A traffic accident led to the "triplets" with the same license plate number (photo)

  Changchun Evening News reporter, Li He

  In the process of detecting a traffic hit-and-run case, the police on duty locked the suspected vehicle with the number plate Ji AY7526. With the further investigation of the case, the police found that there were three taxis using the number on the road. On the 15th, the driver Xu Moumou, who had been locked by the police, arrived, and all the "triplets" taxis were found.

  The "taxi" fled immediately after the accident

  At 11:00 on October 20, a traffic accident occurred in the north-south direction of the Eastern Expressway. A parallel taxi hit a normally moving SUV and instead of stopping, it accelerated to flee the scene.

  According to the video taken by the driving recorder, the police found that the vehicle involved was a taxi with Ji AY7526 plate. The police found the owner of the car on the same day, Wang Moumou. But Wang Moumou said there was no crash.

  At the same time, the police handling the case also checked the Ji AY7526 license plate taxi driven by Wang Moumou. The vehicle identification number, engine number and other information of the car are all normal, and the results of the trace inspection show that the car has no traces of recent collision or maintenance. The taxi positioning information shows that it was active in the Green Park District at the time of the incident and did not appear at the crime location.

  Find the same number "triplets" in more than 10,000 photos

  Then, the police began to search for clues from the perspective of the car accident, and screened more than 10,000 screenshots of the license plate taxi from the vehicle information recorded by the city’s electronic police.

  Chen Yu, the police officer handling the case, found that there were three taxis with the same spray color using the number plate after detailed comparison of the pictures. The photos taken by the high definition camera can clearly identify the appearance of the driver. After comparison, it was found that Wang Moumou had driven two of them. That is to say, the first time I asked Wang Moumou about the concealment of the vehicle’s license plate.

  As long as it is illegal, no one can run away

  In a second interrogation of Mr. Wang, he eventually admitted that he had bought a Jetta sedan out of town, modified it in the style of a taxi, and illegally made the license plate of the vehicle. Usually this car is driven by relatives.

  The police then checked Wang Moumou’s taxi deck and found that it was not the vehicle that caused the accident. But in further investigation, it was learned that Wang Moumou had allowed Han Moumou to use Ji AY7526 license plate.

  The police finally learned through a large number of investigations that the car is currently driven by Xu Moumou. On November 15, Xu Moumou, who has been locked by the police, came to the case and confessed to the hit-and-run accident. The traffic police department will impose a fine of 2,000 yuan, 12 points on the driver’s license and 15 days of detention according to law. Wang Moumou, who is suspected of using other vehicle number plates, will also be punished by law.

The United States will regulate smartphone map navigation, and Apple and Google may be affected


The United States will regulate smartphone map navigation, and Apple and Google may be affected


The United States will regulate smartphone map navigation, and Apple and Google may be affected

The New York Times reported today that the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, a division of the U.S. Department of Transportation, will work with the White House to introduce new rules to regulate car navigation systems. Navigators and mapping apps on smartphones are expected to be included in the regulation. It is not yet known how Apple, Google, and some traffic-related apps that report traffic jams and police check speeding areas will comply with the new rules.

Existing U.S. law prohibits talking on the phone or texting while driving, but there are no clear rules for distracted map navigation while driving. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration would have the power to regulate maps, navigation apps, and make some restrictions, according to reporters who have seen the draft of the new rules.

At present, the news has caused a strong response in the United States. Car companies with built-in navigation systems support the new regulations. But technology companies that develop navigation applications believe they do not need to comply, claiming that the new regulations are unrealistic and difficult to enforce, on the grounds that smartphones are not only used in cars, and not only in navigators.

The U.S. Department of Transportation issued a notice last year asking navigation software to volunteer to operate within two seconds. Although the industry has adhered to the notice, calculations show that if you are traveling at 100 kilometers per hour, a car can travel 50 meters in two seconds. This reaction distance is not safe.

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Yang Mifang made public all the details of his cooperation for the first time after "fraudulent donation", and it is suspected that he was deceived.

Yang Mi Studio sent Weibo

1905 movie network news Melon eaters must remember that a few weeks ago, the "Yang Mi Fraudulent Donation Incident" caused a stir, which caused a small storm in the entertainment industry about "what should be done to do charity", and Yang Mi was also pushed to the forefront of the trend. This morning (April 12), for the first time, Yang Mi Studio took the initiative to open a large number of screenshots of the dialogue during the cooperation with another responsible person – POC Li Meng of the "White Cane" public welfare activity to help the blind, showing netizens the beginning and end of the "Chengdu Special School Donation", and said that he was the real "deceived party".

Yang Mi starred as a blind girl in "I Am a Witness"

The description shows that before the release of "I am a Witness", Li Meng took the initiative to invite Yang Mi to participate in the donation of blind canes, calling the "White Cane" national public welfare activity for the blind, which aims to raise funds to buy blind utensils, and distribute them to blind people in need across the country for free, caring for the lives of blind people. After confirming his participation in the activity, Yang Mi donated 200 blind canes for the distribution of the "White Cane" activity. Li Meng expressed that as a thank you for Yang Mi’s support, he personally donated 300 blind canes in Yang Mi’s name.

After Yang Mi attended the "White Cane" Beijing press conference, Li Meng said that the blind canes donated by Yang Mi will be distributed to local blind people in the city of Yang Mi’s movie roadshow to increase the social influence of the public welfare for the blind. The roadshow cities inc**********du, Shanghai, Wuhan and other places, but in the end, because other local distribution companies could not arrange the corresponding public welfare link for the blind, only Chengdu did the relevant link. After Li Meng said that 500 canes were in place, and Yang Mi transferred 200 canes to the Beijing Youth Development Foundation, the "Red Dandan Fund".

In the first donation city Chengdu station, Li Meng said that as the first stop of the white cane distribution city Chengdu, because they have spent 400,000 arranged to donate the printer classroom, so the city’s white cane only issued 100, and arranged for student representatives to read a thank you letter, and Yang Mi only need to take a group photo on stage.

Then in front of the Shanghai station in the second donation city, Li Meng said that the issuer could not cooperate without cooperation, and asked the leadership to provide media publicity resources, cancel the Shanghai public welfare publicity, and the follow-up publicity was also interrupted. Li Meng asked many artists in the company about their willingness to participate in different public welfare activities, but did not mention the "white cane" Chengdu station and subsequent donations.

