Young Xia, Chaoyang: The United States can stop playing the "Taiwan Province card" that must be lost.

  "Public opinion cannot be violated, and playing with fire will set you on fire." On July 28th, during the first US dollar conversation, China expressed hit the floor’s position on the Taiwan Province issue. This is for President Biden of the United States, and even more for Speaker Pelosi of the House of Representatives of the United States.

▲ Playing the "Taiwan Province card" to contain and contain China is a long-standing practice in the United States. (Comic | Liu Rui)

  At present, Pelosi’s "channeling Taiwan" plan is still fermenting. Four months ago, Pelosi made a test, which ended in "tactical positive". Pelosi’s new visit plan is another example of the US’s promise of "four noes and no intentions" and another card in the US "Taiwan to China" deck. Let’s take a look at what "cards" the United States has for "making China".

  I. Political and diplomatic cards

  The "political card" is a common trick of the United States, which blurs the identity of Taiwan Province as a region of China and tries to create the illusion that "Taiwan Province is a sovereign country".

  There are many ways to play "political cards", among which "playing straight", "playing pair" and "cheating" are all common card tricks used by the United States to provoke pressure and gossip.

  "Shunzi": sending US officials or former politicians of different levels to visit Taiwan Province to show their so-called "firm support" for Taiwan. If you don’t achieve the expected provocative effect, you will continue to add big cards to the straight. This year alone, former US Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman Mike Mullen, former Defense Minister Esper, and Speaker of the House of Representatives Nancy Pelosi have visited or planned to visit, and some American politicians have been frantically exploring on the edge of a China principle high-voltage line.

  "Pairing up": Pulling in allies in an attempt to pull Taiwan Province into international organizations or conferences that only sovereign countries can participate in. Not long ago, the United States once again picked on the topic of "Taiwan Province’s participation in the World Health Assembly" and "strongly advocated" that WHO invite Taiwan Province to participate in the 75th World Health Assembly as an observer under the guise of sharing global anti-epidemic information. Together with some western countries, echo each other encouraged the "Taiwan independence" forces to be arrogant. This is an unbridled provocation to UN General Assembly resolution 2758 and the One-China principle, and what "multilateralism" the United States adheres to is obvious.

  "Cheating": secretly poke and modify the Taiwan-related statements on official documents. Recently, the State Council suddenly adjusted two core expressions of its relations between official website and Taiwan:

▲ In June, 2022, Esper, the former US Secretary of Defense, said in an interview that the United States needed to re-examine the one-China policy.

  First, the key statement that "the United States does not support Taiwan independence" was once deleted, and then it was restored under pressure.

  The second is to change diplomatic recognition from Taipei to Beijing in the 1979 US-China Joint Communique. The United States recognizes that the government of People’s Republic of China (PRC) is the sole legal government of China, and China’s position that there is only one China and Taiwan Province is a part of China "has been changed to the so-called" Three Joint Communiqués, ‘ Taiwan Relations Act ’ And involving US arms sales to Taiwan ‘ Six guarantees ’ And jointly guide the United States on how to adhere to the one-China policy.

  A big country should have kept its promise, but now it has gone back on its word, and the US government has repeatedly overdrawn its credibility of "insufficient balance", which the international community has seen. "Taiwan independence" elements can, in turn, weigh whether the American promise they rely on is reliable.

  Second, the military force card

  The "military card" is a big name that the United States often shows up to scare people but dare not directly play it. It is mainly to piece together military alliances, export military strength and engage in military confrontation.

  In recent years, the United States has stepped up the implementation of the "Indo-Pacific Strategy", and its military exports to Japan, South Korea, Australia, New Zealand and other places have never stopped, discharging various positions in the region in an attempt to build a "military encirclement circle" against China. At the same time, the United States makes use of Taiwan Province’s unique geographical position to make it a "strategic outpost" in order to keep the pressure on China.

▲ A promo released by the US Army’s First Special Operations Group in February 2019 shows that US special forces are training with Taiwan troops in Taiwan Province.

  The United States keeps saying that it doesn’t support Taiwan independence, but actually helps Taiwan Province formulate its so-called "military strategy", trains its military forces in actual combat, acquiesces in and even unites with the "Taiwan independence" forces to fight against China. It is not enough to build a disposable "barracks" for training soldiers. The United States also personally left the scene and frequently sent warships and fighter planes to the Taiwan Province Strait for provocation.

  Recently, U.S. reconnaissance planes approached the Taiwan Province Strait several times, and the guided missile destroyer "Bendford" even carried out provocative acts three times in a week in sensitive sea areas such as the Taiwan Province Strait.

  The United States not only shows its muscles under the banner of so-called "freedom of navigation", but also bites back after muddling the water, smearing China’s legitimate response as "coercion by force" in the region, packaging itself as a "just messenger" to maintain regional peace and continuing to make waves, and then beautifying the US security threat to the region as a so-called "stability help" with the cooperation of "Taiwan independence" elements.

  "Making a fortune" through arms sales is another major specialty of the United States. In order to find an excuse for arms sales to Taiwan, the United States often paves the way by throwing a "legal card" first, that is, invoking the so-called "Taiwan Relations Act", an American domestic law.

▲ In March, 2020, the Taiwan military drove the M-60A3 TTS main battle tank purchased from the United States and carried out tactical movement on the streets of Yilan City.

  Since the 1980s, the United States should have abided by the spirit of Three Joint Communiqués, especially the August 17th Communiqué, and gradually reduced its arms sales to Taiwan Province until it stopped completely. However, it has not yet been fulfilled. Some politicians and arms dealers in the United States collude with each other and constantly submit various fancy Taiwan-related bills to Congress, thus making a lot of money.

  In June 2022, the Chairman of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the US Senate, Democratic Congressman Menendez and Republican Congressman Graham jointly proposed the "Taiwan Province Policy Act of 2022", which included upgrading the so-called "military relations" between the two sides, listing Taiwan Province as a "major non-NATO ally" and providing Taiwan with $4.5 billion in military financing support in the next four years.

  Not long ago, the State Council of the United States approved to provide a total of $108 million in military technical assistance to the Taipei Cultural Relics Office in the United States. On the surface, the United States, which plays the role of "philanthropist", regards Taiwan Province as a "pawn" to contain China from the bottom of its heart, and at the same time, it also makes a big profit from it to satisfy its strategic wealth win-win ambition.

  Third, the scientific and technological innovation card

  "Science and technology card" is a common routine for the United States to maintain its hegemonic position, mainly through direct intervention, technology blockade, export control, patchwork of "small circles" and other means to suppress strategic competitors and consolidate its own scientific and technological advantages.

  During the Cold War, the United States imposed an embargo on socialist countries headed by the Soviet Union through the Export Control Law, and in the 1980s, it suppressed related industries in Japan through the US-Japan Semiconductor Agreement. The "black history" of this card is everywhere.

  In recent years, in the name of "national security", the United States has wooed its allies to cut off supply and blacklist, and built a "small courtyard and high wall" in an attempt to increase the blockade of China in the core scientific and technological fields and realize "de-China" in key supply chains and industrial chains. Taiwan Province’s advantages in the semiconductor industry make it a "key wall brick" that the United States must firmly hold and never let China go.

  During the Trump administration, the United States repeatedly asked TSMC to set up factories in the United States and prohibited TSMC from providing chips to Huawei. Last year, the "American Association in Taiwan" said that "the United States and Taiwan Province are the most natural partners in the global semiconductor supply chain", and promoted the deepening of interest bundling between the two sides with rhetoric.

▲ The United States launched the "Four-Party Alliance of Chips" and invited semiconductor companies from South Korea, Japan and Taiwan Province Province of China to join in an attempt to erect a "semiconductor barrier" against Chinese mainland. The picture shows that during Biden’s visit to South Korea in May 2022, accompanied by South Korean President Yin Xiyue, he visited Samsung Electronics Semiconductor Factory.

  In April, 2022, the United States raised the issue of establishing Chip 4 with Taiwan Province, South Korea and Japan. Last month, the "American Association in Taiwan" announced that Taiwan Province Universal Wafers would invest and set up a factory in Texas. Recently, the US Senate and House of Representatives passed the "Chip Plus" bill involving 280 billion US dollars, attracting more companies including Taiwan Province semiconductor companies to set up factories in the United States.

  The United States frequently woos Taiwan Province in the field of semiconductors in order to gain greater initiative in technology blockade and export control to China, prevent China from gaining a dominant position in the strategic field, and strengthen its control over the global chip industry chain.

  According to the magazine Diplomatic Scholar and the Nihon Keizai Shimbun, Chip 4 highlights security and political considerations and runs counter to economic laws, which will further disrupt the global value chain, leading to rising costs and declining competitiveness of the semiconductor industry.

  Fourth, the public opinion card

  The "public opinion card" is the usual routine of the United States to engage in political manipulation and the party’s opposition to differences. It mainly relies on fabricating lies, plotting and manipulating public opinion to trouble other countries. At present, this set of public opinion cards in the United States attempts to put on the mainland and Taiwan Province a narrative cloak of "democracy against authoritarianism", pretending to be unjust in the name of morality.

  One is to discredit China. Based on the so-called "universal values", the United States hyped up and branded China as "authoritarianism" and "America’s number one security threat". Last year, the Foreign Affairs Committee of the Senate passed the "Strategic Competition Act of 2021", proposing to spend 300 million US dollars every year to spread negative information to discredit China. At the same time, it exaggerates the mainland’s "threat of force" to incite panic on the island and hold Taiwan Province’s public opinion, so as to distort and enlarge the differences in social systems between the two sides of the strait into ideological differences among the people.

