Guangzhou Automobile released all-solid-state battery and no-map pure visual intelligent driving system

Business News (Reporter Guo Yuxi) Recently, 2024 Guangzhou Automobile Science and Technology Day was held in Guangzhou Automobile Research Institute. On Science and Technology Day, GAC officially launched the industry-leading all-solid-state power battery. It adopts the solid-state anode technology with high surface capacity and the third generation sponge silicon negative plate technology, and the all-solid-state anode can reach a high surface capacity of more than 5mAh/cm2, thus achieving an energy density of more than 400Wh/kg. Compared with the most advanced liquid lithium-ion battery at present, its volume energy density and mass energy density are increased by more than 50%, and the cruising range of the whole vehicle can exceed 1000km.

Guangzhou Automobile No Map Pure Vision Intelligent Driving System was launched simultaneously. Compared with the current mainstream technology route, it not only does not need high-precision maps, but also does not rely on lidar. Instead, it combines visual sensors and industry-leading AI algorithms to perceive the world like a human being, and can achieve a wider coverage with a simpler hardware system. Intelligent driving brings users a richer, more free and full-scene driving experience. Both technologies are planned to be loaded in 2026.

Huawei Zhang Wenlin: Digital technology accelerates the transformation and upgrading of media industry.

  On May 20th, the 2021 China International Intelligent Communication Forum, with the theme of "Intelligent Communication in the New Era", hosted by the Central Radio and Television General Station and the People’s Government of Jiangsu Province, kicked off in Wuxi, Jiangsu. Vice Minister Publicity Department of the Communist Party of China, Director and Editor-in-Chief of the Central Radio and Television General Station, Shen Haixiong, Deputy Secretary of jiangsu provincial party committee and Governor Wu Zhenglong attended the opening ceremony of the forum and delivered speeches. Huang Qin, secretary of Wuxi Municipal Party Committee, delivered a speech at the opening ceremony, and Du Xiaogang, deputy secretary of Wuxi Municipal Party Committee and mayor, delivered a keynote speech. A number of industry experts and scholars, entrepreneurs and representatives of Chinese and foreign media gathered in Wuxi to talk about the new future of intelligent communication. Zhang Wenlin, President of Huawei’s Strategy Department, attended the main forum and delivered a keynote speech entitled "Digital Technology Accelerating the Transformation and Upgrading of Media Industry".

  Zhang Wenlin, President of Huawei’s Strategy Department, delivered a keynote speech on "Digital Technology Accelerating the Transformation and Upgrading of Media Industry" in the main forum.

  First, the era of ultra-high-definition video has arrived, and it is accelerating towards 4K/8K and richer experiences.

  On March 1, 2019, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, the State Administration of Radio and Television and the Central Radio and Television General Station jointly issued the Action Plan for the Development of Ultra HD Video Industry (2019— 2022). The overall goal of the action plan is to vigorously promote the development of ultra-high-definition video industry and its application in related fields in accordance with the overall technical route of "4K first and 8K second". In September, 2020, HDRVivid, the key technical standard of ultra-high definition video industry in China, was officially announced. In the Spring Festival Evening of 2021, the world’s first 8K ultra-high-definition TV live screen was fresh in memory. The era of ultra-high definition is coming. The penetration rate of family 4K TV in China has exceeded 70%, and the number of families with 4K receiving ability has reached 200 million.

  Technological changes have driven the development of the industry, and the requirements for efficiency, quality and computing power in film and television production have been greatly improved. Driven by the demand for accelerated remote collaboration in the epidemic, it is accelerating the overall cloud. Taking film and television works as an example, from Avatar in 2009 to Alita in 2019, the number of special effects shots doubled, and the requirements for calculation and storage increased by more than four times; There are also super variety shows, the number of shots is increased by 10 times, the quality is required to start at 4K, the production time is required to be shortened, and the parallel computing is required to be improved by 10 times. Starting from supporting the efficient production of content, AI will completely change the future creation and production mode, from the production end to the consumption end. There are a lot of pain points that need to be solved by AI intelligence in the whole process of current content production, and the changes in the future film and television industry need innovative technical support.

  Second, the ultra-high-definition industry will be scaled up to promote technological innovation and industrial transformation.

  Throughout the 14 th Five-Year Plan, a new round of scientific and technological revolution and industrial transformation is accelerating, and the deep integration of virtual reality technology and digital technologies such as the Internet, big data, artificial intelligence and 5G is having a profound and extensive impact on the economic and social development process. In recent years, the policies and plans of the General Administration of Radio and Television and the Film Bureau have clearly put forward the requirements for technology and industrial development, and the core points to four aspects: open innovation, deepening development, all-round promotion and industrial upgrading.

  Huawei is deeply involved in video media technology and continues to innovate: In the past 25 years, from multimedia communication to video products serving radio and television/operators, it has gradually built the video development capability of the whole process and industry, and through in-depth and comprehensive research on audio and video basic technologies, it has been actively contributing to and promoting the formulation of open and innovative industrial standards and international standards with innovative technologies, and promoting industrial upgrading.

  The key basic technology of ultra-high-definition video is firstly HDR. Since the release of the HDR standard by the Ultra-high-definition Alliance, the HDRVivid industry has become increasingly mature: commercial products in all sectors of the industry have been fully launched, and all mainstream manufacturers in all sectors will launch products and contents supporting this technical standard during the year, greatly enhancing the visual experience of consumers; Then there is DRM, the key guarantee technology of ultra-high-definition industry: multilateral enterprises in the industrial chain jointly build a trust center DTA, creating an open standard, transparent and credible service model for global multilateral cooperation; Domestic and foreign manufacturers have participated in it, and the ecosystem has become increasingly mature, escorting the security of ultra-high-definition content.

  At CCTV main station ‘ 5G+4K/8K+AI’ Driven by the strategy, the whole industry is accelerating the comprehensive technological upgrading and transformation such as IP and cloud. The ultra-high-definition video production and broadcasting platform built by CCTV will form an ultra-high-definition program production capacity with an annual output of 10,000 hours (including new media and TV terminals), which will greatly promote the large-scale application of ultra-high-definition content, and then promote new business models such as live broadcast of ultra-high-definition TV theaters, support unified distribution for various end users, and accelerate the development of industrial integration.

