Remember at the group reunion: "Cephalosporin drinks and leaves when you say it!" Three cases have been received in a row in half a month!

Near the end of the year
Many people get together in the wine shop.
The emergency room of the hospital is also "lively".
"Cephalosporin with wine, leave when you say it."
The warning is highlighted again!
"doctor! Doctor! Quick, quick, quick … "A few days ago, with the rapid footsteps, a 60-year-old male patient came in at the entrance of the rescue room of Ningbo Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital. I saw him.Pale face, hands over his chest, has been asthma, retching.,I smell of alcohol.
A check, the old man.Blood pressure 60/40mmHg(the normal value is 90-140/60-90mmHg),Heart rate 130 beats/min(The normal value is 60-100 times/minute). The accompanying family members anxiously asked the doctor, "The old man is usually in good health. Why?"Have a good meal and that’s it.? "
The attending doctor inquired about the patient’s medical history in detail.It turned out that the old man had a cold and fever the day before, and he was given intravenous infusion in the hospital and cephalosporins..At noon that day, comrades-in-arms were happy to get together and drank some wine, which became like this …
Doctor’s decision: This is typical. "Disulfuron-like reaction"So he immediately gave symptomatic rehydration treatment to the elderly. Soon, the patient’s symptoms eased and he went home to observe.
Dr. Long Kangjian from the emergency department of Ningbo Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital said: "Fortunately, this uncle delivered it in time, so it did not cause serious consequences. Every year, people are sent to the emergency department for drinking after taking medicine, and some of them are even life-threatening.In the past half a month, this is the third patient with’ Disulfiram-like reaction’ that we have encountered."
What is "Disulfuron-like Reaction"?
Drinking alcoholic drinks after using drugs will lead to the accumulation of acetaldehyde in the human body and cause toxic reactions. It can be manifested as flushing, conjunctival congestion, pulsating headache, nausea and vomiting, dyspnea, chest pain, myocardial infarction, hypotension shock, acute heart failure, liver injury and even death.
According to related literature reports,Disulfiram-like reaction induced by cephalosporins is closely related to drinking up to 99%.The reason is related to the chemical structure of the drug.
In recent years, there have been many reports related to this, but people still often get caught.
So, how long can I drink after taking cephalosporin? The medical profession has a clear answer to this:
If you take cephalosporin first, it is recommended to take it for 6 to 7 days before drinking.Ensure that all drugs in the body are metabolized. Another situation is thatAfter drinking wine first, it is more appropriate to take cephalosporin after 3 days.Because for most people, alcohol is almost completely metabolized after 3 days.
In addition to cephalosporin,Hypoglycemic drugs, antihypertensive drugs, cold drugs, sleeping pills, gastroenteritis drugs, antiallergic drugs, anti-angina drugs.wait forWill have some chemical reactions with alcohol.
The doctor reminded the general public that although the festive season is coming, the New Year’s Eve, the gathering of relatives and friends, and drinking can create an atmosphere, we must remember: take medicine without drinking, and drink without taking medicine, so as to avoid extreme joy and sorrow.
Finally, I present a group of people’s daily officials.
An inductive warning of the danger of taking "medicine+wine"
From: ningbo evening news

Central Bank: In the first quarter, the peak of credit supply of financial institutions, the growth rate of M2 was relatively high.

  Cctv newsAt 15: 00 on April 20th, the People’s Bank of China held a press conference and answered questions on the financial statistics of the first quarter of 2023.

  Ruan Jianhong, director of the Survey and Statistics Department of the People’s Bank of China, said that at the end of March, the balance of M2 was 281.46 trillion yuan, up 12.7% year-on-year, 0.2 percentage points lower than the end of last month and 3 percentage points higher than the same period of last year, and the growth rate of M2 remained at a high level. The balance of M1 was 67.81 trillion yuan, up 5.1% year-on-year, 0.7 percentage points lower than last month and 0.4 percentage points higher than the same period of last year.

  The growth rate of M2 is relatively high, mainly due to the financial system’s efforts to strengthen financial support for the real economy and the corresponding increase in derived currencies. The first quarter is the peak of financial institutions’ credit supply. In the past two years, the new loans in the first quarter accounted for about 40% of the new loans in the whole year. In the first quarter of this year, there were more loans from financial institutions, with various loans increasing by 10.6 trillion yuan, an increase of 2.27 trillion yuan over the same period of last year. At the same time, the bond investment of financial institutions has also increased. In the first quarter, the bond investment of financial institutions increased by 2.42 trillion yuan, 498.6 billion yuan more than the same period of last year. Among them, government bond investment increased by 1.79 trillion yuan, accounting for 74% of the total bond investment increase, which is related to financial institutions’ support for government bond issuance.

