly participate in public welfare projects.

In 2013, Chen Yidan officially announced that he would step down as Tencent’s Chief Administrative Officer (CAO) and serve as Tencent’s lifetime honorary advisor, focusing on entering the cultural, public welfare and education industries.

On September 9, 2015, Tencent Charity jointly launched the "99 Public Welfare Day" with hundreds of public welfare organizations, well-known enterprises, celebrities, and top creative communication agencies. The data of the "99 Public Welfare Day" in 2019 shows that 48 million caring netizens donated 1.783 billion yuan through the Tencent Charity platform, and more than 2,500 enterprises donated 307 million yuan. In addition, the 399.99 million yuan donation provided by Tencent Charity Foundation reached 2.49 billion yuan in total, ranking first in the national Internet public fundraising information platform.

In the past 22 years, China’s Internet industry has gone through different stages from portal to mobile, to artificial intelligence, to social communication. The pace of technology and product iteration and replacement is getting faster and faster. Chen Yidan insists on promoting the deep integration of Internet platforms and public welfare charities, and promotes the public welfare practice of Tencent business present on all major platforms. It has inserted the wings of the Internet for China’s public welfare charities and added a touch of warmth to China’s Internet era.

Today, Chen Yidan is not only the founder and honorary chairperson of Tencent Charity Foundation, but also the founder of Yidan Award, the founder of Chen Yidan Foundation, the founder of Wuhan College, the founding director of Westlake University, and the honorary professor of Shenzhen University.

Chen Yidan summed up his views on public welfare and education in these eight words: "Kindness and people are the same, beauty and unity are shared." Not forgetting the original intention, Fang has always been, from the team warm man of the year to the current "Internet public welfare brother", Chen Yidan has more and more in-depth rational thinking and action on the future of public welfare undertakings, sprinkling the nectar of charity on every recipient and giver.

Established the world’s largest single education award

No matter what era, education is a vision for the future. On May 22, 2016, Chen Yidan announced a donation of HK $2.50 billion (about US $320 million) to establish the world’s largest education award, the "Yidan Award", to recognize and support individuals who promote educational innovation and make long-term impact contributions.

The Yidan Award has two awards: the Yidan Award for Educational Research and the Yidan Award for Educational Development. It is operated and managed by an independent charitable trust of HK $2.50 billion (approximately US $323 million). The winner will receive a pure gold medal and a HK $30 million award (approximately US $3.90 million), half of which is the prize money and the other half is the funds to support the promotion of educational research or projects. The Yidan Award’s jury is composed of independent global authorities. The jury is responsible for reviewing nominations and selecting the winners. It includes two independent judging panels for educational research and educational development. The members of the jury include Dr. Koichiro MATSUURA, former Director-General of UNESCO, Ms. Dorothy K. GORDON, President of UNESCO’s Information for All Programme, Mr. Andreas SCHLEICHER, Director of Education and Skills at the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), and Dr. Allan E. GOODMAN, President and Chief Executive Officer of the International Education Association.

On September 19, 2017, the "Yidan Award" announced the first list of winners in Hong Kong. Carrie Lam, the Chief Executive of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, presented the "Yidan Education Development Award" and "Yidan Education Research Award" to Vicky Colbert, founder and director of Columbia New School Foundation, and Carol Dweck, a professor of psychology at Stanford University in the United States. On September 15, 2018, the list of winners of the second "Yidan Award" was announced in Hong Kong. Larry Hedges, head of the Department of Statistics at Northwestern University in Chicago, won the "Yidan Education Research Award", and Anant Agwal, CEO of online learning platform edX, won the "Yidan Education Development Award".

In December 2018, the "Yidan Prize" held its second award ceremony and education summit in Hong Kong, where two winners and more than 300 internationally renowned education scholars, political and business people gathered at the venue. On September 19, 2019, Usha Goswami, a professor from the University of Cambridge in the United Kingdom, won the "Yidan Education Research Award" for her research on the relationship between neurology and early education, and Sir Fazle Hassan Abed, the founder of the Bangladeshi Non-governmental organization "Cross-Community Resource Building", won the "Yidan Education Development Award" for his achievements in enabling poor children to receive high-quality education.