  Three, industrial change to stimulate technological breakthroughs, business innovation chain reaction

  With the advent of the 5G era, the audio and video industry will realize digitalization, networking and intelligent upgrade. The access of 5G technology will bring new changes to film and television shooting. Media shooting can be made directly on the cloud. Since the National Day military parade of CCTV in 2019, the technology of 5G back transmission after shooting has taken the lead. At present, the technology has gradually matured. Huawei can provide more than 500M of stable bandwidth through 5G super uplink capability, and at the same time, it can provide 1G uplink capability next year, which can be widely used in all kinds of media shooting and live event scenes. By shooting the production scheme on the cloud through live broadcast, the cost of single live broadcast can be reduced by 60%. At the same time, because the live shooting brought by 5G jumps into the cloud, virtual shooting will redefine the shooting mode: by constructing a three-dimensional digital twin space of film and television content, the background of the calculated content can be combined with the physical image of the real shot, which will greatly improve the manufacturing efficiency in the early and late shooting. AI drives motion capture/voice/digital twins/light/spatial positioning and other functions to comprehensively improve the efficiency and quality of film and television content creation.

  The key to upgrading the 4K/8K content production and broadcasting is IP transformation. The media matrix will lead the IP transformation of TV station production and broadcasting, and support 2000 channels of 4K/8K content production and broadcasting in the traditional SDI mode, which requires 32 cabinets and 4 tons of heavy copper cable. The MediaFabric jointly innovated by Huawei and CCTV can complete the same task with two cabinets and about 100 kilograms of optical fiber, and support flexibility and scalability, and support future-oriented evolution.

  The application of technologies such as 5G, IP, cloud and AI in the process of ultra-high definition has contributed to the chemical reaction of business innovation. For example, the free viewing angle in the ultra-high-definition field is becoming a bright spot and hot spot in the industry. The Spring Festival Evening "Heroes of Heaven and Earth" has a high-quality image quality and a full-time 4K free viewing angle, bringing a new viewing experience and rich application scenarios.

  Fourth, cloud-based technologies and services have brought about changes in production, processing and distribution models.

  There will be three revolutionary services on Huawei Cloud:First, digital content is fully produced on the cloud, and various tools such as modeling interaction are efficiently scheduled and operated on the cloud through large-scale flexible computing power; Huawei and its eco-partners are steadily advancing the innovation of cloud production process services, which were officially released together with their partners at the Shanghai Film Festival in June this year. The second is the production on the 4K variety cloud. Based on the production practice of "Sister Riding the Wind and Waves", Huawei Cloud can realize the simultaneous editing and processing of hundreds of video streams through mature technologies such as real-time processing of proxy files and original files, which greatly accelerates the production efficiency in the later stage of variety. Third, making real-time generation services on the digital people cloud, which will produce film-and-television digital people with anthropomorphic characteristics and real digital twin figures, will be applied to the field of TV variety for the first time, and more innovative scenes such as lifelike digital twin program hosts will greatly enrich the content creation mode. There will be a famous host’s digital twin in the year, so please look forward to it.

  The mature services on Huawei Cloud are also constantly innovating and promoting the development of ultra-HD industry;Intelligent repair function, with accurate AI algorithm to help high-quality, efficient content repair and quality improvement, while improving video quality, enhance users’ willingness to watch. More than 500 films and videos have been restored.

  Explore a new mode of publishing on the cloud;Support the film distribution field to quickly enter the digital service era from the hard disk mailing era. In the field of distribution, there are still many difficult problems in the distribution of the film industry. At present, the distribution for urban cinemas still adopts the mode of hard disk delivery, which is high in cost, easy to damage, low in security and unable to be flexibly scheduled. The cloud service based on timely error correction and security guarantee of Huawei Cloud greatly improves the flexibility, timeliness and security of film distribution.

  5. New market space: integrating innovation and providing the ultimate experience for more users in a timely manner.

  The second live mode is about to provide services in a normal and large scale. It is expected to provide users with more and better enjoyment in cinemas, theaters and various venues that can provide the ultimate experience of film and television content.

  The new home theater will create the second largest cinema market. Through revolutionary experience upgrading, convenient and flexible installation and civilian price, it provides a brand-new video business experience for home users. The AiMax business operation practice of Huawei video and smart screen proves that high-quality home theater experience will stimulate three times the viewing volume, increase the willingness to pay by two times, and incite huge commercial value.

  Generally speaking, under the general trend of the accelerated development of ultra-high-definition industry, various technologies have been iteratively developed, which has spawned various business innovations and business model innovations, and constantly opened up new markets. This will promote the chain reaction of innovation in all aspects of the industry, which requires the joint efforts of the entire industrial ecological partners and the government to provide necessary conditions and convenience for the cluster development of the industry. In this process, Huawei will focus on technological innovation, join hands with partners, actively promote the development of ultra-high-definition technology and industry, and create full-process technological innovation with the support value of 5G, IP, cloud and AI to help the digital transformation and industrial upgrading of the film and television industry in the ultra-high-definition era.

Revealing the live broadcast with goods in close encounter of mahjong! Brush flow with rhythm routines.

  "There is so much meat in it, and the meat pieces are big. It’s really great value." In the live broadcast room, a female anchor gulped a fast food product at the camera; In the comment area, fans also brushed out praises and prepared to place orders; Outside the live broadcast room, zhangxin (pseudonym), a commodity operator, was extremely excited, expecting to sell out 60,000 products prepared through this live broadcast.

  But contrary to expectations, the live broadcast only sold less than 1500 items. Tens of thousands of yuan in membership fees and 60,000 pieces of stock, zhangxin paid nearly 900,000 yuan. After this campaign, he lost confidence in the live broadcast.

  Recently, a number of stars live broadcast goods "overturned", and it was revealed that after charging high fees, the goods sold were pitiful. Zhangxin is the epitome of many merchants who are looking for live broadcast to bring goods, hoping to sell goods through live broadcast. However, in the end, it is not a sharp increase in sales, but a big pit of data fraud, rhythm of billing, membership fees, high sales volume and high return rate.