  The return of asset management funds to the balance sheet is also an important reason for the rise of M2. Since the second half of last year, the financial market has fluctuated, the risk appetite of the entity sector has declined, the funds of asset management products such as wealth management have been transferred back to the balance sheet, and the bank’s balance sheet has expanded, which has pushed up the growth rate of M2. At the end of March, the assets directly summarized by asset management products totaled 94.7 trillion yuan, down 1.6 trillion yuan from the beginning of the year, with a negative growth rate of 4.2% year-on-year, 8.1 percentage points lower than the same period of last year. If the on-balance sheet and off-balance sheet are combined, the general liquidity of the society can be seen comprehensively. At the end of March, the total liquidity increased by 10% year-on-year, 1.3 percentage points higher than the same period of last year and 2.7 percentage points lower than the growth rate of M2. Overall, the general liquidity growth is relatively stable.

  The growth rate of M1 is relatively low. On the one hand, the macro-economy is still in the recovery stage. In the first quarter, the questionnaire survey of entrepreneurs of the People’s Bank of China showed that the macro-economic heat index of entrepreneurs was 33.8%, up 10.3 percentage points from the previous quarter, but down 1.9 percentage points compared with the same period last year. On the other hand, financial institutions have provided more abundant deposit products, some enterprises have strengthened the management of deposit funds, and their demand deposits have decreased accordingly.

Drink good tea. A new generation of healthy tea beverage brands of Alpine Tea will bring new products of Tea Alpine Series to the market.

Source: Nanzao. com

  Drink good tea, Alpine Tea! On January 4th, Jean Tea Group released a brand-new product-Alpine Green Tea. Since ancient times, there has been a saying that "mountain clouds produce good tea", so that once the product concept of tea is launched, it will gain industry expectations.

  It is reported that this product is jointly developed by Professor Liu Zhengquan, a well-known domestic tea expert, the State Key Laboratory of Tea Tree Biology and Resource Utilization of Anhui Agricultural University. The original leaf tea is selected from the ecological tea garden in Mengdingshan, Sichuan at an altitude of more than 1000 meters, and the national tea variety Zhongcha 108 is preferred. In terms of taste, it follows the flavor of fried tea in Tang and Song Dynasties, and chooses the process of steaming green and baking fire to make the taste less bitter and more sweet. Form a unique green tea flavor that makes tea alpine green tea; 100% original leaf tea extraction, 0 sugar, 0 calories, 0 fat, no essence, no preservatives, healthy and delicious, sweet and fresh, fragrant with rice flavor.

Natural and delicious, good tea comes from consumer demand.

  In recent years, under the influence of the epidemic, the demand for tea has surged, and healthy and delicious tea drinks have become a new choice for consumers. They not only pursue natural flavor, but also delicious taste, and seek a "win-win" solution between the two. This puts forward new requirements for sugar-free tea drinks.

  According to Mintel data, the sugar-free tea beverage market in China is developing rapidly. From 2014 to 2019, the market share of sugar-free tea beverage in China increased from 1.53% to 5.21%, and it is estimated that the market share of sugar-free tea beverage in China will increase to 12.29% in 2024.

  Let tea have a keen insight into consumers’ demands, introduce new alpine green tea, restore the natural taste of tea on the basis of keeping the product with 0 sugar, 0 calories and 0 fat without adding essence and preservatives, and meet the needs of consumers for healthy, natural and delicious multi-component tea drinks.

  Stick to quality and start from the source of good tea.

  It was learned that this product was jointly developed by Jean Tea and Professor Liu Zhengquan, a well-known professor of tea science in China, the State Key Laboratory of Tea Biology and Resource Utilization of Anhui Agricultural University, and the tea raw material was selected from Zhongcha 108, a national tea variety in Mengding Mountain, Sichuan, with an altitude of more than 1000 meters.