  The second is to flatter Taiwan Province. American officials at all levels have repeatedly flaunted Taiwan Province’s "democratic achievements", portrayed Taiwan Province as an "excellent student of democracy" and invited Taiwan Province to attend the so-called "democracy summit". On the one hand, it provides "support" for the Democratic Progressive Party authorities to consolidate the ideological foundation of "relying on the United States for independence" and transform the political identity and value system of Taiwan Province society; on the other hand, it expands Taiwan Province’s "international living space" in the name of "democracy" in an attempt to trigger "empathy" and "solidarity" in the western world.

▲ When answering questions in the House of Representatives in September, 2021, US Secretary of State blinken compared Ukraine and Taiwan Province, falsely claiming that the United States would fulfill its promise to Taiwan Province under the Taiwan Relations Act and also to Ukraine.

  Third, make use of other hot issues to write articles on Taiwan Province indirectly. Acquilino, commander of the US Indo-Pacific Command, declared in an interview that "the Ukrainian issue highlights the serious threat posed by China to Taiwan Province". There are essential differences between the Taiwan Province issue and the Ukrainian crisis. Comparing the two issues and advocating that "Ukraine today is tomorrow’s Taiwan Province" is totally a conspiracy and a blatant challenge to China’s bottom line.

  After Hong Kong’s "storm of amending laws", Mo Jian, chairman of the American Association in Taiwan, falsely claimed that China’s "one country, two systems" action in Hong Kong clearly showed that it not only sought reunification with Taiwan Province, but also undermined Taiwan’s democracy. The United States deliberately misinterprets "one country, two systems", provokes cross-strait relations under the banner of democracy, and creates difficulties for the peaceful reunification of the two sides.

▲ The Taiwan Province issue is the most important and sensitive issue in Sino-US relations. It is very dangerous for the United States to keep playing the "Taiwan Province" card, and it is "playing with fire". (Comic | Liu Rui)

  Political and diplomatic cards, military force cards, scientific and technological innovation cards, and public opinion cards seem to be interlocking. The United States seems determined to win the "chip" of Taiwan Province. However, the Taiwan Province issue is just a game and a card game for the United States, and it is related to national rejuvenation and the righteousness of the country for China, and there is absolutely no room for bargaining.

  In the face of justice, the game of playing with fire in the United States can only be attributed to a dream.

Tsinghua responded to disabled candidates’ request to bring their mothers to school: the prepared dormitory fee is free.

  On June 26th, Wei Xiang, a disabled and poor Gansu examinee who scored well in the college entrance examination, sent a request to Tsinghua University through WeChat, hoping that Tsinghua would help solve the accommodation difficulties and enable him to take his mother who lived alone with him to go to school in Tsinghua. This request not only got a response from Tsinghua at the first time, but also got a touching reply from Tsinghua. Together, the two letters touched many netizens at one time.

  Beijing Youth Daily reporter learned from Tsinghua University yesterday that many Tsinghua alumni have offered financial aid to Wei Xiang. According to the logistics department of Tsinghua, the school has prepared a single dormitory for Wei Xiang’s mother and son, and the accommodation for the mother and son is free during their study in Tsinghua. At the same time, Tsinghua yesterday announced the launch of the "Hongyan Plan" to support students from poor families to participate in overseas exchanges, with a view to providing strong support for the all-round development and growth of children from poor families.

  Have congenital diseases but never admit defeat.

  Simple and honest smile, handsome appearance and simple language are Wei Xiang’s first impressions. Wei Xiang, sitting in a chair, looks no different from ordinary people. But if you notice the crutches beside him, you will find that he is a teenager with congenital diseases.

  Wei Xiang is 19 years old. As early as he was 10 months old, he was diagnosed with congenital spina bifida with intraspinal cyst disease. Wei Xiang’s mother, Xia Ruiyun, said that the disease caused the loss of motor function of his lower limbs. When he was 10 months old and over 1 year old, Wei Xiang underwent two operations respectively, but his condition did not improve after the operation.

  Xia Ruiyun is a nurse in a local hospital. During the day, she has to take care of the patients in the hospital, and at night, she has to take care of the small patients at home. Fortunately, I was accompanied by my lover before, and life was hard, but each other had the other as the spiritual pillar, and they also survived. When Wei Xiang was three and a half years old, they decided to let their children receive education: "Be sure to go to school, and with knowledge, they will broaden their minds."

  Young Wei Xiangsheng can’t take care of himself. They go to kindergarten with their children in their arms or on their backs in the morning, pick them up for dinner at noon, and send them again in the afternoon. A family living alone doesn’t feel how hard life is. But fate seems to have been "competing" with them. In 2005, Xia Ruiyun’s lover died because of illness, leaving her helpless and physically disabled children.

  "At that time, I felt that the sky was falling, and I had a mental breakdown. I was completely in a depressed state. I can’t figure out why my life is so bitter? " But looking at the child’s innocent smile, she survived. After all, the child needs someone to take care of him. "If I fall, he will have no home."

  In the following time, Xia Ruiyun accompanied her children to study, while asking about good hospitals. In 2008, she took Wei Xiang to a hospital in Beijing for the third operation, but this operation failed to completely improve his physical condition.

  In order to enable children to study normally, from primary school to high school, rain or shine, she will become the "legs" of children. In elementary school, she was able to carry Wei Xiang. In junior high school, with his increasing weight, she couldn’t carry it, so she pushed a bicycle to pick him up. Summer is fine, but if it rains and snows in winter, mother and son will be worried. "Others want it to snow in winter, but we are just the opposite, because the road is slippery and easy to fall." Wei Xiang said that he couldn’t remember how many times he and his mother fell in the rain and snow.

  For more than ten years, Xia Ruiyun accompanied her children to school, accompanied them to exercise, and used her nursing knowledge to help them carry out rehabilitation training and exercise their walking ability. Over time, with the encouragement of his mother, Wei Xiang gradually learned to walk short distances with crutches.

  "My mother and I didn’t think I was any different from normal people, not as hard as everyone thought. Difficulties that can be overcome must be overcome by yourself. Although I have physical problems, I can still live a wonderful life. " Faced with the injustice of fate, they recognize a truth: instead of complaining, it is better to be more optimistic and open-minded.

  The "Xueba" college entrance examination in the eyes of teachers ranks 83rd in science in Gansu.

  In the eyes of teachers and classmates, Wei Xiang is a veritable "schoolmaster". He is good at thinking and helpful. Whenever students encounter problems in mathematics, they will ask him for advice, so he becomes a "problem library".

  Wei Xiang said that since he grew up unable to move, he could only sit, so he was quiet, fond of thinking and thinking. After a long time, I especially like math and physics. In learning, a problem can’t be solved, and sometimes he will think about it for four or five days until it is finally solved.

  Sheng Shulan, the principal of Dingxi No.1 Middle School, said that Wei Xiang has a tenacious spirit, as long as he can do whatever he wants. The school regards Wei Xiang as an ordinary student, which will not make him feel different from other students, but the facilities that the school should provide will be provided without reservation. Wei Xianggang was assigned to the third floor of the teaching building with barrier-free access when he was a freshman in high school. At that time, the class teacher took the initiative to propose to the school that he should be transferred to the second floor, which is the lowest floor with a classroom to facilitate him to go upstairs and downstairs. "I’m so lucky. None of the people I met discriminated against me, laughed at me and helped me. " Speaking of which, Wei Xiang’s eyes are red, holding back his tears.

  Wei Xiang lived up to expectations and scored a high score of 648 points in the national college entrance examination in 2017, ranking 83 rd in science in the province. At present, he has filled in Tsinghua University.

  Send a message begging Tsinghua to "solve a humble room"

  After getting a high score in the exam, Xia Ruiyun added another sadness with joy. After all, the child is inconvenient to move and has weak self-care ability. She had a bold idea: to accompany her children to study in Beijing.

  To this end, on June 26th, Wei Xiang published the article "Request of a examinee with high score (648 points) in Gansu" on WeChat WeChat official account. Wei Xiang mentioned in the article that because he can’t live without someone to take care of him, he hoped that Tsinghua could help his mother and son "solve a humble abode for the two girls to help themselves".

  A few days ago, Xia Ruiyun and Wei Xiang reflected their family situation to relevant people in Tsinghua University. On June 27th, Tsinghua’s official WeChat WeChat official account "Qingxiaohua" wrote a letter to Wei Xiang with the title "Life is hard, but please believe enough". The letter reads: "I believe you already have the quality of Tsinghua people’s self-improvement and virtue … … Living has become something that we all respect and worship. " This public reply also mentioned that Tsinghua was aware of Wei Xiang’s situation. Qiu Yong, president of Tsinghua, and Chen Xu, secretary of the school, immediately called the relevant departments of the school, demanding that the worries of their mother and son be properly solved. Tsinghua Admissions Office and Student Financial Assistance Management Center have contacted Wei Xiang, and once he is admitted, he will immediately start the financial assistance procedures, including providing travel expenses to Beijing, reducing tuition fees and accommodation fees. According to the relevant person in charge of the Tsinghua Gansu Admissions Team, with Wei Xiang’s achievements, he is promising to be admitted to Tsinghua.

  Tsinghua can provide a single room for all sectors of society to lend a helping hand

  Cong Zhentao, Minister of Student Affairs of Tsinghua University, said that if Wei Xiang can be admitted to Tsinghua University, the relevant funding will start immediately. "Generally speaking, the financial aid for students is limited to their own life and study. However, Wei Xiang’s situation is quite special. He can’t take care of himself. We can consider letting him live in a single room with his mother. "

  WeChat official account’s WeChat Education Roundtable, a subsidiary of Beiqing Daily, reported this story for the first time yesterday, and it has been read more than 5 million times so far.