  Pay first

  A membership fee of 100,000 yuan does not guarantee sales.

  Holding a mobile phone to pay attention to the live delivery of goods on multiple platforms has now become the norm in zhangxin. The competing products sold nearly 9,000 items in the lively live broadcast, which once again stimulated zhangxin’s nerves. "Our products are more real than their materials, and the visual impact in the live broadcast will be even greater. I think it is definitely better than competing products, so I want to take a chance."

  Zhangxin found a number of e-commerce companies, many of which listed their experiences of cooperating with many big anchors, and told him that "the strength of the company need not be worried".

  In zhangxin’s view, the selection of the big anchor will certainly be very strict, and how to get the goods directly into the live broadcast room is his most concerned issue.

  "These are small things. In a word, if you give me the product, we can let them broadcast it." A staff member of a new media company doing live broadcast said. However, before the live broadcast, you need to pay a certain fee to become a senior member of the company. The annual membership fee is 100,000 yuan. After becoming a member, you can receive the big anchor.

  Several anchors listed by the staff made zhangxin excited, and his mind dreamed of the scene that the goods were sold out. The staff further said that many brands now find live broadcast companies, which is to sell a large amount of products. The purpose is to let dealers see the sales volume of products, or to attract the attention of the capital side, and then get financing.

  "The strength of our company is here, you have to believe us." When zhangxin asked whether the docking head anchor and the guarantee of a certain sales volume would be written into the contract, the reply he got brought him back to reality. "I almost took out 100,000 yuan, but trust and distrust are not a concept in the contract."

  The reporter contacted two small-scale live broadcast companies, all of which signed a number of anchors to broadcast live on different platforms. Instead of membership fees, they charged "pit fees" ranging from two to three thousand yuan. The reporter said that there are goods that need to be sold by live broadcast. After many times of communication, a live delivery company said that after paying the pit fee, it can carry out live delivery in its company account, and designed the development path of the goods for the reporter. "Live broadcast can’t be anxious. You can do live broadcast for half a year in the live broadcast room. After accumulation and word of mouth, when the brand is almost done, you can sell the brand. Then find the next outlet and make the next brand. How happy you will be then. "

  A merchant who used to bring goods in this way said that two or three thousand yuan is not much, which is nine Niu Yi hairs compared with the expenses of many big anchors, which often cost hundreds of thousands. "But after paying the pit fee, I found that I couldn’t sell the goods at all."

  Low sales volume

  Stock 60 thousand pieces and sell 1500 pieces

  After many searches, zhangxin thought he had found a reliable live delivery company. After doing market research, the live delivery company believes that there are inconveniences in the goods. This fast food product needs containers to eat, but it is not provided in the goods.

  The staff said that products can be sold through the company’s large size, and they should be warmed up first, but don’t expect a sharp increase in product sales. After the sales volume is good and the fans approve it, all the products will be sold through other accounts of the company. Zhangxin approved of this arrangement, and after finalizing the 60,000 yuan fee and some details, he brought two boxes of goods to the live broadcast company.

  Two hours before the broadcast, zhangxin fidgeted and kept brushing the live room of her mobile phone. "Many large anchors were broadcast live that night. I was under great pressure and worried that fans would be diverted."

  It was not until five minutes before the broadcast that Zhang Xin knew that his product was the last one in the live broadcast, and the company had promised him that it would be broadcast live in prime time. "Everyone spent all their money before, and at the end of the day, there was no money in their pockets, so they bought my products. This is not prime time. "

  Although very helpless, zhangxin has been unable to change. After the broadcast, he has been paying attention to the live broadcast content and found that four or five competing products appeared in this live broadcast room at the same time that day.

  More than two hours after the broadcast, the anchor took out the products from zhangxin and began to recommend them. He jumped up from his chair, applauded and shouted: "There are 20,000 people in the live broadcast room, come on."

  "There is a lot of meat and big chunks, which is too cost-effective." The anchor is eating his product and evaluating it. The comments in the live broadcast room were gradually brushed up. zhangxin became more and more excited outside the live broadcast room, gnashing his teeth and shouting: "Traffic, why can’t it be rushed?"

  The anchor began to count down to "3, 2, 1, on the shelf." 639 pieces and 763 pieces … … Until 1000 pieces, the final product sales were fixed at 1478 pieces. After the live broadcast, zhangxin sighed, and he prepared 60,000 items for the live broadcast. And he has invested nearly 900 thousand yuan in the process of finding live broadcast and stocking. "The live broadcast can’t be taken out. These goods are enough for my family to eat for ten years."

  Zhangxin’s experience is the epitome of many businesses looking for live delivery. Mr. Liu also carried goods through 9 anchors of 7 live delivery companies, but sold more than 60 goods in total. "For half a day, not only didn’t sell much goods, but also took a lot of ‘ Pit position fee ’ . From the beginning of self-confidence, I am exhausted now, and I don’t have so much hope for live broadcast. "

  There are many routines

  Comments with rhythm, brush the bill first and then return it.

  According to the reporter’s investigation, many live delivery companies have indicated that they can "create an atmosphere" in the live broadcast room. Control multiple mobile phones through a computer, and use many accounts to brush comments in the live broadcast room with rhythm. "After the fans entered the live broadcast room, they saw that the live broadcast room was so lively, and many fans had herd mentality, which would lead to large-scale purchases."

  A staff member of a live delivery company said that in the live broadcast, you can not only brush the comments with rhythm, but also drive fans through purchase behavior. As soon as the product is put into the live broadcast room, it will show how many people are buying, and this information display can also be operated. "Now some consumers don’t care whether the product is good or not, but only look at temporary needs and the price is right. When they see someone buying it, they will follow suit. These people are ‘ Leek ’ 。”

  It is not only fans who are regarded as "leeks", but also businesses looking for live broadcasts.

  In some live broadcast agreements, the number of goods sold in a live broadcast will be guaranteed after paying membership fees and pit fees. After meeting the sales volume, you can get this fee in full. Some companies will also sign a commission sharing agreement with merchants, which will be divided according to the amount of goods carried by the anchor. The higher the sales volume, the more it will be divided.