Accompanying the Internet age, Chen Yidan wrote many "firsts" of public welfare undertakings. He pioneered the "three-dimensional rescue mode" of online and offline interaction for major disasters; he launched an online donation platform to set a global record for online public welfare donations at that time; he promoted China’s first Internet public welfare day, 99 Public Welfare Day, which has become a phenomenon-level national public welfare action day with the largest number of participants, the widest influence and the most diverse scenarios.

In 2020, China will enter the era of comprehensive well-off. Chen Yidan is committed to implementing the "Internet + Village" action plan – the "Tencent for the Village" platform, so that villages can achieve leapfrog development with the help of mobile Internet. So far, more than 300 million people have donated 7.70 billion yuan for charity, and more than 74,000 projects have been helped. A little bit of grandeur, a thousand miles of wind, Chen Yidan’s road to public welfare has no end. Let no matter how small the love can be passed on, so that every life does not lack sunshine. This is the public welfare dream of an Internet person.

Liberation of this decade: using innovation to polish national automobile brands

  From now on, FAW Liberation will launch a series of reports on "Endeavour for a New Journey, Liberation in the Decade", which will showcase the historic achievements of FAW Liberation since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China in an all-round and multi-level manner. Firmly grasp the valuable experience of building a world-class enterprise, building a century-old national brand, and realizing high-quality development of liberation in the new era. Further consolidate the strength of forge ahead and bravely assume the mission of strengthening the country. Welcome the victory of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China with practical actions.

  Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, FAW Jiefang has regarded innovation as the first driving force for development, adhered to innovation-driven, technology-leading, and industry-leading, and comprehensively created the core competitive advantage of its products. FAW Jiefang has placed independent innovation in a more prominent position and made significant progress in key core technology fields. Entering the new era, innovation has made the base color of "Jiefang", a national automobile brand, brighter.

  Based on the market, product leadership

  Products are the bedrock of an enterprise’s foothold. Over the years, FAW Jiefang has adhered to "one generation of production, one generation of research and development, and one generation of reserve". In 2017, with the merger of the Commercial Vehicle Development Institute, the enterprise’s R & D capabilities were further enhanced, and the business fields of "research, production, supply, and sales" were further connected. The transformation from "what is developed and produced" to "market to market" was realized, and the sales share continued to increase.


  FAW Jiefang product pedigree

  Over the past ten years, FAW Jiefang has accurately grasped market changes and user requests, increased R & D investment year by year, and quickly produced products and good products. It has successively launched a series of replacement products and key models, and created 12 product platforms covering heavy, medium and light trucks and buses. In the field of heavy trucks, J7, as the benchmark model of high-end heavy trucks in China, has a market share of 49%. It has won awards such as the first prize of China’s truck of the year in 2019 and the first prize of China’s automotive industry’s scientific and technological progress in 2020. As the latest high-end heavy truck of Jiefang, Yingtu has become a highlight of the industry with high-reliability power chain and intelligent home experience, and is sought after by the market. As a Jiefang knock-out product, J6P has continuously improved its family pedigree and expanded its market coverage. J6V focuses on customer value pain points and is committed to providing the best operation solutions for TCO. In the mid-card field, J6L, JK6, and Long V continue to build product competitiveness with customers as the center. Cargo products have continuously maintained the first market share in recent years. In the light truck field, we adhere to the efficient and lightweight strategy, vigorously promote the improvement of product portfolio and product competitiveness, and achieve rapid growth in the share of Lingtu, J6F, and Tiger V. In the bus field, the third-generation new energy smart bus has been put into the bus market in batches, and the Snow Eagle luxury off-road RV is about to be launched, which is highly anticipated by the market.