Professor Liu Zhengquan, State Key Laboratory of Tea Biology and Resource Utilization, Anhui Agricultural University

  Fan Zhen, a Song Dynasty man, said in Dong Zhai Chronicle: "The tea produced in Mengling area of Yazhou in Shu is the best." Cheng Qikun, a tea expert, believes that alpine tea has high aroma, strong taste and resistance to brewing. After drinking, the mouth and cheeks are fragrant and refreshing.

  As the Millennium "Holy Land of Tea Culture", Mengding Mountain is shrouded in fog all year round, with a large temperature difference between day and night, which helps to accumulate tea polyphenols, theanine, minerals, aromatic substances, etc. Tea buds can remain fresh and green for a long time, creating a better tea soup. National excellent tea varieties+high altitude original ecological environment is a highlight that makes tea alpine green tea worth looking forward to.

  The taste follows the flavor of Tang and Song dynasty fried tea. Using steaming+roasting technology, 100% original leaf tea extraction, aseptic cold filling production, and carefully controlling the extraction temperature and time, the tea soup can retain the color, aroma and taste of alpine tea to the greatest extent. Without sugar and essence, it is very fragrant, well-organized, mellow, naturally sweet and healthy, which is a good choice for young people to pursue quality and healthy life.

  Ingenuity and persistence, casting healthy and good tea in China

  Ingenuity is the insistence on quality, and it is the struggle and perfection of every link. It was learned that before the tea mountain series was updated, the finished products were overturned three times. After 2000+ man-hours and 100+ times of formula adjustment, we invited famous tea scholars, serious tea lovers and pure tea xiaobai, a total of 350+ people, polished the taste regardless of the cost, and conducted 280+ times of tasting and public testing, trying to capture the subtle differences between flavors, just to inherit a good cup of China tea.

  It is worth mentioning that the packaging design of Chagaoshan series bottles inherits the traditional Chinese style and is jointly created by many industry masters. The word "mountain" was written by Ms. Qian Xiaocui, an independent calligraphy artist; The bottle shape was designed by Xiu Haoren, the former design director of LeTV Sports Industry, who won many international design awards such as Red Dot Award and GoodDesign. The illustration of bottle stickers was drawn by Pengjie Ouyang, a new generation leader of pen-and-ink painting in China. Focusing on China alpine tea, it presents the orthodox and authentic China tea culture with Chinese visual elements.

  Good tea has its own height; Good tea has its own stress; Good tea has its own ingenuity; Let tea and alpine green tea be worthy of "fine products". It is reported that Jean Tea Alpine Green Tea will be fully launched on major e-commerce platforms, including Jean Tea Tmall, JD.COM official flagship store, Tik Tok, Youzan and Xiaohongshu, and the price is 6 yuan/bottle.


What should I pay attention to when traveling abroad on New Year’s Day and Spring Festival? Please check the eight suggestions of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs!

  CCTV News:Don’t worry about nagging, every word is peace; Go out happily and come home safely. New Year’s Day and Spring Festival holidays are approaching. The Consular Protection Center of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of China reminds China citizens to pay attention to safety and civilization. Please check the following eight suggestions!

  First, prepare for a rainy day and worry about everything.
Please fully understand the security situation of your travel destination and be cautious or avoid going to countries and regions with high security risks. Pay attention to choose a travel agency with good qualifications and good credit, sign a formal contract, buy corresponding insurance, get a visa, and bring passports, air tickets, invitations and other documents and documents.

  Second, entry is forbidden, and legal protection is provided.
Before traveling, please know the relevant laws and regulations of the destination country, especially the regulations on the amount of cash and the quantity and variety of goods to be carried in and out of the country. Do not bribe the customs and border inspectors. If foreign entry-exit border inspectors ask for "tips", please refuse them. If a tour guide or tour leader explicitly or implicitly pays a tip to a foreign border inspector, please keep the evidence and report to the 12301 hotline of China’s tourism authorities after returning home. Please abide by the law after entering the country, do not engage in gambling, pornography, drugs and other illegal activities, and do not buy illegal wildlife products such as ivory and rhinoceros horn.

  Third, when in Rome, do as the Romans do and have a civilized journey
Please know the local customs, cultural traditions and religious beliefs in advance, as well as the local people’s customs and taboos in behavior, clothing, diet, taking photos, etc., pay attention to proper manners and civilized tourism, show the good image of China tourists, and avoid violating taboos and causing trouble.