  However, during this period, there will often be a reversal of the plot, and many buyers will return the goods and refund them before, during and after delivery.

  "Some refunds can reach 40% or even more of sales. Among them, there are fans who are impulsive, and there are also bills brushed by live broadcast companies. At this time, the membership fee or pit fee has entered the pocket of the live broadcast company. " An industry insider who is familiar with live delivery said that merchants can only accept a certain return rate. The live delivery company received commissions and membership fees and completed the harvest of the enterprise. "If this industry goes on like this, no merchants are willing to find anchors to bring goods, and they don’t want to be harvested ‘ Leek ’ 。”

  Zhangxin has lost confidence in the fiery live delivery. After more than three months’ tossing, he found that there were many close encounter of mahjong in the live delivery. Live broadcast with goods is not the excitement in the live broadcast room, and the pit behind the false prosperity will engulf the merchants at any time. In the face of the goods prepared for live broadcast in the warehouse, zhangxin smiled helplessly. "Through this period of tossing, I also found out their routines. In the next step, I also plan to transform and become a live broadcast company." (Reporter Zhao Xibin Illustration Song Xi)

Zhiji LS6 landed at Haikou Auto Show in 2024, and it was sold at 217,900 yuan.

On January 5th, Zhiji LS6, a super explosive product of the intelligent pure electric SUV owned by Zhiji Automobile, shocked and landed at the 2024 (6th) Haikou International New Energy and Intelligent Networked Automobile Exhibition (hereinafter referred to as Haikou Auto Show). With the only full-line equipment at the same level equipped with "Laser Radar +OrinX Chip", the world’s first "Quan Huafu Digital Cabin Screen" and the industry’s original "One-button Ai Driving", At the same time, two flagship models of Zhiji Automobile, Zhiji LS7 and Zhiji L7, the medium and large intelligent flagship SUV and the new world driving and control flagship, also jointly appeared at the auto show to jointly demonstrate what a smart auto time should look like.

According to the sales data from December 25th to December 31st, 2023, the weekly sales volume of Zhiji LS6 reached a new high with 2,460 units, which led the list of two new energy vehicles; it won the title of "China Brand of All-category Pure Electric Vehicles with more than 200,000" for four times; and it was the first in the list of "Medium and Large Pure Electric SUVs" for eight consecutive weeks. In December, Zhiji Automobile’s monthly sales exceeded 10,000, with a cumulative sales of 38,253 units in the whole year, which surged by 665% year-on-year, and won the three most valuable firsts in the pure electric track of medium and large SUVs, such as "the first brand sales", "the first number of championships" and "the first half-year growth".

All "Lidar +Orin X Chip", you can enjoy advanced intelligent driving when you get started.

The Zhiji LS6, which appeared at this year’s auto show, is equipped with more than 100 cutting-edge technologies, and the entry is full of high-level software and hardware integrated intelligent configuration. LS6 is the only one in its class equipped with "ultra-long-range high-precision laser radar +OrinX high-computing power chip", which is naturally equipped with urban NOA capability. In December, the IM AD expressway NOA only took 8 months to achieve nationwide coverage, radiating the expressway sections of 333 cities (except Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan) and covering the elevated sections of 59 cities. The NOA applicable roads for the expressway viaduct totaled 389,000 kilometers, allowing users to start the intelligent driving of "all the countries can open and all the countries are easy to open" with one click.

It is expected that this month, the IM AD city NOA will also start user push; this year, more intelligent driving in IM AD urban scenes, commuting mode, Pilot+, one-button Ai driving 2.0, and high-precision automatic parking will all come one by one, providing users with a higher-order, easier and safer intelligent driving experience.

The world’s first "Quan Huafu digital navigation screen", the future intelligent cabin leapfrog experience.

Another secret of Zhiji LS6, which is favored by users, is its world-first "Quan Huafu Digital Cab Screen", which takes the lead in laying out the "future smart cabin" form. LS6 is equipped with the function of "global digital visual field blind compensation", which creatively realizes the functions of A-pillar intelligent blind compensation, rear-side intelligent blind compensation, rear-view intelligent blind compensation, etc.; it opens up the full-scale visual field, helps users solve hidden dangers in blind areas with high technology, brings a brand-new intelligent experience, and greatly improves driving safety. The original "rainy night mode" clearly presents the road information on both sides of the screen when the line of sight is extremely blocked, such as rainy night, to avoid the security risks caused by blurred vision and make travel safer.

In addition, Zhiji LS6 "Future Smart Cabin" also took the lead in carrying the industry’s first vertical GPT big model "Zhiji Generative Big Model" and the brand-new intelligent function "SHUA" to create a multi-dimensional smart cockpit that is more in line with the new pursuit of the city and bring users a richer and more diverse travel social experience.

The industry’s original "one-button Ai driving" makes driving never so simple.

Zhiji LS6 also created a unique "one-click Ai driver’s drive" in the industry, including functions such as "one-click welting", "one-click extrication" and "one-click tracking", and handed over certain pain scenes of urban travel to AI for help, greatly alleviating users’ driving anxiety and making users "one-click" fall in love. For example, when parking sideways, just "one-click" to easily attach the edge, not far from it, just right; straying into a crowded and narrow parking space, "one-click to get out of trouble" and "one-click to follow" to return along the original road and get away with it.

One-button Ai driving helps users to easily solve the driving problems encountered in the last 50 meters of driving, such as "difficult parking, difficult reversing and difficult parking"; subsequently, new functions such as one-button walking have been launched one after another, making driving never so simple.

In addition to leading the three cheats of high-level intelligence, Zhiji LS6 is the first in the industry to build a "quasi-900V super performance platform", and the zero-speed acceleration reaches 3.48s, making it the first China brand SUV to break through the 300km/h mark. Not only has strong performance, LS6 maximum working voltage is 875V, and the peak charging power is 396kW, which can realize charging for 5 minutes and replenish energy for 200 kilometers, so that users can bid farewell to charging anxiety.

From January 5th to 8th, welcome to the booth of Zhiji Automobile in Hall 4 of Haikou International New Energy and Intelligent Networked Automobile Exhibition in 2024 (6th), and have a zero-distance tasting of this intelligent pure electric SUV "super explosive" Zhiji LS6. Log in to the "IM Smart Car" APP or applet, and you can make an appointment for a test drive experience; immediately make a decision and lock the order for the LS6, and enjoy the leapfrog charm of "Future Smart Car" at an attractive limited-time interest price.

