Looking forward to "responsible AI" from vision to reality

  Liu Haiming (Professor and Doctoral Supervisor of Chongqing University)

  This year’s "Government Work Report" of the State Council clearly stated: formulate policies to support the high-quality development of the digital economy and carry out the "artificial intelligence+"action.

  AI technology is empowering various fields, and the resulting economic and social benefits are also considerable. In the iteration of AI technology, no one can accurately predict how much potential of this kind of technology has not been tapped. While AI scientists continue to make agents more "smart", the security issues related to this technology have also become a public topic.

  At the National People’s Congress this year, Qi Xiangdong, a member of Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference, paid attention to the innovation and development of "AI+ security", and gave detailed answers on how to deal with information security and cyber security threats in the AI era. Sharla Cheung, a deputy to the National People’s Congress, proposed to strengthen the safe application of artificial intelligence technology, accelerate the legislation of the Artificial Intelligence Law, and build a security barrier for key information infrastructure.

  The suggestions put forward by the deputies for the safety of artificial intelligence applications may rise to the mandatory protection of the safe application of artificial intelligence through legislation. This also shows that a consensus on the safe application of artificial intelligence is taking shape.

  Just last week, Musk filed a lawsuit against altman and OpenAI, accusing the defendant of forgetting the core part of OpenAI’s established mission, that is, developing useful and harmless artificial general intelligence. Facing the accusation, altman promised that OpenAI’s mission was to "ensure that artificial intelligence benefits all mankind".

  The anxiety and anxiety about the application of AI technology coexist at home and abroad, which is the normal consideration of human beings for their own interests and security. People put forward the vision of "responsible AI", which also aims to relieve the worries of applying this technology. As for why such worries are difficult to rule out, it lies in the uncertainty of its future development, which makes more people worry. Some people even think that "from the development of AI, we can see how small human capabilities are, and it is only a matter of time before machines surpass people."

  The biggest hidden danger in the world is ignorance or indifference to risks. When the safety of artificial intelligence has become a global public topic, there are many voices at home and abroad to legislate for the development of artificial intelligence. This sense of hardship is gratifying. Since the sense of urgency has generally awakened, when the whole society holds a "so-called" attitude towards the security of artificial intelligence, why not worry that "responsible AI" will not turn from a vision into a reality?

  To turn "responsible AI" from a vision into a reality, it needs to go through an indispensable trilogy, and gradually implement it from the most basic safety awareness to specific actions in pursuit of safety.

  From vision to reality, "responsible AI" requires human beings to know what true self-love is. Artificial intelligence technology is an invention of human beings, and the value of agents lies in benefiting human beings. The more useful it is to human beings, the more worthy of being loved by human beings. To do this, it is very few scientists who need to love themselves and master the iterative "button" of AI technology. Such "leaders" really know how to love themselves, that is, their inventions deserve to be loved by the world, and they deserve to be loved by others because of their technical contributions.

  Judging from Musk’s legal challenge to altman, the significance of this lawsuit lies in teaching the technical "head" who has mastered the "button" of AI development to learn true self-love. They know true self-love, and the public’s worries about the safety of AI technology are much less.

  From vision to reality, "responsible AI" requires human beings to know what real self-discipline is. Self-love is formed in the process of self-control, and a person who loves himself morally must be a truly self-disciplined person.

  "Responsible AI" has become a global public topic, because people who master the "button" of AI development technology pursue technology iteration in technology research and development, which invisibly ignores the consideration of AI security issues. Without such security considerations, the speed of AI technology has gone up, but this technology may also be out of the moral reins, forgetting that technology is to benefit human society, not to add to human society.

  Self-discipline is the rule that people make for themselves. In the AI technical team with self-discipline, "responsible AI" means that the design of agents must be equipped with heavy security constraints. Once an agent has the possibility and risk of hurting human emotions or interests in operation, it must be able to stop such behavior tendency. This tendency seems to be an agent’s own business, but in fact it can only be an agent designer’s self-discipline problem.

  Only those who create agents are strict with self-discipline, regard the safety of users as their own safety, and "don’t do to others what you don’t want them to do to you", can they make AI "responsible" first when designing agents.

  From vision to reality, "responsible AI" requires the whole society to have a sense of responsibility.

  Responsibility is a kind of compulsion. Through external legislation and effective litigation, institutions and individuals who do not know how to love themselves in technology research and development gradually learn to love themselves. Through moral consciousness, more researchers of artificial intelligence technology will establish a sense of responsibility for technological development, and more people of insight, including public figures like NPC deputies and CPPCC members, will constantly appeal to scientists, technical experts, entrepreneurs and the whole society to attach great importance to AI security issues. The stronger the sense of responsibility, the safer the future AI will be.

  To make AI "responsible", human beings need to consciously take responsibility first. The vision picture of AI security has been slowly unfolding, and it is not far to expect "responsible AI" to become a reality.

56 competition venues of Hangzhou Asian Games completed "Big Lotus" bloomed along Qiantang River.

  The Asian Games in Hangzhou will be held from September 10th to 25th this year. Yesterday (March 31st), Shaoxing Baseball Sports and Culture Center and Shaoxing Ke Qiao yangshan Rock Climbing Base passed the functional acceptance of the competition. So far, after nearly five years of construction, 56 competition venues of Hangzhou 2022 Asian Games and Asian Paralympic Games have been fully completed and passed the comprehensive acceptance of the event functions. Among the 56 venues that have been completed and accepted by the competition, the Hangzhou Olympic Sports Center Stadium, which hosted the opening and closing ceremonies and track and field events, has attracted much attention from the outside world. What is the current situation of this venue?

  First Prize of "Big Lotus" National Science and Technology Progress by Qiantang River

  The steel consumption of 28,000 tons is less than that of a stadium of the same size.

  Headquarters reporter Gao Wei:Hangzhou Olympic Sports Center Stadium looks like a "big lotus" from a distance. It consists of 28 petals of Da Lian and 27 petals of Nelumbo. In order to support this design, architects have made several rounds of optimization. After improvement, the steel consumption of Hangzhou Olympic Sports Center Stadium is only 28,000 tons, which is one third less than that of the same size stadium. Thanks to this design, Hangzhou Olympic Sports Center Stadium won the Luban Award, the highest award in the field of architectural design in China, and the first prize of national scientific and technological progress.

  It can accommodate more than 80 thousand people and will produce 48 gold medals here

  Hangzhou Olympic Sports Center Stadium can accommodate more than 80,000 people, where the opening and closing ceremonies and track and field events will be held. It is estimated that more than 700 athletes from 45 countries will participate here, and a total of 48 gold medals will be produced.

  The first batch of volunteers entered the venue for training.

  Today (April 1st), the "Big Lotus", which passed the functional acceptance of the competition, welcomed the first batch of volunteers to step on the spot and train. On the playground, volunteers are putting up street signs and run-up devices for track and field. In the audience, volunteers are practicing how to guide the audience to find their seats. Volunteers navigate through smart applets to help the audience find their seats accurately.

  Hangzhou Olympic Sports Center Gymnasium: Feel the wonder of "ice basket conversion"

  Green, intelligence, frugality and civilization can be said to run through all aspects of the construction of 56 competition venues in Hangzhou Asian Games. Hangzhou Olympic Sports Center Gymnasium is the venue for holding the basketball finals of the Asian Games. Let’s look for the "bright spot of wisdom" ↓

  A hockey game was held in this concrete field not long ago, and through one-click "ice basket conversion", ice events and basketball games can be seamlessly switched.

  From the concrete floor to the ice surface and then to the basketball court, the secret of realizing the "ice basket conversion" lies in the ice-making pipeline embedded in the underground of the venue. When ice is needed, the staff will install a circle of boundary wall in the site and continuously cool the ground inside the boundary wall through the ice-making pipeline.

  Liu Yang, a staff member of the Games Activity Department of Hangzhou "Asian Games Pavilion 3" operating company:The temperature of the concrete floor has dropped to MINUS 10 degrees Celsius or MINUS 8 degrees Celsius. As soon as water is spilled, it will freeze. The staff kept sprinkling water on it and then made ice. When the ice reaches the required thickness for the competition, the process of making ice is completed.