After the incident was exposed in March, Yang Mifang also contacted the recipient and made up for donations of white canes and Braille typewriters.

During this period, Yang Mifang took the initiative to contact Li Meng many times, and Li Meng made it clear: "We are all victims", saying that he was preparing explanatory materials, and would find witnesses, and would explain to Yang Mifang to prove his innocence.

After the "fraudulent donation" report came out, Li Meng said she would sue the Beijing News for false reporting.

Krypton responds to Xi ‘an Krypton 001 fire.

  On April 20, Extreme Krypton Automobile issued a statement on "A Extreme Krypton 001 fire incident occurred in Yanta District of Xi ‘an", saying that there were no people on board at the time of the incident and the fire did not cause any casualties.

  Extreme Krypton Automobile said that we attach great importance to the fire of vehicles, and the relevant staff have rushed to the scene at the first time to assist users in reporting insurance and providing scooters, and at the same time report to public security, fire protection and other relevant departments.

Image source: Extreme APP

  According to Krypton Automobile, according to the information currently available, when a fire broke out, the power battery of the vehicle was in a safe state, and no thermal runaway occurred, and the accident caused by the power battery was initially ruled out. After the fire, the scene showed that only the front standby compartment of the vehicle was overheated, and the passenger compartment, chassis and power battery were kept intact. We will actively cooperate with the fire department to carry out the investigation, and the cause of the accident will be subject to the investigation results of relevant institutions. At the same time, assist users to deal with the follow-up, fully protect users’ rights and interests, and do a good job in related after-care services.

  Previously, in January this year, there was also an extremely krypton 001 fire accident in Yueqing, Wenzhou. When the vehicle caught fire, there were no people on board, and the fire did not cause any casualties. At that time, Extreme Krypton Automobile issued a briefing response on January 20th and February 9th, respectively.

  Among them, the description of the car published on February 9 pointed out that the fire was ignited by the wreckage of fireworks and firecrackers, and there was no short circuit in the car when there was a fire accident. According to the investigation of Wenzhou Yueqing Fire Rescue Brigade, the cause of vehicle fire was caused by the spread of combustible materials ignited by fireworks and firecrackers. In the event of a fire accident, the high-voltage power supply system, low-voltage power supply system and three-electricity system of the vehicle all work normally without any short circuit. During the fire and after the fire extinguishing, the headlights of the vehicle turned on and the alarm system worked normally, indicating that the battery, fuse box and related wiring harness were all normal, and there was no fault in the low-voltage alarm system of the whole vehicle.

Image source: Extreme APP

Stock Market Express: On April 22nd, Cyrus (601127) sold 217 million yuan of main funds.

According to Securities Star, as of the close of April 22, 2024, Cyrus (601127) closed at 94.93 yuan, down 0.58%, with a turnover rate of 2.64%, with a turnover of 399,200 lots and a turnover of 3.793 billion yuan.

As for the data of capital flow on April 22nd, the net outflow of main funds was 217 million yuan, accounting for 5.73% of the total turnover, the net inflow of hot money was 68.5681 million yuan, accounting for 1.81% of the total turnover, and the net inflow of retail funds was 149 million yuan, accounting for 3.92% of the total turnover.

See the following table for a summary of capital flows in the past five days:

The main indicators and industry rankings of this stock are as follows:

The third quarterly report of Cyrus in 2023 showed that the company’s main income was 16.68 billion yuan, down 27.86% year-on-year; The net profit of returning to the mother was-2.294 billion yuan, up 14.23% year-on-year; Deducting non-net profit was-3.015 billion yuan, down 5.24% year-on-year; In the third quarter of 2023, the company’s main revenue in a single quarter was 5.648 billion yuan, a year-on-year decrease of 47.25%; The net profit returned to the mother in a single quarter was-950 million yuan, down 0.25% year-on-year; Non-net profit deducted in a single quarter was-1.13 billion yuan, up 1.77% year-on-year; The debt ratio is 83.36%, the investment income is 247 million yuan, the financial expenses are-55,056,400 yuan, and the gross profit margin is 6.76%. Cyrus (601127) is mainly engaged in R&D, manufacturing, sales and service of new energy vehicles and core three-power, traditional vehicles and core component assemblies.

In the last 90 days, the stock has been rated by 10 institutions, with 5 buy ratings and 5 overweight ratings; The average target price of the institution in the past 90 days is 104.0.

Explanation of the term "capital flow": refers to the reversal of capital flow through price changes. When the stock price is in a rising state, the turnover formed by active buying orders is the driving force for the stock price to rise, which is defined as capital inflow, and when the stock price is in a falling state, the turnover generated by active selling orders is the driving force for the stock price to fall, which is defined as capital outflow. The difference between the two forces on that day is the net force left to push the stock price up after the two forces offset each other on that day. Calculate the main capital flow, hot money flow and retail capital flow through the transaction amount of each transaction.

Note: The main funds are large single transactions, the hot money is large single transactions, and the retail investors are small and medium single transactions.

The above contents are compiled by Securities Star according to public information, and generated by algorithm (No.310104345710301240019), which has nothing to do with the position of this website. Please contact us if there is any problem with the data. This article is for data collation, and does not constitute any investment advice for you. Investment is risky, so please make a careful decision.

Kaifeng Wang Po, or lost to "Ceng Liu" online celebrity.


Author | Guo Hongyun


Editor | Li Yi


The limelight has overwhelmed Tianshui Mala Tang in Gansu, and with Kaifeng, Henan "soaring" to become another city with a big traffic explosion, the stage plot has begun to move towards magic.Wang Po, who invited online celebrity to step down and sucked powder, finally lost to online celebrity.


The incident that made the "Wang Po Matchmaking" program start to become uncontrollable was that a married man, Liu, "ran for love" stepped on the stage for a blind date, and expressed his willingness to "quit his job in Zhengzhou and go to Sichuan" for the blind date female guest. After successfully adding it to the woman’s WeChat, it became a good conversation, and his wife who was far away from Japan saw it and went back to China in anger to prepare for a divorce.


This dramatic scene became a turning point in the stage of "Wang Po Matchmaking". No netizens paid attention to the humor of handsome guys and beautiful women and foster mother "Wang Po" on the blind date stage, but instead began to criticize and falsify "love rat", denouncing online celebrity’s unscrupulous behavior.