(Photo: Haikou Zhiji Delivery Service Center Wu Shubin)

AITO asks M9 appearance to be officially announced, and the brand-new factory of Sailis automobile unveils mystery.

  Recently, the high-profile AITO industry M9 officially announced the design, and many media people in the car circle shouted, "Gone forever are the days when foreign luxury car brands could price whatever they wanted in China!" Although this statement sounds a little more modest than Yu Chengdong’s statement of "the best SUV within 10 million", just announcing the appearance can arouse such multimedia attention and market discussion, which fully shows how much the market pays attention to and expects this model, which is jointly built by Cyrus Automobile and Huawei and positioned as the flagship SUV of panoramic wisdom. The industry is also looking forward to whether this car can bring new changes to China’s new energy vehicle industry and even the entire automobile industry. According to the official announcement, this car will be officially launched at the end of the year, when it will achieve the same level of leadership in platform advancement, high-level intelligent driving ability and technical content.

AITO asks the M9 appearance to be officially announced, and the new factory of Sailis Automobile unveils the mystery _fororder_image001

  At the same time that AITO asked M9 to attract the attention of the whole industry, the Celestial Auto Super Factory, which is about to "make this model intelligently", also unveiled the mystery. In the recent Chongqing news broadcast, we also got a glimpse of its true colors. As can be seen from the name, compared with Tesla’s super factory, the local super factory built by Cyrus Auto has the ambition to lead the new changes in China’s new energy vehicle industry. If you are ambitious, you should have strength.

AITO asks the M9 appearance to be officially announced, and the new factory of Sailis Automobile unveils the mystery _fororder_image002

  It is understood that the Celestial Auto Super Factory is a cooperative project between Celestial Auto and Chongqing Liangjiang New Area. It is driven by digitalization and intelligence, combined with technologies such as big data and Internet of Things, and built by digital twin technology. It not only adopts advanced production technology and technical equipment in the industry, but also ensures the quality of vehicles through cutting-edge technologies such as digital total quality testing, and proactively applies environmentally-friendly technologies to ensure energy conservation and emission reduction in the whole production process. At present, the factory is accelerating construction, and when it is completed, it will be one of the largest intelligent manufacturing bases of new energy vehicles in the world.

AITO asks the M9 appearance to be officially announced, and the new factory of Sailis Automobile unveils the mystery _fororder_image003

  For a long time, as the leader of high-end brand of new energy steam, Sailis Automobile has been expanding the extension of industry model and technical level: the strong alliance with Huawei has become an industry model; The AITO series models jointly designed and built have become the industry benchmark. Recently, the new M7 has only been on the market for more than a month, and the large order has exceeded 6W. The two smart factories built with digitalization, intelligence and Internet of Things as the core represent the leading technical level of the new energy vehicle industry at present. The brand-new Celestial Super Factory, which is about to be put into production, is bound to lead the digital transformation of China’s new energy industry. (Photo: provided by Cyrus)

The original tens of millions of online celebrity small groups are suspected of being arrested, and they will be jailed for 8 years and face huge fines because of the fighting fish incident.

Original title: Ten million online celebrity small groups are suspected of being arrested, and they will be imprisoned for 8 years and face huge fines due to the fighting fish incident.

As a well-known anchor of the platform for fighting fish, online celebrity Tuantuan is afraid of being sentenced to 6-8 years in prison for being suspected of participating in money laundering activities on the platform, and the amount involved is as high as 48 million, and about 11 people in the whole trade union have been arrested. In fact, before this, there was a warning that she had announced that she had stopped broadcasting because of "involuntary" and went online after the first stop, saying that she had to continue to stop broadcasting because of "involuntary". Although she did not disclose the specific reasons, she mentioned that she had experienced many bad things in the last month. She hasn’t been seen since it was announced in November last year.

Well-known gossip anchor cold wind also said during the live broadcast:

It is very likely that the small group will be eight years. Maybe the assistant of the small group will take five to six years, and her assistant has not come out yet. If the assistant has no income, it may be delayed. It seems that the problem of Xiao Tuan Tuan is still quite big.

However, these revelations have not been officially confirmed, and their authenticity is still difficult to verify for the time being.

The Betting Platform has been thoroughly investigated for money laundering before, and its owner, Li Shaojie, was arrested for opening a casino. Betta has various forms in this respect, such as opening casinos, money laundering and smuggling activities with northern Myanmar, and organizing activities by lottery in live broadcast rooms.

The most popular "card lottery" game is the most popular in the live broadcast rooms of major anchors. The form is that the audience spends money to buy props, gifts, open cards to participate in the lucky draw, and the anchor usually gives the bonus to the audience privately. Take the betta anchor "Jiujijiu Outdoor" as an example. He has more than 3 million fans on betta. By the time he was arrested, the live broadcast room had organized more than 4,200 lottery games, with more than 4.42 million people participating, and finally "attracted nearly 120 million yuan", which shows how violent it was!

In January 2021, the "Changsha Rural Death Squad" was selected as the top ten anchor of DouYu Platform. According to the Green Hornet, the "Changsha Country Death Squad" is the "biggest casino for fighting fish", with an annual flow of 177 million yuan and a daily flow of 13 million yuan. At 10 o’clock every night, the lucky draw activities suspected of gambling are started, and the public code "Ten-Point Economy Class" is also formed.

According to the news that China. com quoted the anchor of the platform, the Betting Platform may have been aware of the cash back of the anchor’s lottery, and 50% of the revenue from the anchor’s running water also goes directly to the platform. With the increasing business pressure, fighting fish or being driven by interests is "desperate", and the chaos of live broadcast reappears. This is also the reason why many anchors lost contact.


The above content is part of online news, so we should keep a rational and objective attitude until it is officially confirmed. At the same time, this incident also warned the live broadcast industry and the Internet platform that it is necessary to strengthen self-discipline and standardized management to avoid similar problems. For the majority of netizens, it is necessary to raise their awareness of self-prevention, stay away from illegal activities such as the Internet, and jointly maintain a healthy and harmonious network environment. Of course, we also expect relevant departments to give clear findings as soon as possible, so that the public can know the truth.