  The relevant leaders of Dingxi Municipal Government also expressed their condolences to Wei Xiang for the first time, and said that the municipal party committee and the municipal government will definitely urge relevant departments to implement each assistance policy and coordinate and solve the difficulties in going to school. After learning about this, the person in charge of an enterprise in Gansu donated 20,000 yuan to Wei Xiang in the name of the enterprise.

  Xia Ruiyun doesn’t have too many ideas and demands. He just wants to have a small house for children to study and live in. They will overcome what they can economically. She hopes that Wei Xiang can be self-reliant and live happily under any circumstances.

  Text/Xinhua News Agency reporter Zhang Wenjing Sun Qi

  Our reporter Lei Jia


  Every walker who challenges difficulties deserves praise.

  Wei Xiang, a candidate from Gansu Province, asked for Tsinghua University’s support and Tsinghua University’s reply, which has exploded the circle of friends in recent days. Wei Xiang was disabled but didn’t give up. He was in a difficult situation and didn’t feel depressed. With his tenacity and unremitting diligence, he despised difficulties and "lived in a respectable and admired way", which set an example for many young people and provided life thinking for the majority of adults: everyone who faced difficulties deserves respect and praise.

  The touching thing about Wei Xiang’s deeds lies in his contempt for difficulties and his strong will to overcome them. I believe that when a door is closed, another window will be opened. In the face of physical disability, if there is an attitude of not being afraid of difficulties, there will be another function or will to compensate. In his request to Tsinghua University, Wei Xiang said, "For 12 years, I tried my best to overcome my physical disability and study hard." Although it was only a few words, almost all people walked through the road with different degrees of difficulty, knowing how difficult it was for children from poor families to walk through that long and arduous journey. Wei Xiang’s unyielding will hit people’s inner softness, inspired people to think about how to choose in the face of difficulties, and activated people’s inner sleeping motivation.

  Tsinghua University’s touching response is also memorable. In the process of handling this case, it is not simply limited to how to respond to Wei Xiang’s request, but deeply explores the spirit behind Wei Xiang’s deeds, and incorporates the spirit of Tsinghua University’s school motto of "self-improvement and morality", which reflects the mature and generous demeanor, respectable behavior and moving feelings of helping the disabled and the needy in a top university.

  In fact, there are many people who have suffered misfortune in life, but perhaps not many who have been fortunate in Wei Xiang. How many people have never given up, struggled and struggled on that arduous and tortuous road, but unfortunately, how many people have not crossed the high limit erected by hardship and have not survived that arduous journey, which is the impermanence and ruthlessness of fate and life. There is no denying that there are countless such individuals, such as Wei Xiang, who are unfortunate and lucky at the same time. By silently honing and moving forward, they finally ignited the light of life, refreshed the existence of life and injected powerful positive energy into our society.

  Wei Xiang’s deeds are inspiring, and Tsinghua University’s response is respectable. We should also see that how to make more difficult cases like Wei Xiang find support and help in the lonely journey may not be completely dependent on the helpless request of the parties. For people who have been in trouble for a long time, it takes great courage to open their mouths for help like Wei Xiang. Obviously, we can’t just wait for how to make the network of relevant national support policies more dense and really play a good role. There should be more initiatives and more perfect detailed measures.

  Text/Xinhua News Agency reporter Li Daixiang

In the 28th football picture, China women’s football team reversed South Korea to win the championship, and Manchester City derby Owen was the winner.

In the final of the 2022 Women’s Asian Cup, after falling behind 0: 2 in the first half, Tang Jiali and Zhang Linyan scored tenaciously to equalize the score. Xiao Yuyi scored the winner in injury time. China women’s football team won 3-2, and stood on the top of Asia again after 16 years, and was crowned the ninth Asian Cup champion.

The ball is coming, beautiful! Xiao yuyi.

In 2009, Premier League Manchester United took the seat at Old Trafford, which ushered in the challenge of Manchester City, the city’s sworn enemy. This is a contest in which Tevez turns his back on his enemy and throws himself into the city, plus controversial penalties, midfield lore and other dramatic exciting elements of football. With Owen’s stoppage time goal, Manchester United beat Manchester City 4-3, and was later selected as "the best game in the Premier League in 20 years" by Premier League officials, which is far behind Manchester United today.

In the 2006 World Cup, Argentina swept Montenegro 6-0. Cambiaso, who came off the bench, took over Crespo and tapped his heel to expand his lead. You should know that this ball is a team cooperation that has been scored by a total of 24 wonderful passes, which is a classic in the history of the World Cup.

Fenerbahce and his arch-rival Besiktas met in the Turkish Cup. In the match, Van Persie had an argument with the opposing defender Tossici, and his slightly exaggerated actions led to the latter being sent off, which angered the fans at home and began to insult Van Persie. Then Van Persie scored a goal that sealed the victory for the team. After the goal, Van Persie made a provocative celebration in front of Besiktas captain Ozyakup. After the game, the Turkish Football Association suspended the two men respectively. Football name picture (28).

Brief introduction of the crew members of the wrecked helicopter and their unknown stories

Special topic: Wenchuan earthquake in Sichuan

  Xinhuanet Chengdu, June 10th (Reporter Zhu Yingtao) There were five crew members: Qiu Guanghua, Li Yue, Wang Huaiyuan, Chen Lin and Zhang Peng.

  Since May 12, Captain Qiu Guanghua, together with five crew members, including Li Yue, Wang Huaiyuan, Chen Lin and Zhang Peng, has continuously carried out the tasks of transporting injured people and delivering relief materials in areas with complex geographical and meteorological conditions, with a total of 63 flights, transporting 25.8 tons of materials, transporting 87 relief workers and transferring 234 affected people, including 54 injured people due to disasters.

  Their story

  1. Qiu Guanghua, born in April 1957, is a native of Maoxian County, Sichuan Province, and a Qiang nationality. He is the first generation of minority pilots trained in China. Helicopter captain, four kinds of weather flight commanders, special pilot. He has won second-class merit twice and third-class merit four times. Qiu Guanghua, 51, has more than 5,800 hours of flying experience. In this earthquake relief alone, he flew 63 sorties, and together with the crew, delivered 25.8 tons of relief materials to Wenchuan, Maoxian, Lixian, Wolong, Yingxiu, Gengda, Qingchuan, Beichuan, Pingwu and Anxian successively, transported 87 rescuers of various types, and transferred 234 people affected by the disaster, including 54 people injured by the disaster.

  After the 5.12 earthquake, Qiu Guanghua, who was about to be grounded, took the initiative to find the group leader and asked to go to the front line of disaster relief. Five days later, he learned that his house was destroyed and his parents, who were nearly 80 years old, lived in shacks. Since the day of the earthquake, Qiu Guanghua has flown to Maoxian County for six times, flying over his hometown every time. When rushing the wounded, the landing point was less than 800 meters away from home. While waiting for the lift-off, he still didn’t leave the plane to go home.

  2. Li Yue, born in 1980, is a leader among the young pilots of the Army Aviation Corps. Li Yue is the only child in the family. At the beginning of this year, she just got a marriage certificate. The young couple have a wish: when the task of the army is not tense, they will go out for a meaningful trip and get married. However, from the beginning of the year, the troops carried out the task of fighting against ice and snow disaster relief to the earthquake relief, and he volunteered to participate, and he was always busy, so that the wedding had to be postponed again and again. Li Yue likes photography, and his computer is full of photos of flowers, plants and animals he has taken. He wants to use the lens to leave the most beautiful honeymoon memory in the background of famous mountains and rivers.

  3. Wang Huaiyuan, born in 1961, has 3010 hours of flying experience and is a senior aircrew mechanic of the Army Aviation Corps. He was awarded the third class merit once and the second class merit once. Wang Huaiyuan used to be a fighter pilot, who was grounded because of a slight illness. But he never gave up and finally returned to the blue sky as an excellent aircrew mechanic. In this disaster relief, every time Wang Huaiyuan returned from the disaster area, he brought back a handful of telephone numbers written by the people in the disaster area with cigarette cases and paper shells. As soon as he got off the plane, he kept calling to help the people in the disaster area report peace to their loved ones, but he only called home for more than 10 days. Wang Huaiyuan, who will retire in a few years, has already made arrangements for his retirement-returning to his hometown in Luxian County, Sichuan Province, and planting oranges. His brother suffers from leg disease, which makes him unable to move. He promised his younger brother that he would take his younger brother to a big hospital for artificial limbs after carrying out this disaster relief mission.

  4. Chen Lin, born in 1980, is 28 years old. He is the deputy squadron leader and assistant aircrew mechanic of the Third Squadron of the Maintenance Brigade of the Army Aviation Corps.

  Chen Lin passed the examination in just four years after graduating from the military academy in 2001, and became an aircrew mechanic from a ground mechanic. He was the first technician in the same batch to "lift the air". At the end of each flight, he climbed into the airtight tail beam and carefully checked every part. His squadron has always been at the forefront of the whole regiment in terms of maintenance level. Since the earthquake, in order to let the pilots fly with peace of mind, the regiment has specially set up tents for family members to avoid disasters. But in order not to cause trouble to the group, Chen Lin resolutely refused to let his wife come to the team. At 11 o’clock noon on May 31, Chen Lin’s wife came to visit her father who had not met for more than half a month with her daughter who had just turned one year old. Unexpectedly, this became the last meeting between husband and wife, father and daughter.