  When the ice competition is completed, the scene can quickly realize the "ice basket conversion" without melting the ice.

  Liu Yang, a staff member of the Games Activity Department of Hangzhou "Asian Games Pavilion 3" operating company:Just remove the boundary wall, then spread the thermal insulation carpet on the prepared ice surface, and then splice the basketball wooden floor on the thermal insulation carpet, so that this ice hockey venue can be transformed into a basketball competition venue, and the conversion can be completed in 6 to 8 hours.

  In addition to the efficient "ice basket conversion", the staff can also check the situation in every corner of the venue in real time through the visual operation and maintenance management platform system, understand the operation situation and adjust it at any time.

"2021 Physical Education Integration Healthy China" The 4th National College Students’ Skills Competition for Sports Rehabilitation and the National College Sports Rehabilitation Professional Construc

  On October 23-25, 2021, the 4th National College Students’ Skills Competition of Sports Rehabilitation Major and the National College Sports Rehabilitation Major Construction and Development Forum were held in Shanghai Institute of Sport. More than 200 teachers and students from 46 universities across the country met here to meet the professional challenges and competitions of sports rehabilitation skills, and dozens of experts and scholars in the industry gathered together to talk about the construction and development of sports rehabilitation specialty.

  Chen Peijie, Dean of Shanghai Institute of Physical Education, gave a welcome speech at the opening ceremony of the event. He pointed out that in recent years, the Party and the country have placed health in a more prominent position and included "Healthy China" in the strategic layout of the country’s future development, and sports rehabilitation will certainly play an important role in the construction of a healthy China.

Sticking of skill operation

Sticking of skill operation

  Zhao Bin, chairman of the Professional Committee of Sports Health Care and Rehabilitation of China Rehabilitation Medical Association, mentioned that sports rehabilitation specialty is facing a period of rapid development with both strategic opportunities and challenges, and has great development space in talent supply and demand, professional appraisal and career planning. The purpose of this skill competition is to promote and promote the training of applied talents in sports rehabilitation, and to exchange and display the achievements of talent training in various schools. It is hoped that all participating teams can learn from each other, exchange experiences and share achievements.

  Wang Jiahong, head of the technical association group of the National College Physical Education Steering Committee, attended the event and delivered a speech. He mentioned that under the background of the integration of physical education and medicine, healthy China, the construction of a sports power and the construction of a socialist modernization power, a higher level of requirements have been put forward for training compound rehabilitation talents in the future. He expressed the hope that this conference will contribute the latest wisdom to the construction of sports rehabilitation discipline system, academic system, discourse system and personnel training system with China characteristics.

  Fang Guoen, president of China Rehabilitation Medical Association, pointed out at the event that this skill competition is large in scale, high in level, rich in content, lively in form and with many participants. He said that the special committee will, as always, pay more attention to and support academic exchanges, personnel training, scientific popularization and social services, build a high-level and international development platform for sports health care and rehabilitation, and make new positive contributions to sports health care and rehabilitation in China.

  The contest takes "theoretical written test+skill operation" as the competition mode, focusing on evaluating students’ professional basic theoretical knowledge and basic operation skills. The theoretical written test involves sports anatomy, sports physiology, rehabilitation assessment, sports injuries and related sports rehabilitation techniques. The skill operation is divided into two parts: personal operation skills and teamwork. The investigation contents include sports protection skills, musculoskeletal rehabilitation and exercise prescription for chronic diseases. 46 teams from all over the country completed the competition on the same stage in an orderly manner.

Pre-competition discussion

Pre-competition discussion

  After two days of competition, 15 people won the first prize, 30 people won the second prize and 45 people won the third prize, and 80 instructors were awarded the "Excellent Guidance Award". Twelve universities including Shanghai Institute of Physical Education won the first prize, 17 universities including Chongqing University of Arts and Sciences won the second prize, and 17 universities including Hubei University of Traditional Chinese Medicine won the third prize.

  During the event, a national forum on the construction and development of sports rehabilitation specialty in colleges and universities was also held. Twenty-five industry experts and scholars from all over the country, through conveying the latest industry trends and development trends, discussed with the teachers and students attending the meeting related topics of great concern, such as professional development, textbook construction, teacher level, talent training, professional qualification, social employment and so on, from the perspectives of specialty and curriculum construction, talent training and scientific and technological innovation, and gathered and exchanged the most advanced professional ideas together.

  The activity was sponsored by the Professional Committee of Sports Health Rehabilitation of China Rehabilitation Medical Association, undertaken by Shanghai Institute of Physical Education, and co-organized by the Technical Discipline Group of the National College Physical Education Steering Committee and the Shanghai Sports and Health Industry Collaborative Innovation Center.

Brief introduction of the crew members of the wrecked helicopter and their unknown stories

Special topic: Wenchuan earthquake in Sichuan

  Xinhuanet Chengdu, June 10th (Reporter Zhu Yingtao) There were five crew members: Qiu Guanghua, Li Yue, Wang Huaiyuan, Chen Lin and Zhang Peng.

  Since May 12, Captain Qiu Guanghua, together with five crew members, including Li Yue, Wang Huaiyuan, Chen Lin and Zhang Peng, has continuously carried out the tasks of transporting injured people and delivering relief materials in areas with complex geographical and meteorological conditions, with a total of 63 flights, transporting 25.8 tons of materials, transporting 87 relief workers and transferring 234 affected people, including 54 injured people due to disasters.

  Their story

  1. Qiu Guanghua, born in April 1957, is a native of Maoxian County, Sichuan Province, and a Qiang nationality. He is the first generation of minority pilots trained in China. Helicopter captain, four kinds of weather flight commanders, special pilot. He has won second-class merit twice and third-class merit four times. Qiu Guanghua, 51, has more than 5,800 hours of flying experience. In this earthquake relief alone, he flew 63 sorties, and together with the crew, delivered 25.8 tons of relief materials to Wenchuan, Maoxian, Lixian, Wolong, Yingxiu, Gengda, Qingchuan, Beichuan, Pingwu and Anxian successively, transported 87 rescuers of various types, and transferred 234 people affected by the disaster, including 54 people injured by the disaster.

  After the 5.12 earthquake, Qiu Guanghua, who was about to be grounded, took the initiative to find the group leader and asked to go to the front line of disaster relief. Five days later, he learned that his house was destroyed and his parents, who were nearly 80 years old, lived in shacks. Since the day of the earthquake, Qiu Guanghua has flown to Maoxian County for six times, flying over his hometown every time. When rushing the wounded, the landing point was less than 800 meters away from home. While waiting for the lift-off, he still didn’t leave the plane to go home.

  2. Li Yue, born in 1980, is a leader among the young pilots of the Army Aviation Corps. Li Yue is the only child in the family. At the beginning of this year, she just got a marriage certificate. The young couple have a wish: when the task of the army is not tense, they will go out for a meaningful trip and get married. However, from the beginning of the year, the troops carried out the task of fighting against ice and snow disaster relief to the earthquake relief, and he volunteered to participate, and he was always busy, so that the wedding had to be postponed again and again. Li Yue likes photography, and his computer is full of photos of flowers, plants and animals he has taken. He wants to use the lens to leave the most beautiful honeymoon memory in the background of famous mountains and rivers.

  3. Wang Huaiyuan, born in 1961, has 3010 hours of flying experience and is a senior aircrew mechanic of the Army Aviation Corps. He was awarded the third class merit once and the second class merit once. Wang Huaiyuan used to be a fighter pilot, who was grounded because of a slight illness. But he never gave up and finally returned to the blue sky as an excellent aircrew mechanic. In this disaster relief, every time Wang Huaiyuan returned from the disaster area, he brought back a handful of telephone numbers written by the people in the disaster area with cigarette cases and paper shells. As soon as he got off the plane, he kept calling to help the people in the disaster area report peace to their loved ones, but he only called home for more than 10 days. Wang Huaiyuan, who will retire in a few years, has already made arrangements for his retirement-returning to his hometown in Luxian County, Sichuan Province, and planting oranges. His brother suffers from leg disease, which makes him unable to move. He promised his younger brother that he would take his younger brother to a big hospital for artificial limbs after carrying out this disaster relief mission.