Editor in charge:

Investigation on mobile phone surfing of college students: over 40% surf the Internet for more than 5 hours every day.

  China Youth Network, Beijing, October 21st "It’s not that I’m not sleepy. I just want to wait. As for what? I don’t know, I just want to wait. "This passage has become the mantra of many college students. And this "wait", most of them are brushing their mobile phones. So, how long do college students surf the Internet on their mobile phones every day? What are you mainly doing? Are you worried about network security?

  Recently, China Youth Network Campus News Agency conducted a questionnaire survey among 1,220 college students around the country. The results show that more than 40% of students surf the Internet for more than 5 hours every day, and more than 80% of students surf the Internet mainly for social chat. Most students think that surfing the Internet by mobile phone makes mobile payment, information acquisition and social communication more convenient. Nearly 90% of students are worried about network security, and most students expect the network speed of 5G to be faster and more convenient for study and life.

  The picture shows the proportion of college students’ mobile phone surfing time every day. China Youth Network reporter Li Huaxi cartography

  Over 40% of students surf the Internet on their mobile phones for more than 5 hours every day, and over 80% of students mainly chat socially.

  Wu Lin, a student of Sichuan Agricultural University, uses his mobile phone to surf the Internet every day for about 6 hours. "It has become my habit to brush my mobile phone when I wake up every day. Now surfing the Internet is a daily need. I feel that I don’t have much to do except surfing the Internet. I like chatting, watching news and playing games online when I have no classes. I can’t stop playing my mobile phone."

  Like Wu Lin, there are not a few college students who have the habit of surfing the Internet for a long time. According to a survey conducted by a reporter from China Youth Network, 41.56% of college students spend more than five hours on their mobile phones every day. When surfing the Internet, 83.93% of the students mainly chat socially, followed by consulting materials and listening to songs, accounting for 62.46% and 58.61% respectively.

  "I am deeply dependent on the Internet, partly because of my shortcomings in social skills." Joline, a student of Northwest Normal University, told reporters that she is introverted and unwilling to communicate face to face. She can express herself more directly and accurately online. She will keep a diary on the trumpet in Weibo, and what she is embarrassed to say in person can be expressed by WeChat. "Besides, I can also tell my story with strangers through Zhihu."

  The picture shows the proportion of college students’ mobile phone surfing behavior. China Youth Network reporter Li Huaxi cartography

  Mobile Internet access makes mobile payment, information acquisition and social communication more convenient.

  So what convenience does mobile Internet access bring to college students’ daily life? In the survey, China Youth Network reporter found that most of the students interviewed thought that surfing the Internet by mobile phone made mobile payment, information acquisition and social communication more convenient, accounting for 90.25%, 80.49% and 78.52% respectively.

  "Now you don’t have to bring cash when you go shopping. It’s really convenient to pay by QR code." Zhao Tingting, a student at Guilin University of Technology, said that it used to be troublesome to use cash for shopping. Now, with mobile payment, the mobile phone can scan the code to pay, which not only saves a lot of time, but also brings great convenience to life.

  Chen Yixin, a student at Chengdu University of Information Science and Technology, told reporters that after going to college, she often chats with her parents online. "Sometimes I use WeChat videos, and it is very convenient to contact them anytime and anywhere even if I don’t go home." She also said that now she mainly watches news through Weibo and news apps, so she can keep abreast of the latest hot events, which is very fast.

  The picture shows the proportion of convenience brought by mobile internet access to life. China Youth Network reporter Li Huaxi cartography

  Nearly 90% are worried about network security, and most students expect 5G network speed to be faster and study and life more convenient.

  Xie Wenyi is a student of Shandong University of Technology, and he attaches great importance to network security. "I have learned that bank card deposits may be stolen by clicking on the link to help bargain, which makes me very worried about network security." In order to avoid the disclosure of personal information, he will be more cautious when registering his account. He told reporters that many friends around him have fallen into the trap of online fraud, so they must strengthen their prevention.

  The results of this survey show that 88.03% of the respondents are as worried about network security as Xie Wenyi. In addition to network security issues, 5G has also become a hot topic this year. When talking about the expectation of the 5G era, 87.38% of the respondents hope that 5G will make the network speed faster, and secondly, it will make the study and life more convenient and the video quality clearer, accounting for 86.64% and 71.31% respectively.

  Hong Yumin studied in Hope College of Southwest Jiaotong University, and she needed to surf the Internet frequently for professional reasons. When talking about 5G, she said that 5G is a "good medicine" for architectural drawing. It doesn’t take a long time to download the software installation package, which greatly shortens the students’ drawing time. Compared with 4G, 5G is more stable and not easy to get stuck. When drawing, you don’t have to worry about network failure, which can guarantee the smooth birth of the work.

  The picture shows the proportion of college students’ expectations for 5 G. China Youth Network reporter Li Huaxi cartography

  Teachers in colleges and universities suggest that Internet surfing time should be arranged reasonably and network security protection should be done well.

  Yang Mei, an administrative teacher at School of Information Engineering, Sichuan Agricultural University, believes that college students spend more time on the Internet than study time. Although this has become a common phenomenon, students are advised to pay attention to study. "At present, many students will become very anxious when they leave their mobile phones. In fact, students will make good use of the Internet to arrange their free time and pay more attention to WeChat official account and online classes related to their majors or employment, which will be helpful for future postgraduate entrance examinations or job hunting."

  "Don’t easily click on pop-up web pages or unreliable advertising links shared by others, which are likely to contain viruses. When surfing the Internet in Internet cafes outside, don’t connect your USB flash drive, mobile phone and other things containing important personal information to your computer, which is easy to cause network security problems." At the same time, as the class teacher of the students, Yang Mei recommends students with poor self-control to use professional APP for entertainment time management, hoping that students can concentrate on their studies and focus on their studies.