  Over the past ten years, FAW Jiefang has continued to upgrade its product technology. In 2015, it took the lead in launching world-class warranty standards such as "three major assemblies 100,000 kilometers long oil change, wheel end 500,000 kilometers maintenance-free, and 3 years long quality assurance regardless of mileage". At the same time, it has also created a series of core technologies such as system fuel saving, independent electronic control, independent post-processing, lightweight, high reliability, low wind resistance, low rolling resistance, vehicle energy management, gas drive urea system, and high-efficiency post-processing technology, establishing an absolute leading advantage in technology. On this basis, through adaptive product development and improvement, FAW Jiefang has successively launched a series of new products such as Pilot Edition, Honor Edition, Quality Edition, Northern Edition, Southern Edition, Plateau Edition, Green Edition, and Express Edition, which have been widely welcomed by the market with their differentiated competitive advantage.

  Over the past ten years, FAW Jiefang has adhered to the independent development of the three major assemblies. With the mission of creating low-carbon, digital intelligence, and high-reliability power, engine products have vigorously promoted Product Research & Development to create three heavy-duty, high-efficiency and energy-saving power platforms for diesel engines and natural gas for commercial vehicles M/V/X. The comprehensive competitiveness of the products is leading in the industry. Box bridge products have worked together to improve high-quality, lightweight, and low-TCO key technologies to fully meet market demand. They have successively launched a series of new products such as 12-speed manual transmission, automatic transmission, 435, and 465 drive axles, and continued to consolidate their independent competitive advantage.

  Facing the future and accelerating transformation

  In recent years, a new round of global scientific and technological revolution is on the rise, and the "New Four Modernizations" wave characterized by new energy and intelligent networking has swept the entire automotive industry. As a traditional manufacturing enterprise, FAW Jiefang aims to accelerate its own transformation in the direction of industrial development. On the basis of strengthening traditional models, it pays greater attention to and invests in new technologies and new formats. Product innovation and business innovation have achieved a series of results.


  In September 2021, FAW Jiefang released the "15333" new energy strategy

  FAW Jiefang actively implements the national "double carbon" strategy. In September 2021, it released the "15333" new energy strategy, sounding the "charge" of the transition to new energy. By building three major vehicle technology platforms of pure electricity, hybrid and combustion power, and three core assembly technology platforms of electric drive, power battery and fuel cell, it has successively developed a new high-safety and long-life hybrid battery system, fuel cell system integration technology, domestic first EPB hydraulic brake + E-Park, light independent coaxial integrated electric drive bridge and a series of products. On June 8, 2022, the independent hydrogen direct injection engine was successfully ignited, indicating that the thermal efficiency exceeded 55% and reached the international leading level. FAW Jiefang actively plans the strategic layout of new energy and builds a "sustainable and positive cycle" new energy ecosystem. Starting from the landing pilot in Shijiazhuang during the Jiefang era, it actively innovates the business and marketing model to create three exclusive services: vehicle and electricity separation, vehicle leasing and capacity undertaking, used car and battery recycling, and fully realizes a breakthrough in the new energy market. So far, a total of 141 new energy products have been launched, achieving industry leadership in the new energy track.


  FAW Jiefang unmanned port vehicle is put into operation in Shandong Rizhao Port

  In the field of smart vehicles, FAW Jiefang has also achieved fruitful results. In 2017, FAW Jiefang completed the first commercial vehicle driverless demonstration in China, and in 2018, completed the L4 series of smart vehicle product release demonstrations. In recent years, by comprehensively breaking through the core technology of intelligent network connection and building a leading intelligent network technology platform in China, FAW Jiefang has focused on key operation scenarios such as trunk logistics, sanitation, and ports to create 14 intelligent network connected commercial vehicle products and achieve the first sales volume in China, achieving comprehensive leadership in technology and products. The world’s first mass-produced L2-level and L3-level trunk logistics intelligent tractor, J7 super truck has accumulated 2.38 million kilometers of operation, and the first L4-level autonomous urban sanitation product based on 5G-V2X. It was the first to demonstrate operation in Suzhou High-speed Railway New Town, and has operated safely without accidents for more than 100,000 kilometers. The first car, port, cloud trinity driverless port vehicle operation system, the first in Rizhao port business operations, cumulative loading and unloading containers over 70,000 TEU.