  4. Chen Lin, born in 1980, is 28 years old. He is the deputy squadron leader and assistant aircrew mechanic of the Third Squadron of the Maintenance Brigade of the Army Aviation Corps.

  Chen Lin passed the examination in just four years after graduating from the military academy in 2001, and became an aircrew mechanic from a ground mechanic. He was the first technician in the same batch to "lift the air". At the end of each flight, he climbed into the airtight tail beam and carefully checked every part. His squadron has always been at the forefront of the whole regiment in terms of maintenance level. Since the earthquake, in order to let the pilots fly with peace of mind, the regiment has specially set up tents for family members to avoid disasters. But in order not to cause trouble to the group, Chen Lin resolutely refused to let his wife come to the team. At 11 o’clock noon on May 31, Chen Lin’s wife came to visit her father who had not met for more than half a month with her daughter who had just turned one year old. Unexpectedly, this became the last meeting between husband and wife, father and daughter.

  5. Zhang Peng, born in 1984, is a typical "post-80s" soldier and a second-class non-commissioned officer. In this earthquake relief, he volunteered to help each unit load and unload materials. He worked continuously at the airport for more than 12 hours every day and participated in 170 sorties of loading and unloading relief materials, totaling more than 60 tons.

  On the 21st, the Army Aviation Corps held a ceremony to pay special dues to the disaster area. party member was the only ordinary soldier in the long line, and Zhang Peng was the only one. In the first half of the year, the company just listed Zhang Peng as the development target of party member. After the disaster, Zhang Peng has donated money to 100 yuan. This time, he has to take part in the special membership dues activities. As he was in a hurry to start, he didn’t bring much money, so he handed over the only 80 yuan money in his pocket as a special party dues as a non-party member. Gao Yue, the administrator of the management unit of the Army Aviation Corps, said that Zhang Peng’s words suddenly increased since he participated in the earthquake relief. Sleep in the car, walk on the road, and tell your comrades from time to time about the people and things you saw in the disaster area. "I want to adopt an orphan." One night, Zhang Peng suddenly said this. Gao Yue smiled: "You haven’t grown up yourself!" "Growing up is not about age, but whether you know the responsibility and have the courage to take responsibility." Zhang Peng said.

  Their team

  Five crew members are from an aviation regiment in Chengdu Military Region. The regiment is an air force in the Chengdu Military Region. It performs various urgent and dangerous tasks under the complex weather and terrain conditions of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau and the Yunnan-Guizhou Plateau all the year round. It has rich experience in altitude flight and strong emergency dispatch ability. Since the "5.12" Wenchuan earthquake, the Army Aviation Corps has undertaken the most arduous, urgent and important tasks such as rushing the wounded, transporting materials and sending troops. Created a number of firsts in earthquake relief: the first one dispatched a helicopter to investigate the disaster; The first one arrived in Wenchuan, Maoxian, Yingxiu, Beichuan and other hardest hit areas from the air; The first to deliver food and medicine to the masses; The first to transport the wounded from the disaster area; The first team carrying a communication team flew to Wenchuan; The first to transport communication equipment to the disaster area …

  The earthquake disaster has a high magnitude and a wide affected area, which is extremely unfavorable to flight safety. The affected areas are all in mountainous areas, with small flight space and large airflow in the valley. The officers and men of the Army Aviation Corps braved the dangers and bravely broke into the restricted area. With rich flight experience and excellent flight technology, they successfully completed the task of airlifting relief materials and rushing the wounded in the case of serious landslides and the loss of some navigation signs. As of May 31st, the Army Aviation Corps had flown 1,658 sorties in the disaster area, successfully transported 1,111 wounded people, transferred 1,657 trapped people, delivered 2,119 relief workers and delivered 544.9 tons of materials. (End)

Editor: Li Xian

The Golden Bear was announced at the 73rd Berlin Film Festival, and the spring of Chinese films was quiet.

2moon26Day, day73The 3rd Berlin International Film Festival announced the Golden Bear Award and other awards in the main competition unit.seventy-twoNicolas, a French director at the age of 18.·Philip Bert won the Golden Bear Award for best film for his documentary "A Journey of Perseverance". This is also the successor.2022After the Golden Lion Award at Venice International Film Festival in 2006 fell to Beauty and Bloody Event, the three major European film festivals awarded the highest award to documentary works for the second year in a row.

Journey of Perseverance focuses on a nursing center floating on the Seine River in Paris, where patients and their caregivers have developed a new way of getting along.seventy-twoPhilippe Bert, a silver-haired French director, was very surprised when he took the stage to receive the award. He asked whether the judges were crazy or he was crazy, and bluntly said.This award is too important.".

Nikolai Filibert, director of the Golden Bear Award for Best Film "A Journey of Perseverance" at the 73rd Berlin International Film Festival. Image source: Berlin International Film Festival official website

German director Christian, who ranked second in the score of the field magazine.·Paetzold’s new film "Red Sky" finally won the jury prize. He once won the Silver Bear Award for Best Director for "Barbara", which is also the sixth time that Paetzold was selected for the main competition unit in Berlin. Unfortunately, he still failed to win the Golden Bear Award.

French director Philippe·Garrell won the Silver Bear Award for Best Director for The Big Dipper, and his last film, Salt for Tears, was also shortlisted for the main competition in Berlin three years ago.

In the performance award section, SpaineightSophia, a little girl aged 18·Otero won the Silver Bear Award for Best Actor for his outstanding performance in 20,000 Kinds of Bees, becoming the youngest winner in the history of the film festival. Austrian transgender actress Thea·Iha won the Silver Bear Award for Best Supporting Actor for his performance in "Until Late at Night".

Sophia otero won the Silver Bear Award for Best Actor in the 73rd Berlin International Film Festival. Image source: Berlin International Film Festival official website

Chinese films, includingLiu JianMore than ten Chinese films and dramas, including Academy of Art directed by Lao Xinying and Light of the White Pagoda directed by Lv Zhang, were shortlisted for each major unit of the Berlin Film Festival, but in the end it can be said that nothing was gained. Only the short film Xiaohui and His Cow directed by Lao Xinying won the short film award for special mention in the new generation children’s unit.

In the past two years, because of the COVID-19 epidemic,rightFilmmakersThe most important face-to-face communication activityAlmost impossible.2021The Berlin Film Festival in 2008 had to be judged online. Even if the scale expanded last year, due to strict epidemic prevention measures in COVID-19 and mandatory social distance and mask orders, in the past,That kind of bigHoliday spiritIt no longer exists at the film festival..

In terms of time nodes,sequence73sessionThe Berlin Film Festival is undoubtedly in the true sense.Post-pandemic era"The first large-scaleinternationalFilm Festival. just asThe implementation of this year’s film festivalchairmanMariette RissenbeekTo the media before the opening ceremonyAs you said:Finally, everything can go all out again. Guests can walk on the red carpet again.,Discussions and big parties can also start again."

It is never too late for filmmakers to rejoin a carnival. This is why this year’s Berlin Film Festival is of great significance to Chinese films.especiallySignificant.

Unlike the embarrassment of often absent from the three major European film festivals in the past two years.,At this year’s Berlin Film Festival, Chinese films were shortlisted.ofThe number has clearly ushered in a recovery.——onecommon15Part of the Chinese works was shortlisted for each unit including the main competition, includingeightA feature film,sixA short film,oneSeries. On the whole, this numberHas exceeded the past two years.chinese filmThe total number of finalists in the top three in Europe.

At the same time, thanks to the substantial adjustment of domestic epidemic control policies at the end of last year,moreChinaFilmmakers are finally able to once againGo into battle light and heavy.Back to the international stage.Whether it’s dressing up on the red carpet orattendPress conference before and after the screening,Or go further and send the work to international publishers, this time.Have highlighted.Chinese filmbe on the scene"the meaning of.