  This semester, Fan Yingjie, a teacher of Marxism College of Chengdu University, asked students to strengthen self-discipline, stay away from the internet at least half a day to one day in class and at ordinary times, and learn to control themselves. She hopes that through these ways, students can understand that instead of constantly paying attention to other people’s lives through mobile phones, it is better to live their own lives and do their own things in a down-to-earth manner.

  Fan Yingjie also mentioned that regarding the issue of network security, the relevant state departments released a lot of warning case materials when promoting network security, hoping that students would learn more about it. "When using mobile phones or computers to surf the Internet, students should not randomly click unfamiliar links to avoid revealing personal information on the Internet, and try their best to do network security protection." (At the request of the interviewee, the names of the students in this article are all pseudonyms.)

  (Reporter Li Huaxi correspondent Yang Qing)

Watch quickly! The 22nd Qingdao Autumn International Auto Show in 2023 kicked off today!

Help boost consumption and promote cars to the countryside. On September 7, 2023, the launching ceremony of the 22nd Qingdao Autumn International Auto Show and Qingdao New Energy Vehicle Going to the Countryside was grandly opened at Qingdao International Convention and Exhibition Center (Laoshan District).

The exhibition was hosted by Shandong Automobile Industry Association, Qingdao Industry and Information Technology Bureau and Qingdao Municipal Bureau of Commerce, and was undertaken by Qingdao Daily Newspaper Group and Qingdao Jialu Bowen Travel Technology Co., Ltd., with strong support from Qingdao Council for the Promotion of International Trade (Exhibition Office), Qingdao Development and Reform Commission and Qingdao Agriculture and Rural Bureau.

This exhibition started six exhibition areas of Qingdao International Convention and Exhibition Center, with an exhibition area of more than 60,000 square meters. More than 90 brands made wonderful appearances with more than 800 models, covering all kinds of cars, commercial vehicles, commercial vehicles, modified cars, used cars, new energy vehicles, etc. The frontier trend of the automobile industry gathered the top automobile events in the north.

At the opening ceremony, the 2023 Qingdao New Energy Vehicle Going to the Countryside activity was officially launched, and more than ten rural activities will be held in various districts and cities in Qingdao. Wang Bo, member of the Standing Committee of Qingdao Municipal Committee and Vice Mayor, Tan Xiuqing, Secretary-General of Shandong Automobile Industry Association, Qi Jianguo, Party Secretary and President of Qingdao Daily and Chairman of Qingdao Newspaper Media Group, Chu Xianfeng, member and deputy director of Qingdao Industry and Information Technology Bureau, Wang Zhigang, member and deputy director of Qingdao Commerce Bureau and second-level inspector, Wang Haodong, member of Qingdao Development and Reform Commission, Sun Siheng, deputy director of Qingdao Agriculture and Rural Affairs Bureau (Municipal Rural Revitalization Bureau), Gong Yimeng, first-class researcher of Qingdao Council for the Promotion of International Trade, Feng Yongping, member of the Party Committee and deputy general manager of Qingdao Guoxin Group, Lin Tao, general manager of Qingdao Jialu Bowen Travel Technology Co., Ltd., and relevant responsible comrades from relevant departments of Qingdao and various districts and cities attended.

Iteration is accelerated, and the vitality of automobile intelligence is endless.

Leading the direction of the northern auto market, on the first day of the opening ceremony, 31 new cars were released at 28 press conferences, and more than 50 latest models were displayed on the spot. Many brands made their debut at Qingdao International Auto Show.

Haobo, who landed at Qingdao International Auto Show for the first time, brought a high-end intelligent coupe Haobo GT and a super-running model Haobo SSR with an acceleration of 1.9s kilometers. The automatic wing door shape quickly attracted the audience to stop.

Changan Qiyuan, Geely Yinhe and Warrior respectively brought their latest models, Changan Qiyuan A07, Geely Yinhe L6/L7 and Warrior 917, to their stunning debut.

The wave of "electrification, intelligence and networking" has covered the whole automobile manufacturing industry. While accelerating the iteration along the main track, various automobile companies have also launched works in the field of highlighting brand personality.

"Born to break the world, extremely intelligent guardian", Extreme Fox opened up a parent-child safety track and launched the world’s first intelligent parent-child car-Extreme Fox Koala.

Feifan Automobile has released the industry’s first car-car integration scheme that breaks the boundaries of mobile phone brands-Feifan Bach cockpit digital ecology, which supports the high-speed and non-inductive integration of multi-brand mobile phones and car machines, and presents users with a brand-new upgrade of intelligence and comfort.

Equipped with Huawei HarmonyOS cockpit, Aouita 11 HarmonyOS version was released on the spot. Thanks to Huawei ADS2.0 intelligent driving assistance system, Aouita will provide users with better car and intelligent driving assistance experience.

BYD’s two major networks continued to exert their strength. Seal DM-i, Tang Family EV Champion Edition, DM-p Champion Edition/God of War Edition and DM-i Champion Edition appeared in the island city for 200KM.

Zhiji LS6, Wenjie New M7, Haval Raptors, Jetway Traveler, Tank 400Hi4-T, SAIC Chase Star H, Ruilan 7, Buick Angola plus, Cadillac brand-new CT6, Changan Ford Explorer Kunlun Edition, Volvo EX90, Volkswagen Touareg Volcanic Rock Sports Edition, New Generation Lincoln Navigator Mixed Edition, Dongfeng Honda 2024 Yingshi School, Link 08, Star Guangqi Honda’s new Crown Road, Guangqi Ai ‘an 2024 AION V Plus, FAW-Volkswagen ID.7 VIZZION, SAIC Volkswagen Xinweiran, Gaohe HIY, Tucki G6, Deep Blue SL03ICA, 2023 Extreme Krypton 001, Feifan F7, FAW Toyota bz3, SAIC Audi Q6, Tengshi N8…… … "Automatic driving" and "unmanned parking".

Cars go to the countryside, and exhibitions boost consumption upgrades.

In recent years, the development of China’s new energy automobile industry has achieved remarkable results, and an industrial system with complete structure and organic synergy has been steadily established, which has become an important force for stabilizing China’s economy and industry.