Just today (April 3), the topic of "police responding to Wang Po’s media saying that married male wife is suspected of suicide" once again rushed to the hot search of major social media platforms, and his wife Xiao Xue sent a video crying late at night: "Maybe I am too fragile, I really can’t hold back." Some netizens speculated that they might do something stupid and call the police. The staff of Yinchuan Public Security Bureau responded that the police had contacted Xiao Xue’s father and learned that Xiao Xue was fine after asking.


Among the voices urging Xiao Xue not to do anything wrong, some netizens questioned that she was speculating, and there was a script that wanted to be online celebrity from the moment when a married man went on a blind date.


And "Wang Po" himself had to stand up and respond publicly because of the storm of public opinion, once again emphasizing the initial intention of the stage, calling on "those who bring their own scripts not to join in the fun, and leave the opportunity to those who really want to make friends".


And her troubles are not limited to this. According to Tianyancha APP, "Kaifeng Wang Po" has been registered as a blind date marriage service company, and its business scope includes marriage introduction service and wedding etiquette service. In the eyes of the uninformed public, the actor himself is not satisfied with matchmaking only on the scenic stage, but wants to transform into a company and become a "matchmaker" completely.



This misunderstanding forced "Wang Po" to stand up and refute the rumor again. On April 2, she posted a video on her Tik Tok account @ Kaifeng Wang Po, saying that she didn’t and didn’t authorize anyone to start a matchmaking company. She also said that she had some physical and mental problems recently, especially her voice, so she needed to rest for a while and wanted to go out and have a look.


Prior to this, Long Live Mountain Martial Arts City has officially announced that Tomb-Sweeping Day can welcome tourists in a fuller state. Teacher Zhao, the actor of "Wang Po", will rest on April 2 and April 3, and the performance of "Wang Po Matchmaking" will be temporarily performed by another actor "Li Po". After "Wang Po" indicated that it would take a break for a while, the scenic spot announced again that Zhao Mei, one of the actors of "Wang Po", would take a month off from April 3, 2024 due to health reasons. During this period, other actors, such as Li Li, would perform "Wang Po Matchmaking" for tourists and add a related talent show.



This also means that "Wang Po" will be absent from the Qingming holiday activities in the Wuxia City of Longevity Mountain. According to the data from the US Mission, as of March 28th, the number of advance tickets in Kaifeng Scenic Area has increased by more than three times week-on-week, and many tourists have taken "blind date" in Kaifeng, Henan Province as their holiday play plan. This sudden change may disappoint tourists who want to go to Kaifeng to meet "Wang Po".


As for the program "Wang Po Matchmaking", even if "Wang Po" played by teacher Zhao Mei can return smoothly one month later, the popularity is still there, but it is still difficult to completely put an end to the online celebrity who have been rubbing traffic, and rumors about herself may still reappear.Fired by the flow, but trapped in the flow,For the 61-year-old actor teacher, without a strong heart and plenty of energy, it is hard to escape the next time after this time.


It has been reported that,"Wang Po" has considered resigning and retiring, and wants to live an ordinary life.


As a scenic spot, I definitely don’t want to lose such a "drainage" baby. In order to solve the problem of online celebrity’s traffic and the hype of non-singles, Longevity Mountain Martial Arts City has also re-adjusted the program rules and made new changes, such as implementing the offline advance reservation system, and dividing the scene into single male guest area, single female guest area and tourist viewing area. Male and female guests invited to interact on stage need to ensure that they are single and take photos in the dating declaration area.


Most importantly, for the sake of the order of the scene, online celebrity, who is not sincere in making friends, is required not to stay in the venue of "Wang Po Matchmaking", and the anchor with live broadcast equipment (such as microphones, speakers, stereos, banners, etc.) should be allowed to bypass the venue.


justIt is easy to make a request, but difficult to implement it.. The blind date stage, which has been regarded as "stale" by netizens, and the "Wang Po", which is exhausted both physically and mentally, make it uncertain whether this program can persist and whether it can continue to be popular.


In order to better undertake the first wave of predictable peak passenger flow, the scenic spot has made a lot of preparations in advance besides betting on "Wang Po". According to the relevant person in charge, the parade of Qingming Cultural Festival will be the most brilliant chapter of Long Live Mountain. In addition, there will be more than 10 Song Chao art interest spots in the park, including not only interactive experiences such as script killing of ten thousand people, blessing of the old moon, flying flowers and throwing pots, but also an interactive area for praying and an atmosphere festival with water lanterns.



However, it is undeniable that no matter how wonderful other programs are, the biggest expectation of tourists to visit the scenic spot must be to see "Wang Po" and meet the legendary foster mother. Without "Wang Po", it will undoubtedly be a pity.


To a certain extent, the scenic spot and even Kaifeng Wenlv don’t want "Wang Po" to really resign and retire, but Wenlv also mentioned it before.The traffic of NPCs in scenic spots is more intense, so it is risky and challenging to make the best use of it to drain themselves.


As far as the present situation is concerned, Longevity Mountain Martial Arts City has worked hard enough. Whether listening to netizens’ advice or understanding and protecting the actors themselves, it is doing its best. However, by the time of "Kaifeng Wang Po" IP fever, there has been a turning point in the downward trend, and there are not many official voices and actions. How to undertake the "splashing wealth" brought about by the hot topic of single-point out of the circle, Kaifeng Cultural Travel seems to be less rapid and active than Gansu Tianshui Cultural Travel.


The latest available news is that on March 29th, Kaifeng held a special conference on the work of cultural tourism in the whole city, sayingIt is necessary to take advantage of the situation, promote the formation of more outstanding boutique cultural tourism projects to attract more tourists to visit, and do everything possible to continue the good situation and make Kaifeng cultural tourism change from "bursting red" to "long red".


Before that, some netizens who had been to Kaifeng and recognized the experience of local culture and tourism projects were "anxious" online. Look at Luoyang, a neighbor who has made the marketing of Hanfu popular. Why don’t you use "Wang Po" to market in Kaifeng?


So is Kaifeng Wenlv slow to respond, or is there really no shortage of "Wang Po" traffic?