  Fourth, pay attention to risks and strengthen prevention.
There are risks overseas, and strengthening prevention can effectively avoid risks. Please raise your awareness of overseas safety, take good care of your personal belongings, abide by traffic laws and regulations, and try to avoid going to crowded places to ensure personal and property safety.

  Fifth, the wind and rain are ruthless and do what you can.
Please keep abreast of the climate of your destination and be prepared for extreme weather or natural disasters such as rainstorm, snow and earthquake. Do not swim in unsafe waters. When engaging in adventure activities and extreme sports, please go hand in hand and do what you can, and be equipped with necessary life-saving equipment.

  Sixth, rational rights protection is not difficult.
Master the necessary knowledge of international travel. When you have a dispute with a travel agency when you are abroad, when your flight is delayed or your entry and exit are blocked, please calmly face it, rationally defend your rights according to law, and express your demands reasonably and legally, so as to avoid changing yourself from "rational" to "unreasonable" because of improper ways of safeguarding rights.

  Seven, travel schedule, tell friends and relatives.
Inform relatives and friends of the travel plan and foreign contact information before traveling, and keep in touch with relatives and friends during the trip. Write down the contact information of the emergency contact person in detail in the passport, so that the relevant departments can get in touch with them in time in case of emergency.

  Eight, "12308", something depends on it (CALL)
In case of emergency, please respond calmly and call the police in time, and contact the local embassy or consulate of China or call the hotline of the Global Consular Protection and Service Emergency Call Center of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (+86-10-12308) for assistance.


  In addition to the precautions for outbound travel, traffic and weather issues are also of concern to everyone.

  During the New Year’s Day, most of our country is warm and harmonious.

  In 2017, the New Year’s Day holiday is coming soon. During this period, China’s overall temperature is warmer, and temperatures in Northeast China and South China begin to rebound, and South China will return to above 20℃. On New Year’s Day, the highest temperature in Hangzhou and Changsha can reach 15~16℃. There will be little precipitation in China in the next three days, and only Xinjiang and other places will have heavy snow. During this holiday, China is generally warmer and has less rain, which is suitable for travel.11111

  In addition, according to the China National Environmental Monitoring Center, from tomorrow to January 5, 2017, Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei and its surrounding areas will experience heavy pollution in the new year.

  What are the most blocked places during New Year’s Day?

  Recently, under the guidance of the Traffic Management Bureau of the Ministry of Public Security, traffic police departments in many places across the country used big data to predict the travel situation during the New Year’s Day holiday. What are the most blocked places during the New Year holiday? When is the most traffic jam? A picture to understand.



Changsha Nightlife: Five highlights, inviting you to feel the fireworks and healing power of online celebrity city.

Produced by Chen Kexin and Zhao Xiaoshi.

Zhang Ji wrote and directed.

YIN FANG, Zhang Jingyi, Sophie Su, Wu Haochen

Bai Yufan, Zhou Siyu, Wu Jun and Luo Gang starred.

LAY starred in a special performance.

A film starring Liao Fan, Zhou Dongyu and Ahu、Yue.

Nightlife in Changsha has recently landed on the national big screen.

People can not only see the excitement and happiness of Changsha at night.

I can also feel the struggle and difficulty of countless people.

To pay tribute to everyone in the night.

Everyone who lives seriously.

The film uses tender and delicate narrative techniques.

In Changsha, a lively and hot city

The stories of ordinary little people are told.

Carrying unlimited fireworks and human feelings in "One Night in Changsha"

Many screenwriters and directors in the industry praised it.

The quality of life in Zhang Ji’s lens is real and touching.

Many viewers expressed emotion.

"I didn’t expect the film to be so delicate, gentle and affectionate.

After reading it, I gained a full cure. "

Aspect 1

The fireworks in the night really resonate with people.

"Changsha Nightlife" focuses on

On a group of ordinary and warm ordinary people in Changsha

Based on the street flavor of the city at night

Take warm healing as the overall tone.

Through the perspective of small group images and multi-dimensional emotional patterns

Interpreting the life in Changsha overnight.

Family, friendship and love run through it.

Melt into the night in Changsha

And this is not just a night in Changsha.

It is also a night spent by every ordinary person in China.

As director Zhang Ji said,

"This film is a hymn to ordinary people."

"This bowl of rice noodles can also be Chongqing Xiaomian and Lanzhou Lamian Noodles.