Liu Jian, director of Art College. Image source: Berlin International Film Festival official website

The collective appearance of Chinese-language films undoubtedly means that China’s film industry has resumed its connection with the global film industry. However, for the time being, the overall output and creative ability of Chinese films have not really recovered.Vitality, let alone peak..

Whether it’s the number of finalists or the grand prizeOpportunityBerlin Film Festival has always been the most popular film festival for Chinese filmmakers among the three major European film festivals.

The fifth-generation domestic directors have become famous internationally, and almost all of them work with the Berlin Film Festival.DoThe promotion of is inseparable..The early works of Zhang Yimou, Tian Zhuangzhuang, Wu Ziniu and others have almost received the attention of Berlin Film Festival, and Zhang Yimou’s directorial debut.Red sorghumIt is also the first Chinese film to win the highest prize in the three major international film festivals in Europe.

Later, in Berlin, there was a sharing of The Wedding Banquet directed by Ang Lee and The Heroine Girl directed by Xie Fei.sequence43sessionThe grand occasion of the Golden Bear Award.

After that, Jia Zhangke, Zhang Yuan, Wang Xiaoshuai and Wang Quanan, among the directors of the sixth generation, got the attention of the Berlin Film Festival from the first one or two works of his directorial career. Even though Jia Zhangke is now regarded as a Cannes lineal, his first novel Xiao Wu was finally noticed by European critics in Berlin.

Even in the last decade when Cannes and Venice gradually lost interest in Chinese films, Fireworks in the Day, Massage and Forever can still win major awards in Berlin. This year, more than ten Chinese works were selected again, which proves the indispensable bridge value of Berlin Film Festival for Chinese films and filmmakers.

Although this year’s shortlisted Chinese works are regrettable, for Chinese filmmakers,boardThe international stage is still the best opportunity to show Chinese films.take for exampleThe screening of "Deep Sea" in Berlin has caused many overseas media to focus on China.GuodongDiscussion on the rise of painting movies.

Debut at the film festivalof courseNot just aboutawardThese international platforms are also creators.BetweenThe best opportunity to communicate,butThe copyright trading market held at the same time as the film festival is to let more small and medium-sized works return.harvestThe key to Ben.

For those who occasionally applaud in China but often find it difficult to make a seat.literary filmGenerally speaking,This sales channel is an excellent opportunity for producers to get returns, and they once occupied an important position in the film festival trading market. But in the past two years, films from South Korea and India have replaced the former and become the new focus of international copyright transactions at film festivals.

How to let more viewers see it?arrivechinese filmConstantly inBring forth the old and bring forth the new,internationalFilm Festival is still an indispensable and important channel.. butFor cultural and artistic creation, only when communication is maintained can they present their own different aesthetic feelings.

Of course, the reappearance of a large number of Chinese films at the Berlin Film Festival is not entirely so-called.Chinoiserie"It began to sweep across the three major European countries again. In a broader sense, this is more of a bottoming out after the group has been suppressed for a long time, but it is a single bounce.riseIn terms of height, the result is not satisfactory.

This anxiety about the quality of the film actually comes from the words of Du Qifeng, the only Chinese judge at the opening ceremonyrevealClue.I think the movies are poor now, and the movies all over the world are poor. The world where I watch movies by myself seems to have gradually disappeared, and it is no longer the world where I used to watch movies. I hope this is only temporary. It seems bold of me to say so, but I mean it."

On February 16th, 2023, local time, the 73rd Berlin International Film Festival was held in Berlin, Germany. Members of the jury of the main competition unit, Du Qifeng, Francine Messler and Golshifteh Farahani, attended. Image source: vision china

It is advisable to be open-minded when the scenery is long.Although movies are never judged by specific awards, especially the collective jury mechanism like the Big Three in Europe, the personal taste of the jury chairman often dominates the final list of winners, but winning or not is often related to.The film sufferedpay close attentionThe number of.In addition,Field publication mediaofEvaluation and public audience reputation can also show the overall quality of the film from the side.

The last time a Chinese film won the awards of three major competition units in Europe, it was still2019Year,12Three Chinese-language films entered the Berlin Film Festival, and the works of Wang Xiaoshuai, Zhang Yimou and Wang Quanan entered the main competition at the same time, which is also a rare occasion in recent years.

It was also in that year that One Second and Better Days both met successively.Technical reasons"Quit the Berlin competition unit and show.evensuchWang Xiaoshuai’s "Auld Lang Syne" still won.in those yearsBest actor and heroineseatSilver Bears. onlyThat seems to have been the last highlight moment of Chinese films in the three major European film festivals.

In the next three years, the mainland Chinese films that were shortlisted for the three major European film festivals were also left with "Into the Dust".butWhether it’s a field issue or an awardNoneSurprise. The only thing that deserves Chinese filmmakers’ relief is probably the short films of young directors.ofsomeawardDefinitely.

Zhang Dalei is here.2020In 2000, with "Half the afternoon passed"acquireWon the short film Silver Bear Award,2021NianyouChen Jianying’s "A Cliff Rising by the Sea" and Huang Shuli’s "When I Look at You" won the Palme d ‘Or Award and the Best Short Film of Cannes Queer Palme d ‘Or respectively. In terms of age,95After that, young filmmakers finally began to make their mark at international film festivals.

But this does not mean that Asian content is on the ebb in top international film festivals, on the contrary. ZaiguoIn the past four or five years,The attention of the three major European film festivals to Asian worksbegrow with each passing dayof, "Burning" and "Driving My Car" have successively led the Cannes Journal Rating, and the former is even more3.8The score record of the field journal was refreshed. Hirokazu Koreeda and Bong Joon ho have taken away the Palme d ‘Or award from Cannes for two consecutive years, and Asian films are in the limelight.

Only Chinese movies are lost. especiallyIn contrast to Japanese and Korean films,Chinese worksThere is no doubt that both awards and attention are aphasia.Make this lossMore intense.

This lack is not only due to the physical isolation caused by the epidemic.. From the perspective of creation,Over the past few years, Chinese film perspectiveObviously, they all show an inward contraction trend, and the filmCreatorsMore attention is paid toLimited to here and nowPersonal experienceInstead of openly expressing issues of universal significance with an open attitude..

Whether it is the "Light of the White Tower" that director Lv Zhang returned to shoot after many years.,stillLiu JianThe director was once again shortlisted for the animated feature film "Art Academy" in the main competition in Berlin. Judging from the evaluation given by domestic and foreign media at present,theyAll the presentations are about individuals and even expressions related to the director’s own personal memory. This kind of private expression, without a strong personal image style or author’s blessing, is obviously difficult in today’sinternationalGet too much recognition at the film festival,It is even difficult to communicate with the general audience.After all, not every writer and director can be treated like Hong Shangxiu.

Lv Zhang, director of Light of the White Pagoda. Image source: Berlin International Film Festival official website

All along,Berlin Film Festival andGlobal issues andSocial reality connectionEspecially.Close, and in the past few years, Cannes and Venice have also started to award more prizes.awardGiving social reality is direct.shine uponThe work of.

Whether it is "Parasite" and "Triangle of Sorrow" which show the increasingly sharp polarization between the rich and the poor in genre films, or "The Clown" which depicts the surging populism under the guise of super-English genre, and last year,withThe resolution to break up, which innovates the film noir genre and skillfully covers the issues of refugees and gender, is the performance of global filmmakers facing the major global issues in the past decade.

From this point of view, the Berlin Film Festival is in a catching-up position. After Venice awarded the Golden Lion Award to the documentary for the second time in history last year, Berlin immediately conducted business study this year. And this just shows that the current film festival is highly bound to social reality.

Documentary won the Golden Lion Award and the Golden Bear Award in succession after many years’ absence.Expressedfilm festivalofA certain attitude, after all, the drama takes care of reality through exquisite plays, and its strength can’t be compared with the documentary that directly points the camera at reality.