  5. Zhang Peng, born in 1984, is a typical "post-80s" soldier and a second-class non-commissioned officer. In this earthquake relief, he volunteered to help each unit load and unload materials. He worked continuously at the airport for more than 12 hours every day and participated in 170 sorties of loading and unloading relief materials, totaling more than 60 tons.

  On the 21st, the Army Aviation Corps held a ceremony to pay special dues to the disaster area. party member was the only ordinary soldier in the long line, and Zhang Peng was the only one. In the first half of the year, the company just listed Zhang Peng as the development target of party member. After the disaster, Zhang Peng has donated money to 100 yuan. This time, he has to take part in the special membership dues activities. As he was in a hurry to start, he didn’t bring much money, so he handed over the only 80 yuan money in his pocket as a special party dues as a non-party member. Gao Yue, the administrator of the management unit of the Army Aviation Corps, said that Zhang Peng’s words suddenly increased since he participated in the earthquake relief. Sleep in the car, walk on the road, and tell your comrades from time to time about the people and things you saw in the disaster area. "I want to adopt an orphan." One night, Zhang Peng suddenly said this. Gao Yue smiled: "You haven’t grown up yourself!" "Growing up is not about age, but whether you know the responsibility and have the courage to take responsibility." Zhang Peng said.

  Their team

  Five crew members are from an aviation regiment in Chengdu Military Region. The regiment is an air force in the Chengdu Military Region. It performs various urgent and dangerous tasks under the complex weather and terrain conditions of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau and the Yunnan-Guizhou Plateau all the year round. It has rich experience in altitude flight and strong emergency dispatch ability. Since the "5.12" Wenchuan earthquake, the Army Aviation Corps has undertaken the most arduous, urgent and important tasks such as rushing the wounded, transporting materials and sending troops. Created a number of firsts in earthquake relief: the first one dispatched a helicopter to investigate the disaster; The first one arrived in Wenchuan, Maoxian, Yingxiu, Beichuan and other hardest hit areas from the air; The first to deliver food and medicine to the masses; The first to transport the wounded from the disaster area; The first team carrying a communication team flew to Wenchuan; The first to transport communication equipment to the disaster area …

  The earthquake disaster has a high magnitude and a wide affected area, which is extremely unfavorable to flight safety. The affected areas are all in mountainous areas, with small flight space and large airflow in the valley. The officers and men of the Army Aviation Corps braved the dangers and bravely broke into the restricted area. With rich flight experience and excellent flight technology, they successfully completed the task of airlifting relief materials and rushing the wounded in the case of serious landslides and the loss of some navigation signs. As of May 31st, the Army Aviation Corps had flown 1,658 sorties in the disaster area, successfully transported 1,111 wounded people, transferred 1,657 trapped people, delivered 2,119 relief workers and delivered 544.9 tons of materials. (End)

Editor: Li Xian

What will happen to the e-cigarette market without "fruit flavor" in Tianmu survey?

Tianmu journalist Gan Jupeng

"The last day, there are not many goods. If you can save it, you can save it." On September 30, Wang Ming (a pseudonym), an e-cigarette brand agent in Hangzhou, said in a circle of friends. Posters of countdown began to appear in early September, and finally came to the "deadline".

On March 11th this year, the State Tobacco Monopoly Bureau issued the Measures for the Administration of Electronic Cigarettes, which stipulated that the sale of fruit-flavored tobacco bombs would be completely banned from October 1st. At the same time, the Compulsory National Standard for Electronic Cigarettes came into full effect. After half a year’s transition period, the new regulations for e-cigarettes have finally arrived.

Do consumers accept the new national standard electronic cigarettes? How do agents transform? After the barbaric growth, can the industry move towards standardization? When the "fruity smell" disappears, users, agents, enterprises and tobacco control units are quietly waiting to meet the "ultimate exam".

Agent: Transformation or Exit

On September 30, Wang Ming moved the remaining dozen boxes of fruit-flavored smoke bombs home, intending to keep them for his own use.

"After these are contraband, can’t sell. There are many people who have been hoarding goods these days. Most of them have been squatting for about half a year, and the goods in the store have basically bottomed out. " Wang Ming told the Tianmu journalist.

Miss Bai, who works on the Internet in Hangzhou, has been slowly collecting some fruit-flavored smoke bombs since September, and there are more than 10 boxes so far.

"I’m going to stop smoking after I finish this batch. Quitting smoking is good for your health. Recently, the price increase has been too great. Some tastes have risen from 99 yuan to 109 yuan, and the merchants say that there are not many goods. " Miss Bai said.

Wang Ming’s shop didn’t raise the price, so it was all handled at the original price. Facing the approaching deadline, Wang Ming only wants to clear the inventory.

Since 2018, Wang Ming, who resigned, has seen business opportunities, set up a store and started to operate e-cigarette business, becoming one of the earliest agents in Hangzhou. After earning the first bucket of gold, Wang Ming soon opened a second shop in a shopping mall.

In March of this year, Wang Ming already felt that the industry was about to undergo a major change. At that time, the State Tobacco Monopoly Bureau proposed to completely ban the sale of flavored e-cigarettes other than tobacco flavors and e-cigarettes that can be atomized by themselves from May 1. Later, the ban was extended to October 1.

Li Yan, who is the first agent with Wang Ming, has a bigger business and has more than a dozen stores in Hangzhou. Now she is also facing a choice.

"During the National Day, some of our stores were closed, and the stock of fruit-flavored cigarettes and bombs has been sold almost. We used to be Yueke’s exclusive store, and later we will be transformed into a collection store. I have obtained a retail license, and brands and products that meet the new national standard can be done. " Li Yan told the Tianmu journalist.

Production and operation enterprises: hold relevant certificates.

The era of unlicensed operation in which everyone can make e-cigarettes is over.

On September 29th, the State Tobacco Monopoly Bureau issued the Notice on Strengthening the Supervision of E-cigarettes in official website, re-emphasizing that from October 1st, e-cigarette market participants engaged in the production and operation of e-cigarettes should obtain tobacco monopoly licenses.

"Pain is inevitable, but it also points out the direction for future development." Li Yan told Tianmu journalists that the e-cigarette market was mixed before, and the introduction of new regulations was conducive to controlling the chaos in the e-cigarette industry. In the future, the concentration of e-cigarette brands will be higher and higher.

According to the new consumption data of e-cigarette industry platform Blue Hole, at present, there are 40 e-cigarette brands in China, and more than 80 products have been approved for listing. Nearly 400 e-cigarette related enterprises have obtained tobacco monopoly production licenses. 54,000 e-cigarette retail licenses will be planned and laid out nationwide.

According to the incomplete statistics of Tianmu journalists, at least eight A-share listed companies or their subsidiaries have obtained the Tobacco Monopoly Production Enterprise License, namely BYD (002594), Jinjia (002191), Shunhao (002565), dongfeng shares (601515) and Xiaoyan (002723).

On July 22nd, Wuxin Technology (parent company of Yueke brand), a leading e-cigarette enterprise, announced that it had been awarded the License of Tobacco Monopoly Enterprise (e-cigarette product manufacturer) by the State Tobacco Monopoly Bureau. On August 29th, the official micro-announcement of Wuxin Technology said that the new national standard products of Wuxin Technology began to be sold on the national unified e-cigarette trading management platform.

How much impact does the new e-cigarette regulations have on sales performance? Tianmu journalists called Wuxin Technology, but no response was received before the press release.

Judging from the stock price of US stocks, Wuxin Technology is very bleak. As of September 30 this year, Wuxin Technology quoted $1.03 per share, with a market value of only $1.6 billion. On January 22, 2021, the market value of Wuxin Technology on the first day of listing was as high as 45.8 billion US dollars. .

According to soochow securities Research Report, the short-term income of companies in the e-cigarette industry is under pressure due to the old products going to the warehouse during the policy transition period. Follow-up with the implementation of the "Electronic Cigarette Management Measures" and the new national standard, the industry demand is expected to gradually repair.

Tobacco control experts: the harm of e-cigarettes can not be ignored

According to the regulations, from October 1st, except fruit-flavored electronic cigarettes, solid electronic cigarettes, zero nicotine electronic cigarettes and open electronic cigarettes will be completely removed from the shelves and banned from sale. The national unified e-cigarette trading management platform only provides national standard tobacco-flavored e-cigarettes and smoking sets with child locks.

Tianmu news reporter noticed that "fruit flavor" and "child lock" caused widespread concern on the Internet.

"The merchants developed fruit-flavored e-cigarettes at that time, mainly to attract young people to smoke. China prohibits minors from smoking, including cigarettes and electronic cigarettes. In order to protect minors, it is necessary to ban the sale of fruity electronic cigarettes. " Xu Weihua, deputy director of the Department of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine of Zhejiang Tongde Hospital, told Tianmu News reporter. In addition, the national standard e-cigarette has a child lock, which requires a certain amount of strength and skill to load, and can avoid being used by minors to a certain extent.

Xu Yue, head of the Health Monitoring Section of Zhejiang CDC, also told Tianmu journalists: "The harm of e-cigarettes cannot be ignored. More and more evidence shows that the use of e-cigarettes by minors who have never smoked will at least double the possibility of starting smoking and make them more likely to get addicted to cigarettes. "

Experts said that compared with cigarettes, e-cigarettes appeared for a short time, and people’s understanding of it is not comprehensive enough. Many businesses claim that e-cigarettes can help smokers quit smoking, which is wrong and unscientific.