The spirit it represents is common to China people. "

Many artists CALL for Changsha Nightlife.

Chen Sicheng said that he was moved by the details of life under the lens of Zhang Ji.

I can’t help but write poems on the spot.

"Through the flickering night.

I love this world of fireworks. "

Shao Yihui said

"Dialect is very helpful to add color and taste to movies."

He also praised LAY for performing the whole film in Changsha dialect.

It’s amazing.

Michelle Chen was also deeply moved by the film.

Frankly speaking, I want to take a night trip to Changsha after watching the movie.

Suo bian suo yi wan rice noodle

Mark Chao also shouted that the movie looked "delicious"

This story gives people a kind of strength.

It combines literary temperament with fireworks and separates the theme.

And the end of reunion.

A lot of seemingly opposite things

Are perfectly integrated together. "

Zhang Wei said frankly

I have two beliefs in making this film myself.

One is to look back at my hometown.

The other is to sing a hymn to ordinary people.

32 shooting nights

What I see most is the fireworks and lights in Changsha.

Both of them were created by ordinary people.

It is enough to shine with the starry sky overhead.

The film is bound to cross the screen and arouse the inner resonance of more viewers.

Aspect 2

Chen Kexin and Zhang Ji joined forces again.

YIN FANG Zhang Jingyi’s Hunan Stars Work Together to Interpret Hometown Stories.

Nightlife in Changsha is a collaboration between producer Chen Kexin and director Zhang Ji.

The two became attached to The Chinese Partner.

Created Leap’s Dear, Chinese Partner and so on.

Many excellent works

Zhang Ji said that creating works with realistic themes.

Restore before creating.

"Go deep into life and get in touch with real people.

Accumulate a lot of material. "

In order to create this film

He specially arranged for a period of time to go to Changsha to collect wind.

Immersive contact with the city

Walking in Jiefang West at 1 a.m.

He was attacked by young people on the road

The enthusiasm and freedom shown are deeply shocking.

The carefully polished story also deeply touched the old partner Chen Kexin.

Two people who joined forces.

Undoubtedly, it is the quality certification of film word of mouth.

As a native of Hunan,

Zhang Ji admits that Nightlife in Changsha is a film dedicated to his hometown.

The film also gathered a group of Hunan masters to cheer for help.

YIN FANG, LAY, Luo Gang and Liao Fan are all authentic Changsha people.

Zhang Jingyi, Wu Jun and Ahu、Yue are also Hunan actors.

This time, I gathered together for my hometown.

Interpret the touching story of Changsha night together

It can be described as "Hunan-containing quantity"

It is precisely because of the passion of this land flowing in his bones.

Let the whole movie be filled with human touch and fireworks from the inside out.

Aspect 3

LAY’s interpretation of Chinese-style affection and tears

"Everyone can see themselves in movies."

As a special performance of this film

LAY’s performance surprised many audiences.

Everyone has said that "LAY’s true color in Changsha Yazi is the right taste.

Too much sense of substitution. "

LAY plays talk show actor He An.

The bond of affection with parents is touching.

He An can still get a warm hug from her mother when she is frustrated in her dream pursuit.

Let the audience quite touch.

"A simple hug between mother and son is worth a thousand words"

And the conflict and reconciliation between him and his father

It has also become one of the most moving scenes in the film.

The audience at the premiere came out of the theater and said one after another

"LAY’s acting is a breakthrough.

Dialect expression naturally reveals the oriental father-son relationship. "

"I seem to see my daily life with my dad.

LAY’s performance was unexpectedly good. "

"I really burst into tears when I saw the sentence’ You are my cub’"

A tear-jerking family drama

People can’t help but want to invite their parents to have a good meal together.


Many viewers also think that the characters in the film

Can find a kind and familiar shadow in life.

Everyone who works hard.

You can find your own place in your own city.

Aspect 4

"contracting star city nightlife to have a full Changsha addiction together"

Nightlife in Changsha, as its name suggests.

Bring Changsha to life as a "Xiang" and a hot and scalding urban landscape.

Reflected incisively and vividly

A movie is a super-comprehensive urban strategy for Changsha.

Yuelu Academy and Fisherman’s Wharf

Famous scenic spots such as Orange Island were all unveiled.

It’s dizzying

Stinky tofu, stir-fried beef, crayfish and other delicious foods.