According to the ranking of tourists received by cities in Henan in the Spring Festival of 2024, according to the statistical data of "Hot Ranking of Eighteen Cities in Henan during the Spring Festival of 2024" published by Wenlv Sports Studio of Zhengzhou Newspaper Group with the technical support of Micro-hotspot Research Institute, Kaifeng entered the top three list after ranking Zhengzhou and Luoyang.


Specifically, during the Spring Festival holiday, the city’s cultural tourism in Kaifeng received a total of 9.335 million tourists, a year-on-year increase of 30.7%; The comprehensive income of cultural tourism was 6.47 billion yuan, an increase of 85.9% year-on-year; In the same period, Luoyang received a total of 11.1353 million tourists, with a total tourism revenue of 8.293 billion yuan, up by 87.51% and 156.88% respectively compared with 2023.


A glimpse of the whole leopard, for Kaifeng, which focuses on Song Wenhua and attaches importance to the development of cultural tourism,Traffic is very important, and a chance to get out of the circle is even more rare.Failure to promote the city’s tourism with the help of the popularity of "Kaifeng Wang Po" is a missed opportunity to market tourism resources and enhance the brand awareness of the city’s cultural tourism.


Let’s take Luoyang as an example. According to the data of Meituan, the search volume of "Hanfu" in Luoyang has been in the top three in China since March, and the search volume of "Flower Appreciation" has increased by 110% week-on-week. The upcoming Qingming holiday coincides with the Peony Festival, which makes Luoyang one of the top ten popular destinations in China. "Hanfu Flower Appreciation" has become the most distinctive feature label of Luoyang in tourism.


It is said that red depends on life, and the heat of breaking the wall once can’t be met. Although everyone is saying that the official marketing of Tianshui, Gansu Province is "too fierce", it is a bit too much for some netizens to grow "anti-bone" and not buy it.But after all, from the results, Tianshui, Gansu Province has achieved a circle in brand recognition of tourist cities. In the long run, the tourist season will only come in the summer in the northwest cities, and the "wealth" that Tianshui, Gansu Province will harvest ahead of schedule will inevitably double.


At a time when major cities are eager to get out of the circle with the help of hot spots, the question of new media communication and topic marketing needs the destination governments to work harder, study hard and dare to try, in order to give high scores.


The picture comes from the official WeChat WeChat official account, screenshot of the platform and Tianyancha of the Long Live Mountain Martial Arts City.




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The 2018 World Artificial Intelligence Conference launched a high-end dialogue on smart cities, and provinces and cities accelerated the construction of pilot cities | Smart City Weekly

Original title: 2018 World Artificial Intelligence Conference launched a high-end dialogue on smart cities, and provinces and cities accelerated the construction of pilot cities | Smart City Weekly

On September 18th, the 2018 World Artificial Intelligence Conference and Edge Intelligence Theme Forum was held in Shanghai. The theme of the forum was "Edge Computing, Smart Future" and it was one of the important theme forums of the 2018 World Artificial Intelligence Conference.

Yu Kai, founder and CEO of Horizon, stressed in his speech that human beings are moving from the era of big data to the era of big computing, and the trend of edge computing is the result of the global Internet technology trend "long-term integration and long-term separation".

"In the PC era, all calculations are on computers, not local calculations. With the development of the Internet, data is increasingly transferred to the cloud and the center, and computing is slowly concentrated from the edge to the cloud. From the beginning of the mobile Internet to the arrival of the Internet of Things era, we have gradually seen another trend-more computing has migrated from the center to the edge. "

At the same time, he also predicted that by 2025, the computing power that every thousand dollars can buy is equivalent to 1000 T, which is enough to support the computing needs of five-level driverless driving. If we continue to develop the matching software system based on this, it is predicted that by 2030, the real five-level unmanned driving will become possible. The interesting thing about the technological trend is that the computing power of 1000 T’s is just equal to that of human brain, which is also a development result worth pondering. (Source: Lei Feng Net)

Shenzhen-Shantou Special Cooperation Zone may become a pilot project for the construction of smart cities.

As the "10+1" zone in Shenzhen, the Shenzhen-Shantou Special Cooperation Zone has always been concerned by the outside world. At the two sessions of Guangdong Province held at the beginning of this year, the Guangdong Provincial Committee of the Agricultural Workers’ Party put forward the Proposal on Accelerating the Integrated Development of Shenzhen-Shantou Special Cooperation Zone and Shenzhen. The reporter was informed that the Shenzhen Municipal Government recently responded to the proposal, revealing that it will speed up the establishment of a rapid transportation network in Shenzhen and Shantou, and create an innovative experimental zone in the "enclave" of the cooperation zone in the fields of smart city construction, marine management, talent management and institutional reform, so as to promote the integrated development of the "10+1" zone and Shenzhen.

It is understood that according to the "Adjustment Plan of System and Mechanism of Shenzhen-Shantou Special Cooperation Zone" approved by the Guangdong Provincial Party Committee and the provincial government, it clearly supports the recent construction of a high-speed railway with a speed of 350 kilometers per hour in the Shenzhen-Shenzhen special cooperation zone (hereinafter referred to as "Shenzhen-Shantou Railway"). In its reply, the municipal government revealed that Shenzhen has proposed the Shenzhen-Shantou Railway Station (Xili-Pingshan-Huizhou-Cooperation Zone, which connects with the Guangzhou-Shantou Railway at the Shenzhen-Shantou Station in the Cooperation Zone). The initial planned length of the line is about 130 kilometers, and the investment is estimated at 23.5 billion yuan. At present, the Provincial Development and Reform Commission has entrusted the design unit to carry out the pre-feasibility study of the project. (Source: Shenzhen Business Daily)

The automatic parking service technology jointly developed by Daimler and Bosch is based on the L4 stage of automatic driving, but it has little requirements for the whole vehicle and sensors, so it is a black technology with universal value. To some extent, Bosch, as a supplier, will be the biggest beneficiary, but Mercedes-Benz must be the leader of this technology.