Nowadays, it is very difficult within the system of Chinese movies.againThere is a record as deep as Tiexi District.pieceWorks, dramas, etc.more and moredifficultTowards a global commonrealityThe road of doctrinedraw close, andHidden into the dustandMore than endlessSuch films that have attracted the attention of international film festivals have a tortuous road to release in China. If we completely give up this type of creative theme and the opportunity to empathize with the global audience,Chinese filmmakeraskWant to attract only by skillHave seen it.too muchGorgeous technologyThe film festival judges, the difficulty can be imagined.

existLost three years"After that, it is still worth thinking about how Chinese filmmakers can use film language and image expression to connect with the world again.seriousProposition.


Scientific running and healthy life

  This year is a highlight year in the history of marathon. On October 12, Kenyan male athlete Kipkog broke the human limit in Vienna and successfully ran into the two-hour marathon. On October 13th, Kenyan woman Bridget Koschi broke the world best result in the women’s marathon, which has been maintained for 16 years, in Chicago. In the 39th Beijing Marathon, which ended on November 3rd, the men’s race record was also refreshed again.

  In recent years, the number of marathon events and various road running events has been blowout. With the participation of more and more people, road running has gradually become an urban culture that leads the national fitness trend.

  According to the Business Value Report of Sports Industry in China, among the sports that people often participate in, running ranks among the best with 43% participation. Road running, represented by marathon, has become one of China people’s favorite fitness exercises and an important platform for national fitness. In 2018, the total number of participants in the national marathon and related events was 5.83 million, an increase of 4.33 million over 2015.

  A group of statistics on amateur runners and runners around the world released by IAAF in June this year show that in the past 10 years, only about 12% of all runners participated in the marathon (the marathon duration is 42.195 kilometers), while the number of people who participated in the half marathon (hereinafter referred to as "half horse") kept increasing, accounting for about 30%. The "5 km" has the largest number of participants, accounting for about 35% of all runners. In China, the scale of road runners is also growing.

  So "5 km", "10 km", "half horse" and "whole horse", which event is suitable for you and how to run healthier? On November 2nd, more than 50 people, including leaders of more than 20 national road running/marathon trade associations and runners from Beijing, Inner Mongolia, Anhui, Jilin, Hebei, Jiangsu, Shandong, Shanxi, Shaanxi and Jiangxi, gathered in Beijing to participate in the symposium on "Marathon and Great Health" jointly held by "Healthy China" edition of China Youth Daily and Beijing Marathon Association. Participants discussed the relationship between road running and personal health, marathon and industry health, and marathon and social health atmosphere from the perspectives of education, medicine, media communication and the development of road running industry, so as to convey the concept of scientific fitness to fitness enthusiasts.

  Marathon is an extreme sport, and every participant should treat it with caution.

  There are probably the following motivations for people to participate in road running: at the physiological level, in order to keep healthy or lose weight; On the psychological level, in order to increase self-confidence, pursue the meaning of life and cope with negative emotions, gain a sense of accomplishment in competing with others and achieving personal goals; At the social level, I hope to associate with others and get recognition.

  From illness to running 59 marathons (including 22 "all horses"), Wen Caifeng, a runner over 50 years old, started running for health. Because of encephalitis, she was once "immune" in college. After graduation, she went from sub-health to minor illness, and then she was hospitalized almost every year. Wen Caifeng realized that hospitals can only treat diseases and only exercise can make herself healthy, so she started running and ran into the marathon. Wen Caifeng’s running goal for himself is "no injury, longer, faster and healthier".

  How to know the marathon, and what are the misunderstandings of the public about the marathon? Zhao Fuming, president of Beijing Marathon Association, said that people who never run talk about "horses", while some enthusiasts will excessively pursue personal best (PB). "First of all, we should realize that as amateur runners, we are far away from competitive sports. Even those who have the best performance among runners should also realize the gap and not aim too high; Secondly, it should be Do not forget your initiative mind. When running, ensuring health is the top priority, without affecting normal work and life, scientific fitness, and enjoying a healthier life through exercise. " Zhao Fuming believes that the marathon itself is an extreme sport, and every participant should be treated with caution.

  Sports medicine experts teach you how to run safer.

  Zhu Jingxian, a medical supervisor and sports physician in Peking University Institute of Sports Medicine, started with the case of sudden death in a marathon and analyzed who was not suitable for running a marathon. She warned everyone to run scientifically and safely, and to keep running for health.

  "Marathon is a typical extreme challenge project, and its first finisher died suddenly at the finish line, which is enough to show us the risks of this sport. However, it is also a sport full of challenges and enjoyment. Regular running will make the brain secrete more dopamine and endorphins, which will make people happy and even ‘ Addiction ’ 。” Zhu Jingxian said.

  According to incomplete statistics, since 2014, more than 20 runners in China have died suddenly in the "Half Horse" or "All Horse" race or after the race. Foreign literature statistics show that the incidence of sudden death in marathon is 0.6/100,000-1.9/100,000, while in China, the incidence of sudden cardiac death in the whole population is 41.84/100,000, which is much higher than that in horse racing. Zhu Jingxian believes that "we can do more work to further avoid tragedies, and nip in the bud is the key."

  Zhu Jingxian said that people with cardiopulmonary diseases and potential heart diseases are not recommended to participate in the competition. How to find potential heart diseases, such as congenital heart disease and hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, is the key to reduce sudden cardiac death during or after the game. "We suggest that the contestants go to a regular hospital for the following examinations before the competition: electrocardiogram, echocardiography and cardiopulmonary exercise experiment. Physical examination before the game is very important. " Zhu Jingxian said.

  Secondly, the contestants need to run step by step before the race, and regular running habits are the basis to ensure the completion of the marathon. "Generally speaking, people who have never run for a long distance, even if their physical fitness is good, are not recommended to participate in the marathon. For the first time, a strange sports event is prone to sports rhabdomyolysis, and in severe cases, renal failure may occur. " Zhu Jingxian said that for the first-time marathon runners, only after completing the running training equivalent to the whole marathon distance before the competition can they better play their level in the official competition, and at the same time reduce the risks of sports injuries and sudden death. Amateur masters who have participated in many marathons should also pay attention not to blindly pursue achievements. "You should pay attention to your feelings in the race. If you are unwell, stop the race in time and seek medical support. If you stay up late, catch a cold and are in poor health before the game, it is recommended to give up the game. "

  "The most prone to cardiac arrest is the runner whose pace (a concept often used in marathon training, which refers to the time required for a runner to run 1 kilometer) is between 5 minutes and 6 minutes and 30 seconds, that is, ‘ Quanma ’ The competition takes 3.5 -4.5 hours ‘ Amateur master ’ . 52% of cardiac arrest occurred in the last 10 kilometers of the marathon. " Zhu Jingxian said.

  The common sports injuries in running are mostly concentrated in hips, knees and ankles. Dr. Zhu reminded runners to do what they can. "For short-term injuries, they can be cured through rest and physical compensation; Reversible long-term damage can be cured by drug therapy+physical factor therapy+rehabilitation training; However, for irreversible long-term damage, surgery is needed, and it may also cause permanent functional loss. "

  Dr. Zhu Jingxian reminded runners: nutritional supplements at ordinary times, before, during and after the game should be paid enough attention; Running equipment should be based on ensuring safety, and it is not expensive to be right. Finally, she particularly emphasized that muscle strength training is very important for runners. "Muscle strength is the armor that protects joints and the cornerstone of PB."

  The road running industry is in its infancy and full of opportunities.

  Zhu Donghui, secretary of the Party Committee of Beijing No.3 Middle School, is also a marathon runner. Together with the headmaster of No.3 Middle School who is also a runner, he has formed a 70-person teachers’ running group and has participated in several events organized by Beijing Marathon Association. At the same time, the school also designed a 3 km -10 km running training plan for students of different ages. "The sense of accomplishment of students holding special medals after the game is more effective than any kind of verbal mobilization. It is our ultimate goal to cultivate students’ healthy habits through the guidance of teachers. Running is a lifelong benefit, and I believe that running students can also influence parents and friends around them. " Zhu Donghui said.