The time of a movie

See all the landmarks and see the authentic food.

Listen to the dialogue in Changsha dialect and feel the local conditions and customs.

It can be described as a comprehensive immersion trip to Changsha.

Aspect 5

"The Movie Belonging to Big Changsha" Detonates the Soul of Star City Group

"I know more about Changsha and love Changsha more."

As a film starring Changsha,

"Changsha Nightlife" appeared.

It was unanimously supported by the people of Changsha.

Changsha, online celebrity, where the fire was in a mess

I finally have my own movie.

This has ignited the pride of many Changsha people in their hometown.

The film runs through "Changsha Feelings".

The opening song "Xiangjiang River Water" is a high-burning fried field.

LAY expressed the pride of Changsha people by rap in Changsha dialect.

Singing by Bird, Land Rover and Ahu、Yue.

Theme song "Sender Changsha"

It is like an emotional letter written by Changsha to everyone.

Full of the warmth and tolerance of this city

Many migrant workers in a foreign land burst into tears after listening to it.

Propaganda and promotion song "Life is too short to have another bowl"

With rice noodles, the most familiar food of Changsha people every day,

Singing the spiritual temperament and attitude towards life belonging to Changsha.

Nightlife in Changsha makes the soul of Changsha group more and more "off the charts"

Many Changsha audiences in various places.

Even Hunan audience spontaneously went to the MV barrage of film songs.

Waving flags and shouting for Changsha and supporting our hometown together.

Call friends to support their hometown movies.

Guess you like it

Original title: "Changsha Nightlife": five highlights, inviting you to feel the fireworks and healing power of online celebrity city.

Read the original text

Treasure hunt begins! The movie Treasure of the Abyss premiered in Beijing.

  The movie "Abyss Treasure" was broadcasted on the dual platforms of iQiyi and Youku on December 17th. This film is directed by Xiong Chen and Liu Yekun, starring Miya and Deng Zifei, starring Sun Xiaojun, Menglu Zhang and Yongbo Jiang, and featuring Sun Jiaolong, Zhang Fengjun and Chen Zhongtai. The film tells the story of a couple who love each other and kill each other, and together they embark on a treasure hunt full of dangers. In this process, they experienced many rounds of strangulation of animals at the bottom of the sea, and through unremitting efforts and cooperation, they gradually uncovered the truth of the sunken treasure. In the process of treasure hunting full of challenges and dangers, they not only eliminated their misunderstanding of each other, but also brought back the national treasure that had been lost overseas for many years to the motherland.

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  The day before the movie went online, Abyss Treasure held a grand premiere in Beijing. At the premiere, Jackie Chan was very popular with him. When talking about his role, Miya, the star of Kung Fu Yoga and Depth Charge, said that the performance was not only a challenge to his acting skills, but also satisfied his desire to explore the sea and become an adventurer when he was a child. In the movie, Mu Ling, played by Miya, is capable in acting and worthy of off the charts’s force. She is proficient in rock climbing, fighting, swimming and gun shooting, which is exactly what she dreamed of becoming when she was a child. In the play, the purpose of practicing her skills is to find her missing father, and her strong sense of faith makes her dare to fight to the death in the face of crazy bloodthirsty animals.

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  Producer Chen Luoxi, producers Chen Yixuan, Hu Zijun, Cheng Yiyan, chief producer Li Na, directors Xiong Chen and Liu Yekun, screenwriter Hou Shuang of the creative team, actors Miya and Zhang Menglu all attended the premiere. As the chief planner, producer and producer of Treasure in the Abyss, Mr. Chen Luoxi shared his experience and feelings in planning the whole project. Miya and Menglu Zhang interacted with the audience, and Miya prepared a small surprise, just like Doraemon’s treasure bag. She took out a compass from her backpack to survey Feng Shui and find the treasure of Muwangfu and gave it to the audience, wishing them to find their own treasure. The second treasure shared by Menglu Zhang is a hammer used to climb cliffs in the play, which symbolizes upward spirit and can also break rotten peach blossoms and stay away from love rat! The last treasure is a flashlight with high appearance rate, which was sent by Li Na, the chief producer. It can not only illuminate the road ahead, but also help us to see the true face of men! The whole viewing session was enjoyable, and the people inside and outside the industry also made unanimous comments on the film. In addition, some of the main stars who were unable to attend the premiere ceremony also sent blessings through video. Under the guidance of the live host, the audience also had a happy exchange and interaction with the creative team.