Chen Ming, president of Bosch Intelligent Networking Division in China, said: "The automatic parking service technology jointly developed by Bosch and Daimler is another effort made by both parties towards intelligent and connected transportation in the future. This new technology will make traditional manual parking a thing of the past, helping drivers save parking time and relieve anxiety. "

It is worth noting that this technology has low requirements on the vehicle itself and sensors, which on the one hand reduces the use cost of the owner, and consumers do not need to pay for too many sensors. On the other hand, it is more convenient to calculate when multiple vehicles use the automatic parking service system at the same time, so as to reduce the accident probability. (Source: Travel Finance)

On September 12th, the unveiling ceremony of the Key Laboratory of Smart City Modeling, Simulation and Intelligent Technology of China Electric Power Branch and the first meeting of the academic committee were held in the Wisdom Institute, marking the official establishment of the Key Laboratory of Smart City Modeling, Simulation and Intelligent Technology of China Electronics Technology Group Co., Ltd. This is another important achievement in the construction of a new smart city in China Electric Examination Banner.

Relying on the construction and operation of Smart City Modeling, Simulation and Intelligent Technology Laboratory of China Electric Power Department, facing the great demand of the country and the group in the field of new smart city construction and management services, aiming at leading the future urban development concept, driving the application of urban data fusion and improving the application level of urban wisdom, the key laboratory conducts new concept research, new technology research and new application transformation around the two major directions of urban modeling, simulation and urban intelligent technology, and strives to build a city-level simulation deduction platform and a perception and cognition platform to support the formation and promotion of "urban hub".

The Key Laboratory consists of the Urban Modeling and Simulation Research Center and the Urban Intelligent Technology Research Center. It has a professional research team of nearly 30 people, bringing together talents from many disciplines in smart cities. The overall research team has a reasonable structure, clear levels and certain innovation ability. In terms of scientific research projects, the laboratory participated in the national key R&D plan, the National Natural Science Foundation of China, the special action of the new generation artificial intelligence of China Electric Power Department, the science and technology application demonstration of Shenzhen Science and Technology Commission, and the open fund project of big data national engineering laboratory, etc. In terms of practical exploration, the laboratory participated in the smart city planning of xiong’an new area through the group, and studied and practiced the smart community construction, smart transportation construction and government big data analysis in Futian, Shenzhen, striving to practice the concept of "city laboratory". (Source: National Bureau of Science, Technology and Industry for National Defense)

On September 17, Siemens signed an agreement with Jiangsu Wisdom Xinwu Information Technology Co., Ltd. under the witness of the leaders of Wuxi Xinwu District to cooperate in the field of smart cities. According to the agreement, Siemens plans to provide 100 embedded urban IOT terminals (ECB) for Wuxi Xinwu District within five years, which will be used to collect urban data, sense the basic environment and traffic flow. In addition, Siemens also participated in the "2018 World Internet of Things Expo" held in Wuxi from September 15 to 18, and exhibited its advanced technology in the fields of industrial Internet of Things and urban Internet of Things.

"Siemens is committed to providing digital solutions for the sustainable development of cities, with a complete IoT business model from consulting, hardware implementation, data analysis to industrial cloud." Dr. Zhu Xiaoxun, Executive Vice President of Siemens (China) Co., Ltd. and Dean of Siemens China Research Institute, said, "With advanced intelligent sensing and edge computing technology, Siemens will actively integrate into Wuxi’s urban construction in the field of Internet of Things to help Wuxi become a world-class smart city." (Source: Sohu Technology)

Recently, Ant Financial launched the "Digital Economy China Tour internet plus Public Transport Visit", and took the No.113 bus in Hangzhou, from Rainbow City Station to Baby Lane Station, which was 14 minutes faster than taking the subway under normal driving conditions; At the subway station of Shanghai South Railway Station, users can not only use Metro Metropolitan APP to scan the code for payment, but also use voice to purchase tickets.

Support buses and subways to achieve smart travel. Ant Financial uses big data to reconstruct bus operation capabilities, realize two-way interaction with users, and realize digital travel in smart cities.

Jin Tao, director of Shanghai Shentong Metro Group Rail Transit Information Management Center, said that Ali and Ant Financial helped Shanghai Metro successfully resolve two super cyber attacks. Non-inductive payment and palm recognition are the research directions of the two sides on the future payment methods of public transportation. Metro Metropolitan APP will be combined with cloud ticketing to provide passengers with a variety of payment channels to use at will and improve services. For Shanghai Metro, Metro Metropolis APP is the entrance to urban life, which means changing "passengers" into "users", changing "subway ride" into "Internet travel" and upgrading subway service into "O2O life". It is reported that Shanghai Metro is working with some bicycle companies to study the Internet travel mode and the co-governance of bicycle environment around subway stations. It is expected to take the lead in realizing the demonstration operation of subways and bicycles before the opening of the first China International Import Expo by using Metro Metropolitan APP. (Source: Xinhuanet)

On the morning of September 18th, the 2018 World Artificial Intelligence Conference launched a high-end dialogue on international smart cities. City representatives from all over the world spoke freely, shared successful experiences, discussed the trend of global cooperation, and looked forward to the bright future of smart city construction.

How many elements does a smart city need? Wu Zhiqiang, academician of China Academy of Engineering and vice president of Tongji University, summed up four "meetings". He pointed out that smart cities should be able to perceive, judge, reflect and learn. Smart cities should serve people and people’s urban life, such as medical care, schooling, employment, transportation, culture, etc.-everyone should participate and serve. (Source: Dongfang. com)

Recently, the second Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Service Outsourcing Collaborative Development Forum "Smart City and the Development of Main Urban Area" sub-forum was held in arcadia Hotel. The purpose of this forum is to publicize and promote the new image of the investment environment in the harbor area, boost the new engine of industrial development in the harbor area, discuss new opportunities for service outsourcing development with more than 100 business representatives, discuss friendship and discuss cooperation.

Feng Guolin, member of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee and Secretary of the District Party Committee, attended the event and delivered a speech.

Chen Yanbao, deputy director of the Provincial Department of Commerce, and Feng Zhiyong, deputy mayor, attended the signing ceremony, and Yin Hong, member of the Standing Committee of the District Party Committee and executive deputy head of the district, attended the event.

During the activity, the guests watched the propaganda film "Rhyme of the Harbor" together. Tian Xueqing, member of the Standing Committee of the District Party Committee and deputy head of the district, signed strategic cooperation agreements with representatives of Petrochemical Yingke Information Technology Co., Ltd., Beijing Aerospace Titan Technology Co., Ltd. and Beijing Jinshan Safety Management System Technology Co., Ltd. on behalf of the people’s government of Haigang District. Hebei Softcom Power Information Technology Co., Ltd. signed a cooperation agreement with Yanshan University National University Science Park. (Source: Hebei Provincial People’s Government website)

Recently, the public service version of urban brain and intelligent transportation jointly launched by Gaode Map and Alibaba Cloud was unveiled at the 2018 Hangzhou Yunqi Conference. Dong Zhenning, vice president of Gaode Map, said at the conference that the urban brain aims to achieve the optimization of urban traffic efficiency through the "Tao" of wisdom and the "technique" of calculation, so as to achieve a beautiful vision of smart traffic life.