In the second half of 2023, under the orderly guidance of the National Development and Reform Commission’s Twenty Measures on Restoring and Expanding Consumption, Shandong Provincial Department of Commerce’s Plan of New Energy Vehicles Going to the Countryside in 2023 and other heavy policies, the automobile industry economy began to usher in recovery, and further tapping the consumption potential of new energy vehicles became one of the topics of economic development in the second half of the year.

As an important part of 30 new energy vehicles going to the countryside in Shandong Province in 2023, this autumn auto show brings together 27 new energy vehicle brands. Warrior, Lantu, Ideality, BYD, Ruilan Automobile, Feifan, FAW-Volkswagen New Energy, SAIC Volkswagen New Energy, Zhiji, Extreme Krypton, Haobo, Gaohe, Tengshi, Aouita, Deep Blue Automobile, Geely Galaxy, Changan Qiyuan, Landen Automobile, GAC Ai ‘an, Tucki, Zero Run, Euler, Extreme Fox, AITO Wenjie, and so on.

Just as Tan Xiuqing, secretary general of Shandong Automobile Industry Association, said at the opening ceremony, "New energy vehicles have become an important force to stabilize China’s economy and industry. In this exhibition, the proportion of new energy vehicles continued to increase significantly, exceeding half of the overall display brands for the first time, and many new brands came to Qingdao for the first time. It is believed that the 22nd Qingdao International Automobile Industry Autumn Exhibition in 2023 and the Qingdao New Energy Vehicle Tour to the Countryside will surely become an important platform to promote the deep integration, exchanges and cooperation between China and the world automobile industry, and contribute new strength to the smooth operation of the economy and the revitalization of consumption. "

This activity is the launching ceremony of the first activity of new energy vehicles going to the countryside in 16 cities in Shandong Province. Taking this as the opening ceremony, it will guide the new energy vehicle enterprises in the city to seize the opportunity of national new energy vehicles going to the countryside, promote new energy vehicles to better enter thousands of villages and thousands of households, help the country’s "double carbon strategy", promote rural revitalization and construction, boost consumer confidence, and form a strong atmosphere of industrial development and stimulating consumption to promote each other.

At the time of buying a car, the brand made profits and "benefited" the whole city

Under the orderly guidance of various policies, the automobile consumption market ushered in a turning point in late August. The car purchase discount that consumers are looking forward to is finally "letting a hundred flowers blossom" at this autumn auto show.

Germany Volkswagen Touareg comprehensive cash discount up to 150,000+;

The comprehensive discount of FAW Pentium is 40,000 yuan, and the cash subsidy granted by the manufacturer is 10,000 yuan/car;

Extreme krypton 001 will be reduced by 30,000-37,000 yuan in a limited time;

SAIC Volkswagen has a comprehensive discount of 70,000 yuan;

Roewe Auto Show cash benefits 14,000 yuan;

Beijing Hyundai comprehensive benefits 50,000 yuan;

Dongfeng Honda e:NS1 plummeted 50,000 yuan;

Arrizo 8 to high replacement subsidy of 18,000 yuan:


Although it is a working day, the audience who came to see the car is still crowded with the major brand negotiation areas. After all, the car was picked up one day earlier.

In order to give back to the support of fans and friends for Qingdao International Auto Show, the organizing committee specially set up a car lottery. On September 7-11, every day, there will be a variety of gifts such as color TV, refrigerator, air conditioner, oven, rice cooker and cooking oil waiting for you!

How hot is the autumn auto show? Open a circle of friends, open a short video platform, and you will definitely be able to brush the autumn auto show with two strokes. Only the "subway judge" can suppress the autumn auto show.

The exhibition debuted, and "Hui" moved the whole city. On September 7-11, see a new car and enjoy a low price. Qingdao International Convention and Exhibition Center (Laoshan District), the 22nd Qingdao Autumn International Auto Show in 2023, invites tasting!

Photo News

GM’s "Hydrogen-powered No.3" fuel cell vehicle broke the record (Figure)
Top 100 Private Listed Companies Reveal the List Great Wall Motor ranks 10th (Figure)
The action in China is increasing. Is Skoda really made in China next year? (figure)
GM begins mass production of Hummer H2 in Russia (photo)
RUV: a new force in the automobile field (Figure)
Favorite romantic trip to appreciate French automobile culture (Figure)
10 models of Nissan Original Navigation (Figure)
Scene photo: "Astronaut" greets the rehearsal of "Spacecar"
Live photo: Inflatable version of Spacecar 4, the highlight of the conference.
Live photo: the inflatable version of the space car 1 with wonderful highlights of the conference
Create a win-win situation, SAIC seeks to merge with British Rover (Figure)
On a par-Toyota Corolla VS Hyundai Elantra comparative test run (Figure)
IKEA-Dongfeng Honda C-RV Classic Test Run (Figure)
Don’t wait-classic test run of Land Rover 2004 Freelander (Figure)
Huatai Bus brings new phenomena to China bus industry (Figure)
The embodiment of freedom-test drive of Land Rover’s new Freelander (photos)
"China Auto" is on campus-college students see Geely (Figure)
Hyundai Motor’s powerful lineup appeared in auto china (Figure)
Seven people ride the fashion space –Honda’s new Stream (figure)
Chery will bring a full range of models to Beijing Auto Show (Photos)
Automobile age-the elegant demeanor of girls (photos)
The famous soldier fell to Phoenix Ridge, and stopped the foreign aid for the time being (Figure)
Audi A4 DTM, a cutting-edge sports field, enters China (Photos)
Beijing: Traffic Law Punishment Regulations are promulgated and trial implementation begins (Figure)
2005 New Audi A6 (Photos)
Revealing the Eight Team Models of Auto Show and Showing the Style of Famous Cars (Figure)
Nanqi new car named Xinyatu wants to set a new benchmark for economical cars
BMW, Crown and Teana unveil new cars at Beijing Auto Show (Figure)
Land fresh air-test drive the new 2.0L land wind SUV (photos)
A number of Mazda classic models will be exhibited for the first time at Beijing Auto Show (Figure)
Ruifeng shows strong competitiveness, and Shouqi shares buy 78 sets (Figure)
ZTE Fuqi 6500 will be listed during the Beijing National Exhibition (Figure)

Japanese broadcasting fashion rose rapidly on March 13th.

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