  As an action movie "Abyss Treasure", the thrilling fighting between man and beast is a highlight of this film. The dark abyss, the bloodthirsty monsters that were hunted and the prehistoric python that sank to the bottom of the sea took turns to kill the treasure hunt team. The forbidden area to seal the treasure is full of organs, and the journey to find the treasure is extremely thrilling. At the premiere, everyone was immersed in it. After watching it, they said that it would be enough to brush two or three times!

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  It is reported that Abyss Treasure is produced by Guangdong Xingyu Film Co., Ltd., Suzhou Qicaixuan Culture Co., Ltd. and Jiahe Film (Foshan) Co., Ltd. Lvhan (Guangdong) Enterprise Management Co., Ltd., Guangzhou Boshun Jifei Culture Technology Co., Ltd., Guangzhou Fandian Information Technology Co., Ltd., Zhongshan Wujin Trading Co., Ltd., Beijing Lacker Film Co., Ltd., Huiju Guangying (Qingdao) Film Culture Co., Ltd., Beijing Pengtong Chuangying Culture Media Co., Ltd., Guangzhou Ideality Island Culture Development Co., Ltd., jointly produced by Guangzhou Xuanniu Culture Media Co., Ltd., Jiahe Film (Foshan) Co., Ltd. and Guangdong Xingyu.

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The movie annual meeting can’t stop! The business film will be held in Shenzhen and will be released at the end of the month.

Recently, the movie "Annual Meeting Can’t Stop! The business movie will be held in Shenzhen, and the relevant responsible persons of Shenzhen’s major film management departments, cinemas and cinemas will gather to feel the charm of this New Year comedy first.
According to reports, the annual meeting can’t stop! Written and directed by Run Nian Dong, written and produced by Luo Jia, starring Dapeng, Ke Bai and Zhuang Duffy, starring Wang Xun, played by Sean and invited by Li Naiwen. Taking the annual meeting as the breakthrough point, the film focuses on the hilarious story of a group of migrant workers joining hands to climb to the top of their lives.
The locksmith Hu Jianlin (Dapeng) was transferred to the headquarters by mistake when the group laid off employees, and the personnel manager Ma Jie (Ke Bai) who was caught in the "misadjustment" incident was forced to cover up for him to keep his job. From "factory" to "big factory", from "blue collar" to "golden collar", Hu Jianlin is full of jokes because he is out of tune with the environment of big factory, and also reflects all beings like a "workplace mirror". The film is like a lively "Cloud Annual Meeting" held in the cinema, which is in perfect harmony with the joyful and festive New Year’s Eve atmosphere, and allows the audience to unload their fatigue and pressure, smile at the past and welcome the New Year.
It is reported that the film will be released on December 29 th.
Text | Reporter Wang Jun
Figure | Provided by respondents

The most beautiful scenery of "appreciation of American literature"

The most beautiful scenery.

With falling flowers ferry, beautiful grassland, swinging a leaf orchid boat, the clear river can’t carry my guard.

Xanadu, the clouds are walking in the sky, the scenery is picturesque, the fish are swimming in the water, and the scenery is beautiful. I only hope that this life will never be separated from you.

Cure the beautiful scenery, pick a red bean on the branch of Dimfragrance, misty rain can’t cover your shyness, the beautiful scenery is picturesque, and who is your heart moving for?

The most beautiful scenery in the world, spring to autumn to brew a pot of acacia wine, natural beauty.

Thanks for watching.

What do you know about the six benefits of persistent exercise?

When you wake up your body with exercise, you also wake up a brand-new self. Today is "National Fitness Day". Life is endless and exercise is endless. Let’s share the benefits of sports with you. How many do you know?

Strong body

A person who insists on exercise will look particularly young. Because you often stretch and exercise your bones and muscles, your body can remain energetic and elastic; And a sedentary person, the body will become stiff.

If you never exercise, you will not only feel poor, tired and sleepy, but also look lacking in vitality. Only by insisting on proper exercise can you keep your body in a good state.

relieve stress

When a person is in a bad mood, he can try to heal and repair himself during exercise. When you feel stressed, going swimming may relieve the burden in your heart; When you feel overwhelmed, running may help you regain your inner momentum and motivation.