At the same time, in addition, Gaode Map announced the driving behavior risk index for the first time at the Yunqi Conference. In the future, the index will be applied to urban brain-smart transportation to serve road traffic safety.

At present, the urban brain faces difficulties and challenges in data aggregation, fusion and calculation, and it encounters bottlenecks in achieving accurate management and control. Mainly manifested in: there are defects in data quality, and the signal control system that has been developed for nearly 30 years still has shortcomings and deficiencies in traffic flow collection; The storage computing power needs to be solved urgently, which is manifested in the lack of ability to store the returned unstructured image data and calculate it effectively; The wisdom of data engineers, traffic management business backbones, traffic engineering basic theory and application experts needs to be integrated urgently, so that the developed algorithm can be put into practical application. (Source: techweb)

During the World Artificial Intelligence Conference in Shanghai, Horizon, an artificial intelligence startup with embedded artificial intelligence technology, announced that it had settled in Shanghai Lingang and formally signed a contract with Shanghai Lingang Development and Construction Management Committee.

According to reports, Shanghai is one of the most modern cities in China, and the richness of application scenarios and the demand for intelligence are at the forefront of big cities. Horizon firmly believes that the application scenario of artificial intelligence processor has broad prospects in Shanghai. Previously, Horizon has participated in the Lingang Haichang Park project to help the comprehensive management of smart security, intelligent transportation and smart cities.

When it settled in Lingang this time, Horizon expressed its hope to promote the landing of artificial intelligence in various application scenarios in Lingang through AI underlying computing, and further promote the landing application of edge computing in the field of urban intelligence. (Source: Netease Intelligence)

Recently, sponsored by Chengdu Municipal People’s Government, Chengdu Investment Promotion Committee and jinniu district Municipal People’s Government jointly hosted the "New Economy and New Kinetic Energy" Chengdu Smart City Development Investment Promotion Conference, which was held in Chengdu. Representatives from more than 80 well-known new economic enterprises and financial institutions from all over the country gathered together to seek opportunities for cooperation and create a better future.

The meeting also held a centralized signing ceremony for major projects, and the Sri Lankan Investment Promotion Office in China officially signed a contract to settle in jinniu district, which will build a bridge between Chengdu, China and South Asia to develop economy and trade, further strengthen the economic and trade exchanges between Jinniu and South Asia, and in the future, Jinniu will cooperate more closely with South Asia to write a new chapter in the international trade of Jinniu South Asia.

In addition, seven major industrial projects, such as Moban Science and Technology West Operation Center Project, Tiantie Industrial West Operation Center Project, Shanyouke New Retail Project and Zotye Time-sharing West Operation Center Project, have been signed with the jinniu district Municipal Government, with a total investment of 6.1 billion yuan. (Source: People’s Daily Online)

On the morning of September 20th, the press conference of the smart life convenience service platform "Nehe on the Code" was officially launched.

The project of "Nehe River in Code" is an Internet-based reform that benefits urban and rural social public services. Through the cooperation with Qiqihar Branch of China Construction Bank, the online business of government services and public services can be realized, which can make people run less errands and more data, and make enterprises and people more convenient, faster and more efficient. "Nehe on the Code" will also be stationed in various businesses covering cities and villages such as catering and retail, and create an integrated Internet business circle for local businesses to facilitate people’s lives. At the same time, it will also build a credit integrity system integrating urban and rural areas, and develop HP financial services such as credit loans and credit purchases.

The "Nehe River on the Code" project includes four business segments: smart government service, smart public service, smart business service and smart financial service. The "Nehe River on the Code" project was launched in three phases. On September 15, 2018, six businesses in the first phase of the "Nehe on the Code" project, such as collecting party fees, China Unicom, mobile phone bills, traffic violation fines and kindergarten fees, were officially put into operation. It marks the official operation of the "Nehe River on the Code" project. (Source: People’s Daily Online)

On September 20th, China’s first comprehensive exposition with the theme of digital economy-"2018 International Digital Economy Expo" officially kicked off in Shijiazhuang. As one of the important activities of this Expo, the "2018 Smart City and Digital Economy Summit" attracted more than 500 participants. Focusing on the theme of "gathering industrial ecology and sharing the future of the city", this summit invited representatives from government, production, learning and research institutions.

Ma Shujie, Secretary-General of China Smart City Industry and Technology Innovation Strategic Alliance, Ye Yuping, Member of China Digital Economy committee of 100, Dean of Softcom Power Innovation Research Institute, Yao Jiankui, Chief Engineer of Huawei BG China Smart City Research Institute, Wei Yongsen, Chief Technology Officer of Inspur Group Smart City Research Institute, Liang Manchun, Assistant Dean of Tsinghua University Public Security Research Institute, Yin Qinghua, Vice President of Taihua Smart Industry Group, Weng Nandao, Chairman of Ego Group and other expert leaders attended the forum. (Source: Great Wall Network)

The launch conference of "Changde Express Loan" was held in Changde City, Hunan Province. Chen Huiqing, member of the Standing Committee of Changde Municipal Committee and executive deputy mayor, Li Qin, director of Hunan Rural Credit Union, Tang Xixin, party secretary and director of Changde E-government Office, Lu Hua, chairman of Changde Rural Commercial Bank, and Zhang Youguo, senior vice president of Iflytek Co., Ltd. and other leaders attended the conference. More than 300 people attended the conference, including the Finance Office of Changde Municipal Government, the Municipal Development and Reform Commission, the Municipal Economic and Information Committee, Changde Central Branch of the People’s Bank of China, Changde Banking Supervision Branch, heads of district governments and news media.