Xu Yue said: "Using e-cigarettes is as harmful to health as smoking cigarettes. E-cigarette is an electronic nicotine delivery system, which will produce various organic compounds and ultrafine particles during its use, many of which are known toxic and harmful substances. Studies have proved that long-term use of e-cigarettes will lead to nicotine dependence, which may increase the risk of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, lung cancer and cardiovascular disease. "

Xu Weihua analyzed: "The national standard was issued this time because the e-cigarette market is too chaotic, and the use of various additives, including a large amount of propylene glycol or glycerol, is sometimes even more harmful than ordinary cigarettes. Some people think that e-cigarettes can be addicted to cigarettes, but the harm is not so great, and they may relax their vigilance, which is even more unfavorable. "

"Do not reprint without permission"


What should the zoo beast do to "run away"

Yesterday morning, an emergency occurred in Danjiang Peacock Valley, Shangji Town, Xichuan County, Nanyang City, Henan Province, when a keeper was bitten while feeding a tiger and two tigers ran out of the cage. The injured breeder Jia Moumou was sent to the hospital for the first time and died after being rescued.
After the incident, the two tigers that came out of the cage were controlled in Peacock Valley. After many times of trapping, they failed. In order to ensure the safety of the people, according to the situation at the scene and after reporting to the higher authorities for approval, the two tigers were killed at 14: 20 and 15: 12.
According to preliminary investigation, the two tigers are owned by a circus in Suzhou City, Anhui Province. They are rented by Peacock Valley and have business licenses and domestication and breeding licenses. At present, the aftermath and accident investigation are being carried out in accordance with relevant laws and procedures.
Animals in the zoo fled.
How did it become a series?
Coincidentally, at 8 o’clock in the morning on the 23rd, a tragedy happened in Zhanggongshan Zoo (pictured above) in Yuhui District, Bengbu City, Anhui Province. Master Yang, a keeper, was attacked by a raised tiger in his daily work, and was rushed to the hospital and declared dead.
The emergency department of the First People’s Hospital of Bengbu City, which participated in the rescue, revealed that the injured person had obvious bites or scratches on his neck, head and back, and had no obvious vital signs after examination.
According to a family member of Master Yang, Master Yang is 55 years old and has been a tiger keeper in Zhanggongshan Zoo for nearly 20 years.
According to CCTV news reports, according to the introduction of the local authorities, it is initially believed that the breeder entered the tiger cage for cleaning without ensuring that the door of the tiger isolation room was locked.
Since someone raised animals, there has always been the problem of animals escaping, which is difficult to completely avoid. According to Song Dazhao, head of the China Cat Protection Alliance, from 2016 to now, there have been at least 17 or 8 incidents of animal escape in domestic zoos in public reports.
Not long ago, the leopard escaped in hangzhou safari park, Zhejiang Province, because someone went into the leopard house to clean, and forgot to close the door when going out, so the leopard ran out.
Apart from the escape of animals, in recent years, many accidents in domestic wildlife parks have aroused strong public concern.
Similar to double-checking every equipment and link before the plane takes off, the zoo has a set of norms and procedures for animal management. The staff will confirm the status and quantity of animals when they go to work every day, including door locks, windows, fences and so on.
In Song Dazhao’s view, the mistake of animals fleeing is not fatal. The key is to strengthen management, prevent problems before they happen, deal with them according to the emergency plan, report and warn them, so that the public should not panic and professionals can do professional things.
What should I do if the beast in the zoo "runs away"?
As of yesterday, the escape farce of Hangzhou leopard is not over yet. People who are used to the reinforced concrete jungle at ordinary times suddenly find mysterious beasts from distant nature around them, and fear and curiosity ferment rapidly.
Since the birth of modern zoos, crazy zoo escape has become a fixed program of society. Animals who are bored in a fixed environment show their talents in pursuit of freedom.
In the history of many zoos around the world, there are a lot of ironic escape events, and the reasons for escape are also varied.
Animals on their way to freedom
In 1935, the keepers of Long Island Zoo in new york forgot to recycle the wooden boards on the moat of Monkey Mountain when they were cleaning, so a rhesus monkey named Capone led more than 150 monkeys to flee collectively and fled into the local community.
Because the number is too large, and many monkeys have cleverly developed into adult monkey families with residents, the zoo has to ask local residents for help and offer free season tickets or a small amount of bonuses on condition that they can send the missing monkeys home. However, as of now, it is still unclear whether all these monkeys have been returned.
In 2005, a flamingo flew away from a zoo in Kansas, USA, while the keeper didn’t guard the cage door properly. The zoo searched everywhere in vain, until eight years later, bird observer Neil Hayward found the flamingo in the Gulf of Mexico, Texas, 650 miles away.
This flamingo not only migrated to its own habitat, but also met a friend who escaped from the Mexican nature reserve. The zoo that heard the news silently sent its blessing.
Different from the above cases, some animals found that the other side of the wall was not as comfortable as expected after they escaped.
In 1997, heavy rain damaged the lion enclosure in Kissimmee Zoo, Florida. While the workers were repairing the cage, a two-and-a-half-year-old lioness named Nora took the opportunity to escape and stayed on the run for nearly two days. However, this big cat, which grew up in captivity, found that she couldn’t adapt to the external environment at all after breaking into nature. She tried to escape back more than once and was finally caught.
Indeed, after all, life in the wild is very hard.
Even, some animals got into the zoo from the wild. In 2015, this happened in Nandakanan Zoo in India. While the keeper was not looking, a wild tiger swaggered into the cage through the open cage door and ate and drank in it. After a few weeks of satiated food and harem, the tiger climbed over a two-story safety wall and fled back to the wild, hiding his fame and fortune, and is still at large.
Zoo escape response manual
Accustomed to being raised, zoo animals usually don’t have the ability to survive and prey in the wild. And unlike monkeys, flamingos and other species that are not too aggressive, the escape of large animals such as lions, tigers, elephants and gorillas often poses great security risks to visitors and surrounding residents in the park.
So once an animal escapes, how should the zoo respond?
To solve this problem, we found a copy of the Emergency Disposal Process for Escaped Animals issued by the North Carolina Zoo in the United States, which can be regarded as the professional operation of modern zoos, and let us know what the correct and professional operation should be like.
When an animal escapes, the first and most important thing is to report it in time. The document stipulates that all animal escape events, regardless of the danger of the animal, must be reported.
Employees who find animals escaping should report the following information as clearly as possible:
1. Species of escaped animals
2. The number of escaped animals was observed.
3. The exact position and moving direction of the animal.
4, the animal’s condition and behavior (injury, panic, running, etc.)
5. Persons injured by escaped animals
6, animal description (gender, adult, minor, specific identity information, etc.)
Then keep visual contact with the animals until the aid workers arrive.
The emergency shelter and disposal of animals after fleeing should also be regularly trained as part of the emergency procedures of the zoo to ensure that all employees in the park can respond safely in times of crisis. Many zoos at home and abroad will have regular exercises. After the animals are successfully captured and confirmed to be safe, the leader of the action group will report the details to the emergency commander, and put forward whether to suggest restoring the normal order of the park, and the general commander will order whether to end the emergency state.
A guide to the life of escaped animals in Lu Yu
Usually, most zoo animals can only face people across the fence and interact within a safe range. But if an ordinary person meets an escaped animal without isolation, what can he do to ensure his own safety?
First of all, if it is a gentle and non-aggressive animal such as birds and monkeys, please call the police or the relevant local authorities to report the relevant location and animal status without disturbing the animals.
However, if it is a large carnivorous animal, such as a leopard, please ensure your personal safety first, and do not provoke, approach, attack or make big moves to disturb the animals.
The probability that the underage leopard will take the initiative to attack humans is extremely low. You can keep your eyes on it and leave slowly. Usually, it is not recommended to run with your back to them, which may arouse their pursuit instinct and catch up with you from behind.
If the leopard slowly approaches you, at this time, zoologists will advise you to act like a predator rather than a prey.
You need to show more "momentum" and "aggression" to make yourself look offensive. Stretch your limbs and hold them as high as possible to make your body look bigger, and then "greet each other" with enthusiasm.
In addition, seize the opportunity to leave the scene calmly and slowly at any time, and don’t entangle with each other for too long.
Despite being kept in captivity, the animals in the zoo always have natural wildness. In short, if you accidentally meet animals fleeing from the zoo, try not to hurt these animals and try to avoid being hurt by them.
We appreciate the creatures of nature, but at the same time we should be in awe.
Comprehensive reports from China News Service, Southern Weekend and paper clips
Source: Wuhan Evening News

The Golden Bear was announced at the 73rd Berlin Film Festival, and the spring of Chinese films was quiet.

2moon26Day, day73The 3rd Berlin International Film Festival announced the Golden Bear Award and other awards in the main competition unit.seventy-twoNicolas, a French director at the age of 18.·Philip Bert won the Golden Bear Award for best film for his documentary "A Journey of Perseverance". This is also the successor.2022After the Golden Lion Award at Venice International Film Festival in 2006 fell to Beauty and Bloody Event, the three major European film festivals awarded the highest award to documentary works for the second year in a row.

Journey of Perseverance focuses on a nursing center floating on the Seine River in Paris, where patients and their caregivers have developed a new way of getting along.seventy-twoPhilippe Bert, a silver-haired French director, was very surprised when he took the stage to receive the award. He asked whether the judges were crazy or he was crazy, and bluntly said.This award is too important.".