  Road running industry associations and various running groups all over the country are grass-roots organizations that undertake and lead the vast number of road running people. Zhao Fuming believes that at present, the road running industry is in its infancy and has good development opportunities.

  In this year’s National Day mass parade, Beijing Marathon Association organized more than 200 members to participate in the first set-up running group phalanx. Up to now, Beijing Marathon Association has hosted, undertaken and co-organized 13 events, conducted 1,140 public welfare trainings and 20 certification trainings, with about 58,000 participants, covering the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region.

  How should local trade associations achieve healthy development? Zhao Fuming believes that the nature and positioning of industry associations should be clarified; Form a work team with common goals; Implement valuable work items; In line with the national strategy of healthy China, it is the key to actively cooperate with government policies and requirements.

  Create a social atmosphere of scientific movement and healthy life

  Hou Pengcheng, director of the Beijing Sports Federation Office, said that one of the functions of the Beijing Sports Federation is to strengthen the function of social organizations to lead the national fitness and activate the vitality of social organizations. As the organizer of the half-horse race in Beijing Park, the Beijing Sports Association is most concerned about the running safety and the health problems caused by it. The social atmosphere of healthy running is created by every runner. "The theme of this conference is to make scientific fitness the top priority in every runner’s mind. Don’t just throw yourself into a sport with cool fashion or beautiful equipment, but slowly integrate into it on the basis of fully understanding the risks, advantages and disadvantages of the project."

  Hou Pengcheng suggested that runners should be responsible for their own health, combine their own characteristics and learn from others’ experience in running, and form the habit of lifelong exercise.

  Xu Zhengbiao, deputy head of Huai ‘an Running Group in Jiangsu Province, and Lei Huashou, chairman of Nanchang Athletics Association, shared local experience in carrying out activities at the meeting. Cen Chuanli, honorary president of Beijing Marathon Association and former editor-in-chief of CCTV Sports Channel, made an analysis from the perspective of media promotion of running and great health. He thought, "Create a ‘ Scientific movement and healthy life ’ A good atmosphere is the responsibility of the media to serve the public. "

  China Youth Daily China Youth Network reporter Lei Zhang

Traffic Management Bureau of the Ministry of Public Security: It is estimated that by the Lantern Festival, the passenger flow of self-driving return traffic will continue to remain high.

The Beijing News According to the Traffic Management Bureau of the Ministry of Public Security, during the Spring Festival holiday, the national public security traffic control departments closely focused on the central task of ensuring safety and smoothness, studied and planned in advance, carefully organized and deployed, strengthened road management and control, strengthened publicity and guidance, mobilized the whole police, and went all out to protect the people from traveling safely, creating a good road traffic environment for celebrating the stable and peaceful Spring Festival. As of 19: 00 on February 17, the national road traffic safety situation was generally stable and orderly, and no serious road traffic accidents were reported.
In order to ensure the road traffic safety during the Spring Festival holiday, the majority of traffic police auxiliary police stick to their posts, keep a close eye on the key sections with concentrated traffic flow and prominent hidden dangers according to the characteristics of traffic violations and accidents during the holiday, pay close attention to the three keys of source investigation, key rectification and strict road management, adhere to the combination of fixed-point duty and mobile inspection, and strictly investigate serious traffic violations such as drunk driving and "three overload and one fatigue". During the long holiday, the country dispatched 181,000 police officers and 62,000 police cars every day, started more than 4,000 traffic police law enforcement stations and set up more than 20,000 temporary duty stations.
The Spring Festival holiday lasts for a long time, people travel by car and concentrate, and the road traffic flow continues to run at a high level. From the traffic flow of 700 important passage nodes of 73 expressways monitored by the Traffic Management Bureau of the Ministry of Public Security, it has increased by about 20% compared with the same period last year. Local public security traffic control departments judge and judge easily blocked road sections in advance, formulate organization and diversion plans one by one, strengthen regional police cooperation among departments, strengthen linkage and cooperation with transportation, fire rescue, medical first aid and other departments, highway maintenance, obstacle clearing and other units, strengthen patrol control and command and guidance of key time periods, key road sections and important nodes, and make every effort to unblock and ensure smooth work.
It is predicted that by the Lantern Festival, the passenger flow of self-driving return cars will remain high, and due to the cold wave weather, a new round of rainfall, snowfall and cooling will be ushered in most parts of the country, which will adversely affect the return traffic in Spring Festival travel rush. The Traffic Management Bureau of the Ministry of Public Security reminds drivers that when traveling by car, they should pay close attention to the weather changes and road traffic conditions, plan and arrange their trips reasonably, and adjust their travel plans as much as possible in case of bad weather such as low temperature, freezing rain, snow, fog and dust. To drive according to the law, do not overspeed, overload passengers, fatigue driving, and drunk driving is strictly prohibited; It is necessary to be civilized and courteous, pay attention to observation and slow down at intersections. In case of slow traffic and traffic congestion, queue up in order to pass, and do not fight for roads or occupy emergency lanes; In the event of a traffic accident, it is necessary to keep in mind that "the car pulls over and people evacuate, that is, call the police" to prevent secondary accidents; Be sure to choose legal and compliant vehicles when taking passenger vehicles, refuse to take overcrowded vehicles and "hacking", and fasten your seat belts all the time.
Editor Liu Jiani

The written test results of civil servants’ provincial examinations have been announced one after another, and the marking process has been disclosed in many places.

  Beijing, September 17 (Reporter Qi Feng) Recently, many provinces have successively announced the results of the written examination for civil servants in 2020. According to the recruitment procedure of civil servants, candidates who pass the written examination will face interview selection next. At present, many provinces have determined the time for qualification examination and interview.

  Data Map: On November 24, 2019, the 2020 national examination was held. The picture shows the candidates taking the exam at the test center of Nanjing Forestry University. China News Agency issued Su Yang photo source: CNSphoto

  The results of civil servants’ provincial examinations are intensively announced.

  In July and August of this year, more than 20 provinces across the country successively conducted written examinations for civil servants’ provincial examinations. In most areas, the recruitment scale of civil servants this year was significantly larger than that of the previous year.

  Due to the increase in the number of applicants brought about by the expansion of enrollment, the news about the written test results of this year’s civil service provincial examination has also attracted much attention.

  In the past few days, Liaoning, Jilin, Heilongjiang, Gansu, Qinghai, Guangxi, Henan and other provinces have intensively released the written test results of civil servants’ recruitment in 2020, and the news of civil servants’ provincial examination and release list has repeatedly appeared on the online hot search list.

  With the announcement of the results of notes, some provinces also announced the time period for the qualification examination of candidates.

  For example, the pre-interview qualification examination of civil servants in Liaoning Province began on September 17th, and the qualification examination mainly includes age, major, education, degree, political outlook, grassroots work experience certificate and relevant qualification certificates.

  Qinghai candidates’ qualification review time is from September 14th to September 22nd (except holidays). Candidates who fail to review their qualifications within the specified time are deemed to have given up voluntarily.

  Data Map: In Taiyuan, Shanxi Province, candidates who took the civil service exam walked into the test center. Photo by Wei Liang

  Disclosure of civil service examination marking process in many places

  Every year, civil servants are recruited, and all localities emphasize ensuring the fairness and justice of the examination. After this year’s written examination for civil servants, many provinces have set up "media open days" and "marking open days", and the marking process of civil servants’ recruitment written examinations in some provinces has also been disclosed by the media.

  Judging from the marking staff, the marking teachers of civil service examinations are mostly from cadres or college teachers.

  For example, this year, the civil servants in Guizhou recruited a total of 230 examiners, from universities and Party schools of Guizhou Provincial Party Committee with lecturers or above.

  In the marking stage, the system randomly distributes the candidates’ papers to the marking staff for marking, and after error control, the candidates’ final scores are produced. All papers need to be reviewed by reviewers at least twice and at most four times.