  In terms of vehicle to everything and ecology, the "vehicle to everything" vehicle to everything product has deepened the transformation of digital intelligence, completed the construction of vehicle to everything infrastructure, realized the standard configuration of all models vehicle to everything, and reached new highs in new formats. At present, more than 1.50 million commercial vehicles have been linked, and the accumulated mileage data exceeds 200 billion kilometers. Through vehicle to everything data, the APP provides users with vehicle information query, driving behavior analysis, one-click service and other functions, all of which have reached the industry’s leading level. FAW Jiefang also focuses on the core scene of the aftermarket, cross-border cooperation, and customized the development of the "Four Musketeers" ecological services of refueling, insurance, ETC, and fleet management. At the same time, it provides users with in-vehicle WIFI services to help the ecological services bloom in an all-round way.

  Innovation leads, brave the trend

  In recent years, FAW Jiefang has deepened the branding of "liberation and leadership" technology, and created three independent innovation technology routes: "Jiefang Zhitu", "Jiefang Lantu" and "Jiefang Yitu", focusing on the main direction of "four modernizations and one high" (informatization, intelligence, low carbon, electrification, high quality) technology. The number of technological development and resource investment have increased by more than 50% annually, and a number of key core technologies have made major breakthroughs. The company has successively won the second prize of the National Science and Technology Progress Award and the first prize of the China Automotive Industry Science and Technology Progress Award.


  In September 2020, the first science and technology conference of FAW Liberation was successfully held

  In 2020, FAW Jiefang successfully held the first science and technology conference and released the "Outline of FAW Jiefang Science and Technology Development Plan (2021-2030) ", which fully established the "13586" development plan. Taking technological innovation as the banner, FAW Jiefang has identified three "main channels" for technological development. Traditional vehicles lead the system to save energy and attack zero-carbon fuels. New energy vehicles realize the electrification of traditional vehicles in stages, the intelligence of core assemblies, and the exclusivity of vehicle platforms. Intelligent network pilot automatic driving and mining vehicles to everything. On this basis, a complete application technology and forward-looking technology layout have been further formed, setting the development direction for near and long-term technology leadership and product leadership. In recent years, FAW Jiefang has established R & D institutions in Suzhou, Nanjing, Foshan, Steyr, Austria, Munich, Germany, Japan and other places, forming a "four countries and nine places" R & D layout, making full use of the advantages of high-level talents in various places, and pooling global wisdom to enhance innovation capabilities.

  In recent years, FAW Jiefang has actively expanded production-university-research cooperation and collaboratively carried out new technology research. It has strengthened cooperation with the Society of Automotive Engineering, academic organizations such as Tsinghua University, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Jilin University, Wuhan University of Technology, and colleges and universities. Through the establishment of innovation platforms, research centers, innovation centers or laboratories, etc., it has accelerated the solution of industry technical problems, promoted the transformation and application of achievements, and made leapfrog progress in basic technology and forward-looking technology research, laying a solid foundation for technological leadership and product leadership.

  At the same time, FAW Jiefang comprehensively optimized the technical project management procedures, constructed and implemented a scientific and technological innovation reward mechanism, and rewarded scientific and technological innovation projects, papers and authorized patents. From 2018 to 2021, 81 scientific and technological innovation projects, 67 scientific and technological papers, and 1,327 authorized patents were rewarded, with a total reward of 6.469 million yuan, benefiting 2,373 people. It won 1 second-class national scientific and technological progress award, 15 provincial and industry scientific and technological progress awards, and 40 group company scientific and technological progress awards. In 2022, it organized and completed 79 company-level scientific and technological innovation project applications and reviews, 30 recommended group scientific and technological innovation awards, 9 provincial-level awards, and 13 industry-level awards. Since 2020, the company has held the "Liberation and Innovation Technology Achievement Exhibition", "’3310′ Core Technology Achievement Exhibition" and "New Energy Vehicle and Assembly Technology Exhibition", fully demonstrating its innovation achievements and R & D strength.

  In the future, FAW Liberation will thoroughly implement the spirit of the important speech of the Supreme Leader General Secretary’s inspection of FAW, unswervingly follow the path of independent development, open cooperation, adhere to the innovation-driven development strategy, and strive to play a greater role in promoting high-level scientific and technological self-reliance in the field of national commercial vehicles.