Nikolai Filibert, director of the Golden Bear Award for Best Film "A Journey of Perseverance" at the 73rd Berlin International Film Festival. Image source: Berlin International Film Festival official website

German director Christian, who ranked second in the score of the field magazine.·Paetzold’s new film "Red Sky" finally won the jury prize. He once won the Silver Bear Award for Best Director for "Barbara", which is also the sixth time that Paetzold was selected for the main competition unit in Berlin. Unfortunately, he still failed to win the Golden Bear Award.

French director Philippe·Garrell won the Silver Bear Award for Best Director for The Big Dipper, and his last film, Salt for Tears, was also shortlisted for the main competition in Berlin three years ago.

In the performance award section, SpaineightSophia, a little girl aged 18·Otero won the Silver Bear Award for Best Actor for his outstanding performance in 20,000 Kinds of Bees, becoming the youngest winner in the history of the film festival. Austrian transgender actress Thea·Iha won the Silver Bear Award for Best Supporting Actor for his performance in "Until Late at Night".

Sophia otero won the Silver Bear Award for Best Actor in the 73rd Berlin International Film Festival. Image source: Berlin International Film Festival official website

Chinese films, includingLiu JianMore than ten Chinese films and dramas, including Academy of Art directed by Lao Xinying and Light of the White Pagoda directed by Lv Zhang, were shortlisted for each major unit of the Berlin Film Festival, but in the end it can be said that nothing was gained. Only the short film Xiaohui and His Cow directed by Lao Xinying won the short film award for special mention in the new generation children’s unit.

In the past two years, because of the COVID-19 epidemic,rightFilmmakersThe most important face-to-face communication activityAlmost impossible.2021The Berlin Film Festival in 2008 had to be judged online. Even if the scale expanded last year, due to strict epidemic prevention measures in COVID-19 and mandatory social distance and mask orders, in the past,That kind of bigHoliday spiritIt no longer exists at the film festival..

In terms of time nodes,sequence73sessionThe Berlin Film Festival is undoubtedly in the true sense.Post-pandemic era"The first large-scaleinternationalFilm Festival. just asThe implementation of this year’s film festivalchairmanMariette RissenbeekTo the media before the opening ceremonyAs you said:Finally, everything can go all out again. Guests can walk on the red carpet again.,Discussions and big parties can also start again."

It is never too late for filmmakers to rejoin a carnival. This is why this year’s Berlin Film Festival is of great significance to Chinese films.especiallySignificant.

Unlike the embarrassment of often absent from the three major European film festivals in the past two years.,At this year’s Berlin Film Festival, Chinese films were shortlisted.ofThe number has clearly ushered in a recovery.——onecommon15Part of the Chinese works was shortlisted for each unit including the main competition, includingeightA feature film,sixA short film,oneSeries. On the whole, this numberHas exceeded the past two years.chinese filmThe total number of finalists in the top three in Europe.

At the same time, thanks to the substantial adjustment of domestic epidemic control policies at the end of last year,moreChinaFilmmakers are finally able to once againGo into battle light and heavy.Back to the international stage.Whether it’s dressing up on the red carpet orattendPress conference before and after the screening,Or go further and send the work to international publishers, this time.Have highlighted.Chinese filmbe on the scene"the meaning of.

Liu Jian, director of Art College. Image source: Berlin International Film Festival official website

The collective appearance of Chinese-language films undoubtedly means that China’s film industry has resumed its connection with the global film industry. However, for the time being, the overall output and creative ability of Chinese films have not really recovered.Vitality, let alone peak..

Whether it’s the number of finalists or the grand prizeOpportunityBerlin Film Festival has always been the most popular film festival for Chinese filmmakers among the three major European film festivals.

The fifth-generation domestic directors have become famous internationally, and almost all of them work with the Berlin Film Festival.DoThe promotion of is inseparable..The early works of Zhang Yimou, Tian Zhuangzhuang, Wu Ziniu and others have almost received the attention of Berlin Film Festival, and Zhang Yimou’s directorial debut.Red sorghumIt is also the first Chinese film to win the highest prize in the three major international film festivals in Europe.

Later, in Berlin, there was a sharing of The Wedding Banquet directed by Ang Lee and The Heroine Girl directed by Xie Fei.sequence43sessionThe grand occasion of the Golden Bear Award.

After that, Jia Zhangke, Zhang Yuan, Wang Xiaoshuai and Wang Quanan, among the directors of the sixth generation, got the attention of the Berlin Film Festival from the first one or two works of his directorial career. Even though Jia Zhangke is now regarded as a Cannes lineal, his first novel Xiao Wu was finally noticed by European critics in Berlin.

Even in the last decade when Cannes and Venice gradually lost interest in Chinese films, Fireworks in the Day, Massage and Forever can still win major awards in Berlin. This year, more than ten Chinese works were selected again, which proves the indispensable bridge value of Berlin Film Festival for Chinese films and filmmakers.

Although this year’s shortlisted Chinese works are regrettable, for Chinese filmmakers,boardThe international stage is still the best opportunity to show Chinese films.take for exampleThe screening of "Deep Sea" in Berlin has caused many overseas media to focus on China.GuodongDiscussion on the rise of painting movies.

Debut at the film festivalof courseNot just aboutawardThese international platforms are also creators.BetweenThe best opportunity to communicate,butThe copyright trading market held at the same time as the film festival is to let more small and medium-sized works return.harvestThe key to Ben.

For those who occasionally applaud in China but often find it difficult to make a seat.literary filmGenerally speaking,This sales channel is an excellent opportunity for producers to get returns, and they once occupied an important position in the film festival trading market. But in the past two years, films from South Korea and India have replaced the former and become the new focus of international copyright transactions at film festivals.

How to let more viewers see it?arrivechinese filmConstantly inBring forth the old and bring forth the new,internationalFilm Festival is still an indispensable and important channel.. butFor cultural and artistic creation, only when communication is maintained can they present their own different aesthetic feelings.

Of course, the reappearance of a large number of Chinese films at the Berlin Film Festival is not entirely so-called.Chinoiserie"It began to sweep across the three major European countries again. In a broader sense, this is more of a bottoming out after the group has been suppressed for a long time, but it is a single bounce.riseIn terms of height, the result is not satisfactory.

This anxiety about the quality of the film actually comes from the words of Du Qifeng, the only Chinese judge at the opening ceremonyrevealClue.I think the movies are poor now, and the movies all over the world are poor. The world where I watch movies by myself seems to have gradually disappeared, and it is no longer the world where I used to watch movies. I hope this is only temporary. It seems bold of me to say so, but I mean it."

On February 16th, 2023, local time, the 73rd Berlin International Film Festival was held in Berlin, Germany. Members of the jury of the main competition unit, Du Qifeng, Francine Messler and Golshifteh Farahani, attended. Image source: vision china

It is advisable to be open-minded when the scenery is long.Although movies are never judged by specific awards, especially the collective jury mechanism like the Big Three in Europe, the personal taste of the jury chairman often dominates the final list of winners, but winning or not is often related to.The film sufferedpay close attentionThe number of.In addition,Field publication mediaofEvaluation and public audience reputation can also show the overall quality of the film from the side.

The last time a Chinese film won the awards of three major competition units in Europe, it was still2019Year,12Three Chinese-language films entered the Berlin Film Festival, and the works of Wang Xiaoshuai, Zhang Yimou and Wang Quanan entered the main competition at the same time, which is also a rare occasion in recent years.

It was also in that year that One Second and Better Days both met successively.Technical reasons"Quit the Berlin competition unit and show.evensuchWang Xiaoshuai’s "Auld Lang Syne" still those yearsBest actor and heroineseatSilver Bears. onlyThat seems to have been the last highlight moment of Chinese films in the three major European film festivals.

In the next three years, the mainland Chinese films that were shortlisted for the three major European film festivals were also left with "Into the Dust".butWhether it’s a field issue or an awardNoneSurprise. The only thing that deserves Chinese filmmakers’ relief is probably the short films of young directors.ofsomeawardDefinitely.

Zhang Dalei is here.2020In 2000, with "Half the afternoon passed"acquireWon the short film Silver Bear Award,2021NianyouChen Jianying’s "A Cliff Rising by the Sea" and Huang Shuli’s "When I Look at You" won the Palme d ‘Or Award and the Best Short Film of Cannes Queer Palme d ‘Or respectively. In terms of age,95After that, young filmmakers finally began to make their mark at international film festivals.

But this does not mean that Asian content is on the ebb in top international film festivals, on the contrary. ZaiguoIn the past four or five years,The attention of the three major European film festivals to Asian worksbegrow with each passing dayof, "Burning" and "Driving My Car" have successively led the Cannes Journal Rating, and the former is even more3.8The score record of the field journal was refreshed. Hirokazu Koreeda and Bong Joon ho have taken away the Palme d ‘Or award from Cannes for two consecutive years, and Asian films are in the limelight.

Only Chinese movies are lost. especiallyIn contrast to Japanese and Korean films,Chinese worksThere is no doubt that both awards and attention are aphasia.Make this lossMore intense.

This lack is not only due to the physical isolation caused by the epidemic.. From the perspective of creation,Over the past few years, Chinese film perspectiveObviously, they all show an inward contraction trend, and the filmCreatorsMore attention is paid toLimited to here and nowPersonal experienceInstead of openly expressing issues of universal significance with an open attitude..

Whether it is the "Light of the White Tower" that director Lv Zhang returned to shoot after many years.,stillLiu JianThe director was once again shortlisted for the animated feature film "Art Academy" in the main competition in Berlin. Judging from the evaluation given by domestic and foreign media at present,theyAll the presentations are about individuals and even expressions related to the director’s own personal memory. This kind of private expression, without a strong personal image style or author’s blessing, is obviously difficult in today’sinternationalGet too much recognition at the film festival,It is even difficult to communicate with the general audience.After all, not every writer and director can be treated like Hong Shangxiu.