  In Gansu, it is reported that in the process of civil servants’ written examination in this province, a camera is set at each corner of the examination site for 360-degree monitoring without dead ends. In addition, the marking work is supervised by the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision in the Organization Department of the Provincial Party Committee and the Discipline Inspection and Supervision Team of the Provincial People’s Social Welfare Department for 24 hours to ensure that all links are not flawed.

  With the announcement of written test results, some provinces also reported the investigation and punishment of disciplinary personnel during the examination.

  For example, "Qinghai Daily" reported on September 17th that 17 candidates in this year’s civil servant recruitment written examination process in this province had their scores in this subject invalid, including 10 identical test papers, 4 people who brought their mobile phones into the examination room without being placed in the designated position as required, 2 people who continued to answer questions after the end of the examination signal, and 1 person who took the test paper out of the examination room. At the same time, a candidate who asked others to take the written test instead of himself was disqualified from this examination, and the handling of the integrity archives of civil service examination employment was recorded for a long time, which made the examination style and discipline serious.

  Data Map Photo by Huang Weiming

  What does the civil servant recruitment interview examine?

  As the written test results of civil servants in many provinces are released one after another, according to the procedures of civil servants recruitment, candidates who pass the written test will face interview and selection.

  According to the interview announcements previously issued by various places, some provinces have made clear the specific methods of the interview.

  For example, Heilongjiang made it clear in the recruitment announcement that in principle, this recruitment adopts a structured interview method, and interview questions are ordered according to the provincial, city, county and township levels. The interview results are counted as 100 points, and those below 60 points will not be hired.

  "The interview of civil servant recruitment mainly evaluates the basic quality and practical work ability of the candidates to adapt to the job requirements, including the basic knowledge, experience, ability, personality and values related to the proposed position." Li Manqing, an expert in the public examination of Huatu Education, had previously analyzed the media.

  Li Manqing introduced that interviews for civil servants’ recruitment are generally conducted in the form of structured interviews and leaderless group discussions, focusing on candidates’ comprehensive analysis ability, interpersonal awareness and skills, adaptability, planning, organization and coordination, and language expression ability.

  According to experts, structured interviews are mainly conducted by candidates under the guidance of examination rules and according to the examiner’s questions in turn. The leaderless group discussion is that several candidates are in the same interview field to discuss the specified topic, which not only requires candidates to express their ideas, but also requires candidates to interact with other candidates properly.

  "This year, written interviews in some provinces are exploring graded and classified examinations, and the recruitment of civil servants has gradually begun to change from organizational matching to job matching, striving to better identify talents and adapt people to posts." Li Manqing said. (End)

Inform civil servants of the violation of discipline in examinations in many places. Cheating candidates are recorded in integrity files.

  Beijing, June 14 (Leng Yuyang) In April this year, more than 20 provinces across the country gathered together to conduct the 2019 civil service recruitment examination. Since May, many provinces have intensively announced the written test results of civil service examinations. With the release of the written examination list, some provinces have also disclosed the disciplinary situation of the civil service examination to the outside world, and many candidates have been recorded in the integrity file of the civil service examination because of cheating, duplicate papers and other problems.

  The written examination of civil servants in many provinces is released. Examination violations were disclosed.

  On April 20 this year, 22 provinces across the country held a "provincial examination" for civil servant recruitment on the same day, with a total of nearly 80,000 people planned to recruit. However, compared with last year, the scale of planned recruitment in Fujian, Shandong and other provinces has dropped significantly this year.

  Although the recruitment plans of many provinces have shrunk, the popularity of civil service examinations in various places seems to have not diminished. Judging from the job competition, according to media reports, the competition for the hottest jobs in Guangxi, Shandong, Yunnan and other provinces exceeds "one in a thousand".

  Since entering May, several provinces have successively announced the written test results of the 2019 civil service provincial examination. According to the recruitment procedure of civil servants, candidates who pass the written examination will face interview selection next. At present, many provinces have determined the time for qualification examination and interview.

  At the same time, with the announcement of the written test results, the reporter found out that many provinces including Fujian, Hubei, Hunan and Shaanxi also notified the candidates who violated the rules and regulations in this year’s civil service examination.

  For example, the Fujian Provincial Department of Human Resources and Social Security decided to "cancel the test scores and record them in the civil service examination and employment integrity archives for five years" for two people who used electronic equipment such as mobile phones to take test papers during the examination.

  For another example, the Shaanxi Provincial Personnel Testing Center will treat 38 candidates who have general violations of discipline and discipline at the examination site as "the examination results of this subject are invalid" and warn them once. If the general violation of discipline occurs again, it will be recorded in the integrity file of civil service examination and employment. The reporter found that the disciplinary actions of these candidates include "not taking the test at the designated seat", "deliberately damaging the test paper, answer sheet and answer sheet" and "continuing to answer the questions after the end of the test signal" and so on.

  Strictly check the "same volume" in many places.

  It is worth mentioning that in addition to the above violations, the "identical volume" is also a major focus of the candidates’ violation of discipline in this year’s provincial examination office. On the eve of the written civil service provincial examination, many provinces have emphasized that this examination will strictly screen and identify "identical papers".

  In this year’s provincial examination, many provinces also announced the processing results of "identical papers".

  Among them, the Shaanxi Provincial Personnel Testing Center has highly similar information on the answers to the "Administrative Professional Ability Test" of this exam, and six candidates who are cheating in the same examination room will be treated as "the test results of this subject are invalid". According to the circular, once warned, if such a situation occurs again, it will be recorded in the integrity file of civil service examination and employment.

  Fujian and Hunan also gave "invalid test scores of this subject (session)" to four and six candidates who were identified by professional institutions as identical answers respectively.

  In addition, the recent news that a civil servant cheated in the provincial examination in Guizhou and more than 20 candidates were sentenced to "identical papers" also attracted attention. According to the report of "Qianwei Popularization of Law" on WeChat WeChat official account of Guizhou Provincial Department of Justice, recently, police in Zunyi, Guizhou successfully destroyed an exam cheating gang, and three suspects were criminally detained by the police according to law.

  It is reported that in order to gain profits, these lawless elements organized candidates to cheat collectively during the civil service examination by selling headphones, transmitters, receivers and other equipment, with more than 20 candidates participating. In the end, because the test papers were identical, these candidates were cancelled.

  What are the criteria for judging "identical volumes"?

  For cheating on identical papers, the Measures for Handling Violations of Discipline in Civil Servant Examination, which was issued by the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security and implemented in October 2016, stipulates that in the process of marking, it is found that the answers of candidates in the same subject are the same, and confirmed by the marking expert group, the examination institution that specifically organizes the implementation of the examination will give it the treatment that the examination results of this subject (session) are invalid.

  Regarding the criteria for judging "identical papers", the Measures for Handling Violations of Discipline in Civil Servant Examination and Employment clearly stipulates that "the examination institutions at or above the provincial level shall determine the specific methods and standards for answering the same questions".

  In this regard, Li Manqing, an expert in the public examination of Huatu Education, told the reporter of Zhongxin.com that in the civil service examination, the criteria for judging identical papers are divided into subjective papers and objective papers. For example, in the subjective paper, there is a high degree of consistency between candidates’ answers to the same subject, including written expressions or main right and wrong points; As far as the objective paper is concerned, there is a high degree of consistency between the answers selected and scribbled by more than two candidates in the objective paper.

  "For example, it is normal that candidates A and B have the same correct answers, but if all or most of the wrong answers are the same, it may be judged by the system as the same volume at this time, and further review is needed." Li Manqing said.

  Li Manqing said that in order to ensure the openness and fairness of the civil service examination, the relevant departments have standardized on many levels, such as technology, manpower, examination paper setting and protection of rights and interests afterwards. For example, the competent departments of civil servants strengthen the supervision of examinations, improve the technical prevention level to ensure the safety of examinations, prevent organized cheating by grouping questions such as one question and multiple volumes, and detect the information of candidates’ answers through professional institutions to identify identical papers. (End)

It took only 11 years for Gao Qian Xie Ru, a beautiful woman, to decrypt her career from deputy director to vice governor.