Maybe exercise won’t help you solve all your troubles, but it can let you release your emotions while sweating, and the whole person will feel relaxed and comfortable.

Overcome inertia

The biggest difference between people who exercise and those who don’t exercise is self-discipline. A person who just wants to lie down every day will eventually lose to laziness and procrastination. But a person who insists on sports, they will not let themselves be defeated by inertia.

Exercise will inevitably consume physical strength, but as long as you are moving, you will overcome your inertia; As long as you persist in exercising, you are persisting in becoming a better self.

Optimistic attitude

In life, a person who loves sports usually has an optimistic attitude. Even if they encounter bad things, they will have the confidence and courage to face and deal with them.

Sports games give people very good psychological hints. When you feel that running 5 kilometers is the limit, stick to it for a while and find that you can run a little further, your optimistic attitude of breaking through difficulties and difficulties will also be cultivated.

Learn to focus.

If you want to concentrate more on your work, you can try to exercise your attention in sports. When you are dancing, you will concentrate and think about action in your mind; When you jump rope, you will also pay attention to the rise and fall of the rope.

Finish this action in front of you, and then do the next action; Finish this one thing, and then do the next one. When you learn to pay attention to every present and moment, you can live every minute with high quality.

Change life

When you form the habit of exercise, you will also drive yourself to form other good habits. For example, in order to run in the morning, you start to let yourself go to bed early and get up early; In order to have a good physical strength, your diet has become regular.

Starting any sport is a good start in your life. Because it will drive the self-disciplined you to run together like a gear, and your life will get better and better.

Information: People’s Daily

Editor: Yang Li

Women’s private life and physiological needs: exploring the beauty of softness in their hearts

Life is a prosperous and lonely journey. For women, private life and physical needs are the source of soft beauty in their hearts. In this noisy and busy world, we are often troubled by various external pressures, but we rarely have the opportunity to really listen to our inner voices. However, only by exploring private life and satisfying one’s own needs can one find inner peace and self-worth.

In life, many women often ignore their private lives because of various pressures such as work and family. They find time to pursue their careers and take care of their families, but rarely leave themselves a peaceful world. However, we should understand that private life is not only the pursuit of material enjoyment, but also a kind of care for the deep heart. For example, when you are immersed in a book and enjoy the emotional shock brought by words; When you walk in nature, feel the warmth and comfort of the earth; When you enjoy a performance alone, you feel the charm of music; When you sit quietly by the window, savoring a cup of fragrant coffee. These are small fortunate things in private life, which let us find ourselves and appreciate the beauty of life.

Moreover, women’s physiological needs are also an important part of the beauty of inner softness. In those days of each month, we often suffer from both physical and emotional pressures. Sometimes, we feel tired, fragile and even depressed. However, we should also dare to say to ourselves, "This is my unique existence and my glory as a woman." Because only women can feel the pain and inconvenience caused by menstruation, and only we can really enjoy the relaxed and mysterious power that gives life after the pain. In this special period, we can choose to pay attention to our physical changes, adjust the pace of life, and give ourselves some opportunities to relax and pamper. Whether it’s a beauty care, shopping with girlfriends, or listening to a piece of music quietly, we can get rid of the bondage of pain and glow our inner softness and charm.

Perhaps, in the pursuit of material and utilitarian society, some people will think that women’s private life and physical needs are only trivial details in life. However, it is these trivial details that constitute the most beautiful music in our lives. By exploring the soft beauty in our hearts, we can better connect with ourselves and find inner peace and strength. Don’t be afraid to slow down and be alone, because only by balancing with our private life and physical needs can we truly live ourselves and feel the beauty of life.

Let’s stop in a hurry and listen to our inner voice. In the hustle and bustle of the times, to seek that quiet and soft, appreciate the dribs and drabs of life. Private life and physical needs are the only pure connection between us and the world, and also the stage for us to show the beauty of softness. Only by exploring and satisfying this softness can we face the challenges of life with a more calm and firm attitude and live our true selves.

Let’s explore the soft beauty of women’s private life and physiological needs, meet ourselves in the deep heart and find our own happiness and happiness. Let’s take that step bravely and become women who really pursue the soft beauty in their hearts.

# Women # # Emotion # # Love # # Physical and mental health # # Women’s life # # Self-care # # First article challenge # # I want to make headlines #