Lv Zhang, director of Light of the White Pagoda. Image source: Berlin International Film Festival official website

All along,Berlin Film Festival andGlobal issues andSocial reality connectionEspecially.Close, and in the past few years, Cannes and Venice have also started to award more prizes.awardGiving social reality is direct.shine uponThe work of.

Whether it is "Parasite" and "Triangle of Sorrow" which show the increasingly sharp polarization between the rich and the poor in genre films, or "The Clown" which depicts the surging populism under the guise of super-English genre, and last year,withThe resolution to break up, which innovates the film noir genre and skillfully covers the issues of refugees and gender, is the performance of global filmmakers facing the major global issues in the past decade.

From this point of view, the Berlin Film Festival is in a catching-up position. After Venice awarded the Golden Lion Award to the documentary for the second time in history last year, Berlin immediately conducted business study this year. And this just shows that the current film festival is highly bound to social reality.

Documentary won the Golden Lion Award and the Golden Bear Award in succession after many years’ absence.Expressedfilm festivalofA certain attitude, after all, the drama takes care of reality through exquisite plays, and its strength can’t be compared with the documentary that directly points the camera at reality.

Nowadays, it is very difficult within the system of Chinese movies.againThere is a record as deep as Tiexi District.pieceWorks, dramas, etc.more and moredifficultTowards a global commonrealityThe road of doctrinedraw close, andHidden into the dustandMore than endlessSuch films that have attracted the attention of international film festivals have a tortuous road to release in China. If we completely give up this type of creative theme and the opportunity to empathize with the global audience,Chinese filmmakeraskWant to attract only by skillHave seen it.too muchGorgeous technologyThe film festival judges, the difficulty can be imagined.

existLost three years"After that, it is still worth thinking about how Chinese filmmakers can use film language and image expression to connect with the world again.seriousProposition.


24 books that make you run better, the running list of long-distance running coaches, classics.

Last month, my first decision was to buy two bookshelves.

Recently, the number of books on the shelves is increasing.

In fact, this involves a question of how to read and learn. Of course, the function of books is to spread knowledge, but not every book needs to be read from beginning to end, word by word, nor does it mean that a book is irrelevant to what you are doing, then it is useless.

Some books, which are tools, can guide training or answer questions when needed, but they don’t need to be familiar with them. Some books, theoretical books, can be used to build a personal knowledge system, so you can choose according to your personal needs and read them carefully; Some books, which are popular in knowledge, should be read through in a selective and discriminating way, because the authors have different positions and their opinions may not stand the test. There are also books, which are documentary literature or stories. It is also good to exercise your brain when you are in leisure.

As for the usefulness of books, it is of course a relative concept. What’s more, Zhuangzi has said that what is useless is of great use.

So, I’d like to share with you some books about running that I like very much recently. Everyone can buy their own books according to their own needs.

[1] Sports technology category

1. Three Sports Techniques of Swimming, Riding and Running (Taiwan)

Authors: Nicholas romanov, John Grant Robertson,

Translator: Xu Guofeng

Recommended reason:

This paper systematically expounds the essence of sports from a scientific point of view and teaches athletes how to practice their sports skills. The principles in this paper include but are not limited to the triathlon (swimming, cycling and running).

2, "posture running"

Authors: Nicholas romanov, Kurt Bulunga,

Translator: Wang Peng

Recommended reason:

This is an introductory book on running posture and a practical reference book for self-learning running skills. At present, posture running is also the only training method in the world that has been scientifically proved to reduce the probability of injury, and it is also the only training method that can be quantified and taught.

3、《Pose Method of Triathlon Techniques》

Authors: Nicholas Romanov, John Robson,

Recommended reason:

This is the English version of the first book, which is suitable for students who are good at English, love to read the original and love to understand.

[2] Training methods

1. You can run faster

Author: Xu Guofeng

Recommended reason:

From the perspective of running data, this book teaches you how to understand running data on the one hand and how to quantitatively manage your own training on the other.

2. Guide to Full-scale Scientific Training of Marathon: Physical Strength, Technical Psychology.

Authors: Xu Guofeng, Luo Yuyin,

Recommended reason:

This book is divided into four parts, explaining how marathon runners should make a scientific training plan, which is suitable for runners who make their own schedules.

3、《Treadmill Training for Running》

Author: Rick Morris

Recommended reason:

It is rare to have a book dedicated to treadmill training methods. In fact, many foreign runners will use treadmills to assist or even perform training, which is suitable for runners who often run on treadmills but don’t know how to run.

4、《Run Less Run Faster》

Author: Amby Burfoot

Recommended reason:

This book comprehensively introduces many principles and methods in running training and competition, which is suitable for beginners to establish a comprehensive understanding of running and for serious runners who pursue scientific training knowledge.

5. Dr. Daniel’s Running Equation (Taiwan)

Author: Jack Daniels

Translator: Xu Guofeng

Recommended reason:

This book introduces the principle and application of Dr. Daniel’s training method in detail. Compared with the simplified version in mainland China, Mr. Xu Guofeng’s Taiwan Province translation is more readable and recommended to marathon runners.

[3] Relaxation massage

1. Zero-Pain Self-Therapy of MELT, which is popular in America (Taiwan)

Author: Sue Hizman

Translator: Lin Shuling

Recommended reason:

This book is different from other relaxation methods of foam shaft, based on the concept of weight, and introduces how to rehydrate and relax the fascia of all parts of the body. No matter whether you are a runner or not, you can try it as long as your body often feels tight and uncomfortable.

2. The most effective stretching method in the world (Taiwan)

Author: Nakano James Shoichi

Translator: Lin Jiahan

Recommended reason:

Through illustrations, the book introduces many actions suitable for office workers to relax at home, which helps us to improve joint mobility. Remember to use them after buying home!

[4] Strength training category

1. "Keeping Peak Physical Condition Forever: The Ultimate Guide to Functional Fitness Training"

By Paul Collins

Translator: Seimi Zhang

Recommended reason:

This book is very thin, which briefly introduces the essentials and standards of functional training movements, is comprehensive and practical, and is suitable for sports enthusiasts to read and practice.

2. Flexible as a Leopard: The Ultimate Guide to Mastering Motor Techniques, Improving Sports Performance and Preventing Injuries (Taiwan)

Authors: Kelly Staley, Glenn Coe Dozza,

Translator: Hao Xu

Recommended reason:

From the aspects of training principle and action practice, this book analyzes and decomposes strength movements in different levels, which is suitable for research runners, prospective coaches and coaches.

[5] Literature research category

1、《Lore of running》

Author: Tim Noakes

Recommended reason:

A comprehensive and objective encyclopedia of theoretical literature in the running circle is suitable for people engaged in writing and education.

2. Science and Practice of Running (Taiwan)

Author: Steve Magnus

Translator: Tian Xinyi

Recommended reason:

The author expounds the existing scientific findings and training methods of running training from the perspectives of scientific research and coaching, which does not involve viewpoint bias and is a good reference material.

[6] Training psychology

1. "Deliberate Practice"

Authors: Anderle Eriksson, Robert Poole,

Translator: Wang Zhenglin

2. The King of Learning (Taiwan)

Author: John Waitzkin

Translator: You Min

3. "Exercise to Transform the Brain"

Authors: Wendy Suzuki, Billy Atpatrick,

Translator: Huang Jueping

4. Constant Perseverance (Taiwan)

Author: Angela duckworth

Translator: Hong Huifang

5. The Heart of the Runner (Taiwan)

Author: Sajiang Jamgon Ju Mipham Gyatso

Translator: Cai Yaqin

6. The Illusion of Genius

By Matthew Said

Translator: Jin Yucan

Recommended reason:

The psychology of exercise has much in common with the psychology of doing other things. In the process of repeated training, we not only exercised our bodies, but also experienced our hearts.

[7] Documentary literature

1. The Runner’s Way (Taiwan)

Author: Yadha Ronander Finn

Translator: You Shufeng

2. Run Out of Kenya

Author: Yadha Ronander Finn

Translator: Shen Hui

3. The Perfect Mile (Taiwan)

Author: Neil Bescom

Translator: Gao Ziwen

4. "Strong Wind Blowing"

Author: Shion Miura

Translators: Lin Peijin, Li Jianquan, Yang Zhengmin

Recommended reason:

Listen to more stories and see the wider world. Everyone’s running story may be different, but as runners, we can also see many common characteristics and many spirits that we strive for in the strong.

The written test results of civil servants’ provincial examinations have been announced one after another, and the marking process has been disclosed in many places.

  Beijing, September 17 (Reporter Qi Feng) Recently, many provinces have successively announced the results of the written examination for civil servants in 2020. According to the recruitment procedure of civil servants, candidates who pass the written examination will face interview selection next. At present, many provinces have determined the time for qualification examination and interview.

  Data Map: On November 24, 2019, the 2020 national examination was held. The picture shows the candidates taking the exam at the test center of Nanjing Forestry University. China News Agency issued Su Yang photo source: CNSphoto

  The results of civil servants’ provincial examinations are intensively announced.

  In July and August of this year, more than 20 provinces across the country successively conducted written examinations for civil servants’ provincial examinations. In most areas, the recruitment scale of civil servants this year was significantly larger than that of the previous year.

  Due to the increase in the number of applicants brought about by the expansion of enrollment, the news about the written test results of this year’s civil service provincial examination has also attracted much attention.