"Changde Express Loan" has made remarkable achievements since its trial operation on August 8. As of September 19th, "Changde Express Loan" has received loan applications from 20,085 customers, with a total signed credit of 481.71 million yuan and a total credit of 202.06 million yuan. Among the 20085 applicants, there are 11428, accounting for 56.89%. 1552 small and micro customers, accounting for 7.73%; There are 7,105 public officials, private enterprise employees and VIP customers, accounting for 35.38%. The success of "Changde Quick Loan" has also promoted the innovation of smart city applications such as "My Changde" and government big data, and achieved the synergistic effect of "1+1+1>3". (Source: People’s Daily Online)

Investors and analysts are cautiously optimistic about the listing of extreme US stocks seeking a valuation equivalent to Weilai Automobile.

  China’s rapidly rising new car-making companies are in the fiercest market competition, which makes them more motivated to seek rapid landing in the capital market. The latest one is Krypton, which has just been established for two years.

  If the IPO is successful, Krypton will be the fastest start-up car company established and listed. At present, the China Securities Regulatory Commission has confirmed the filing information of Krypton’s listing outside the United States, and Krypton also started a roadshow three weeks ago to test investors’ reaction.

  If it goes well, this IPO with a financing scale of over US$ 1 billion will become the largest IPO of China companies in the United States since Didi raised US$ 4.4 billion in mid-2021.

  A number of investors told the interface news that there is a great possibility of successful listing.Even when the capital is the most active, it takes the shortest time to build a car.It also took four years.

  A person close to the investor of Krypton roadshow told the interface news that Krypton has not yet negotiated with domestic and Hong Kong investment institutions, and the focus is still on overseas investors. As of the beginning of September, Krypton has held water testing meetings with some investment institutions in Singapore and Europe.

  Judging from the preliminary negotiation results, Krypton hopes to get a valuation of $18 billion, which is equivalent to the current US stock market value of Auto, whose latest market value has reached $18.274 billion.

  Several industry investors told Interface News that this valuation was higher than expected. For reference, the acquisition of shares of Volkswagen GroupThe latest market value after the stock price soared was $15.8 billion. In February this year, the post-investment valuation of Krypton Pre-A financing was $13 billion.

  Considering that it is still in the early stage of intentional communication, there will still be room for downward adjustment in the offer to investors.

  In recent years, more and more traditional automobile manufacturers in China have established brand-new electric brands, launched independent teams and new products equipped with the latest technology. They are eager to occupy the global pure electric vehicle market and pursue success in the long-term capital market.

  Extreme krypton isIts pure electric brand is also one of the new brands of traditional automobile companies that are closest to IPO at present. At the same time, it is reported that Ai ‘an, a sub-brand of GAC, may be listed before the end of the year.

  Krypton is likely to become another China automobile company to land in the US stock market. It has been three years since Tucki was successfully listed on the NYSE, and it is the last new China car-making force to land on the US stock market.

  It must be admitted that at present, Krypton wants to get a market valuation equivalent to the next "Wei Xiaoli", and the difficulty coefficient doubles.The environment in which it is listed in the US stock market is completely different from the active period of the capital market, and the enthusiasm of investors for the reform of the automobile industry has gradually cooled down.

  The craze for China companies to go public in the United States began in the 1990s, and the China electric vehicle startup "Wei Xiaoli" with Internet genes also relied on the east wind at that time.After ringing the bell, it gradually grew into China’s headCar company.

  This close capital cooperation relationship between China and the United States changed at the end of 2020. Subject to enhanced regulatory review, extremely high inflation and risingIn the past two years, the number of Chinese stocks listed on the US stock market and the scale of fund-raising have dropped sharply.

  The closure of the listing window in the United States has limited the financing of some start-up electric vehicle brands to some extent, but it has not prevented the China automobile industry from completing the alternation of the old and new order. At present, about one car in every three cars sold in China is a car, except for thisExcept, all the other best-selling models are China brands.

  The new force of making cars is no longer the only protagonist in the automobile market. Traditional automobile manufacturers in China have hatched brand-new electric brands one after another, and participated in the competition with the mentality and urgency of start-up companies and the talent structure similar to that of technology companies.

  These new energy sub-brands also hope to win the favor of investors. This can not only ensure that it has sufficient funds to cope with the subsequent market competition, but also reduce the cost burden of the parent company in the transformation of new energy.

  After the financing fever of electric vehicle start-ups peaked in 2021, the Federal Reserve continued to raise interest rates to fight inflation in 2022, and the borrowing cost rose sharply. Wall StreetIssuance, bond financing and corporate merger have all slowed down to almost exhaustion.

  Although the rising cost of capital is also impacting speculative enterprises in other fields, capital-intensive electric vehicle startups have been hit harder.

  The cost of establishing a new automobile manufacturing enterprise is high in the early stage, and it will take several years to make a profit. Investors are willing to pay a premium for potential high returns in the era of hot money, but those days are gone forever.

  Investment bankers, lawyers and investors believe that although there have been signs of recovery this year and the market has gradually rebounded, it is unlikely that the US IPO market will return to the level of 2020 and 2021. Start-ups need to re-adapt to the new investor mentality, that is, pay attention to the potential of start-ups to achieve profitability, rather than the ability to achieve rapid growth.

  Gui Lingfeng, director of Kearney Consulting, told Interface News that the US capital market still has reservations about emerging projects such as China Stock Exchange, including Krypton, and vehicle manufacturers that only provide pure electric vehicles.

  "The layout of Krypton in Europe is not easy, especially in German-speaking areas. The core is to enhance the sense of existence in front of overseas investors as soon as possible. From this perspective, they themselves realize that overseas investors are more conservative about their own business models, products and prospects. "

  Judging from the valuation model, Krypton is still regarded by investors as a technology-based enterprise, not a traditional automobile manufacturer.An industry insider who asked for anonymity pointed out in an interview with Interface News that the current valuation of krypton in the industry is based on 2 to 3 times the sales rate.

  "From the perspective of open market information, the sales rate of 2 to 3 times has actually been placed in the’ first echelon’, and the valuation prospects are more promising." After the extrusion of the high valuation bubble, the marketing rate of "Wei Xiaoli" has also dropped from the high level of more than 20 times in the past to 2 to 4 times.

  In contrast, the median sales-to-sales ratio of auto companies listed in the US stock market is 0.81. Traditional automobile manufacturers Toyota, Honda, Stellantis and Krypton’s parent company all have sales rates below 1 times.

  Market-to-sales ratio (PS) is often used to measure the valuation of unprofitable high-growth start-ups, which refers to how much investors are willing to pay for the company’s revenue of one yuan.