  39-year-old Vice Governor of Xie Ru

  From the deputy director, deputy magistrate and deputy mayor of the Institute of Rural Economics of Jiangxi Academy of Social Sciences to the deputy governor, she only spent 11 years.


  Xie Ru, Vice Governor of Jiangxi Province.

  Xie Ru

  Born in July 1968, Zhejiang, without party affiliation.

  July 1990-March 1997 Assistant Research Fellow, Institute of Economics, Jiangxi Academy of Social Sciences

  1997.03-2001.07 Deputy Director of Rural Institute of Jiangxi Academy of Social Sciences

  2001.07-2007.06 Vice Mayor of Jingdezhen City

  2007.06-2008.01 Dean of Jiangxi Institute of Socialism

  Since January 2008, Vice Governor of Jiangxi Province

  Deputy Director Xie Ru

  In 1986, He Yun, a young teacher from the Economics Department of Jiangxi University, served as the head teacher of the 86-level political and economic class.    

  There are only five or six girls in this class, and Xie Ru is the class cadre. "She was almost what I expected. She was very capable, studied hard, and did well in her class. Later, she also served as a student cadre in the school student union." He Wei said.

  In 1990, when Xie Ru University graduated, a staff member who was working in the Personnel Department of Jiangxi Academy of Social Sciences remembered that Wang Hongyuan, head of the Department of Economics of Jiangxi University, recommended Xie Ru to Jiangxi Academy of Social Sciences.

  For example, Yang Rongjun, who was over 70 this year, was the director of the Institute of Rural Economics of Jiangxi Academy of Social Sciences at that time. He felt that Xie Ru’s research ability was good, and he had achieved good results in the research on Chen Yun’s economic thought. "She publishes many articles every year, which is more prominent among young comrades."

  "Xie Ru is very easygoing and caring for his family." Gao Ping, Xie Ru’s colleague at that time and now director of the Rural Economic Research Institute, said.

  Xie Ru is an active member of the Party. Yang Rongjun recalled that this process was very smooth and would be approved soon. At this time, the United Front Work Department of Jiangxi Provincial Party Committee proposed that it hoped to train some outstanding young non-party people from intellectuals.

  "At that time, when I thought of Xie Ru, I made suggestions to the leaders in the courtyard. The party Committee of the government said that Xie Ru was preparing to join the party. I was also worried that she would have concerns." A person who worked in the personnel department at that time said. Yang Rongjun, the director, gave Xie Ru organizational suggestions, and Xie Ru followed the arrangement of the organization.

  Xie Ru spent nine years in Jiangxi Academy of Social Sciences. During these nine years, she published her personal academic monograph "A Brief Introduction to the New China Farmland System" and more than 800,000 words of scientific research results, and won more than 20 awards of various levels.

  During this period, Xie Ru was promoted to be the deputy director of the Institute of Rural Economics of Jiangxi Academy of Social Sciences.

  Xie Ru, deputy magistrate

  In 1999, Xie Ru came to Fuliang County from Jiangxi Academy of Social Sciences as a deputy magistrate.

  "She just came here from the Academy of Social Sciences at that time. She is not very familiar with the grassroots, but she is very modest. She often goes deep into rural farmers to investigate and study. She has no bureaucracy and is easy to get along with everyone." Director Zhang of Fuliang County Government Office told this reporter.

  People in contact with Xie Ru by Fuliang County Government felt that she had a good theoretical foundation. Director Zhang recalled that Xie Ru liked reading and writing. "Walking past her office, I often see her reading a book."

  An old colleague said that Xie Ru had talked with him. Her child was young and her husband was a reporter. Everyone was very busy, and sometimes they didn’t have much time to take care of their family, which was very important to her. "That’s the truth. People of our age all feel this way."

  Director Zhang introduced that after Xie Ru’s term in Fuliang County arrived, she was going to pack up and go back to Nanchang. Suddenly, she received a notice telling her not to go because she was identified as a candidate for the vice mayor of Jingdezhen. "She became a deputy mayor from the deputy county magistrate, which was very sensational at that time."

  Some people familiar with the matter recalled that when provincial leaders visited Fuliang County, they were deeply impressed by Xie Ru.

  Yang Rongjun said that after Xie Ru arrived in Fuliang County, she had participated in the competition for posts such as Vice President of Jiangxi Agricultural University and President of Jiangxi Academy of Social Sciences, which left an impression on everyone. "Although I didn’t succeed in the end, I entered everyone’s field of vision and knew that there was such a talent."

  Vice Mayor Xie Ru

  While serving as the deputy mayor of Jingdezhen, Xie Ru was admitted as a doctoral student in industrial economics at Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics.

  "She is not an on-the-job doctoral student. She was admitted to the national unified examination, which is very difficult." Professor Shi Zhongliang, Xie Ru’s doctoral supervisor and then president of Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics, told this reporter.

  Xie Ru once told Shi Zhongliang that she insisted on studying for two hours every day no matter when she was busy. Xie Ru was working in Jingdezhen and his wife was working in Nanchang. So she took the child to Jingdezhen, sent it to a teacher’s home, and asked the teacher to take care of it. She works during the day and studies at night, and basically does not rest on weekends.

  "There are not many people admitted to doctoral students in the position of deputy mayor in the country, and they are lesbians. It is really not simple." Shi Zhongliang was very satisfied with his disciple. "I am very strict with her and have no special care."

  Speaking of the original intention of Dr. Xie Ru Kao, Professor Shi Zhongliang introduced that Xie Ru had many ideas about regional economy and attracting investment after he took the leadership. "She thinks it’s better to improve what she studied originally. I said yes, you can go to further study."

  Xie Ru’s doctoral thesis is "Research on the Management Right of National Scenic Spots". "As the leader in charge of tourism at that time, she reported the project below, and she had to make a judgment. Such research can help her work." This paper won the second prize of Jiangxi Social Science Outstanding Achievement Award in 2007.

  Shi Zhongliang felt that his disciples were somewhat different from others in being an official. "For example, Xie Ru never drinks, which is rare in officialdom."

  Vice Governor Xie Ru

  In 2007, Xie Ru returned to Nanchang from Jingdezhen and became the president of Jiangxi Institute of Socialism. Many people are not surprised at this time. They regard this transfer as a signal that Xie Ru will continue to be promoted.

  "She soon became familiar with the United front work, and she was very studious." Director Zhou of the office of Jiangxi Institute of Socialism said.

  In January 2008, Xie Ru was elected as the vice governor of Jiangxi Provincial People’s Government, which attracted national attention.

  He Jun received a New Year card from Xie Ru, the vice governor, before the Chinese New Year. Over the years, she has received New Year cards from Xie Ru, deputy director, Xie Ru, deputy mayor and Xie Ru, all of which belong to student Xie Ru.

  "She is now inspecting in Zhejiang." Shi Zhongliang saw his students on TV. He Yun said that she often learned about Xie Ru’s "whereabouts" through the media.

  When Xie Ru met the teacher after becoming the vice governor, "she talked about some of her work experience. She feels that the position of deputy governor is a heavy burden for young people like her. To get everyone’s understanding and recognition, you need your own efforts. "

  "Such a young woman can be a deputy provincial leader. I think this is a great progress for us in China." Shi Zhongliang said.

  Many people will think that Xie Ru is too smooth. The views expressed by all the people interviewed seemed so familiar: when the opportunity came, Xie Ru was the one who made more preparations.

  Xie Ru’s success in official career seems surprising. After careful analysis, it is not: female, non-partisan, intellectual, and she accounts for three of the four standards of "ignorant girl" in political jokes. More importantly, as the youngest vice governor said, she is a person who loves life and is optimistic, a person who can filter out worldly impetuousness and maintain a quiet state of mind, and a person who can do everything wholeheartedly and down-to-earth. This kind of official should feel the feeling of "shun". (Southern People Weekly Wei Yi)

Editor: Zhang Renhe