  In the past few days, Liaoning, Jilin, Heilongjiang, Gansu, Qinghai, Guangxi, Henan and other provinces have intensively released the written test results of civil servants’ recruitment in 2020, and the news of civil servants’ provincial examination and release list has repeatedly appeared on the online hot search list.

  With the announcement of the results of notes, some provinces also announced the time period for the qualification examination of candidates.

  For example, the pre-interview qualification examination of civil servants in Liaoning Province began on September 17th, and the qualification examination mainly includes age, major, education, degree, political outlook, grassroots work experience certificate and relevant qualification certificates.

  Qinghai candidates’ qualification review time is from September 14th to September 22nd (except holidays). Candidates who fail to review their qualifications within the specified time are deemed to have given up voluntarily.

  Data Map: In Taiyuan, Shanxi Province, candidates who took the civil service exam walked into the test center. Photo by Wei Liang

  Disclosure of civil service examination marking process in many places

  Every year, civil servants are recruited, and all localities emphasize ensuring the fairness and justice of the examination. After this year’s written examination for civil servants, many provinces have set up "media open days" and "marking open days", and the marking process of civil servants’ recruitment written examinations in some provinces has also been disclosed by the media.

  Judging from the marking staff, the marking teachers of civil service examinations are mostly from cadres or college teachers.

  For example, this year, the civil servants in Guizhou recruited a total of 230 examiners, from universities and Party schools of Guizhou Provincial Party Committee with lecturers or above.

  In the marking stage, the system randomly distributes the candidates’ papers to the marking staff for marking, and after error control, the candidates’ final scores are produced. All papers need to be reviewed by reviewers at least twice and at most four times.

  In Gansu, it is reported that in the process of civil servants’ written examination in this province, a camera is set at each corner of the examination site for 360-degree monitoring without dead ends. In addition, the marking work is supervised by the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision in the Organization Department of the Provincial Party Committee and the Discipline Inspection and Supervision Team of the Provincial People’s Social Welfare Department for 24 hours to ensure that all links are not flawed.

  With the announcement of written test results, some provinces also reported the investigation and punishment of disciplinary personnel during the examination.

  For example, "Qinghai Daily" reported on September 17th that 17 candidates in this year’s civil servant recruitment written examination process in this province had their scores in this subject invalid, including 10 identical test papers, 4 people who brought their mobile phones into the examination room without being placed in the designated position as required, 2 people who continued to answer questions after the end of the examination signal, and 1 person who took the test paper out of the examination room. At the same time, a candidate who asked others to take the written test instead of himself was disqualified from this examination, and the handling of the integrity archives of civil service examination employment was recorded for a long time, which made the examination style and discipline serious.

  Data Map Photo by Huang Weiming

  What does the civil servant recruitment interview examine?

  As the written test results of civil servants in many provinces are released one after another, according to the procedures of civil servants recruitment, candidates who pass the written test will face interview and selection.

  According to the interview announcements previously issued by various places, some provinces have made clear the specific methods of the interview.

  For example, Heilongjiang made it clear in the recruitment announcement that in principle, this recruitment adopts a structured interview method, and interview questions are ordered according to the provincial, city, county and township levels. The interview results are counted as 100 points, and those below 60 points will not be hired.

  "The interview of civil servant recruitment mainly evaluates the basic quality and practical work ability of the candidates to adapt to the job requirements, including the basic knowledge, experience, ability, personality and values related to the proposed position." Li Manqing, an expert in the public examination of Huatu Education, had previously analyzed the media.

  Li Manqing introduced that interviews for civil servants’ recruitment are generally conducted in the form of structured interviews and leaderless group discussions, focusing on candidates’ comprehensive analysis ability, interpersonal awareness and skills, adaptability, planning, organization and coordination, and language expression ability.

  According to experts, structured interviews are mainly conducted by candidates under the guidance of examination rules and according to the examiner’s questions in turn. The leaderless group discussion is that several candidates are in the same interview field to discuss the specified topic, which not only requires candidates to express their ideas, but also requires candidates to interact with other candidates properly.

  "This year, written interviews in some provinces are exploring graded and classified examinations, and the recruitment of civil servants has gradually begun to change from organizational matching to job matching, striving to better identify talents and adapt people to posts." Li Manqing said. (End)

Inform civil servants of the violation of discipline in examinations in many places. Cheating candidates are recorded in integrity files.

  Beijing, June 14 (Leng Yuyang) In April this year, more than 20 provinces across the country gathered together to conduct the 2019 civil service recruitment examination. Since May, many provinces have intensively announced the written test results of civil service examinations. With the release of the written examination list, some provinces have also disclosed the disciplinary situation of the civil service examination to the outside world, and many candidates have been recorded in the integrity file of the civil service examination because of cheating, duplicate papers and other problems.

  The written examination of civil servants in many provinces is released. Examination violations were disclosed.

  On April 20 this year, 22 provinces across the country held a "provincial examination" for civil servant recruitment on the same day, with a total of nearly 80,000 people planned to recruit. However, compared with last year, the scale of planned recruitment in Fujian, Shandong and other provinces has dropped significantly this year.

  Although the recruitment plans of many provinces have shrunk, the popularity of civil service examinations in various places seems to have not diminished. Judging from the job competition, according to media reports, the competition for the hottest jobs in Guangxi, Shandong, Yunnan and other provinces exceeds "one in a thousand".

  Since entering May, several provinces have successively announced the written test results of the 2019 civil service provincial examination. According to the recruitment procedure of civil servants, candidates who pass the written examination will face interview selection next. At present, many provinces have determined the time for qualification examination and interview.

  At the same time, with the announcement of the written test results, the reporter found out that many provinces including Fujian, Hubei, Hunan and Shaanxi also notified the candidates who violated the rules and regulations in this year’s civil service examination.

  For example, the Fujian Provincial Department of Human Resources and Social Security decided to "cancel the test scores and record them in the civil service examination and employment integrity archives for five years" for two people who used electronic equipment such as mobile phones to take test papers during the examination.

  For another example, the Shaanxi Provincial Personnel Testing Center will treat 38 candidates who have general violations of discipline and discipline at the examination site as "the examination results of this subject are invalid" and warn them once. If the general violation of discipline occurs again, it will be recorded in the integrity file of civil service examination and employment. The reporter found that the disciplinary actions of these candidates include "not taking the test at the designated seat", "deliberately damaging the test paper, answer sheet and answer sheet" and "continuing to answer the questions after the end of the test signal" and so on.

  Strictly check the "same volume" in many places.

  It is worth mentioning that in addition to the above violations, the "identical volume" is also a major focus of the candidates’ violation of discipline in this year’s provincial examination office. On the eve of the written civil service provincial examination, many provinces have emphasized that this examination will strictly screen and identify "identical papers".

  In this year’s provincial examination, many provinces also announced the processing results of "identical papers".

  Among them, the Shaanxi Provincial Personnel Testing Center has highly similar information on the answers to the "Administrative Professional Ability Test" of this exam, and six candidates who are cheating in the same examination room will be treated as "the test results of this subject are invalid". According to the circular, once warned, if such a situation occurs again, it will be recorded in the integrity file of civil service examination and employment.

  Fujian and Hunan also gave "invalid test scores of this subject (session)" to four and six candidates who were identified by professional institutions as identical answers respectively.

  In addition, the recent news that a civil servant cheated in the provincial examination in Guizhou and more than 20 candidates were sentenced to "identical papers" also attracted attention. According to the report of "Qianwei Popularization of Law" on WeChat WeChat official account of Guizhou Provincial Department of Justice, recently, police in Zunyi, Guizhou successfully destroyed an exam cheating gang, and three suspects were criminally detained by the police according to law.

  It is reported that in order to gain profits, these lawless elements organized candidates to cheat collectively during the civil service examination by selling headphones, transmitters, receivers and other equipment, with more than 20 candidates participating. In the end, because the test papers were identical, these candidates were cancelled.

  What are the criteria for judging "identical volumes"?

  For cheating on identical papers, the Measures for Handling Violations of Discipline in Civil Servant Examination, which was issued by the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security and implemented in October 2016, stipulates that in the process of marking, it is found that the answers of candidates in the same subject are the same, and confirmed by the marking expert group, the examination institution that specifically organizes the implementation of the examination will give it the treatment that the examination results of this subject (session) are invalid.

  Regarding the criteria for judging "identical papers", the Measures for Handling Violations of Discipline in Civil Servant Examination and Employment clearly stipulates that "the examination institutions at or above the provincial level shall determine the specific methods and standards for answering the same questions".

  In this regard, Li Manqing, an expert in the public examination of Huatu Education, told the reporter of that in the civil service examination, the criteria for judging identical papers are divided into subjective papers and objective papers. For example, in the subjective paper, there is a high degree of consistency between candidates’ answers to the same subject, including written expressions or main right and wrong points; As far as the objective paper is concerned, there is a high degree of consistency between the answers selected and scribbled by more than two candidates in the objective paper.

  "For example, it is normal that candidates A and B have the same correct answers, but if all or most of the wrong answers are the same, it may be judged by the system as the same volume at this time, and further review is needed." Li Manqing said.

  Li Manqing said that in order to ensure the openness and fairness of the civil service examination, the relevant departments have standardized on many levels, such as technology, manpower, examination paper setting and protection of rights and interests afterwards. For example, the competent departments of civil servants strengthen the supervision of examinations, improve the technical prevention level to ensure the safety of examinations, prevent organized cheating by grouping questions such as one question and multiple volumes, and detect the information of candidates’ answers through professional institutions to identify identical papers. (End)