  For the unprofitable extreme krypton and new car-making forces, the core of investors’ evaluation of market value is not the income from car sales, but largely depends on the future software charges with higher marginal benefits, technology output and imaginative autonomous driving market prospects.

  The particularity of Krypton lies in that it is a China electric vehicle brand that is separated from the traditional automobile company and seeks independent listing.Although the capital market prefers completely independent new brands without burdens, relying on it, Krypton will amortize the platform R&D investment and capital expenditure together with other Geely brands. This is an extremely advantageous advantage, or let the polar krypton present.The data is optimistic.

  It is worth noting that Geely Group has the largest number of sub-brands in the world.

  "Investors will look at it rationally, and whether the R&D and supply and procurement costs of extreme krypton can be reflected in the gross profit of the financial report through the scale advantage of Geely Automobile.Statistically. "

  Gui Lingfeng told the interface news, including how exclusive the vast architecture of SEA can be, and the strategic investors.How much support is given to Krypton will affect the final valuation of Krypton.

  If Krypton chooses to postpone its listing for one to two years, it will be more likely to obtain a larger financing amount and valuation.The above-mentioned insiders believe that as the Fed starts to cut interest rates again in the next 1-2 years, it will drive the secondary market to increase its enthusiasm. From the market fundamentals, the volatility of the US stock market declined, inflation eased, and investors began to speculate again.

  Considering its own financial situation and subsequent development, Krypton hopes to seize the market recovery period as soon as possible and rebound with the market trend.In the first half of this year, the net loss of krypton reached 809 million yuan, which continued to expand compared with the loss of 759 million yuan in the same period of last year. From the construction of offline channels to the completion of the cockpit and the short board of intelligent driving, it is necessary to continue to invest money.

  Including from within Geely Group, there is a growing demand for Krypton’s self-financing and independence. Due to the pressure on profitability in the early stage of new energy transformation and the related investment in the start-up business of extremely high-end smart electric vehicles, global rating agenciesandThe credit outlook of Geely Holding Company and Geely Automobile has been adjusted from stable to negative.

  During the quiet period of the capital market, many start-ups were forced to do things that seemed unimaginable two years ago: continue to reduce costs and increase efficiency, with profitability as the core benchmark. Some start-ups that failed to get external financing support in time, with the passage of time, their cash reserves are decreasing day by day, and eventually they will go bankrupt or be acquired.

  Compared with the competition for customers, automobile manufacturing is more a competition for capital, especially in the initial stage.Compared with other traditional automobile companies’ sub-brands, Krypton is one of the few companies that have the mature conditions for listing.

  At present, Krypton has initially taken shape. Last year, the annual sales volume of 70,000 single-model vehicles was enough to tell the next story to the capital market. the year of 2020At the time of listing, the annual delivery volume was 32,600 vehicles.

  Another factor that is easily overlooked is that Geely Automobile, the parent company, may be the most adept at capital operation in China, and its experience in dealing with foreign investment institutions for many years has laid the foundation for the listing of US stocks today. Krypton considered Hong Kong as the first listing place, but finally chose new york, which also reflected its confidence and ambition-hoping to get a higher valuation in the world’s largest capital market.

  In 2010, Geely Automobile succeeded fromThe acquisition of Volvo in the hands staged a classic of "snake swallowing elephant" in the history of automobiles.The case also made Geely Automobile go to the world. After that, the investment portfolio of Li Shufu, chairman of Geely Holding Group, also includes a part of the equity of aston martin, a sports car brand, and a dominant interest in electric vehicle start-up brands such as Polar Star and Lotus Technology.

  Before the successful listing of Krypton, Li Shufu had been listed for several subsidiaries in the past two years. Volvo in Stockholm, Sweden in 2021The exchange made a public offering, followed by Polar Star and Yijiatong. Lotus Technology also reported this year that it will be listed on the US stock market through SPAC.

  The investment institutions involved in the above-mentioned listing actions are very likely to appear in the extremely kryptonian investor list. Thanks to the close contact between the parent company and global investment institutions, Krypton at least does not need to introduce where he comes from when negotiating with foreign investors.

  Some people commented to the interface news that Geely Automobile will not make an uncertain listing plan. Except for the listing of ants in 2021, Geely Automobile withdrew its listing in science and technology innovation board, and all other listing targets were successfully achieved.

  Investors’ concern about Krypton is how to achieve the goal of selling 650,000 vehicles in 2025 while ensuring their independence.In investment, platform sharing andandIn terms of the supply of scarce parts, there will inevitably be conflicts of interest between Krypton and other high-end electric vehicle brands under Geely.

  Extreme Krypton, Volvo, Polar Star, Lotus Technology and Geely andThe jointly launched Extreme Vietnam is striving for the same customers, and some of the models they developed are based on the common vast SEA architecture, and even some models are produced in parallel.

  The Wall Street Journal quoted investor analysis as saying that Geely Automobile’s listing of its subsidiary, rather than the holding company itself, may make the governance challenge of brand competition more difficult: any hint that Li Shufu prefers a subsidiary is a minority.Will be very important for everyone.

Chery TIGGO tiggo tiggo 9 goes global.

On May 31st, the global launch conference of Chery TIGGO Tiggo 9 was held in Beijing, and five models were launched, including the leading version, the deluxe version, the distinguished version, the ultimate version and the flagship version, with an official guide price of 152,900-203,900 yuan.

Tiggo 9 is the first model built by Chery Automobile based on the Mars architecture-super hybrid platform, which integrates the most advanced product technology and configuration points of the Tiggo family. Its launch is an important node for Chery to start a new global journey in the new era.

Since the listing of the first generation of Chery Tiggo, it has always reflected the development and evolution of domestic automobile brands and is a witness to the rise of domestic brands. The brand-new Tiggo 9 listed this time will bring users a higher quality and higher value life experience through the global upgrade with the strength of "9 leapfrog comforts +3 flagship qualities".

As one of the earliest global car companies in China, Chery Automobile has been the export champion of China passenger car brand for 20 consecutive years, and has become the "China business card" loved by users in more than 80 countries and regions around the world. As the pioneer and forerunner of self-owned brand SUV, the Tiggo series has achieved the brilliant achievement of "300W+ global users" since its birth 18 years ago.

Wuhu Daily reporter Zhao Dandan